How to create a social project. Example of a social project

The “Our New School” project has put forward important requirements for modern education: to teach people to live in an ever-changing world. The word live contains a lot: the ability to learn throughout life, to be responsible for the fate of the Motherland, the ability to self-realize one’s abilities, to be happy. From a generally accepted point of view, the educational environment of the educational institution will help the student solve all the identified problems.

Distinctive features of the educational environment of the school in comparison with the social environment as a whole are the presence of rich favorable conditions for personal manifestations in the process of subjective formation, the variety of subject roles mastered, and the personal significance of the environment for its subjects. Also important are orientation to success and leadership orientation as forms of manifestation of self-realization of environmental subjects, rich interaction of environmental subjects, comprehensive implementation of personal needs in functioning environmental spaces, pedagogical support as a factor in the successful mastery of roles and personal development in the educational environment of the school.

The educational environment of an educational institution, in particular a school, as part of the social environment, organized by professional teachers, can be considered as a microenvironment that is closest, after the family environment, to a growing person entering the larger social world. This environment must be modeled in such a way as to provide pedagogical conditions conducive to the personal development of the student. “The whole art of education consists in placing young people in conditions capable of developing in them the rudiments of intelligence and virtue” - C. Helvetius.

In our opinion, the set tasks can be solved by including children in socially significant, useful activities, in social design, which is one of the modern intensive methods of socialization of schoolchildren.The practice of implementing social projects shows that as a result, schoolchildren develop social competence (readiness for productive social interaction).The process of socialization can be represented as a sequence of resolving vital and social problems that arise before an individual and the appropriation of experience in achieving certain goals.

Social design is one of the most important elements in the development of civic knowledge and skills, expression of one’s own active position in public life. Working on a project allows students to feel the significance of their activities, increases their social status at school and in the neighborhood, and opens up new opportunities.Socially significant activities are associated with the development of a person’s civic consciousness, patriotic feelings and understanding of one’s social duty. It is the willingness to benefit people, the choice and direction of initiative that determines the value self-awareness of a teenager as a citizen and public figure.

The practice of social design as an effective form of socialization of students in our school has already been established, so we can evaluate the existing results.
The main goal of school children's associations is the formation of positive social experience and readiness for active social action. Here are examples of some long-term projects implemented by schoolchildren.

Currently, the development of mercy seems to us to be a very important direction in raising children. This problem is urgent. The development of kindness and empathy in children serves to resist the cruel world and affects their self-education. The general goals of the projects “From Heart to Heart”, “Remember to Live” are to develop the ability to evaluate various facts of the surrounding life, choose ways to solve current problems, promote universal human values ​​(continuity, memory, mercy), students’ awareness of their civic responsibilities, and the development of personal qualities We are talking about showing the concern of schoolchildren for veteran teachers, as well as war and labor veterans.

Students earn funds to help the elderly at the annual charity fair (12-15 thousand). Veterans, receiving kind congratulations and gifts, feel that they are remembered and loved at school. The guys understand how important it is for veterans to realize that their feat is not forgotten, and that they themselves, with their experience, knowledge, and wisdom, are needed and in demand. The project participants felt how important it was not to lose touch with the older generation, they established their right to solve pressing problems of modern society, which increased their sense of civic engagement as one of the main social values.

The project “Guys and Animals” involved helping the Chita Zoo. The guys adopted 2 steppe corsac foxes. By participating in the project, children learn to treat their assigned work conscientiously and find joy in selflessly helping others. By being on duty at the zoo on weekends, they saved 3.5 thousand rubles for their charges. And the point, of course, is not the amount earned, but the fact that the guys gain life and business experience, which ensures their personal growth and self-determination.

The “Let’s speak Russian correctly” project, implemented in 2011, has gained particular significance. The goals of the project are seen as attracting the attention of city residents and guests of the Trans-Baikal Territory to the need to improve the culture of speech communication. ANDFrom leaflets placed in trolleybuses, minibuses, and intercity buses, they will learn about the correct pronunciation and grammatical structure of our speech.The schoolchildren received support from the media: Chita television and radio. This project earned high praise from the public and was awarded a Grant of 20 thousand rubles at the competition of social projects within the framework of the Civil Forum “Transbaikalia - Transbaikalia”.By getting involved in practical activities to resolve one of the social problems, high school students became convinced that they could really influence the change in the social situation.

The technology of social design is so effective that it can serve as the basis for the concept of education within the classroom. As an example, let’s name the educational system of the 7th grade “I am a Transbaikalian”. It began with the “Memorial” project, which involved providing assistance to veterans of the Great Patriotic War and labor. Then the guys expressed a desire to help the city improve the Memorial of Military Glory. They have repeatedly cleared the area of ​​debris, together with parents and veterans they took part in planting the Walk of Fame, and in the spring they plan to plant flower beds near the Memorial. The volunteer detachment is working on the album: “Home front workers awarded a medal for valiant work during the Second World War.” Materials are being collected about the combat and labor past of war and labor veterans. The guys are very proud that they constantly cooperate with such a serious organization as the city Veterans Council.

Everyone knows the expression: a state is judged by how its elders live.

Despite the fact that in the Trans-Baikal Territory a lot is being done to support war and labor veterans and to perpetuate the memory of those killed, problems remain.Veterans need human warmth, attention and support. We want to create a veterans club at school No. 38, where older people can get together to have an interesting time and help schoolchildren find themselves. Our project will help older people find understanding, congenial people who will fill the lives of veterans with new meaning and allow them to feel needed by society and each other.

The particular significance of the project is that its result is two-sided: both the older generation and young people become socially significant units in society: veterans gain confidence in the future of their grandchildren, and young people gain true ideals.

The club’s program involves organizing meetings between veterans with psychologists and lawyers, holding concerts by students and teachers, and impromptu evenings “around the fire” with the performance of songs and poems. We want to invite veterans to establish feasible control over schoolchildren who require special attention, and we plan to involve veterans in evaluating the work of the school.

One of the main criteria of the educational environment, in our opinion, is the formation in schoolchildren of those value principles that traditionally act as stimuli of lasting importance for human life and activity. Implementing together with Secondly, this is an opportunity to really participate in solving the problems of your home, yard, district, city. It is the thought that “I can do this myself and not only for myself” that inspires teenagers the most. This period of the formation of a child’s personality is characterized by a pronounced need to be needed, useful to others, and a desire to test one’s abilities in real life. It is the reality, the vitality of the social project that attracts schoolchildren.

Thirdly, this is collective work on a large and important matter, which develops important social skills that are extremely necessary today for work in production teams, in companies, etc.

Fourthly, design participants gain invaluable experience in making choices and get used to taking responsibility for them. And, of course, this is an effective test of your own abilities and an opportunity to adjust your life plans.

Thus, the purpose of the educational environment of the school is the formation of a person capable of realizing himself as an individual.Social design has great educational potential, since it allows participants to “learn to independently solve emerging problems and overcome existing difficulties, to act in conditions in which they have to rely on their own strengths, to master modern economic, legal, psychological, and pedagogical knowledge and special skills in specific activities."

United in time, space, movement, teachers and students, interacting, consciously create an educational environment in an educational institution, which is the goal, condition and result of their cooperation.

The social project consists of 13 main sections.

Title page. The title page should indicate the name of the project, its authors, the name of the organization, the chief accountant of the project, the territory of implementation, the start and completion date of the project, as well as its budget (in rubles).

Annotation. The abstract should indicate the main idea of ​​the project, the target audience, the required resources and the timing of the project. It will be a big plus if you indicate the strengths of both the project and its similar ones. An abstract is one that is addressed to potential resource providers and business partners.

Description of the organization. In this section, you must show that your public organization is reliable and promising. Write general information about the organization (when, where and by whom it was founded, number), specific goals for the next three years (usually expressed in quantitative terms), the history of the association (dynamics of development, connections, important events and successes). Indicate the focus of activity and experience (areas of activity, main programs, results achieved, ongoing and completed projects), partnerships and prospects for the development of the public association.

Justification of the need for the project. How relevant is this problem in society? How is your project original and different from others with a similar theme?

Goals and objectives. A goal is a conscious image of an anticipated result towards which a person’s actions are aimed. Objectives are a detailed specific goal that reveals its scope and lists specific actions.

Project implementation methods. A method is a tool by which the goal of a project is achieved. That is, a description of how the project will be implemented.

Project management. Specifically indicate what “positions” are needed to implement the project other than the manager. How many volunteers are required and what specialists should be involved.

Work plan for the project implementation. Write down what actions you will perform step by step:

1. Organizational and information stage. Creation of a group, organizational conditions, information support.

2. Main stage. The main work on the implementation of the project.

3. Final perspective. Summing up the results of activities, developing prospects for its further development, post-releases and information coverage.

Expected results. Expected results are specific results that are expected to be achieved during the implementation of the project in quantitative and qualitative terms. Results must be realistic, achievable and measurable.

Methods for assessing results. The project evaluation plan should be well developed and the tools described. Evaluation criteria must be adequate to the results. Quantitative and qualitative indicators must be convincing and justified.

Plan for further development of the project. Is the project planned to be one-time or ongoing? Will the target audience or territory change?

Budget. What resources do we need to implement the project and in what quantity (human, material, financial resources). We need to assess what resources we have and what we need. And where can we get the missing resources?

Press release and commercial offer. These documents are based on the annotation and change depending on the need. Press releases are sent to all media, and commercial proposals are sent to potential sponsors.

Social projects in this form can be submitted for participation in grants and foundation competitions.


The concept of social design

Social design is a method that allows you to correctly create and implement effective, socially oriented design ideas.

In this sense, it can be argued that a social project is a solution to a socially significant problem within a clearly limited time frame.

Social project:

This is a universal tool for clear strategic planning of your activities;

This is the embodiment of any of your ideas into reality;

This is an opportunity to calculate your steps towards achieving a goal with an accuracy of days;

This is the ability to correctly use your (always limited) resources and attract them from various sources;

This is a solution to socially significant problems in your region (district);

What does the project consist of?

problem - goal - objectives - implementation mechanism (methods, techniques, technologies) - stages of implementation - budget - expected results

If you learn to use this formula correctly, consider that you are on the path to Success!

Each stage is a logical link in building a social project. The problem must be justified by objective data presented based on the results of the relevant research. The goal should flow logically from the problem. Tasks must reflect step-by-step actions, and their solution must be expressed in the form of specific quantitative and qualitative results. Each method is a way to solve a specific problem. The necessary resources are required to implement each stage. In order to evaluate the result, evaluation criteria are needed.

The social design model can be viewed through the natural growth and development of a plant (tree).

Let's say soil is a social environment that you want to change in some way; roots are a social problem you have identified in a given environment. Next, we set a clear goal for ourselves - we set the direction of growth of the planning tree. Accordingly, we define clear tasks (specific steps) and answer the question: “With the help of what methods (tree crown) will we achieve the solution to the tasks?” As a result, we receive the fruits of our labor (results), which should contribute to certain changes in the environment.

Now let's look at each point in more detail.

Formulation of the problem

All projects start with an idea. If you have an idea, the project is already at the planning stage.

Do not underestimate this stage of the project, because your success in social design depends on it. When initiating an idea, it is best to start from the content of the problem, since the project is determined by the presence of a problematic situation in a particular area.

The problem is the difference between the actual situation and the desired (necessary) state within the same process.

The most important section of the project. It should present the problem that the project is aimed at solving and its analysis. When formulating a problem, it is necessary to pay attention to the fact that problems are the absence of something, something negative, harmful, something that requires change. Here it is important to demonstrate that the authors (co-authors, managers) of the project understand the reasons for the emergence of the problem for which it is being implemented, but the exclusively negative consequences of the existing problem are not recorded.

The presentation of the problem should not be a simple description, but a condensed analysis of its factors, confirmed by quantitative indicators. These indicators are based on previously conducted research (it is necessary to use reliable sources of information). Often, in the section devoted to the analysis of the problem, the authors of the projects provide many different statistical data, which, firstly, often do not correspond to the diagnosed problem, the stated goal and the formulated tasks, and, secondly, are inaccurate, unreliable, biased and biased by the author. For example, often authors present supposedly catastrophic data, but forget to mention their clearly expressed positive dynamics (and they do the right thing, otherwise an expert may consider the solution you propose in the project to be inadequate, or the entire mental construction is even a quasi- or pseudo-project). Here it is important to demonstrate the correct approach to presenting information data, which is what the expert concludes in this content block.

It is fundamentally important to determine those indicators, i.e. quantitative and qualitative indicators, which will later become a scale for measuring the effectiveness of the project.

Describe whether there have been previous attempts to carry out this type of activity and how successful they were. Be sure to indicate how the project relates to your professional activities. The authors must demonstrate knowledge of the problems of the project’s target group and the availability of specialists (by the way, it is not necessary that the author himself is directly involved in this: he can coordinate the work of all project specialists) who can work with this target audience.

In any case, the problem you are going to work on should be defined as specifically as possible.

We especially highlight the following criteria for evaluating this content block:

The relevance of the social problem being solved;

Diagnosis of the occurrence and development of the presented problem;

The participant’s awareness of previously taken measures to resolve it (the results and consequences of these implemented measures and activities);

Compliance of the problem being solved with the content of the proposed competition nomination.

Objective of the project

The goal is the highest point of achievement that the competitor strives for during the implementation of the project.

The goal of the project is what is achieved through the implementation of the project. This can be either a complete resolution of a problem, which is quite rare, or a significant reduction in its severity, which is a further prerequisite for its complete resolution. This means that the author lays his own value basis in this problem, which determines both the tasks to be solved and, most importantly, the methods that will be used by the author.

To evaluate your goal setting option, the following system of criteria was developed, based on the SMART test, popular in social design:

Specificity (through what mechanisms and technologies the proposed problem will be solved);

Measurability (there must be a mechanism for measuring the achieved result, it must be tangible);

Significance (one should assume the most optimal solution);

The degree of social applicability of a solution to the problem (adequacy to the conditions of project implementation);

Innovativeness (specific individuality of the proposed ways to solve the problem);


Profitability (focus on actively influencing the problem);

Time limitation (defining the time period within which the goal will be achieved with the expected results).

Despite the complexity of the presented system of evaluation criteria, the process of formulating a goal is simple; it is enough to follow the proposed formula:

Goal = problem solution option (measurability) + through what? (options: based on what? through what?) + for whom? (specific target group) + in relation to what conditions? + and in what period of time?

It is also advisable to note that the solution to the problem posed should not be based on the creation of any social institution, which is a passive course of action, but through its functioning in the direction you indicate (focus on active actions). In fact, the goal is your unique solution to the problem, for which you have all the necessary knowledge, experience, resources, and formulate actions to eliminate the negative phenomenon or its causes.

All components of the project are considered from the point of view of fitness for purpose.

Project objectives

Objectives are a specific description of what will be accomplished and achieved, particular results, stages on the way to achieving the goal.

When formulating tasks, you must adhere to the following rule: solving all of the listed tasks must inevitably lead to achieving the goal.

Unfortunately, participants often formulate problems extremely unsatisfactorily, although this is perhaps the most critical stage of design. It is the formulated tasks that allow the expert to understand the strategy for implementing the author’s project idea, and not at all the goal (which, despite the importance of its formulation, at best helps determine the direction of further activity). In this regard, a very important conclusion is that the competitors should pay attention to: there are no correctly formulated tasks - there is no strategy for implementing the project idea, which casts doubt on the achievability of the goal.

The most common errors:

A task as an action (carrying out an event);

A task as an activity (often of a current nature);

Task as a method;

Lack of focus on achieving the goal - the task is formulated beautifully and correctly, but its solution does not bring the author any closer to achieving the goal;

Duplication and excessive detail of tasks.

And here we are faced with the high cost of carefully handling phrases that may be similar but have different meanings.

From the point of view of designing the text of the project, it is better to formulate and list tasks in the form of a list, rather than presenting and describing them in narrative form. Objectives are formulated as action statements that are results-oriented, performance-based, and measurable in terms. If the project lists a number of tasks, then all of them must be interconnected and be necessary and sufficient to achieve the project goal.

Signs of correct formulation of tasks:

A logical and consistent consequence of solving the problem;

Relationship with project activities and focus on solving the stated problem (cause-and-effect relationship);

The objectives are formulated clearly and specifically, expressed not in general terms, but in quantitative and qualitative indicators that can become indicators of the success of the project;

They represent specific intermediate measurable stages along the path of project implementation.

The fulfillment of these conditions is the fulfillment of the criteria used to evaluate projects in this content block.

The clearer and more precise (but not simpler - this does not always help) the tasks are defined, the higher your chances of completing the project successfully. So, having determined the algorithm of actions to solve the presented problem and returning to the formulation of the project’s objectives, you should ask yourself the question: why and why did you envisage these actions? These questions are necessary when setting project objectives, based on the stages (phases) of the project, that is, on the content of specific actions. Another option for formulating tasks: their definition is based on the strategy for implementing the project proposed by the author. With this approach, the tasks must satisfy SMART test that is extremely difficult for authors, so it is better to start from the content of the project phases.

There is apparently no single recipe, and it is unlikely that one is foreseen: everything depends on the specifics of the problem being solved. In any case, one should not act as is customary in some departments and institutions of Russia. What precedes the implementation of the project is carried out formally and in a hurry (there are no tasks as such); the concept development stage is often not visible at all. Often such authors think that the main thing is to get involved in battle, and then we’ll see. Such a practice leads to an ill-considered waste of financial resources and material resources, demoralizes the entire project team, which is often forced to redo the work, not to mention the broken lives of people (after all, this is a social project) and completely discredited methods of work, which in themselves could be promising .

A little hint: we recommend that when formulating tasks, authors of project ideas do not use words such as “maintain”, “improve”, “strengthen”, “assist”, “coordinate”, “rebuild”. More suitable words: “prepare”, “distribute”, “increase”, “reduce”, “organise”, “establish order”. In other words, it is better to avoid imperfective verbs and use perfective verbs, since they demonstrate the author’s focus on results.

Mechanism (methods) for project implementation

Method is the way in which the goal of the project is achieved.

One of the most voluminous and detailed sections of the project. A description of how the project will be carried out.

This section describes the strategy and methods for achieving the goals, as well as the mechanism for implementing the project. The author of the project must answer the questions: how will the intended goals be achieved, how will the assigned tasks be accomplished, who will implement them, what resources will be involved.

When describing the methods, you need to pay attention to the following:

Compliance of the implementation mechanism with the goals and objectives of the project;

Compliance of available resources with the planned activity;

Compliance of activities with stated results;

Realism of events, taking into account time frames and budget;


Interconnectedness and interdependence of project activities.

It follows that what is important in a project is not only and not so much brilliant ideas, but rather the methods by which the project’s goal will be achieved. The means can never justify the end. The methods that the designer proposes are the “roads” by which he intends to move towards the intended goal. The wrong path never leads to the achievement of any good goal.

Project implementation stages

A phased calendar plan is a detailed description of all activities and events with deadlines. When developing this section, you should pay attention to the following points:

Availability of a plan - a project implementation schedule or a step-by-step description of the project: linking to specific target groups, place and time (this can be done either in text format or in the form of a table);

Realism, feasibility of the plan (its saturation, but not oversaturation);

A description of what the activities are, what resources are needed to carry them out;

Ability to complete the project within the stated time frame.

In this regard, I would like to draw attention to the fact that the project should not be reduced to organizing and carrying out pompous actions: the effect of them is zero (almost always), however, the funds were spent, but these expenses did not affect anything, did not change anything qualitatively.

Expected results

Expected results are concrete resultsthat are expected to be achieved during the implementation of the project in quantitative and qualitative terms. The description of expected results must be approached very seriously and responsibly, since they are criteria for the effectiveness of the project.

Main characteristics of the results:

Compliance of the results with the goals and objectives of the project;

Measurability (this applies not only to quantitative, but also to qualitative indicators);


The main thing: the list of expected results as a whole must correspond to the list of tasks set by the competitor.

At the same time, it is necessary to characterize some elements of the formulation of expected results:

The focus is not on preventing the consequences of problems, but on eliminating their causes;

The focus of actions is to develop the ability of the target group for subsequent self-sufficiency;

Involving representatives of the target group in the implementation of the project.


An important stage in creating a social project is the description of the budget. Each stage of the project requires certain expenditures of money and material resources. Therefore, it is important, after describing the methods and steps, to calculate exactly how much each method and each step of your project will cost. In order for the expert not to ask many questions, it is worth giving comments on the budget after describing the budget, i.e. explain what this or that amount is spent on.

Thus, the budget of a social project must have the following properties:

Justification of the volumes of expected costs;

Logicality - interconnectedness with planned activities and other actions provided for by the project;

Proportional to the scale of the project;

Commensurate with the experience of the designer;

Cost efficiency (transparency).

In conclusion, I would like to note that it is important (but not necessary) for the contestant himself that he will be declared about his own experience in implementing social projects. In addition, the project, as we see it, should have the property of being replicable in other territories (the conditions under which it can be replicable can be specified).

The concept of “social projects” is of Latin origin. Translated, this term means the creation of an object, a specific activity during which a certain phenomenon or process is studied. Let's analyze the main points regarding social design.

Design Basis

It is social projects that help model certain situations. There is a certain order of work that should be discussed in more detail. First of all, the topics of social projects are determined. When choosing a direction of work, various points are taken into account: the psychological characteristics of the participants, the direction of interests, the technical capabilities for implementing the plans.

Social project structure

There is a special base, without which the implementation of a social project is impossible:

  • planning;
  • projection;
  • foresight;
  • anticipation;
  • predicting results;
  • design;
  • modeling;
  • analysis of results.

All social projects created in educational institutions must be clearly planned. They are always aimed at the development of learning children, the formation of useful skills and abilities in schoolchildren.

Planning Features

Planning involves putting forward scientific and practically sound research goals. At this stage, the deadlines for completing the assigned tasks and the work algorithm are determined. In addition, during planning, the essence of the social project is indicated, its uniqueness and individuality are revealed.

Hypothesis setting

Foresight involves predicting the results of a study. In essence, we are talking about the hypothesis contained in a social project at school, created and implemented with the participation of students. The hypothesis must contain the main idea that will be considered during the implementation of the project. After the project is completed, the hypothesis can be fully or partially confirmed or refuted. It is difficult for schoolchildren to independently put forward the correct hypothesis, so this stage of creating a social project is impossible without the active participation of a mentor. Both teachers and employees of specialized departments who have knowledge of the theoretical and practical material considered in the project can act as a project consultant.

Literature review

Any social project at school or at work is impossible without a full preliminary analysis of the problem that will be discussed in the study. There is no need to “reinvent the wheel”; first you need to study the literature, select key points related to the topic of research. Only after obtaining theoretical knowledge can you proceed to developing your own social project.

Development of a project action plan

Next, you can move on to thinking through all the details. If the goal of a social project is clearly stated, there will be no problems with identifying stages. It is advisable to indicate a time frame in the action plan in order to ultimately obtain a clear list.

Implementation of assigned tasks

This stage will be the longest, most labor-intensive, but the most interesting and productive. It is during the implementation of the intended goals that a feeling of satisfaction appears from the results of the work done. After completing the project, it is important to conduct a full analysis of it, draw conclusions, and think through recommendations.

Examples of social school projects

If we consider the topics of social projects, we can distinguish two directions: scientific and technical, and humanitarian and aesthetic. Among common school studies, a special place belongs to environmental topics. For example, various social projects related to the improvement of school grounds and personal plots have a practical orientation. Participants in such studies not only create beauty and comfort, but also gain theoretical knowledge about plants, flowers, and conditions for caring for green spaces. Of course, the experience gained while working on such projects is useful for children.

Also, giving examples of social projects that are created and implemented with the participation of schoolchildren, we can highlight the care for the elderly. The guys are happy to help war veterans clean rooms, stack firewood, and weed out garden beds. The participation of “difficult teenagers” in such events helps them understand the importance and significance of a kind attitude towards adults. Guys who help lonely elderly people change their outlook on life, become kinder, and do not commit illegal acts.

Project "Accessible Environment"

There are also social projects that are aimed at helping children themselves. There is a project in our country that helps children with problems in physical development receive a full-fledged education. The “Accessible Environment” project involves the creation in ordinary state educational institutions of normal conditions for the movement of children in wheelchairs. According to this social project, disabled children study together with their peers, that is, they are not deprived of full communication with their peers. If, for medical reasons, this type of training is not possible, there are examples of social projects that help sick children.

Inclusive learning

The National Project “Education” contains a special section dedicated to individual and home education of children with developmental disabilities. A distance teacher not only helps the child gain certain knowledge, but also becomes his friend and full-fledged interlocutor. Before starting to implement this project, both children and teachers undergo special course training. Access to education guarantees sick children not only theoretical knowledge in various academic disciplines, but also contributes to the harmonious development of the child’s personality. The project involves equipping both students and teachers with computer equipment. Education within the framework of this social project is free for children.

Analysis of project results

Each social project requires a certain time frame. After all the stages provided for by the study are completed, it is necessary to conduct a detailed analysis of them. For example, if a project was implemented aimed at helping difficult teenagers adapt, a statistical review is carried out. The survey reveals the actual number of project participants and their satisfaction with the results of the study. Next, a diagram or graph is drawn up and the effectiveness of the project is assessed.


Recently, interest in social projects has increased. If in the last century such a direction practically did not exist in school, then at the moment, for each parallel, its own areas of research are being developed and implemented. Social projects carried out by schoolchildren themselves are also gaining popularity. With the results obtained, the children can perform at conferences and competitions at various levels: school, district, municipal, Russian. In addition, there are special programs to support talented social projects. Winners and runners-up of those competitions that are included in a special list determined by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation are entitled to material grants in the amount of 30 and 60 thousand rubles.

Of course, such attention to this activity, which exists in the modern education system, contributes to positive dynamics and increased interest among schoolchildren in scientific and practical work. Children who take part in at least one social project gain invaluable experience that they can use in their future lives. Often, it is social projects that help schoolchildren decide on the choice of a future profession and designate the direction of individual research.

In order for the first experience of social design acquired by children while studying at school to be positive, they must meet a teacher who is interested in such activities. It is the mentor who explains to the child all the main points of social design, develops a plan of joint action, and evaluates the results.

Members of the Planetary Council of the pre-school educational organization “Planet UNESCO” decided to conduct a social project “Give a holiday to children” at the school. All class groups that are part of the UNESCO Planet preschool educational institution (grades 5-10) must take part in this school event, develop and implement their social projects, directing social activities to primary school class groups. The school social project should be timed to coincide with the New Year celebration and contribute to the formation of a friendly atmosphere for the upcoming holiday. The general social project of the preschool educational institution must be presented at the city “Competition of Social Projects”.

The concept of social design

The work was based on the definition of a social project Prutchenkova A.S.:

A social project is a way of expressing the idea of ​​improving the state of the environment in the language of specific goals and objectives, measures and actions to achieve them, as well as a description of the necessary resources for the practical implementation of the plan and specific deadlines for the implementation of the described idea.

Thus, we proceeded from the fact that a social project is the creation of a new, previously non-existent, at least in the immediate social environment, socially significant product.

Statement of the problem (introduction)

Social project is a program of real action, which is based on a current social problem that requires resolution. Its implementation will help improve the social situation in a particular society. This is one of the ways to participate in public life through practical solutions to pressing social problems.

Social problem can be called a contradiction found in the life of society between the existing and desired state, which causes tension in society (community), and which it intends to overcome

When posing the problem, it is explained:

    relevance and novelty

    whose interests are affected

    scale of the problem

    analytical understanding

    scope of application

    Functional purpose


Thus, we have identified the following social problem: primary school classrooms are not part of the UNESCO Planet preschool educational institution (members of the preschool educational institution are students from grades 5 to 11). Recently, there has been a particularly clear gap between primary and secondary schools; they exist separately from each other; younger schoolchildren do not have information about the existence of a school-based preschool educational institution and are not familiar with the nature of its activities. This social project will allow us to unite future and current members of the preschool educational institution through involvement in joint activities.

Project participants

Primary and secondary school classes were paired based on the principle that the primary school class teacher belongs to the primary class.

Objective of the project

The goal of the project is a conscious presentation of the result of the project activities.

We proceeded from the following requirements for the formulation of the goal:

    Achievability within this project

    Unconditionality, because For project activities, a study of possible conditions must be completed before work begins

    Anticipating the final outcome of the project

    Compliance of competence and preparedness with the financial, economic, material, technical, and organizational conditions of the project

Target social project “Give a holiday to children”:

    attracting the attention of members of the preschool educational institution to current social problems of this local community (the problem is identified);

    inclusion of preschool education members in real practical activities to resolve this problem by the students themselves.

Project objectives

Project objectives are a specification of a common goal, a step towards achieving it.

    Contribute to improving the general level of culture of schoolchildren by obtaining additional information;

    Promote the formation of skills of “reasonable social” behavior in the community;

    Develop teamwork skills;

    Develop useful social skills and abilities within the framework of preschool activities (planning upcoming activities, calculating the required resources, analyzing the results and final results, etc.).

Project implementation timeframe

Project implementation stages

Each class team worked on its own social project, the implementation of which took place in several stages

1. Studying the “environment” of a certain elementary school class and identifying a current social problem of this class. 2. Involving participants within your class team to solve this social project. 3. Determining the goals and objectives of the social project. 4. Determining the content of the social project. Drawing up a work plan. Distribution of duties. 5. Determination of necessary resources. 6. Carrying out planned activities. 7. Analysis of work results.

Expected results

    Increased social activity of members of the UNESCO Planet preschool organization, their willingness to take personal part in improving the social situation in the local community

    The real contribution of members of the UNESCO Planet preschool organization to changing the social situation in the local community

    Positive changes in the consciousness of project participants, increasing the level of general personal culture

    The presence of developed teamwork skills among members of project groups (classroom teams of preschool educational institutions) to prepare and implement on their own a real socially useful project

    Increasing the status of the preschool educational institution “Planet UNESCO” and creating a positive image of the school
