Autobiography in a resume example. How to write an autobiography for work - nuances of writing

Every working person needs to know how to write an autobiography correctly and what information needs to be included in it. This task does not appear very often, but it is better to familiarize yourself with the rules for writing an autobiography in advance and clearly understand what scheme to follow when writing a document.

The main purpose of a resume is not to demonstrate your life achievements and talk about important career moments. The other task here is to show your professionalism and work experience. The employer should find out from your resume what career growth you have already achieved, what your potential is and how suitable you are as a specialist for the vacant position in his company.

Writing an autobiography: basic rules

There are no strict requirements for writing an autobiography, but it is necessary to know the general rules for writing it, because this paper belongs to the category of business documentation. What should be displayed in it:

  • The autobiography should be succinct and concise, and the optimal document size is 1-2 sheets. In practice, it has been proven that voluminous “essays” are not read in full and do not reveal the merits of the author - more often than not, the opposite effect occurs.
  • The format for presenting information is business style. The autobiography must be written without errors, since when reading the document, the first impression will be made not on the written text, but on the form of presentation. Therefore, literacy, an “easy” form to understand, will allow you to score good points in front of the employer.
  • When compiling an autobiography, you should adhere to chronological order - the text should be composed consistently and logically. For example, having talked about school, it would be wrong to skip to your work activity, missing such an important point as education.
  • An important point is that all information that you personally provide in your autobiography must be truthful. Any false information, if fraud is detected, will create certain problems for you, including the loss of your business image. Incorrect information in your CV can become a serious obstacle to getting the desired job.

Let's get acquainted with a sample of writing an autobiography

let's consider autobiography writing example so that you can clearly understand the task:

Autobiography (sample)

I, Yuri Vasiliev, Pavlovich, was born on February 15, 1987 in the city of Vladivostok. In 1994 he entered secondary school No. 2. In 2004, he graduated from school with honors and entered the Far Eastern Humanitarian University to study journalism. In 2009 he graduated from DSU with honors. In September of the same year and to this day I work as a journalist for the newspaper “Vladivostok News”.

I have no criminal record.

I am married to Anna Petrovna Vasilyeva, born March 4, 1989. Born in Moscow, has a higher legal education, works as a legal consultant. Lives at: Vladivostok, st. Proletarskaya 20 apt. 45 together with me. Have no children.

Additional information:

Father: Vasiliev Anatoly Sergeevich, born on March 13, 1967 in the city of Vladivostok, has a higher technical education, works as a chief engineer. Lives at: Vladivostok, st. Pravdy 15, kV. 10. Has no criminal record.

Mother: Olga Petrovna Vasilyeva, born on March 16, 1968 in the city of Vladivostok, has a higher economic education, works as a chief accountant. Lives at: Vladivostok, st. Pravdy 15, kV. 10. Has no criminal record.

Brother: Vasiliev Ivan Alekseevich, born July 1, 1995 in the city of Vladivostok. Today he is a 3rd year full-time student in the journalism department of the Far Eastern Humanitarian University. Lives at: Vladivostok, st. Pravdy 15, kV. 10. Has no criminal record.”

Now you have an idea of ​​how an autobiography is compiled, but you need to specify the information taking into account your case. When compiling an autobiography for a student, emphasis should be placed on what achievements he has in studies and clubs. It is also necessary to talk about participation in competitions, exhibitions, and olympiads - that is, to reflect activities in general educational additional events. If a student attends sports clubs, has ranks and certain achievements, then this information will come in handy.

What should a student include in his autobiography?

In addition to achievements in educational activities, it is necessary to provide information about scientific works on which work was carried out during study. Also provide brief information about participation in conferences, the social life of the educational institution, and the practical work done. In the student’s autobiography, it is important to emphasize that studying is easy and knowledge is acquired at a high level. Focus on an active life position, courses, sports activities, participation in competitions and the social life of the educational institution.

How to write an autobiography when applying for a job

What do those applying for the desired position need to know about writing an autobiography? We suggest that you familiarize yourself with a sample of writing an autobiography so that you can adhere to a clear outline:

Resume (sample)

I, Pavel Ignatievich Mamonov, was born on August 2, 1977 in the city of Moscow... (then you indicate all the necessary information we provided above, up to the point about employment). From that day and year until now I have been working as a journalist in the newspaper “Vladivostok News”. A number of my articles aroused great interest among the reader: “Power and Law”, published in the 3rd issue dated 01/24/2015 and “Protection of local fauna”, published in the 15th issue dated 01/27/2015. During my work, I headed the project “Conversation with specialist”, which was successfully implemented by a creative group of employees. It was created for the editorial website of Vladivostok News.

We monitored the traffic to this section and made a number of well-founded conclusions based on analytical data for 5 months of the last and current year. And here are the results we obtained: the implementation of the project led to an increase in traffic to the site's pages by the population, as a result of which newspaper sales increased by 15%. In addition, this project allowed us to take part in the “Best Printed Edition of the Year” competition, where we received the main prize and took first place among 50 participants.

This is the “perspective” in which you should provide information about your professional activities and other achievements. It is worth paying attention to such an important point as the reason for changing your previous job. It is recommended to concisely and delicately display the true state of affairs. If a conflict arose at work and you were simply fired, you do not need to report how bad the manager is and how unfairly they treated you. It is better to present information in a tactful manner, without making yourself appear scandalous and ill-mannered. Use phrases like this: “The reason for leaving my previous job is a change in working conditions, so further work has become unsuitable for me.” When coming to an interview, be prepared that the manager may ask a question about your leaving your previous job. There is no need to talk about the conflict in detail, but it is better to give a “streamlined” answer that the management team has changed internal regulations, increased the workload, expanded job responsibilities, canceled benefits, and this regime is not suitable for you. Care for family reasons - this reason should be indicated if it really exists in reality.

What other information do you need when writing your autobiography?

If you are looking for a job, keep in mind that an autobiography is often replaced by a resume, and there are some differences in its preparation: for example, you do not need to provide information about parents, spouses, children and close relatives.

Today it has become popular to attach a photo of yourself to your resume, but here, too, you should adhere to some rules: the photo is taken against a neutral background, and the applicant must be in business clothes. If you are a lady, then do not forget about a neat hairstyle, discreet manicure, daytime makeup and no flashy jewelry.

In your resume, you can make a link to a reference from your previous place of work and submit a letter of recommendation so that a potential employer can evaluate your professionalism from the “first persons”. This practice is optimal if you are a teacher, humanist, or work in a highly specialized field.

Most often, the recommendation is provided by the manager under whose subordination you were, but the director of the company can also give a reference. If you served in the military, this point should also be included in your resume. Women are required to make a note about maternity leave. The resume ends with the personal signature of the compiler and the date.

An example of an autobiography will be useful to any person, because it is not necessary to write it every day, but even a schoolchild must be able to draw it up. This document must still be drawn up taking into account the general requirements for writing business letters.

An example of a job application CV will, of course, differ from this document written by a student, but the structure will be very similar.

What is an autobiography?

An autobiography is a person’s narrative about significant events in his life in chronological order. Most often, it is compiled by a candidate for a specific position, but the presence of this document is sometimes necessary for admission to a university.

Autobiography structure

1.The title of the document itself is in the top center.


Since you already know how to write an autobiography, examples of which are given above, let's look at a sample resume for a person with no work experience.

Alexandrova Alexandra Alexandrovna

Date of birth: 08/11/1997.

Vladivostok city.

Phone: +7 423 245 77 42.

Email: [email protected]

Purpose: assistant manager, trainee.

Expected salary: 12,000 rubles.


Basic education: incomplete higher education.

Far Eastern Federal University, Department of Management, 2014-2017.

Years of study: from 2014 to present.

4th year student.

From October 2015 to April 2016, she was engaged in career guidance work. Responsibilities included: visiting schools in the city and region, participating in scientific conferences and competitions, preparing advertising projects, conducting lectures, conversations and trainings.

Personal skills

I am a confident PC user and have a high level of knowledge of computer programs: Microsoft Word, Excel, Power Point. I have experience working with 1C programs.

I have a good command of modern technology: I reinstall operating systems, I know how to connect various equipment and work with software.

Decent, sociable, honest, easy to learn. A great desire to work.

Marital status: not married, no children.

Knowledge of foreign languages: English (spoken), French and German (with dictionary).

In this article we looked at samples of autobiographies for work, examples were given above. Let's learn tips that will help you create this document more easily and correctly.

1. Although an autobiography is more detailed than a resume, it should not be too long and poetic; 1-2 pages will be enough. Long autobiographies are perceived more negatively by employers and characterize a job applicant as an unserious worker.

2. Information must be presented in a business style.

4. All information must be truthful. A lie will sooner or later be revealed and will not have the best effect on your reputation.

5. If you worked unofficially for some period of time, but your employer does not mind you describing this experience in your autobiography, then you should not remain silent about it.

6. If you do not have work experience, but have the skills required for this position (language proficiency, knowledge of computer technology, organizational skills, etc.), be sure to indicate them.

What you should not include in your autobiography

2. Do not indicate in the document or talk about your religion at the interview.

4. Don't talk about your hobby. If you are a master of the art of hand-made work, then you need to indicate this only if your future work will be directly related to it.

5. For security reasons, you cannot mention the passport number and series, identification code, etc.

6. You should not talk about your health status, height, weight, hair color, eye color, etc.

Autobiography was known back in antiquity. It arose in parallel with the concept of personality and the awareness of the ability to reflect.

Despite the fact that the document sets out the facts, it more demonstrates the author’s subjective attitude towards himself.

Adequate self-esteem and the ability to present oneself beautifully can indicate the candidate’s prospects for the position and his determination.

An example of writing an autobiography may be needed by any person working on the creation of such a document. It is not necessary to compile it every day, and often a lot of questions arise: are there any special rules for writing an autobiography, what data must be included in it, and much more.

Rules for writing an autobiography

The document may be needed when you get a job, go to school, and also for the personnel department of an enterprise, as a document that must be included in your personal file. And if in the personnel department of the enterprise where you already work, this document will be looked at as a formality, then in a commercial structure, whether you will be offered a job or not depends on its competent preparation. Everyone should know how to write an autobiography and how to do it correctly.

There are no legal requirements for the preparation of this type of document; therefore, you must be guided by the rules of office work. In the case of an autobiography, this is a rule for composing business letters.

  • The biography should form a clear idea of ​​the life path and main biographical events of the compiler. It is written in any form in the first person directly by the compiler, on an A4 sheet, by hand or in printed form. It should begin with the words “I, last name, middle name...”.
  • The autobiographical document should not be too large in volume. When presenting events and facts, try to be brief. Its volume should not exceed 1-2 sheets. Experience shows that a long autobiography does not achieve the result for which it was created, but gives the exact opposite effect.
  • The manner of presentation should correspond to business style. When reading your biography, attention will be paid not only to its content, but also to its design, style of speech, and of course, the absence of grammatical, stylistic and punctuation errors in it. All this will give you additional bonuses.
  • It is important in compiling this document to maintain chronological order. You need to present all the events of your life in order, without jumping from one event to another and without skipping anything.
  • The information you present in your autobiography must be accurate. By including erroneous or unreliable information about yourself in a document, you can ruin your business reputation, which will prevent you from getting the job you are looking for or achieving another goal you have set.

Autobiography sample

In order to get an idea of ​​how to correctly compose an autobiography and make it easier for you to work on them, we will give an example of compiling an autobiography.

Autobiography writing sample

“I, Morgatyuk Ekaterina Ivanovna, born on August 8, 1989, a native of Vladivostok, Primorsky Territory. In 1996 she entered secondary school No. 5. In 2006 she graduated from school. In 2006 she entered the Far Eastern Humanitarian University with a degree in Philology. In 2011, she graduated from the institute with honors. From August 2011 to the present, I have been working as a journalist in the magazine “Life of Vladivostok.” I have no previous convictions. Married.

Husband Morgatyuk Petr Valerievich, born May 31, 1980. A native of Vladivostok, he has a higher education and works as a lawyer. Lives with me at the address: Vladivostok, Sovetskaya street, building 4, apartment 25. We have no previous convictions.

Mother: Ivanova Galina Petrovna, born in 1967, higher education, works as a teacher. Lives at the address: Vladivostok, Sovetskaya street, building 4, apartment 25. No previous convictions.

Father: Ivanov Ivan Arkadyevich, born in 1967, higher education, works as a doctor. Lives at the address: Vladivostok, Sovetskaya street, building 4, apartment 25. No previous convictions.

Sister: Ivanova Alina Ivanovna, born in 1995, a native of Vladivostok, currently studying at the Eastern National University with a degree in Programmer. Lives at the address: Vladivostok, Sovetskaya street, building 4, apartment 25. No previous convictions.

Any other autobiographical document is compiled according to exactly the same scheme and the information that is indicated in it is adapted for specific purposes. For example, if a student’s autobiography is being compiled. It is advisable to indicate in the text information about academic achievements, participation in competitions, thanks and certificates, participation in competitions and other school life. You can also talk about sports achievements, if any, clubs attended and electives.

In the student’s autobiography, it is accordingly necessary to tell about the conferences attended, participation in scientific works that took place during the period of study. Participation in the public life of the educational institution. It is advisable to indicate information about your internship. Reflect the life position that the student adheres to. Describe the level of theoretical training. Tell about the competitions in which the student represented his university.

Writing an autobiography for work

The scheme for compiling an autobiography for employment is not much different from the scheme proposed above for compiling a general autobiography. However, there are still some peculiarities of its writing:

  • To get a job, such a document should focus on the qualities that are important to the employer, in accordance with the position that you plan to occupy. This will be a kind of advertisement of your working qualities, and can play a positive role in the decision to hire you.
  • Describe projects in which you have participated and which best reflect your professional qualities. Give examples from practice that characterize the level of your professional training, flexibility of thinking, ability to work in a team, get along with a team, etc.
  • List all the places of your training and advanced training, but do not focus on this, unless you are a newly graduated young specialist with no work experience. You should not talk about the specifics of your training, as this information is unlikely to be of interest to the employer. This will most likely be discussed at the interview if the employer shows interest in it.
  • It is advisable to immediately, without hiding, reflect your wishes and preferences regarding future work. If you are not a team person and cannot work in a team, be sure to indicate this fact; there is no need to break yourself, waste time and try to build team relationships. As a rule, this still ends in dismissal. Not only are you interested in getting a job, the employer also needs an employee. Indicate the amount of payment that suits you, as well as certain working conditions that are acceptable to you. Consider attending business trips and whether this is acceptable to you. If you have a small child who will not allow you to go on long trips, you should definitely indicate this. It is not advisable to hide such a fact; you will only waste both yours and your employer’s time.
  • Assess your business qualities and describe the positive aspects. Pay attention to your qualities such as sociability, responsibility, commitment, etc.

Sample autobiography for work

Let's consider the scheme for compiling a sample of writing an autobiography for work:

Autobiography example

“I, Savelyev Roman Andreevich, was born on April 1, 1980. (The following sample corresponds to the one provided above, listing education and marital status until you get to work experience).

Since January 2012 I have been working for the newspaper “Life of Vladivostok”. Some of my articles written for the newspaper were particularly popular. These include “Ecology or ten years of change”, “Building materials kill”, “Roman statues”, published in issues No. 9, 14, 28. During the period of my work in the editorial office of the newspaper, the work collective, under my leadership, developed the project “Report specialist", which was subsequently implemented on the official website of the publication.

Based on the results of traffic monitoring, it was concluded that page traffic increased by 10%, which increased the popularity of the publication. Thanks to the implementation of this project, the newspaper took first place in the “Best Newspaper of 2015” competition and received a certificate of honor and a prize.”

Autobiographies indicate not only your work achievements, but also the reasons why you left your previous job. Meaningless expressions, for example, “for family reasons” should not be indicated, unless, of course, this was the real reason for leaving. When giving reasons, be tactful and polite. If the reason for leaving was a conflict with the administration of the enterprise, then you should not talk about the stupid, picky director who forced you to leave your job. Touch on this issue tactfully and streamlinedly, but in such a way that you cannot be caught in lies and bad manners.

For example, you can indicate that the reason for dismissal was a change in working conditions. If you are asked what specific working conditions did not suit you, explain that it was a change in the internal policy of the enterprise, for example, an increase in the volume of work, a change in the level of responsibility, etc., which became unacceptable for you.

Additional information in the autobiography

An autobiography compiled by a job seeker is usually called a resume. The only distinguishing feature of this document from the example of writing an autobiography discussed above is that in the resume there is no need to disclose information about the husband, parents and other family members in such detail. This issue can be touched upon very briefly. Otherwise, these two documents do not differ. The main task of a resume is not to reveal all aspects of your life, but to focus specifically on your work qualities and previous work career, which will enable the employer to evaluate you as a future potential employee.

Nowadays there is a fashion to supplement your resume with your photos. There are no special requirements for photography, but the style of clothing in which you are photographed and your hairstyle must be businesslike. And the background should be neutral. Palm trees and the sea, of course, will not do.

A good addition to your resume would be testimonials and recommendations from your previous job. As a rule, such documents are drawn up by the head of the enterprise. This can be an additional bonus when hiring you. Such documents are especially useful for workers in the humanitarian professions and workers with a narrow specialization.

In the autobiographical document, it is advisable to mention military service for men, maternity leave and the birth of a child for women. At the end of the autobiography, the signature of the person who compiled the document and the date of its compilation are placed. Please indicate your passport details and exact postal address. Now you know how to write an autobiography for work.

The task of writing an autobiography or resume is not often faced by a working person, but it is better to know how this is done? How and what information should I include in such a document?

Meanwhile, there are very specific rules for writing and graphically designing an autobiography/resume. After all, the main goal of such a document is not at all to demonstrate the life achievements of a particular person. You need to be able to show your professionalism, talk about your experience and existing opportunities. From such a document, a potential employer should learn about the previous career growth of a possible employee, as well as how well the specialist matches the existing vacancy. And this is exactly what you need to strive for when compiling your own work autobiography.

Table of contents:

Writing an autobiography: basic rules

There are no strict, down to the letter, requirements for writing a resume and autobiography. But it is important to know the general rules for drawing up documents. After all, they belong to the category of business papers, which means there are points that must be reflected in the text.

The following requirements apply to any official autobiography:

  1. It should be short and concise. No one will study “treatises” of several pages - such a summary will simply be rejected. The optimal size of such a document is 1 sheet of A4 format.
  2. The style of the autobiography must be businesslike, without lyrical details. In addition, it is unacceptable to make spelling, punctuation and other errors in such a document. You can even send it to a professional proofreader if you have no hope of your own knowledge of the Russian language.
  3. Chronological order in the presentation of biographical events. Plus a logical description. Such a document will definitely make the right impression on the employer.
  4. The veracity of the data and information provided. If a fact is not confirmed during verification, this can cause a serious blow to the business image of the applicant. In this case, it is unlikely that you will be able to get the desired position.

Autobiography sample

To make the solution to the task of writing an autobiography clearer, you can familiarize yourself with a standard example of such a document:


The layout of the paper is obvious. But, naturally, the information is specified for each specific case.

When compiling an autobiography for a young man who has not yet accumulated enough work experience, the emphasis should be on academic achievements, as well as possibly on some additional skills and abilities.

For example, you can report on classes in specialized clubs, graduation from an art or music school, or sports success. Important:

A special point in the autobiography is the reason for changing the previous job. Sometimes this point is overlooked, but some prefer to immediately state the reasons. In this matter you should be concise and truthful. Briefly and clearly state only the essence. If you had to quit because of a conflict with your superiors, you should not denigrate the previous management

. This always makes a negative impression. If a potential employer wants to clarify a point during an interview, you can explain the situation to him in words. Again, briefly, without savoring the details, without dwelling on the injustice or incompetence of former bosses. You can indicate that you had to quit your previous job “due to changes in working conditions.”

We can talk about changing the schedule, or increasing the workload, or an inappropriate moral climate in the team, or expanding job responsibilities, or canceling some benefits - yes, about anything.

But leaving for the notorious “family reasons” (even if they were the reason) should not be indicated. After all, a job applicant came to a new job with the same “circumstances,” and this may adversely affect the decision of the new employer.

What should a student include in his autobiography?

It also makes sense for a student to write in his autobiography that studying is easy for him, and he takes the educational process seriously and with interest. Also inform that the specialty he is receiving is not accidental, the choice was made consciously, and the student intends to do interesting work throughout his entire working life. This always makes an impression on an employer looking for a specialist for a specialized, including highly specialized vacancy. By the way, many managers prefer to take on students, even without experience, but with healthy professional ambitions.

How to write a resume when applying for a job?

What information should an employee applying for a specific vacancy and trying to write their own biography for a potential employer know about a resume? A resume is not too different from an autobiography.. You can take a look at a sample document that allows you to get a real idea of ​​how to write a resume:

Resume structure:

  1. Full Name.
  2. Date of Birth.
  3. Contact information (address, telephone, email).
  4. The goal is the position for which you are applying.
  5. Experience and professional skills (sometimes it is recommended to move this section to the very end of the resume).
  6. Education, including additional education. Note: all places of work and study are filled in in “reverse order”: the older data is below, the new data is at the top.
  7. Experience. Note: These two points can be swapped, for example:

You can present your resume as a table:

If a person is looking for a job, he will certainly encounter requirements for a resume. And somewhere it will be written that an autobiography is needed. The applicant will certainly have a question: what is the difference between these two documents?

There are still some differences between a resume and an autobiography. For example, a resume does not require information about family and immediate relatives, while an autobiography implies the presence of such information.

In addition, there should be a photo in the upper left corner on the first page of the resume - made on a neutral background, of a certain size. Existing office standards require the applicant to be photographed in business clothes, with a strict hairstyle and a serious expression on his face (ladies are also recommended to be photographed with daytime makeup and without flashy, provocative jewelry).

In your resume, you can make references to characteristics from previous jobs (if they exist, of course, and, of course, they are positive). Better yet, attach letters of recommendation (in some companies they play a decisive role in hiring for a number of vacancies - teacher, tutor, service personnel, etc.). Such documents will tell a potential employer a lot about the applicant. Moreover, the information will be received, as they say, “first-hand.”

When hiring you, did the employer ask you to send your CV? Don't rush to send your completed resume. Although these concepts are often confused, there is a difference between the documents.

A resume is compiled for the specific position for which you are applying. It clearly and briefly lists exactly those points that are directly related to professional responsibilities. So, for example, it makes sense to describe your achievements during your studies in your resume only if you are a young specialist and cannot yet interest a recruiter in anything else. With the help of a resume, the employer determines how suitable you are for him as a specialist.

An autobiography or curriculum vitae (CV) is a brief description of your life from birth to the present day. It outlines your accomplishments, milestones, and motivations, regardless of how they relate to your work life. This includes personal information regarding family, hobbies, and describes the reasons that prompted you to change your job. After reading this document, the employer will better understand you not only as a potential employee, but also as a person.

A resume, as a rule, is written according to a certain pattern, sometimes even clearly according to the questionnaire issued by the recruiter. There is no strict template for creating a CV. But there are certain rules that you need to follow when describing your life.

Writing rules

To ensure that the employer reads your CV to the end, write it correctly:

Brevity. You shouldn’t dwell on this point, but you need to remember it. Try to present the maximum useful information in a minimum volume;

Literacy. Don’t be lazy to re-read the document again. Typos or mistakes can create a negative impression of you, or even force the recruiter to put aside your biography;

Style. Unlike a resume, sentences in a CV can be complex and long. But the writing style still remains businesslike. Swearing, expressive, slang words and expressions are not appropriate;

Chronology. Lead the story in order, without straying from first to fifth, without jumping over facts;

Credibility. Don't try to embellish your merits or hide important facts. Experience shows that all false information becomes known within the first month of work. Once exposed, you are unlikely to remain a model of an honest and respectable employee.

Main points

Although there is no clear template for creating an autobiography, when writing you need to present the events of your life sequentially, without leaving out anything important. Let's look point by point at the information that needs to be included in the CV.

personal information

An autobiography, like any business document, begins with a title. Next you should write your personal information:

Full name, date, place of birth;

Religion, nationality;

Information about parents (full name, years of birth, education, place of work, residential address);

No criminal record.

All this information can be indicated in a single block at the beginning of the CV or all information except the first paragraph can be moved to the end.

Parents: Ivanov Ivan Sergeevich, Russian, born in 1950, a design engineer by education, works at OJSC Nizhnevartovsk Machine-Building Plant, Ivanova Lyudmila Dmitrievna, Russian, born in 1953, a history teacher by education, retired. Parents live at the address Nizhnevartovsk, st. Solnechnaya, 3, apt. 33.

Not convicted. By religion - Orthodox.

Often you are asked to attach a photograph to your autobiography. It should be in a business style, but does not have to be a copy of a passport photo.


Unlike a resume, which only mentions the main place of education, the curriculum vitae includes everything, starting with school. Educational institutions are listed in chronological order, indicating the start and end dates of studies.

If you entered a university but did not graduate, explain the reason. A sample filling looks like this:

From 1995 to 2005 he studied at school No. 1 in Moscow. In high school, he took specialized training in the field of physics and mathematics, took part in Olympiads, and took 3rd place at the All-Russian Exhibition of Young Physicists. He graduated from school with a gold medal.

From 2005 to 2007 he studied at the University of Physics and Mathematics. Did not complete his studies due to his family moving to Vladivostok.

From 2008 to 2016, he studied at the University of Economics and Law in Vladivostok, specializing in “Human Resources Management at a Machine-Building Enterprise.” Graduated with honors. During his studies, he won the “Best Student Proposal for Reorganizing the Plant’s Personnel Policy” award.

From 2016 to the present, I have been studying part-time at the same university with a degree in “Legal Fundamentals of Management.” I take part in the publication of the student magazine “Law Today” as a regular author and editor-in-chief.

There is no need to list all the topics of your coursework, theses, and competitions in which you took part, but did not distinguish yourself. Exception: if you are a student or graduate. In the absence of professional experience and achievements, it is worth listing those that you had during your studies. But, again, focus on really significant details: winning competitions, speaking at forums, publishing in magazines. You can mention that you were the chairman of the student union or the creator of a circle that was noted by the rector’s office and received a certificate for your contribution to the scientific activities of the university.


Describe your work activity from the very beginning, but focusing on your profession. So, walking the neighbors' dogs at the age of ten is not worth mentioning. But only if you are not looking for a job as a veterinarian or dog groomer. In this case, such a moment in your biography will indicate that you have loved animals since childhood and have a lot of experience communicating with them.

Places of work, as well as studies, are listed in order, indicating periods, positions held, reasons for dismissal (only in a positive or neutral tone).

It is worth mentioning all of your achievements that had a public resonance, were separately noted by management or related to scientific and research activities.

From May 1, 2000 to December 31, 2008, he worked as an operator for processing graphic information at ZAO RosStanTech. I quit due to the reorganization of the enterprise and the reduction of my position.

From February 1, 2009 to October 15, 2009, he worked as a teller at MEM-Bank OJSC. I was fired at my own request after a change in management and a change in working conditions to those that were unsuitable for me (transfer to a staggered schedule).

In the period from October 2009 to February 2010, he did not work in connection with preparing to defend a diploma of second higher education at the Elenogorsk Economic Institute with a specialty in Banking. At the same time, as a freelance writer, he wrote articles for the monthly “Banks and People” and the weekly newspaper “Our City”. My analytical article “Rating of Elenogorsk Banks 2009”, published on December 28, 2009 in the magazine “Banks and People” received a wide response.

From February 15, 2010 to the present, I have been working as the head of the lending department of CJSC ElenogorskBank. I want to continue self-development, expand my skills and knowledge in the banking field.

Over the years of his work, he proved himself to be a responsible, punctual, and proactive person, for which he repeatedly received monetary rewards and thanks.

There is no need to indicate unfinished or unaccepted work in your biography. Please include all speeches, presentations, and publications with dates and locations.

additional information

Here you should list your membership in clubs, trade unions, public organizations, participation in volunteer activities, and knowledge of foreign languages. You can briefly mention hobbies.

From 2008 to the present, I have been a regular participant in the volunteer association “Help to Pensioners”, I take part in field events, including the regional campaign “Welcome to Every Home” that took place on April 28, 2010.

In my free time I go mountaineering. I have a black belt in karate.

I speak spoken English, which is confirmed by a TOEFL certificate. Now I’m studying Spanish, preparing to take an exam to confirm the basic level of language proficiency.


This paragraph indicates spouses, children, their years of birth, place of residence, and occupation.

Wife: Marina Vladimirovna Sokolova, born in 1970, higher education in pedagogy, currently on maternity leave. Lives with me

Children: Sokolova Varvara Mikhailovna, born in 1999, Sokolov Viktor Mikhailovich, born in 2018. They live with me.

If you did not indicate information about your parents at the beginning of your biography, they can be transferred to this part.

Passport and contact details

At the end of the autobiography, you must indicate your full passport details, your registration and residence address, telephone numbers for contact, and e-mail. Then you need to put your signature and the date the document was written.
