Professions related to history. Professions for those who love history Professions related to history and social studies list

As soon as primitive people became a society, that is, a group of individuals who had common goals, interests and values, they tried to pass on from generation to generation the memory of the most significant events occurring in the life of the tribe. In these stories, authenticity was mixed with fiction, but the further humanity developed, the more real they became. And when writing appeared, history gradually turned into a scientific discipline, with which many types of activities are associated today.

History belongs to the social and humanitarian sciences that study the development of humanity as a society, its worldview and ideology. The list of professions associated with this discipline is very large, since it demonstrates the basic laws of social development, the knowledge of which is necessary for people in many specialties.

Many processes are greatly extended in time, therefore they are not as obvious as, for example, the law of universal gravitation, but they are just as real and inevitable, so attempts to violate them due to ignorance or non-recognition are fraught with the most serious consequences, both for individual countries and peoples. and for humanity as a whole.

Historian studies primary sources

Important! To be able to manage not only their present, but also, to some extent, their future, people must firmly remember the lessons of history.

History is the most important subject for anyone who wants to work in areas related to education, politics, lawmaking, and people management.

When answering the question of what professions are associated with in-depth study of this discipline, it is necessary to mention:

  • history teachers at all levels - from secondary school to higher specialized education;
  • historians who study the past of mankind in all its diversity and recreate, using various methodological methods, pictures of real life that exist now and have gone into the past of states and peoples;
  • , conducting excavations, studying and systematizing material evidence of the deep past of humanity. There are many techniques with which you can work with historical material, “looking” into the past;
  • employees of museums of various fields - historical, local history, archaeological;
  • workers of archival institutions: archivists, archivists responsible for recording, storing and systematizing documentary materials;
  • lawyers. Since lawmaking has developed along with humanity, the origins of many aspects of jurisprudence lie in the deep past of human civilization;
  • . When working in the field of international relations, it is necessary to know very well the history of your own country and those states in establishing contacts with which the diplomat is directly involved;
  • politicians and political scientists. No one can have the right to participate in government, make forecasts, comment and give recommendations on making politically important decisions if he is not well acquainted with its history.

The historical profile includes the profession of ethnologist, whose field of activity is at the intersection of cultural studies, sociology, anthropology and ethnography. All these sciences also fall within the scope of history, and when studying them, it is one of the specialized disciplines.

They specialize in in-depth study of certain time periods of various states, as well as in narrower thematic areas.

For example, a military historian studies the problems of a particular war, from those closest to us in time to long-past military campaigns, can talk about the reasons for its occurrence and development, about military campaigns and central battles, about what preceded it, when, where and how it ended.

Thus, a specialist with a history education will easily find many areas of activity where he can apply the acquired knowledge. The choice of direction depends solely on the inclinations and abilities of a person with a diploma in history.

Useful video: why and how to learn history

History plus literature

These two disciplines have much in common, since both belong to the group of humanities and require the ability to describe and present the facts of the past in a literate and lexically rich literary language. The most famous professions related to history and literature at the same time:

  • a writer whose work is dedicated to real historical events;
  • editors and translators of works.

People of these professions must be well versed in the abundance of events and facts, selecting the most significant for their chosen topic. The profession of a military journalist also includes a mandatory deep knowledge of historical disciplines; only in this case a person will be able to write a competent and truthful article on military topics.

The descriptions of long-standing events and the not-so-distant past make for fascinating reading in themselves. If you add literary fiction framed by real facts, you can create historical novels. Many classics of Russian literature wrote their masterpieces in this genre: Alexander Pushkin (“The Captain’s Daughter”), Nikolai Gogol (), Leo Tolstoy (“War and Peace”), Alexei Tolstoy (“Peter the Great”).

Nikolai Gogol "Taras Bulba"

Some authors have made the historical novel the main focus of their work. The books of the Russian writer of the Soviet period Valentin Pikul, whose characters live and act in different eras of Russian history, are widely known.

The most popular were:

  1. "Favorite".
  2. "With a pen and a sword."
  3. "Bayazet."
  4. "Katorga".
  5. "Devilry".

This genre of literature plays a big positive role, helping to popularize history as a science among the broad masses, attracting schoolchildren and students to its study. If a fiction writer decides to create books of this direction, he must first deeply study the real events of the time about which he is going to write so that his works are fully consistent with historical truth. Therefore, in addition to literature, it is advisable to receive an in-depth specialized education, thanks to which it will be possible to work with historical material at a professional level.

V. Pikul “Favorite”

How to get a diploma

Having learned which professions require historical science, applicants and high school students can begin to study it in depth. A historian is a specialist with a higher education, and you can get it in any specialized one. You can work as a school history teacher after graduating from the history department of a pedagogical institute.

History departments, available in all Russian universities in the humanities, provide more in-depth knowledge in this discipline. A graduate with a university diploma can either become a high school teacher or devote himself to some other historical specialty.

When entering a university with the aim of obtaining one of the professions listed above, applicants, in order to secure a place among the students, must try to score as many points as possible when passing the Unified State Exam (USE) for a high school course in a number of humanitarian disciplines.

Let's list them:

  1. and social science.
  2. Russian language and literature.
  3. Foreign language.

The duration of study at a university is from four to six years, depending on the chosen form of higher education - bachelor's or master's degree.

Useful video: the profession of historian


All professions related to history in one way or another are in demand on the labor market, but the profession of teaching a school history course is in greatest demand. It requires good memory, logical thinking, and a high level of concentration. Those who would like to devote a significant part of their lives to it must have a broad outlook, be erudite, and have character qualities such as curiosity and creativity.

Professions that are related to history are quite diverse. A historian studies the past of human society at all stages of development and taking into account its historical manifestations. Using historical facts, he recreates a complete picture of the life of various states and peoples, their traditions and way of life. Historians find out the reasons for the development of society from a primitive state to a modern one. They are looking for connections between events of different eras.

A political scientist studies politics at all its historical stages, as well as political relations and the role of power in society. He studies politics and its manifestations in society at various stages and time phases of its development, predicts the future of political relations, and analyzes the activities of political organizations.

The profession of art historian closely interacts with history. In addition, it is a very ancient profession with a rich past. Art history includes a wide range of social sciences that study the expression and history of art in all its forms. This is the culture of society as a whole and individual types of art.

An art historian studies collections of works, is responsible for their preservation in museums, and conducts lectures and excursions. He can determine the value, age and authenticity of the exhibit.

The main work of a cultural scientist is the scientific study of the history of the emergence, development and formation of individual types of art and their characteristics. In addition, he explores the life and traditions of various ethnic groups.

The culturologist is also involved in excursion activities, writes articles and books. Such specialists are attracted as experts on cultural issues to various institutions, organizations and television.

An ethnographer is a specialist in the study of ethnic groups of peoples, their traditions, customs, political, economic, cultural and religious norms and foundations. Ethnographers analyze historical data about a particular ethnic group, travel to their places of residence and communicate with local residents. In addition, they write articles and research literature.

An archaeologist, in connection with his professional activities, studies the life, traditions and culture of ancient civilizations. Therefore, the profession of an archaeologist has historical foundations. is engaged in tracking individual fragments of the historical past of mankind or its individual peoples.

Lesson-conversation on the topic

“School subject is the basis of my future profession.”

“History is the basis of many professions.”

“History is the teacher of life,” says the motto of people who study history as a science. No less remarkable is another Latin saying, authored by Cicero, “History is the teacher of life. Because not knowing what happened before you were born means remaining a child forever.” These statements and many others mean that history is an extraordinary, always modern and “living” science.

Initially, the term “history” meant, translated from ancient Greek, “investigation, recognition, establishment, questioning.” In the explanatory dictionary, “history” is interpreted as a humanitarian science that deals with the study of man, his activities, and worldview in the past. The etymological dictionary explains that the word “history” comes from the Greek language and comes from the Proto-Indo-European word wid-tor, where the root “weid” means “to know, to see” in Russian is represented by the words “to see, to know.”

Just like many sciences, history got its start in the Hellenistic period, thanks to such names as Thucydides (his work “History of the Peloponnesian Wars”), Homer (the poems “Iliad” and “Odyssey”), Heraclitus, Aristotle and, of course, Herodotus, who is considered the "father of history."

In modern times, at the end of the 15th century in England, the term “history” began to be used as a sequence of past events. Since then, in a narrow sense, history as a science has been studying all kinds of sources about the past in order to establish the sequence of events, historical processes, the objectivity of facts and draw conclusions about the causes of events. And here the statement of the historian V.O. Klyuchevsky suggests itself: “History is a lantern to the future that shines for us from the past.”

The main goal of studying history in a modern school is the education, development and upbringing of the student’s personality, capable of determining their value priorities based on understanding the historical experience of their country and humanity as a whole, actively and creatively applying historical knowledge in educational and social activities. The knowledge gained in history lessons will be needed in everyday life, for example, to support a discussion, an argument on a political topic, on vacation abroad, where it is necessary to know not only historical monuments, but also the culture and traditions of the country being visited.

History is the basis of many professions. These are specialists such as archaeologists, archivists, lawyers, lawyers, diplomats, political strategists, tour guides, local historians, ethnographers, and history teachers.

Among all these professions, we will focus on history teachers and ethnographers. But first, I would like to bring to your attention an essay by my eighth-grader on the topic “A school subject is the basis of my future profession” (without correcting speech errors) - “Probably every person who received an education had a favorite subject, a lesson to which the soul lies . After all, our interests at school lay the foundation for our future profession. For example, if you are interested in history and social studies, you can teach these subjects at school, or be a teacher. The teaching profession is not only exciting, but also complex. In addition to the fact that you must clearly explain the material to your students, you need to make the lesson interesting and original. Then children will show interest and initiative. But every teacher uses the knowledge that his teacher once gave him. All this is reminiscent of parents raising children. And when the child grows up, he uses the knowledge and experience that he received in the family. Also, the teacher, in a sense, wants his lesson to be interesting, like his “parent” once had. The teaching profession cannot be called unclaimed. For example, the job of a history teacher is to provide knowledge about the history of the native state, explain the main points in the development of the country, and much more. If we exclude this profession, then students, as citizens of our state, will not know where they live and what events happened before them. But not every person can teach at school. A teacher must have such qualities as a penchant for working with children, the ability to interest them in their plans, to lead them, a high degree of personal responsibility, self-control and balance, and tolerance. Non-judgmental attitude towards people, interest and respect for another person, originality and tact. As far as I know, this profession cannot be called highly paid, but it seems to me that for a real teacher, the main thing is how his lessons will be useful to us, the students, in the future!”

I hope that after such a monologue, my advertisement for the teaching profession will no longer be needed, let’s turn to the next profession - ethnographer.

An ethnographer is a specialist who studies the history of peoples, their way of life, culture, and traditions.

On the Kola Peninsula, this profession cannot be called very popular, although every year interest in the history of such small peoples as the Sami and Komi is growing. This is evidenced by the numerous expeditions of Ernst Muldashev, the purpose of which is noidas (Sami shamans), and ethnographers cannot be avoided here.

The future ethnographer must have the following qualities: love to travel, know several languages, be sociable, physically resilient, inquisitive, have an analytical mind, good memory, attention, and the ability to hear and listen.

The profession of an ethnographer is contraindicated for people with neuropsychiatric diseases, hearing and speech disorders, weak physical development, and a weak-willed character. Of course, with these shortcomings it is possible to obtain a higher education in the humanities in this specialty, but an ethnographer is a practical specialist! The national policy of the country and regions should be based on the research of these specialists.

Today, ethnographers are not in high demand in the labor market. The salary cannot be called attractive either - a junior researcher receives approximately 13-14 thousand rubles per month. However, in the West, this profession has become promising: ethnographers work as consultants for oil and gas corporations that want to negotiate with the population living where, for example, oil production will begin.

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Many children love history very much. They read various books telling about historical events, attend historical clubs, watch historical documentaries and feature films, and dream that their entire future life will certainly be connected with history. What professions related to history can we name?

In first place, of course -historian . He studies history and writes historical works. All history textbooks for schoolchildren are based on his works. He does not have the right to lie, confuse or change anything at will, since he bears a huge responsibility. The works of historians of past centuries are still studied by modern scientists.

Next comeswriter, writer of historical books. There are a lot of such writers both abroad and in Russia: Sergei Alekseev, Vasily Yan, Valentin Pikul, Alexandre Dumas and others. The writer must carefully study the historical event about which he writes. Therefore, before writing a book, a writer studies historical documents for a very long time.

Where can you study different documents? To do this you need to go to the archives. An archive is a repository of documents. Archivist or archivist works in the archive and collects and stores various documents. Lay out, sign, rewrite, sort through documents, find and issue the necessary ones. This work may seem boring to some, but a person who loves history really enjoys working with historical documents, because it is very responsible and interesting.

Deals with the study of individual groups of peoples, their numbers, languages, their customs and traditions in different periods of history.ethnographer . He travels a lot, communicates with different people, then, based on the results of his research, writes historical articles or research papers about the life of different peoples.

Art critic is an art historian. He works in museums, studies historical objects and the history of art in different historical eras, and conducts excursions. He must not only have a good command of historical and art history terms, but also conduct a tour or lecture in such a way as to completely capture the attention of those who listen to him. He must also be able to determine the authenticity of various historical items. These can be paintings, household items, books. And since he works more with people, he must look beautiful and strict.

A history teacher He is also always surrounded by students, parents and teachers, so he must know his subject perfectly. He reads a lot, constantly improves his knowledge and must be able to establish contact with children in order to pass on knowledge of history to them. Enormous demands are also placed on the appearance of the teacher.

One of the most interesting professions related to history isarchaeologist . He studies ancient civilizations, conducts excavations, and looks for ancient historical objects: jewelry, ancient dishes, household items, buildings. In his work he uses different tools: a brush, a shovel, a magnifying glass and a camera. If an archaeologist is engaged in underwater searches, then he will definitely need the ability to swim well and scuba gear with a large supply of oxygen, since archaeologists are keen people and can stay under water for a very long time.

Work is also related to the study of historyarchitect. He studies the history of the development of architecture in different historical eras, designs buildings and develops interiors. This profession is related to construction and is one of the most ancient. There are many temples, palaces, ancient buildings in the world that arose in different historical eras and they are all very beautiful. Therefore, an architect is first and foremost a creator. The main thing is that all his creations are safe for humans. An archaeologist must have creative abilities, developed thinking, a sense of style, and be observant.

Interesting profession -museologist . His whole life is connected with museums, historical monuments, and scientific research. The work is interesting and painstaking, requiring a lot of patience and perseverance. He also conducts cultural and educational activities with people of different ages.

Diplomat and politician You also can’t do without knowledge of history. For them, history is the main subject of study, along with foreign languages, political science, cultural studies and other subjects. In order to become a diplomat, you need to work long and painstakingly on yourself and study well.

We see that there are a lot of professions related to the study of history. We have named only a small part of them, but no matter what profession you choose, the most important thing is to study well, try hard, love your Motherland, please your loved ones, and benefit not only yourself, but also other people.

As Cicero said: “History is the teacher of life.” Many people still agree with this statement. But the paradox is this: the same science shows us that humanity practically does not learn from the mistakes of history. Maybe the teacher is not skilled enough, or maybe the students are completely lazy. Be that as it may, there are many interesting professions closely related to this science, which is sometimes contradictory and extremely inaccurate, but no less fascinating. Below are several examples of specialties that cannot be fully mastered without properly studying history.


The name of the profession comes from two Greek words: grapho - write and ethnos - tribe. The ethnographer does the following:

  1. Study of the features of the everyday traditional culture of peoples, forming their ethnic appearance.
  2. Study of the social culture and economic activities of the ethnic group.
  3. A study of the primitive communal system based on its remnants among modern peoples.
  4. Study of the number of peoples, characteristics of migration.
  5. Study of religious views, language, spiritual makeup of the ethnic group.
  6. Observing the life of the people, collecting collections, expeditionary and stationary research, etc.
  7. Working with writing, archaeological finds, folk art and other types of historical heritage.
  8. Conducting interviews and surveys with representatives of the ethnic group.
  9. Conducting various examinations, including anthropological ones.
  10. Study of linguistic kinship.
  11. Study of types of settlement, interaction between ethnic group and natural environment, drawing up ethnographic maps.


The main task of this profession is to search for artifacts, and then study the life and culture of ancient people from them. Archeology is the applied part of history. Artifacts are objects that were once created or processed by people: jewelry, household utensils, tools, buildings, weapons, coals of ancient fireplaces and much more.

All archaeological conclusions must be based on convincing evidence. There are three types of archaeology:

  1. Experimental - creating reconstructions of objects.
  2. Field - searching for artifacts through excavations on land.
  3. Underwater - searching underwater.

The main tools of an archaeologist are ground penetrating radar, knife, shovel, brush, pickaxe, magnifying glass, syringe, camera. Of course. To conduct underwater search, you must have scuba diving skills. Each item discovered should be described in detail in writing. Also, visual arts abilities are important in order to be able to sketch each item found. Restoration and primary conservation of artifacts must be carried out, since fresh air and sunlight can destroy jewelry that has lain for hundreds of years under a thick layer of earth.


This name for the profession has now been replaced by a more modern word - “archivist”. Another suitable name is secretary-registrar. The main tasks of an archivist are collecting and preserving documents. Depending on the type of archive, employees can specialize in various areas of historical knowledge: art, national economy, politics, military history, literature, etc.

All materials in the archive are formed into archival files, each of which has its own unique title. The archivist constantly monitors the status of these cases. Another task of the archivist is to make it easier for individuals and organizations who request to view them to find materials.


Literally, from ancient Greek, the name of this profession is translated as “love of wisdom.” In general terms, the activity of a philosopher comes down to the study of all things and the search for truth. The philosopher tries to find optimal solutions to various social problems and invent an ideal system for building society. Without knowledge of history, without clear ideas about the works of philosophers of the past, without thoroughly studying the ideological misconceptions and philosophical mistakes of mankind, it is unlikely that such a specialist could offer truly worthwhile solutions to current problems. Another good definition of a philosopher is “a professional thinker.” A professional philosopher is not just a chatterbox and a home-grown critic, but a creator who creates effective semantic structures or an artist who, as a result of knowledge of the modern realities of the world, is able to create not only a picture of society without current shortcomings, but also come up with a way to realize his plans, establish clear paths eliminate these shortcomings.

In addition to history, a philosopher must thoroughly study metaphysics, logic, ethics, ontology, aesthetics and many other specialized disciplines.


A specialist of this type works in cultural, educational, research institutions and organizations whose activities are aimed at preserving, using and studying natural and cultural heritage. The system of historical, natural and cultural monuments of regional and national significance is the objects of activity of museologists. A museologist must be able to:

  1. Carry out scientific research in the field of methodology for the use and conservation of heritage.
  2. Conduct organizational, managerial, cultural and educational activities.
  3. Participate in solving problems related to current research.
  4. Identify, organize, and formulate work in the field of development of natural, historical and cultural heritage.
  5. Determine the optimal forms of conducting cultural and educational work among various categories of the population.
  6. Identify and organize work in promising areas in the study, development and popularization of historical, as well as any other monuments.
  7. Catalog household and cultural items.

A professional museologist can be equally in demand both in government agencies and in travel agencies and private business organizations.
