Methods of preschool presentation program. Presentation

What is preschool education “Preschool education is the senior stage of preschool, usually lasting two years and designed to soften the transition of a child from kindergarten (as well as any other preschool institution (organization) or from a family) to school. But this should not at all turn into the same training of children on first-grade material.”

Arguments against the immature motivation of six-year-olds to learn the deterioration of children's health the advantage of preschool education programs for preserving the health and emotional well-being of children Data from the Research Institute of Hygiene and Health Protection of Children and Adolescents: compared to the 1980s, the percentage of 6-year-old children who are not ready for systematic education , increased by 5 times% of six-year-olds are mature, more than 49% are moderately mature, and 32.2% are immature in terms of functional readiness for learning.

What is “Pre-school preparation”? Goals, objectives, features. What is “Pre-school preparation”? Goals, objectives, features. The main goal of pre-school preparation is to equalize the starting capabilities of future schoolchildren so that they do not experience stress, complexes, or feelings of humiliation, which can discourage them from studying for all subsequent years.

Organization of the process of training, education and development of children at the stage of preschool education, taking into account the needs and capabilities of children of this age; selection of the content of education for children at the stage of pre-school education, which will ensure the preservation of the intrinsic value of this period of development, refusal to duplicate the content of education in the first grade of school; TASKS OF PRE-SCHOOL EDUCATION

Thus, the child’s readiness for school presupposes the development of the child’s activity system (choice of means, methods, ability to set a goal and achieve it); broadening his horizons and stimulating cognitive activity; formation of arbitrariness and freedom of behavior; independence, the ability to serve oneself, the ability to communicate with peers and adults. A.A. Leontyev: From five to seven years, as a rule, “leveling out” of health reserves occurs. The main thing is the emergence of new personal formations, such as imagination, mastery of one’s emotions, visual-figurative thinking (formed in a real full-fledged game). D.B. Elkonin: “A child’s readiness for schooling is determined by four lines of his development: 1 line - the formation of voluntary behavior; Line 2 – cognitive activity (mastery of means and standards); Line 3 – transition from egocentrism to decentration; 4th line – motivational readiness.” L.S. Vygotsky: in the second half of preschool childhood, the child is already psychologically ready, if not for school, then, in any case, for the “activity of learning.”

What and how to teach preschool children. TO STUDY the psychological and psychophysiological characteristics of children ready for school; DETERMINE the basics of organizing successful training and education of preschoolers and primary schoolchildren; HIGHLIGHT the personality qualities of a future first-grader; ESSENTIALS REQUIRED:

Psychological and psychophysiological characteristics of children ready for school. School maturity School maturity means the level of morphological, functional and intellectual development of a child at which the requirements of systematic learning, loads of various kinds, and a new routine of life will not be overly tiring for him.

Physical readiness is a state of health, a certain level of morpho-functional maturity of the child’s body, the required level of development of motor skills and qualities, especially fine motor coordination, physical and mental performance.

Activity, initiative, independence, responsibility; the ability to listen to another and coordinate your actions with him; follow established rules, ability to work in a group; this is a certain level of arbitrariness of behavior, the formation of communication, self-esteem and motivation for learning (cognitive and social); Personal readiness

Development of figurative thinking, imagination and creativity, the foundations of verbal and logical thinking, mastery of the means of cognitive activity (comparison, analysis, classification, generalization, schematization, modeling); native language and basic forms of speech (dialogue, monologue); elements of educational activity within other specifically children's activities (construction, drawing, modeling, various games) Intellectual readiness

The emergence of decentration (taking into account the position of another person when analyzing a situation); the emergence of decentration (taking into account the position of another person when analyzing a situation); identifying a task from the general context of activity, awareness and generalization of solution methods, planning and control; children have ideas about the world of people, things, nature. isolating a task from the general context of activity, awareness and generalization of solution methods, planning and control; children have ideas about the world of people, things, and nature.

2. Manifestation of emotional states in movement: freedom, ease of movement, shoulders apart, straight body, natural, elastic gait, naturalness and variety in postures, their changeability; the look is direct, open, interested; facial expressions are lively, expressive, calm.

3. Development of movements: transferring a group of small objects (matches) one at a time into a box with two fingers; maintaining static balance while standing on a drawn line (the heel of one foot touches the toe of the other); running with overcoming obstacles (running around objects like a snake); throwing the ball and catching it (without pressing it to the chest, at least once); standing long jump (jump length is at least 100 - 120 cm).

4. Social development: Able to communicate with familiar adults; Selectively and consistently interacts with familiar children (members of various interest groups); Feels the mood of loved ones and peers. Can provide emotional support and assistance in cases of difficulty. Regulates his behavior based on learned rules and norms. Has an idea of ​​himself and his capabilities.

5. Development of speech and verbal communication: Correctly pronounces all sounds of the native language. Able to identify sounds in a word. Speaks in simple, common sentences. Constructs complex sentences correctly. Composes a coherent story based on the plot picture. Maintains dialogue and knows how to attract attention with his speech. The speech is lexically rich (generalizing words, synonyms, antonyms, comparisons).

6. Cognitive development: Has an idea about nature, about the man-made world, about his city, country. Familiar with the culture of life; Asks questions, experiments, establishes cause-and-effect relationships. Arranges ten or more objects of the same shape by size. Can combine objects based on common concepts (clothing, shoes, dishes, transport, etc.). Can remember 6-7 names of objects in a didactic game situation.

6. Cognitive development. Uses an unfinished figure (incomplete image or unfinished structure) as a detail of a plot composition (in design, drawing, appliqué). Can independently realize his own ideas in the game. Implements plans in design and other productive activities. Uses visual models and symbolic means (plans, diagrams, colors) to understand the world around them. Carries out activities according to samples and rules. Can work at the same pace and rhythm with other children in the group.

7. Aesthetic development: Familiar with literary works. Can compose a fairy tale. Creates individual artistic images using expressive means (color, composition, form, rhythm, etc.) in various types of visual activity; independently, creatively embodies the idea in drawing, modeling, appliqué; Confident in technical skills and abilities; Perceives music emotionally

Competencies: social, communicative, intellectual, physical. Character traits: emotionality creativity arbitrariness initiative independence responsibility self-esteem freedom of behavior reflexivity Criteria for the quality of education PERSONALITIES of preschool age

Slide captions:

Children's education and development program "Pre-school time" 2011-2013. Authors and compilers: Zhidkova N.I., Kireeva O.V., Kuzminova N.V., Panina L.V., primary school teachers. Pavlovo2011
Organize the learning process taking into account the needs of children of this age;
Work out the content of children’s education, which will ensure the preservation of the intrinsic value of the developmental period;
To form social personality traits of the future schoolchild necessary for adaptation to school;
Goals and objectives. Goals: social – ensuring the possibility of a unified start for six-year-old first-graders; pedagogical – development of the personality of a child of senior preschool age, formation of his readiness for systematic learning. Objectives:
To form a UUD system that creates equal opportunities for success in primary education;
Develop personality qualities, mental processes, types of activities for the formation of stable cognitive interests.
Real consideration of the characteristics and values ​​of the preschool period of development, the relevance for the child of sensory impressions, knowledge, and skills;
Taking into account the needs of a given age, relying on play activities;
Ensuring the required level of development of the child’s mental and social qualities and basic activities;
Preservation and development of individuality;
Ensuring progression in the development of the child, his readiness to study at school, to accept new activities;
Development of erudition and individual culture of perception and activity of the child, his familiarization with accessible areas of culture.
Organization of training
Duration of training: 10 weeks. Total number of classes – 10. - 10; - 10; “Learning our native language” - 10. Daily schedule: first lesson: 10.40 – 11.00 second lesson: 11.10 – 11.30 third lesson: 11.40 – 12.00 Class schedule: 1 day a week. The duration of the lesson is no more than 20 minutes. The break between classes is 10 minutes.
Program structure
“Let’s get to know other people, ourselves and the world in which I live”
“We learn to think, reason, fantasize”
“Learning our native language”
“Let’s get to know other people, ourselves and the world in which I live”

Forms: - the child’s understanding of himself, his characteristics, abilities; - aimed at expanding knowledge about the surrounding objective world, natural and social environment; - development of skills to manage one’s emotions, control and evaluate one’s activities and behavior. One of the tasks is to prepare for the study of subjects in primary school: “Mathematics”, “The World around us”
Lesson number
Lesson topic
Class form
“This is me and my family!” Introducing full names and some derivative forms. Determining your role in the family team and the roles of other family members.
Plot-role-playing game.
Cognitive UDOorientate in your knowledge system: distinguish new from already known with the help of a teacher.
"We are together!" Participation in joint activities with adults and children.
Role-playing game
Communicative UUD Observe the simplest norms of speech etiquette: say hello, say goodbye, thank you.

“We learn to think, reason, fantasize”
Includes knowledge and skills that are a means of developing thinking and imagination. Particular attention is paid to children’s awareness of some accessible connections (causal, temporary, sequential) between objects and objects of the surrounding world, as well as the development of modeling activity as the basis for visual-figurative and then logical thinking. This section presents the knowledge and skills that provide special training to primary school subjects, primarily to the “Russian language”, “Mathematics”, as well as to the “World around us”.
Lesson topic
Forms of conducting
Number of hours
1. Finding out the simplest numerical concepts in children, the ability to distinguish objects by color, shape, location. Game "Tangram". 2. Development of speech, attention, observation. Game "Bee".
Didactic game Game for attention
Cognitive: general educational – formulating answers to questions; description of an object, determination of its properties; logical – constructing reasoning about the meaning of the concepts “object”, “square”, “circle”, “triangle”, “quadrangle”, “rectangle”, “sign of an object”, about the need for educational activities. Regulatory: accept and maintain the learning task; plan your actions Communicative: build communicative and speech actions aimed at taking into account the position of the interlocutor Personal: an adequate understanding of behavior in the process of learning activities.
“Learning our native language”
Ensures the enrichment of the child's active vocabulary, coherent speech, and the formation of skills in composing a descriptive, narrative story, and reasoning story. Particular attention is paid to preparing for studying the Russian language at school, teaching reading and preparing the child for writing.
Lesson topic
Forms of conducting
Universal learning activities (UAL)
Number of hours
Speech. In a world of silence and unknown sounds. Why are we talking? Description of the picture. Vowels and consonants. Game “Half the words are yours.” Tracing patterns around the office.
Didactic game.
Cognitive: general educational – understanding the process of communication as a way of transmitting information; description of the item; logical - constructing reasoning about the meaning of the concept of “communication”; description of the picture. Regulatory: accept and maintain a learning task, plan your action. Communicative: be able to form communicative and speech actions. Personal: an adequate idea of ​​\u200b\u200bschool, behavior in the process of learning activities.
Collaboration between teachers and parents
Goal: to prevent possible difficulties that a child may encounter when adapting to school.
Increasing parental competence in matters of children’s psychological readiness for school, their socialization in relation to the school environment;
Coordination of organizational and educational actions of parents during the preparation of children for school;
Providing recommendations on educational issues of interest.
Thematic planning of classes with parents
Peculiarities of development of children 6-7 years of age - 1 hour The role of the family in moral and volitional preparation for schooling - 1 hour Leading motives of behavior and relationships - 1 hour Interaction of a child with children and adults - 1 hour Peculiarities of the development of cognitive processes - 1 hour Book in the family. Nurturing curiosity – 1 hour Developing creative potential – 1 hour The role of the family in nurturing independence – 1 hour Play as a means of child development – ​​1 hour Daily routine and its importance at the stage of preparation for school and schooling – 1 hour


Stage 1 - design and analytical Study of scientific sources and practical achievements on the problems of interaction between subjects of the educational process; Monitoring the needs of parents for educational services; Drawing up a social and psychological portrait of the family; Development of projects for working with parents, aimed at increasing the competence of parents and teachers on the issue of school readiness;

“Programs for increasing the competence of parents and teachers on the problem of school readiness”, “Pedagogical diagnostics of a child’s readiness for school for parents”, “Pedagogical assessment of readiness for school”, etc.

The plan is the “Commonwealth” program.

Stage 2 is practice-oriented Implementation of developed projects for interaction with parents, their correction. Development of tests to test the pedagogical competence of parents and teachers.


Various forms and contents of interaction (for different conditions of the educational process) between teachers and parents, preschool and school teachers have been developed. Tests to test the pedagogical competence of parents and teachers.

Form of work

Newspaper Training Ring Forum, etc.

The plan is the Commonwealth program.

Stage 3: effective-reflective Critical self-analysis of professional activity regarding the results achieved; Summing up, identifying bottlenecks and adjusting parent interaction programs


Increasing the level of pedagogical reflection and desire for self-education among parents and teachers

Effective component of the model

Presented with diagnostic techniques that determine: the level of readiness of children for systematic learning at school; pedagogical competence of teachers and parents in the aspect of readiness and adaptation of children to school education

Expected Result

Increasing the level of children's readiness for systematic learning at school; Increasing the pedagogical competence of teachers and parents in terms of readiness and adaptation of children to school; Creating a positive “image of the near future” for the confident entry of parents and children into the world of school; Determining effective forms and content of interaction between teachers and parents; Increasing the level of pedagogical reflection and desire for self-education among parents and teachers

Analysis of research and work experience

Let's summarize.

An analysis of research and work experience on the problem shows that in modern society it is advisable to build pedagogical interaction between a kindergarten and parents: focusing the goals and content of interaction on current problems of child upbringing and development; using variable forms and methods of parent education; developing parental reflection, focusing on the emotional side of interaction; taking into account the personal experience of parents, appealing to it in the process of interaction; uniting, consolidating parents in the educational process; using the possibilities of the parallel educational process “parents-children”.

May the fruits of your labors multiply

"Pre-school preparation program"

More details on the website

Pre-school preparation of children - Presentation 29182

Continuity of preschool and primary education.


Senior level

What is preschool education?

“Preschool education is the senior stage of preschool, usually lasting two years and designed to soften the transition of a child from kindergarten (as well as any other preschool institution (organization) or from a family) to school. But this should not at all turn into the same training of children on first-grade material.”

Child's life success

Relevance of the problem.

The success of a child’s life depends on the level of preschool education. Pre-school education ranks third (after higher and primary) in terms of importance.

Deteriorating children's health

Immature motivation of “six-year-olds” to learn

Data from the Research Institute of Hygiene and Health Protection of Children and Adolescents: compared to the 1980s, the percentage of 6-year-old children who are not ready for systematic education has increased 5 times. 18.5% of six-year-olds are “mature”, more than 49% are “medium mature”, and 32.2% are immature in terms of functional readiness for learning.

The Benefits of Early Childhood Education Programs for Children's Health and Emotional Well-Being


At the age of five, children receive “a certain development that cannot be achieved at any other age. If this development is not achieved, then the child is unlikely to be successful in his career in the future.”

The purpose of pre-school preparation

What is “Pre-school preparation”? Goals, objectives, features.

The main goal of pre-school preparation is to equalize the starting capabilities of future schoolchildren so that they do not experience stress, complexes, or feelings of humiliation, which can discourage them from studying for all subsequent years.

Pre-school education

This is a system of processes of interaction between people in society, ensuring, on the one hand, the development of the abilities of each individual, and on the other, his entry into this society (socialization).

Goals of preschool education

The social goal is to ensure a uniform start for six-year-old first-graders; The pedagogical goal is the development of the personality of a child of senior preschool age, the formation of his readiness for systematic learning.

Objectives of preschool education

Organization of the process of training, education and development of children at the stage of preschool education, taking into account the needs and capabilities of children of this age; selection of the content of education for children at the stage of pre-school education, which will ensure the preservation of the intrinsic value of this period of development, refusal to duplicate the content of education in the first grade of school;

Strengthening and developing an emotionally positive attitude

Objectives of preschool education.

Strengthening and developing the child’s emotionally positive attitude towards school and desire to learn; formation of social personality traits of the future schoolchild, necessary for successful adaptation to school.

Features of preschool education

The concept of “Readiness for school”: prerequisites for academic skills; new social roles of the student; cognitive interests of the future student; mental operations (comparison, classification, analysis, generalization, etc.


L. S. Vygotsky: in the second half of preschool childhood, the child is already psychologically ready, if not for school, then, in any case, for the “activity of learning.”

The Science of Preschool Readiness

A. A. Leontyev: From five to seven years, as a rule, “leveling out” of health reserves occurs. The main thing is the emergence of personal new formations, such as imagination, mastery of one’s emotions, visual-figurative thinking (formed in a real full-fledged game).

Thus, the child’s readiness for school presupposes the development of the child’s activity system (choice of means, methods, ability to set a goal and achieve it); broadening his horizons and stimulating cognitive activity; formation of arbitrariness and freedom of behavior; independence, the ability to serve oneself, the ability to communicate with peers and adults.

D. B. Elkonin: “A child’s readiness for schooling is determined by four lines of his development: 1 line - the formation of voluntary behavior; Line 2 – cognitive activity (mastery of means and standards); Line 3 – transition from egocentrism to decentration; 4th line – motivational readiness.”

What and how to teach preschool children.


TO STUDY the psychological and psychophysiological characteristics of children ready for school; DETERMINE the basics of organizing successful training and education of preschoolers and primary schoolchildren; HIGHLIGHT the personality qualities of a future first-grader;

Features of children

Psychological and psychophysiological characteristics of children ready for school.

School maturity means the level of morphological, functional and intellectual development of a child at which the requirements of systematic learning, loads of various kinds, and a new routine of life will not be overly tiring for him.

Physical fitness

This is a state of health, a certain level of morpho-functional maturity of the child’s body, the necessary level of development of motor skills and qualities, especially fine motor coordination, physical and mental performance.

Personal readiness

Activity, initiative, independence, responsibility; the ability to listen to another and coordinate your actions with him; follow established rules, ability to work in a group; this is a certain level of arbitrariness of behavior, the formation of communication, self-esteem and motivation for learning (cognitive and social);

Intelligent Readiness

Development of figurative thinking, imagination and creativity, the foundations of verbal and logical thinking, mastery of the means of cognitive activity (comparison, analysis, classification, generalization, schematization, modeling); native language and basic forms of speech (dialogue, monologue); elements of educational activity within other specifically children's activities (construction, drawing, modeling, various games)

The Emergence of Decentration

Intellectual readiness.

The emergence of decentration (taking into account the position of another person when analyzing the situation); identifying a task from the general context of activity, awareness and generalization of solution methods, planning and control; children have ideas about the world of people, things, and nature.

Material from the site

Pre-school preparation - Presentation 8693

“A child by nature is an inquisitive explorer, a discoverer of the world

So let a wonderful world open before him in living colors, bright and vibrant sounds, in a fairy tale, in a game, in his own creativity, in beauty. Through a fairy tale, a game, through unique children’s creativity - the right path to a child’s heart.” V. A. Sukhomlinsky.

Pre-school preparation as the first stage of continuous education

Presentation by a primary school teacher at Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School No. 2 of the village. Redkino Lyapunova N. A.

In the Concept of the Federal Target Program for the Development of Education for

2006-2010 the following definition is used: “Pre-school education” - education of children of senior preschool age with the aim of ensuring equal opportunities for subsequent education in primary school.


The number of preschool institutions has been reduced to a minimum; an increase in the number of children entering school with varying degrees of preparedness; The parameters of a child’s readiness for school are determined based on the priorities of a particular educational institution.


By creating special conditions for preparing for school, it is planned to obtain: a student who is motivated for education, physically and psychologically stable and healthy, ready to master new knowledge.

Goals of pre-school preparation

To create conditions for equalizing the starting capabilities of unorganized children before entering school and the development of individual abilities in children attending kindergarten.

Objectives of pre-school preparation:

1. Formation of motivation to study. 2. Formation of mental operations. 3. Development of variable thinking: fantasy, imagination, creative abilities. 4. Speech development. 5. Increased attention span and memory.

6. Developing the ability to purposefully carry out educational actions, developing strong-willed qualities. 7. Development of communication skills 8. Formation of general educational skills 9. Development of the child’s fine motor skills and coordination of hand movements, the ability to navigate in space and time.

Basic principles of pre-school preparation

Accessibility - Preschool preparation is intended for children of any level of readiness for school. Universality - Preparation is carried out by the means that are most suitable for the formation of a given group of preschoolers.

Comfort-. a positive emotional assessment of any student’s achievement by the group leader, so that the children’s success is experienced as joy; Direction - does not deal with the complex development of the child, but forms the components necessary for the child’s subsequent educational activities on the basis of the already formed play activity. Openness – Teachers of different specializations and programs take part in pre-school preparation.

Voluntariness – All children whose parents (or their substitutes) have given consent to the training are included in the training groups. Relevance - Use of modern scientific achievements, Timely response to changes in social order, education standards, monitoring indicators.

1. Basic course in mathematics and logic 2. Speech development and literacy training 3. Familiarization with the outside world

Areas of study

Sensory development - speech development - development of psychological processes - formation of mathematical concepts - development of motor skills, social development - physical development - aesthetic development

Work efficiency

By the end of the pre-school preparation program, the main result was: further advancement of children in the development of cognitive processes, thinking, activity abilities and communication

Pre-school preparation "Steps to school"

Sections: Work with preschoolers

First grade is one of the most significant critical periods in the lives of children, for many of them it is an emotionally stressful situation: how adaptation goes in the first year of education largely determines their performance and performance in subsequent years. Pre-school education at the lyceum turns out to be attractive for parents, as it involves introducing children to a future teacher and ensures a smooth fit into the curriculum that the child will follow.

The main task

pre-school preparation – adaptation of children to learning and creation of conditions for equalizing the starting capabilities of children from different social groups and segments of the population. The opening of pre-school groups is dictated by the capabilities of the lyceum, the needs of parents and students.

Lyceum No. 82 in the village of Kamenolomni, Oktyabrsky district, Rostov region, is an innovative institution that has such capabilities.

We have chosen our “Steps to School” program, where at the first stage, teachers and the administration of the lyceum attend parent meetings in kindergartens “Zorenka” and “Skazka”, where they advertise the institution, teachers, innovations, and answer parents’ concerns. Then we invite you to the lyceum for an Open Day, where parents and children can see the school and get acquainted with additional education. At the second stage, we begin developmental classes for preschoolers.

The most important task of preschool education at present is to ensure the personal development of the child.

The basis for organizing the educational process is determined by the following principles of working with children:

  • Using methods that activate children's thinking, imagination and search activity.
  • Introduction to teaching of problematic elements, open-ended tasks with different solutions;
  • Providing the child with the opportunity to focus on a peer partner, interact with him and learn from him (and not just from an adult);
  • Formation of a children's team that provides each child with a feeling of comfort and success using diverse forms of educational organization, including various specific children's activities;
  • Ensuring the relationship between activities and the daily life of children, their independent activities (play, art, etc.);
  • Providing physical activity for children in various forms;
  • Wide use of gaming techniques, toys; creating situations that are emotionally significant for children.

I bring to your attention a series of classes and presentations on the “Steps to School” program.

Classes and presentations.

Physical fitness - Presentation 29182-15

Preparation for school

“Pre-school preparation program” - Components of a model of interaction with parents. Organization of management activities. May the fruits of your labors multiply.

Expected Result. Monitoring of parents' views. Test tasks for parents. Methodological foundations of interaction. Legal field.

The effective component of the model.

“The relationship between school and kindergarten” - A model for implementing cooperation between kindergarten and school. There's a circle in class. Educational and training complex "Pre-school of the new generation". Preparing children for school is one of the pressing problems. Cognitive activity.

Classes on the development of elementary mathematical concepts. Methodological apparatus of the educational complex “New Generation Preschool”.

“Preparing for school” - Future “first-graders” got acquainted with the schedule and daily routine. Intellectual readiness. Preparing children for school. “Being ready for school does not mean being able to read, write and do math. Children's attendance was 81%. Communicative readiness.

Development of speech and thinking Learning to read and write and position the hand Mathematics.

“Children go to school” - Names of family members. School teacher. The child's knowledge volume. Mental readiness.

A strong desire to learn. School readiness criteria. An authoritative person. Quality of knowledge.

Psychological readiness. Moral readiness. Cloth. Recommendations for parents. Difficulties.

Development of logical thinking.

“Pre-school preparation of children” - Crisis of 7 years. Senior level. The emergence of decentration. Objectives of preschool education. Pre-school preparation of children.

Physical readiness. Intellectual readiness. Health and physical development. Strengthening and developing an emotionally positive attitude.

Manifestation of emotional states in motion.

“Preparing preschoolers for school” - Level of anxiety. School studies. We prepare for school easily and with love. Mental processes.

Personality-oriented principle. Preparing children for school. The principle of conformity to nature. Programs. Integrated course.

Gender principles. The meaning of human life. Educate youth.

Preschool Education - Presentation 29182-7

Preparation for school

“Preparing preschoolers for school” - Preparing children for school. Mental processes. School studies. Educate youth.

The meaning of human life. The principle of conformity to nature. Programs. Personality-oriented principle. Anxiety level.

Gender principles. Integrated course. We prepare for school easily and with love.

“Preparing for school” - Communicative readiness. Preparing children for school. The future “first-graders” got acquainted with the schedule and daily routine. Types of activities. Intellectual readiness.

Currently, the search for optimal options for working with children is underway. Psychological readiness. Relevance.

Motivational readiness.

“Children go to school” - Development of logical thinking. Psychological readiness. An authoritative person.

The child's knowledge volume. School success. Moral readiness. Mental readiness. School teacher.

Quality of knowledge.

“Preschool Preparation Program” - May the fruits of your labors multiply. Forms of cooperation. Parent newspaper column.

Getting ready for school. Monitoring of parents' views. Content component of the model. Organization of management activities.

Monitoring parents' ideas about their child's readiness for school. Model of interaction with parents.

“Pre-school preparation of children” - Psychological and psychophysiological features. Goals of preschool education. Vygotsky.

Criteria for the quality of education. Physical readiness. Health and physical development. Features of children. Preschool education.

Personal readiness. Social development. Objectives of preschool education.

“The relationship between school and kindergarten” - Cognitive activity. System of continuity of work between kindergarten and school. Preparing children for school is one of the pressing problems.

Classes on the development of elementary mathematical concepts. Model for implementing cooperation between kindergarten and school. Graduate model.

Methodological apparatus of the educational complex “New Generation Preschool”.

More details

Pre-school preparation of children - Presentation 29182-1

Preparation for school

“Children go to school” - Clothes. School success. An authoritative person. Psychological readiness.

Quality of knowledge. Boy. Significant contribution to school success. School readiness criteria. Development of logical thinking.

Difficulties. Your child is going to school. Mental readiness. Recommendations for parents. School teacher.

“Preparing preschoolers for school” - Educating youth. Preparing children for school. The principle of conformity to nature. Gender principles.

Integrated course. Personality-oriented principle. Anxiety level. The meaning of human life. Mental processes.

Programs. School studies. We prepare for school easily and with love.

“Pre-school preparation program” - Test tasks for parents. The effective component of the model. May the fruits of your labors multiply. Legal field. Difficulties of the first days of school.

Model of interaction with parents. Implementation of developed projects. Structural and organizational component.

Philosophy of the issue. Components of a model of interaction with parents.

“Preparing for school” - Preparing children for school. Pedagogical readiness. Volitional readiness. Preparation for school.

Children's attendance was 81%. What is psychological readiness for school? Motivational readiness.

Communicative readiness. “Being ready for school does not mean being able to read, write and do math.

“The relationship between school and kindergarten” - Interrelation and continuity of primary school and kindergarten. Educational and training complex "Pre-school of the new generation". A graduate is a person who is at the center of a system of relationships. System of continuity of work between kindergarten and school.

Organization of educational activities in a mathematics lesson. There's a circle in class. Cognitive activity.

“Pre-school preparation of children” - Certain development. Development of speech and verbal communication. Crisis 7 years. Features of preschool education.

Pre-school preparation of children. Criteria for the quality of education. Aesthetic development. Strengthening and developing an emotionally positive attitude. Arguments against.

Personal readiness. Physical readiness.

Goals of Preschool Education - Presentation 29182-8

Preparation for school

“Preparing for school” - Communicative readiness. Psychological readiness. Pedagogical readiness. Intellectual readiness.

Preparation for school. The future “first-graders” got acquainted with the schedule and daily routine. Volitional readiness.

Relevance. What is psychological readiness for school? Children's attendance was 81%.

“Children go to school” - Significant contribution to school success. The child's knowledge volume. Moral readiness.

A strong desire to learn. Difficulties. Boy. Quality of knowledge. An authoritative person.

Development of school-significant psychological functions. Development of logical thinking. Names of family members. Recommendations for parents.

"Pre-Kindergarten Program" - Severity of the problem. Target component of the interaction model. Forms of cooperation. Analysis of research and work experience. Content component of the model.

May the fruits of your labors multiply. Difficulties of the first days of school. The plan is the “Commonwealth” program. The effective component of the model.

Legal field.

“Pre-school preparation of children” - Development of speech and verbal communication. Development of movements. Physical readiness.

The purpose of preschool preparation. Goals of preschool education. Social development.

The emergence of decentration. Manifestation of emotional states in motion. Vygotsky.

Health and physical development. Strengthening and developing an emotionally positive attitude.

“The relationship between school and kindergarten” - Preparing children for school is one of the pressing problems. Methodological apparatus of the educational complex “New Generation Preschool”. A graduate is a person who is at the center of a system of relationships.

System of continuity of work between kindergarten and school. There's a circle in class. Organization of educational activities in a mathematics lesson.

“Preparing preschoolers for school” - Preparing children for school. Anxiety level. The principle of conformity to nature.

The meaning of human life. School studies. Educate youth. Programs. Personality-oriented principle.

Mental processes. Integrated course. We prepare for school easily and with love. Gender principles.

More details

"Pre-school preparation"

Prepared by:

primary school teacher


Beloyarsky village

Tretyakova Maria Sergeevna

  • By purpose : development of qualities that determine the formation of sustainable cognitive interest and success in school
  • By content:

The program determines the knowledge and skills that every child must master for successful intellectual social development and adaptation to school education.

  • By form: reliance on the main activity of a 5-7 year old child - play

  • preserve and strengthen the health of children preparing for school;
  • ensure continuity between preschool and primary education;
  • eliminate different levels of preparation for training;
  • eliminate duplication of the school curriculum in preparation for school;
  • to develop learning skills, interest and desire to study at school.

  • Taking into account the characteristics and values ​​of the preschool period of development;
  • personal orientation of the learning and education process;
  • Preservation and development of the individuality of each child;
  • Ensuring progression in the development of the child, his readiness to study at school, to accept new activities;
  • Development of erudition, individual culture of perception;
  • An integrated approach to content selection knowledge ;

  • Physiological(sufficient development of all organs and systems of the child’s body). “A healthy child is a successful child”;
  • Psychological(awareness of oneself as a future student, desire and desire to acquire new knowledge and develop skills);
  • Necessary and sufficient level skills development for learning (development of attention, memory, thinking, ability to work in a team).

  • ability to concentrate,
  • ability to build logical connections,
  • memory development,
  • fine motor skills

  • motivation to learn,
  • ability to concentrate,
  • emotion management

  • need for communication
  • correction of behavior in a team,
  • learning ability

  • Speech development with elements of literacy training.
  • Development of logical thinking using mathematical material.
  • Synthesis of various components of natural science and environmental knowledge with the inclusion of available elementary information from the field of astronomy, physics, biology, ecology.

  • Didactic games
  • Compiling text from a drawing
  • Memorizing poems
  • Conversations on the works read
  • Sound analysis of words

  • Counting items
  • Games for the development of mental processes ( attention, memory, thinking, imagination...)
  • Tasks with geometric shapes
  • Tasks on searching for patterns, comparison, classification, generalization

  • Child development;
  • Forming an interested attitude towards the natural environment;
  • Systematization and scientific correction of accumulated various natural history ideas.

  • pregnancy and childbirth occurred with complications;
  • the child suffered a birth injury or was born premature;
  • the child suffers from gastrointestinal diseases, enuresis, is prone to frequent colds, and has sleep disturbances;
  • the child has difficulty finding contact with peers and is emotionally unstable;
  • you notice motor retardation or hyperactivity.

  • intellectual readiness;
  • motivational readiness;
  • volitional readiness;
  • communicative readiness.

involves the development of attention, memory, formed mental operations of analysis, synthesis, generalization, the ability to establish connections between phenomena and events.

By the age of 6–7 years, a child should know:

  • his address and the name of the city in which he lives;
  • name of the country and its capital;
  • names and patronymics of their parents, information about their places of work;
  • seasons, their sequence and main features;
  • names of months, days of the week;
  • main types of trees and flowers.
  • he should be able to distinguish between domestic and wild animals, understand that grandmother is the mother of his father or mother.

In other words, he must navigate time, space and his immediate environment.

implies that the child has a desire to accept a new social role - the role of the schoolchild.

  • To this end, parents need to explain to their child that children go to school to gain knowledge that every person needs.
  • You should give your child only positive information about school. Remember that your grades are easily borrowed by children. The child should see that his parents are calm and confident about his upcoming entry into school.
  • The reason for the reluctance to go to school may be that the child “hasn’t played enough.” But at the age of 6–7 years, mental development is very plastic, and children who “haven’t played enough” when they come to class soon begin to experience pleasure from the learning process.
  • You don't have to develop a love for school before the start of the school year, because it's impossible to love something you haven't already encountered. It is enough to let the child understand that Studying is the responsibility of every person, and the attitude of many of the people around the child depends on how successful he is in his studies.

suggests that the child has:

  • ability to set goals
  • make a decision to start activities,
  • outline an action plan,
  • complete it with some effort,
  • evaluate the results of your activities,
  • and also the ability to perform for a long time is not very good

attractive job.

The development of strong-willed readiness for school is facilitated by visual activity and design, since they encourage one to concentrate on building or drawing for a long time.

It presupposes the ability to become involved in the children's community, to act together with other children, if necessary, to give in or defend one's innocence, to obey or lead.

In order to develop communicative competence, you should maintain friendly relationships between your son or daughter and others. A personal example of tolerance in relationships with friends, family, and neighbors also plays a big role in the formation of this type of readiness for school.

  • Instill confidence in your abilities;
  • Talk with your child more often, build dialogues, and be attentive to his questions and problems;
  • Take care of his health;
  • Read children's books with him every day for at least 15 minutes.

If all the above conditions are met, the work carried out will give positive results.

  • Children are easy and painless

adapt to school

  • Can avoid overload

Children's health will be preserved

  • Replacement shoes are a must!
  • Folder or backpack
  • ABC and workbooks
  • Pencil case: 2 pencils, colored pens, eraser, ruler
  • Colour pencils
  • Colored cardboard, colored paper, scissors
