The meaning of feather tattoos for girls and guys. Peacock feather tattoo Meaning of a peacock feather tattoo on the arm

The peacock is a proud, regal bird, its bright plumage arouses admiration and has attracted admiring glances since ancient times. Such a beautiful creation simply could not help but interest fans of tattoo culture. Let us explain the meaning of the peacock tattoo and the symbolism of the image.

How did the ancients see the peacock?

The myths of different nations in which the image of this bird appears will help you understand what a peacock tattoo means.

In almost all eastern cultures, it symbolized sunlight and warmth. The peacock is especially revered in Hindu mythology. Its feathers, the pattern of which resembles many eyes, were associated with the stars, so the peacock, as a symbol of both the sun and stars at the same time, was considered the ruler of twilight. Some Hindu gods, such as Kama and Saraswati, rode it.

In Persia, the throne on which the Shah sat was called “peacock”. Two birds stood on both sides of the World Tree, which meant the duality of human nature. By the way, this image eventually migrated to Christian art. Ancient Iranian sources mention the belief that beautiful birds killed snakes in order to use their venom to create amazing patterns on their feathers.

Medieval bestiaries in Christian Europe, as well as in the Islamic world, called the peacock stoic and attributed cosmological significance to it. In European art, for example, in the songs of the Minnesingers, this bird was sung both as a symbol of wisdom and as an allegorical image of an arrogant, vain person, whose main sin is pride.

It is believed that the peacock became the prototype of the phoenix, so it is also associated with immortality and rebirth.

What does a peacock tattoo mean?

The image of the royal bird is mainly chosen by the fair sex. Often the meaning of a peacock tattoo is seen by girls as a desire for beauty in the broad sense of the word. We are talking not only about its external manifestation, but also about the beauty of the soul, the fullness of the personality.

Since the peacock symbolizes rebirth, its image indicates that a person is starting a new life with a clean slate. He leaves his past behind without regrets, spreads his wings and flies into the future. Also, a tattoo can become a talisman promising a long and happy life.

The bright plumage of the bird symbolizes the love of a vibrant life, full of impressions, pleasures and fun. Such tattoos are often made by people seeking fame and recognition. Here the more negative meaning of the image can also come into force - vanity and pride. However, usually only positive interpretations are taken into account, especially since there are many more of them.

The peacock is associated with majesty and royalty, and in Chinese tradition it is endowed with the gift of mercy and nobility. A tattoo with the image of this bird can mean that, despite the acquired power, a person uses it only for the benefit of his environment, does not abuse it, and leads wisely and fairly.

Love is another meaning of the peacock image. His image indicates a romantic, tender and vulnerable nature, a person in need of sincere feelings, all-consuming love.

Often limited to the image of a peacock feather, the meaning of the tattoo in this case remains the same.

How to decide on the style and location for a tattoo?

Small works with this bird are quite rare. Peacock tattoos on the neck or, for example, ankle are usually of a schematic nature; it is quite difficult to depict on such a small scale.

In order to fully convey the beauty of the plumage, you still need quite a lot of space. Therefore, most often you can see a peacock tattoo on the stomach, back, leg or arm. In most cases, the work covers several parts of the body at once, for example, from the back to the shoulder, from the ribs to the thigh. It all looks really bright and impressive.

At all times, peacocks have been associated with incredible beauty, wealth, majesty, nobility and even royalty. This is a very sunny symbol, which quite often represents the Sun itself. And among other things, a peacock tattoo is a symbol of love, immortality, glory, diversity, and longevity. These birds are almost always associated with the brightness of life, the desire for complete self-realization, and boundless fun.

The peacock tattoo design looks very beautiful when done in large size and in color. You can apply such an image to several parts of the body at once, for example, on the lower back and thigh or back and shoulder at once.

The peacock's tail, just like its feather, carries deep semantic content. Moreover, the pattern that is located on the bird’s tail has been perceived by people since the ancient Greek period as a symbol of the sky, which is generously decorated with stars.

In Buddhism, a huge fan of peacock feathers is a symbol of true compassion. The Chinese treat the peacock with no less respect; for them it is a symbol of majesty and belonging to a high position in society. The emperor could present a peacock feather as a sign of favor; this was considered very honorable.

Christians also treated this wonderful bird with great respect. The peacock's tail is very similar to a halo, and the pattern on the tail is very similar to the eye. And the eye in Christianity was the personification of the all-seeing eye of the church. In a very large number of cultures, the meaning of a peacock tattoo has been associated with power.

Today, a peacock tattoo is often used as a symbol of natural beauty, brightness of colors, diversity of the whole world, and the revelation of secret human capabilities. A little less often, but still there is a negative characteristic of this symbol. The peacock is sometimes associated with a proud animal, vain, striving only for external beauty. But it is worth noting that negative characteristics arose much later. In the ancient understanding there were no such meanings.

A tattoo depicting a peacock is ideal for an extraordinary, cheerful person who has a penchant for taking risks. A peacock tattoo will come in handy if you strive to build your life in such a way that the laws of beauty and grace reign in it.

Peacock tattoo video

And remember: no matter what the peacock tattoo design is, the main thing is that it is unique! Below are photos of peacock tattoos from different artists.

0 When the image of a peacock pops into our brains, we can't help but think of the popular band from the 90s." Arrows" and their songs "Handsome". But the peacock is not just a pretty bird.
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In India, the peacock has become a symbol of Royalty, Divinity and Nobility, and is present in the folklore of that region. The Peacock Throne was once a coveted seat of power, created in 1600 's for the ruler of Persia, Shah Jahan, the man who built the stunningly beautiful Taj Mahal monument.

Peacocks are also an integral part of many world religions. In Christianity, the White Peacock is considered a secret symbol of the Church and Jesus Christ, and artists of the Middle Ages and Renaissance would include this symbol as the quintessential religious nature of their works. In Buddhism, the peacock is a totem of openness and honesty. The Peacock is not afraid to show the world his true self, even if it makes him vulnerable. Hindus see the peacock as an avatar for the goddess Lakshmi, and a sign of Prosperity and Good Luck. The peacock is also a passionate lover. Males have brightly colored plumage, which they readily display in slow dances and beautiful rituals to attract their mates.

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So let's continue Meaning of Peacock Tattoo?

These birds are also symbols of Wisdom and Knowledge. The peculiarity of the color of tail feathers was noticed in ancient Greece, and was called the “All-Seeing Eye”. The bird became a totem for the goddess, Hera, queen of the Olympians. Unfortunately, Hera was known as a jealous and vindictive lady who tried to destroy everyone she considered more beautiful than herself. No wonder the peacock was fixed as a symbol for egoists!

During the Middle Ages, alchemists used peacock feathers as an ingredient for their powders. The peacock and its feathers were symbols Renewal and Healing. The bird was seen as the equivalent of the rising Phoenix. This belief stems from the fact that peacocks are not known to be affected by the copious amounts of toxins they consume. In fact, today you can find many works of art in which a peacock is depicted fighting a poisonous snake. This idea may have influenced early Christians, who came to the surprising conclusion that peacocks could protect the Devil and his demons ( after all, snakes are symbols of evil and sin).

You might be surprised to know that peacocks were once a culinary product for medicinal purposes that was reserved exclusively for the royal family. A stretched out peacock on a platter was a way for kings and members of royal families to once again show off their wealth. This concept is associated with the image of the bird as the personification of luxury and prosperity. This idea inspired the American television network NBC to use the logo " Peacock" (peacock). “We are proud as a peacock!” became the slogan for this network, and it is rumored that the peacock image was aimed at using the new technology emerging at that time, color television.The peacock design, as a logo, is also used by the Pakistan Television Corporation.

Peacock tattoo meaning

Peacocks are more than just cute little birds. They embody:
  • Glory
  • Vanity and beauty
  • Spirituality
  • Renewal and Spiritual Awakening
  • Immortality
  • Refinement
  • Purity (white peacock)

Peacock Tattoo Variations

The beauty of a peacock tattoo does not depend solely on the color of its plumage. Tribal tattoos, which focus on intricate designs, also represent the grace of the birds themselves. Peacock tattoos come in a variety of styles, including:

White Peacock Tattoo

The white peacock is a very rare specimen and is therefore revered as a religious symbol. White peacock tattoos are quintessential to many core concepts of Christianity, including spiritual renewal, purity and humility. It is believed that this is a symbol of Jesus Christ as such. Tattoo " White peacock" represents your deeply held, sacred Christian beliefs, and generates a feeling of renewal and enlightenment.

Peacock feather tattoo

The peacock's plumage represents more than just narcissism and vanity. Sure, the peacock is generally perceived as a creature with an excess of ego, but in general its feathers have been a symbol of healing and renewal for thousands of years. The peacock's feather is an emblem of healing and is also considered a sign of immortality due to the fact that the bird is unaffected by the common plant toxins it regularly eats. In Greek culture, feathers represent Knowledge, and for Hindus, it is a symbol of Kindness and Compassion. Pay attention to a rather detailed article on the topic

Peacock tattoo on shoulder blade

Peacock is the bird of wealth, power and prosperity. In tattoo traditions, the peacock plays the role of the blue symbol of good luck. A capricious image can affect the owner in two ways. If he is not a man with a capital M, instead of financial success, he will be seized by a false sense of self-esteem. The original appearance of the bird gives a wide field for the imagination of the author of the sketch.

Peacock tattoo meaning

The peacock came to tattoo culture from the Eastern pantheon of images. It combines the majestic and the philistine. The bright bird is recognized as a symbol of wealth, royal power and public recognition. Moreover, additional meanings speak of superficiality, pride and stupidity.

Positive interpretations of the symbol:

  • success in the financial sector;
  • the desire to make a dream come true;
  • sophistication and elegance;
  • bright colors of life;
  • royal power;
  • tact;
  • wisdom in decision making.

The sign is capricious and requires spiritual confidence from the owner. The bearer must have a moral guideline and know his goals. For such an owner, the peacock turns into a blue bird of good luck. A person makes non-standard decisions and gets the opportunity to look at things broadly. His inner right direction in decision making.

Peacock does not tolerate stupidity, laziness and superficiality. He patronizes business people and creative individuals. By applying the bird to the body, the future owner can count on the protection of Fortune in matters of the heart.

The meaning of tattoos for girls and men

On the body of girls you can often see a peacock, the meaning of which is “luck and success in the search for love.” The peacock tattoo attracts favorable conditions on the personal front. The bird will not allow romantic and enthusiastic natures to get lost in the wilds of emotions.

Tattoo on the butt

Meaning of peacock tattoo for girls:

  • intuition;
  • happiness in relationships;
  • search for a creative path;
  • extraordinary thinking;
  • bright emotions;
  • life in abundance and joy;
  • passion for travel;
  • sparkling humor.

For men, the image is transformed into finance and strength. Peacock helps to develop harmony, intuition and a sharp mind in the owner’s character.

Popular masculine meanings:

  • belonging to high society;
  • dignity;
  • majesty;
  • protection from the evil eye;
  • revealed potential;
  • creativity;
  • business acumen;
  • grace, beauty;
  • winning strategy.

In addition to generally accepted meanings, the picture has many individual interpretations. Tattoo artists believe that the most correct option is the one that is born in the client’s mind and attitude. Since the peacock is responsible for the development of intuition, this approach will be the most correct one possible.

Options, styles, compositions

Among the photos of works depicting a peacock, there are many peacock tail tattoos. The colorful feather carries the meaning of a protective amulet. This judgment is associated with a spot that resembles. The shape of a peacock feather has a unique, recognizable design, which allows you to delve into creative experiments with sketch construction.

The following styles are suitable for depicting a peacock:

  • realism;
  • new school;
  • old school;
  • graphic arts;
  • watercolor;
  • geometry;
  • neo-traditional;
  • black and white technology;
  • linework.

Artistic styles will help reveal the potential beauty of a bird's plumage. Most often in the photo we see a peacock standing or sitting. These are traditional types of poses. In addition, the peacock can be positioned with the front part of the body raised, with a majestically fluffed halo of feathers.

In some works, masters do not depict the entire bird. Her body is turned half sideways. The segment from the base of the tail to the head is captured. A halo of feathers forms a complete composition. As a result, the drawing takes up less space, visually filling the spacious space.

Your sketch will be included in the collection of original works if you use your imagination. Peacock patronizes creativity and vivid imagination. Find your line, shape and direction. To understand what is best for you, focus on the individual meaning of the symbol. The more interpretations that resonate in your mind, the easier it will be for the master to work on the sketch.

The color palette is the most important aspect when working with the image of a peacock. You don't have to limit yourself to the natural coloring of a bird's feather. In the understanding of eastern peoples, the peacock is a heavenly, almost mythical creature. Go deeper into the range that is closest to your spirit. Use bright colors and smooth transitions.

Much will depend on the chosen technique. Even in black and white, the work can be bright and complete. All you have to do is choose a master who is fluent in one direction or another.

Where to get a peacock tattoo?

Peacock is a large bird. To reveal the full potential of the image, you need to allocate a spacious area of ​​​​skin for it. It is best to stuff it on the chest or back. Girls prefer to allocate a side area for it, transitioning to the thigh. In some cases, it only occupies the thigh.

A beautiful and large bird can form an entire sleeve. By placing a lush tail and graceful neck on the body, you can only use the shoulder to the elbow joint. A peacock feather looks beautiful on a woman’s back between the shoulder blades. The oval upper part and elongated lower part create the feeling of a soft transition between the wide and narrow part of the back. This will give you a slim figure and create an attractive image.

A plume of feathers can be used along the shoulder line, lower back or hip. The ductility of the pen is suitable for forming curved lines and creating an advantageous visual perspective. A peacock's head surrounded by feathers is used to fill the area above the breasts of girls. This creates a subtle sexy image filled with captivating notes of attractiveness.

Video - peacock tattoo, photo gallery

Birds are one of the most beautiful inhabitants of our planet. People have always associated their grace, lightness and ability to fly with beauty and freedom. It's no wonder that one of the most recognizable archaic associative symbols associated with birds, the feather, is so popular among tattoo seekers. However, depending on the details of the feather tattoo, cultural characteristics and even the gender of the person, it can have completely different meanings. Therefore, before “striking” a pen sketch that you like, you should find out exactly what meaning it carries.

Feather with birds

The most popular are the so-called Indian feathers - when the tattoo depicts a feather with birds, as if “flying out” from it. In general, such tattoos mean belief in inner strength and immortality, bestowed, depending on various nuances - either life wisdom, or lightness of consciousness and soul, or a strong connection with the spirits of ancestors. In ancient times, only leaders, shamans and warriors who showed their valor in battle were allowed to apply such tattoos.

Today, everyone can apply a mulberry feather with birds to their body, however girls They recommend taking a closer look at the images of feathers with flying storks - they symbolize lightness and tenderness. For men eagles flying out of a feather will come up, showing strength and swiftness. The feather from which owls fly can be considered universal in this context - their symbolism carries with it life wisdom.

Peacock feather

Regardless of gender, the meaning of a peacock feather tattoo shows beauty, fury of life and favor of fortune. If such a pattern is applied to a woman’s body, you can also add to the above kindness and tenderness. In the case of men, a peacock feather can also additionally mean nobility and greatness.

In Christianity, the peacock feather is also associated with rebirth and caution. In Greek mythology, it symbolized the greatness of the starry fabric. The most common negative meaning of this tattoo is arrogance and developed ego(the peacock, as you know, is a proud bird!). In addition, the detailed “peacock eye” is often associated with the “demon eye.”

Feather on the leg

Regardless of the cultural characteristics and gender of the wearer, a feather tattoo on the leg means freedom, swiftness of thought and lightness of spirit. If the feather is “strung” on a “bracelet” or “attached” to any other “edging” encircling the leg, it should also be considered as amulet against evil forces, or - as good luck talisman.

Feather on hand

A feather tattoo on the arm changes its meaning depending on its location. So, if it is located “at the bottom” of the arm - especially between the hand or elbow, then it carries symbolism courage, determination and boldness. It was in this place that the aforementioned Indian leaders, shamans and warriors wore such tattoos. If the feather on the arm is above the elbow or shifted towards the shoulder, it carries the same semantic message as the feather on the leg.

Wolf with a feather

Tattoos that depict a wolf with a feather or feathers do not carry a unique meaning - they should be considered as a combination of the meaning of a wolf tattoo and the symbolism of a feather. In general Such drawings mean harmony of internal (spiritual) and external (physical) strength (symbol of the wolf) and wisdom (again, partially a symbol of the wolf) and lightness of being (symbol of the feather).

In combination with other symbols, a wolf with a feather can carry some sacred meaning. For example, wolf with feather and rose- ease in relationships and devotion to a partner. Or, on the contrary, wolf with feather and moon- freedom and strength granted by loneliness.
