L 4 inurl write us a letter. Examples of friendly letters with translation

Do you write business letters in English every day? Or are you just learning the basics of official correspondence in business English courses? Our selection of useful phrases and expressions will teach you how to write correct business letters in English and help diversify your speech.

Thanks to business etiquette, it is common knowledge that clients should be greeted at the beginning of the letter and goodbye at the end. Do problems begin when composing the body of the letter? How, for example, can you tell customers that the cargo is delayed, or how can you hint that it would be nice to receive money for services rendered? All this can be explained competently if you use the right “blanks” for various situations. With such “blanks”, writing letters will be a simple and enjoyable task.

Starting a letter or how to start a correspondence in English

At the beginning of every business letter, immediately after the greeting, you need to explain why you are writing all this. Perhaps you want to clarify something, get additional information, or, for example, offer your services. The following phrases will help with everything:

  • We are writing - We write to…
  • To confirm... - confirm...
    - to request ... – to request…
    - to inform you that... – to inform you that...
    - to enquire about ... - find out about ...

  • I am contacting you for the following reason... – I am writing to you with the following purpose / I am writing to you in order to...
  • I would be interested in (receiving/ getting information) - I would be interested in (acquiring/ receiving information)

Establishing contacts or how to tell your interlocutor how you know about him

Sometimes it is worth reminding your business partner when and how you last saw each other or discussed your cooperation. Maybe you already wrote a business letter on this topic a couple of months ago, or perhaps you met at a conference a week ago and started negotiating then.

  • Thank you for your letter regarding ... – Thank you for your letter on the topic….
  • Thank you for your letter of May 30. – Thank you for your letter of May 30.
  • In reply to your request, ... – In response to your request..
  • Thank you for contacting us. – Thank you for writing to us.
  • With reference to our conversation on Tuesday... - Regarding our conversation on Tuesday...
  • In reference with your recent letter - Regarding the letter recently received from you...
  • It was a pleasure meeting you in New-York last week. – It was very nice to meet you in New York last week.
  • I would just like to confirm the main points we discussed yesterday – I would like to confirm the main points that we discussed yesterday.

Expressing a request or how to tactfully ask your interlocutor in English

In business letters, sometimes you have to ask your partners for something. Sometimes you need a delay, and sometimes you need additional samples of material. To express all this, business English has its own established phrases.

  • We would appreciate it if you would ... - We would be very grateful if you...
  • Could you please send me/ tell us/ let us... – Could you send me/tell us/allow us
  • It would be helpful if you could send us ... - It would be very helpful if you could send us ...
  • I would appreciate your immediate attention to this matter. “I would appreciate your immediate attention on this matter.”
  • We would be grateful if you could ... - We would be grateful if you could ...

Complaining in English or how to make it clear that you are not happy

Unfortunately, it often happens that we don’t like something. But when writing business letters, we cannot give free rein to our feelings and say with a direct test what we think about the company and its services. It is necessary to use business English and carefully express your dissatisfaction. This way we can keep our business partner and let off some steam. Standard business correspondence phrases that will help with this:

  • I am writing to complain about ... - I am writing to complain about ...
  • I am writing to express my dissatisfaction with ... I am writing to express my dissatisfaction with ...
  • I am afraid there may be a misunderstanding... - I'm afraid there is a misunderstanding...
  • I understand it is not your fault, but... - I understand that it is not your fault, but...
  • We wish to draw your attention to…. – We would like to draw your attention to

How to convey bad or good news in business letters in English

In business correspondence it often happens that we have to upset clients. It’s worth doing this gracefully so as not to anger your partner even more.

Bad news

  • I am afraid that I must inform you that ... - I am afraid that we must inform you that ...
  • Unfortunately we cannot / we are unable to ... - Unfortunately, we cannot / we are unable
  • We regret to inform you that... - We regret to inform you that...
  • I"m afraid it would not be possible to ... – I’m afraid that it will be impossible…
  • After serious consideration we have decided to...- After serious consideration, we decided that...

Good news

Fortunately, sometimes everything works out well and we can please our clients with good news

  • We are pleased to announce that... – We are pleased to announce that...
  • It is our pleasure to announce that... - We have the pleasure to announce that...
  • I am delighted to inform you that .. – I am pleased to inform you...
  • You will be pleased to learn that ... - You will be glad when you find out that ...

Apologies or how not to anger the client even more

Of course, in business there are often problems. And it’s you who has to apologize for them. Be friendly, put yourself in the position of your interlocutor. Remember that it is better to apologize several times than to lose a valuable client.

  • I regret any inconvenience caused by... We regret all the inconvenience caused by...
  • Please accept our sincere apologies. – Please accept our sincere apologies.
  • I would like to apologize for the delay /inconvenience... - I want to apologize for the delay / inconvenience
  • Once again, please accept my apologies for... – Once again, accept my apologies for...

Money or how to show your partner that it's time to pay

Sometimes you want to write in plain text that it’s time to pay. But you can’t do this in business correspondence. Instead, we have to use softer constructions, behind which there is still the same tough question.

  • According to our records... - According to our records...
  • Our records show that we have not yet received payment of ... – Our records show that we have not yet received payment for ...
  • We would appreciate if you cleared your account within the next days. – We will be grateful if you pay in the next few days.
  • Please send payment as soon as possible/ promptly – Please send us payment as soon as possible.

Politeness in correspondence or how to hint at new meetings

You shouldn’t say goodbye to your business partners completely. Even after the end of the project, it is better for you to save the relationship for future orders.

Catch you later

At the end of business letters in English, it is often appropriate to remind your partner between the lines when you next expect information from him.

  • I look forward to seeing you next week. – I look forward to our meeting next week
  • Looking forward to receiving your comments, - I look forward to your comments.
  • I look forward to meeting you on the (date). – I’m looking forward to our meeting with you (date).
  • An early reply would be appreciated. – I will appreciate your quick response

See you

After a successful order, you should write the customer a short letter in English, informing him that you are not against a new project with him.

  • I would be happy to have an opportunity to work with your firm again. – I would be glad to have the opportunity to work with your firm again.
  • We look forward to a successful working relationship in the future. – We look forward to a successful working relationship in the future.
  • We would be pleased to do business with your company. – We will be happy to do business with your company.

Of course, business English is not always easy. Luckily, our selection of business phrases should make your task a lot easier. Now it will take you much less time to compose a letter. So choose the right phrases, add your information and please your boss with beautiful business letters in English.

  • Shutikova Anna

  • Although almost no one writes paper letters anymore, e-mail is a great way to communicate. Imagine that your friend is in a place where the Internet is only a few hours a day, and you won’t be able to communicate via instant messengers. Do you understand what needs to be written? letter to a friend in English. I will tell you below in the article how to do this, where to start and what phrases may be useful.

    From the article you will learn:

    How to write a letter in English to a friend

    First of all, to write a letter to a friend in English, you need to make an outline in Russian. Think about what you want to tell your friend? There is no need to try to talk about everything at once; highlight one topic.

    For example, talk about your plans for the holidays or your new pet. You can write a letter of review about a book you read or a movie you watched, talk about your favorite anime or your new hobby.

    Of course, knowing the rules of spelling and punctuation of the English language and trying to follow them is good form. The person to whom you addressed the letter will be pleased to read a well-written letter.

    Structure of a letter to a friend and useful phrases

    Like any letter, a letter to a friend should contain:

    1. Greetings.
    2. The main part.
    3. The final part (farewell and wishes).

    Let's consider each point.

    In the first part of the letter people greet a friend or acquaintance. Here are common greeting phrases in English:

    “My dear + name” - which translated means - “My (my) dear + name.”


    Hello, my dear Olya. - Hello, my dear Olya.

    It is also possible to use just a name:

    Hello, Olga. - Hello, Olga.

    Body of the letter consists of several paragraphs that reveal the topic on which you are writing the letter.

    A letter to a friend in English is not an official document, so you can use different ones, for example:

    • As far as I know— as far as I know
    • By the way - by the way
    • In a nutshell - in short

    In the final part, according to the norms of etiquette, it is necessary to say goodbye to a friend. The following phrases can be used:

    • Many happy returns of the day - all the best on this day.
    • Sincerely yours— sincerely yours.
    • Yours truly always devoted to you.
    • best wishes - best wishes.
    • Yours Ever - always yours.
    • Good luck - Good luck.

    Example 1. Letter to a friend in English with translation about plans for the future

    The first example of a letter to a friend in English will be about plans for future holidays.

    I am writing to tell you about my next winter holidays.

    I want to spend them in mountains. Skiing is a very popular sport in my country. It is very interesting. Even our prime minister likes skiing, it is his hobby. I began to ski with my father and sister in my childhood. We often go to the forest and spend our time there. I think that the fresh air, clear nature and sport are very healthy for me. That’s why my hobby is skiing.

    The mountain-skiing camp site is located in Karpaty. It is about 200 kilometers from my city. This camp site is very popular and many people visit it every year. There are 4 skiing tracks. Three of them are for skiing and one is for snowboards. In addition, there is the elevator, a cafe and the house, where you can have a rest. The length of the track is about 3 kilometers. The speed that you can gather there is very fast. Later, after this camp site I want to visit my grandfather who lives in another city. I miss him.

    So, that is all about my holidays. Write to me more often. Good luck.

    Truly Yours,


    Dear Anton,

    I am writing to you to tell you about my next winter holidays.

    I want to spend them in the mountains. Skiing is a very popular sport in my country. It is very interesting. Even our Prime Minister loves skiing - it's his hobby. I started skiing when I was little, with my dad and sister. We often go to the forest and spend our time there. I think that fresh air, clean nature and sports are very good for me. That's why my favorite hobby is skiing.

    The ski resort is located in the Carpathians. It's two hundred kilometers from my city. This base is very popular and many people visit it every year. There are 4 ski slopes there. Three of them are for skis, one is for snowboarding. There is also a ski lift, a cafe and a house where you can relax. The length of the route is approximately 3 kilometers. The speed that can be developed there is very high. Then, after this base, I want to go to my grandfather, who lives in another city. I miss him.

    So that's it for my vacation. Write me more often. Good luck.

    Sincerely yours,

    Below you will find more two examples of letters to a friend in English with translation into Russian. One letter about sports, the second letter about a pet.

    Example 2. Letter to a friend about sports in English with translation into Russian

    The second letter to a friend in English will talk about sports.

    Thank you for your letter! Sorry for haven’t written to you for so long but I was busy all this time.

    Well, I am very glad that you have passed all the exams! Congratulations! (I am very happy for you!) I guess, you should relax your body and mind after exams. And the best way to do it is to go for a walk!

    You know, my favorite sports are baseball and swimming, but your mum gave you a good piece of advice! Basketball is a good choice for you!

    As well, all teens in Russia prefer hockey and football. But everyone can choose something else…

    Wow! Your brother has just come from Australia! That must be great! So, how was his trip? Was it successful? Did he enjoy the weather there?

    Sorry, I must finish now, because I have to revise for my tomorrow exam. Hope to hear from you soon.

    Best wishes,

    Translation of a letter into Russian:

    Dear Sasha,

    Thank you for your letter! Sorry I didn't write to you, but I was very busy.

    So, I'm very glad that you passed all the exams! Congratulations! (I'm very happy for you!). I think you should relax both your body and mind after your exams. The best way to do this is to go for a walk!

    You know my favorite sports are baseball and swimming, but your mom gave you good advice! Basketball is a good choice for you!

    Thus, all teenagers in Russia prefer hockey and football. But everyone can choose something of their own...

    Wow! Your brother just arrived from Australia! This must be cool! So how was his journey? What successes? Did he like the weather there?

    Sorry, I have to finish because I'm studying for an exam tomorrow. Catch you later.

    Best wishes,

    Example 3. Letter to a friend in English with translation about a pet

    In your last letter you asked me to tell you about my pets. OK, I can talk for hours on this topic. I have a dog; his name is La boule. That's a French word which means a ball. He is a pug and he is very funny. I also have a hamster. His name is Albert. Not a usual name for a hamster, you say, but he is very curious and smart enough. I would also like to have a cat, but perhaps not now.

    I’m fine, no changes since the last time. I’m passing my exams next week. After that, I’m looking forward to going abroad. I like traveling a lot. I’ve visited just a few European countries but I fell in love with the Old world. My dream is to go to Paris. This is the city of love, croissants and haut-couture. I think every person should see it and not necessarily die after it!

    You told me that you had been to many countries. Tell me about your greatest trip! Have you been to Paris, did you like it? What are you going to do this summer? Where would you like to go?

    I’m so happy that your sister is married! Wish her and her husband a very good luck! Hope the wedding was as gorgeous as the bride was!

    Could you send me some photos?

    Sorry, I have to go, my parents are leaving on holidays, I need to see them off.

    Waiting for your letter,

    Yours truly,

    Translation of a letter into Russian:

    Dear Vlad,

    In your last letter you asked me to tell you about your pets. Well, I can talk about this topic for hours. I have a dog, his name is La Boule. This is a French word that translates to ball. He's a pug and he's very funny. I also have a hamster. His name is Albert. An unusual name for a hamster, you might say, but he is very inquisitive and quite smart. I would also like a cat, but maybe not right now.

    I'm fine, no changes since last time. Next week I take my exams. After this, I'm really looking forward to traveling abroad. I like traveling very much. I've only been to a few European countries, but I fell in love with the Old World. My dream is to go to Paris. This is the city of love, croissants and haute couture. I think everyone should see it, and you don't have to die after it!

    The epistolary genre, once the only way of communication between people at a distance, has not lost its relevance today. Although the format of letters has changed somewhat: from messages written on paper, in most cases they have turned into e-mail messages. For competent communication through correspondence, it is necessary to follow certain rules for writing and formatting letters, and compose them according to the structure formed over many years.

    The design of letters in English is subject to a certain logic, and any letter necessarily requires division into semantic elements. However, if you master the structure of constructing various types of letters, writing them becomes much easier, because it is this logic, or the structure of the letter, that will guide the writer’s train of thought, which undoubtedly helps to convey the content of what is written in the clearest and most understandable form.

    The formatting of written messages directly depends on what type of letter you are dealing with: personal or official (business). Do not forget that there are also such varieties as letters of recommendation, letters of gratitude and covering letters.

    Letter design structure

    The following table shows a unified format for writing a letter in English:

    Sender's name (that is, yours) .

    It's r accommodated top right pages

    Peter C Jackson Peter S. Jackson

    Sender's address

    It is placed under the name and is placed in the following sequence:

    Street, house, flat,

    city ,

    state, county, zip code,

    a country

    Moreover, in the British version the city is written in capital letters, and in the American version the entire city is written in capital letters.

    9 Green Street,


    Wiltshire SN1 4AB


    25 Westminster Avenue APT B7



    9 Green Street


    WiltshireSN1 4AB

    Great Britain


    25 Westminster Avenue, apt. AT 7


    New York 11230

    Date of writing

    In the British version it looks like this: “day, month, year,” and in the American version it looks like “month, day, year.” Recording forms can be as follows:

    August 1st, 2016

    August 1,2016

    August 1st, 2016

    1 August 2016

    Recipient's address (the one you are writing to)

    It is written on a new line, but already left. It is formatted in the same way as the sender's address. In a personal letter (letter to a friend), this section is most often absent, but is required for a business letter (official letter), with the name of the organization and the corresponding department preceding the address.

    Customer Support Department

    British Cosmetics

    9 Westminster Lane


    Worcestershire, WR7 4HG

    Customer Service Department

    "British cosmetics"

    9, Westminster lane,


    Worcestershire,WR7 4HG

    Great Britain

    Addressing the recipient of the letter

    It is capitalized and must be followed by a comma. The following options are typical for a personal letter: Dear..., My dear..., My dearest or simply the name of the recipient. For a business letter, the address Dear is more typical. … . If, when writing a letter to an organization, you do not know the exact name of the recipient, the following format is acceptable: Dear sirs, Dear sir/madam, To whom it may concern.

    Dear John,

    My dearest cousin,


    Dear Mr. Simpson,

    Dear sirs,

    Dear sir/madam,

    Dear John,

    My dear cousin,



    Dear Mr. Simpson,

    Dear Sirs,

    Ladies and gentlemen,


    Despite the preceding comma in the previous line of address, the introductory sentence is written capitalized. It contains some kind of introductory phrase that refers the reader to the previous letter, such as an expression of gratitude for news received, in the case of a personal letter, or a brief statement of the purpose of the letter in business correspondence.

    Thank youyou for your recent letter. I was so happy to hear from you.


    We are writing to enquire about…

    We are interested

    Thank you for your recent letter. I was so happy to hear from you.


    We hereby ask you to inform us about... / We are interested in information about...

    We are interested in …

    Main text

    He is compiled in a certain logical sequence and is divided into paragraphs according to the topics covered. In a personal letter, you should first answer the questions asked by the pen pal in the previous letter, and then move on to the questions that you would like to ask him. In an official letter, you should explain in the first paragraph the purpose or reasons for writing your message. Both personal and official letters are characterized by speech clichés used when writing the main part:

    1) It was really great to receive a letter from you…

    2) How are things with you?

    3) How are you doing?

    4) I was really glad to hear that…

    5) As for me…


    1) I'm writing to let you knowabout

    2) I regret to inform you that…

    3) Could you possibly explain…

    4) I would be grateful if you could…

    5) I would like to receive

    6) Wouldyou be so kind to send me…

    1) It was really great to receive a letter from you….

    2) How are you doing?

    3) How are you?

    4) I was really happy to know that...

    5) As for me…


    1) I am writing to inform you about...

    2) Unfortunately,yforced inform you about...

    3) Could you please explain...

    4) I would be grateful if you...

    5) I would like to receive......

    6) Would you be so kind as to send me...

    Tactfully ending a letter

    It placed on a new line and written with a capital letter. In a personal letter, you must express your regret at the inability to continue writing the letter and indicate a polite reason for this (for example: Sorry, I have to go... - Excuse me I have to go…). In an official letter, it is necessary to summarize what has been said and express hopes for further cooperation or wishes regarding the professional sphere. And here there are certain clichés that will undoubtedly help you complete a personal or business letter:

    By the way, I would really like to see you. Why don’t you come and visit me next month?

    Pleasesend my best regards to your…

    Please write me back and tell me your plans for…


    I look forward to...

    § hearing from you soon;

    § meeting you nextFriday;

    § seeing you nextweek

    Please feel free to contact us if you need any further information…

    By the way, I would be very glad to meet you. Why don't you come see me next month?

    Please say hi to your...

    Please write me back and tell me about your plans for...


    I am looking forward…

    § When can I hear from you again?

    § meeting you next Friday;

    § see you next week...

    Please contact us for more information...

    Final phrase

    It is written on a new line, demands after himself comma, and her character depends on who you are writing the letter to.

    Best wishes,

    Take care,

    xoxo (more typical for ending an email)



    Yours faithfully,

    Best wishes

    Take care




    Yours sincerely,

    Yours sincerely,

    Sender's signature

    You must write your name here. The signature is placed on the left under the final phrase.

    James McDonald James MacDonald


    Additional information "after written". Traditionally, it is formalized using the Latin abbreviation P.S. and especially highlights the information offered therein. A postscript is more typical of a personal letter.

    P.S. Don't forget to meet Sue at the airport. P.S.Don't forget to meet Sue at the airport.

    Sample personal letter to a friend

    Dear Andy,

    Thank you for your recent letter. I was so happy to receive it. How are you doing now? I hope everything is OK with you.

    As for me, I can’t say I’m having a good time as I have to work extremely hard. I would like to be a doctor and at the moment I’m studying biology really hard. So unluckily much time for going out.

    However, your letter has encouraged me to go to different museums in my city. I was surprised how many of them there are in it. When you come and visit me we’ll surely go to the most interesting of them.

    By the way, your decision to become a history teacher was pretty surprising for me. What (or who) encouraged you to choose this job? How long does the course of studies in a teacher training university last?

    Unfortunately, I have to finish now as I have to go – my biology exam starts in half an hour.

    Best wishes,

    Writing a business letter is structured according to the above structure, taking into account the features of the official business style. However, there are subtypes of business writing that are worth mentioning separately.

    Cover Letter– a letter, along with a resume, giving detailed information about the candidacy of the future employee. The purpose of such a letter is to interest the employer in the proposed employee and help the candidate get an interview. Such a letter is drawn up in the format of an official letter from the first person.

    Reference Letter also provides more assurance that your job search will be successful. Such a letter presents the opinion of managers and colleagues about the employee. It presents information about the employee in the third person. To obtain a letter of recommendation, it is better to contact the director of the company or the head of the department.

    Letter of thanks(grateful letter) in English is intended to express your gratitude to the organizers of an event. It is very important to thank the organizers politely and tactfully. Business letter writing skills will undoubtedly be useful in this regard.

    Fortunately, the rules for writing letters in English are quite universal. And even if your level of English proficiency still leaves much to be desired, the presented materials will certainly help you successfully compose the letter necessary for a particular purpose.

    Task C1 in the Unified State Exam in English.

    Structure of a personal letter

    1. The address and date are written in the upper right corner of the letter (in short form).
    2. The first part of the letter is Introduction. In this part of the letter, the author thanks for receiving the letter or apologizes for not writing for a long time.
    3. The second part of the letter is the Main Body. This is the largest part of the letter, since in this part of the letter the author answers all the questions and completes all the tasks.
    4. The third part of the letter is Conclusion. In this part of the letter, the writer must indicate the reason why he is finishing writing the letter.
    5. End of the letter-Ending (completion of the letter). This phrase depends on the degree of proximity between the author and the addressee; a comma is placed after it and then (on a new line) your name is indicated.

    Speech clichés

    - Dear Simon
    - Dear Miss Jones,
    - Dear Mum
    Introductory phrases- It was great to get your letter….
    - Thanks for your letter. It was great/lovely to hear from you.
    - Thanks for your long letter. It was really great to hear all your news, after not hearing from you for ages….
    - Sorry I haven’t written for so long but….
    - I’m very sorry about not replying to your letter sooner but I’ve been extremely busy.
    - Sorry for not writing earlier but I’ve…
    - How are things with you?
    - I’m sorry I haven’t written for so long, but…
    - I was really pleased to hear that…
    - I thought I’d better write and tell you about….
    Closing phrases
    - I would really like you to visit me this summer. Write to me and tell me your plans.
    - Thanks for sending me… Please write to me again soon, and tell me all your news.
    - Please give/send my regards (love) to your…. And write and tell me your plans for….
    - I would really love to see you. Why don’t you come and visit me this….. Write back soon!

    If you want to know anything else, just drop me a line.
    - Well, that’s all for now. Do write back soon.
    - That’s all my news for now...

    Letters asking for advice
    - I am writing to ask for your advice.
    - Can you give me your advice?
    - Give me your advice about….
    - Can you think of anything that...?
    - I’ve got a problem and I need your advice.
    - I’ve got a problem, and I think you can help.
    - What do you think I should do?
    - Give me / Send me your advice soon.
    - Do you think I should...?
    - Do you have any idea about...?
    - Please let me know what to do.
    - Please let me know what you think I should do
    - I’d like to know what you think about…
    - Write back soon and tell me what you think.
    - Your advice would help me a lot.
    Giving advice letters
    - I’m sorry to hear... and I think I can help.
    - Cheer up / Don’t worry too much.
    - Don’t let it get you down.
    - I’m only too glad to help.
    - I just got your letter and I think...
    - Here’s what I think you should do.
    - Why don’t you... ?
    - If I were you/in your position, I’d .../ I wouldn’t ... .
    - Have you thought of/about ... + Ving?
    -Don't forget to...
    - It would be a good idea to...
    - What should you do is...
    - How about + Ving... ?
    - What about + Ving... ?
    - I think you should...
    - The best advice I can give you is…
    - Another good idea is to…
    - I hope that this/ my advice helps.
    - Let me know what happens.
    - Let me know how it went.
    - Let’s hope that things get better
    - Let’s hope that everything turns out all right.
    - Hope this helped.
    - If you do this, you would….
    Letter of apology
    - I"m really sorry that I forgot about...; I"m writing to apologise for...
    - I"m so sorry I couldn"t make it...
    - It will never happen again...
    Letter of invitation
    - I"m writing to invite you to ...
    - I"m having a party ...; Would you like to come?
    - I hope you"ll be able to join us/to make it.
    Letter of request
    - I"m writing to ask you for your help/to do me a favor
    - I wonder/was wondering if I could ask you to ...
    - I would be so/terribly/really grateful if you could ...
    Thank you letter
    - I"m writing to thank you so much for...
    - The party was great/fantastic...
    - It was very kind/nice of you to ...
    Congratulations letter
    - I"m writing to congratulate you on passing your exams ... .

    Congratulations on... .
    - You really were the best... .
    - You deserve... .

    Letter of information- This is just to let you know that... .

    I"m just writing to tell you that... .

    You must be wondering what"s happened to us all.
    - Here's our news at the moment... .

    « The last phrase is remembered“- these are the words of the famous movie character from one Soviet television series. The remark went “to the people” and is now a common aphorism. Indeed, the last words affect the entire impression of the conversation. Therefore, when composing business or personal correspondence, you should carefully consider how to end the letter in English and politely say goodbye to your interlocutor. Today’s material will be devoted to the ability to tactfully and appropriately use standard cliché phrases at the end of a letter.

    An official letter requires increased attention to politeness. In successful business communication, the end of the letter allows you to enhance the effect of the above text.

    The ending in a business letter should make a favorable impression: there should be no intrusiveness, excessive emotionality, flattery, bias, and especially rudeness and ill will. Therefore, in business correspondence it is customary to use impersonal speech clichés. The table below presents standard phrases often used to end a business letter in English.

    Should you need any further information, please do not hesitate to contact me. If you need more information, please don't hesitate to contact me.
    We would appreciate your cooperation in this matter. We would appreciate your cooperation in this matter.
    Thanks for your extremely helpful attention to this matter. Thank you for your extremely helpful attention to this issue.
    Thanks again for your attention, consideration, and time. Thank you again for your attention, interest and time.
    We look forward to building a strong business relationship in the future. Looking forward to establishing successful and strong cooperation in the future.
    We take this opportunity of thanking you for your assistance. We take this opportunity to express our gratitude to you for your assistance.
    We are looking forward to your confirmation. We are waiting for your confirmation.
    We look forward to hearing from you soon. We hope to receive a quick response.
    It’s always a pleasure doing business with you. It's always a pleasure to do business with you.
    Assuring you of our best attention at all times. We are ready to listen to you carefully at any time.

    These expressions will help to beautifully complete the text of the message. But this is not the whole ending, because... Not a single letter in English is complete without a signature. Usually this short remark is used to express respect or wishes for success. The translation of many of these phrases into Russian is the same, and when switching to English they are used almost interchangeably, perhaps with very slight emotional differences.

    A business letter in English can end with a signature like this:

    • Yoursfaithfully*– with sincere respect;
    • Respectfully yours* Sincerely;
    • Sincerelyyours-Yours sincerely;
    • With appreciation– sincerely grateful;
    • With gratitude– sincerely grateful;
    • Thanks and regards– with gratitude and good wishes;
    • Bestregards best wishes;
    • Kindregards– with good wishes;
    • Bestwishes- with wishes of success.

    * These expressions are used only if the writer does not personally know the addressee of his letter.

    Having paid tribute to the accepted norms of politeness, they put a comma and write the personal data of the signatory on a new line: first name, last name and position held. This letter ends.

    So, we figured out official messages and learned how to end them beautifully. But another important question remained unanswered: how can you complete a letter to a friend in English or an address to foreign relatives? We'll talk about this in detail in the next section.

    English farewell phrases in friendly correspondence

    Informal correspondence also maintains a polite tone, but provides incomparably more opportunities for expressing emotions and emphasizing the closeness and warmth of relationships. Therefore, the question of how to end a letter in English in personal correspondence has a very large number of answers.

    Let's start with the fact that an informal text must also have a logical conclusion: a kind of final note or final line. And sometimes it is at the final stage that stupor occurs: you write about the latest news and events, but a beautiful conclusion to the letter does not come to mind.

    Of course, everyone has their own style of writing letters, but even in friendly correspondence there are often template phrases. Don't know how to end your English letter? Feel free to choose and write one of the expressions below. In our material they are also highlighted in a separate table.

    Well, got to go now. Well, that's probably all.
    Anyway, I must go and get with my work. One way or another, it's time for me to go and do my job.
    I must finish my letter because I must go to bed. I have to finish my letter because it's time for me to go to bed.
    Do keep in touch! Let's stay in touch!
    I’m sorry I must go to… Sorry, but I have to go now...
    I have a lot to work to do. I have a lot of unfulfilled tasks.
    Hope to hear from you soon. Hope to hear from you soon.
    Well, I must finish now. Well, it's time for me to call it a day.
    Write back soon! Answer quickly!
    Write soon and let me know all the news. Write a reply quickly and let me know about all the news.
    Can’t wait to hear from you! I can't wait to hear more from you!
    Don't forget to write! Don't forget to write!
    Please tell me more about… Please tell me more about….
    Let me know what happens. Let me know what's going on with you.
    Drop me a line when you are free When you are free, write me a couple of lines.
    Bye for now! And now goodbye!
    Have a nice day! Have a good day!

    Using these clichés, you can give a beautiful and meaningful look to any letter.

    All that remains is to put the polite formula and your initials. There are just a ton of signature options for an informal letter, but we have selected the best and most frequently used examples. So you won’t have to think long about how to sign the letter.

    If the recipient of your message is relatives or good friends, it would be appropriate to use such forms of farewell as:

    • Yours cordially– cordially yours;
    • Yours ever always yours;
    • Eternally yours– invariably yours;
    • Your loving brother– Your loving brother;
    • Your friend Your friend;
    • Your very sincere friend– Your devoted friend;
    • Bestwishes Best wishes;
    • Give my regards to– Send greetings...;
    • Allthebest Best wishes.

    If you and your interlocutor are very close friends or have a warm romantic relationship, then the following wishes will come to the rescue:

    • Affectionately- With tenderness;
    • Lots of love- I love it very much;
    • Lots of kisses Kiss;
    • Hugs- Hugs;
    • With love and kisses- Love and kisses;
    • With all my love- With all my love;
    • Passionately yours Passionately yours;
    • Always and forever – Yours forever and ever;
    • Missingyou Miss you;
    • Sendmyloveto- Say my regards...;
    • Takecare Take care of yourself;
    • Tillnexttime– Until next time;
    • Seeyousoon See you soon;
    • Seeya- See you;
    • Cheers Bye ;
    • Ciao- Ciao!

    And after expressing our feelings, don’t forget to put a comma and sign your name on a new line.

    Now we are familiar with the rules for processing all types of correspondence. But still, it is better to see a complete sample letter once than to read a theory abstracted from practice several times. To conclude the material, we invite you to view examples of English letters of various types with Russian translation.

    How to end a letter in English - samples and excerpts from correspondence

    In this section you will find several examples that clearly show the design of letters in English, as well as the correspondence of their styles and forms of politeness.

    Letter of congratulations

    Dear Daniel and dear Sarah,

    Please accept our warmest congratulation on your silver wedding anniversary!

    It seems like you joined your fates only yesterday. Yet twenty-five years have passed since that wonderful day.

    With great pleasure we want to wish such an ideal couple all the best: a lot of love, much healthy, eternal youth and long and happy life together! It’s a delight to be your friends!

    Best wishes on your anniversary,

    Jonathan and Elizabeth Livingston

    Dear Daniel and Sarah,

    Please accept our heartiest congratulations on your silver wedding anniversary!

    It seems like you connected your destinies just yesterday. But 25 years have already passed since that wonderful day.

    With great pleasure, we want to wish such an ideal couple only the best things: lots of love, good health, eternal youth and a long and happy life together. It is an honor and pleasure to be your friends!

    Best wishes on your anniversary,

    Jonathan and Elizabeth Livingston.

    Letters to a friend

    Hi Emily!

    I’m still waiting for the book which you promised to send me at our last meeting. You don’t write to me since then but obviously you have a lot on your plate right now.

    Anyway, I`m going to visit you in a week and we have a chance to meet.What do you think about it? Drop me a line when you are free.

    Hello Emily!

    I'm still waiting for that book that you promised to send me the last time we met. You haven’t written to me since then; apparently, you’re very busy right now.

    Anyway, I'm going to visit you in a week and we can meet. What do you think about that? Drop a few lines when you're free.

    Dear Jack,

    Many thanks for your letter! Lovely to hear from you!

    I must apologize for not writing earlier. I worked very much and didn’t have any free time. But now I can tell you about my news.

    Since yesterday I’m on vacation. My boss let me go on vacation for a month. I am very glad, now I can go to Spain, finally! I saved money for this travel for two years, and yesterday I had boughta round trip ticket to Barcelona. I'll spend two weeks in Barcelona. You cannotimagine how muchI dreamed about it! I am just in seventh heaven!

    Later, when I’ll return Moscow, I’ll go to my parents. They live in St. Petersburg. I spent my childhood in the city of Sankt-Petersburg, so I have many friends there.I will be very pleased to meet with them. After this trip to the city of my childhood, I’ll return Moscow again and write you all my experiences.

    Well, I must finish now. Hope to hear from you soon!

    With love and kisses,

    Dear Jack,

    Thank you very much for your letter! It's great to hear from you!

    I must apologize for not writing earlier. I worked a lot and didn't have a minute of free time. But now I can tell you about my news.

    I've been on vacation since yesterday. My boss allowed me to go on vacation for a whole month. I'm very happy, now I can go to Spain, finally! I’ve been saving money for this trip for two years, and yesterday I bought round-trip tickets to Barcelona. I will spend two weeks in Barcelona. You can’t even imagine how much I dreamed about this! I'm just in seventh heaven!

    Later, when I return to Moscow, I will go to my parents. They live in St. Petersburg. I spent my childhood in St. Petersburg, so I have many friends there. I will be very pleased to meet them. After this trip to the city of my childhood, I will return to Moscow again and write to you all my impressions.

    Well, it's time for me to wrap up. I hope to hear from you again soon.

    Love and kisses,

    Excerpts from business letters

    Please accept our sincere apologies for the issues you have recently encountered. Please be assured that we will take all necessary measures to ensure this does not happen again in the future. As compensation, we have issued a 30% discount on your order.

    Once again we apologize for the inconvenience caused.

    All the best,

    Robert Fletcher

    General manager
