Essay on the topic “My future profession is a doctor. Essay-reasoning: choosing the profession of a doctor Message my favorite profession is a doctor

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Choosing a future profession is one of the most important decisions on our life path. But it’s quite difficult to choose a business that you really like and that brings pleasure that matches the person’s character and aspirations. Some, after studying at a university for five or six years, eventually realize that they have not chosen the business that would make them happy and financially secure. Therefore, the choice of a future profession should be taken very, very seriously.

For example, after thinking for a long time, I have already made my choice and decided to become a doctor in the future. Probably, most girls from childhood wanted to become a doctor or a teacher, but these were childhood dreams, and over time their views on life changed and dreams of becoming a doctor disappeared. But I decided to become a doctor finally and irrevocably.

The profession of a doctor is a very noble and responsible business, since the health and sometimes lives of people depend on the doctor. People believe that the doctor will definitely help them in any case and that after receiving an injection or other help, they will definitely get better. But in order to be a truly real doctor, you need to study well, because the result of my help will depend on how well I know what I have to do as a doctor. One pill or one wrong injection can destroy not only my future, but also people’s faith in the help of doctors.

The medical profession is a very human one, because helping others is the work of a person with good intentions and a kind soul. When I choose my future profession, I will try to be just such a person.

To become a good doctor, you need not only to have a sincere and open soul, but also to have a good knowledge of anatomy and biology - the basis of medicine. The foundation of this knowledge must be laid already at school, because in biology and anatomy lessons we take the first steps in getting to know the structure and characteristics of living organisms, their functions and the significance of certain organs. This is what connects school subjects with real medical science.

The medical profession will serve not only others, but myself. If my family, friends, neighbors or friends get sick, I can always help them.

Medicine has always been a popular field of human activity, so it is no coincidence that competition for admission to medical universities is traditionally high. This is the incentive that makes me want to study well.

What attracts people so much to this profession? In my opinion, most doctors chose their profession not out of any selfish motives, but, first of all, out of a desire to do good to people. It is this motive that corresponds to the main essence of medicine - humanity, and a true doctor must provide assistance to sick people at any time. But helping people is not so simple and easy. And I am ready to overcome difficulties for the sake of a high goal and am not afraid that the routine of everyday work awaits me in the future. I plan to become a true professional and be sure to enjoy my work.

Another reason why I chose the profession of a doctor as my future profession is the opportunity to reveal my talents and realize all my aspirations in my work. Each of us is endowed with some kind of talent by nature. Medicine is a craft, a science, and an art. But if science can be studied, and a craft can be acquired through experience, then only a talented person can make medicine an art. In addition, I have a desire to try my hand and contribute to the fight against deadly diseases. After all, you can name many talented doctors who were able to defeat diseases and invent cures for diseases that were previously considered incurable.

It is a noble desire to become a doctor. It’s great if a child dreams of this type of activity. But how to write a reasoning essay or an essay on the topic “A doctor is my future profession”?

Let's look at some examples and ideas. The article will contain not only ways to write an essay, but also various recommendations for the future. After all, not every fifth grader has an idea of ​​what a doctor’s job is. Maybe someone will think about this differently and is intensively preparing to enter medical school.

Dream since childhood

Did you dream of being a doctor when you were just six or seven years old? Maybe you spent your entire childhood treating toy animals and dolls, and later helped treat the wounds of your loved ones and friends?

“Doctor is my future profession,” like all works, has an introduction. You need to briefly outline the essence of the essay you want to write. For example, like this:

“I want to happily tell you why I dream of becoming a doctor...” Agree, you must explain why you are attracted to this particular field, and not technology, science or literature.

But the introduction does not need to be loaded with explanations. Let this moment remain for the main part of the essay. Let's return to our dream of becoming a doctor. Are there doctors among your relatives? Or do you want to become a doctor of your own free will?

Unfortunately, parents often try to raise their children strictly and force them to follow in their footsteps, contrary to your preferences. Well, if this is not your case, we will explain why below.

Love for people

A good doctor must love not only his profession, but also people. A sense of compassion, mercy, responsiveness - this is what should be present in a physician. Without such good qualities, a professional will not be able to fully help the patient.

Yes, unfortunately, there are doctors who are strict, grumpy and withdrawn, but maybe they sympathize with you deep down and prescribe the right medicine.

What will you write about this in the essay “A doctor is my future profession”? Make a paragraph in the body dedicated to this point. For example:

“When my ear hurt, my mother took me to an ENT specialist. I was treated by a very kind and gentle doctor. It may seem like a joke to you, but my ear stopped hurting when talking to him. I remember this bright moment from childhood, and since then I have dreamed of becoming such a wonderful doctor.”

Do you see how the kindness and love of the doctor affects the patient? It is very important.

What should a doctor do?

After graduation, should a doctor just sit in his office and accept? No. He must develop, learn something new. If talented doctors, biochemists, who are not indifferent to human fate. They understand that it is necessary to treat not the symptoms, but to look for the cause that caused the disease. Unfortunately, modern traditional medicine recognizes practically nothing except pharmaceutical drugs and “chemistry”, and also does not believe in the cure of chronic diseases. But there are brave doctors who really want to cure a patient, undertake experiments at their own risk, and quite successfully rid him of all diseases.

It is worth including this factor in the essay-reasoning “My future profession is a doctor.” At the same time, think about whether you would like to develop in the medical field and gain additional skills?

I will be a good specialist. My tasks

It is difficult, of course, for a child to reason with him about what is the responsibility of a doctor. We won’t describe all this. But you need to have a superficial idea. How can a 5th grader, and 11th grade graduates, write on the topic “My future profession is a doctor?” Of course, the idea of ​​a ten-year-old student and a seventeen-year-old is different. Therefore, the requirements for an essay plan vary.

So what are the tasks of a good specialist? Let's list approximately:

  • listen to the patient's complaints;
  • collect anamnesis;
  • carry out an inspection;
  • if necessary, prescribe examinations and tests;
  • prescribe treatment;
  • inform the date of the next visit.

It would seem like a standard list. But a doctor's job is very difficult. There is a great responsibility for the health and lives of people. We must always remember this.

What kind of doctor do I want to become?

It is important to decide what kind of doctor you want to become even before entering medical school. There are a huge variety of specializations, and they can vary greatly.

Just imagine: a dentist and an ophthalmologist, a neuropsychiatrist and a surgeon... Who is not afraid of blood, is able to carefully fill a tooth, or do jewelry work in plastic surgery? On the other hand, a psychoneurologist must be very talented, sensitive, with high intelligence, and also be able to control the situation in extreme conditions.

So, let's say my future profession is a dentist. It is easier to write an essay than to master a profession in practice. Each of us in childhood visited How does he treat a tooth and with what? While you were little, you had no idea that the doctor was doing very serious and complex work. Not every person is able to hold an instrument firmly in their hands and do jewelry work.

Be prepared for the fact that you will have to study this skill for several years. Only strong, healthy people who can work clearly and harmoniously with the help of tools are hired for such work.

Books on anatomy and encyclopedia

A child may be interested in books on anatomy from childhood. From an early age, did you have any encyclopedia with a section on the human body? Did you study with interest?

Be sure to write about this too. Let's give a small example:

“For my birthday, when I turned seven, they gave me a huge children’s encyclopedia. I loved to sit down in the evenings with a book in a cozy chair under a floor lamp and study pictures. But when I got to the “Man” section, I realized that I was interested in everything that was drawn and written there. I realized that my future profession is a doctor. In 1st grade we studied professions in English. The first phrase I learned was “I want to be a doctor.”

Naturally, the first anatomical reference book can be not only a children's encyclopedia, but also some films, brochures, and so on. Were you afraid of pictures?

Are medical reference books and pharmacology interesting?

Sometimes it happens that a child becomes seriously interested in medicine from the fifth grade. First there were children's books, then medical magazines, and now pharmacology, doctor's reference books. Parents may get scared and think that the child is going crazy. But that's not true. Suddenly they have a future genius growing up, a doctor who will save thousands of lives.

So, do you, future doctors, have a favorite medical library? Write one paragraph in the essay “A doctor is my future profession” about what books you have, whether you read them, and what topics you know by heart.

It happens that at a doctor’s appointment, a child asks difficult questions, finds out how difficult it is to study and how many years he needs to devote to studying.

What kind of person should I become?

The most crucial moment for the young doctor is coming: what kind of doctor should he be? At the very beginning we talked about kindness and responsiveness. Yes, these are important characteristics. But are you like that yourself? Don’t you hurt others not only physically, but also mentally?

Unfortunately, many doctors nowadays treat patients rudely and may scold them for no reason. Maybe you have encountered such people in a children's clinic, or have your parents or relatives? The patient's mood deteriorates and resentment appears. But the worst thing is that because of this, people begin to engage in dangerous self-medication. God willing, if the treatment is chosen correctly. And if not?

Your task is to prevent such an attitude towards future patients. Maybe write down these important points in the essay “My future profession is a doctor” (5th grade). It is better for high school students and medical college students to write an essay.

My future subjects: chemistry and biology

Of course, it is difficult for a fifth grader to imagine what chemistry is. Although, if he has studied the encyclopedia “From A to Z” in its entirety, he has an idea about this difficult science. Let's give an example of an excerpt from the essay “My future profession of dentist cannot exist without chemistry.”

“Doctors work with medications consisting of chemicals. And it is not so important whether it is pure chemistry or herbal components. And chemical reactions are constantly created in the body. The doctor must have an idea of ​​how the medicine will affect the patient.

Biology is perhaps the most important subject in medicine. Every physician should know the structure of the human body, how blood circulation, digestion and much more occur.”

Am I ready for the challenge of medical school?

Are you ready to answer this question? Even if you do, you may have no idea how difficult it is to go to medical school. In addition, you will have to learn Latin, on which all medicine is based. You need to have at least a little desire to learn a foreign language. Let's look at an example:

“My mother’s friend works as a pediatrician. I am also being treated by her. She is a very good person and knows a lot of interesting things. Perhaps thanks to her I want to become a doctor. My mother’s friend very often goes to conferences in England, Germany, Japan and Israel. She has high pay for her qualifications, and there are also prizes. I now understand that I need to seriously study foreign languages, since my future profession may depend on it. In English, doctor is doctor. I know about this. Of course, I need to study a huge number of words, rules of grammar, and be able to translate.”

So we looked at the options on how to write an essay or composition. Remember that any such topics are given so that you seriously decide on your future field of activity and do not make a mistake.

When asked which profession is the most important, everyone will answer differently. And if you ask which is the most difficult and stressful, perhaps the first to be named are heavy male professions, they will remember firefighters, rescuers, police officers or the military. Scientists and all intellectual workers will be called the most knowledgeable. But, in my opinion, there are people whose work combines all these characteristics. The work of their life is the most necessary, the most difficult, the most responsible, requiring constant improvement. These are people who are faced with the most important tasks - to recognize, treat, prevent diseases, ensure the preservation and strengthening of people’s health and ability to work, and save lives. And these people are doctors.

For a long time, they have been credited with extending life. At a time when devastating epidemics and wars claimed the lives of millions of people, doctors persistently searched for ways to get rid of and protect against dangerous diseases, and tried to reduce complications after injuries and surgical interventions. They created new drugs and vaccines, often testing them on themselves, so as not to endanger other people. Thanks to them, it became possible to prevent and treat a huge number of diseases that were previously considered deadly.

New, previously unknown diseases are constantly appearing in the world, and epidemics are breaking out. And as always, “guardians of health” come to the rescue - brave, determined people who are exposed to unknown dangers, engaging in the fight against viruses, microorganisms and other pathogens. Doctors, as before, save people and protect life on Earth.

See also:

In the hustle and bustle of today's life, when every person cares primarily about their daily bread, health issues often fade into the background. And we remember about ourselves only when things get really bad. Then, in most cases, we can no longer do without the intervention of a specialist. And doctors do everything possible every day, and sometimes the impossible, to help us return to normal, familiar life again.

And how often do representatives of this difficult profession have to save lives, and it all depends on their qualifications and ability to make the right and timely decision. But you cannot make a mistake, since the price of a mistake is human life.

It is difficult to even imagine what would happen to the planet if there were no doctors. If no one was studying the causes and nature of diseases, if no one was looking for life-saving drugs and treatment methods.

Medicine is constantly evolving. New diseases require new knowledge. In addition, the knowledge and skills of a doctor are not limited to the field of pure medicine. A real specialist must also be a good psychologist - be able to listen to a person, penetrate his soul; be able to reassure, instill hope, confidence, faith; be able to convince of the correctness and necessity of the prescribed treatment. After all, many people, oddly enough, are reluctant to take care of their health, and often with their stubbornness they only worsen their condition and slow down the healing process.

In my opinion, not everyone can become a doctor. For this profession it is necessary to have a special character, attentiveness, patience, calmness, kindness; and at the same time - firmness, the ability to quickly make decisions, and a huge sense of responsibility. This must certainly be a person who is wholeheartedly devoted to his work; a person who understands the importance and seriousness of this profession; one who is not afraid of dangers, difficulties, who agrees to devote his entire life to people and, while working, continue to constantly learn and improve.

In my opinion, doctors perform heroic acts every day. After all, they save people, their lives, often risking their own; they prolong the existence of all humanity. But isn’t this their real great feat?

Salary is below average (not “for the hospital”, but for the country), spartan working conditions, enormous stress - this is not the entire list of “positive” aspects of the profession. Nevertheless, state medical universities and colleges do not have problems with the number of applicants. Another paradox is that, despite this, the country has a catastrophic shortage of medical specialists.

Now, in anticipation of the transition to the third generation federal state educational standard, many graduates of medical universities are rethinking the issue of choosing a profession. Why become a doctor, what specialization to choose and what is it like to be a young doctor in Russia? This is how a direct participant in the events, medical school graduate Andrei Korsun, talks about it.

Our expert:
Andrey Korsun, 6th year student at the Samara Medical University "Reaviz", formerly a student at the Faculty of Training of Doctors for the Navy of the S. M. Kirov Military Medical Academy (St. Petersburg)

I choose to become a doctor

Explaining what pushes young people to study for 7-8 years at a medical school is not easy. Some people really believe that by becoming a doctor you can earn a lot, some did it through connections, and others witnessed the excellent work of the ambulance crew.

I decided to connect myself with medicine while still in school. For some reason, my mother and father saw me as the man in the white coat, and I agreed with them.

About obtaining practical skills

You begin to feel involved in medicine in Latin and anatomy classes, which everyone associates with the doctoral profession. Two years later, these sensations are repeated in clinical disciplines and never leave you.

A separate point is duty in hospitals. There you get your first real contact with an unexamined patient, you make your first mistakes and correct them for the first time.

This practice is much more “weighty” than pre-diploma practices at non-medical universities. But it is important to take the initiative and find a mentor who will help you understand the secrets of the art of medicine.

Previously, doctors were officially rewarded for “patronage.” Now, alas, there is no such thing, and the student in this regard is usually left to his own devices.

About attitude towards patients

Let's say a student plucks up courage, finds a mentor, proves that the time spent on him will pay off. The next step is to work “in the field” - a hospital, an ambulance, any medical institution. And this has its own charms of adapting a person to the profession. After spending several sleepless nights in the clinic, willy-nilly you become a slight misanthrope towards everyone who does not value their health. And I don’t mean drug addicts, alcoholics and other antisocial individuals...

For example: how can you tear your Achilles tendon and (attention!) go to work for a month? And then throw a tantrum in the emergency room after learning about the bleak prospects for treatment. Often such stories end with accusations against the doctor. Here, willy-nilly, you will begin to think badly about everyone who enters the hospital.

So: attitude towards patients, in my opinion, is one of the main skills that a mentor can teach. Working in the conditions of our hospitals and at the same time remaining a Human is an art, and it cannot be conveyed in lectures in classrooms; it takes years to forge, and it is good if the forge began its work in the initial stages of training.

On the reform of medical education

Since the times of the Russian Empire, a feature of the training of domestic doctors has been studying at the patient’s bedside. This tradition then smoothly migrated to Soviet Russia - which is why Russian doctors were never ashamed. For example, during the Great Patriotic War, more than 70% of the wounded were returned to duty - an unprecedented case in world practice!

Logically, this entire system should have moved to modern Russia. But this did not happen completely. Today, many teachers of the old school have left medicine, and passing on their experience to young doctors for free has become a habit among luminaries. And it turns out that even those who studied brilliantly during their student years, after a couple of years of practice, lose interest in development, since they receive pennies for hard and responsible work.

This is where I would begin to implement reforms - in the social security of our doctors. It is necessary to make the work of a doctor attractive and stimulate the teaching staff.

About choosing a narrow specialty

Based on how future doctors choose what to become after graduation, they can be divided into several groups. Those who are confident in their future specialization are, as a rule, students who have a family of doctors behind them, and less often, those who have been pushed into studying at a specific workplace. They know exactly who they will become from the first days of school.

Cases when an ordinary student is one hundred percent determined with a profession in the 1st year are very rare.

The bulk are students who don’t make any plans for the first 2-3 years. The choice is made later, based on various criteria: a teacher who has inspired interest in the discipline, news about the opening of a new highly specialized hospital where doctors will soon be needed, or certain preferences for some specialists (for example, a short working day for radiologists or bonuses for harmfulness for phthisiatricians).

There are also, as I call them, “blessed” - students who until the last moment do not know where to go. But at the Military Medical Academy (VMedA) this is easier: there, after 6 years, you are assigned to an internship based on the abilities that you showed during your training.

In my case, many factors came together: the romance of the case, and the great doctor-mentor to whom I ended up, and dreams from a “past” life. The fact is that before university, I was a cadet at the Nakhimov Naval School for 3 years and managed to go on hikes twice - 6 thousand miles each. Then the dream of becoming a military doctor appeared. But while studying at the medical academy, I realized that it was difficult to get into the department of military traumatology and orthopedics without serious connections. Therefore, I decided to continue my studies “in civilian life.”

About traumatology

My specialty is traumatology. Like most colleagues, I have my own beautiful vision of this choice.

Imagine that you are going to work, nothing foretells trouble... except for an insidious frozen puddle lurking under the fallen leaves. Moments later, you're lying on your side, wondering what the hell happened. And suddenly it dawns on you that in the area of, for example, your left wrist there is such a terrible pain that you will no longer be able to get to work. Then the algorithm is simple - ambulance, injection, splint, hospital.

And then a traumatologist appears on the scene. At one glance he makes a diagnosis, all that remains is to take an x-ray for confirmation. Several clear sharp and smooth movements, a click... and voila - the displacement is eliminated, the patient is sent for a control x-ray. The fragment fell into place, immobilization was carried out to the upper third of the shoulder, recommendations were given, and the person was sent home. Everyone is happy, the patient touchingly rushes to hug the doctor, and the doctor, smiling reservedly, shakes the patient’s hand and leaves to continue working miracles.

About other people's pain and self-confidence

I never thought that I could control myself while seeing another person suffer. The first time I realized that I felt confident as a doctor was when I was reducing a radius fracture in a typical location (a really common injury, especially in the winter). My patient was a frail grandmother who was very afraid of pain. But when I began to carry out the algorithm for this manipulation, knowing exactly at what moment it was worth “wedging” and at what point I needed to pull harder, I suddenly felt a confidence that I had not experienced in practice.

This is probably why I chose traumatology: for the possibility of almost instant relief from suffering. Therapists treat people for years, but often patients disappear somewhere or become worse simply due to age. And in my specialty, you see the effect of your work here and now.

Of course, it is not always possible to help like this - quickly and easily, but when this happens, the positive charge lasts me for a long time.

Olga Kashubina

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The profession of a doctor is one of the most in demand at all times. People who want to connect their lives with medical practice must be true professionals in their field. At the same time, they need to have such character traits as resistance to stress, honesty, and the ability to react in a timely manner in a critical situation. Many people refuse to work in this field precisely for these reasons, despite the fact that in general this profession is attractive to them.


Answering the question “why do I want to become a doctor,” a student can list several advantages of this profession, which still turn out to be decisive for him. And one of the first such advantages is the respect that medical workers enjoy in society. After all, a person trusts a doctor with the most precious thing he has - his health. Such an essay helps the student better appreciate all the advantages of this profession. Sometimes a schoolchild is given the task of writing an essay “Why do I want to become a doctor?” in English. In this case, he needs to choose not only the right arguments for his work, but also the appropriate vocabulary.

A doctor is someone who gives hope for recovery to the patient, and can also encourage his relatives. Despite the fact that some are skeptical of doctors, this profession is still one of the most respected. Entire dynasties of people who dedicated their lives to medicine have survived to this day, and who have saved dozens of human lives in their lifetime. Aren't they worthy of universal honor and respect? It is its importance that pushes many graduates to choose this profession.


Reflecting on the question: “Why do I want to become a doctor?” - a student can find another argument in favor of this profession - its demand. Wherever a person lives - in a distant village or in a giant metropolis - one cannot live without a doctor. A good doctor always has his patients and will not be left without work.

Opportunity to earn

Another advantage of this profession is the opportunity for career and salary growth - of course, we are talking only about private clinics. Currently, working in such organizations, a good doctor has every chance of earning a good salary. Private medicine is increasingly developing in the post-Soviet space, and therefore for many graduates the question “why do I want to become a doctor” is resolved by itself in favor of this profession.

Saving Lives

Another reason graduates may choose this career is the opportunity to save lives. After all, many of us often wonder why we live in this world, what is the meaning of our existence. And for doctors in this regard there is a worthy answer - they help others gain health, faith in their strengths, and save. Not only saving the patient’s life, but also the quality of his further existence depends on the doctor’s skills and knowledge.

Profession for intellectuals

Another undeniable advantage of the profession is the fact that it belongs to the category of highly intelligent ones. A doctor must constantly study professional literature, research the condition of patients, and make new discoveries. This will be very interesting for those who have an active, inquisitive mind.

No age limit

In his essay “Why do I want to become a doctor?” A student may also mention such an important fact as the lack of an age limit in this area. In other areas, competition is quite high, and a person even at the age of 40 may remain unemployed. In the medical field, as an employee ages, he or she will not experience difficulty finding a job. Finding a job will not be more difficult for him than for a young employee. And in some cases, a more mature and “savvy” candidate will be preferred to an inexperienced doctor.

Length of working day

In the essay-reasoning “Why do I want to become a doctor?” You can also talk about such an advantage as a short working day. Representatives of this profession work 6 hours a day - the shift, as a rule, lasts from 9 to 15. In a hospital, the working day usually does not exceed this time, with the only difference being that 2 shifts are added per month. Thus, the doctor has the opportunity to have more free time compared to representatives of other professions. Unfortunately, in some institutions these “windows” are filled with additional work or part-time work in other places.

Work in clinics is a little different - the workload there is greater due to the large amount of routine work. Often the work of a local doctor is chosen by women who can run home between tasks, slightly adjust their schedule, etc.


When answering the question “why do I want to become a doctor,” the student may well mention this circumstance. Of course, only good doctors have every chance of acquiring useful connections. After all, their work is based on dialogue with patients, many of whom are always happy to “strengthen their acquaintance.” Therefore, a doctor can often count on the help and support of his former patients.

Sometimes a student receives an assignment such as writing an essay “Why do I want to become a chief physician?” It should be noted that this field is different from the work of an ordinary doctor. The main argument here will be that the position of chief physician involves more requirements for the person who occupies it. Therefore, only a responsible, tenacious person who knows how to organize his subordinates can dream of this position. At the same time, he must simultaneously conduct research activities and have a good understanding of clinical issues. Greater responsibility and variety of duties may be the main reason why the average doctor aspires to take up such an important position.

Essay plan

A student's work plan might look something like this:

  1. Introduction.
  2. Why do people choose this profession? What determines the choice?
  3. What is most attractive to me about being a doctor?
  4. What hobbies do I have that will be useful for further study?
  5. Conclusion. How will this job help me achieve my life goals?

Doctor's profession: resume

The work of a doctor is very difficult; it requires a person to have enormous willpower, the ability to mobilize himself and resist stress. However, at the same time, doctors are highly respected in society; they are one of the most important and sought-after representatives of society. As a rule, doctors develop high self-esteem, which is further supported by a well-founded sense of self-worth. Being a doctor means saving lives, giving hope, and sometimes becoming a true guardian angel in the eyes of people.
