Profession Director of Development. Development Director: job descriptions and responsibilities Deputy Director for Strategic Development

Business promotion is associated with a universal position of a specialist who activates various company reserves based on research and analysis, as well as the application of new updating techniques. Essentially, this is a manager who belongs to the top echelon. Accordingly, the position involves the formation of a very significant list of responsibilities. The main task of this specialist is to bring the company or organization to higher positions, form a unique image, and create prospects for obtaining more significant turnover. Often the position is combined with the need to take actions aimed at increasing profits. This means that the direction of activity will be related to the expansion of the client base. In other cases, the main growth parameter will be the expansion of geographic coverage.

In certain companies, this position is combined with the need to carry out a number of works aimed at automating the activities of the enterprise, uninterrupted execution of orders, and the introduction of innovative techniques in order to bring the enterprise to a new level of growth opportunities. It is quite obvious that the development director actually takes over partial management of the enterprise. Accordingly, the choice of a specialist of this level must be incredibly thorough and detailed. Not every specialist, even with higher education, will be able to complete the tasks assigned to him. The selection for a responsible position is carried out on the basis of those requirements that are initially formed through instructions. It is in this document that the manager indicates all the requirements and wishes for the applicant.

The job format instructions are drawn up for each position separately, and if in certain cases, you can simply use template samples of this document, then in the case of hiring a business development director, you should devote a significant amount of time to specifically indicate what the qualification requirements the plan must be followed, as well as what qualities and skills the specialist should be endowed with.

Using template versions of a document, you can get accurate information about the structure, as well as what data is important. The document is divided into specific sections, each section describing a specific area of ​​activity of a specialist. The specialist receives the document against signature and after that actually receives accurate information about what responsibilities are assigned to him at this particular enterprise.

Naturally, when describing the duties of a specialist, the manager relies on the needs of his specific company. In some companies, a specialist in this format takes on part of the management. At other enterprises, only the obligation is formed to create the company’s image and carry out a kind of promotion. Based on this, we can say that the list of requirements, as well as obligations and functions, can be extremely different.

Position requirements

Since the position is extremely responsible, and it is also essential for the entire development of the company, the list of requirements is very large. As a rule, managers want to get the best specialist who could actually offer prospects for the ideal development of the company. We suggest that you familiarize yourself with a number of standard requirements that are recommended to be specified in the job format instructions:

  • Having a higher education. At the same time, we will immediately say that advantages are given to those specialists who have diplomas in the field of management, as well as management. A desire to hire a specialist with additional legal education or education in the field of advertising is often indicated. All requirements relating to education must be stated clearly and precisely;
  • Most often, in a large company, only those specialists who have at least three years of experience, preferably in the field of management, are hired for a specialist position in this format. But the issue of length of service is determined individually by each manager. For example, a small company can hire a specialist even without experience;
  • It is necessary to indicate that the specialist must have significant managerial qualities. Must be able to correctly set goals and objectives for other employees, skillfully motivate, and select a specialist of the required skill level;
  • Since each enterprise has its own area of ​​activity, it is recommended that the requirements indicate the presence of knowledge in a clearly defined area. For example, knowledge of the restaurant industry, metallurgy, etc.;
  • The specialist must be confident in using a personal computer, as well as be able to use a variety of software that is used in office work;
  • In certain companies that interact with foreign organizations, requirements may be established that relate to additional knowledge of a foreign language. But these requirements are not mandatory, since in many enterprises cooperation takes place only within the borders of the country.

Formation of requirements must be very detailed and attentive. You must understand that these requirements form the specifics of choosing a candidate for a responsible position, which means that you will be able to specify not only the main points about education and experience, but also describe in detail all the additional requirements that you will need.

Functions of the Business Development Director

After employment, a specialist himself must study in detail the instructions for his position, since it is there that the main goals and objectives of his professional activity are determined. It is recommended to indicate the following functions for this specialty:

  • The specialist organizes the necessary actions to increase the company’s relevance in the market. In the process of such actions, options for target aspects can be used, the process of setting new goals for external development is carried out, an image of the uniqueness and individuality of the company itself, as well as goods or services, is created;
  • An employee involved in business development is required to independently carry out a kind of analysis of the company’s position at the current time in order to choose ways to promote it. In the process of studying such data, the employee has the right to request the necessary documentation for departments and divisions. At the same time, management must reflect such powers in the instructions;
  • In his professional activity, a development specialist must analyze the structure of an advertising company, trying to select those options for cooperation that can become the basis for high-quality and cost-effective advertising for the company;
  • Also, a business development specialist is required to carry out research work studying the nuances of competitors’ activities. This creates a real opportunity to competently select methods and strategies for the development of the company as a whole. We should not forget that in parallel with assessing the characteristics of competitors’ activities, the specialist analyzes and studies the target audience;
  • The specialist also takes on the most important function of developing the development strategy of the company as a whole. This strategy is based on research work, as well as on the basic policy of the enterprise;
  • Also, the director of this format in certain companies draws up various types of documents. In addition, an obligation is formed that determines the need for systematic provision of reporting documentation directly to management.

Based on everything said above, it follows that the list of functions is significant, but at the same time it is determined exclusively individually, depending on what specific requirements are established for the position in a clearly defined enterprise. Essentially, you just need to use the recommended list to create a basic description of the functions and from that information you can create a more extensive list of obligations. This, in essence, creates clear conditions for the specialist to work in your company and defines his obligations as a manager.

When forming instructions, you will need to identify those features that will later be transformed into responsibilities. The description must be clear and detailed; ambiguity in the interpretation of the described responsibilities can lead to the formation of numerous controversial situations. Therefore, the template is used solely as an example for drawing up instructions. The basic information should be generated independently, taking into account your needs for the qualifications and professional skills of the position in question.

Basic list of specialist responsibilities

To fully understand the nuances of drafting a document, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the standard list of responsibilities of a business development director:

  • A number of obligations are formed that are directly related to the external development of the company or enterprise. The specialist undertakes to carry out appropriate work in the field of expanding areas of influence by opening new branches or offices;
  • The need to assess the condition of the company in order to carry out modernization is established. Such actions are, first of all, aimed at reducing the level of costs for all production processes and increasing the level of profitability of the company or the enterprise as a whole;
  • The employee studies various innovative implementations that can later be used at the enterprise for the purpose of effective development. Various options are being carried out to study the work and advertising strategies of competing companies and organizations;
  • The process of creating a structure for popularizing the product, materials and the company itself as a whole is underway. To carry out such work, the development specialist bases his conclusions on research data that determines the current position of the company and its development prospects;
  • The specialist, based on studying methods for increasing the level of popularity of enterprises, selects those that will be optimal for a particular case, the use of which helps to increase the level of relevance of the company and attracts the target audience;
  • An analysis of advertising activities is carried out, which allows us to evaluate the effectiveness of certain methods that make goods or services popular and in demand;
  • Professionals who conduct business development activities are often given the responsibility of reviewing and analyzing production methods. The purpose of such actions is the need to assess the efficiency of the company's production activities, and the opportunity to carry out actions that can change, modernize and improve production processes in order to significantly reduce generated costs;
  • The specialist is engaged in activities aimed at finding clients to expand the level of sales, goods, materials or raw materials;
  • An obligation is formed for preliminary study, as well as the formation of all the nuances of purchasing the raw materials that are necessary for production purposes. Moreover, the specialist is given the right to search for suppliers, as well as sign contracts;
  • Actions are being taken to create reporting documentation. The documents include reporting data that was obtained as a result of research work on the possibility of popularizing and promoting the company. These reports are generated and transmitted to management, on the basis of which decisions are subsequently made to implement plans and projects, taking into account a clearly defined development strategy.

Document template

  • The section called the general provision contains information on qualification requirements. This includes the need to indicate what kind of education a specialist should have, requirements for experience, a number of requirements for skills, professional qualities, etc. This section should also include information that relates to the issue of organizing the specialist’s activities. This is a question of subordination and a description of the nuances of filling a position. A list of requirements for the necessary knowledge of the legislative framework is also indicated;
  • List of responsibilities that appeal to the position. The list of these requirements is described in sufficient detail above. We have already said that each manager has the right to carry out the process of selecting commitment options taking into account his individual needs, based on the characteristics of a clearly defined enterprise. At the same time, if there are no special requirements, you can simply use the list of responsibilities we provide. Try to compile the list in such a way that the description of responsibilities is sufficiently detailed and, most importantly, that the descriptions do not contain meaningful interpretations;
  • Rights. The description of rights is an important factor in determining those actions that an employee can perform without additional approval from management. It is best to work out a full list of specialist credentials in advance so that no difficulties arise in this aspect in the future. As mandatory rights, we recommend specifying the right to request documents in the form of reports from various departments, the right to request from management the provision of material resources for the performance of professional duties. As well as the right to sign documentation without the need for approval from management. If a specialist at your enterprise is on the issue of independent actions, you will need to indicate the right to submit reports, projects and plans for consideration and approval by management;
  • Responsibility of the specialist. After hiring, management, as a rule, not only familiarizes with the obligations but also indicates that the employee assumes a certain amount of responsibility. This may be responsibility formed for violation of the norms of the legislative framework, or it may be the formation of responsibility regarding the safety and proper disposal of the material assets of the enterprise. In principle, you can use an expanded description of responsibility depending on the specifics of your business. But do not forget that the legislator prohibits the use of liability in the form of financial penalties without a court decision.

Important points in drawing up instructions

In fact, you need to stick to the structure presented above. Since the position of a business development specialist is extremely diverse and at the same time responsible, in the process of drawing up the document it will be necessary to evaluate exactly those development priorities that are defined for the company at the current time. It is also important when creating a document to correctly describe your requirements. As you already understand, a business development specialist bears a significant number of responsibilities, which means that the choice of a specialist is based on the presence of certain qualification requirements and requests regarding individual qualities.

For example, certain enterprises conduct business with foreign organizations, in which case the specialist must have knowledge of foreign languages, as well as know all the nuances of customs issues. If the enterprise carries out a kind of division of responsibilities, then there is no need to burden the development specialist with requirements regarding the conduct of advertising campaigns. When drawing up wording, you should try to avoid meaningful descriptions; everything should be clear, understandable and concise. When introducing special conditions into instructions, a detailed description of them should be provided. We also recommend watching an interesting video related to this profession.

No company, no matter how its management is organized, can develop on its own.

Therefore, every organization needs a person who takes responsibility for its growth. And this person holds the position of development director.

Development Director: tasks and responsibilities

In large cities, especially in the capital region, the labor market is rich in qualified personnel. But the regions also need professional managers.

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As can be understood from the title of the position, the Business Development Director contributes to the qualitative growth of the organization, allowing it to develop and opening up new horizons for it.

In the absence of this position, development tasks are assumed by the main manager. Some organizations engage external consultants or outsourcing companies to solve these problems. One of the newest trends in the Russian market is inviting managers from abroad or Russians who have worked in world-class companies to the position of development director. This move is often taken by production leaders.

A person in this position must:

  • if we are talking about a trade organization, take on the development of a new business policy for the company, expand its influence, develop a sales network, and introduce the company’s products at the regional level;
  • if we are talking about an industrial enterprise - manage the modernization of the production process, introduce new technologies, improve product quality control, minimize costs, optimize production;
  • develop and promote new brands;
  • create an effective management system;
  • lead the company out of a crisis period, develop and apply new business strategies, analyze the current situation and possible prospects.

The responsibilities of the development director are to determine the overall development paradigm of the organization.

He formulates the goals towards which the company will move, draws up a strategic plan for achieving them and performs a financial analysis of their feasibility. When his project is approved, the development director prepares the documentation required by the plan and shares the details of this plan with the colleagues on whom its implementation depends.

According to the job description, this leadership position also requires delegation of authority and coordination work. In addition, a person in the position of development director is required to highlight priority goals for financing and evaluate all important processes in the company.

The job of a development director also includes forecasting and evaluating project performance. It analyzes a number of parameters related to the finances and economic performance of the company at each stage of the project. The data obtained is used to prepare new projects.

In addition, this position involves making prompt decisions in times of crisis and finding a way out of unfavorable circumstances.

The Development Director has the right:

  • receive complete information about all aspects of the organization’s activities;
  • request any corporate documents he may need;
  • receive any technological support from the company’s management if required by his professional activities;
  • give instructions and certify documentation that is related to the scope of his activities in the company and does not exceed the boundaries of his powers;
  • receive information about how his own work is assessed, as well as become familiar with the documents that reflect his obligations.

In each organization, the job responsibilities of the development director may be different; different managers understand this position in their own way. Some companies prefer to strictly segment the activities of specialists in this position, giving everyone work in only one sector:

  • marketing and trade;
  • geographical and scientific development of the company;
  • development of the organizational system and its management.
  • Company development strategy: development instructions

Development Director: job classification

There are several ways to classify the position of director of development.

I. By purpose development of the organization's activities.

1. Director for development of a separate area.

A specialist in this position resolves tactical issues of the organization's development. He must clearly define what exactly is meant by development in a particular case, what problems the company’s management wants to solve and how to work to solve them.

For example, a tactical question is:

  • Development of a customer base and expansion of product sales channels.

The company development director here finds himself in the role of a high-level sales manager. Often it is such managers or their supervisors who occupy this position.

If in an organization there is a division of responsibilities for marketing and sales into two different departments, then the first deals with the existing customer base, and the second performs the function of its development and expansion, attracting new customers and organizing new channels for selling a product or service. In this case, the sales department is naturally called the development department.

The head of such a department is, in fact, the development director. He oversees the department's daily tasks and leads the company into new markets.

  • Increasing the number of sales points(in companies engaged in trading).

If a retail chain, especially a small one, is focused on expanding its customer base, then its development director is looking for new premises to rent for retail outlets, drawing up lease agreements and other documentation, repairing and installing equipment.

In large retail chains, which are primarily focused on developing new regions, the head of the development department selects regional deputies, prepares a list of criteria for retail space, calculates the budget for new sales points, connects them to goods delivery routes, and controls the operation of the regional network and supports subordinates.

  • Managing the channels through which purchases are made: expanding them and increasing efficiency.

The functionality of the development director here meets the functionality of the head of the procurement department or leading supplier. The purchasing department, like the sales department, in large organizations can be differentiated into a department for working with suppliers and a department for developing a purchasing network. The first one orders and accepts deliveries, maintains documentation with the contractors who carry them out. The second one is looking for new counterparties, arranging supplies of higher quality at the best price, adjusting delivery times, terms of loans, etc. This latter department does not maintain existing relationships with suppliers, but bargains to establish new ones. Its director may also be called the company's development director.

  • Increasing the efficiency of supply chains from abroad.

Many trading companies and industrial enterprises work with imported goods. What is needed here is a specialist who will look for new suppliers abroad, negotiate with them on the supply of goods, establish favorable terms of cooperation, develop and apply various schemes for transporting goods, and work with the customs service. This may also be the responsibility of the development director.

For example, there is an organization that conducts industrial production using raw materials purchased through a foreign intermediary. The head of the development department in this organization may be looking for a way to purchase raw materials directly, because this will eliminate the markup of the counterparty and will be less costly as a result.

Another example is a trading company that is engaged in the wholesale sale of Russian goods. The management of this company can attract a new development director to find inexpensive, high-quality and popular analogues of its products abroad and develop a scheme for their import and sale.

  • Development of the products that the company produces or sells.

In this case, you can compare a development specialist with a high-level marketer. Some companies, regardless of their specialization, use the position of director of development to work with their product range. The director must develop the company's product or service in such a way that its profitability increases and the company's position in the market is strengthened.

  • Managing and increasing the efficiency of the company’s internal processes.

This work connects the position of development director with the finance, commercial and general management departments of the company. The company appears as a large enterprise, which with its help is analyzed, optimized and rationalized. The latter assumes that the head of the development department develops and implements new production methods with higher efficiency. It eliminates from the production process everything unnecessary, useless and counterproductive, thereby simplifying the operational and technological aspects of the enterprise. Such transformations include, for example, “lean manufacturing”.

Another option for the director of enterprise development is improving the company’s logistics. He creates new supply routes, analyzes the offers of transport companies and selects the most profitable ones, works to create a delivery schedule that is convenient for the company, its suppliers and clients.

In addition, the company’s development director can optimize its costs: improve the employee remuneration system, introduce new personnel remuneration schemes, etc.

2. Director for Strategic Development.

The strategic development of a company is understood as work that results in the growth and improvement of all parameters of the company’s activities. Any company engaged in commercial activities these days can either develop or fail. Competition in the market is high, and if a company does not develop at the same pace as its competitors and does not strive to surpass them, then it is doomed to disappear.

Directors of companies who are aware of this pattern appoint an employee responsible for taking care of the development of the company as a whole. Such a development director no longer solves narrow issues of purchasing, sales or production optimization. He is part of the management team along with other top managers.

An employee who deals with issues of strategic development must operate with complete information about the company’s work, make a general assessment, detect positive and negative trends, stimulate the former and look for ways to eliminate the latter.

The strategic development of the company is associated with large financial transactions. This includes expanding the enterprise, increasing production space, and introducing new industries. The Director of Strategic Development is responsible for all budget calculations, the feasibility of investments, and forecasts for the return on investment of these projects.

This position may have different names, depending on the specifics of the company:

  • Director for Strategy and Prospective Development;
  • Advisor/Deputy General Director for Development;
  • Director of Strategic Planning.

II. The positions of development directors can also be classified by role in the organization and impact on performance.

1. Consultants on theoretical issues.

Such specialists give a lot of theoretical advice. They usually move into the business sector from firms providing consulting services. They can talk about business in theory and offer many ways to develop the company in words, but they operate in theoretical concepts that relate to ideal, training models of production. Such models usually do not perform well in the real world. An experienced company director, as a rule, is in no hurry to implement the theorist’s recommendations, and their joint work is quickly completed.

2. "Grey Cardinal Advisor."

This definition refers to development directors who have enormous knowledge of everything that is going on in the company, but are rarely seen. They communicate directly with the senior leader, and their short remarks are of high value. The company's employees have great respect and sometimes fear for them.

3. An employee with valuable connections.

The position of development director involves a huge number of external relations. Experience in a particular industry allows such an employee to take the company to a new level, introduce him to an area in which management is interested, and provide support to important people (for example, heads of government agencies).

4. " Master of Strategies."

Such a specialist develops the most effective strategies for making a profit, seeing the development plan of the company as a whole for several years ahead. He develops not only a scheme, but also ways to implement it. Such a development director is helped by his leadership qualities. He gathers around him an excellent team that is devoted to him, and can easily lead large projects. It focuses on the results that the company will achieve in the future. Professionals of this level are found in international companies or in the largest national enterprises.

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Knowledge and skills that a development director should have

A person in this position always brings changes to the company and is an “agent of change.” He must develop the business while preserving all the best practices that already exist within the company.

Corporate work is such that time to make decisions is usually extremely limited. Therefore, the director of the development department must have a clear plan, according to which it will act. This plan reflects what exactly he intends to change in the company and how he plans to achieve this.

Simplicity and accessibility are the main characteristics of such a plan, because it will need to be presented to the employees and partners of the company.

1. The Business Development Director must have risk assessment skills.

Some of his initiatives may be too risky and do more harm than good. Don't fix what isn't broken. The best strategy is the path of small changes that everyone will notice.

2. The director of social development must have developed social skills.

A positive climate in the team, team spirit, and the united work of all departments are also a resource for the company’s development. The person who is responsible for development should unite others, and not take on all the work and all the laurels.

3. The enterprise development director must know the industry in which he works.

This employee is required to analyze the company's work in all its aspects - from sales and expanding the customer base to creating products and entering new markets. Therefore, he must imagine how salespeople, marketers, and purchasing specialists work, and what the company’s product is. His communicative competence should allow him to negotiate with people on different sides of the business process. Managing the development of a company is 50% analytics and 50% communication.

4. The development director must understand how the market works at the micro- and macroeconomic levels.

He will have to establish and maintain a huge number of connections. He must learn quickly, organize information, highlight what is important and cut off unimportant aspects. He will need high stress tolerance, patience, adaptability and flexibility, discussion skills, and the ability to insist on his own.

In a crisis situation, it is the business development director who determines how things will turn out for the company. Therefore, he must have a full range of skills: be able to sell, negotiate and present, develop a strategy, evaluate the market, study competitors, read trends, quickly collect data in public resources and through informants, be in the right place at the right time to do the most profitable offer to the right people.

The development director, like any leader, is created by his team. It is her work and her achievements that he will sell to the client. Therefore, he must be able to build relationships with his colleagues and subordinates.

The complexity of this position can be illustrated through its functionality in the field of digital marketing. Here, the development director must understand not only marketing and advertising issues, but also Internet promotion strategies, Internet marketing technologies, the operation of software, services, and analytics. He should also have extensive connections in the community of professionals and experience in successfully promoting projects in this field.

The high value of a professional is given by the presence of additional specialization and willingness to take on even those client requests that go beyond the boundaries of his area of ​​​​responsibility and affect issues of technology, marketing, logistics, finance and law.

  • Development manager: requirements and job description

Expert opinion

Development Director - analyst, marketer, sales manager and manager

Larisa Kolesnikova,

General Director of AWAKE Communications Event & PR Boutique, Moscow

When we were faced with the fact that the company had to change its strategy to increase profits, it became obvious to us that such changes required the introduction of a new position. The position of Director of Strategic Development has become extremely important for us. This irreplaceable person is fundamentally changing the company so that it can reach new heights. He creates a development plan that will not only keep the company afloat in the stormy sea of ​​competition and free markets, but will also bring in new revenues.

Our employee responsible for development is involved in analytical work, marketing, and sales, and also makes management decisions as a manager.

The Development Director in the role of analyst is responsible for:

  • studying market conditions and new opportunities within them;
  • collecting data on changes in demand for goods, analyzing customer desires.

Within marketing Its functions are as follows:

  • identify promising areas for sales development, plan actions that make maximum use of market trends;
  • work to improve technologies, forms, and methods of work of sellers.

Work of the development director with sales includes:

  • searching and establishing contact with promising clients;
  • conducting initial meetings with new clients, acting on behalf of the company and in its interests;
  • representing the company and its activities at public events and in the media;
  • maintaining contact with regular customers;
  • expanding the customer base and updating customer information;
  • sales analysis, preparation of sales reports for managers.

As head The company development director is responsible for:

  • developing a business development strategy and the company’s political course;
  • speaking on behalf of the company at public events to stimulate demand;
  • expanding the range of services that the company provides, developing and optimizing its work.

He has other tasks too. He is responsible for leading the reorganization and improvement of services, improving product quality control, optimizing costs and debugging all work processes in the company. It is the development director who discovers negative aspects in the organization’s work, eliminates them and looks for an effective replacement.

It seems to me that such an employee should be given an unconditionally high position and a free hand. He must report only to the top management of the company. Without leadership support for his directives, the Enterprise Development Director will not be able to effect real change. The manager sets tasks for him, identifies the problem and provides all the means to analyze and solve it. Only in this case can you count on productive work.

When we were looking for a person for this position, our set of criteria for evaluating candidates included: rich experience, the ability to present a complete picture of the company’s development and build the most profitable strategies on its basis. The position of Business Development Director is intended for a highly qualified specialist. In my opinion, he is distinguished by thinking in the category of results, searching for ways to achieve goals, focusing on the solution, not the problem.

I see that the demand for specialists of this profile is steadily increasing. When a company goes through the first unstable period of its life cycle, its leader begins to look around to find an experienced and knowledgeable manager to whom he can transfer part of the responsibility for further development.

What salary should I offer to a candidate for the position of development director?

Compensation payments

Compensation packages for employees in this position vary greatly depending on the complexity of the enterprise, the level of requirements placed on the employee, and his contribution to the organization’s income. In addition, directors of strategic development usually receive higher compensation than managers developing individual industries.

Small firms are ready to hire a person for this position for a salary of 2-4 thousand dollars.

In medium-sized companies, the salary approximately doubles: 3-8 thousand dollars.

Large companies, Russian or international, provide salaries from 5 to 20 thousand dollars.

Directors responsible for the development of areas receive 2-5 thousand dollars, strategic management brings a specialist from 6 to 30 thousand or more.

The income of development directors varies greatly in different regions of the Russian Federation.

In Moscow, these specialists receive, on average, about 155 thousand rubles. monthly. St. Petersburg companies offer about 130 thousand rubles for similar work. In Yekaterinburg you can see vacancies for a business development director with a salary of 100 thousand rubles. The average value for Nizhny Novgorod is 75 thousand rubles.

A beginning business development director can count on a salary of 50-65 thousand rubles. in Moscow, 40-55 thousand rubles. in St. Petersburg, 32-40 thousand rubles. in Yekaterinburg, 25-30 thousand rubles. in N. Novgorod.

After working in this position or in similar positions (commercial director, marketing director, etc.) for two years or more, the specialist reaches the next salary level. In Moscow, a top manager in the field of business development of a company with two years of experience can receive a salary of up to 140 thousand rubles. In St. Petersburg, they pay up to 115 thousand rubles for the same working conditions and qualifications. For Yekaterinburg, the price threshold is 88 thousand rubles, and for N. Novgorod, the salary limit in this category is 65 thousand rubles.

A candidate for the position of development director with at least 3 years of experience in this field can count on a higher remuneration amount. Jobs where the applicant requires such experience offer a salary of up to 170 thousand rubles. in the capital, up to 140 thousand rubles. in St. Petersburg, up to 110 thousand rubles. in Yekaterinburg and up to 80 thousand rubles. in N. Novgorod.

If a candidate has worked in the position of development director or similar for more than 5 years, has received additional education in the field of management and is able to manage complex projects, then he is among the highest class applicants. In Moscow, such people are offered a salary of up to 400 thousand rubles, in St. Petersburg they are valued at 350 thousand rubles, for Yekaterinburg the maximum cost of their labor is 250 thousand rubles, and for N. Novgorod - up to 190 thousand rubles .

The following quite logical trend can be noted. Managers of new companies prefer to hire candidates who have already created companies from scratch. Companies that are going to open work in the regions give preference to those managers who have already worked with the organization of branches.

  • Changing the head of the company: how to behave as a top manager

How to find an employee for the position of development director: questions for the candidate

Summarizing all of the above, we can say that a specialist in this position must have extensive experience. Therefore, candidates for it must be selected with extreme caution and care.

You need to clearly understand that the future of the company, how it will grow and occupy the market, rests on the shoulders of the development director. He bears great responsibility and resolves the most important issues, so his authority for all company employees, including management, must be indisputable.

The development of a company involves inevitable risks. It may require additional investments and restructuring of resources, which will be unprofitable for individual departments of the company. Often, an employee who previously led the most promising divisions of the company is appointed to the position of general director for development. In this way, you can significantly reduce the risk that the team will react negatively to the changes: “an insider” will in any case be perceived better than someone who came from outside. If a specific area of ​​the company’s activity needs development - marketing strategy, production technology, sales, then the best solution would be to choose a specialist in this field for the position of manager.

It can be difficult to understand where is a true professional and where is a simple amateur with a well-spoken tongue.

The competition for filling the position of director of enterprise development is always very high. This can be explained by vague requirements for this specialist, which are not always clear to a layman. You can tell the difference between a chatterbox and a promising candidate by using the following technique: give the candidate a general perspective of the organization's goals, and then ask what his plan of action would be in those circumstances. His answer will say everything about his professionalism and experience. The only reliable recommendation for this position is successful projects implemented with the participation of the candidate.

Another important selection criterion, in addition to experience in this field, is the ability to quickly make decisions and take responsibility for them..

The job responsibilities of the development director are determined directly by the head of the organization. But the result depends only on himself and on how clearly he separates the main from the secondary. He must possess personnel management skills that will allow him to delegate tasks to subordinates, distribute functionality, and monitor how effectively his instructions are carried out. Control over your team is a necessary condition for the success of a manager. Another important requirement for a person in this position is the presence of developed skills in obtaining and processing information. It is impossible to develop a correct and timely strategy in the absence of data.

Finally, an important question for the development director is whether he shares the position of his leader on what and how the company is moving towards. There is always a subjective, informal element in the relationship between a top manager and the head of a company, so when selecting, it is important to take into account contact and mutual understanding with the candidate.

  • 6 tricky interview questions that will catch you off guard

What is important to ask a candidate during an interview for the position of Development Director?

The head of the company should ask the most important questions not to the candidates, but to himself even before the interviews begin. He must answer them before starting the selection of specialists. These are the questions:

  • Am I ready for change? Even if they are painful, costly, long and difficult?
  • Does the company really need to change?
  • How do I imagine my company in the future?
  • Am I willing to collaborate, communicate, evaluate results, and share my opinion?

The answers to this question will lead the manager to the main thing: why does he and his company need the position of development director, is it really needed. The company must be prepared in advance for the arrival of a new specialist for this position, otherwise he will not be able to integrate into its structure. To prevent a new employee from finding himself in a vacuum, he must be integrated into the company’s information, technological and commercial processes.

Having clarified these points for himself, the manager can think about questions for candidates. It is necessary to assess how ready they are to change, to cooperate, whether they have strategic thinking, whether they understand the economic situation, whether they are familiar with the technological features of the company, whether they understand its business processes, and whether they are ready to predict what changes will lead to.

First of all, the interviewer must determine how oriented the candidate for the position of development director is in the company’s products.

This is easily verified through private and specific questions. Based on the answers the candidate gives, it will be clear how closely he is familiar with the topic in practice. If, for example, an applicant for a position cannot draw up a strategic plan during an interview and is at a loss when offered such a task, then he can be excluded from consideration.

The knowledge test is followed by a test of the motivational component. In the recruitment industry, there are many techniques for this. You can ask the candidate to describe a typical transaction with a client. This question seems simple, but it stumps many candidates. An economic development director should be results-oriented, not process-oriented. Therefore, applicants who talk about establishing contact with clients and working with their needs, but forget that a transaction is, first of all, a contract, a service, payment and a repeat transaction, have little prospects. They will find it difficult to work in a position that requires quick problem solving because they will get lost in current processes.

It is much more profitable to hire candidates who are results-oriented. They hardly touch upon the preparation and details of the transaction when describing it. But their eyes light up when they start talking about how the deal will be completed quickly (some mention the bonus they will receive for this). When hiring such a candidate, the manager must be sure that they are pursuing the same goals.

The manager should also pay attention to how logically, constructively and clearly the candidate formulates his remarks, what he himself asks about. If his speech is clear and structured, he does not stray from topic to topic, he speaks to the point and to the point, then it will be easier for both clients and employees to communicate with him. Such a business development director will easily find a common language with work colleagues.

  • How to find the ideal sales manager: a three-stage interview

Eat two of the most common questions that can be asked of all applicants.

1. “If you had a million dollars, what business would you invest this money in?” This question comes up in most interviews. But few people realize how informative the answer to it can be. From this answer you can find out:

  • does the applicant understand what kind of business he has to work with, what kind of business outlook he has;
  • whether the future development director can think strategically;
  • in which role the applicant is more comfortable, whether he is process-oriented or focused on the result of his work.

2. “Name any mistakes you have ever made in your career.” Any experienced professional has made many such mistakes.

Mistakes are a sign of experience that the applicant can rely on when solving future problems.

If a candidate, in his own words, has made no mistakes, then he either thinks too well of himself, or has not yet had time to work properly (that is, he is inexperienced).

Conditions for appointing a person to the position of Development Director

To make the final selection of a candidate for this position, the following actions must be taken:

  1. General meeting of the board of directors.
  2. Discussion of candidates for the position.
  3. Vote.
  4. Entering the voting results into the protocol.
  5. Making a decision on appointment.
  6. Conclusion of an employment contract.
  7. Signing the contract.

An employee who has not previously held management positions may be appointed to the position of Development Director. This position does not necessarily have to be automatically filled by someone who has held similar responsibilities for some time. His candidacy can be approved on a permanent basis only by voting results if he receives a majority of votes.

The Labor Code of the Russian Federation provides the employer with the opportunity to negotiate the terms of the probationary period when concluding an employment contract with the development director. The probationary period is necessary to check whether the selected candidate is suitable for the position to which he has been appointed. The employer and employee must agree on this point in accordance with labor laws. If there is no doubt that the employee is sufficiently competent, then he can be hired for the position without any testing at all.

Employment history

A record of the appointment of an employee to this position can be made by the company's senior manager or a full-time HR manager, if there is one. In joint stock companies, the chairman, owner or other person authorized to perform such actions has this right.

An entry in the work book must be made no later than seven days from the date of appointment of the new employee to the position.

This entry contains information provided for by the general provisions of Russian labor legislation. The number and number of the order, according to which this person is appointed development director, in accordance with the decision of the company’s governing body, must be entered in a separate column of the work book.

An important difference between filling out the work book of an employee for a given position from the books of ordinary workers is that the appointment of a development manager occurs not by order, but by decision of the meeting of the company’s founders, reflected in the minutes of this meeting. In the book you can record the name, order number and protocol number at the same time.

The Business Development Director belongs to the top level managers, that is, he is a representative of the management team. Therefore, he can be hired and fired only by order of the general director of the company.

The employment contract includes a number of applications:

  • job description of the development director;
  • his work schedule;
  • agreement on payment for his work, list of prices;
  • non-disclosure agreement.

Information about the company

AWAKE Communications Event & PR Boutique- consulting agency. Provides services in the field of marketing communications, and also prepares special events and PR. Among the agency's clients are companies such as British American Tobacco, Mothercare, Video International; network of sports clubs Reebok and many others. etc.

Download job description
development director
(.doc, 80KB)

I. General provisions

  1. The development director belongs to the category of managers.
  2. A person with a higher professional (economics, legal) education and at least 5 years of experience in management positions (including as a development director or strategic planning manager for at least 1 year) is appointed to the position of development director.
  3. The development director must know:
    1. 3.1. Market economy.
    2. 3.2. Rules for carrying out business activities.
    3. 3.3. Theory and practice of management, macro- and microeconomics, marketing, business administration, stock exchange, insurance, banking and finance.
    4. 3.4. Principles of enterprise development planning.
    5. 3.5. Basic tools for the financial recovery of an enterprise.
    6. 3.6. Methods of economic modeling.
    7. 3.7. Modern enterprise management systems.
    8. 3.8. Basics of production technology.
    9. 3.9. Prospects for innovation and investment activities.
    10. 3.10. Methods of information processing using modern technical means of communication and communications, computers.
    11. 3.11. Administration Basics.
    12. 3.12. Information Technology.
    13. 3.13. Fundamentals of sociology, psychology.
    14. 3.14. Legislation on labor and labor protection of the Russian Federation.
  4. Appointment to the position of development director and dismissal from the position are made by order of the head of the enterprise.
  5. The Development Director reports to the head of the enterprise.

II. Job responsibilities

Director of Development:

  1. Defines the general concept of the enterprise development policy.
  2. Justifies the development goals of the enterprise.
  3. Develops an effective development strategy and the main sections of the enterprise development plan.
  4. Conducts “diagnostics” of all production and commercial processes at the enterprise.
  5. Prepares specific programs for the development and restructuring of the enterprise, analyzes the possibility of financial support for the programs.
  6. Sets budgeting priorities and monitors expenditures to ensure financial stability of implemented programs.
  7. Organizes calculations of efficiency from the implementation of enterprise development projects.
  8. Prepares proposals for developing new business areas and developing new markets; develops projects for technical and administrative modernization of the enterprise.
  9. Organizes the presentation of projects and their implementation schedules to senior management, defends and justifies them, and answers questions from project management.
  10. After approval of projects, organizes the preparation of relevant documentation, obtaining relevant licenses and permits.
  11. Communicates the approved work schedules for project implementation to the management personnel of the enterprise.
  12. Appoints employees responsible for the implementation of projects, gives general instructions, directly supervises them and coordinates their activities.
  13. Organizes the interaction of all enterprise structures to implement enterprise development projects.
  14. Coordinates the implementation of projects at all stages, monitors the compliance of decisions made and actions taken with the basic concept of enterprise development.
  15. Analyzes economic and financial indicators at each stage of development projects.
  16. Develops methods for promptly responding to crisis and non-standard situations that can lead to disruption of the enterprise development plan or other unfavorable consequences for the enterprise.

III. Rights

The Development Director has the right:

  1. For information about all indicators of the enterprise’s performance, for access to commercial information.
  2. Request and receive necessary information and documents from heads of company departments and specialists.
  3. Within the limits of his competence, sign and endorse documents, issue orders with his signature on the implementation of enterprise development plans.
  4. Get acquainted with the documents defining his rights and responsibilities for his position, criteria for assessing the quality of performance of official duties.
  5. Submit proposals for improvement of work related to the responsibilities provided for in these instructions for consideration by management.
  6. Require the management of the enterprise to provide organizational and technical conditions and prepare the established documents necessary for the performance of official duties.

IV. Responsibility

The Development Director is responsible for:

  1. For improper performance or failure to fulfill one’s job duties as provided for in this job description - within the limits established by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation.
  2. For offenses committed in the course of their activities - within the limits established by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.
  3. For causing material damage to the enterprise - within the limits established by the current labor and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

The development director is a top-level manager involved in qualitative change and promotion of the company in the market. In fact, the main task of the development director is to take the company to a higher level. The “high level” criterion can be profit, market share, turnover or any conditional parameters such as profit per 1 sq.m. or revenue per 1 employee. Also, the company’s growth parameters can be geographical coverage (in which cities the company is present), automation of activities, level of service, speed and uninterrupted production, and much more.

Often the development director is involved in the full management of some part of the company - production, sales, supply or logistics, regional development, finance, or all of these at once. If the company is small, then all these functions can be performed by the owner, general or commercial director.

Places of work

The position of development director is present only at large enterprises, because... they require more careful and meticulous management. In small companies, all development and management functions usually fall on the CEO or owner, as well as department heads.

Responsibilities of the Development Director

The main job responsibilities of the Business Development Director include:

  • External development of the company - opening branches, partnerships, entering new markets.
  • Researching the market and competitors, searching for ideas for business development.
  • Analysis and improvement of the company's business processes.
  • Marketing management (events, promotions, sales, participation in exhibitions, product presentations, etc.) and sales.
  • Management of product range, pricing, sales policy.
  • Employee management (recruitment, training, motivation).

In rare cases, the functions of a development director include working with key clients, franchising, speaking at conferences and similar company PR, developing a company strategy and other tasks.

Requirements for a development director

The list of basic requirements for a development director includes:

  • Strong management skills and experience leading people.
  • Knowledge of the field - for example, in the restaurant business, metallurgy, oil and gas industry...
  • Experience as a director (1 to 3 years) is often required.
  • Experience in personal selling and negotiation skills.
  • Confident PC skills (Office, 1C, MS Project, Visio).
  • English for reading documentation.
  • Leadership abilities, ability to work independently.

Sometimes the development director is required to have knowledge of some ERP or CRM systems, spoken English and experience working abroad, and a higher economic education.

How to become a development director

To become a development director, you “simply” need to be able to build a business (both from scratch and from a certain base). Such skills are undoubtedly acquired in practice - most often in the field of sales, advertising and marketing, because This is where active market research and work with clients takes place.

The profession of a development director involves management activities, so the candidate must be able to lead people, manage time (his own and that of his employees), count and save money, work with contracts and be able to negotiate. Therefore, any managerial position is quite suitable for a successful start.

Higher education is still secondary for a director, but good basic knowledge can be obtained by choosing a major in economics or law. An MBA or any mini-MBA program will provide more practical skills.

Development director salary

The salary of a development director greatly depends on the region and the level of the company. For example, the salary range for a director with 3 years of experience varies from 70 to 200 thousand rubles per month. At the same time, the salary of a development director with more than 5 years of experience starts at 100 thousand rubles per month and is rising uncontrollably.

The average salary in the market is about 92 thousand rubles per month. Often bonuses and percentages of achieved results are attached to a fixed salary.


"__" ________________ 20_

I have read the instructions:

_____________________________ (initials, surname)


"__" ________________ 20_


1. General Provisions

1.1. This job description defines the functional responsibilities, rights and
responsibility of the Deputy Director for Development [Name of the organization in the genitive case] (hereinafter referred to as the Company).
1.2. The Deputy Director for Development is appointed to the position and dismissed from the position in the manner established by the current labor legislation by order
1.3. Deputy Director for Development reports directly to
1.4. The Deputy Director for Development belongs to the category of managers and is subordinate to:
— ;
— ;
- A;
— ;
— .
1.5. A person with a higher education degree is appointed to the position of Deputy Director for Development
professional (economics or engineering-economics) education and work experience in management positions of at least 5 years.
1.6. The Deputy Director for Development in his activities is guided by:
— legislative and regulatory documents addressing issues of social and
economic development of enterprises, labor and social development issues;
— methodological materials concerning relevant issues;
— labor regulations;
- orders and instructions of the director of the enterprise;
- this job description.
1.7. The Deputy Development Director should know:
— legislative and regulatory legal acts, methodological materials relating to
issues of socio-economic development of enterprises, legal support for enterprise activities, document flow and rule-making;
— goals, development strategy and business plan of the enterprise;
— profiles, specialization and features of the enterprise structure;
— a methodology for planning and forecasting the enterprise’s needs for personnel and equipment
and other resources;
— labor legislation;
— economics, sociology and psychology of work;
— modern theories of personnel management and motivation;
— fundamentals of production technology, economics and organization of production;
— means of computer technology, communications and communications;
— rules and regulations of labor protection.
1.8. During the absence of the Deputy Director for Development (vacation, illness, etc.), his
duties are performed by a person appointed in accordance with the established procedure. This person acquires the corresponding rights and is responsible for the proper performance of the duties assigned to him.

2. Functional responsibilities of the Deputy Director for Development

The Deputy Director for Development is required to perform the following job functions:
2.1. Organize systematic work to develop enterprise development plans
(business plans), accumulate and analyze proposals from all services of the enterprise to improve the activities of the enterprise, implement development plans (business plans) of the enterprise and monitor the implementation of development plans (business plans).
2.2. Coordinate the activities of all subordinate departments in their implementation
main functions.
2.3. Develop, in cooperation with other departments of the enterprise, proposals and
programs for organizing production and economic activities based on the widespread use of the latest equipment and technology, progressive forms of management and labor organization, scientifically based standards of material, financial and labor costs, studying market conditions and best practices (domestic and foreign) in order to fully improve the technical level and quality of products (services), economic efficiency of production, rational use of production reserves and economical use of all types of resources.
2.4. Manage the implementation of work on comprehensive information protection at the enterprise,
ensuring the effective use of all available organizational, engineering and technical measures in order to protect information constituting state secrets and commercial secrets of the enterprise.
2.5. Consult heads of related services on issues related to the development
long-term plans, preparation of feasibility studies, etc.
2.6. Systematically improve your skills and ensure advancement
qualifications of personnel of subordinate departments and services.
2.7. Manage the training of subordinates, create conditions for them to advance
qualifications, professional growth, business career and job development
promotions in accordance with personal merit and level of qualifications.
2.8. Monitor compliance of subordinates with labor safety and equipment rules
safety, industrial sanitation and fire protection.
2.9. Use granted rights to subordinates to encourage them
(bringing to responsibility).
2.10. Create conditions for the implementation and proper functioning of advanced
business planning technologies, their subsequent improvement and optimization.
2.11. Manage the distribution of tasks, ensuring they are completed in a timely, rhythmic and
uniform distribution to subordinate departments of the forms of documents necessary to support activities, as well as internal organizational, regulatory and regulatory documents on business development issues.
2.12. Study, generalize and apply advanced technologies in practical activities
domestic and foreign experience in business development planning.
2.13. Consider proposals to ensure ergonomic working conditions,
rationalization of jobs and submit them to the head of the Company for decision-making.
2.14. Timely and fully process and submit reporting and other documentation to officials with appropriate authority.
If necessary, the Deputy Director for Development may be involved in
performing their duties overtime, by decision of the head of the Company, in the manner prescribed by labor legislation.

3. Rights of the Deputy Director for Development

The Deputy Director for Development has the right:
3.1. Make decisions in order to properly organize business development, ensure
daily activities of subordinate units - on all issues falling within his competence.
3.2. Submit to the head of the Company your proposals for encouraging (holding accountable) subordinate employees - in cases where your own powers for this are not enough.
3.3. Prepare and submit to the head of the Company your proposals for
improving work on business development planning, its additional personnel, logistics, etc.
3.4. Participate in the work of collegial management bodies when considering issues related to business development.

4. Responsibility and assessment of the activities of the Deputy Director for Development

4.1. The Deputy Director for Development bears administrative, disciplinary and material (and in some cases provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation, criminal) responsibility for:
4.1.1. Failure to carry out or improperly carry out official instructions
immediate supervisor.
4.1.2. Failure to perform or improper performance of one’s job functions and assigned duties
tasks for him.
4.1.3. Illegal use of granted official powers, as well as
using them for personal purposes.
4.1.4. Inaccurate information about the status of the work assigned to him.
4.1.5. Failure to take measures to suppress identified violations of safety regulations,
fire safety and other rules that pose a threat to the activities of the enterprise and its
4.1.6. Failure to ensure compliance with labor discipline.
4.2. The assessment of the work of the Deputy Director for Development is carried out:
4.2.1. By the immediate supervisor - regularly, in the course of the employee’s daily performance of his labor functions.
4.2.2. Certification commission of the enterprise - periodically, but at least once every two years
based on documented performance results for the evaluation period.
4.3. The main criterion for assessing the work of the Deputy Director for Development is
quality, completeness and timeliness of his performance of the tasks provided for in these instructions.

5. Working conditions

5.1. The working hours of the Deputy Director for Development are determined in accordance with
internal labor regulations established in the Company.
5.2. Due to production needs, Deputy Director for Development
is required to go on business trips (including local ones).
5.3. Due to production needs, the Deputy Director for Development for
To perform his work functions, company vehicles may be provided.

6. Signature right

6.1. Deputy Director for Development to ensure his activities
is granted the right to sign organizational and administrative documents on issues included in his functional responsibilities.

The job description was developed in
According to____________________________
(name, number and date of document)

Head of structural
____________ ________________________

___________ _______________________
(signature) (surname, initials)

I have read the instructions:
__________ ________________________
(signature) (surname, initials)
