Riddles about migratory birds. Interesting riddles about birds

They are so different. Small and huge, menacing and nimble. So different from each other, and at the same time incredibly similar. Birds: sparrows and eagles, woodpeckers and owls, penguins and ostriches. They run, swim, fly, dive. Riddles about birds will certainly appeal to children as well as adults. They recall the main characteristics of each individual species.

Quatrains about poultry

Children first become acquainted with them. Therefore, for children it is better to start by solving those in which the main characters are a chicken with a hen and a rooster.

1. He lived in a white house.

Lived without stairs or railings.

But the time has come and the house has broken down,

A yellow lump emerged from it.

2. This mother has many children,

The chicks are one year old.

She clucks loudly

He wants to cover them with a wing.

3. Although neither king nor king,

But he is wearing a crown and a colored suit.

He has been entrusted with an important role -

Wake up the yard and house at dawn.

You can continue your search for answers to riddles about birds with those in which the answers are a duck and a goose or a turkey.

1. She walks on water like she walks on a road,

Swims and dives without knowing any alarm.

And after her, her children from birth

They float in a chain, surprising everyone.

2. This white bird has a rather menacing appearance.

He will replace the watchman and send him away without offense.

Everyone he likes calmly walks into the distance,

And those to whom he hisses quickly run away.

3. The gentleman walks and wanders,

His tail is exactly like a peacock.

But he's just not so handsome

Although he is very talkative.

Quatrains about wild birds

It’s worth remembering them after the ones at home. Because riddles about birds that live in the yard or forest, as well as on a lake or swamp, significantly expand a child’s horizons. You can start with the most familiar ones, for example, the sparrow, cuckoo and owl.

1. In a gray fur coat, small

He gallops along the pavement.

Not afraid of a formidable cat.

Briskly collects crumbs.

2. This gray forest bird

He doesn't want to build a house at all.

Therefore, having laid an egg,

It will throw it up and flap its wing.

3. During the day he sits in his hollow,

And at night only a friend will be lucky.

Sensitively guards its prey,

Rotating your head in a circle.

The following may be riddles about birds with answers: seagull, tit, magpie, woodpecker, heron.

1. Over the sea, river or lake

A flock of white birds is circling.

The fishermen among them are very dexterous -

Easy to catch fish...

2. This bird wears a colorful outfit:

A yellow vest is visible on the chest,

And on the back there are black feathers in a row.

In a blue scarf he flies towards us in winter.

3. Her costume as a conductor:

Black tailcoat on a white shirt.

But her only role is that of a reporter:

Spread the news to everyone in the forest.

4. This bird heals trees

He hammers them with his beak and takes out the worms.

There are black feathers on the back

And she is quite beautiful:

The head and abdomen have red spots.

2. In the spring he arrives earlier than everyone else,

It hobbles across the black arable land.

His feather is blacker than the earth,

He will deftly dig up worms.

3. She will build her house from clay and grass.

Then he will sit down on the wires to rest.

Her back is black to the tail from the head

It looked like someone painted it and split the tail in two.

Poems about exotic birds

He is so beautiful, bright and unusual. But by the characteristics characteristic only of them it is easy to recognize: flamingos, parrots, penguins and peacocks.

1. Along a shallow bay

A flock of birds walks proudly.

And they hold their heads beautifully,

And the color is pink.

2. If they are small, they sing very beautifully.

And those who were born big easily recognize the words.

They learned to speak by living on people's poles.

And there is no one smarter, brighter, kinder.

3. Walks between menacing ice floes

Brave proud gentleman.

He is always dressed in a black tailcoat,

He is not afraid of the cold.

4. Walks with importance and opens his tail,

Which is like a fan, its pattern is not simple.

And it seems beautiful he should sing,

Yes, only he knows how to wheeze so disgustingly.

And finally, a few riddles about an egg, a birdhouse and a nest.

1. The house is small and round, there are no corners at all.

And it will never have many residents.

2. A new house was built on a tree branch,

And the carpenter made only one window in the house.

But the cats won’t fit in and there’s no wind with the rain,

From spring until frost, residents feel safe in it.

3. This house was made of branches,

It has no door, no roof.

But the birds hatch their babies.

This is how white light works.

The mentality of the people, their uniqueness, is expressed in language. To the extent that a person is familiar with his own linguistic culture, he can be called a representative of this culture.

Folklore in education

Acquaintance with folklore begins in early childhood. The mother, rocking the baby, sings him a folk song. Grandmother expresses her thoughts with sayings and jokes. The grandfather sings ditties to the accordion, and the father sings bard songs, accompanying himself on the guitar.

In childhood, the concepts of “good” and “bad” are laid down. What is possible, what is not, what is taboo.

The little man absorbs the sounds around him. Learns to react to the outside world. Exactly how the rooster crows, what the cat says. In different nations, these animals make different sounds.

Children ask a lot of questions. This is how they fill their “intellectual piggy bank”, with which they will then follow the path of life. They love to guess their mother’s riddles about birds and animals and write their own.

Character traits of birds in folklore

In fairy tales, each animal is assigned certain character traits. This is no accident. The man watched them before giving one name or another.

If you turn only to the world of birds, you can see a rich palette of bright characters:

  • Eagle is proud.
  • Kite is cruel.
  • Falcon is valiant.
  • Swan is faithful.
  • The chicken is a caring mother.
  • The cuckoo is a bad mother.
  • The goose is stupid.
  • Raven is wise.
  • The owl is wise.
  • Stork - loves children.
  • Woodpecker - heals trees.
  • The vulture is unscrupulous, vile.
  • Magpie is curious, a thief and a chatterbox.
  • The parrot has no opinion.
  • Nightingale is a singer.
  • The turkey is pompous and important.
  • Ostrich - hiding from problems.
  • Peacock is a smug beauty.

The list goes on. But how to explain these concepts to a child? A riddle about a bird for children comes to the rescue. They understand the characteristic behavior of one of the representatives of the bird breed. The riddle ascribes to the bird traits inherent in humans.

Poultry yard

Riddles about poultry were written by people who observed them closely in their lives. Sometimes several species and breeds of them gather in the poultry yard.

The rooster announces the arrival of a new day. Fishermen go for morning fishing. The hens come out, hatching their chicks. Behind them are geese, in an even formation. The turkey does not allow him to pass, they bypass him.


He's used to getting up as soon as it's light.

His scream will wake everyone up.

Very important for the fisherman

Hear: “Crow.”

Hen with chicks

At first she sat in a basket,

Warming children with warmth.

Then she led me along the path,

Looking for a fatter worm.


He walks with an important step,

Doesn't notice anyone.

Its beak is in the coral.

We need to get around it.


He and his wife in the morning

He will go out to nibble the grass.

And the guys go single file

They are called... (goslings).

These birds are easy to show to a child during a walk in the summer. You can feed them by calling: “Chick-chick-chick”, “Tega-tega”. In winter, reading fairy tales and riddles about poultry will make these summer walks especially dear.

In zoo

Migratory birds

A squad is gathering

He is fearless and winged.

He flies away for the winter,

And in the spring it flies back.

Wild duck

That's not her name for nothing.

She says: “Quack, quack.”

And when the ponds freeze,

Flies over the seas.

The outline of a swan resembles the number “2”.


It floats sedately across the pond,

And behind it comes a wave.

This bird is sure to

The number “two” will remind you.

You can see a heron in the zoo. She has an interesting feature of standing on one leg.


In the swamp among girlfriends

Stands on one leg.

Eats frogs for lunch

And your stomach won't hurt.


There are many sounds in the forest. You can hear the cuckoo, woodpecker, owl.


Who in the forest shouts "Ku-ku"

Answering a mushroom picker?


Who's knocking on the tree?

He will knock and be silent.

The owl is a nocturnal animal and cannot be seen on a walk. But the riddle about the bird will be educational for children.


Her eyes are big

During the day she sits in the hollow.

Flying through the forest at night

And he says “uh-huh” to everyone.

Swallows and swifts fly over the field. They make nests under the roofs of houses and sit beautifully on wires. Swallows have a narrow and strongly forked tail, while swifts have a herring-like tail. The swifts are larger, and the swallows sing beautifully.


Along the road, on poles,

On elastic wires

Like notes, birds have landed

Music in heaven.


Beautiful ponytail with a fork,

Diving flight.

A nest for the kids

It will sleep under the roof.

In the city

City birds have developed their own tactics to feed themselves. They have characteristic behavior, which became the reason to write riddles about birds.


Lost comb

And say goodbye to your head.

And then your hairstyle,

Like that bird's nest.


He walks along the pavement

Helps with his head.


We will feed the pigeons.

Come quickly!

Stole a piece from them

Brave guy... (sparrow).

When it's winter outside, there's no time for walks. But you can hang a feeder and watch the guests flock to the treat. Pigeons will not be able to stand steadily on a small feeder, but tits and bullfinches will fly in.

For tits, you can simply hang a piece of bacon on a string. They will peck at it while hanging upside down. How can you not tell your child riddles about birds!


Flew to the mountain ash

Ate red berries

His tummy is red

I saw it today.


Knocking on the window with his beak

White-cheeked girl

Arrives to feed

In a yellow scarf... (tit).

Bird in a cage

Children always want to have a pet. Not every parent would dare to buy a dog, but you might agree to a bird. Buy a cage, a bird and make a surprise by making riddles about birds in rhyme.

A bird boy flew to us.

This is blue... (parrot).

The birds have flown to us,

To wake us up in the morning.

Songs of a small family

Performed... (canaries).


Two lumps, blue and yellow,

They sit in a cage by the window.

They sing songs to each other,

They are silent in a friendly way.

Riddles as teaching material

When working with children, riddles about birds for preschoolers are an excellent didactic material that develops analysis and abstraction:

  1. Children have a good idea of ​​the characters.
  2. Do not get distracted by emotional attachment (as is the case with dogs and cats).
  3. They reason and draw conclusions without being afraid of the character (as in the case of a bear, wolf, snake).

Game tasks about birds:

  • Swan geese.
  • Finger games.
  • Dance of little ducks.

Costume scenes:

  • Fox and crane.
  • Two cheerful geese.
  • Thumbelina.
  • Ugly duck.

The artists tell a fairy tale, adding riddles about migratory birds to the plot. It is very interesting.

After the performance, the presenter asks the children riddles about birds, and they answer in unison. Then game tasks. This event will be remembered for a long time.

The benefits of working with your baby are obvious. Helping him enter the world and find his place in it is the responsibility of his parents. The main learning takes place in a simple, understandable language for the child, in a playful way. A connection with native nature and folklore will leave a mark on the child’s heart and make him kind.

How can we forget:
They could fly away
And they stayed for the winter
Together with people.
Their food is not rich,
One handful is needed
A handful of grain is not scary
It will be winter for them.

It is difficult for our feathered winter friends - birds, to spend the winter when there is severe frost and a lot of snow outside. Children can help them survive the long winter by making bird feeders and feeding the birds during the winter.

What a table among the birches
Open air?
He treats in the cold
Birds with grain and bread. (Feeder)

On a winter day
Among the branches
The table is set
For guests. (Feeder)

Lard and grains, a crust of bread -
Treats birds in winter... (Feeder)

The hut is new,
Dining room for everyone
Calls for dinner
Taste the crumbs. (Answer feeder)


Not a woodcutter, not a carpenter,
And the first worker in the forest.

(Reply Woodpecker)

Although I'm not a hammer -
I'm knocking on wood:
Every corner is in it
I want to explore.
I wear a red hat
And the acrobat is wonderful.

It knocks all the time
The trees are being hollowed out.
But it doesn't hurt them
But it only heals.


And in winter it will find shelter:
He's not afraid of colds
- With first snow
Right here! (Bullfinch)

Red-breasted, black-winged,
Loves to peck grains
With the first snow on the mountain ash
He will appear again (Bullfinch)

Apples on the branches in winter!
Collect them quickly!
And suddenly the apples flew up,
After all, this is... (Bullfinches)

On decorated branches
Snow fringe,
Apples are rosy
They grew up in winter.
Apples on an apple tree
They scurry about merrily
Ice cream caterpillars
Apples are pecked. (Bullfinches)

Birds on frozen branches -
Tiny little ones.
Very bright, with blush,
The jacket has a glossy finish on the back.
I'll feed them lunch:
I'll treat you to rowan berries and bread.
Let them burn like lanterns
Miracle birds... (Bullfinches)
T. Lavrova


The back is greenish,
The belly is yellowish,
Little black cap
And a strip of scarf.
(Answer Tit) (Descriptive riddle about birds - describes the appearance of tits, try with your children to find more such riddles about other birds)

They don’t fly to a warm land,
They sing in the cold,
These little birds
They are called... (titmouse)


Little boy
In a gray army jacket
Snooping around the yards
Picks up crumbs
Roams at night
- He steals hemp.

In a gray feather coat
And in the cold he is a hero,
Jumps, frolics on the fly,
Not an eagle, but still a bird.
(Answer Sparrow)


This predator is talkative
Thieving, fussy,
White-sided chirping,
And her name is...(Magpie)

The fidget is motley,
Long-tailed bird,
Talkative bird
The most chatty one.
White-sided prophetess,
And her name is (Magpie)

Spinning, chirping,
He's busy all day.

White-sided beauty
It rattles like a rattle.
All the sparkles from afar
Drags him to the nest... (Magpie)


Here's a bird, like a bird,
Not a blackbird, not a titmouse,
Not a swan, not a duck
And not a nightjar.
But this bird
Even though it's small,
Hatches chicks
Only in severe winter.

(Answer Klest)

This bird has a crooked beak
And she builds nests in winter,
Pecks seeds from cones,
Who will call this bird? (Crossbill)

Spruce and pine trees in white coats...
Snow. Icicle lollipops.
Who has this in the cold?
Did the chicks give a voice? (Spruce crossbill)

He is not afraid of blizzards,
It builds nests on spruce trees in winter,
His cry is abrupt, simple,
Crooked-nosed red...(crossbill)


These birds with a crest
And beautiful ones at that,
They flew to the rowan tree.
These birds are (Waxwings)

Kar-kar-kar! Kar-kar-kar! –
That's the whole repertoire.
Announces the maple crown
With his singing...(Crow)

The motley fidget, the long-tailed bird,
The bird is talkative, the most talkative.
The soothsayer is white-sided, and her name is... (Magpie)

I'm the only bird, I must admit,
In the heat, frost and snowstorm
Move along the trunk
I can do it with my head down. (Nuthatch)

Riddles about birds

He is in a bright uniform,

Spurs for beauty.

During the day he is a bully

In the morning - hours.


Rises at dawn

Singing in the yard

There is a comb on the head.

Who is this? (cockerel)


It will strain, it will strain,

He starts chatting

It's wonderful to babble.


Our good friend

He will give us feathers for our pillow,

Will give eggs for pancakes,

Easter cakes and pies.


Come on, march back, chickens!

You can't climb into the beds!

Looking for you, worried

Your mother … (chicken)

yellow dandelion

Walking through the yard

yellow dandelion

He pecks at the grains.


I filled the bag with fish.

Finished fishing and took the catch.

He rose up and was like that.


Along the river, along the water

A line of boats is sailing.

There's a ship ahead,

He leads everyone behind him.

(duck with ducklings)

Hey ducklings, where are you going?

There's a doghouse here!

Waiting for you near the pond

Your mother … (duck)

Amazing child:

Just came out of diapers,

Can swim and dive

Like his own mother.


Fluffy sailor

spout with a spatula,

On short legs

Red boots.


I'm very proud

That I'm not a duck, but … (goose)

The gosling stretched out its neck,

He looks around sleepily.

I can barely sleepy my son

Found it under the porch... (goose)

They get into formation without a command,

They go to the pond.

Who walks in a long chain,

Who loves discipline so much?


He spread his tail -

These are the times!

Among the feathers at once

So many eyes.


The firebird straightened its tail,

It burns and turns golden.

From overseas valleys to us

This tail brought... (peacock )

Through the summer twilight of the park

Along the edge of artificial waters

Beautiful wild bird,

Like a white wonder, it floats.


Waddled off the ice floes

Come to our party... (penguin)

Guess what kind of bird:

He is afraid of bright light.

Eared head. This… (owl)

Blind by day, sighted by night,

It's the cat who catches the mice, not the cat.


During the day he sits in a hollow tree and is bored.

At night he flies around the forest.

In the darkness from the thicket suddenly,

It sounds menacingly: “Ugh!”

What's his name, have you forgotten?

The name of this bird ... (eagle owl)

Stands on one leg

He looks intently into the water.

Pokes his beak at random -

Looking for frogs in the river.


I have stilts -

The swamp is not scary:

Will I find frogs?

That's my concern.


Leaves are falling from aspen trees,

A sharp wedge rushes through the sky.


The brothers stood on stilts,

They look for food along the way.

Are you running or are you walking?

They can't get off their stilts.


Wintering birds.

Guess what kind of bird

Jumps along the path

As if he’s not afraid of cats -

Collects crumbs

And then jump onto a branch

And he chirps: “Chick-chirp!”


Like a fox among animals,

This bird is the smartest of all.

Hiding in the green crowns,

And her name is … (crow)

Who sat down on a thick branch


Guess which bird

Lively, perky,

Agile, nimble,

What a beautiful spring day!”


Who flies, who chirps -


The fidget is motley,

Long-tailed bird,

Talkative bird

The most chatty one.


What kind of bird

Not afraid of frost

Even though there is snow everywhere,

Does she have chicks in the nest?


Breast brighter than the dawn

Who? (at the bullfinch)

Northern guests

Rowan berries are pecking

So elegant and bright

There are tufts on the heads!


Migratory birds.

Little forest singer

Sings best in spring!


Who is walking along the path

With quick steps,

Shaking his long tail?

Guess for yourself!


We live in a birdhouse,

We sing sonorous songs.


There is a palace on the pole,

There is a singer in the palace.


This bird will never

Doesn't build nests for chicks.


Who's on the tree, who's on the tree?

The score is kept “peek-a-boo, peek-a-boo?”


There is an awl in front,

Behind is a fork,

On top there is a black cloth,

Below is a white towel.


Riddles about birds

He is in a bright uniform,

Spurs for beauty.

During the day he is a bully

In the morning - hours.


Rises at dawn

Singing in the yard

There is a comb on the head.

Who is this? (cockerel)

He sat on the fence, sang and shouted.

When everyone had gathered, he fell silent.


It will strain, it will strain,

He starts chatting

It's wonderful to babble.


Our good friend

He will give us feathers for our pillow,

Will give eggs for pancakes,

Easter cakes and pies.


Come on, march back, chickens!

You can't climb into the beds!

Looking for you, worried

Your mother … (chicken)

yellow dandelion

Walking through the yard

yellow dandelion

He pecks at the grains.


The fisherman stood in the water all day.

I filled the bag with fish.

Finished fishing and took the catch.

He rose up and was like that.


Along the river, along the water

A line of boats is sailing.

There's a ship ahead,

He leads everyone behind him.

(duck with ducklings)

Hey ducklings, where are you going?

There's a doghouse here!

Waiting for you near the pond

Your mother … (duck)

Amazing child:

Just came out of diapers,

Can swim and dive

Like his own mother.


Fluffy sailor

spout with a spatula,

On short legs

Red boots.


I'm very proud

That I'm not a duck, but … (goose)

The gosling stretched out its neck,

He looks around sleepily.

I can barely sleepy my son

Found it under the porch... (goose)

They get into formation without a command,

They go to the pond.

Who walks in a long chain,

Who loves discipline so much?


He spread his tail -

These are the times!

Among the feathers at once

So many eyes.


The firebird straightened its tail,

It burns and turns golden.

From overseas valleys to us

This tail brought... (peacock )

Through the summer twilight of the park

Along the edge of artificial waters

Beautiful wild bird,

Like a white wonder, it floats.


Waddled off the ice floes

Come to our party... (penguin)

Guess what kind of bird:

He is afraid of bright light.

Beak with a hook, eyes with a snout,

Eared head. This… (owl)

Blind by day, sighted by night,

It's the cat who catches the mice, not the cat.


During the day he sits in a hollow tree and is bored.

At night he flies around the forest.

In the darkness from the thicket suddenly,

It sounds menacingly: “Ugh!”

What's his name, have you forgotten?

The name of this bird ... (eagle owl)

Stands on one leg

He looks intently into the water.

Pokes his beak at random -

Looking for frogs in the river.


I have stilts -

The swamp is not scary:

Will I find frogs?

That's my concern.


Leaves are falling from aspen trees,

A sharp wedge rushes through the sky.


The brothers stood on stilts,

They look for food along the way.

Are you running or are you walking?

They can't get off their stilts.


Wintering birds.

Guess what kind of bird

Jumps along the path

As if he’s not afraid of cats -

Collects crumbs

And then jump onto a branch

And he chirps: “Chick-chirp!”


Like a fox among animals,

This bird is the smartest of all.

Hiding in the green crowns,

And her name is … (crow)

Who sat down on a thick branch

And knocks: “Knock-knock, knock-knock!”?


Guess which bird

Lively, perky,

Agile, nimble,

The shadow rings loudly: “Shadow, shadow!

What a beautiful spring day!”


Who flies, who chirps -

Does he want to tell us the news?


The fidget is motley,

Long-tailed bird,

Talkative bird

The most chatty one.


What kind of bird

Not afraid of frost

Even though there is snow everywhere,

Does she have chicks in the nest?


Breast brighter than the dawn

Who? (at the bullfinch)

Northern guests

Rowan berries are pecking

So elegant and bright

There are tufts on the heads!


Migratory birds.

Little forest singer

Sings best in spring!


Who is walking along the path

With quick steps,

Shaking his long tail?

Guess for yourself!


We live in a birdhouse,

We sing sonorous songs.


There is a palace on the pole,

There is a singer in the palace.


This bird will never

Doesn't build nests for chicks.


Who's on the tree, who's on the tree?

The score is kept “peek-a-boo, peek-a-boo?”


There is an awl in front,

Behind is a fork,

On top there is a black cloth,

Below is a white towel.



Happy child 28.03.2018

Dear readers, spring has come, very soon the snow will melt and nature will begin to come to life, and birds will fly in from distant warm countries. But how many birds, besides the usual pigeons and sparrows, do our children know?

Riddles about birds will help you get to know other types of birds. Riddles give a brief characteristic description of the bird, by which it is easy to recognize it, but at the same time, in a playful form, children remember the information easier and better. From riddles, children will learn about various domestic and wild birds, their habitats and other features.

Simple riddles about poultry

Simple short riddles about poultry for children with answers are suitable for children 3-4 years old. In them you need to finish the answer in rhyme, and the children will easily guess them, and the correct answer will bring pleasure and amuse the children. Be sure to praise your child, even if the riddle is solved with your help.

Spreads its tail like a peacock,
He walks like an important gentleman,
Feet knock on the ground,
What's his name? ...

He repeats one thing - ha-ha,
Who offended? Where? When?
I'm not afraid of anyone
Well of course it is...

Yellow lumps,
Light as cotton wool!
They run after the quotation.
Who is this? ...

- I'm here! I'm on my guard!
I'll finish all of you!
The children fell asleep. The light went out.
Shut up, loudmouth...

I'm all golden
Soft and fluffy.
I am the chicken's child,
And my name is….

She walks in the rain
Loves to pluck grass
“Quack” screams, it’s all a joke,
Well, of course, this is….

Goes fishing
Slowly, waddle:
The boat itself and
The fishing rod itself
Who is this? … .

My mother and I went out to the river
Little guys.
And sailed lightly

Not in the forest sings on a branch,
And the words are shouted from the cage.
Get to know him soon.
This bird is….

He lives in a spacious cage,
Children love to talk to him.
Don't scold him in vain -
Repeat... .

Riddles about wintering birds

This section contains riddles about wintering birds for children 5, 6, 7 years old. Children of this age know more about birds: the color of their plumage, their habits, what sounds they make and what they eat. Therefore, riddles are more difficult for them.

Although I'm not a hammer,
I'm knocking on wood:
Every corner is in it
I want to explore.
I wear a red hat
And the acrobat is wonderful.

On decorated branches
Snow fringe,
Apples are rosy
They grew up in winter.
Apples on an apple tree
They scurry about merrily
Ice cream caterpillars
Apples are pecked.

Little boy
In a gray army jacket
Snooping around the yards
Picks up crumbs
Roams at night -
He steals hemp.

In a gray feather coat
And in the cold he is a hero,
Doesn't fly away for the winter
Lives under the eaves.

Here's a bird, like a bird,
Not a blackbird, not a titmouse,
Not a swan, not a duck
And not a nightjar.
But this bird
Even though it's small,
Hatches chicks
Only in severe winter.

This bird has a crooked beak
And she builds nests in winter,
Pecks seeds from cones,
Who will name this bird?

I'm the only bird, I must admit,
In the heat, frost and snowstorm
Move along the trunk
I can do it with my head down.

This bird is not easy at all:
Her head and tail are not enough,
Her beak is not enough and her claws are not enough,
There are few colorful feathers on her,
Yellow scary eyes aren't enough for her
(You have seen a bird in the forest more than once!)
Wisdom and intelligence are the virtues of a bird.
This quality will be useful to you too.
A symbol of wisdom is not just words.
Who is she? Did you guess it? … .

Very beautiful forest cockerel:
Red eyebrows like a comb.
Ponytail with pigtails, black feathers.
Loves spring dancing and fun.
Sings songs. They say it's leaking.
Do you know this bird?

And this taiga bird
Sits on a cedar pine tree.
He sits, the cheat, and is silent.
She peels cedar cones.

A very strange postman:
He is not a magician or a magician.
Deliver letters and newspapers,
Carries a parcel to the ends of the world,
He knows how to keep all secrets.
He is winged, and brave, and vigilant.
Who is this postman?

Look at our spruce
They flew in and sang,
They arrived with crests
And they sang like pipes.

She's long-tailed
Black from the back.
White belly and shoulders.
Rattling instead of speech.
At least he sees someone - instantly
Raises a chirping cry.

The gray bird lives.
Never builds a nest.
He grows up in other people's families.
Predicts years of life.
“Ku, ku, ku,” shouts on a branch, “
Where are you, where are you, my children!
Don't believe her, the bird is a liar!
And her name is...

Smart bird
Circling over the field
With your beak
She can be proud:
Black as coal,
And strong as steel
The beak is very necessary
It's a detail in life.

Riddles about migratory birds

April 1 is International Bird Day, and this is a good reason to learn more about birds. And when migratory birds soon return to our region for the summer, you and your children can make houses for them and get ready to welcome them. In this section you will find riddles about migratory birds with answers.

Everyone knows this bird
On the fly she grabs
Flies, grasshoppers, crickets,
Butterflies, dragonflies, bugs.

This bird (when scared)
It makes this sound,
It's like a cat is somewhere nearby
She suddenly started making a fuss.

The brothers stood on stilts,
They look for food along the way.
Are you running or are you walking?
They can't get off their stilts.

There's a happy house on the pole
With a small round window.
So that the children fall asleep
The house is shaking in the wind.
Father sings on the porch -
He is both a pilot and a singer.

If he wants, he will fly straight,
He wants - he hangs in the air,
Falls like a stone from the heights
And in the fields he sings, sings.

He lives on the roof of the house -
Long-legged, long-nosed,
Long-necked, voiceless.
He flies to hunt
For frogs to the swamp.

In the summer he follows the plowman,
And in the winter he leaves screaming.

Sleeping or bathing
Everything doesn't come off:
Day and night on legs
Red boots.

The air is cut without effort,
Like sickles, crooked wings.
It flashes by - you won’t see it,
This is how only… flies.

Eating, hanging on thin branches,
Children are often kept in cages
Look, if you can see it:

He is very deft on the turnip
Tenacious heads shake,
Spills seeds on the floor
A lively bird...

The abdomen is speckled, as if
He sings sometimes in the morning.
The bird is short in stature,
They call her….

Her name has "raspberry" in it.
White belly, orange head,
And the voice is thin, thin.
It's called...

Flying away from September
To distant seas.
The bird is white, like a toast,
They call her….

I'm as orange as a sunset
The beak is short - strong grip.
Floats across the sky like a boat,
They call him….

It rushes across the sky like an arrow,
Fast, brisk, like a swarm.
It's never tight for her
Her name - … .

Tuft on the head
Sees everything, always, everywhere.
This bird is like an iris
But everyone calls her...

This bird's beak is
Like long knitting needles.
She's walking through the swamp
The frogs are waiting.

The bird returns from the south,
He walks halfway.
What is this bird called?
Who will guess the most?

Watch an interesting video with riddles about wild birds. With a time delay, children will see clues and answers in the form of pictures of birds, sounds and text.

There are not simple riddles, but ones based on logic or with a trick. Some cause such fun and laughter that you want to spend time again and again solving fascinating riddles. Although interesting riddles can be serious and quite complex, they will be an excellent training for attentiveness and intelligence. This section contains interesting riddles about birds for children with answers.

How many times does a chicken crow when it lays an egg?
(Not once - only the rooster crows)

Can a rooster call itself a bird?
(No, because roosters don't talk)
