Legislative framework of the Russian Federation. Legislative framework of the Russian Federation 7 Federal Law dated January 12, 1996

1. State authorities and local government bodies, in accordance with the powers established by this Federal Law and other federal laws, may provide support to socially oriented non-profit organizations, provided that they carry out the following types of activities in accordance with the constituent documents:

1) social services, social support and protection of citizens;

2) preparing the population to overcome the consequences of natural disasters, environmental, man-made or other disasters, to prevent accidents;

3) providing assistance to victims of natural disasters, environmental, man-made or other disasters, social, national, religious conflicts, refugees and internally displaced persons;

4) environmental protection and animal protection;

5) protection and, in accordance with established requirements, maintenance of objects (including buildings, structures) and territories of historical, religious, cultural or environmental significance, and burial sites;

6) provision of legal assistance on a free or preferential basis to citizens and non-profit organizations and legal education of the population, activities to protect human and civil rights and freedoms;

7) prevention of socially dangerous forms of behavior of citizens;

8) charitable activities, as well as activities in the field of organizing and supporting charity and volunteering (volunteering);

9) activities in the field of education, enlightenment, science, culture, art, healthcare, prevention and protection of the health of citizens, promotion of a healthy lifestyle, improvement of the moral and psychological state of citizens, physical culture and sports and promotion of these activities, as well as promotion of the spiritual development of the individual ;

10) formation in society of intolerance towards corrupt behavior;

11) development of interethnic cooperation, preservation and protection of the identity, culture, languages ​​and traditions of the peoples of the Russian Federation;

12) activities in the field of patriotic, including military-patriotic, education of citizens of the Russian Federation;

13) carrying out search work aimed at identifying unknown military graves and unburied remains of defenders of the Fatherland, establishing the names of those killed and missing in action while defending the Fatherland;

14) participation in the prevention and (or) extinguishing of fires and carrying out emergency rescue operations;

15) social and cultural adaptation and integration of migrants;

16) measures for medical rehabilitation and social rehabilitation, social and labor reintegration of persons engaged in illegal consumption of narcotic drugs or psychotropic substances;

17) promoting increased mobility of labor resources;

18) perpetuating the memory of victims of political repression.

2. To recognize non-profit organizations as socially oriented, federal laws, laws of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, and regulatory legal acts of representative bodies of municipalities may establish, along with the types of activities provided for in this article, other types of activities aimed at solving social problems and developing civil society in the Russian Federation.

3. Providing support to socially oriented non-profit organizations is carried out in the following forms:

1) financial, property, information, consulting support, as well as support in the field of training, additional professional education of employees and volunteers (volunteers) of socially oriented non-profit organizations;

2) providing socially oriented non-profit organizations with benefits for paying taxes and fees in accordance with the legislation on taxes and fees;

3) procurement of goods, works, services to meet state and municipal needs from socially oriented non-profit organizations in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation on the contract system in the field of procurement of goods, works, services to meet state and municipal needs;

4) providing legal entities that provide material support to socially oriented non-profit organizations with benefits for paying taxes and fees in accordance with the legislation on taxes and fees.

4. Subjects of the Russian Federation and municipalities, along with the forms of support established by paragraph 3 of this article, have the right to provide support to socially oriented non-profit organizations in other forms at the expense of budgetary allocations from the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local budgets, respectively.

5. Providing financial support to socially oriented non-profit organizations can be carried out in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation at the expense of budgetary allocations from the federal budget, budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local budgets through the provision of subsidies. Budgetary allocations from the federal budget for financial support of socially oriented non-profit organizations (including maintaining a register of socially oriented organizations that receive support), including subsidies to the budgets of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, are provided in the manner established by the Government of the Russian Federation. Non-profit organizations that provide socially useful services are provided with these subsidies for a period of at least two years.

6. The provision of property support to socially oriented non-profit organizations is carried out by state authorities and local governments by transferring state or municipal property into the possession and (or) use of such non-profit organizations. The specified property must be used only for its intended purpose. Non-profit organizations providing socially useful services are provided with measures of property support for a period of at least two years.

7. Federal executive authorities, executive authorities of constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local administrations have the right to approve lists of state and municipal property free from the rights of third parties (with the exception of property rights of non-profit organizations). State and municipal property included in these lists can only be used for the purpose of providing it for possession and (or) use on a long-term basis (including at preferential rental rates) to socially oriented non-profit organizations. These lists are subject to mandatory publication in the media, as well as posting on the Internet information and telecommunications network on the official websites of the federal executive authorities, executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, and local administrations that approved them.

8. The procedure for the formation, maintenance, mandatory publication of the lists provided for in paragraph 7 of this article, as well as the procedure and conditions for providing possession and (or) use of state and municipal property included in them are established accordingly by regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, regulatory legal acts of constituent entities Russian Federation, municipal regulatory legal acts.

9. State and municipal property included in the lists provided for in paragraph 7 of this article is not subject to alienation into private ownership, including the ownership of non-profit organizations leasing this property.

10. The sale of state or municipal property transferred to socially oriented non-profit organizations, the assignment of rights to use it, the transfer of rights to use it as collateral and the entry of rights to use such property into the authorized capital of any other business entities are prohibited.

11. Federal executive authorities, executive authorities of constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local administrations that have provided property support to socially oriented non-profit organizations have the right to apply to the arbitration court with a demand to terminate the rights of ownership and (or) use of socially oriented non-profit organizations granted to them by the state or municipal property when used not for its intended purpose and (or) in violation of the prohibitions and restrictions established by this article.

12. The provision of information support to socially oriented non-profit organizations is carried out by state authorities and local governments through the creation of federal, regional and municipal information systems and information and telecommunication networks and ensuring their functioning in order to implement state policy in the field of support of socially oriented non-profit organizations. Providing information support to socially oriented non-profit organizations is also possible by providing them with state and municipal organizations that carry out television and (or) radio broadcasting, and the editorial offices of state and municipal periodicals with free air time, free print space, posting information materials of socially oriented non-profit organizations in information and telecommunication network "Internet".

12.1. Support in the field of training, additional professional education of workers and volunteers (volunteers) of socially oriented non-profit organizations can be provided by state authorities and local governments by organizing and assisting in organizing training, professional retraining and advanced training of workers and volunteers (volunteers) of socially oriented non-profit organizations at the request of these non-profit organizations, conducting training, scientific and practical events.

13. Non-profit organizations - performers of socially useful services have the right to priority receipt of support measures in the manner established by federal laws, other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, as well as regulatory legal acts of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and municipal legal acts.

Judicial practice under Article 31.1 of the Federal Law of January 12, 1996 No. 7-FZ

    Decision of December 7, 2018 in case No. A19-16747/2018

    Arbitration Court of the Irkutsk Region (AC of the Irkutsk Region)

    Arts for 2015, which was issued by the Office on November 28, 2018. Having examined the case materials and the documents presented, the court came to the following conclusions. By virtue of paragraph 5 of Article 31.1. Federal Law No. 7-FZ of January 12, 1996 “On Non-Profit Organizations” provides financial support to socially oriented non-profit organizations can be carried out in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation...

    Resolution of December 3, 2018 in case No. A60-73075/2017

    Seventeenth Arbitration Court of Appeal (17 AAC)

    Organizations, provided that they carry out activities aimed at solving social problems, developing civil society in the Russian Federation, as well as other types of activities provided for in Article 31.1 of the Federal Law of January 12, 1996 No. 7-FZ “On Non-Profit Organizations”. In support of the requirement for recognition of these lease agreements, as follows from the arguments of the appeal, the plaintiff...

    Decision of November 30, 2018 in case No. A56-80113/2018

    Arbitration Court of St. Petersburg and Leningrad Region (AC of St. Petersburg and Leningrad Region)

    Non-profit organizations, provided they carry out activities aimed at solving social problems, developing civil society in the Russian Federation, as well as other types of activities provided for in Article 31.1 of the Federal Law of January 12, 1996 No. 7-FZ “On Non-Profit Organizations”. As stated in paragraph 9 of Article 17.1 of Law No. 135-FZ, upon expiration of the period...

    Decision of November 26, 2018 in case No. A04-7541/2018

    Arbitration Court of the Amur Region (AC of the Amur Region)

    dated July 24, 2007 No. 209-FZ “On the development of small and medium-sized businesses in the Russian Federation” (recommended forms are provided in the appendices to the information card); Article 31.1 of the Federal Law of January 12, 1996 No. 7-FZ “On Non-Profit Organizations”; other information and documents provided for in Article 66 of the Federal Law of 04/05/2013 No. 44-...

    Decision of November 22, 2018 in case No. A83-333/2018

    Arbitration Court of the Republic of Crimea (AC of the Republic of Crimea)

    Non-profit organizations, provided they carry out activities aimed at solving social problems, developing civil society in the Russian Federation, as well as other types of activities provided for in Article 31.1 of the Federal Law of January 12, 1996 N 7-FZ “On Non-Profit Organizations”, have the right to conclude lease agreements for municipal and state property without holding competitive tenders...

    Arbitration Court of the Yaroslavl Region (AC of the Yaroslavl Region)

    Solid waste, photographic recording was carried out (Vol. 1 pp. 94-101). The Committee, referring to the provision of real estate without holding auctions and the tenant’s failure to conduct activities provided for in Art.

    Decision of October 17, 2018 in case No. A51-30980/2017

    Arbitration Court of Primorsky Krai (AC of Primorsky Krai)

    Non-profit organizations, provided they carry out activities aimed at solving social problems, developing civil society in the Russian Federation, as well as other types of activities provided for in Article 31.1

    Decision of September 19, 2018 in case No. A15-6301/2017

    Arbitration Court of the Republic of Dagestan (AC of the Republic of Dagestan)

    Local government bodies, in accordance with the powers established by this Federal Law and other federal laws, may provide economic support to non-profit organizations. According to paragraph 9 of Art.

31.1 of this law, state authorities and local governments, in accordance with the powers established by this Federal Law and other federal laws, can provide “support” to socially oriented... It does not work 08.07.1999

Editorial from

FEDERAL LAW of 01/12/96 N 7-FZ (as amended on 07/08/99) “ON NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATIONS”

1. A non-profit organization is an organization that does not have profit as the main purpose of its activities and does not distribute the profits received among participants.

2. Non-profit organizations can be created to achieve social, charitable, cultural, educational, scientific and managerial goals, in order to protect the health of citizens, develop physical culture and sports, satisfy the spiritual and other non-material needs of citizens, protect the rights and legitimate interests of citizens and organizations, resolving disputes and conflicts, providing legal assistance, as well as for other purposes aimed at achieving public benefits.

3. Non-profit organizations can be created in the form of public or religious organizations (associations), non-profit partnerships, institutions, autonomous non-profit organizations, social, charitable and other funds, associations and unions, as well as in other forms provided for by federal laws.

A non-profit organization must have an independent balance sheet or budget.

2. A non-profit organization is created without limiting the period of activity, unless otherwise established by the constituent documents of the non-profit organization.

3. A non-profit organization has the right, in accordance with the established procedure, to open bank accounts on the territory of the Russian Federation and outside its territory.

4. A non-profit organization has a seal with the full name of this non-profit organization in Russian.

A non-profit organization has the right to have stamps and forms with its name, as well as a duly registered emblem.

1. A non-profit organization has a name containing an indication of its organizational and legal form and the nature of its activities.

A non-profit organization whose name is registered in the prescribed manner has the exclusive right to use it.

2. The location of a non-profit organization is determined by the place of its state registration, unless otherwise established in accordance with the law by the constituent documents of the non-profit organization.

3. The name and location of a non-profit organization are indicated in its constituent documents.

1. A non-profit organization may create branches and open representative offices on the territory of the Russian Federation in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

2. A branch of a non-profit organization is its separate division, located outside the location of the non-profit organization and carrying out all or part of its functions, including the functions of representation.

3. A representative office of a non-profit organization is a separate division, which is located outside the location of the non-profit organization, represents the interests of the non-profit organization and protects them.

4. The branch and representative office of a non-profit organization are not legal entities, are endowed with the property of the non-profit organization that created them and act on the basis of the regulations approved by it. The property of a branch or representative office is accounted for on a separate balance sheet and on the balance sheet of the non-profit organization that created it.

The heads of the branch and representative office are appointed by the non-profit organization and act on the basis of a power of attorney issued by the non-profit organization.

5. The branch and representative office operate on behalf of the non-profit organization that created them. The non-profit organization that created them bears responsibility for the activities of its branches and representative offices.

Chapter II. Forms of non-profit organizations

1. Public and religious organizations (associations) are recognized as voluntary associations of citizens who, in accordance with the procedure established by law, have united on the basis of their common interests to satisfy spiritual or other non-material needs.

Public and religious organizations (associations) have the right to carry out business activities consistent with the goals for which they were created.

2. Participants (members) of public and religious organizations (associations) do not retain rights to the property transferred by them to these organizations, including membership fees. Participants (members) of public and religious organizations (associations) are not liable for the obligations of the said organizations (associations), and the said organizations (associations) are not liable for the obligations of their members.

3. The specifics of the legal status of public organizations (associations) are determined by other federal laws.

4. Features of the legal status, creation, reorganization and liquidation of religious organizations, management of religious organizations are determined by the federal law on religious associations.

1. For the purposes of this Federal Law, a foundation is a non-profit organization that does not have a membership, established by citizens and (or) legal entities on the basis of voluntary property contributions and pursuing social, charitable, cultural, educational or other publicly beneficial goals.

The property transferred to the foundation by its founders (founder) is the property of the foundation. The founders are not liable for the obligations of the fund they created, and the fund is not liable for the obligations of its founders.

2. The foundation uses the property for the purposes determined by the foundation’s charter. The Foundation has the right to engage in entrepreneurial activities consistent with these goals and necessary to achieve the socially beneficial goals for which the Foundation was created. To carry out entrepreneurial activities, foundations have the right to create business companies or participate in them.

The Foundation is required to publish annual reports on the use of its assets.

3. The board of trustees of the fund is the body of the fund and supervises the activities of the fund, the adoption of decisions by other bodies of the fund and ensuring their execution, the use of the fund’s funds, and the fund’s compliance with the law.

The fund's board of trustees operates on a voluntary basis.

The procedure for the formation and activities of the fund's board of trustees is determined by the fund's charter, approved by its founders.

1. A state corporation is a non-profit organization that does not have membership, established by the Russian Federation on the basis of a property contribution and created to carry out social, managerial or other socially useful functions. A state corporation is created on the basis of federal law.

Property transferred to a state corporation by the Russian Federation is the property of the state corporation.

A state corporation is not liable for the obligations of the Russian Federation, and the Russian Federation is not responsible for the obligations of a state corporation, unless otherwise provided by the law providing for the creation of a state corporation.

2. The state corporation uses the property for the purposes determined by the law providing for the creation of the state corporation. A state corporation can carry out entrepreneurial activities only insofar as it serves the achievement of the goals for which it was created and is consistent with these goals.

A public corporation is required to publish annual reports on the use of its property in accordance with the law establishing the public corporation.

3. The specifics of the legal status of a state corporation are established by law providing for the creation of a state corporation. To create a state corporation, the constituent documents provided for in Article 52 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation are not required.

The law providing for the creation of a state corporation must determine the name of the state corporation, the purposes of its activities, its location, the procedure for managing its activities (including the governing bodies of the state corporation and the procedure for their formation, the procedure for the appointment of officials of the state corporation and their dismissal), the procedure for reorganization and liquidation of a state corporation and the procedure for using the property of a state corporation in the event of its liquidation.

4. The provisions of this Federal Law apply to state corporations, unless otherwise provided by this article or by the law providing for the creation of a state corporation.

1. A non-profit partnership is a membership-based non-profit organization established by citizens and (or) legal entities to assist its members in carrying out activities aimed at achieving the goals provided for in paragraph 2 of Article 2 of this Federal Law.

Property transferred to a non-profit partnership by its members is the property of the partnership. Members of a non-profit partnership are not liable for its obligations, and a non-profit partnership is not liable for the obligations of its members.

2. A non-profit partnership has the right to carry out business activities consistent with the goals for which it was created.

3. Members of a non-profit partnership have the right:

participate in the management of the affairs of a non-profit partnership;

receive information about the activities of the non-profit partnership in the manner established by the constituent documents;

withdraw from the non-profit partnership at your discretion;

unless otherwise established by federal law or the constituent documents of a non-profit partnership, upon leaving the non-profit partnership, receive part of its property or the value of this property within the value of the property transferred by the members of the non-profit partnership into its ownership, with the exception of membership fees, in the manner prescribed by the constituent documents of the non-profit partnerships;

in the event of liquidation of a non-profit partnership, receive part of its property remaining after settlements with creditors, or the value of this property within the value of the property transferred by the members of the non-profit partnership into its ownership, unless otherwise provided by federal law or the constituent documents of the non-profit partnership.

4. A member of a non-profit partnership may be excluded from it by decision of the remaining members in cases and in the manner provided for by the constituent documents of the non-profit partnership.

A member of a non-profit partnership expelled from it has the right to receive part of the property of the non-profit partnership or the value of this property in accordance with paragraph five of paragraph 3 of this article.

5. Members of a non-profit partnership may have other rights provided for by its constituent documents and not inconsistent with the law.

1. An institution is recognized as a non-profit organization created by the owner to carry out managerial, socio-cultural or other functions of a non-commercial nature and financed in whole or in part by this owner.

The property of the institution is assigned to it with the right of operational management in accordance with the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

The rights of an institution to the property assigned to it are determined in accordance with the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

2. The institution is liable for its obligations with the funds at its disposal. If they are insufficient, the owner of the institution bears subsidiary liability for the obligations of the institution.

3. Features of the legal status of certain types of state and other institutions are determined by law and other legal acts.

1. An autonomous non-profit organization is recognized as a non-profit organization that does not have membership, established by citizens and (or) legal entities on the basis of voluntary property contributions for the purpose of providing services in the field of education, healthcare, culture, science, law, physical culture and sports and other services.

Property transferred to an autonomous non-profit organization by its founders (founder) is the property of the autonomous non-profit organization. The founders of an autonomous non-profit organization do not retain rights to the property transferred by them to the ownership of this organization. The founders are not liable for the obligations of the autonomous non-profit organization they created, and it is not liable for the obligations of its founders.

2. An autonomous non-profit organization has the right to carry out business activities that correspond to the goals for which the said organization was created.

3. Supervision over the activities of an autonomous non-profit organization is carried out by its founders in the manner prescribed by its constituent documents.

4. The founders of an autonomous non-profit organization may use its services only on equal terms with other persons.

1. Commercial organizations, in order to coordinate their business activities, as well as to represent and protect common property interests, may, by agreement among themselves, create associations in the form of associations or unions that are non-profit organizations.

If, by decision of the participants, an association (union) is entrusted with conducting business activities, such an association (union) shall be transformed into a business company or partnership in the manner prescribed by the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, or may create a business company for carrying out business activities or participate in such a company.

2. Non-profit organizations may voluntarily unite into associations (unions) of non-profit organizations.

An association (union) of non-profit organizations is a non-profit organization.

3. Members of the association (union) retain their independence and rights as a legal entity.

4. The association (union) is not responsible for the obligations of its members. Members of an association (union) bear subsidiary liability for the obligations of this association (union) in the amount and in the manner provided for by its constituent documents.

5. The name of the association (union) must contain an indication of the main subject of activity of the members of this association (union) with the inclusion of the words “association” or “union”.

1. Members of an association (union) have the right to use its services free of charge.

2. A member of an association (union) has the right, at his own discretion, to leave the association (union) at the end of the financial year. In this case, a member of the association (union) bears subsidiary liability for its obligations in proportion to his contribution for two years from the date of withdrawal.

A member of an association (union) may be expelled from it by decision of the remaining members in cases and in the manner established by the constituent documents of the association (union). With regard to the liability of an expelled member of an association (union), the rules relating to withdrawal from the association (union) apply.

3. With the consent of the members of the association (union), a new member may join it. The entry into an association (union) of a new member may be conditioned by its subsidiary liability for the obligations of the association (union) that arose before its entry.

Chapter III. Creation, reorganization and liquidation of a non-profit organization

1. A non-profit organization can be created as a result of its establishment, as well as as a result of the reorganization of an existing non-profit organization.

2. The creation of a non-profit organization as a result of its establishment is carried out by decision of the founders (founder).

1. The constituent documents of non-profit organizations are:

charter approved by the founders (participants) for a public organization (association), foundation, non-profit partnership and autonomous non-profit organization;

the constituent agreement concluded by their members and the charter approved by them for the association or union;

the owner’s decision to create an institution and the charter, approved by the owner, for the institution.

The founders (participants) of non-profit partnerships, as well as autonomous non-profit organizations, have the right to conclude a constituent agreement.

In cases provided for by law, a non-profit organization may act on the basis of the general regulations on organizations of this type.

2. The requirements of the constituent documents of a non-profit organization are mandatory for fulfillment by the non-profit organization itself and its founders (participants).

3. The constituent documents of a non-profit organization must define the name of the non-profit organization, containing an indication of the nature of its activities and organizational and legal form, the location of the non-profit organization, the procedure for managing activities, the subject and goals of the activity, information about branches and representative offices, the rights and obligations of members, conditions and procedure for admission to membership of a non-profit organization and withdrawal from it (if the non-profit organization has membership), sources of formation of the property of the non-profit organization, the procedure for making changes to the constituent documents of the non-profit organization, the procedure for using property in the event of liquidation of the non-profit organization and other provisions, provided for by this Federal Law and other federal laws.

In the constituent agreement, the founders undertake to create a non-profit organization, determine the procedure for joint activities to create a non-profit organization, the conditions for transferring their property to it and participation in its activities, the conditions and procedure for the withdrawal of founders (participants) from its membership.

The fund's charter must also contain the name of the fund, including the word "fund", information about the purpose of the fund; instructions on the foundation's bodies, including the board of trustees, and on the procedure for their formation, on the procedure for appointing officials of the foundation and their dismissal, on the location of the foundation, on the fate of the foundation's property in the event of its liquidation.

The constituent documents of an association (union), non-profit partnership must also contain conditions on the composition and competence of their management bodies, the procedure for their decision-making, including on issues on which decisions are made unanimously or by a qualified majority of votes, and on the procedure for the distribution of property remaining after liquidation of an association (union), non-profit partnership.

The constituent documents of a non-profit organization may contain other provisions that do not contradict the law.

4. Changes to the charter of a non-profit organization are made by decision of its highest management body, with the exception of the charter of the fund, which can be changed by the bodies of the fund if the charter of the fund provides for the possibility of changing this charter in this manner.

If keeping the foundation's charter unchanged entails consequences that cannot be foreseen when establishing the foundation, and the possibility of changing its charter is not provided for or the charter is not changed by authorized persons, the right to make changes in accordance with the Civil Code of the Russian Federation belongs to the court upon application of the fund's authorities or body authorized to supervise the activities of the fund.

1. The founders of a non-profit organization, depending on its organizational and legal forms, can be citizens and (or) legal entities.

2. The number of founders of a non-profit organization is not limited, unless otherwise established by federal law.

A non-profit organization can be founded by one person, with the exception of cases of establishing non-profit partnerships, associations (unions) and other cases provided for by federal law.

1. A non-profit organization may be reorganized in the manner prescribed by the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, this Federal Law and other federal laws.

2. Reorganization of a non-profit organization can be carried out in the form of merger, accession, division, separation and transformation.

3. A non-profit organization is considered reorganized, with the exception of cases of reorganization in the form of affiliation, from the moment of state registration of the newly emerged organization (organizations).

When a non-profit organization is reorganized in the form of another organization joining it, the first of them is considered reorganized from the moment an entry on the termination of the activities of the affiliated organization is made in the unified state register of legal entities.

4. State registration of an organization (organizations) newly emerged as a result of reorganization and entry into the unified state register of legal entities of an entry on the termination of the activities of the reorganized organization (organizations) is carried out in the manner established by the law on state registration of legal entities.

1. A non-profit partnership has the right to transform into a public organization (association), foundation or autonomous non-profit organization.

2. An institution can be transformed into a foundation, an autonomous non-profit organization, or a business company. The transformation of state or municipal institutions into non-profit organizations of other forms or a business company is permitted in cases and in the manner established by law.

3. An autonomous non-profit organization has the right to transform into a public organization (association) or a foundation.

4. An association or union has the right to transform into a foundation, an autonomous non-profit organization, a business entity or a partnership.

5. The decision to transform a non-profit partnership is made unanimously by the founders, of the association (union) - by all members who entered into an agreement on its creation.

The decision to transform an institution is made by its owner.

The decision to transform an autonomous non-profit organization is made by its highest management body in accordance with this Federal Law in the manner prescribed by the charter of the autonomous non-profit organization.

6. When transforming a non-profit organization, the rights and obligations of the reorganized non-profit organization are transferred to the newly established organization in accordance with the transfer act.

1. A non-profit organization may be liquidated on the basis and in the manner provided for by the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, this Federal Law and other federal laws.

2. The decision to liquidate the fund can only be made by the court upon the application of interested parties.

The Fund may be liquidated:

if the fund’s property is insufficient to achieve its goals and the likelihood of obtaining the necessary property is unrealistic;

if the goals of the fund cannot be achieved and the necessary changes to the goals of the fund cannot be made;

in case the foundation deviates in its activities from the goals provided for by its charter;

in other cases provided for by federal law.

3. The founders (participants) of a non-profit organization or the body that made the decision to liquidate a non-profit organization shall appoint, in agreement with the body carrying out state registration of legal entities, a liquidation commission (liquidator) and establish, in accordance with the Civil Code of the Russian Federation and this Federal Law, the procedure and terms of liquidation of a non-profit organization.

4. From the moment the liquidation commission is appointed, the powers to manage the affairs of the non-profit organization are transferred to it. The liquidation commission acts in court on behalf of the liquidated non-profit organization.

1. The liquidation commission publishes in the press, which publishes data on state registration of legal entities, a publication on the liquidation of a non-profit organization, the procedure and deadline for filing claims by its creditors. The deadline for filing claims by creditors cannot be less than two months from the date of publication of the liquidation of a non-profit organization.

2. The liquidation commission takes measures to identify creditors and receive receivables, and also notifies creditors in writing about the liquidation of the non-profit organization.

3. At the end of the period for submitting claims by creditors, the liquidation commission draws up an interim liquidation balance sheet, which contains information about the composition of the property of the liquidated non-profit organization, the list of claims presented by creditors, as well as the results of their consideration.

The interim liquidation balance sheet is approved by the founders (participants) of a non-profit organization or the body that made the decision on its liquidation, in agreement with the body carrying out state registration of legal entities.

4. If the funds available to a liquidated non-profit organization (except for institutions) are insufficient to satisfy the claims of creditors, the liquidation commission sells the property of the non-profit organization at public auction in the manner established for the execution of court decisions.

If the liquidated institution does not have sufficient funds to satisfy the claims of creditors, the latter have the right to apply to the court with a claim to satisfy the remaining part of the claims at the expense of the owner of this institution.

5. Payment of sums of money to creditors of a liquidated non-profit organization is made by the liquidation commission in the order of priority established by the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, in accordance with the interim liquidation balance sheet, starting from the day of its approval, with the exception of creditors of the fifth priority, payments to whom are made after a month from the date of approval of the interim liquidation balance sheet.

6. After completing settlements with creditors, the liquidation commission draws up a liquidation balance sheet, which is approved by the founders (participants) of the non-profit organization or the body that made the decision to liquidate the non-profit organization, in agreement with the body carrying out state registration of legal entities.

1. Upon liquidation of a non-profit organization, the property remaining after satisfying the claims of creditors, unless otherwise established by this Federal Law and other federal laws, is directed in accordance with the constituent documents of the non-profit organization for the purposes for which it was created and (or) for charitable purposes . If it is not possible to use the property of a liquidated non-profit organization in accordance with its constituent documents, it turns into state income.

2. Upon liquidation of a non-profit partnership, the property remaining after satisfaction of the creditors' claims is subject to distribution among the members of the non-profit partnership in accordance with their property contribution, the amount of which does not exceed the amount of their property contributions, unless otherwise established by federal laws or the constituent documents of the non-profit partnership.

The procedure for using the property of a non-profit partnership, the value of which exceeds the amount of property contributions of its members, is determined in accordance with paragraph 1 of this article.

3. The property of the institution remaining after satisfaction of the creditors’ claims is transferred to its owner, unless otherwise provided by laws and other legal acts of the Russian Federation or the constituent documents of the institution.

The liquidation of a non-profit organization is considered completed, and the non-profit organization is considered to have ceased to exist after making an entry to this effect in the unified state register of legal entities.

An entry on the termination of the activities of a non-profit organization is made by the body carrying out state registration of legal entities upon provision of the following documents:

an application for making a record of liquidation (in case of voluntary liquidation) or termination of the activities of a non-profit organization, signed by a person authorized by the non-profit organization;

decisions of the relevant body on liquidation or termination of the activities of a non-profit organization;

the charter of a non-profit organization and a certificate of its state registration;

liquidation balance sheet, or transfer act, or separation balance sheet;

document on the destruction of the seal of a non-profit organization.

1. State registration of changes to the constituent documents of a non-profit organization is carried out in the manner established by the law on state registration of legal entities.

2. Changes to the constituent documents of a non-profit organization come into force from the moment of their state registration.

Chapter IV. Activities of a non-profit organization

1. A non-profit organization may carry out one type of activity or several types of activity that are not prohibited by the legislation of the Russian Federation and correspond to the goals of the activities of the non-profit organization, which are provided for by its constituent documents.

The legislation of the Russian Federation may establish restrictions on the types of activities that certain types of non-profit organizations have the right to engage in.

Certain types of activities can be carried out by non-profit organizations only on the basis of special permits (licenses). The list of these types of activities is determined by law.

2. A non-profit organization can carry out entrepreneurial activities only insofar as it serves the achievement of the goals for which it was created. Such activities include the profit-generating production of goods and services that meet the goals of creating a non-profit organization, as well as the acquisition and sale of securities, property and non-property rights, participation in business companies and participation in limited partnerships as an investor.

The legislation of the Russian Federation may establish restrictions on the entrepreneurial activities of certain types of non-profit organizations.

3. A non-profit organization keeps records of income and expenses for business activities.

4. In the interests of achieving the goals provided for by the charter, a non-profit organization may create other non-profit organizations and join associations and unions.

1. A non-profit organization may own or have operational management of buildings, structures, housing stock, equipment, inventory, funds in rubles and foreign currency, securities and other property. A non-profit organization may own land plots or have them in perpetual use.

2. A non-profit organization is liable for its obligations with its property, which, according to the legislation of the Russian Federation, can be foreclosed on.

1. The sources of formation of property of a non-profit organization in monetary and other forms are:

regular and one-time receipts from the founders (participants, members);

voluntary property contributions and donations;

revenue from the sale of goods, works, services;

dividends (income, interest) received on shares, bonds, other securities and deposits;

income received from the property of a non-profit organization;

other receipts not prohibited by law.

Laws may establish restrictions on the sources of income of certain types of non-profit organizations.

2. The procedure for regular receipts from the founders (participants, members) is determined by the constituent documents of the non-profit organization.

3. The profit received by a non-profit organization is not subject to distribution among the participants (members) of the non-profit organization.

1. For the purposes of this Federal Law, persons interested in a non-profit organization performing certain actions, including transactions, with other organizations or citizens (hereinafter referred to as interested parties) are recognized as the head (deputy head) of a non-profit organization, as well as a person included members of the management bodies of a non-profit organization or supervisory authorities over its activities, if these persons have labor relations with these organizations or citizens, are participants, creditors of these organizations, or are in close family relationships with these citizens or are creditors of these citizens. At the same time, these organizations or citizens are suppliers of goods (services) for a non-profit organization, large consumers of goods (services) produced by a non-profit organization, own property that is fully or partially formed by a non-profit organization, or can benefit from the use and disposal of property of a non-profit organization.

Interest in the performance of certain actions by a non-profit organization, including transactions, entails a conflict of interests between the interested parties and the non-profit organization.

2. Interested persons are obliged to respect the interests of a non-profit organization, primarily in relation to the goals of its activities, and should not use the capabilities of a non-profit organization or allow their use for purposes other than those provided for in the constituent documents of the non-profit organization.

For the purposes of this article, the term “opportunities of a non-profit organization” means property, property and non-property rights belonging to a non-profit organization, business opportunities, information about the activities and plans of a non-profit organization that is valuable to it.

3. If an interested person has an interest in a transaction to which a non-profit organization is or intends to be a party, as well as in the event of another conflict of interests between the specified person and the non-profit organization in relation to an existing or proposed transaction:

it is obliged to inform about its interest to the management body of the non-profit organization or the body supervising its activities before the decision is made to conclude a transaction;

the transaction must be approved by the governing body of the non-profit organization or the supervisory body over its activities.

4. A transaction in which there is an interest and which was made in violation of the requirements of this article may be declared invalid by the court.

The interested person is liable to the non-profit organization in the amount of losses caused by him to this non-profit organization. If losses are caused to a non-profit organization by several interested parties, their collegial supreme governing body for an autonomous non-profit organization;

general meeting of members for a non-profit partnership, association (union).

The procedure for managing the fund is determined by its charter.

The composition and competence of the governing bodies of public organizations (associations) are established in accordance with the laws on their organizations (associations).

2. The main function of the highest governing body of a non-profit organization is to ensure that the non-profit organization adheres to the goals for which it was created.

3. The competence of the highest management body of a non-profit organization includes resolving the following issues:

changing the charter of a non-profit organization;

determination of priority areas of activity of a non-profit organization, principles of formation and use of its property;

formation of executive bodies of a non-profit organization and early termination of their powers;

approval of the annual report and annual balance sheet;

approval of the financial plan of a non-profit organization and amendments to it;

creation of branches and opening representative offices of a non-profit organization;

participation in other organizations;

reorganization and liquidation of a non-profit organization (except for the liquidation of a foundation).

The constituent documents of a non-profit organization may provide for the creation of a permanent collegial management body, the jurisdiction of which may include resolving issues provided for in paragraphs five to eight of this paragraph.

The issues provided for in paragraphs two - four and nine of this paragraph fall within the exclusive competence of the highest management body of a non-profit organization.

4. A general meeting of members of a non-profit organization or a meeting of the collegial supreme governing body of a non-profit organization is valid if more than half of its members are present at the said meeting or session.

The decision of the said general meeting or meeting is made by a majority vote of the members present at the meeting or meeting. The decision of a general meeting or meeting on issues of the exclusive competence of the highest management body of a non-profit organization is adopted unanimously or by a qualified majority of votes in accordance with this Federal Law, other federal laws and constituent documents.

5. For an autonomous non-profit organization, persons who are employees of this non-profit organization cannot constitute more than one third of the total number of members of the collegial supreme governing body of the autonomous non-profit organization.

A non-profit organization does not have the right to pay remuneration to members of its supreme management body for the performance of the functions assigned to them, with the exception of compensation for expenses directly related to participation in the work of the supreme management body.

Article 30. Executive body of a non-profit organization

1. The executive body of a non-profit organization may be collegial and (or) sole. He carries out the current management of the activities of the non-profit organization and is accountable to the highest management body of the non-profit organization.

2. The competence of the executive body of a non-profit organization includes the resolution of all issues that do not constitute the exclusive competence of other management bodies of the non-profit organization, as determined by this Federal Law, other federal laws and the constituent documents of the non-profit organization.

Chapter VI. Non-profit organizations and government bodies

1. State authorities and local self-government bodies create state and municipal institutions, assign property to them with the right of operational management in accordance with the Civil Code of the Russian Federation and provide their full or partial financing.

State authorities and local governments, within their competence, can provide economic support to non-profit organizations in various forms, including:

provision, in accordance with the law, of benefits for the payment of taxes, customs and other fees and payments to non-profit organizations created for charitable, educational, cultural and scientific purposes, in order to protect the health of citizens, develop physical culture and sports, and other purposes established by law, taking into account organizational -legal forms of non-profit organizations;

providing non-profit organizations with other benefits, including full or partial exemption from fees for the use of state and municipal property;

placement of state and municipal social orders among non-profit organizations on a competitive basis;

provision, in accordance with the law, of tax benefits to citizens and legal entities providing material support to non-profit organizations.

2. It is not permitted to provide tax benefits on an individual basis to individual non-profit organizations, as well as to individual citizens and legal entities that provide financial support to these non-profit organizations.

1. A non-profit organization maintains accounting records and statistical reporting in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

A non-profit organization provides information about its activities to state statistics bodies and tax authorities, founders and other persons in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and the constituent documents of the non-profit organization.

2. The size and structure of income of a non-profit organization, as well as information about the size and composition of the property of a non-profit organization, its expenses, the number and composition of employees, their remuneration, the use of free labor of citizens in the activities of a non-profit organization cannot be the subject of a trade secret.

Chapter VII. Final provisions

1. In case of violation of this Federal Law, a non-profit organization shall be liable in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

2. If a non-profit organization has committed actions that are contrary to its goals and this Federal Law, the non-profit organization may be issued a warning in writing by the body carrying out state registration of legal entities, or the prosecutor may submit a proposal to eliminate the violations.

3. If a non-profit organization is issued more than two warnings in writing or notices to eliminate violations, the non-profit organization may be liquidated by a court decision in the manner provided for in Article 19 of this

On the Zakonbase website you will find the FEDERAL LAW of 01/12/96 N 7-FZ (as amended on 07/08/99) “ON NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATIONS” in the latest and complete version, in which all changes and amendments have been made. This guarantees the relevance and reliability of the information.

1. Industrial control in the field of environmental protection (industrial environmental control) is carried out in order to ensure the implementation in the process of economic and other activities of measures for environmental protection, rational use and restoration of natural resources, as well as in order to comply with requirements in the field of environmental protection, established by legislation in the field of environmental protection.

2. Legal entities and individual entrepreneurs carrying out economic and (or) other activities at objects of categories I, II and III, develop and approve a program of industrial environmental control, carry out industrial environmental control in accordance with established requirements, document information and store data obtained based on the results of industrial environmental control.

3. The industrial environmental control program contains information:

on the inventory of emissions of pollutants into the air and their sources;

on inventory of discharges of pollutants into the environment and their sources;

on the inventory of production and consumption waste and their disposal facilities;

about divisions and (or) officials responsible for the implementation of industrial environmental control;

about own and (or) attracted testing laboratories (centers) accredited in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on accreditation in the national accreditation system;

on the frequency and methods of industrial environmental control, sampling locations and measurement techniques (methods).

3.1. The industrial environmental control program for category I facilities specified in paragraph 9 of this article additionally contains a program for creating an automatic control system or information about the presence of an automatic control system created in accordance with this Federal Law.

4. Requirements for the content of the industrial environmental control program, the deadlines for submitting a report on the organization and the results of industrial environmental control are determined by the federal executive body authorized by the Government of the Russian Federation, taking into account the categories of objects that have a negative impact on the environment.

5. When carrying out industrial environmental control, measurements of emissions and discharges of pollutants are necessarily carried out in relation to pollutants that characterize the technologies used and the features of the production process at a facility that has a negative impact on the environment (marker substances).

6. Documentation containing information on the results of industrial environmental control includes documented information:

on technological processes, technologies, equipment for the production of products (goods), on work performed, on services rendered, on fuel, raw materials and supplies used, on the generation of production and consumption waste;

on the actual volume or mass of emissions of pollutants, discharges of pollutants, levels of physical impact and measurement techniques (methods);

on the management of production and consumption waste;

about the state of the environment, sampling sites, measurement techniques (methods).

7. Legal entities and individual entrepreneurs are required to submit to the federal executive body authorized by the Government of the Russian Federation or the executive body of the relevant constituent entity of the Russian Federation a report on the organization and results of industrial environmental control in the manner and within the time frame determined by the federal body authorized by the Government of the Russian Federation executive power.

8. The form of the report on the organization and on the results of industrial environmental control, methodological recommendations for filling it out, including in the form of an electronic document signed with an enhanced qualified electronic signature, are approved by the federal executive body authorized by the Government of the Russian Federation.

9. At Category I facilities, stationary sources of pollutant emissions, discharges of pollutants generated during the operation of technical devices, equipment or their combination (installations), the types of which are established by the Government of the Russian Federation, must be equipped with automatic means of measuring and recording pollutant emission indicators and (or) discharges of pollutants, as well as technical means of recording and transmitting information on indicators of emissions of pollutants and (or) discharges of pollutants to the state register of facilities that have a negative impact on the environment, based on a program for creating an automatic control system.

The program for creating an automatic control system determines stationary sources and indicators of emissions of pollutants and (or) discharges of pollutants, subject to automatic control, places and timing of installation of automatic means of measuring and recording indicators of emissions of pollutants and (or) discharges of pollutants, as well as technical means recording and transmitting information on indicators of emissions of pollutants and (or) discharges of pollutants to the state register of objects that have a negative impact on the environment, the composition and form of the transmitted information.

The rules for the creation and operation of an automatic control system are approved by the Government of the Russian Federation.

The period for creating an automatic control system cannot exceed four years from the date of receipt or revision of a comprehensive environmental permit. If the program for increasing environmental efficiency provides for measures related to the reconstruction of stationary sources that must be equipped with automatic means of measuring and recording indicators of emissions of pollutants and (or) discharges of pollutants, as well as technical means of recording and transmitting information on indicators of emissions of pollutants and (or) discharges of pollutants into the state register of facilities that have a negative impact on the environment, the timing of equipping such stationary sources is determined taking into account the timing of the implementation of the environmental efficiency improvement program.

10. Requirements for automatic means of measuring and recording indicators of emissions of pollutants and (or) discharges of pollutants, as well as technical means of recording and transmitting information on indicators of emissions of pollutants and (or) discharges of pollutants to the state register of facilities that have a negative impact on environment are established by the Government of the Russian Federation.

Chapter I. General provisions

Article 1. Subject of regulation and scope of this Federal Law

1. This Federal Law determines the legal status, procedure for the creation, activities, reorganization and liquidation of non-profit organizations as legal entities, the formation and use of property of non-profit organizations, the rights and obligations of their founders (participants), the basics of management of non-profit organizations and possible forms of their support by government bodies authorities and local governments.

2. This Federal Law applies to all non-profit organizations created or being created on the territory of the Russian Federation, to the extent that otherwise is not established by this Federal Law and other federal laws.

3. This Federal Law does not apply to consumer cooperatives. The activities of consumer cooperatives are regulated by the norms of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, laws on consumer cooperatives, and other laws and legal acts.

Article 2. Non-profit organization

1. A non-profit organization is an organization that does not have profit as the main purpose of its activities and does not distribute the profits received among participants.

2. Non-profit organizations can be created to achieve social, charitable, cultural, educational, scientific and managerial goals, in order to protect the health of citizens, develop physical culture and sports, satisfy the spiritual and other non-material needs of citizens, protect the rights and legitimate interests of citizens and organizations, resolving disputes and conflicts, providing legal assistance, as well as for other purposes aimed at achieving public benefits.

2. Non-profit organizations can be created to achieve social, charitable, cultural, educational, scientific and managerial goals, in order to protect the health of citizens, develop physical culture and sports, satisfy the spiritual and other non-material needs of citizens, protect the rights and legitimate interests of citizens and organizations, resolving disputes and conflicts, providing legal assistance, as well as for other purposes aimed at achieving public benefits.

Article 3. Legal status of a non-profit organization

3. Non-profit organizations can be created in the form of public or religious organizations (associations), non-profit partnerships, institutions, autonomous non-profit organizations, social, charitable and other funds, associations and unions, as well as in other forms provided for by federal laws.

A non-profit organization must have an independent balance sheet or budget.

2. A non-profit organization is created without limiting the period of activity, unless otherwise established by the constituent documents of the non-profit organization.

3. A non-profit organization has the right, in accordance with the established procedure, to open bank accounts on the territory of the Russian Federation and outside its territory.

4. A non-profit organization has a seal with the full name of this non-profit organization in Russian.
A non-profit organization has the right to have stamps and forms with its name, as well as a duly registered emblem.

Article 4. Name and location of the non-profit organization

1. A non-profit organization has a name containing an indication of its organizational and legal form and the nature of its activities.
A non-profit organization whose name is registered in the prescribed manner has the exclusive right to use it.

2. The location of a non-profit organization is determined by the place of its state registration, unless otherwise established in accordance with the law by the constituent documents of the non-profit organization.

3. The name and location of a non-profit organization are indicated in its constituent documents.

Article 5. Branches and representative offices of a non-profit organization

1. A non-profit organization may create branches and open representative offices on the territory of the Russian Federation in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

2. A branch of a non-profit organization is its separate division, located outside the location of the non-profit organization and carrying out all or part of its functions, including the functions of representation.

3. A representative office of a non-profit organization is a separate division, which is located outside the location of the non-profit organization, represents the interests of the non-profit organization and protects them.

4. The branch and representative office of a non-profit organization are not legal entities, are endowed with the property of the non-profit organization that created them and act on the basis of the regulations approved by it. The property of a branch or representative office is accounted for on a separate balance sheet and on the balance sheet of the non-profit organization that created it.

The heads of the branch and representative office are appointed by the non-profit organization and act on the basis of a power of attorney issued by the non-profit organization.

5. The branch and representative office operate on behalf of the non-profit organization that created them. The non-profit organization that created them bears responsibility for the activities of its branches and representative offices.

Chapter II. Forms of non-profit organizations

Article 6. Public and religious organizations (associations)

1. Public and religious organizations (associations) are recognized as voluntary associations of citizens who, in accordance with the procedure established by law, have united on the basis of their common interests to satisfy spiritual or other non-material needs.

Public and religious organizations (associations) have the right to carry out business activities consistent with the goals for which they were created.

2. Participants (members) of public and religious organizations (associations) do not retain rights to the property transferred by them to these organizations, including membership fees. Participants (members) of public and religious organizations (associations) are not liable for the obligations of the said organizations (associations), and the said organizations (associations) are not liable for the obligations of their members.

3. The specifics of the legal status of public and religious organizations (associations) are determined by other federal laws.

4. Organizations pursuing religious goals may be created in other forms provided by law.

Article 7. Funds

1. For the purposes of this Federal Law, a foundation is a non-profit organization that does not have a membership, established by citizens and (or) legal entities on the basis of voluntary property contributions and pursuing social, charitable, cultural, educational or other publicly beneficial goals.

The property transferred to the foundation by its founders (founder) is the property of the foundation. The founders are not liable for the obligations of the fund they created, and the fund is not liable for the obligations of its founders.

2. The foundation uses the property for the purposes determined by the foundation’s charter. The Foundation has the right to engage in entrepreneurial activities consistent with these goals and necessary to achieve the socially beneficial goals for which the Foundation was created. To carry out entrepreneurial activities, foundations have the right to create business companies or participate in them.

The Foundation is required to publish annual reports on the use of its assets.

3. The board of trustees of the fund is the body of the fund and supervises the activities of the fund, the adoption of decisions by other bodies of the fund and ensuring their execution, the use of the fund’s funds, and the fund’s compliance with the law.

The fund's board of trustees operates on a voluntary basis.

The procedure for the formation and activities of the fund's board of trustees is determined by the fund's charter, approved by its founders.

Article 8. Non-profit partnerships

1. A non-profit partnership is a membership-based non-profit organization established by citizens and (or) legal entities to assist its members in carrying out activities aimed at achieving the goals provided for in paragraph 2 of Article 2 of this Federal Law.

Property transferred to a non-profit partnership by its members is the property of the partnership. Members of a non-profit partnership are not liable for its obligations, and a non-profit partnership is not liable for the obligations of its members.

2. A non-profit partnership has the right to carry out business activities consistent with the goals for which it was created.

3. Members of a non-profit partnership have the right:

Participate in the management of the affairs of a non-profit partnership;
receive information about the activities of the non-profit partnership in the manner established by the constituent documents;
withdraw from the non-profit partnership at your discretion;
unless otherwise established by federal law or the constituent documents of a non-profit partnership, upon leaving the non-profit partnership, receive part of its property or the value of this property within the value of the property transferred by the members of the non-profit partnership into its ownership, with the exception of membership fees, in the manner prescribed by the constituent documents of the non-profit partnerships;
in the event of liquidation of a non-profit partnership, receive part of its property remaining after settlements with creditors, or the value of this property within the value of the property transferred by the members of the non-profit partnership into its ownership, unless otherwise provided by federal law or the constituent documents of the non-profit partnership.

4. A member of a non-profit partnership may be excluded from it by decision of the remaining members in cases and in the manner provided for by the constituent documents of the non-profit partnership.

A member of a non-profit partnership expelled from it has the right to receive part of the property of the non-profit partnership or the value of this property in accordance with paragraph five of paragraph 3 of this article.

5. Members of a non-profit partnership may have other rights provided for by its constituent documents and not inconsistent with the law.

Article 9. Institutions

1. An institution is recognized as a non-profit organization created by the owner to carry out managerial, socio-cultural or other functions of a non-commercial nature and financed in whole or in part by this owner.

The property of the institution is assigned to it with the right of operational management in accordance with the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

The rights of an institution to the property assigned to it are determined in accordance with the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

2. The institution is liable for its obligations with the funds at its disposal. If they are insufficient, the owner of the institution bears subsidiary liability for the obligations of the institution.

3. Features of the legal status of certain types of state and other institutions are determined by law and other legal acts.

Article 10. Autonomous non-profit organization

1. An autonomous non-profit organization is recognized as a non-profit organization that does not have membership, established by citizens and (or) legal entities on the basis of voluntary property contributions for the purpose of providing services in the field of education, healthcare, culture, science, law, physical culture and sports and other services.

Property transferred to an autonomous non-profit organization by its founders (founder) is the property of the autonomous non-profit organization. The founders of an autonomous non-profit organization do not retain rights to the property transferred by them to the ownership of this organization.
The founders are not liable for the obligations of the autonomous non-profit organization they created, and it is not liable for the obligations of its founders.

2. An autonomous non-profit organization has the right to carry out business activities that correspond to the goals for which the said organization was created.

3. Supervision over the activities of an autonomous non-profit organization is carried out by its founders in the manner prescribed by its constituent documents.

4. The founders of an autonomous non-profit organization may use its services only on equal terms with other persons.

Article 11. Associations of legal entities (associations and unions)

1. Commercial organizations, in order to coordinate their business activities, as well as to represent and protect common property interests, may, by agreement among themselves, create associations in the form of associations or unions that are non-profit organizations.

If, by decision of the participants, an association (union) is entrusted with conducting business activities, such an association (union) shall be transformed into a business company or partnership in the manner prescribed by the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, or may create a business company for carrying out business activities or participate in such a company.

2. Non-profit organizations may voluntarily unite into associations (unions) of non-profit organizations.

An association (union) of non-profit organizations is a non-profit organization.

3. Members of the association (union) retain their independence and rights as a legal entity.

4. The association (union) is not responsible for the obligations of its members. Members of an association (union) bear subsidiary liability for the obligations of this association (union) in the amount and in the manner provided for by its constituent documents.

5. The name of the association (union) must contain an indication of the main subject of activity of the members of this association (union) with the inclusion of the words “association” or “union”.

Article 12. Rights and obligations of members of associations and unions

1. Members of an association (union) have the right to use its services free of charge.

2. A member of an association (union) has the right, at his own discretion, to leave the association (union) at the end of the financial year. In this case, a member of the association (union) bears subsidiary liability for its obligations in proportion to his contribution for two years from the date of withdrawal.

A member of an association (union) may be expelled from it by decision of the remaining members in cases and in the manner established by the constituent documents of the association (union). With regard to the liability of an expelled member of an association (union), the rules relating to withdrawal from the association (union) apply.

3. With the consent of the members of the association (union), a new member may join it. The entry into an association (union) of a new member may be conditioned by its subsidiary liability for the obligations of the association (union) that arose before its entry.

Chapter III. Creation, reorganization and liquidation of a non-profit organization

Article 13. Creation of a non-profit organization

1. A non-profit organization can be created as a result of its establishment, as well as as a result of the reorganization of an existing non-profit organization.

2. The creation of a non-profit organization as a result of its establishment is carried out by decision of the founders (founder).

Article 14. Constituent documents of a non-profit organization

1. The constituent documents of non-profit organizations are:

Charter approved by the founders (participants) for a public or religious organization (association), foundation, non-profit partnership and autonomous non-profit organization;
the constituent agreement concluded by their members and the charter approved by them for the association or union;
the owner’s decision to create an institution and the charter, approved by the owner, for the institution.

The founders (participants) of non-profit partnerships, as well as autonomous non-profit organizations, have the right to conclude a constituent agreement.

In cases provided for by law, a non-profit organization may act on the basis of the general regulations on organizations of this type.

2. The requirements of the constituent documents of a non-profit organization are mandatory for fulfillment by the non-profit organization itself and its founders (participants).

3. The constituent documents of a non-profit organization must define the name of the non-profit organization, containing an indication of the nature of its activities and organizational and legal form, the location of the non-profit organization, the procedure for managing activities, the subject and goals of the activity, information about branches and representative offices, the rights and obligations of members, conditions and procedure for admission to membership of a non-profit organization and withdrawal from it (if the non-profit organization has membership), sources of formation of the property of the non-profit organization, the procedure for making changes to the constituent documents of the non-profit organization, the procedure for using property in the event of liquidation of the non-profit organization and other provisions, provided for by this Federal Law and other federal laws.

In the constituent agreement, the founders undertake to create a non-profit organization, determine the procedure for joint activities to create a non-profit organization, the conditions for transferring their property to it and participation in its activities, the conditions and procedure for the withdrawal of founders (participants) from its membership.

The fund's charter must also contain the name of the fund, including the word "fund", information about the purpose of the fund; instructions on the foundation's bodies, including the board of trustees, and on the procedure for their formation, on the procedure for appointing officials of the foundation and their dismissal, on the location of the foundation, on the fate of the foundation's property in the event of its liquidation.

The constituent documents of an association (union), non-profit partnership must also contain conditions on the composition and competence of their management bodies, the procedure for their decision-making, including on issues on which decisions are made unanimously or by a qualified majority of votes, and on the procedure for the distribution of property remaining after liquidation of an association (union), non-profit partnership.

The constituent documents of a non-profit organization may contain other provisions that do not contradict the law.

4. Changes to the charter of a non-profit organization are made by decision of its highest management body, with the exception of the charter of the fund, which can be changed by the bodies of the fund if the charter of the fund provides for the possibility of changing this charter in this manner.

If keeping the foundation's charter unchanged entails consequences that cannot be foreseen when establishing the foundation, and the possibility of changing its charter is not provided for or the charter is not changed by authorized persons, the right to make changes in accordance with the Civil Code of the Russian Federation belongs to the court upon application of the fund's authorities or body authorized to supervise the activities of the fund.

Article 15. Founders of a non-profit organization

1. The founders of a non-profit organization, depending on its organizational and legal forms, can be citizens and (or) legal entities.

2. The number of founders of a non-profit organization is not limited, unless otherwise established by federal law.

A non-profit organization can be founded by one person, with the exception of cases of establishing non-profit partnerships, associations (unions) and other cases provided for by federal law.

Article 16. Reorganization of a non-profit organization

1. A non-profit organization may be reorganized in the manner prescribed by the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, this Federal Law and other federal laws.

2. Reorganization of a non-profit organization can be carried out in the form of merger, accession, division, separation and transformation.

3. A non-profit organization is considered reorganized, with the exception of cases of reorganization in the form of affiliation, from the moment of state registration of the newly emerged organization (organizations).

When a non-profit organization is reorganized in the form of another organization joining it, the first of them is considered reorganized from the moment an entry on the termination of the activities of the affiliated organization is made in the unified state register of legal entities.

4. State registration of an organization (organizations) newly emerged as a result of reorganization and entry into the unified state register of legal entities of an entry on the termination of the activities of the reorganized organization (organizations) is carried out in the manner established by the law on state registration of legal entities.

Article 17. Transformation of a non-profit organization

1. A non-profit partnership has the right to transform into a public or religious organization (association), foundation or autonomous non-profit organization.

2. An institution can be transformed into a foundation, an autonomous non-profit organization, or a business company. The transformation of state or municipal institutions into non-profit organizations of other forms or a business company is permitted in cases and in the manner established by law.

3. An autonomous non-profit organization has the right to transform itself into a public or religious organization (association) or into a foundation.

4. An association or union has the right to transform into a foundation, an autonomous non-profit organization, a business entity or a partnership.

5. The decision to transform a non-profit partnership is made unanimously by the founders, of the association (union) - by all members who entered into an agreement on its creation.

The decision to transform an institution is made by its owner.

The decision to transform an autonomous non-profit organization is made by its highest management body in accordance with this Federal Law in the manner prescribed by the charter of the autonomous non-profit organization.

6. When transforming a non-profit organization, the rights and obligations of the reorganized non-profit organization are transferred to the newly established organization in accordance with the transfer act.

Article 18. Liquidation of a non-profit organization

1. A non-profit organization may be liquidated on the basis and in the manner provided for by the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, this Federal Law and other federal laws.

2. The decision to liquidate the fund can only be made by the court upon the application of interested parties.

The Fund may be liquidated:

If the fund's property is insufficient to achieve its goals and the likelihood of obtaining the necessary property is unrealistic;
if the goals of the fund cannot be achieved and the necessary changes to the goals of the fund cannot be made;
in case the foundation deviates in its activities from the goals provided for by its charter;
in other cases provided for by federal law.

3. The founders (participants) of a non-profit organization or the body that made the decision to liquidate a non-profit organization shall appoint, in agreement with the body carrying out state registration of legal entities, a liquidation commission (liquidator) and establish, in accordance with the Civil Code of the Russian Federation and this Federal Law, the procedure and terms of liquidation of a non-profit organization.

4. From the moment the liquidation commission is appointed, the powers to manage the affairs of the non-profit organization are transferred to it. The liquidation commission acts in court on behalf of the liquidated non-profit organization.

Article 19. Procedure for liquidation of a non-profit organization

1. The liquidation commission publishes in the press, which publishes data on state registration of legal entities, a publication on the liquidation of a non-profit organization, the procedure and deadline for filing claims by its creditors. The deadline for filing claims by creditors cannot be less than two months from the date of publication of the liquidation of a non-profit organization.

2. The liquidation commission takes measures to identify creditors and receive receivables, and also notifies creditors in writing about the liquidation of the non-profit organization.

3. At the end of the period for submitting claims by creditors, the liquidation commission draws up an interim liquidation balance sheet, which contains information about the composition of the property of the liquidated non-profit organization, the list of claims presented by creditors, as well as the results of their consideration.

The interim liquidation balance sheet is approved by the founders (participants) of a non-profit organization or the body that made the decision on its liquidation, in agreement with the body carrying out state registration of legal entities.

4. If the funds available to a liquidated non-profit organization (except for institutions) are insufficient to satisfy the claims of creditors, the liquidation commission sells the property of the non-profit organization at public auction in the manner established for the execution of court decisions.

If the liquidated institution does not have sufficient funds to satisfy the claims of creditors, the latter have the right to apply to the court with a claim to satisfy the remaining part of the claims at the expense of the owner of this institution.

5. Payment of sums of money to creditors of a liquidated non-profit organization is made by the liquidation commission in the order of priority established by the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, in accordance with the interim liquidation balance sheet, starting from the day of its approval, with the exception of creditors of the fifth priority, payments to whom are made after a month from the date of approval of the interim liquidation balance sheet.

6. After completing settlements with creditors, the liquidation commission draws up a liquidation balance sheet, which is approved by the founders (participants) of the non-profit organization or the body that made the decision to liquidate the non-profit organization, in agreement with the body carrying out state registration of legal entities.

Article 20. Property of a liquidated non-profit organization

1. Upon liquidation of a non-profit organization, the property remaining after satisfying the claims of creditors, unless otherwise established by this Federal Law and other federal laws, is directed in accordance with the constituent documents of the non-profit organization for the purposes for which it was created and (or) for charitable purposes . If it is not possible to use the property of a liquidated non-profit organization in accordance with its constituent documents, it turns into state income.

2. Upon liquidation of a non-profit partnership, the property remaining after satisfaction of the creditors' claims is subject to distribution among the members of the non-profit partnership in accordance with their property contribution, the amount of which does not exceed the amount of their property contributions, unless otherwise established by federal laws or the constituent documents of the non-profit partnership.

The procedure for using the property of a non-profit partnership, the value of which exceeds the amount of property contributions of its members, is determined in accordance with paragraph 1 of this article.

3. The property of the institution remaining after satisfaction of the creditors’ claims is transferred to its owner, unless otherwise provided by laws and other legal acts of the Russian Federation or the constituent documents of the institution.

Article 21. Completion of liquidation of a non-profit organization

The liquidation of a non-profit organization is considered completed, and the non-profit organization is considered to have ceased to exist after making an entry to this effect in the unified state register of legal entities.

Article 22. Record of termination of activities of a non-profit organization

An entry on the termination of the activities of a non-profit organization is made by the body carrying out state registration of legal entities upon provision of the following documents:

Applications for making a record of liquidation (in case of voluntary liquidation) or termination of the activities of a non-profit organization, signed by a person authorized by the non-profit organization;
decisions of the relevant body on liquidation or termination of the activities of a non-profit organization;
the charter of a non-profit organization and a certificate of its state registration;
liquidation balance sheet, or transfer act, or separation balance sheet;
document on the destruction of the seal of a non-profit organization.

Article 23. State registration of changes to the constituent documents of a non-profit organization

1. State registration of changes to the constituent documents of a non-profit organization is carried out in the manner established by the law on state registration of legal entities.

2. Changes to the constituent documents of a non-profit organization come into force from the moment of their state registration.

Chapter IV. Activities of a non-profit organization

Article 24. Types of activities of a non-profit organization

1. A non-profit organization may carry out one type of activity or several types of activity that are not prohibited by the legislation of the Russian Federation and correspond to the goals of the activities of the non-profit organization, which are provided for by its constituent documents.
The legislation of the Russian Federation may establish restrictions on the types of activities that certain types of non-profit organizations have the right to engage in.

Certain types of activities can be carried out by non-profit organizations only on the basis of special permits (licenses). The list of these types of activities is determined by law.

2. A non-profit organization can carry out entrepreneurial activities only insofar as it serves the achievement of the goals for which it was created. Such activities include the profit-generating production of goods and services that meet the goals of creating a non-profit organization, as well as the acquisition and sale of securities, property and non-property rights, participation in business companies and participation in limited partnerships as an investor.

The legislation of the Russian Federation may establish restrictions on the entrepreneurial activities of certain types of non-profit organizations.

3. A non-profit organization keeps records of income and expenses for business activities.

4. In the interests of achieving the goals provided for by the charter, a non-profit organization may create other non-profit organizations and join associations and unions.

Article 25. Property of a non-profit organization

1. A non-profit organization may own or have operational management of buildings, structures, housing stock, equipment, inventory, funds in rubles and foreign currency, securities and other property. A non-profit organization may own land plots or have them in perpetual use.

2. A non-profit organization is liable for its obligations with its property, which, according to the legislation of the Russian Federation, can be foreclosed on.

Article 26. Sources of formation of property of a non-profit organization

1. The sources of formation of property of a non-profit organization in monetary and other forms are:

Regular and one-time receipts from the founders (participants, members);
voluntary property contributions and donations;
revenue from the sale of goods, works, services;
dividends (income, interest) received on shares, bonds, other securities and deposits;
income received from the property of a non-profit organization;
other receipts not prohibited by law.

Laws may establish restrictions on the sources of income of certain types of non-profit organizations.

2. The procedure for regular receipts from the founders (participants, members) is determined by the constituent documents of the non-profit organization.

3. The profit received by a non-profit organization is not subject to distribution among the participants (members) of the non-profit organization.

Article 27. Conflict of interest

1. For the purposes of this Federal Law, persons interested in a non-profit organization performing certain actions, including transactions, with other organizations or citizens (hereinafter referred to as interested parties) are recognized as the head (deputy head) of a non-profit organization, as well as a person included members of the management bodies of a non-profit organization or supervisory authorities over its activities, if these persons have labor relations with these organizations or citizens, are participants, creditors of these organizations, or are in close family relationships with these citizens or are creditors of these citizens. At the same time, these organizations or citizens are suppliers of goods (services) for a non-profit organization, large consumers of goods (services) produced by a non-profit organization, own property that is fully or partially formed by a non-profit organization, or can benefit from the use and disposal of property of a non-profit organization.

Interest in the performance of certain actions by a non-profit organization, including transactions, entails a conflict of interests between the interested parties and the non-profit organization.

2. Interested persons are obliged to respect the interests of a non-profit organization, primarily in relation to the goals of its activities, and should not use the capabilities of a non-profit organization or allow their use for purposes other than those provided for in the constituent documents of the non-profit organization.

For the purposes of this article, the term “opportunities of a non-profit organization” means property, property and non-property rights belonging to a non-profit organization, business opportunities, information about the activities and plans of a non-profit organization that is valuable to it.

3. If an interested person has an interest in a transaction to which a non-profit organization is or intends to be a party, as well as in the event of another conflict of interests between the specified person and the non-profit organization in relation to an existing or proposed transaction:

It is obliged to inform about its interest to the management body of the non-profit organization or the body supervising its activities before the decision is made to conclude a transaction;

The transaction must be approved by the governing body of the non-profit organization or the supervisory body over its activities.

4. A transaction in which there is an interest and which was made in violation of the requirements of this article may be declared invalid by the court.

The interested person is liable to the non-profit organization in the amount of losses caused by him to this non-profit organization.

If losses are caused to a non-profit organization by several interested parties, their liability to the non-profit organization is joint and several.

Chapter V. Management of a non-profit organization

Article 28. Fundamentals of managing a non-profit organization

The structure, competence, procedure for the formation and term of office of the management bodies of a non-profit organization, the procedure for making decisions and speaking on behalf of the non-profit organization are established by the constituent documents of the non-profit organization in accordance with this Federal Law and other federal laws.

Article 29. Supreme governing body of a non-profit organization

1. The highest governing bodies of non-profit organizations in accordance with their constituent documents are:

Collegiate supreme governing body for an autonomous non-profit organization;
general meeting of members for a non-profit partnership, association (union).

The procedure for managing the fund is determined by its charter.

The composition and competence of governing bodies of public and religious organizations (associations) are established in accordance with the laws on their organizations (associations).

2. The main function of the highest governing body of a non-profit organization is to ensure that the non-profit organization adheres to the goals for which it was created.

3. The competence of the highest management body of a non-profit organization includes resolving the following issues:

Changing the charter of a non-profit organization;
determination of priority areas of activity of a non-profit organization, principles of formation and use of its property;
formation of executive bodies of a non-profit organization and early termination of their powers;
approval of the annual report and annual balance sheet;
approval of the financial plan of a non-profit organization and amendments to it;
creation of branches and opening representative offices of a non-profit organization;
participation in other organizations;
reorganization and liquidation of a non-profit organization (except for the liquidation of a foundation).

The constituent documents of a non-profit organization may provide for the creation of a permanent collegial management body, the jurisdiction of which may include resolving issues provided for in paragraphs five to eight of this paragraph.

The issues provided for in paragraphs two - four and nine of this paragraph fall within the exclusive competence of the highest management body of a non-profit organization.

4. A general meeting of members of a non-profit organization or a meeting of the collegial supreme governing body of a non-profit organization is valid if more than half of its members are present at the said meeting or session.

The decision of the said general meeting or meeting is made by a majority vote of the members present at the meeting or meeting. The decision of a general meeting or meeting on issues of the exclusive competence of the highest management body of a non-profit organization is adopted unanimously or by a qualified majority of votes in accordance with this Federal Law, other federal laws and constituent documents.

5. For an autonomous non-profit organization, persons who are employees of this non-profit organization cannot constitute more than one third of the total number of members of the collegial supreme governing body of the autonomous non-profit organization.

A non-profit organization does not have the right to pay remuneration to members of its supreme management body for the performance of the functions assigned to them, with the exception of compensation for expenses directly related to participation in the work of the supreme management body.

Article 30. Executive body of a non-profit organization

1. The executive body of a non-profit organization may be collegial and (or) sole. He carries out the current management of the activities of the non-profit organization and is accountable to the highest management body of the non-profit organization.

2. The competence of the executive body of a non-profit organization includes the resolution of all issues that do not constitute the exclusive competence of other management bodies of the non-profit organization, as determined by this Federal Law, other federal laws and the constituent documents of the non-profit organization.

Chapter VI. Non-profit organizations and government bodies

Article 31. Economic support of non-profit organizations by state authorities and local governments

1. State authorities and local self-government bodies create state and municipal institutions, assign property to them with the right of operational management in accordance with the Civil Code of the Russian Federation and provide their full or partial financing.

State authorities and local governments, within their competence, can provide economic support to non-profit organizations in various forms, including:

Providing, in accordance with the legislation, benefits for the payment of taxes, customs and other fees and payments to non-profit organizations created for charitable, educational, cultural and scientific purposes, in order to protect the health of citizens, develop physical culture and sports, and other purposes established by law, taking into account organizational -legal forms of non-profit organizations;
providing non-profit organizations with other benefits, including full or partial exemption from fees for the use of state and municipal property;
placement of state and municipal social orders among non-profit organizations on a competitive basis;
provision, in accordance with the law, of tax benefits to citizens and legal entities providing material support to non-profit organizations.

2. It is not permitted to provide tax benefits on an individual basis to individual non-profit organizations, as well as to individual citizens and legal entities that provide financial support to these non-profit organizations.

Article 32. Control over the activities of a non-profit organization

1. A non-profit organization maintains accounting records and statistical reporting in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

A non-profit organization provides information about its activities to state statistics bodies and tax authorities, founders and other persons in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and the constituent documents of the non-profit organization.

2. The size and structure of income of a non-profit organization, as well as information about the size and composition of the property of a non-profit organization, its expenses, the number and composition of employees, their remuneration, the use of free labor of citizens in the activities of a non-profit organization cannot be the subject of a trade secret.

Chapter VII. Final provisions

Article 33. Liability of a non-profit organization

1. In case of violation of this Federal Law, a non-profit organization shall be liable in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

2. If a non-profit organization has committed actions that are contrary to its goals and this Federal Law, the non-profit organization may be issued a warning in writing by the body carrying out state registration of legal entities, or the prosecutor may submit a proposal to eliminate the violations.

3. If a non-profit organization is issued more than two warnings in writing or proposals to eliminate violations, the non-profit organization may be liquidated by a court decision in the manner prescribed by Article 19 of this Federal Law and the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

Article 34. Entry into force of this Federal Law

1. This Federal Law comes into force on the date of its official publication.

2. To propose to the President of the Russian Federation and instruct the Government of the Russian Federation to bring its legal acts into compliance with this Federal Law.

The president
Russian Federation
B. Yeltsin

The state law had to be adopted in December 1995. At that time, the issue of regulating NPOs was relevant. The regulations included the activities of such companies, their creation, the legal procedure for carrying out each legal operation and other aspects. The Duma, as the decisive body of power in the Russian Federation, pursues the goal of maintaining this act in its relevance, therefore more than one chapter was amended in January and at the end of January, as well as in May for this year.

The current version of the regulations on NPOs contains the following sections:

  • General concepts.
  • Non-profit organization form.
  • Formation and liquidation of NPOs.
  • The basis of the company's activities.
  • Enterprise management.
  • Support and control.

Federal law on capital repairs

Recently, the housing act received new obligations for major repairs. Following Art. 7 of this provision, support for NPOs is provided through voluntary funding. This article regulates how a fund for repairs and property is created, and how a citizen can make a voluntary contribution. Consequently, each participant in this process is not obliged to pay into the housing or property fund. The Federation reserves the right to deposit funds into the company's account, but this cannot be an obligation.

A different situation is described by the housing code, according to which a contribution should be made for an apartment building. However, the legal status of this provision is not always relevant for NPOs. In accordance with current legislation, the founder cannot forcibly raise funds among employees.

Regulations for 2016

This law received some changes in May 2016. At that time, it was necessary to correct paragraph 4 of article number 24. Here the Russian authorities deleted several lines. The law, as amended, establishes the types of work of other NPOs.

Article 7 of the Federal Law on non-profit organizations for major repairs

Many people today are interested in Article 7 of the Federal Law on non-profit organizations for major repairs. The folder with these provisions contains the regulations on the organization of funds. Law ed. for the last number there were no amendments for this article. The decree states that the foundation can be a selected NPO, if no other membership has been registered and voluntary contributions are organized. The owner directs the use of these funds to charitable, social, educational and other purposes for the public.

How to find?

To view the current position with the latest changes, you need to find a file with the full text of the Federal Law. In article number 7, anyone can read useful information. Many people like to watch topical videos through a tablet, look for reviews or simplified explanations in a game or presentations. However, it is enough to simply study the law directly from its source and not look for other information support.

Major deal: what to do?

Article 9.2 on budgetary institutions will tell you how a major transaction is carried out. The correct organizational and legal procedure is described in paragraph 13. It says here that such a company can give away large amounts of money only if it has the support of the founder in this decision. If the chosen executor of such an operation independently carries out a major transaction without the consent of the founder, it may be declared invalid. The guilty party, as the operator of this transaction, will compensate for losses in connection with the violation.

Law 7 Federal Law on non-profit organizations

Since the regulations on the management of funds are of interest to many, among many Federal Laws this provision does not escape public attention. Therefore, the topic “Federal Law 7 on non-profit organizations, current edition” is becoming popular for discussion.

What does the current edition say?

The procedure for operating funds from the latest edition does not differ in changes from previous versions. Perhaps each regional body could make its own additions that take into account the specifics of the region. The latest version of the law also contains rules for making contributions.

Procedure and fees

Having learned that the funds operate on the basis of contributions, it becomes interesting in what order they are paid. Today, any transfers to the NPO fund are made on a voluntary basis. Since large transactions can be carried out by this organization only under the control of the founder, voluntary contributions are carefully controlled by law.
