Create a job profile. Job applicant application form: important legal aspects

Before hiring a new specialist, the latter is required to fill out an interview form. The sample can be downloaded for free from this link.

Before hiring a new specialist, you need to fill out some documents in order to know a minimum of information about the person. One of them is the interview questionnaire. It is this paper - interview form is more necessary for the employer. She is the resume. Filling out the questionnaire with the applicant's own hand on the employer's questions helps the latter speed up the process of registration and search for the right candidate. The page you are viewing offers a sample interview questionnaire, which can be downloaded for free.

A unique written act - an interview questionnaire - has a free form. The points are created by the manager and the HR department of the company that wants to hire an employee. Despite the fact that this paper may contain all sorts of norms, it is imperative to include mandatory items. The specifics of the future specialist’s work orientation and the sector of the institution are undoubtedly reflected in the structure of the document under discussion. Interview forms will look completely different in different organizations.

Required items on the interview form

  • Title of the interview sheet, full name, date, place of birth;
  • Place of residence and registration;
  • Contact information, marital status;
  • Education, salary requirements, military registration (for men);
  • Additional knowledge and skills;
  • Work experience, hobbies, other aspects;
  • Date of compilation, signature, transcript.
At the initial survey stage, a lot of useful information is revealed. This data is enough to determine a person’s skills, professional, moral, psychological qualities, and other personality traits. Currently, questionnaires use the phrase regarding the processing of personal data. Such instructions are introduced because unauthorized processing of personal information is prohibited by law. It is important for the applicant to provide complete and detailed answers to the questions asked in order for his candidacy to be accepted.

During the preliminary interview process, a questionnaire becomes one of the most important selection tools. It helps to get to know the applicant better.

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How to correctly compose an applicant’s application form when applying for a job in 2019? An employment questionnaire allows the employer to form an initial opinion about the candidate.

But for this you need to choose the right questions. How to write a job applicant application form in 2019?

Important aspects

Large companies survey candidates according to their own rules, dictated by the specifics of their immediate activities.

At the same time, the applicant is rarely informed about the upcoming survey. The emphasis is on surprise; it is believed that in this case the applicant’s answers will be more honest.

Labor legislation does not contain special standards that would regulate the content of such a questionnaire.

The information depends entirely on the employer’s goals. However, there are some generally accepted and mandatory fields.

One of the employer's requirements is to fill it out in your own hand.

Based on the information obtained from the questionnaire, the employer gets an idea about the applicant’s work experience and his personal characteristics.

Basic Concepts

An applicant's application form for employment is a questionnaire containing questions of interest to the employer. As a rule, such a questionnaire is compiled by the personnel department.

A single sample questionnaire is not provided, and there cannot be one, since the specific nature of the activity is of primary importance in this case.

Each organization develops a questionnaire for the applicant based on its own needs, including the truly necessary information.

For example, someone collects information on the basis of which an employee’s personal file is subsequently created. For others, it is more important to find out through a questionnaire whether the applicant has the qualities necessary for the job.

An applicant questionnaire is an indispensable tool for a recruiter, since even the most detailed one may not display the necessary information.

Typically, an applicant's application form consists of several blocks. The very first contains standard information:

  • Full Name;
  • Date and place of birth;
  • citizenship;
  • registration and residence address, contact details;
  • passport data;
  • educational level;
  • previously held positions, work experience;
  • Family status;
  • hobbies.

This block is present in almost all job application forms, since it allows you to collect factual data about the applicant.

But further content is determined based on the needs of the employer. Depending on what is more important to get in the end, questions are drawn up.

If a company wants to hire a highly qualified specialist, then the questions relate to professional activity and knowledge in a certain field.

When a set of certain personal qualities is more important for an organization, then the survey concerns precisely this area.

For what purpose is it formed?

By correctly questioning potential employees, the recruiter receives additional information that is not customary to find out during an interview or one does not want to spend additional time on.

Such information includes, for example, marital status and contacts of relatives. Typically, the questionnaire is filled out by the applicant directly during the interview or immediately after it.

The completed application form is stored in the employee’s personal file if it is. The applicant questionnaire allows for a more qualitative analysis of the applicant.

By comparing the answers given during a personal interview and the answers to the questionnaire, you can determine how well a candidate fits a particular role.

But you should know that the questionnaire is an internal document containing the personal data of the citizen. Therefore, this document cannot be provided to third parties.

Only an HR specialist or other authorized person has the right to work with him. When compiling a questionnaire, it is important to clearly indicate the purpose of its use in work.

You need to understand whether the questionnaire is simply a formality of office work or an additional tool for assessing the candidate.

The purpose of the applicant questionnaire depends on who is using it:

The HR inspector is interested in the applicant's profile from the point of view of completeness of information about the employee Indicating data from personal documents in the form allows you to use it in the future in your work. In this case, there is no need to “raise” your personal file or look for the necessary information. All the necessary information is indicated in the application form
The manager and HR manager can obtain additional information about the candidate from the applicant’s application form In general, this contributes to a more adequate assessment, especially against the backdrop of a large number of applicants, when all applicants “merge” and it is impossible to make a choice
For a job seeker, a job application form is no less important. By answering the questionnaire, you can get to know your future employer. By assessing the content of the questions, you can draw some conclusions about the requirements and characteristics of the company, its corporate culture

Ideally, the applicant's application form should include questions that allow the candidate to be assessed from the standpoint of compliance with his personal and professional specifications.

That is, based on the answers, it should be clear whether the person’s qualities allow him to successfully perform a certain job.

There is no point in compiling a separate applicant profile for each position.

Questioning in personnel records management often involves drawing up three forms of questionnaire:

  • for workers and junior service personnel;
  • for specialists and technical performers;
  • for managers.

But it is more convenient to create one general questionnaire and create several applications, depending on the categories of employees.

Normative base

The labor legislation does not approve a single standard sample of a questionnaire for employment, nor does it regulate the content of such a document.

Therefore, the main points of the questionnaire are developed in accordance with legal norms and the practical activities of the business entity.

The law does not prohibit an employer from collecting necessary information about employees. The main thing to remember is the provisions.

This contains a ban on the collection and processing of personal data relating to religious, political and other beliefs.

Disclosure of personal data, transfer of such to third parties or public access is already punishable by criminal law.

Employers whose questionnaires are quite detailed need to foresee in advance the voluntary nature of providing personal data.

Moreover, when the applicant agreed to fill out the questionnaire, he is obliged to provide only truthful information.

The employer has the right to terminate the employment contract if the employee provides false information.

How to fill out a standard job seeker application form

Knowing how to correctly fill out a standard application form for an applicant when applying for a job will definitely not be superfluous. The practice of questioning is used by most employers today.

To fill it out correctly, you should know a few rules:

You should not refuse to fill out the form Some applicants refer to the presence of a resume. But often the questionnaire contains questions that are rarely disclosed in the resume. You should notify the employer about the availability of your resume, and he will decide whether the application is needed or not
You must read the entire form before filling it out. Often the same questions are duplicated at the beginning and end of the survey. This is done deliberately in order for the applicant to distort the transmitted information.
The form must be filled out in legible handwriting No one will bother to sort out incomprehensible scribbles, and such a questionnaire will simply be excluded when selecting an employee
You need to be careful when listing your previous places of work. You may need to list your jobs starting with your first or most recent. This is important, confusion in answers will indicate inattention
If the previous employer worked under a well-known brand But first you need to indicate the trademark, and only then the legal name
If you need to indicate contacts of previous employers Ignoring this point may cause the employer to think that the review will be negative
You must fill out all fields of the form Before adding a dash, it is better to think about how you can fill in the column. An empty questionnaire indicates an attitude towards the job in general.
When you need to express your opinion It is better to avoid “water”, to be specific and concise
Questions about hobbies, achievements, failures, etc. must be answered. Lack of answers may indicate that the applicant is closed or limited
The question about the expected salary level is contained in almost every questionnaire The price should not be too high, but the price should not be too low either. It is better to indicate 10-15% more expectations. In this case, you need to consider how such a position is paid in other companies.

What data is included in the form?

When preparing for an interview, the applicant should be prepared for the possibility of filling out a questionnaire. To do this, you need to know what is most often included in such questionnaires.

All information can be divided into several categories:

general information This includes personal identifying information, marital status, family composition, contact information, residential address, family composition, citizenship, etc.
Data on the company's prospects It contains questions about the desired position and salary level, motivation, convenience, transport accessibility, desired development prospects
Information about educational level The questions in this block relate to completed educational institutions, forms of education, additional education, and the presence of certain knowledge and skills.
Work experience information Standard questions relate to previous places of work and positions held. The employer can evaluate how often the applicant changed jobs, what was the reason for leaving previous places, and how responsibilities changed. In general, this block allows you to analyze the career development and psychological characteristics of the applicant
Information regarding professional skills Here you can see what knowledge you have that may be useful in your work.
Recommendation data The contact details of previous employers are indicated here. If the applicant does not fill out this block, the employer has reason to think about the suitability of the applicant
Health information The questions are designed to determine not only the candidate’s ability to work, but also his addiction to addictions. Based on the answers, the issue of employment in general and an individual work schedule can be decided.
Information about hobbies and interests Questions may sound different, their purpose is to find out how the applicant spends his free time

In addition, the application form may include other data, for example, information about one’s self-esteem, opinion about the company, a list of strengths and weaknesses, etc.

When filling out the application form, it is advisable for the applicant to answer as honestly as possible, since similar questions may be asked during the interview.

At the same time, if some questions seem too personal or incorrect, the applicant is not required to answer them.

You can write “I consider this information to be purely personal” as an answer. This answer also reflects the personality of the applicant.

What is better not to indicate in the document?

Some questionnaires may contain very tricky questions, and sometimes simply incomprehensible. Before giving an answer, you need to think carefully about what the employer would like to hear.

Before each answer you need to clearly formulate your thought. But the main principle is to answer honestly, without hiding existing shortcomings and without embellishing advantages.

Both will become clear sooner or later. It is not advisable to indicate the following information in the applicant application form:

Sample filling

The applicant's application form when applying for a job can be shortened or expanded. The shortened version contains questions that allow you to evaluate a candidate in cases where there are no special requirements for the position.

If the applicant has many requirements for complex work, then it is more convenient to use an extended questionnaire.

In addition to general information, it also contains questions that allow you to reveal the candidate’s personality more fully.

The standard questionnaire consists of the following questions:

  1. FULL NAME. applicant.
  2. Date and place of birth.
  3. Family status.
  4. Registration and residence address.
  5. Passport data.
  6. Education.
  7. Experience.
  8. Additional skills and knowledge.
  9. Desired position and salary.

The extended questionnaire additionally includes questions about personal characteristics, work and life goals, life position and other significant points.

Based on the completed questionnaires, the most suitable candidates are selected, who are then invited for an interview or selected for the position.

As a sample application form for an employee when applying for a job, a form template for a shortened type of applicant when applying for a job and an extended application form for an applicant when applying for a job.

Nuances during employment

The form of the applicant's application form and its content are determined by the specifics of a particular position. When filling out the application form, you need to focus on professional skills and personal qualities.

It would not be superfluous to indicate such qualities as:

  • communication skills;
  • politeness;
  • accuracy;
  • decency.

In the professional and educational sections, you can provide information about your knowledge of the principles of successful activities, communication, and participation in various trainings and seminars.

But basically, the indication of certain information depends on the profession. So, in the driver’s profile, you need to indicate the presence of driving skills, open categories, and the absence of emergency situations.

For a security guard, it is desirable to indicate experience in the army, proficiency in martial arts, and good physical fitness.

For a hairdresser, in addition to experience and work skills, communication skills and cleanliness are important.

The accountant should indicate the absence of a criminal record and knowledge of special software. That is, each profession has its own nuances.

In a restaurant

Working in a restaurant rarely requires higher education; as a rule, the educational block is not important at all. Although obtaining specialized knowledge related to the vacancy is welcome.

But the main attention is paid to attentiveness, politeness, communication skills, good memory, and competent speech.

Restaurant activities require employees to be neat and presentable in appearance. When hiring a restaurant, special attention is paid to the health of the candidate.

Every employee in the catering industry is required to have a health certificate, and without one, employment is simply impossible. Temporary opportunities can also be significant.

Video: how to fill out forms correctly

Working in a restaurant may require overtime. It is advisable for management to know in advance whether the employee will be able to work overtime if necessary.

Sales Manager

The specifics of the position of sales manager require compliance with a number of specific requirements:

  • age – from 18 to 30 years. It is believed that at this age employees are most active and capable of development;
  • marital status - preferably the absence of family ties, since this profession involves
  • irregular working hours and frequent absence of days off;
  • presentable appearance;
  • grammatically correct speech;
  • sociability;
  • stress resistance;
  • negotiation skills.

If the first two points are desirable, then all the rest are required. Typically, a sales manager's questionnaire consists of a standard questionnaire about personal data and a questionnaire with specific questions.

Often the question presents a situation that the candidate must resolve.

Sometimes the questionnaire includes passing various tests. As an example, a sales manager’s application form for employment.

For administrator

When applying for an administrator position, an applicant application form is drawn up to determine the candidate’s suitability.

The administrator is required to:

  • communication skills;
  • grammatically correct speech;
  • a certain level of education;
  • ability to resolve conflicts;
  • management skills.

The administrator's questionnaire includes questions such as:

  • level of education (graduated institution, acquired specialty);
  • knowledge of languages ​​(with or without knowledge, spoken, perfect);
  • additional education;
  • knowledge of PC and certain programs;
  • previously held positions;
  • reason for changing jobs;
  • indication of people who can give professional characteristics.

Many employers ask candidates for their existing positions to fill out an application form when applying for a job. Such a document is not included in the list of mandatory requirements for employment (Article 65 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation), but allows the employer to form a general opinion about the future employee.

Management does not have the right, without the consent of the applicant, to request information that may contain information about special personal data: nationality, religion (Article 86 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation), etc. If obtaining such information is necessary due to the nature of the work (for example, for access to state secrets), All submitted data is confidential and not subject to disclosure.

More details about personnel documents, including those in demand when employing employees, can be found in the material “HR administration from scratch - step-by-step instructions” .

Contents of the application form when applying for a job

There is no single sample application form for employment. Managers themselves decide which aspects of applicants’ lives interest them. An approximate list of requested information may be as follows:

  • personal data of the candidate (full name, place of residence, citizenship);
  • availability of education;
  • existing professional skills, work experience;
  • information about previous work activities;
  • sources of income, desired salary level;
  • Foreign language skills;
  • marital status, family composition;
  • having a criminal record;
  • hobbies, hobbies;
  • other questions.

Most of the information in the application form when applying for a job duplicates the resume of a potential employee, but it also contains information about the employee’s personal preferences, his habits and lifestyle. All this helps to create a more complete portrait of the future employee as a specialist and as an individual.

Find out what data needs to be reflected in the employee’s personal card and what to do if they change, from the material “How to correctly make changes to a personal card?” .

Features of filling out a questionnaire when applying for a job

Future candidates for a position receive an employment questionnaire directly from the employer’s personnel department. As a rule, the document is filled out manually and contains the date and personal signature of the applicant.

The information provided must characterize the employee as a specialist and as an individual, and must also be reliable.

You should approach filling out the form with all responsibility. You need to understand: even if a candidate does not get a job right away, often in search of a suitable candidate for a vacant position, management turns to previously filled out questionnaires, choosing the most suitable one from among the applicants.

For information about what information from the questionnaire will then end up in the employee’s personal card, read the article « Personal employee card form T-2 - download sample » .

Where can I download a sample application form for employment?

The form of this document is not the same for all employers. Our sample will help you get acquainted with one of its options.


Presenting and filling out documents during employment is a crucial moment for the applicant. With the help of information provided to them about their personal and professional qualities, work experience and other skills, the chances of getting the desired position are significantly increased. At the same time, we should not forget that this information must be not only relevant, but also reliable.

Application form for employment– a document that provides the employer with the opportunity to assess the qualifications of the applicant. When hiring an employee, you want him to be a truly qualified and competent worker in the issues that he will have to solve during his service. In order to correctly assess the qualities and skills of the applicant, an interview is conducted. In addition, it would not be a bad idea to ask the applicant for a vacancy to fill out a questionnaire when applying for a job. The correct assessment of the applicant depends on how well the application form is compiled. We invite you to download the questionnaire options so that you can create your own based on them.

Job application form. Sample design

Each organization has its own specific characteristics, in addition, each position within one organization also has its own differences. Therefore, when developing a questionnaire for your applicants, you need to take into account a number of features specific to your company. It is possible that one organization will use several application forms for different positions.

The samples we offer are only possible versions of the questionnaire that can be used to evaluate candidates when applying for a job. Something can be removed, something can be added, it all depends on the specifics of your activity.

The purpose of a job application form is not only to assess a person’s professional and personal qualities, but also to collect basic data about him: full name, age, marital status, passport details, residential address, telephone number.

In the future, the information from the questionnaire will be useful for filling out a personal card for the employee.

What can be included in a job application form?

In addition to the standard information indicated above, you can also include items about the applicant’s education, citizenship, relations with the law (criminal record), some biographical information, information about immediate relatives, for men, military registration information, personal qualities, professional skills, work experience, achievements and goals.

To organize personnel records in a company, beginner HR officers and accountants are perfectly suited to the author’s course by Olga Likina (accountant M.Video management) ⇓

Application form for employment. Main sections

Let's look at what sections can be included in a job application and what information they can reveal.

#1. General information about the job applicant

General information about the applicant gives a primary idea of ​​the candidate and allows us to draw the first conclusions about his suitability for the future job profile.

Based on this information, you can evaluate the following parameters: (click to expand)

  1. The distance between the applicant’s place of residence and the place of work. If the travel time to the place of work is long, this reduces the reliability of the applicant in the future.
  2. A contact phone number is important for feedback from the applicant and prompt clarification of any questions that may arise.
  3. Marital status shows the degree of his responsibility and need for constant income. If he is single, this may be a sign of looking for temporary work.

#2. Applicant's education

The second section reflects the applicant’s education: basic, additional and special. Based on this section, we can draw a conclusion about the suitability of the applicant’s qualifications for the future position. The more courses, trainings and educational programs a candidate has completed, the more promising he is.

#3. Job applicant skills

The next block is an assessment of the job applicant’s special skills and abilities. This section determines the candidate's qualifications and ability to cope with the responsibilities assigned to him in the position.

#4. Employee motivation and work experience

This section evaluates the candidate’s work experience and his motivation, which may include salary growth, career development, etc.

#5. Additional information about the candidate

This section provides additional information about the candidate; it is important to pay attention to what the applicant wants to do in the organization and what advantages he highlights.

Download the application form when applying for a job. Form

Questionnaires are often used by large enterprises. Some organizations limit themselves to data from a person’s resume and find out his professionalism during a personal conversation (interview). We offer you two examples of a questionnaire: short and extended. Choose a suitable questionnaire and form it into an option that suits your company.

The questionnaire refers to the first stage of acquaintance between the head of an institution and a potential employee. The second stage of acquaintance includes an interview. The answers displayed in the questionnaire will show an intelligent manager how to complete the interview and whether it is worth doing.

The heads of most institutions, when selecting an employee, often ask applicants for a vacancy to draw up a questionnaire before the interview. This form, drawn up when joining an institution, identifies in potential employees the qualities required to determine the direction of its activities. Having received the questionnaire, the manager will immediately be able to understand whether the candidate is suitable or not for the open vacancy and whether it is worth talking with him in the future.

As a rule, the employer does not inform you about the questionnaire in advance, therefore, in addition to your resume, it does not hurt to bring to the interview all the documents that can help you answer the questions on the form.

Firstly, you cannot refuse to fill it out! Some job applicants believe that it is not necessary to write a questionnaire because they have a resume. However, an application must be written and a resume must be attached to it. This will be an additional advantage for those applying for a job. If the questionnaire is not needed, the applicant will be warned about this. This document
must be filled out in legible handwriting, without making mistakes, because this document will create the first impression of the employee. If your handwriting is illegible, no one will read the application form; it will simply be thrown away, which is unlikely to help you find a job.

Tips for filling it out correctly:

The document is written manually. Before filling it out, you need to carefully read the questions to which you will have to answer. The form must be filled out without any blots or errors. Sometimes the questions asked at the beginning and at the end of the document are similar. This is done specifically to avoid distortion of information provided by a potential employee.

You need to answer all the questions asked.. You cannot leave blank fields. It is better to answer “no” or “not available” to questions that are not related to a potential employee, otherwise management may think that the candidate ignored the question, which may result in an opinion about the applicant’s “lack of performance” and “conflict.”

If you intend to work in a management staff, you need to check with your manager about the possibility of referring to a resume in some columns so as not to duplicate the displayed answers. In such cases, you can make a postscript “ see resume“.


The document usually consists of the following points:

  • Full name - full name.
  • Day, month and year of birth.
  • Registration address and actual place of residence (passport details).
  • Family composition, presence of children.
  • Citizenship.
  • Education.
  • The vacancy for which the future employee is applying.
  • Speciality.
  • Length of service and last place of work.
  • Desired salary amount.
  • Availability of skills and abilities (language proficiency, computer knowledge, do you have a driver’s license, etc.).
  • Assessing merits.

Having written down the application form, the applicant must prepare for a conversation with the manager, since the application form is only half of the guarantee of employment at the enterprise.

Any manager wants to hire a self-confident employee who knows how to work and interact with team members. The job applicant wants a positive outcome from the conversation and successful answers to questions.

The main rule for a positive interview when applying for a company is the applicant’s self-confidence. Another important point is the correct answers to questions when talking with a manager.

Let's first consider how to behave when talking with a manager:

  • Questions must be answered clearly.
  • Try to answer the question within 2 minutes, no more.
  • You cannot answer in a low voice.
  • If the applicant is not sure of the interpretation of any term, it is better to remain silent.
  • It is not advisable to use abstruse words when answering.
  • No need to ask again often.
  • It is not advisable to utter unflattering phrases when communicating.
  • You only need to look at your partner.
  • You cannot answer questions too briefly.
  • It is not advisable to interrupt your interlocutor.
  • When answering questions, it is advisable to express your personal opinion and remember to smile, which always has a positive impact.

Positive answers during a conversation with a manager, which are carried out confidently and kindly, are a guarantee of success.

How do you not need to answer?

  • First of all, you should never answer “yes” or “no”. The interlocutor may get the impression that the applicant is illiterate and does not know how to form his own thoughts.
  • Secondly, when asked about previous work, you need to answer the truth, as this can be verified. You can only embellish when talking about your merits and keep silent about your shortcomings. However, everything should be in moderation.
  • You cannot answer with doubt in your voice, as the manager may doubt the knowledge of the interlocutor and ask additional questions.
  • Questions must be answered truthfully, not bullshit. You must always remember that the best answers are confident and truthful answers.

To successfully complete a conversation, you need to prepare for it ahead of time.

What can you tell us about yourself?

This is the most frequently asked question. Therefore, you need to prepare your answer in advance. There is no need to express a biography from the date of birth here. It is necessary to emphasize your merits, speak clearly and in a business-like manner, without listing circumstances that are not related to the work. It is imperative to talk about education and work experience, about responsibilities at the previous enterprise, emphasizing those facts that will provide the applicant with the desired vacancy.

Where did you work before?

This question does not need to be answered in a negative manner. You cannot talk about conflict situations among the team and with management. In this case, the manager will think that the applicant for the vacancy is a conflict-ridden person who does not know how to get along with employees. There is no need to refer to a low salary, because there will be an opinion that the applicant is pursuing only material interests. It is better to cite the reason for leaving your previous job as the desire to increase your potential, or the inconvenient location of your home in relation to the company, inappropriate work hours, etc. At the same time, the candidate must note that he was sorry to leave his previous job, since he worked there for a long time, but there were no prospects for career growth there.

What are your positive and negative qualities?

When noting positive qualities, it is advisable to indicate those that will be needed for the vacancy for which the applicant is applying. For example, “...By character I am sociable, responsible, decent, neat and friendly...».

An example of filling out a job application form

The application form for employment in an institution refers to a form that provides the manager with the opportunity to assess the applicant’s qualifications for the position. In addition to the questionnaire, to more fully assess the qualities of the applicant, an interview is performed.

The purpose of the questionnaire is not only to determine the qualities of the applicant, but also to collect information about him, which in the future will be needed to open a personal file on him. Each institution can independently develop questions that a potential employee must answer.

What are the main sections included in a job application form?

General information about the potential employee.

The following information is displayed here:

  • Distance of the applicant's housing from the institution. With a large distance from work, the applicant’s chances of obtaining a device are reduced.
  • Contact phone number for quick clarification of any questions that may arise.
  • Family composition, which can be used to determine the candidate’s level of responsibility and need for stable income.

This section displays the candidate’s education: main, additional and technical. Based on this information, the qualifications of the candidate can be determined. The more types of training, advanced training and other training courses an applicant has completed, the greater his chances of getting a job.

Thanks to this section, the special skills and abilities of a potential employee are assessed. This determines the level of qualifications of the applicant and the ability to perform the job duties assigned to him.

This part of the questionnaire analyzes the future employee’s work experience and his motivation, expressed in interest in salary growth, career development, etc.

Additional information about the future employee

This displays additional information about the applicant, what he plans to do at the institution and what, in his opinion, the company has advantages.

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  • (*.doc)

Filling example