Profession appraiser. Profession appraiser Where to become a real estate appraiser

Auto expert (autotechnician expert) is a specialist involved in establishing the circumstances and causes of an accident.

Auto expert(expert auto technician) - a specialist involved in establishing the circumstances and causes of an accident. The profession is suitable for those who are interested in physics, life safety and labor and economy (see choosing a profession based on interest in school subjects).

Features of the profession

A car expert is often confused with an appraiser (an expert in appraising a car).
These two specialists have one thing in common - the car as a subject of research. At the same time, the tasks of the examinations they conduct differ.
The expertise of an auto expert can help in estimating monetary damages.
However, the research he conducts is much broader.
For example, a study of the circumstances of an accident, as well as a criminal examination of a car (study of traces, conditions).

An auto expert studies the technical condition and definition of technology for the restoration of vehicles, the mechanism of an accident, the road situation and the actions of the participants, and the circumstances that contributed to the occurrence of incidents.
This requires deep knowledge in the field of vehicle designs, methods and technology of repair (restoration) work, the causes of accidents, knowledge in the field of traceology, forensics, etc.

Place of work

Automotive technician experts work in forensic autotechnical laboratories, as well as in non-state expert institutions.

Important qualities

An excellent memory is necessary for successful work; observation; logical and analytical thinking; ability to distribute and concentrate attention; mathematical abilities; ability to predict events; responsibility; criticality; honesty; persistence; sociability; sense of justice; accuracy; independence; demandingness.

Knowledge and Nav ski

Who can be an auto expert is stated in the qualification requirements for the position of “automotive technical expertise specialist (automotive expert)”, which were approved by Resolution of the Ministry of Labor and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated January 21, 2000, No. 7.
In accordance with this resolution, there are three positions: expert automotive technician of categories I, II and III. But not everyone can become an auto expert.
In order to have the lowest of these qualifications - expert automotive technician of category III and work in this position, you must:
- have a higher technical education in the areas of “Operation of Vehicles”, “Ground Transport Systems” (specialties “Automotive and Tractor Engineering” and “Automobiles and Automotive Industry”);

Complete additional training under the “Expert Automotive Technician Category III” program with the right to conduct an examination of vehicles (without the right to issue an opinion on the mechanism of road accidents and transport and trace studies);
- have at least 1 year of work experience in your specialty.

The requirements for specialists of the other two categories are even more serious: a category II auto expert must work as a category III auto expert for at least 3 years, a category I auto expert must work as a category II auto expert for at least 5 years; Moreover, in both cases it is also necessary to undergo additional training corresponding to the chosen category.

Auto expert training

In this course, you can obtain the profession of an expert technician remotely in 3 months and 20,000 rubles.

— Certificate of compliance with professional standards worth 10,000 rubles. For a present! — The largest educational institution of additional professional education. education in Russia.

In this course you can obtain the profession of a forensic expert-autotechnician in 6 months and 20,000 rubles.
— One of the most affordable prices in Russia;
— Diploma of professional retraining of the established form;
— Training in a completely distance format;
— Certificate of compliance with professional standards worth 10,000 rubles. For a present!;
— The largest educational institution of additional professional education. education in Russia.

As mentioned above, to work as an expert automotive technician, you need a higher technical education in the areas of “Operation of Vehicles” and “Ground Transport Systems”.
As well as additional training under the “Expert Automotive Technician Category III” program.

Specialists in automotive technical expertise are trained in some universities of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs.
For example, the East Siberian Institute trains specialists in automotive and fire-technical examinations.
At MSTU. N. E. Bauman, you can also get a 2nd higher education in the specialty “forensic examination” with a specialization in “engineering and technical examination” (road transport examination; fire-technical examination; explosives examination).
In addition, you can become a specialist in automotive technical expertise by receiving a higher technical education in the specialties “automotive and tractor engineering” and “automobiles and automotive industry” (automotive universities).
Important to remember. It is practically impossible to prepare an expert through short training courses.
Short-term courses, as a rule, train specialists in the field of estimating the cost of restoration repairs and vehicle assessment, and for the sake of reliability they issue a document “automotive technical examination”, implying training in vehicle assessment.


Appraisers work not only in government organizations. How to become a private appraiser? Independent appraiser courses are suitable for this. But will this be enough? Let's find out!

After receiving educational documents, you can consider two ways to realize your creative potential:

  • get a job in a government assessment organization;
  • become an independent private appraiser.

It’s hard to say which way is better, but many specialists strive to conduct private activities, because in this case they do not depend on anyone. The second side of the coin: you have to rely only on your own strength. If an appraiser is ready for this, then for him the question of how to become a private appraiser is resolved positively.

How to become a private appraiser?

In order to engage in private assessment, a special permit for such activities is required. This permit will be a certificate indicating admission to independent activity, and, therefore, the opportunity to be considered a specialist of a high professional level. Private activity opens up great opportunities: you can create your own company by registering it with an SRO.

So, working as a private appraiser begins with small investments for your own benefit, namely:

  1. A room for receiving clients will be required. You'll have to rent an office.
  2. To carry out assessment work, you need appropriate equipment, tools, and computer technology.
  3. An important preparatory point is advertising, because it is what works for a private appraiser.

Thus, if you calculate the initial costs, it turns out that to become a private appraiser, at a minimum, you will need an amount of money sufficient to rent premises, purchase equipment and obtain documents. How much it will cost is probably the first thing you will have to decide on your own.

If you immediately think about opening a large company, then the expense will be ten times higher, because you will have to hire the appropriate personnel, and, therefore, you need to provide for a clause on the payment of wages to employees.

Your own experience can become a serious obstacle to opening a private company. It turns out that diplomas and certificates do not yet play a role in a private appraiser. But the following nuances will help him bring his dream closer:

  • It’s better to work for some time as an employee of a large real estate organization, delve into its activities, learn to understand different types of real estate;
  • master methods of working with clients;
  • study the technology of real estate sales and valuation.

This takes up to two years.

It turns out that at the first stage it is not so easy to become a private appraiser, but opening a private company is even more difficult.

There are two more ways to work as a private appraiser:

  1. You can cooperate on the basis of an agreement with a real estate agency that provides clients for a certain commission.
  2. Join an association of realtors, whose professionals can tell you how to open your own appraisal business.

How to take an independent appraiser course?

You can become an independent appraisal specialist by taking special independent appraiser courses. As a rule, this course is paid. You can take it in the professional center of a large city, because the profession of an appraiser is still new. The minimum training period is about a month. After completing the course, the student receives a certificate, which gives the right to start working as an appraiser. However, the certificate holder is not yet an independent appraiser, but merely a trainee.

After completing an internship for a year, you can take the exam. Those who pass the exam receive a certificate of qualification. The document lists the objects of work that a new specialist can perform.

However, the tests of the profession are not over yet. The appraiser must take advanced training courses once every two years (they are organized by the same Centers), which are also paid. Their prices vary.

It is important to note that courses for independent knowledge assessors are only a stage for trying to work for yourself, but in no case a guarantee of success.

How to become an independent car appraiser?

Anyone who is planning to become a private vehicle appraiser needs to understand that this specialization has two more types of appraisers:

  1. appraisers who determine the value of a car;
  2. specialists who are not related to car insurance.

Hence, these two categories of appraiser require different initial knowledge.

  1. Specialists who evaluate vehicles must have a higher technical education and understand car repair.
  2. For a specialist of the second category, any higher education, except for the humanities, is suitable. Next, as in the first case, you need to take the appropriate courses.

Courses for appraisers are organized by professional centers. They also issue certificates that allow you to engage in the activities of an appraiser.

Who is an appraiser? What does he do? Why has this profession gained enormous popularity in recent years? Such questions are often of interest to people who are just deciding on the direction of their future activities, as well as those who want to get a well-paid job.

Without an appraiser, it is impossible to imagine a full-fledged conclusion of transactions for registration of ownership rights, purchase of a car or purchase and sale of real estate. Such a specialist must be able to calculate the real value of various intangible assets, property rights, land, shares and other valuables.

Appraisers can be divided into several categories, with one part of them specializing in working with real estate and all kinds of equipment, and the other in business and intellectual property. Their services are in demand in government agencies, insurance and banking organizations.

What is the job of an appraiser?

Quite often, in order to conclude transactions, you need to find out the current price of real estate, a car and other assets that may become the subject of an agreement between interested parties. For this purpose, an independent specialist is hired to determine the real value of the property. The services of an appraiser are also used if it is necessary to determine the amount of damage caused.

First, the appraiser collects detailed information about a specific object, property or other valuables. Then the obtained data is analyzed, on the basis of which the current price is determined. The expert also advises his clients on issues that arise. As soon as the appraiser of real estate or any other property carries out the necessary work with the object of the transaction, he presents the results to the customer.

An independent expert must have a specialized higher education or undergo retraining courses. What qualities must an appraiser have? First of all, you need experience in this field and confident computer skills. The appraiser must be a member of a Self-Regulatory Trade Organization (SRO). You should also insure the liability of the appraisal activity and obtain a policy (this document can be issued at any insurance company). In addition, the expert must be able to:

  • negotiate with banking organizations;
  • coordinate work issues with audit companies;
  • prepare quality reports;
  • monitor compliance with the conditions specified in the contract;
  • analyze the market situation and understand the documentation.

The work of an appraiser involves regular business trips, so the specialist must be prepared for frequent travel to perform his job duties. It is impossible to imagine the activities of an expert without undergoing specialized seminars and trainings, because they are needed to improve their skills.

Advantages and disadvantages

To become a professional, an appraiser will have to learn a lot from experienced experts. For example, some young specialists agree to work after graduation for ridiculous money with seasoned mentors (just to learn from them all the intricacies of the craft). When the appraiser is able to independently conduct expert work, he can choose a form of activity - work in a government organization, a private company, or open his own business.

Most specialists resort to the latter option, since their services are in great demand among individuals and large organizations. The advantages of being an independent appraiser include:

  • independent time planning;
  • high demand for independent expertise services;
  • the ability to work without an office;
  • good prospects for business development;
  • high income;
  • constant communication with people.

In recent years, there has been an increase in demand for appraiser services, so good specialists will never be left without work. The starting salary of inexperienced experts ranges from 20-25 thousand rubles. Professionals receive a decent amount from transactions, which can reach 100-150 thousand rubles monthly.

Let's look at the example of the work of a real estate appraiser in which cases customers turn to him. First of all, this should include any purchase and sale transactions, the need to obtain a mortgage loan for the purchase of housing or registration of property rights. If you need to take out a loan secured by real estate from a bank, an individual or organization also turns to the services of an independent expert. The same applies to situations where it is necessary to resolve a number of issues regarding the privatization or confiscation of housing, assessment of damage caused, allocation of a share of property, division or donation of real estate.

Despite the demand for the work of an appraiser, it still has a number of disadvantages. First of all, we should highlight the high cost of studying at a university, which can vary from 50 to 170 thousand rubles for 1 year. In addition, there is a need to regularly complete training programs, which is not always possible to combine with work, especially if the expert is on a business trip. The negative aspects of appraisal activities also include a high level of competition, so a specialist must constantly improve his skills and gain new knowledge that will allow him to perform his work professionally and stand out from other experts.

Education and training

What is required to obtain a profession and where can I get training to become an appraiser? If a person decides to become an expert, he should obtain a higher education as an economist or lawyer. For example, in Moscow you can enroll in the International Academy of Assessment and Consulting or the Institute of Professional Assessment. After graduation, graduates receive the specialty “Property Valuation Expert”.

In addition, having a higher education, you can undergo additional professional training at some universities and become an appraiser. The Moscow Institute of Law trains students who subsequently receive the specialty of general appraisers. At the Russian Institute of Intellectual Property you can study and become a specialist in the field of scientific and intellectual work. To become a car appraiser, you must graduate from the Moscow Automobile and Road Institute.

Anyone can become a real estate and land appraiser. To do this, you should enroll in the Moscow University of Geodesy and Cartography. Today, specialists in this field receive some of the highest salaries. As a rule, in order to study to become a property valuation expert, the best option would be to enroll in the specialty “Finance and Credit” at specialized educational institutions.

Upon graduation, young specialists, as a rule, undergo a two-year internship, which allows them to gain the necessary skills for independent work. Their mentors are experienced experts who teach their wards how to correctly evaluate the subject of a transaction, draw up reports and work with documentation.

Important: specialists in the field of assessment, as a rule, work in a specific industry and rarely engage in several types of expert assessment activities at the same time, since each of them requires serious training and in-depth knowledge, which takes more than one year of practical work.

Who uses the services of appraisers and when?

The scope of activity of appraisers is not limited to the examination of real estate, vehicles or land property. Private customers and commercial organizations also turn to their services to obtain information about the real value of an object or the amount of damage caused (road accidents, intentional damage to property, etc.). If a company wishes, it can turn to an independent expert, because a professional will quickly evaluate the enterprise, establish the value of the business, which will allow a decision to be made on the possibility of further cooperation. Also, legal entities that need to buy out, for example, a bankrupt enterprise and incorporate its capacities into their structure, turn to experts who can determine investment prospects. In addition, specialists can evaluate:

  • the cost of materials and work to eliminate the damage caused;
  • the real cost of machines and equipment;
  • tangible assets and fixed assets of enterprises;
  • the current value of any property;
  • antiques, weapons, jewelry, etc.

Important: One of the popular services for conducting appraisal examination is determining the market value of real estate (residential and non-residential). Often, customers turn to specialists with a request to increase or decrease the real price of a specific object in order to reduce tax deductions or receive a larger loan amount. This is a fraudulent activity prosecuted by law; for this reason, such applications are not considered by appraisers.

How to become a real estate appraiser?

To conduct a real estate valuation, a person must have a specialized higher education, become a member of an SRO and gain a minimum of experience by learning from professionals. To do this, you should get a job and begin to study the intricacies of activities at various facilities. Over time, many experts open their own companies that provide valuation services, registering the business as an individual entrepreneur or LLC. The second option would be preferable, since in this case the appraisal company will be able to easily cooperate with legal entities and expand its own staff.

Office opening

Some appraisers cooperate with an established client base without having their own office (one of the advantages). However, if you are planning serious activities, you should take care of its availability, because the office is the face of any company, so special attention should be paid to finding suitable premises. It is necessary that it be located in a building located in the central part of the city.

Potential clients should easily find an appraisal company; accordingly, it is better to look for an office in a crowded place, and it is also desirable that it has convenient access and parking for cars. Indoors, before opening, you should:

  • make cosmetic repairs;
  • organize workplaces for staff;
  • carry out decoration and furnishings;
  • create comfortable conditions for receiving visitors.

Also, for the company to operate, it will be necessary to purchase office equipment and install utilities. Renting an office space with an area of ​​30 m² will cost about 45 thousand rubles per month.

Advice: in our country there are educational centers such as. If entrepreneurs have interesting ideas for developing their own business, you can contact them and gain the necessary knowledge and skills. In addition, students of business courses are provided with assistance at all stages of the formation of a young enterprise, including renting office space at low prices.

Attracting clients

The issue of attracting clients to their business is of interest to most entrepreneurs, because the stability and profit of the company depends on it. In order for many people to learn about the activities of an appraisal company, you need to use marketing tools. Advertising in the media and print publications is inexpensive, but it will help inform a significant part of the city's population. It doesn’t hurt to take care of the presence of advertisements on billboards and city lights located in crowded places.

It is imperative to create your own company website so that Internet users can learn about your services. Thematic groups on social networks allow you to effectively promote almost any business. This should also include contextual and targeted advertising, which is easily customized to potential clients.

What should appraisers remember in their activities?

Despite the demand for the services of appraisers, specialists in this field need to understand that there is quite fierce competition in the market for the right to work with clients. The higher the expert’s qualification level, the more people will turn to him for help.

If an appraiser specializes in the field of real estate, he must be familiar with the relevant legal aspects, since calculating the value of objects and drawing up reports are based on a number of laws. This should also include the need to understand economics and auditing. In some ways, the work of an appraiser can be compared to the activity: a specialist comes to the site, evaluates it, analyzes it, and then submits a report to the customer. Payment is received after fulfilling a number of requirements.

To do his job correctly, the appraiser needs to know mathematics, because his work is directly related to daily calculations. In addition, in expert work it is extremely important to have knowledge of proper document preparation. The appraiser must be able to obtain the necessary information and analyze it correctly. Property appraisers must understand that the situation in the real estate, vehicle or securities markets is constantly changing, so you should be interested in any changes.

If a specialist decides to conduct his activities independently, in addition to membership in an SRO, he needs to insure his personal property for an amount of at least 300 thousand rubles. You will also need to contribute about 30 thousand rubles to the compensation fund. These measures are provided at the legislative level in case the expert conducts the assessment poorly.

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Do not forget that the appraiser must undergo advanced training courses and monitor changes in legislation in order to have up-to-date information and avoid mistakes in his work. Only professionals achieve success in this field, so beginners will have to put in a lot of effort.

In contact with

Property valuation expert is a specialist who determines the real cost of various objects: The profession is suitable for those who are interested in economics and law (see choosing a profession based on interest in school subjects).

  • real estate;
  • business (organizations);
  • investment projects;
  • assets - financial and intangible;
  • Vehicle;
  • intellectual property;
  • securities, etc.

An appraiser's diploma gives the right to evaluate all types of property. But basically, practicing appraisers specialize in one type, depending on their place of work.

An assessment expert is a generalist: a mathematician who uses formulas, a marketer who studies the market, an economist who analyzes indicators, a lawyer who draws up an opinion.

Expert services are in demand when:

  • purchase and sale and rental of residential and non-residential premises;
  • registration of mortgage loans;
  • assessment of collateral;
  • allocation of shares in the business;
  • tax calculation;
  • entering into inheritance;
  • identifying different types of damage;
  • registration of property rights.

The appraiser profession in Russia is relatively young: it appeared in the 90s with the development of market relations. Qualification standards for the profession were defined in 1996. The profession received official recognition only in 1997. In the modern age of globalization, this profession, like any other, is subject to international professional standards. Experts who master these methods are the most authoritative and in demand.

Features of the profession

The functional responsibilities of a property valuation expert largely depend on the type of activity and the object of valuation. But the general operating procedure contains the following positions:

  • collection and analysis of information on accounting and regulatory documents;
  • marketing analysis of the market with trends in changes in the object of assessment;
  • establishing business contacts and conducting negotiations with the necessary organizations;
  • choosing the correct and most appropriate method for calculating the object of assessment;
  • carrying out appraisal work to establish the market (or other) value of the object;
  • if necessary, searching for new, most effective practical ways to solve problems;
  • coordination of the work of partners or other divisions of the organization;
  • drawing up a detailed report in the prescribed form and a conclusion on the assessment of the object, signed and affixed with a personal seal;
  • advising the client on legislation on valuation activities and other legal and regulatory documents;
  • storage of reports and conclusions on the assessment of the object for three years;
  • systematization and collection of data for each object in order to create its own information base for assessment work.

Pros and cons of the profession


  • Demand and prestige of the profession
  • High wages for qualified specialists


  • High level of responsibility for assessment results
  • The risk of inaccurate assessment, which threatens a negative reputation and financial liability

Place of work

  • Property valuation companies
  • Banks
  • Private practice as an individual entrepreneur
  • Own appraisal company (“The Law on Appraisal Activities” allows the creation of a company with a staff of 2 people).

Important qualities

  • Analytical mind
  • broad-minded
  • pedantry
  • discipline and accuracy
  • constant desire to improve professional level
  • Special knowledge in the industry in which the appraiser works
  • communication skills
  • determination
  • ability to work for results

Professional requirements

A property valuation expert must have:

  • appraiser diploma or certificate;
  • professional liability insurance contract to cover losses in the event of a professional error by the appraiser;
  • membership of SRO appraisers (Self-Regulatory Organization of Appraisers).

Where to study to become a Property Valuation Expert

Russian Institute of Vocational Education "IPO" - recruits students to obtain a specialty through a distance program of professional retraining and advanced training. Studying at the IPO is a convenient and quick way to receive distance education. 200+ training courses. 8000+ graduates from 200 cities. Short deadlines for completing documents and external training, interest-free installments from the institute and individual discounts. Contact us!

In this course you can obtain the profession of an appraiser remotely in 6 months and 20,000 rubles:
— One of the most affordable prices in Russia;
— Diploma of professional retraining of the established form;
— Training in a completely distance format;
— Certificate of compliance with professional standards worth 10,000 rubles. For a present!
— The largest educational institution of additional professional education. education in Russia.

On June 2, 2016, amendments were made to Art. 21 of the “Law on Valuation Activities”, according to which training of appraisers is possible only in (at) higher educational institutions.

Specialized university for training appraisers

Universities with a special course “Property Valuation”

You can also obtain the profession of an appraiser at other universities within the framework of the specialization “Finance and Credit”, where they teach a special course “Property Valuation”: in, in. Such education will be the most fundamental on the basis of serious training in the field of economics and management.

For specialization in land and real estate valuation

Generalist appraisers and managers

in the specialty "Organization Management".

Additional professional education programs

Many professional lawyers, bankers, realtors, and insurers also seek to become an appraiser in order to improve their own professional status, career growth and additional income. They can undergo additional professional education programs with

Career steps and prospects

The career of an appraiser usually begins with the position of an appraiser's assistant in consulting and appraisal companies and banks. Vertical career growth is possible to the position of head of department or head of your own company. Horizontal growth involves mastering methods for assessing various properties and types of activities.

What is an SRO of appraisers? SRO of appraisers is Self-Regulatory Organization of Appraisers, a non-profit enterprise whose functions include monitoring the activities of appraisers and providing methodological assistance in property valuation. Each appraiser must be a member of the SRO.

The SRO is led by an expert council consisting of experienced appraisers (more than 3 years of work experience) who have passed the Unified Qualification Exam. Council members conduct an examination of all reports of appraisers who are members of the SRO. Based on the results of the examination, a conclusion of the expert council is issued. This is done to ensure that appraisers do not voluntarily overestimate or underestimate the value of property.

To join the SRO, the appraiser must submit:

  • entrance fee from 5 to 10 thousand rubles;
  • annual membership fees from 8 to 10 thousand rubles;
  • contribution to the compensation fund of 30 thousand rubles, from which money is withdrawn in the event of a professional error by the appraiser.

At first glance, the work of an appraiser may seem unpretentious and simple, but when examining this profession in more detail, a lot of requirements for this specialist are revealed. The popularity of the profession is determined by its high demand, high status and, of course, the opportunity to have a large, stable income. Therefore, now many are interested in the question: how to become an appraiser, what kind of education should this specialist have?

What you need to know about the profession

A competent appraiser must have a wide range of extensive knowledge in his field of activity. An assessment is usually required when causing harm, damage to movable and immovable property, as well as when conducting various transactions with them. How to become an independent appraiser? There are several ways:

  1. First you need to get a specialized higher education: economics, legal. In the case when a person has a non-core education, he will have to undergo retraining or specialized courses, which are mainly offered by universities.
  2. Get a higher education immediately according to the profile of an appraiser. Nowadays, a large number of universities offer various specialties in this profile: examination and real estate management, general appraiser, etc.

Assessors have the opportunity to work in several specific specializations. Motor transport and real estate are among the most common areas of their activity. In the case when the question is how to become a real estate appraiser, you can consider various offers of additional specialized education, which are offered by many economic universities.

Once a certified specialist has completed his studies, he must undergo an internship for 1-3 years in order to gain practical experience in his work. What does it take to become an appraiser, an expert in your field, to achieve a promotion in this field of activity. To do this, he will need The task of this organization is to monitor the activities of a specialist in this field. One of the important points is that it is also necessary to obtain an insurance policy, which in case of professional errors will insure the appraiser against large material losses.

Who is an appraiser and what does he do?

In recent years, this profession has become increasingly popular. How to become an appraiser and get a decent, well-paid job? This question worries many, in particular those who are just deciding on their future profession.

Full registration and conclusion of property rights transactions is almost never complete without an appraisal expert. This specialist calculates the real present value of property rights, intangible assets, shares, land, cars and other valuables.

All appraisers are divided into several categories. Some specialize their work on various equipment. The other part evaluates intellectual property and business. The services of these specialists are in demand both among individuals and legal entities (banks, government agencies, insurance organizations, etc.).

Working as an appraiser: what is it like?

In most cases, when concluding large transactions, it is necessary to find out the price for the subject of the agreement, which is relevant for this period of time. How to become an appraiser, what are his responsibilities?

The assessment specialist must have a suitable education; advanced training courses and work experience are welcome. Its task is to determine the real value of property, the amount of material damage, the value of assets, intellectual property, equipment and much more.

The expert's work begins with the fact that he collects the necessary information about a specific subject of assessment. Next, he carries out a summary of the analysis of the received data and, based on this, identifies the current cost. The appraiser's job also includes consulting clients on any questions they may have. Based on the results of the work carried out, the assessment expert gives his opinion and provides it to the customer.

What should an appraiser be able to do?

Firstly, a specialist in this activity must have a suitable education (higher specialized education, simply higher education and retraining of specialized courses). Secondly, he must be confident in using a personal computer. Thirdly, have experience in a similar field of activity.

Additionally, you need to know how to become an appraiser who strives to be not just an ordinary employee, but an expert. Do not forget that he must be a member of the SRO, as well as take out liability insurance for appraisal activities, i.e., have an insurance policy.

In addition, a specialist in this activity should know:

  • how to competently negotiate with banks;
  • rules for coordinating working hours with audit companies;
  • how to prepare the reports compiled by him in a high-quality, professional manner;
  • control rules for fulfilling the conditions specified in the contract;
  • the current situation on the market, be able to analyze it and understand working documents.

The work of an evaluator often involves travel. In this regard, the specialist must be prepared for frequent travel, which is necessary to perform his professional duties. He also needs to constantly improve the level of his professional competence by completing various trainings, courses, and seminars.

Pros of the profession

It is not possible to become a professional quickly in this field. How to become an appraiser in Russia, where to start? The best way to start a career is for a newly minted specialist to find an experienced mentor who will pass on his experience and teach him how to work competently and all the intricacies. In this case, the salary will be low, but the person will gain tremendous experience.

When the appraiser feels that he is able to carry out the work independently, then 3 paths will be open to him: work in a private organization, open his own business and go to work in a government agency.

Most people start their own business if possible. This is due to the fact that it will be in considerable demand, from individuals to large organizations.

The advantages of being an assessment expert include:

  • the ability to independently plan time;
  • the ability to work without an office space;
  • the presence of high demand for services provided by independent expertise;
  • favorable prospects for business development;
  • communication and meeting new people;
  • quite high income.

Why is the demand for appraiser services increasing?

Recently, the demand for appraiser services has been increasing. Competent specialists will always find work. The salary of beginning experts is 15-30 thousand rubles, depending on the region. they earn many times more - 100-170 thousand rubles per month.

The demand for valuation services is increasing due to the fact that expert opinion is required in more and more cases:

  • when applying for a mortgage loan;
  • loan against a banking organization;
  • when resolving a number of issues relating to the confiscation or privatization of housing;
  • when assessing damage;
  • section, as well as allocation of shares, donation of real estate and much more.

Cons of the profession

The disadvantages of the appraiser profession include the following disadvantages:

  • high cost of education, which in universities varies from 70 to 180 thousand rubles per year;
  • the need to regularly complete training programs, which also requires material costs and is not always convenient or possible;
  • the need to work for low wages for the first time;
  • quite high competition.

How to become independent and be competitive nowadays? To do this, a specialist must continuously improve his skills and abilities, conduct work at the highest level, and constantly educate himself on issues and changes directly related to work. All this will give you the opportunity to stand out from your competitors.

How to become an appraiser after graduation? Newly-minted assessment specialists most often undergo an internship for 2 years, which allows them to acquire the skills to conduct independent activities. Their mentors are experienced experts, whose task is to teach their wards how to correctly evaluate the object of the transaction, the ability to work with documentation, and compile reports.

Who uses the services of valuation experts and when?

Many people mistakenly assume that the scope of work of an appraiser is limited only to the examination of real estate, land, and vehicles. Although, these are the most common directions. Appraisers provide services to commercial organizations and individuals in assessing the real value of the item being examined or identifying the amount of damage caused.

How to become an expert appraiser? A top-level professional specialist determines the value of an enterprise, business, intellectual property, which requires extensive experience and knowledge of all the intricacies. To determine the investment prospects when purchasing a bankrupt company, you also cannot do without a valuation expert. In addition, it reveals:

  • the average cost of work and materials that will be spent on eliminating the damage;
  • the real price of equipment and machines;
  • existing fixed assets and tangible assets of the enterprise;
  • the current value of any property;
  • weapons, antiques, jewelry, etc.

It is important to understand that appraisers primarily work in a specific industry. With rare exceptions, these specialists simultaneously engage in several types of expert activities. This is due to the fact that each type requires deep knowledge and quite serious preparation.

The most popular service for conducting an assessment examination remains the identification of the market value of real estate (non-residential and residential assets). How to become a real estate appraiser in Russia and what pitfalls does this profession have? Often, when customers contact these specialists, they ask to reduce the real value of the property being assessed in order to receive a larger loan amount from the bank or reduce taxes. Such actions are fraudulent and are punishable by law.

Is it necessary to open your own office for appraisal activities?

How to become a real estate appraiser and is it necessary to open your own office? Experienced specialists work with a large established client base, but not everyone has their own office, which is one of the advantages. However, if the activity becomes serious, then you should open your own office, which will represent the face of the company.

The best option would be a room located in the central part of the city. Customers should find it easily, and parking and easy access are welcome. Before opening, you should consider the following points:

  • Carrying out cosmetic repairs if necessary;
  • decoration and furnishings;
  • organization of workplaces for personnel;
  • availability of comfortable conditions for receiving clients.

Who is an auto appraiser?

In this world, all things have their own value, and it is often not easy to figure it out on your own if we are talking about expensive or complex things. In this case, an assessment specialist comes to the rescue. What features does the specialty have and how to become a car appraiser?

To answer these questions, it is necessary to understand the structure of this work in order. Firstly, it is mandatory for the specialist to have a number of mandatory documents, the same as for appraisers of other categories:

  1. Diploma of specialized education or availability of professional retraining).
  2. An insurance policy that insures the liability of the appraisal activity. It is provided by almost all insurance companies.
  3. A certificate confirming the specialist’s membership in the SRO.

How to become a car appraiser after an accident and avoid unexpected financial losses in cases of professional error? This is where appraiser liability insurance comes to the rescue.

To carry out his activities, an expert vehicle appraiser after an accident must identify damage to the car. Then analyze the cost of repair services and derive the average. Next, in the same way, the appraiser looks for the cost of the parts that need to be replaced. When conducting price analysis, data from the Internet, the media, and price lists of organizations are used.

How to become an accident appraiser without becoming a scammer? Many people think that these specialists can make good money on kickbacks. For example, a client asks to inflate the amount of damage in order to receive more monetary compensation. It is worth understanding that the assessment report is subject to a number of inspection organizations, and if it is revealed that the price was greatly exaggerated or vice versa, the specialist may be subject to criminal liability, or, at best, to fines.
