Conspiracies and signs for good trading at the market or in a store. Strong conspiracies to attract customers How to attract customers

A person involved in trade understands that his success depends on the ability to find and interest a buyer. But it’s not enough to constantly hone your skills by attending trainings and practicing the techniques you’ve learned. You need luck. And conspiracies to attract clients help create it. Have you heard of these? If you are interested, please take a few minutes to study the information below. It can significantly increase sales if implemented correctly. Don't believe me?

What are the conspiracies to attract clients (list)

You know, to cast a spell, especially in such an important area as influencing other people, is necessary with a good heart. This means that the ritual should be chosen harmoniously so that it resonates with your energy. It's easy to do. Read what types of conspiracies to attract clients are, imagine that you are practicing each one, look at your own feelings. If the description brings a smile, inspiration, optimism - the ritual is yours. Use it to magically create a flow of customers. When a ritual gives rise to underlying mistrust, fear or dissatisfaction, refuse to perform it. This subconscious mind tells you that it will not lead to good. Rituals influencing large masses of the population are:

  • remote;
  • contact;
  • black and white.

The first are carried out alone, the second - where trade takes place. Oh let's forget. They will not bring good, although they will contribute to enrichment. But you will have to pay for gold with your health, if not your life. You and I don’t want to die prematurely, do we? Then we will study only harmless conspiracies to attract clients.

When to cast a spell?

This is another important question. The fact is that the day of the week and the phase of the moon in our situation are of paramount importance. The ritual should be performed on clients only at a certain time. Choose a day associated with the egregor of money (Thursday or Wednesday) on the waxing moon. If you begin to cast a spell when the night queen is waning, you will attract bad luck and lose time and money. Various magical instruments are used in rituals. Very often used:

  • church paraphernalia;
  • salt;
  • sugar;
  • holy water;
  • incense;
  • honey and more.

As has already been said, you should choose with your heart and soul. For example, if you don’t believe in the Lord, don’t pray, rely on the forces of nature. If you are embarrassed to scatter poppy seeds in front of the counter, perform a ceremony with honey and so on.

Ancient ritual with sugar

In ancient times, only merchants knew and used the spell to attract customers. They considered sugar to be precisely the delicacy (and it was very rare) that could magically change people’s opinions and attract their attention. Let us describe an ancient version of the ritual. You need to take a piece of sugar from the Christmas table, from the vase that the guests used. The next day, light the stove with aspen logs before dawn. And put your sugar in the ash pit. While the firewood is crackling merrily, read the plot twelve times. Take out the sugar and, without removing the ash, hide it in a linen bag. It should be stored in a retail space (or next to a computer if you are selling online). Before next Christmas, bury this piece in a fruit-bearing, healthy tree. The ritual should be repeated.

Trade conspiracy to attract customers (for sugar)

You need to say the following words: “The fire is crackling, the frost is prickly! Don't touch the sugar, let me save it. Move people, send them to my counter. Let them come with goodness and find what they need. They give money without evil, they bring glory to the people. Amen!". And when you bury this piece under the tree, say another formula. Here it is: “It helped me, saved me good things. Now let him give strength to the tree. He will present sweet fruit to people. Amen!". Along with the sugar, bury the coin that was the first to fall into the client’s hands after the ceremony. This will increase the effectiveness of this magical effect. Energy through the fruits will be revived and spread throughout the world.

Prayer for successful trading

Believers do not particularly trust their affairs to sorcerers, and they themselves do not like to cast spells. A prayer spell to attract clients will help them. You should read it when you arrive at your workplace. The text is very simple. You need to say this: “Lord Jesus! Help Your servant (name) sell goods to good people who need them. Not for the sake of profit, but for the All-Merciful Lord! Multiply my luck in all trade and merchant matters. I work in your Holy name! Bless and help, Lord! Amen!". When you begin to pray, be sure to think about the people you will help. After all, buyers come not for entertainment, but to buy something useful.

Ritual with honey

A conspiracy ritual to attract customers to a store is a way not only to influence people, but also to cleanse the energy. Often, the evil eye interferes with normal trading and repels potential buyers. To prevent this from happening, you need to buy some honey, black pepper and salt. On Thursday, during the waxing moon, light candles in the kitchen. Place all the prepared attributes on the table. Pour honey into the pot. Add pepper and salt to it. Mix everything with a wooden spoon while reading the plot. His words are as follows: “Any animal is greedy for sweet honey. He reaches out his paw to grab the sweetness. So everyone runs from the market to my product. They praise, they buy, they don’t refuse. Honey on the door - the buyer is inside. Amen!". In the morning, take the pot with its contents to the sales area. Coat (symbolically) the door frame with honey and wait for an influx of customers.

Ritual with poppy seeds

This is another popular ritual that many home magicians speak of with admiration. It is used by people who are not professionally involved in sales. For example, you decided to change your car or your home, the old one needs to be put on the market, but you don’t understand how to do this, you don’t have enough experience. So the poppy ritual helps to compensate for the lack of knowledge and practical skills with luck. Buy a pack of poppy seeds without change. This should be done on the day when the night queen is growing. In the evening, read a prayer to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker directly into the open packet. In your own words, ask the Saint to help you in your matter. And when the buyer arrives, scatter the enchanted poppy in front of the threshold (around the car). Whisper the following words to yourself: “Whoever steps on this poppy will buy (name of product) from me! Amen!". It works almost flawlessly! And professionals scatter poppy seeds in front of the counter every morning so that customers do not bypass the product.

We have looked at the most popular conspiracies and rituals to attract clients. They all work great and give a pleasant and tangible result. However, magicians advise not to overdo it with fortune telling. It’s one thing to turn to magic occasionally, another thing to rely on it constantly. You should also develop your skills and strengths, otherwise you will experience failures and failures. The main thing, experts in the field of magic recommend, is to cultivate confidence that everything will happen in the best possible way. If you want to sell an item, it will go away as quickly as possible. If you need money, get as much as you need. And don't panic when temporary stagnation occurs. This is a test of the soul's ability to accept as much luck and money as the Universe allows. If you cope, you will celebrate your victory, relax and enjoy the profits. Good luck and good mood!

In the modern world, it is difficult to imagine a business that does without luck and fortune. After all, even in ancient times, merchants were considered one of the richest people, and their profession was one of the most prestigious. In our world, anyone can be involved in trading, this could be trading in personal belongings or real estate. Between themselves, all traders are connected by only one desire, to profitably sell business goods.

The conspiracy will help improve trade

Why do people turn to magic?

In my practice, I have observed many traders who believe in and resort to the use of magic. My clients, with the help of certain spells and prayers, have improved their turnover and also increased their profits from the sale of goods. But how to choose the ritual that is right for you? Our list of spells and prayers will help you with this.

Conspiracy for fast trading

In order for the buyer to be satisfied and not leave empty-handed, you need to read the trading plot out loud, looking at it and smiling. You need to say to yourself:

“Take it cheap!”

How to attract clients?

In order to increase the number of clients, we offer you a conspiracy to attract clients. This conspiracy requires your concentration and a certain sequence of execution. Rules for performing the ritual:

A monetary unit is required to perform the ritual.

  • for best effect, find a place where you can be alone;
  • take a monetary unit and, using a red thread, measure its length 47 times;
  • cut off the measured section with scissors;
  • wind the cut thread around your left wrist and say the text.

“Money for me, trade for me.

And for you - the goods and change. Amen".

To ensure that fortune always accompanies you in your trading activities, we suggest using an effective tool. A spell for good trading will help solve all your problems. To fulfill it, visit the temple and purchase liturgical bread. Cross the bread and read the prayers 12 times:

“Lord God, help.”

Then bow to the front corner of the room and say:

"King Herod had

12 daughters.

And how is the truth that it was theirs

So it's true

That I will sell my goods."

Then eat the prosphora and you can get to work. Rest assured, good trade after this ritual is guaranteed.

Spells for sale

There are also spells for selling old goods. It is not always worth announcing auction offers and sales in order to sell old goods. For this, there are strong rituals to attract buyers. You can choose to read not only conspiracies, but also prayers.

To carry out the ritual you need to find an anthill

To carry out the ritual, you need to find an anthill, from which you need to take a small part and put it in a cloth. When you come to work, you need to sprinkle the old product with the contents of the fabric, saying:

“As many ants in that house, so many buyers sent me, God. Amen".

Speak for change

In most cases, it happens that the buyer leaves you the change. Most often, the amount left is small, a trifle. But not everyone knows that if you can accurately say change, you can lure not only new customers, but also larger bills. If the buyer left change, it should not be used immediately. You need to take the change home and read the words of the conspiracy:

“The month is full, the month is middle and young! Give me a treasure out of a penny. Just as my mother gave birth to me and swaddled me in my first diaper, so you too have given me a great treasure! Amen!"

Such prayers should be repeated at least three times, after which put the money in your wallet and do not spend it, let it be your talisman. You will feel the consequences of the conspiracy immediately. It will help you improve your financial situation, attract new customers, good luck and luck.

This conspiracy is very powerful and requires magical practice for energy manipulation to occur. Therefore, it is recommended to consult a specialist, or practice for several days.

Ritual using kitchen salt

Millions of people in the world do not know about the wonderful magical properties of kitchen salt. Salt is the strongest attribute in magic, which has the property of storing energy and information, as well as transmitting it.

In order for things to go up, you need to read a spell for good trading with the help of salt at the beginning of the month. During this period, you must build a special energy field, with the help of which you can not only attract fortune, but also improve your business.

You need to throw the salt over your left shoulder

How to fulfill this conspiracy without errors? To begin, take the salt in your hand and throw it over your left shoulder before leaving for work. For seven days, say prayers, this will help improve the effect and speed of the spell. Sentencing:

“I read a spell for trade, I spell salt! Where the salt falls, clients will come to me! No one will leave without purchasing, everyone will leave happy! Amen!"

When you do the above steps, calmly go to work and expect things to improve. Since ancient times, spelling on salt has been a productive way for business companies and small entrepreneurs. It is strong and works almost immediately. You can observe the consequences in a short period of time.

How to talk about a product?

A conspiracy to trade is a salvation for those traders who have long had a small turnover and the number of clients does not exceed several dozen people. To carry out the conspiracy, you need to follow some rules.

The first rule is that the ceremony must take place before the store opens. The second rule is that you must be as focused as possible and not be distracted by extraneous things, since a strong conspiracy can cause harm if the rules are not followed. Using a pocket mirror, cross each merchandise counter, saying:

“I baptize the goods, I baptize them for sale! So that you can see your product’s reflection like in a mirror, so that it becomes prettier and the client likes it! So that the first one to come buys, the second one buys, the last one buys too! And no one left me without buying something!”

You need to say the spell about three times, without interruption. After the ceremony is completed, hang the mirror on the wall or place it on a shelf. This ritual must be performed once a week, otherwise you may receive an energy shock.

Ritual for money

To carry out the conspiracy, you must be at your workplace and have a coin of medium denomination with you. Before casting a spell, dip a coin in eucalyptus oil. Take the coin in your hands and read the plot:

“I give tribute to trade roads. As soon as you accept my money, you will send me good luck! So that trade would go uphill, customers would come in droves, they would buy everything, they would not spare money, they would not leave without purchases. Amen!"

After reading the plot about 3 times, flip the coin up. The conspiracy will take effect immediately.

Any business will not generate income if it is not accompanied by luck and luck. A conspiracy for successful trading can improve trade turnover, attract new customers and improve the work process. There are a couple of conditions to perform the ritual.

The ritual is effective during the waning moon

“Dashingly beggarly, dashingly unsaleable, don’t touch me, don’t touch my goods! Get away from me, get away from here along the water, through the forest, through the swamp, don’t invite me with you, take the dead crayfish and lie under a snag. So that I don’t experience poverty, my goods don’t linger, I send away poverty and misery, I sweep away all misfortunes and failures with a rag! Strength, water, language. Amen!"

Prayers and conspiracies against the envy of competitors

In most cases, people are overcome by a feeling of envy when other people succeed and go like clockwork. Do your neighbors haunt you and are constantly jealous of the number of customers and variety of goods? bringing the evil eye and negative energy to bear on you?

The solution to the problem is a conspiracy against envy. To do this, take a clean handkerchief, a comb and a small pin. All things must be new. Read the conspiracy over them at least three times:

"Oh my God,

I stand before You

I ask you to keep me tight,

protect with this amulet.

I ask the holy army

Protect me from evil spirits:

Ivan the Long-Sufferer,

Ivan Bogoslov,

Ivan Postitel,

Ivan the Baptist,

Ivan the Headless,

Michael the Archangel,

Nicholas the Wonderworker,

Archangel Gabriel,

Praskovya the Great Martyr.

Faith, Hope, Love

and their Mother Sophia.

I stand under your protection,

For you to defend me.

In the Name of the Father and the Son

and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Make a talisman out of the enchanted items and always carry them with you. It is important not to tell anyone about it, otherwise the amulet will lose its magical power.

Poppy for trade conspiracy

Not many people know that poppy is not only a beautiful flower, but also an excellent assistant in spells. Poppy is distinguished by its properties of attracting positive energy, preserving and reproducing it.

The ceremony must be carried out directly at the workplace. Go to the market and buy a handkerchief and a poppy. It is advisable to make a purchase on Thursday and perform the ritual on Friday.

When purchasing, you need to pay attention to the condition of the poppy

When purchasing, pay special attention to the poppy. It should be a beautiful color with its head held high. Put a handkerchief and pour poppy seeds on it, then say the spell:

“Just as there are immeasurable and countless poppies, there will be so many buyers for my good and attractive product. All those who step on the scattered seeds will definitely buy my product and will be grateful for it.”

These words should be repeated at least nine times. After completing the ritual, tie the poppy in a scarf and scatter it every morning before starting trading.

The consequences of the ritual will pleasantly surprise you. The business will begin to flourish and bring good income. Poppy for the ritual can be used once a week. It is important to say about the features of conspiracies:

  1. The effectiveness of the ritual depends on the chosen time. Experts recommend choosing daytime. As a practitioner, I am of the opinion that such rituals require observance of the sacrament.
  2. To get rid of failures, it is best to read prayers and conspiracies on the days of the waning moon. It is this phase of the moon that will help the magician cut off something unnecessary from the client. In this case, problems and failures.
  3. The best days to perform magic are Wednesday and Saturday.
  4. The most important factor that influences the action of all rites and rituals is inner confidence in the validity of the ritual.

If you don't know what you're doing, your business won't benefit at all. Also, I will mention the serious consequences of failure to fulfill the conditions of each spell; a negative spell program may occur. You will achieve a completely different result, not entirely pleasant. In this case, you should contact a specialist to fix the problem. If you want your business to flourish for many years, turn to spells for help.

Both experienced and novice businessmen are familiar with the immutable truth of business: without customers, there are no sales, and, therefore, no business. And there won’t be any clients if you don’t use a client acquisition system. This is such a vicious circle.

It is necessary to find different ways to attract customers

Keys to attracting clients

You cannot build a successful business without a proper plan. Everyone knows this too. But in order to attract new clients and not lose old ones, you also need a plan. When opening your business, you plan the necessary sales volume that will bring you a stable income. But you must also plan the number of required customers for whom your product or service is produced.

You need to know your potential client, not in person, of course. And his desires, his capabilities and needs. What consumer problems will your product solve? Don't spend your advertising money "for everyone" - you will lose it. Spend it on “your” client, and he will definitely hear you.

Now it’s time to solve the dilemma of how to attract customers. It’s no secret that a large number of people must know about you for your business to become successful. And if they like your offers, they will become your regular customers. Moreover, they will also bring their friends to you.

Analyze the activities of competing companies: where they are located, what their sales volume is, how many clients they have, the quality of their product or service, and the advertising they use. The following points are very important to attract customers:

  • location your store or other establishment that you have opened;
  • well built advertising campaign;
  • atmosphere in your work team;
  • image your company;
  • range And prices.

Ways to attract clients

Attracting clients is not a one-time event, but an ongoing effort. Even the simplest and most inexpensive methods can become the most effective. Let's talk in detail about each of these methods.


Distributing leaflets can be an effective and inexpensive tool. Use your unique selling proposition in them so that it hooks the buyer. And to do this, take care of the appearance of the leaflet – bright and memorable. Be sure to include all your contact information.

Leaflets can interest a large number of people

If your store or beauty salon is holding a promotion, information about it should also be in this leaflet. Our customer loves to save money, catch him doing it. Where can you distribute leaflets? Yes, anywhere. Place it in supermarkets on advertising stands and in the mailboxes of residential buildings, and hand it out to passers-by. If your leaflet is written correctly, it will definitely attract interest. And then your potential client will want to come to you to check how truthful it is.

Advertisements on poles

An inexpensive form of advertising, but not very effective. We mainly have announcements about obtaining a loan or selling real estate on bulletin boards and poles. Therefore, people most often do not consider such advertisements.
It also seems to many that a successful enterprise would not advertise itself in this way. Therefore, use other types of advertising so as not to inadvertently spoil your image.

Today at a meeting with a business leader we talked about how to attract customers to the store, and suddenly the conversation turned to my work on the street. With the girls.

Okay, enough ambiguity, I'll tell you,

- what happened,

- what happened,

- what we did and,

— I’ll give you 2 secrets on how to attract customers to the store from the street.


A company selling cosmetics. There is a retail outlet. She is not visible from the street. Accordingly, there are very few people entering, and the head of the company made it a duty for sellers to turn into promoters every day and invite clients from the street.

The girls came out, handed out catalogs (by the way, very cool, thick, glossy “magazines”), people took them and...

Well, do you think a lot of people came back to buy?

A little. I'll tell you more below.

So, I am now building a funnel in this company.

Basically, hope for this flow from the street. But the flow is weak.

What happened?

In half an hour, 3 employees under my leadership brought 3 clients to the store. This is the first experience, you know how high efficiency is when you work in a new way for the first half hour.

However, 3 people in half an hour. The manager is pleased; she did not expect such a result.

What was done?

I asked what the sales funnel is now, and they told me that approximately, plus or minus, 100 catalogs were distributed, 10 people then come and buy.

“Okay,” I said, “but what if we rearranged the work so that there were not 100 contacts, but, say, 50, and at the same time, not 10, but 20 people would buy.” Why is such a funnel bad? Less work? Less. What's the point? More.

It remains to understand how to achieve this result.

When I analyzed the situation, I came to the conclusion that there should be several control points in working with “referred” clients.

I got the following picture:

1. On the street We identify those who are interested and suitable for us (this is called qualification) and then communicate only with them. And now they give out expensive catalogs to everyone. It is not right.

2. We take a person“under the elbow” and take him to the store, where we personally work with him. That is, we bring people into the store ourselves, and we communicate with them further, rather than thrusting a catalog at people running past.

3. In the store We are already giving a catalog and some small gift (- Is there something inexpensive to give? - I asked, and they answered me, - Yes.) We invite you for this gift. Well, we give away the catalogs as relics.

That's the plan.

They went out and started working. The girls come up to passers-by, I look.

Initially, I suggested talking without catalogs at all. But people began to shy away - apparently, they didn’t look presentable.

Therefore, they picked up catalogs and began to talk, opening and showing it. It’s great when the client’s eyes are busy with something and process the flow of incoming information, while the logic rests. That's what we need.

Secret 1.

When we start a conversation, it is important not to stupidly offer to do something, but to first arouse the interest of a potential client.

Questions. The right questions.

The “Socratic principle” is good here, when a person answers “Yes” several times. Example:

With the expectation that the answer will be “Yes”.

The second question, according to the Socratic principle, should give us another “Yes”. In our case, we will simply develop the conversation. The main thing is not “No” in any case. But here a nuance arises: the dialogue is taking place on the street, and asking difficult questions, having a deep conversation, is somehow not the place or time. What question should I ask?

It turns out completely:

— Tell me, do you use products “A” and “B”?

— Which “Product” are you purchasing, “A” or “B”?

- Yes? Cool! We are currently running a promotion on this product! Let me take you to the store - you can see the porch from here, introduce you to (be sure to talk about the direction that the client voiced), make a gift as part of the promotion and hand over a catalog!

Secret 2.

We take him by the hand and lead him to the store.

The moment we start talking, we open the catalog and, as if by nature, stand next to the client. At the moment of the highest emotional upsurge (- Yes? Cool! We have a promotion going on right now...), as if by accident you touch your hand, show the porch and with a gentle movement lead towards the store. The main thing is smoothly, without pressure.

And this is the most difficult thing.

Many people can say this. But touching a person and dragging him along with you... is not all. For gypsy women, this is a really pumped up instrument (I wrote about gypsy hypnosis in my life).

By the way, I had a paradigm shift when I saw Barack Obama say hello.

In that news story, several respectable American men stood on the stage in front of him. And he, in addition to almost clapping the men’s palms, he also lightly hit the man’s elbow with his left hand, as if patronizingly.

I had a friend say hello like that in the 90s, like a boy)))

Below is a video where you can see how differently Obama behaves with different people.


If you are going to prove to me that people will not follow the seller, perhaps they won’t follow you. About half the people were walking.

From the nuances that I described above, success is built, measured in the percentage of people referred in relation to those with whom they spoke.

By the way, the manager was waiting for the experiment participants in the store. Then she gave the most valuable feedback regarding the girls’ communication with customers.

This practical lesson is on the topic “How to attract customers to your store” took place as part of building a flow of requests to my client’s business. There is a training ahead, where we will develop scripts for “warming up” those buyers who previously left their contacts.

Look like that's it.

No, I’ll write a few more words and add a photo))

I crossed the road and took a photo of the place where we were working. Yes, near these kiosks, “Fruits”, and something nearby. As you can see, there are not many people. An hour ago it was a little more. Brook. And from this trickle - 3 buyers in half an hour.

P.S. How do you set up the flow of clients into your business?

Good luck!

Some time ago Our city hosted the Kuzbass Fair, the largest entrepreneurial forum in the Kemerovo region.

In addition to participation During the exhibition (we had a stand there), we, with the help of students, conducted a survey of the heads of participating companies. The goal is to understand how competitive businesses are in our region.

our employees and students filled out checklists according to the owners and managers present at the exhibition.

The results were discouraging.

From 87 companies only 3 (which is 3.4%) answered positively to all questions.

96.6% - fall short either in meeting modern requirements, or the owners do not understand at all what they are being asked about.

It turns out that there are at least 84 companies in the Kemerovo region they work, failing in a number of visible, measurable parameters!

And for some reason it seems to me that these 3 “positive” questionnaires were filled out by people who did not want to show the true state of affairs in the company. Like, “We’re fine.”

But the questions are about how the average business should operate in the 21st century.

Conspiracies, prayers and rituals for good luck will help you promote your business and attract buyers and clients. Even a beginner can do this, and the result will be the same as when turning to magicians and psychics. In addition, you will use white magic, which means you do not need to be afraid of the consequences. After all, you do not wish harm to anyone, but only want to avoid ruin and increase sales at your outlet. You just need to follow all the rules when conducting such rituals.

Conspiracies, prayers and rituals will help attract money to business. There are other ways to attract clients and customers.

A conspiracy to attract clients and buyers

Read the plot while standing and out loud. If this is impossible, then sit on a chair and say the words in a whisper or to yourself. There are times when these cherished words need to be spoken spontaneously, then there is no need to choose a specific day and time. You must believe in the success of the ritual for it to bring good luck and be effective.

This conspiracy to attract clients and buyers is good because you don’t need to prepare for it for a long time, just find a piece of old material. A rag is suitable for wet cleaning in commercial premises.

While wiping your workplace of dust, say the following words:

CONSPIRACY: “Get away from my goods and from me the dashing unsaleable and alien poverty! Away from my workplace along the river, along the land, through the forest. Lie under a forest snag, don’t call me to you! I sweep away all failures with a rag, I send poverty away - through the forest, along the river, across water and land! My goods do not sit still, but are sold instantly, because strength lies in water, purity and language. I invite buyers, I offer goods. Amen!"

Repeat this spell three times, and throw the rag into any body of water or burn it. You will see the result immediately if you speak all the words clearly and without hesitation.

Prayers to attract clients and buyers

Read your prayers twice every day. This will help consolidate the effect and will help in attracting buyers. If you are involved in sales in any field, read this prayer:

Bring clients to me, Lord,
Let things go smoothly
May good luck come
Profit, a lot of money,
Let the star burn in the forehead of my business,
May it always be so! Amen!

Such a prayer for good trading will lift your spirits, you will feel more confident and clients will come in droves. You will immediately want to find constructive solutions for interacting with people.

There is another effective prayer for attracting clients and buyers, thanks to which you will increase your sales:

Come to me clients,
Give me your money
Here's my product
The profit is in my pocket. Amen!

Rituals to attract clients and buyers

You can use an effective ritual for money. It attracts customers and helps increase product sales. Hold it in the sales area where the goods are displayed or near the counter, but go out to the side of the counter where the customers are standing.

A ritual to attract clients and buyers for money

RITE: Take a yellow coin (medium or large denomination), dip it in any fragrant essential oil (eucalyptus, orange, rose) and stand in the middle of the room, holding the coin in your right hand.
After that, read these words:

“Trade roads, lead customers to my store. Take money, send good luck! So that clients and good luck come to me, bring me a lot of money, increase profits! Amen!"

When these words are said three times, you need to throw a coin at your feet and loudly shout “Paid.” There is no need to remove the coin; let it lie on the floor. It will be good if a customer picks up this money in your store and pays for the purchase with it.

Ritual to attract clients and buyers for salt

Aspiring Entrepreneurs Those who are just planning to open their own store or outlet can use this ritual for salt. It helps to attract good energy, which means profit and success in business.
RITE: When leaving home for work, take a handful of salt. When there are a few steps left to the entrance to the store building, throw a handful of salt over your head and say the following words:

“I talk salt, I attract buyers! The grains fall, customers line up. No one leaves without goods, everyone brings me money! Amen."

After these words, go into the store and don’t look back. The result will be one hundred percent, and you will immediately see an influx of people buying the product. These rituals to attract clients and buyers are considered effective; they will help increase sales and you will be able to make more profit.

Other ways to attract clients and customers

Social media. Enter into an agreement with any show business star and place your advertisement on her page. All friends and subscribers will immediately turn into potential clients and customers. Create a separate page and invite many friends. With their help you can expand your customer base.

Creating your own resource on the Internet. Many people online are looking for answers to all their questions and making purchases. Therefore, the website will be an excellent way for you to attract customers. Make a stylish design, place high-quality information on the resource pages.

Letters by email. This is a great way to attract clients. Do not think that such mailings annoy people; they open the letters and read them. After this, half of the people are deleted, and the other half will become your potential clients. This method works, and within a certain period of time your business will have a new clientele.

There are many other ways that really work and help increase profits.

You need to give free rein to your imagination. If you don’t have time to think, then use daily prayers or one-time rituals to attract success in business. Unique conspiracies and self-confidence will help you attract money and earn good capital!

Video: Ritual for urgently raising money
