England slide. Great Britain

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Great Britain

Slides: 24 Words: 222 Sounds: 3 Effects: 71

Great Britain (United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland). Great Britain on the world map. Flag of the Great Britain. Royal coat of arms. Coronation of Elizabeth II in 1953. The head of state is Queen Elizabeth II. Queen Elizabeth II on her 80th birthday in 2006. Wedding of Princess Elizabeth and the Earl of Edinburgh in 1947. The capital of Great Britain -. London. And here it is - from the banks of the Thames River. London Attractions. Palace of Westminster with the famous Big Ben clock tower. The Parliament of the United Kingdom sits here. The Tower of London is a royal fortress built in the 11th century. - UK.ppt

UK 1

Slides: 8 Words: 401 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

State and political structure of Great Britain and Russia. This topic is also studied in social studies classes in high school. Work on the project is carried out in close connection with the social studies teacher. DIDACTIC GOALS To help students understand the essence of the democratic structure of the state. Learn the basics of the political structure of Great Britain and Russia. METHODOLOGICAL TASKS Formation of lexical skills on this topic. Understanding the concept of “democracy”. THE FUNDAMENTAL QUESTION CAN A MONARCHY HELP THE STABILITY OF A COUNTRY? TOPICS OF STUDENTS' RESEARCH WORKS The political system of Great Britain. - UK 1.ppt

UK 2

Slides: 7 Words: 254 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Major UK holidays at different times of the year. Essential Question: How are holidays celebrated in the UK at different times of the year? What will we study? (problematic questions). What do we need to know? (study questions). Dividing the class into groups: Sample topics for presentations: New Year's Day - January 1 Christmas - December 25 St. Valentine's Day - February 14 St. Patrick's Day (St. - UK 2.ppt

UK 3

Slides: 24 Words: 302 Sounds: 24 Effects: 24

On the map of the world, Great Britain is circled in red. If we look closer, we can see that Great Britain is not an island. And this is the ensign of Great Britain. The capital of Britain is London. Great Britain is an ancient country, with many ancient castles and buildings. Prehistoric collection of stone blocks - Stonehenge. Westminster Abbey. Queen Elizabeth II is still alive in Great Britain today. Royal residence - Buckingham Palace. In the square near the palace there is a memorial to Queen Victoria. The most famous place in Great Britain is Trafalgard Square. The famous Tower Place is also located in England. - UK 3.ppt

Great Britain lesson

Slides: 7 Words: 267 Sounds: 0 Effects: 1

This is Britain. 1. Awareness quiz. What is the official name of Great Britain? What parts does Great Britain consist of? What river does London stand on? How do Englishmen call their national flag? What is the kilt? What's the traditional English drink? Name the symbol of each country? 2. Countries and capitals. Scotland England Wales Northern Ireland. London Cardiff Belfast Edinburgh. 3. Multiple choice test. 1. What is the Union Jack? The national flag of the UK. Trade union organization. Monument. 2. What is the name of the present British Queen? Elizabeth I. Mary. 4. Where does the ceremony of the Keys take place? - Lesson Great Britain.ppt

UK project

Slides: 7 Words: 614 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Project topic: Travel to the UK. Creative name of the project: Travel is an integral part of the life of modern people. A journey of a thousand miles begins with one step by Lao Tzu. Fundamental Question: What motivates people to travel the world? Problematic question: Why is Great Britain the most popular among tourists? Academic subjects: The world around us, English. Abstract of the project. The theme of the proposed project is “Travel is an integral part of the life of modern people.” Stages and timing of the project. Choosing a creative name for the project (together with students) – lesson 2, 5 minutes. - UK project.ppt

Country UK

Slides: 18 Words: 1034 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Great Britain. Content. Origin of the state. Physiographic location of the country. History of the State Relief Inland waters of the country. The capital is the city of London. The name of the country comes from the English Great Britain. Britain - according to the ethnonym of the Briton tribe. Physico-geographical location of the country. History of the State. The history of Britain began much earlier, around the construction of Stonehenge. At the height of the Roman Empire, Britain was under Roman control. Viking raids were frequent after about 800. In 1066 the Normans invaded and conquered England. During the Renaissance, England was ruled by the Tudors. - Country UK.ppt

UK Islands

Slides: 32 Words: 1206 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Great Britain. The total area of ​​Great Britain is 244,017 square meters. km. The population of Great Britain is 58,395 thousand people. Officially the country is called the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. The latter is located on the same island as the Independent Republic of Ireland. Thus, the UK shares a common land border only with Ireland. The British Isles lie off the northwestern coast of Europe. The British Isles are surrounded by many small islands. Sight. Westminster Abbey. Buckingham Palace. When the Queen is in the palace, the royal flag flies on the roof. - Islands of Great Britain.pptx

Description of Great Britain

Slides: 20 Words: 317 Sounds: 0 Effects: 67

Great Britain is a country with a rich history. London is a constellation city. Big Ben's birthday is considered to be May 31, 1859. Westmin Abbey (London). Shopping in London. Flea markets in London. Tower Bridge. Buckingham Palace. Scotland is wild, untamed, but beautiful. Fairies, kilts and oat pies. Haunted castles. William Shakespeare is a great poet and playwright. England in the footsteps of Shakespeare. Museums of London. Christmas is a family holiday. Christmas is the most beloved and revered holiday. At Christmas in London, green wreaths are hung on doors as children wait for a gift. Port city of Dover. - Description of Great Britain.ppt

Geography of Great Britain

Slides: 34 Words: 1186 Sounds: 0 Effects: 91

Great Britain. Geography of Great Britain. Flag of the Great Britain. Coat of Arms of Great Britain. Great Britain area. The economic and geographical position of Great Britain is extremely favorable. Great Britain includes. Elizabeth II. This country is characterized by very low natural growth. Population distribution and level of urbanization. London. GBP. Resources. UK economy. General mechanical engineering. The financial services sector generates 25% of the country's GDP. UK Agriculture. UK transport system. Export. Commonwealth countries, EU countries, USA, Japan. - Geography of Great Britain.ppt

UK information

Slides: 23 Words: 593 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Great Britain. Consists of the island of Great Britain which contains England, Scotland, and Wales. Square. Geographical position. Great Britain is located in northwestern Europe, in the British Isles. The coastline is heavily dissected by numerous bays. Great Britain has a land border with only one country - Ireland. The deepest lake in Great Britain is Loch Morar with a maximum depth of 309 m. Climate. The southern part of the country is warmer and drier than the northern part. Cloudy days a year - more than 50%. Strong winds and flooding are possible. Sights of Great Britain. - Information about Great Britain.pptx

State of Great Britain

Slides: 13 Words: 282 Sounds: 1 Effects: 86

Great Britain. Geography. The state is located in northeastern Europe. The area of ​​the country is 244.7 thousand. Climate. Winters are very wet and mild, summers are relatively cool. The average annual temperature is about 11°C in the south and about 9°C in the northeast. The average annual precipitation is about 760 mm. London fogs. Great Britain is a constitutional monarchy. The head of state is Queen Elizabeth II (in power since February 6, 1952). The head of government is the prime minister. The United Kingdom includes England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland. - State of Great Britain.ppsx

Modern Britain

Slides: 15 Words: 916 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Great Britain. Heir to the British Empire, the largest state in history that existed in the 19th - early 20th centuries. The state consists of four “historical provinces”: England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. The official language is English. Greenwich Observatory in London is where the prime meridian is determined. Generally. Great Britain is a constitutional monarchy (but there is no formal constitution; there are a number of basic legislative acts). The head of state is the queen. Legislative power is exercised by the Queen and a bicameral parliament (House of Lords and House of Commons). - Modern Britain.ppt

Characteristics of Great Britain

Slides: 13 Words: 358 Sounds: 13 Effects: 0

Great Britain. Coat of arms of Great Britain in the 14th century. Victorian era British coat of arms. The current coat of arms of Great Britain. Flag of the Great Britain. UK map. Capital of the United Kingdom. Tower Bridge. Big Ben. Castles of Great Britain. Weather. National holidays in Great Britain. Thank you for your attention. - Characteristics of Great Britain.ppt

United Kingdom

Slides: 14 Words: 52 Sounds: 1 Effects: 53

Welcome to the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland! Geographical position. The capital is the city of London. Composition of the United Kingdom. England Scotland Wales Northern Ireland. England. The largest centers in England. Scotland. Landscapes of Scotland. Wales. The charm of Wales. Northern Ireland. Ireland is a piece of paradise. The head of the United Kingdom is Queen Elizabeth II. Welcome to Britain! - United Kingdom.pptx

United Kingdom Great Britain

Slides: 25 Words: 584 Sounds: 0 Effects: 28

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland

Slides: 50 Words: 2132 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Plan. General characteristics of the country. The official language, English, is widely spoken throughout the world. A little history. The development of commodity-money relations and the struggle of the peasantry. Anglican Church. Creation of the British colonial empire. In the 19th century, Great Britain became the largest colonial power in the world. Features of nature. Relief. Minerals. Climate. English weather is unstable, cloudy and rainy, especially in autumn. Hydrology. Vegetable world. Animal world. There are many so-called domesticated animals in England. - United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland.ppt

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

Slides: 12 Words: 432 Sounds: 0 Effects: 22

Great Britain. Brief information. Great Britain (English capital - the city of London. The name of the country comes from the English Great Britain. Britain - after the ethnonym of the Briton tribe. The climate is temperate oceanic, humid. Forests (beech, oak, birch) occupy about 9% of the territory of Great Britain. History. The British Isles are conquered in the 5th-6th centuries by the Anglo-Saxons. In the 2nd half of the 13th century, the English parliament arose and a class monarchy took shape. During the Reformation, in 1534, the Church of England was created. The English revolution of the 17th century ensured the establishment of capitalism. - United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.ppt

Republic of Ireland

Slides: 16 Words: 3869 Sounds: 0 Effects: 8

Republic of Ireland. Capital. Geographical position. The capital of Ireland is Dublin. Currency. Population. Languages ​​and religions. Historical reference. Form of government and origin of the name. Symbolism. Holidays. Economy. Animal world. Heather moors. Main attractions. Aran Islands. - Republic of Ireland.ppt

Traveling around the UK

Slides: 31 Words: 495 Sounds: 1 Effects: 30

Traveling around the UK. United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. England. Scotland. Wales. Northern Ireland. Elizabeth II queen. Traveling around the UK. The Thames is the river on which London stands. Double-decker. Buckingham Palace. Traveling around the UK. Traveling around the UK. Traveling around the UK. London Parliament. Traveling around the UK. Traveling around the UK. Big Ben chimes. Tower of London. Traveling around the UK. Traveling around the UK. Ravens of the Tower. Tower bridge. Traveling around the UK. - Travel around the UK.ppt

UK business card

Slides: 23 Words: 989 Sounds: 0 Effects: 40

UK business card. Brands. Attractions. Trafalgar Square. Stonehenge. Palace of Westminster. Sherlock Holmes Museum. Remembrance Day of the Patron Saint of Ireland. Christmas traditions. Residents of Great Britain. English tea culture. The British. English suit. English entrepreneur. Liverpool. Company. British brand. Hat. English politician. English physicist. King of England. Accessory. Thank you for your attention. - UK business card.ppt

What countries are in the UK

Slides: 48 Words: 643 Sounds: 0 Effects: 120

Great Britain. British Isles. United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Flag of the Great Britain. The flag of Great Britain is blue with red ones. Crossed stripes. England Scotland Wales Northern Ireland. England. Symbol of England. Once upon a time, two dukes lived in Britain. Scotland. Wales. The capital is Cardiff. Population - Welsh, about 2 million people. Language - Welsh. The emblem is the narcissus. The flag is green and white with a red dragon. Mount Snowdon - 1068 meters. Northern Ireland. The Vikings sailed. The capital of Britain is London. The capital of England is London. - Which countries are in the UK.ppt


Slides: 19 Words: 526 Sounds: 17 Effects: 4

Orlova Albina Alexandrovna. Unknown Scotland. Scotland. Legend has it that thistle saved the country in the Middle Ages. National symbols. National flag of St. Andrey. The land of bagpipes and thistles. Mysterious country. Edinburgh is the capital. People in Scotland. What are kilts and tartans? Sports and games. Scottish dancing. My Bonnie. Crossword. What mysterious monster supposedly lives in Loch Ness. N. Sources of information. Contact Information. - Scotland.pptx

People of Scotland

Slides: 26 Words: 1418 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Scotland and the Scots. Formation of national character. Physico-geographical conditions of Scotland. Mountains and low plains. Settlement of the British Isles. Confrontation between Scotland and England. Union Jack. Own church. Population of Scotland. Highlanders. Most Scots were farmers. Musical culture. Scottish clans. National Scottish costume. Tweed jacket. Mountain games. Types of competitions at the Mountain Games. Hammer throwing. Great Scots. Burns Robert. David Livingston. Andrew Carnegie. Robert Brown. James Clerk. James Chalmers. Customs and traditions of peoples. - People of Scotland.pps

UK cities

Slides: 39 Words: 1486 Sounds: 0 Effects: 11

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Sights of Great Britain. Baht. One of the most beautiful cities in England, famous for its Georgian era architecture. UNESCO included the city in the list of monuments of the cultural heritage of humanity. Bath became a resort back in the Roman era (I-IV centuries AD). Belfast. Located in the north-eastern part of the island of Ireland. The city's population is about 1.5-2 million people, including 55% urban... Belfast is one of the most famous ports in the UK. Bournemouth. The city is ideal not only for relaxation, but also for learning English. - UK Cities.ppt

UK economy

Slides: 11 Words: 676 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Drawing up PG comments on changes taking place on the political map. Characteristics of UK GWP. Completed by Diana Avetisyan, student of 10th “A” class. head: Kremza I.M. About 9/10 of the total cargo turnover is accounted for by sea transport, including 1/4 of cabotage. In domestic freight transport, road transport plays the largest role. All national borders of the United Kingdom are maritime, with the exception of the border with Ireland. The coastline, with a total length of more than 100 km, is highly indented. The countries of Europe and Great Britain are part of the NATO military-political bloc. - UK Economy.ppt

UK Country Economy

Slides: 18 Words: 1046 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Formation and development of the UK market economy. United Kingdom. Development of cloth making. Industry growth. Agrarian revolution. Sources of initial capital accumulation. The desire to get rich. Colonial expansion. Prerequisites for the industrial revolution. Industrial revolution. Consequences of the industrial revolution. Reasons for the slowdown. The economy of the country of Great Britain. Features of development. A crisis. Sterling block. Development after World War II. Government activities. - Economy of the UK.ppt

UK climate

Slides: 16 Words: 1445 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

UK emissions reduction policies. UK Greenhouse Gas Policies. UK goals. Policy review. By type of company and industry. Climate collection. Climate fee rates. Climate change agreements. Commitments to reduce emissions. European emissions trading system. Income tax benefits. Import to UK. Finished products. Ecological footprint of the product. Variety of legislation in the EU. Thank you. - UK climate.ppt

Animals of Great Britain

Slides: 16 Words: 262 Sounds: 0 Effects: 16

Animals of Great Britain. Large animals such as wild boar, bear, and Irish deer have long been exterminated in the British Isles due to frequent hunting, and the wolf has been destroyed as a pest. Now only 56 types of mammals remain. The largest mammal is the red deer, which lives in the highlands of Scotland and Cornwall. Fish. Different types of fish live in the waters of the British Isles: in sea waters - herring, sable fish, sprat are found in bays and estuaries, and mackerel and sardines appear in Kirkwall Bay. The most important commercial fish of distant and near waters are cod, haddock and whiting. - Animals of Great Britain.ppt

UK Environment

Slides: 28 Words: 858 Sounds: 0 Effects: 50

UK Environment. People of Great Britain. Survey among residents. Sociologists. State of the environment. Garbage. What do you do with the garbage that has accumulated in your home? State. Fur things. Do I need to clean up after pets after walking them? Group "Observers". Group "Observers". Places where garbage accumulates. Plastic bottles. Group "Curious People". The British. Garbage bins. Protest against the killing of animals. Dog lovers. People in England ride bicycles. Attitude to the environment. England. The different rubbish. The Russian. England people. - UK Environment.ppt

UK composers

Slides: 15 Words: 613 Sounds: 1 Effects: 7

What do we know about foreign music? Music is the universal language. Creative project name. Didactic goals of the project. Methodological tasks. Fundamental question. Study questions. Music. The project. The Music of the 20th century. Andrew Lloyd Webber. The Beatles. Composers of Great Britain. Composers of Great Britain. Thank you for your attention. - Composers of Great Britain.ppt

Sights of England

Slides: 69 Words: 338 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

The amazing country of England. Sights of England. Sights of England. Sights of England. Sights of England. Sights of England. Sights of England. Sights of England. Noble Queen. Sights of England. Sights of England. Sights of England. Sights of England. Sights of England. Sights of England. Sights of England. Sights of England. Sights of England. Sights of England. Sights of England. - Sights of England.pptx

British house

Slides: 17 Words: 798 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Project and research work in English. The British love their home very much. Most Britons prefer to own their own homes. Warwick Castle. Windsor Castle is the residence of British monarchs in the city of Windsor. Accommodation. Bedroom. Kitchen. Not every British home has modern bathrooms. British house. The British, due to their conservatism, do not like to change the interior. British house. Parents accustom their children to low temperatures. British house. A reverent attitude towards animals. British house. Millions of people who have visited Britain. -

England reveals its face not as a brightly colored map. Nothing is clearly marked, the boundaries are not shaded. It is solid land, but the sun and fog give it a vague charm. As soon as the sunlight disappears, everything around becomes gray, looks gloomy and dank. As soon as the fog disappears completely, the earth appears naked in streams of sunlight and the enchantment ends. Such, therefore, is the English soul, where joy and sadness play like light and shadow, like sun and fog. A soul that, without this foggy golden haze, is completely deprived of charm, revealing to us an Englishman with leaden eyes, whom satirists portray. John B. Priestley John B. Priestley

England England England (English England) is the largest historical and administrative part of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, officially a country within it, occupying the south-eastern part of the large island of Great Britain, known as England. mainland. The population of England makes up 83% of the total population of Great Britain. England became a union of once-warring counties in 927 and takes its name from the Angles, one of the Germanic tribes who settled there in the 5th and 6th centuries. The capital of England is London, the largest city in the UK and the European Union.

The Kingdom of England, including the Principality of Wales, was a separate state until May 1, 1707, when it united with Scotland to form the Kingdom of Great Britain. England occupies two thirds of the island of Great Britain. It borders on Scotland in the north and Wales in the west. The landscape of England consists mainly of rolling hills, becoming more mountainous towards the north. Highlands and lowlands are conventionally divided along a line running between the mouth of the River Tees (Teesside) in the north-east and the mouth of the River Exe (Devon) in the south-west. To the east is low-lying marshland that has been largely drained for agricultural use.

Administrative division of England Since 1999, England has been divided into 9 government regions (Government Office Regions): Name of the region in Russian Name of the region in English Population, thousand. people (2005) North East North East 2 539 North West North West 6 805 Yorkshire and the Humber Yorkshire and the Humber 5 009 East Midlands East Midlands 4 252 West Midlands West Midlands 5 320 East East of England 5 463 London London 7 388 South East South East 8 080 South West regionSouth West4 909

A manifestation of England's oceanic climate is instability, gusty winds and fog. The mountains act as a barrier, trapping moist air in the west. Winters in England are wet and mild. The average January temperature is +4, +6. The southwest wind increases winter temperatures, but brings rain and storms. East and north-east winds bring frost to England. Snow rarely falls in the south of England. In the eastern regions, winter is colder. In spring, cold northern winds blow and little rain falls. Summer is cool. The July temperature in the southeast of Great Britain is from +16 to +32 C. In autumn, cyclones intensify. Rains are accompanied by storms. Fogs are associated with the contrast of mixed temperatures: warm air and the cold surface of the islands. Climate

Nature Britain is the most urbanized country in the world. At the same time, the British do not strive to live in cities. Seeing, through the thick fog, the white-green line of the island, Julius Caesar's legionnaires named it Albion (white). They admired the ability of English green meadows to maintain emerald freshness all year round. The nature of England is well-groomed, deserted, unstable, and devoid of contrasts. Only the “Private Property” signs remind of the presence of people in these places. England's landscapes are a compromise between nature and art. Here you rarely see both forest thickets and rows of alleys. Watching the bends of English roads, it seems that no one here is trying to get from one point to another. “England's roads reflect a tendency to tweak what's already there. They do not dissect the natural pattern that time has left on the face of the earth.”

London Today London is a large international center and covers an area of ​​about 625 square meters. miles. This is an amazing world that many foreign tourists see first from the height of an airplane, marveling at the zigzag ribbon of the Thames and the beauty of its numerous bridges. London is home to 7 million people who live not in nameless suburbs, but in the former towns that made up it, in Westminster and in areas that have retained the features of their provincial past - in Marylebone and Kensington, Hampstead and Highgate - where central streets and historical monuments remind of the people who created the London that each generation discovers anew.

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The official name of the state is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland; also England - by the name of one of the historical parts. Great Britain was founded on January 1, 1801, after the unification of the Kingdom of Great Britain and the Kingdom of Ireland. It is one of the largest states in Europe, a nuclear power, a permanent member of the UN Security Council, and its capital, London, is the world's most important financial and economic center.

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Great Britain is located in the British Isles in northwestern Europe. It is washed from the west by the waters of the Atlantic Ocean, and from the east by the waters of the North Sea. It has land borders only with Ireland, and water borders with France, Belgium and the Netherlands, as well as Denmark, Germany, Norway, located much further away. The UK's EGP is both neighboring and coastal, which has a positive effect on the economic development of the country.

Geographical position

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The total area of ​​Great Britain is about 244 thousand square meters. km. It consists of four fairly independent “historical provinces” (so-called countries) with their own administrative capitals: England (London), Scotland (Edinburgh), Wales (Cardiff) and Northern Ireland (Belfast). The state is considered unitary. The official capital of Great Britain is London.

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The form of government in Great Britain is a constitutional monarchy. Legally, the monarch leads the executive branch and is the supreme commander of the British Army, but in fact, as a result of changes that have occurred over many centuries, the monarchs have lost absolute power. The legislative body is a bicameral parliament, consisting of an Upper House - the House of Lords and a Lower House - the House of Commons.

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Meetings take place in the Houses of Parliament, which is one of the landmarks of London. The 650 members of the House of Commons are elected by British citizens once every five years, while membership in the House of Lords is hereditary in families of hereditary nobles. Executive power belongs to the cabinet of ministers, formed by the parliamentary majority. The leading role belongs to the two largest parties - the Conservatives (Tory) and Labor (Whig).

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The UK population is 63.23 million (2012). National composition: English - more than 80%, Scots - 10%, Welsh (indigenous residents of Wales) - 2%, Irish - 2.5%. A significant part of the population professes Protestantism. The exception is Northern Ireland, where the majority of residents are Catholic. Northern Ireland is a place of constant conflicts on religious and ethnic grounds

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Since 1921, around 40% of the population has lived in major conurbations centered on London, Manchester, Birmingham, Glasgow, Leeds and Liverpool. The UK's urbanization rate is 91%. The share of the rural population is very small. In recent years, there has been a noticeable influx of people from developing countries in Africa, Asia and Latin America.

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Metallurgy in Great Britain is one of the most developed industries. The first place in terms of employment belongs to ferrous metallurgy, the rest is accounted for by non-ferrous metallurgy. The main centers of steel and iron production are Cardiff and Swansea (Wales), Leeds (England). Aluminum smelters are located mainly in Scotland and Wales.


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Mechanical engineering is one of the UK's leading industries. It includes many areas, each of which has its own location. High-tech engineering (aeronautics, electronics) is located mainly in the London area, machine tool manufacturing in Birmingham, shipbuilding in Glasgow, and textile engineering in Manchester.

Mechanical engineering

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The main sources of energy are coal, oil and natural gas. The main coal mining areas are Cardiff, South Wales and Central England. The main oil refining plants are located in Southampton, Cheshire, and Yorkshire. Numerous hydroelectric power plants are located in the mountainous regions of Scotland and Wales, and thermal power plants are located in coal mining areas. The share of nuclear power plants is small, although in recent years there has been an increase in their construction.

Fuel and energy industry

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The chemical industry is concentrated mainly in Birmingham and Middlesbrough. This is mainly the production of plastics, detergents and disinfectants, dyes, and fertilizers. The UK is one of the largest exporters of dyes in the world. The pharmaceutical industry has reached a high level of development.

Chemical industry

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The main areas for the development of light industry are Lancashire, Yorkshire, Liverpool, and Manchester. The Isle of Lewis is home to the production of woolen fabrics. The production of knitwear is concentrated in Scotland, and the production of linen fabrics is in Northern Ireland. Factories involved in leather production are located mainly in Lancashire, Yorkshire, and the outskirts of London. The UK clothing industry is the largest in Europe, with its main centers being London, Leeds and Manchester.

Light industry

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In the UK, consumption of bakery and confectionery products, chocolate and cocoa is very high. More than 2/3 of all bread is produced in automated bakeries. Smaller bakeries produce a variety of cookies, cakes and muffins. The UK also specializes in the production of fruit jams and ready-made fruit pie fillings. Every year the production of ham and bacon predominates among meat products.

Food industry

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Great Britain is characterized by a moderate and fairly humid climate with slight temperature changes throughout the year, which creates favorable conditions for the development of agriculture. Rural lands are occupied by pastures and agricultural crops - potatoes, sugar beets, wheat, barley, oats. In the south of Britain, in the Dover area, there are a few orchards. The production of natural milk is in wide demand. Dairy cattle are raised primarily in the southwest of England. Special breeds of highland cattle are bred in the mountains of Scotland; Pig farming is especially developed in the eastern regions of England. Up to 30% of pork is used to make bacon, and the rest is used to produce meat products. Fishery is developed.


2 Contents Map of Great Britain Map of Great Britain Map of Great Britain Map of Great Britain GENERAL INFORMATION GENERAL INFORMATION GENERAL INFORMATION GENERAL INFORMATION Great Britain is an amazing country Great Britain is an amazing country Great Britain is an amazing country Great Britain is an amazing country Geographical location Geographical location Geographical location Geographical location AREAS of Great Britain (England, Wales, Scotland , Northern Ireland) AREAS of Great Britain (England, Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland) England Wales Scotland Northern Ireland England Wales Scotland Northern Ireland Population (diagram) Population (diagram) Population (diagram) Population (diagram) Assessment of natural conditions and resources (Climate and precipitation, Relief, Minerals, Forest resources, Biological resources) Assessment of natural conditions and resources (Climate and precipitation, Relief, Minerals, Forest resources, Biological resources) Assessment of natural conditions and resources Climate and precipitation Relief Minerals Forest resources Biological resources Assessment natural conditions and resources Climate and precipitation Relief Minerals Forest resources Biological resources General characteristics of the economy (Industry, Agriculture, Services, Transport and foreign economic relations) General characteristics of the economy (Industry, Agriculture, Services, Transport and foreign economic relations) General characteristics of the economy Industry Agriculture Services Transport and foreign economic relations General characteristics of the economy Industry Agriculture Services Transport and foreign economic relations London is the capital of the state London is the capital of the state London is the capital of the state London is the capital of the state Development of the regional economy Development of the regional economy Development of the regional economy Development of the regional economy

4 GENERAL INFORMATION United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Area - 244.7 thousand km 2 Capital - London Population - 59.5 million people 80% - English, 15% - Scots, Welsh (or Welsh) and Irish Most believers - Protestants The largest cities are Birmingham, Glasgow, Liverpool, Manchester, Sheffield, Leeds, Edinburgh, Belfast. Official language – English Form of government – ​​monarchy Currency – Pound sterling

6 Great Britain is an amazing country The British are proud of the fact that they are noticeably different from any other nation in the world. They still adhere to strange customs such as driving on the left and playing cricket. Logic is not the most outstanding feature of the British character. But this proud nation is tourist friendly. She is happy to show others that she is the most civilized nation in the world.

7 Geographical location Great Britain - an island containing England, Scotland and Wales, forms, together with many small islands, an irregularly shaped archipelago with a very diverse landscape and nature. Area of ​​Great Britain The area of ​​Great Britain is about sq. km. Most of it is land, and the rest is rivers and lakes. The distance from the south coast of England to the northernmost point of Scotland is 960 km, and between the east coast of England and the west coast of Wales km.

8 Geographical location Great Britain was originally part of the European mainland, but the melting of glaciers after the end of the Ice Age led to rising sea levels, and the country was separated from the continent by the English Channel.. The landmass of Great Britain can be divided into highlands and lowlands. Mountains and hills are found mainly in the north and west.

9 England England (population 48.2 million) consists mainly of hilly or flat lowland terrain. Low hills stretch across much of the country, interspersed with low-lying lands and plains. The population is concentrated mainly around large cities: London and generally in the southeast of England.

10 Wales Wales (population - 2.9 million people) is a mountainous country with mountains and hills stretching across the entire territory, often falling into deep valleys created by river beds. Lowland lands are limited to narrow coastal belts and river valleys in south Wales.

11 Scotland Scotland (population 5.1 million) can be divided into three main parts. The first part is the northwestern and central mountains along with a large number of islands. The second part is the central lowlands, the third part is the southern uplands, which includes a series of hills extending to the border with England.

12 Northern Ireland Northern Ireland (population - 1.6 million people) is only 21 km from the Scottish coast, which caused migrations of peoples. To the south and west it borders the Republic of Ireland. In the north there is a mountainous coast, in the center, closer to the south, a fertile valley, and mountains in the west, northeast and southeast.

14 Population In the history of the British Isles, there was a process of formation of three different ethnic communities - the English, the Scots and the Welsh. three different ethnic communities three different ethnic communities The dominant and largest group of the population of Great Britain are the British. English is part of the northwestern group of Germanic languages. The UK is one of the most densely populated and highly urbanized countries in the world. On average per 1 sq. km. its area accommodates 230 people. The UK is one of the most densely populated and highly urbanized countries in the world. On average per 1 sq. km. its area accommodates 230 people. However, the population is distributed very unevenly throughout the country. The bulk of the UK population is concentrated in England.

16 Assessment of natural conditions and resources The raw materials resources of Great Britain proper are relatively small. These are coal, iron ore, non-ferrous metals, oil, rock salt (the deposits are of great industrial importance), oil shale, and kaolin. A significant part of the raw materials consumed and processed in the country is imported from abroad.

17 Climate and rainfall The relatively small size of the country and the almost universal influence of warm seas and westerly winds mean that there are no extreme temperature contrasts across the UK. The climate is mostly temperate. Temperatures rarely reach 32°C in summer or fall below -10°C in winter. Overall average precipitation is over 40 inches (1100 mm) per year. The period from March to June is the driest, from September to January the rainiest. Low pressure fronts can cause very different weather. Overall average precipitation is over 40 inches (1,100 mm) per year. The period from March to June is the driest, from September to January the rainiest. Low pressure fronts can cause very different weather.

18 Relief 1. Based on the nature of the relief, Great Britain is divided into two main areas: 1. High Britain. It is confined to the northwestern part of the country, Low Britain. It has no high mountains. The longest river, the Severn, is 338 km long. It rises in the mountains of Wales and flows into Bristol Bay. The River Thames (336 km) is the main river on the east coast. It crosses densely populated areas of south-east England.

19 Minerals There are not so many valuable natural resources in the UK: lead and zinc. There are quite a lot of other resources, such as chalk, lime, clay, sand, gypsum. There are not so many valuable natural resources in the UK: lead and zinc. There are quite a lot of other resources, such as chalk, lime, clay, sand, gypsum. Despite its mineral poverty, the UK has significant oil reserves. North Sea oil is light, suitable for the production of gasoline and kerosene. Despite its mineral poverty, the UK has significant oil reserves. North Sea oil is light, suitable for the production of gasoline and kerosene.

20 Forest resources The natural vegetation of the British Isles is deciduous forests, mainly oak forests. The largest forests can be found in north-east Scotland and Wales. Glades and heathland occupy approximately a quarter of the entire territory of the United Kingdom.

21 Biological resources The British Isles are a birdwatcher's paradise. Around 200 species of birds can be found in the UK. The most numerous species are sparrow, rook, finch and starling. There are many British rivers once famous for their salmon, trout, roach, perch, pike and grayling. The shores of the North Sea have been Europe's largest fishing grounds for centuries.

22 General characteristics of the economy Great Britain is a highly developed industrial country, which in the international division of labor acts as a supplier of industrial products. At the same time, the economic role of Great Britain in the modern world is also determined by banking, insurance, shipping and other commercial activities.

23 Industry The most important industrial sectors are mechanical engineering, food industry (including the production of soft drinks and alcoholic beverages), tobacco and chemical industries, paper and printing industries, and light industry.

24 Agriculture The UK stands out among European countries in agriculture in that it employs less than two percent of its population in this sector of the economy. The most important grains are wheat, oats, and rye. A significant part of the grains is used to feed livestock, the rest is used to produce bread, cereals, etc. In animal husbandry, the most important are cattle.. In animal husbandry, the most important are cattle..

25 Services The most remarkable phenomenon characterizing the UK economy has been the growth of the service sector. It reflects an increase in real incomes of the population, as well as the ratio between spending on goods and services. Representatives of the financial, entertainment and tourism sectors especially benefited. Representatives of the financial, entertainment and tourism sectors especially benefited. Recently, the UK has also been actively developing the foreign language teaching sector, especially English, secondary and higher education, attracting foreign students.

26 Transport and foreign economic relations Great Britain is an island state, all its external transport and trade are associated with sea and air transport, and about 9/10 of the total cargo turnover is accounted for by sea transport. Great Britain is connected to the continent by a tunnel under the English Channel and numerous sea, car and passenger ferries. Great Britain is connected to the continent by a tunnel under the English Channel and numerous sea, car and passenger ferries. In domestic freight transport, road transport plays the largest role.

27 Participation in integration European Union European Union Britain's participation in the European Union helped smooth out the decline of the British economy after the separation of the colonies. Now Great Britain sees the present and future of its economy in the European market. FAO FAO UN UNESCO UNESCO

28 London - the capital of the state London The capital of Great Britain and the center of the south-eastern part of England - London is one of the most ancient cities in the country. London consists of three historical parts: the City, Westminster and the West End. London was founded in 43 AD. on the north bank of the River Thames by Roman conquerors, who named it Londinium. Although London remains one of the world's major commercial and financial centers today, the fastest growing industry is tourism. Approximately 20 million tourists visit London every year.

29 Development of the regional economy One of the important tasks of regional policy is to help create connections between various sectors of the economy. England Measures to boost entrepreneurship in England include: Measures to boost entrepreneurship in England include: encouraging innovation and the use of new technologies; encouraging innovation and the use of new technologies; providing businesses with finance, including the creation of local funds to help small companies with providing businesses with finance, including the creation of local funds to help small companies with growth prospects; growth prospects; encouraging domestic investment; encouraging domestic investment; encouraging the strategic use of European Union funds. encouraging the strategic use of European Union funds.

30 Regional Policy Scotland In Scotland, the emphasis is on the link between the education system and the economic sector. Scotland's regional policies include: promoting efficient production and competitiveness; attracting domestic investment and promoting exports; financial support for new enterprises and assistance in expansion of existing ones; improvement of the environment; increasing the number of jobs and improving the skills of workers.

31 Regional Policy Wales The objectives of the regional economic policy of Wales are further economic and social development, encouraging efficient production and international competitiveness, and improving the environmental situation. Northern Ireland Support for regional entrepreneurship in Northern Ireland includes: Support for regional entrepreneurship in Northern Ireland includes: attracting foreign investment and developing medium-sized businesses; attracting foreign investment and developing medium-sized businesses; small business development; small business development; consultations and assistance to companies, including assistance in the transition to new technologies; consultations and assistance to companies, including assistance in the transition to new technologies; advanced training of management personnel. advanced training of management personnel.

Description of the presentation by individual slides:

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Contents Geographical location General information London is the capital of England Relief Climate of Great Britain Rivers and lakes 6.1. River Thames 6.2 Lake District National Park Vegetation of Great Britain Fauna Minerals Industry of Great Britain Agriculture Population of England Government 13.1. Interesting facts about Elizabeth II 13.2. Children of Queen Elizabeth II Some traditions of England 15-16. Sights of London England - the birthplace of football

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1. Geographical location of Great Britain is: British Isles; Northeast of the island of Ireland; Channel Islands; many small islands. Great Britain is washed by: the Atlantic Ocean; North Sea; The English Channel and Pas-de-Calais; Irish Sea; St George's Channel.

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2. General information The total area of ​​the United Kingdom is 243,610 square kilometers. Of these: the territory of England - 130,410 sq. km., Scotland - 78,772 sq. km. km., Wales - 20,758 sq. km., Northern Ireland - 13,843 sq. km. The population of Great Britain in 2011 was 63,181,775 people, of which 92% of the population were indigenous. In the country, the birth rate exceeds the death rate (population growth - 0.279%).

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3. London is the capital of England. The area of ​​London is 1706.8 sq. km. The capital of Great Britain has 8.2 million inhabitants and is the largest city in the European Union and the 16th largest in the world. The prime meridian, called the Greenwich meridian, passes through the capital. Cars in London drive on the left side of the street. There are almost never traffic jams in the city center - all because entry into the center of the capital is paid. On average, about half of the people on the central streets of the capital of Great Britain are tourists. Becoming a taxi driver in London is very difficult - there are more than 1000 streets in the city, and every taxi driver should know them by heart. For this purpose, drivers undergo training courses for 3 years. The height of the famous London Eye is 135 meters - it is the third largest Ferris wheel in the world. A full rotation of the Ferris wheel takes 30 minutes.

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4. Relief There are many National Parks in Great Britain, which were created to preserve the unique nature and ecology of the country. The most famous of them: Lake District, Dartmoor, Loch Lomond, Exmoor and others. Mount Snowdon (1085 m) Name Location Relief "Low Britain" South and south-east of the country Hilly: small hills, lowlands, several mountainous areas "High Britain" North and west of the country, including Ireland Mountainous terrain: Cumberland Mountains; Pennine Mountains; Limestone hills of Exmoor and Dartmoor; North Scottish Highlands Cambrian Mountains.

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5. Climate of Great Britain The climate is temperate oceanic, humid. Average temperatures in January are from 3 to 7 C, in July 11-17 C. Summer temperatures rarely rise above 29 ° C or drop below –7 ° C on winter nights. In the mountains, frost and snow are a constant phenomenon, but in the lowlands in a normal winter, temperatures below 0°C last only 30–60 days a year, and snow only 10–15 days. Cool air comes from the Atlantic Ocean in summer and warm air in winter, so the climate of England is mild. The weather in England is fairly cloudy, as most of the precipitation falls in the form of constant drizzle rather than showers, and the sun does not appear many days of the year. Damp, damp fog occurs in London on average 45 days a year, mainly in January and February. Palace of Westminster in the fog

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6. Rivers and lakes Great Britain is rich in water resources; a dense network of deep rivers is developed on its territory. The largest rivers in Great Britain are the Severn (354 km) and the Thames (338 km). The main rivers of England are the Thames, Severn, and Tyne. The main rivers of Scotland are the Clyde, Tay, Force, Tweed, Dee and Spey. The main rivers of Northern Ireland are the Foyle, Upper Ban and Lower Ban. The largest lakes in Great Britain are Loch Neagh (about 400 sq. km) in northern Ireland, as well as Loch Lomond and Loch Ness in Scotland. The numerous lakes of the Scottish Highlands and the Circle of Lakes are very picturesque, which attracts tourists and... There are no large lakes in the lowlands of Great Britain, but there are many artificial reservoirs created on the site of former peat mining, sand and gravel quarries.

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6.1. River Thames The Thames is England's longest river and the second longest in the United Kingdom. The river flows through London, the capital of the United Kingdom. There are various species of birds here, some of which can be found both on water and on land. These are mainly cormorants, black-headed and herring gulls. Mute swans on the river are a common sight, and escaped black swans can be seen, but very rarely. There are more than 80 islands and areas of both fresh and salt water on the Thames. Every year a swan census ceremony is held - an old tradition of counting the number of swan families. River Thames, London

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6.2. Lake District National Park Lake District National Park is a nature reserve in the mountainous region of North-West England, in the county of Cumbria. Founded in 1951. In the Lake District there are 16 large lakes and many small ones, there are rivers, streams, waterfalls and ponds. Fishing is prohibited here. Nowadays, the villages of the county welcome tourists, treat them to beer, place them in cozy hotels and offer excursions. In ancient times, the inhabitants of these places traded sheep wool, and later graphite was mined here. You can learn more about the history of this region at the Cumberland Pencil Museum. Castlerigg Stone Circle, Lake District Lake District

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7. Vegetation of Great Britain Great Britain is characterized by a cultural landscape (cultural means formed as a result of human activity). Natural vegetation has been preserved only in mountainous areas. Today, only 9% of the UK is forest. There are a lot of fields, meadows, small forest areas and parks. The forests are dominated by broad-leaved species (oak, hornbeam, elm, beech) and only in Scotland - pine. splashes. The west coast is virtually devoid of vegetation due to exposure to winds with salty sea spray. Levens Garden, Cumbria, England

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Kingfishers are small birds with bright plumage. They feed on small fish. 8. Fauna There are about 30 thousand species of animals in Great Britain. Of the 200 species of birds, the most common are sparrows, finches, starlings, crows, kingfishers, robins, and tits. You can also see nightingales, partridges and pigeons. More than half of the birds arrive from neighboring countries. Representatives of the fauna include deer, black rats, foxes, ferrets, rabbits, hares, badgers, red squirrels, otters, mink, roe deer and others. There are only four species of reptiles in the entire British Isles, and even then in England they are quite rare. The rivers are inhabited mainly by salmon and trout. Due to the heavy pollution of UK rivers, the fishing industry is very small.

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9. Minerals There are not so many valuable natural resources in the UK. It is especially rich in coal, the total reserves of which are 189 billion tons. Three basins stand out as the largest reserves and production: Yorkshire (south-eastern slope of the Pennines), Northumberland (north-east Pennines) and South Wales (southern slope of the Cambrian Mountains) ). Currently, the role of hard coal is no longer so great, its production has decreased, the best seams have been exhausted, and the use of deep mines has become unprofitable. In the 60s, oil and gas fields were discovered on the North Sea shelf. Large deposits are located off the coast of southeast England and northeast Scotland. In addition to large energy resources, the UK has significant reserves of iron ore. As for other minerals, there is a large deposit of kaolin in Cornwall, also rock salt in Cheshire and Durham, potash in Yorkshire and in very small quantities some non-ferrous metals. Uranium ores were found in Scotland.

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10. UK Industry Great Britain is an economically developed country, one of the seven most highly developed world powers. UK industry: mechanical engineering, aircraft manufacturing, shipbuilding; tobacco and food industry (famous Scotch whiskey, gin, milk, etc.); paper and printing industries, light industry; pharmaceutical industry; chemical, forestry, furniture, rubber industries and others. Rolls-Royce Ghost 2013 The UK ranks 8th in the world in car production. The most famous brands are: Jaguar, Rolls Royce, Aston Martin, Bentley and Land Rover.

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11. Agriculture In Great Britain, less than 2% of the population is employed in agriculture. At the same time, the country fully provides itself with the necessary products (with the exception of sugar and cheese, which are imported). the state pays extra to people who are employed in the agricultural sector; the country has minimum prices for domestic goods and import duties have been introduced; farmers are paid compensation for unused land; Beef and lamb producers are paid extra to make their product competitive in the European market. Among the cereals, wheat, oats, and rye are important. A significant portion of cereals is used to produce bread, cereals, etc. In livestock farming, the most important are cattle. Grazing, England

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12. Population of England Great Britain is a densely populated country. Only in the mountains of Scotland is there a small population. 80% of the population lives in cities. The level of urbanization in the country is one of the highest in the world. 4/5 of all residents of Great Britain are now British. Their official language is English. The official church in England is the Anglican Church, which has 26 million parishioners. The official Scottish Church unites 1 million believers. Other Protestant churches, of which the largest is the Methodist, have 1.6 million believers. There are also adherents of the Roman Catholic Church and Muslims.

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13. Government structure Great Britain is a parliamentary monarchy. The head of state is the king (queen). The monarch authorizes bills, exercises the right of pardon, grants titles and titles, but has only nominal power. The highest legislative body is parliament, consisting of the House of Commons (630 deputies) and the House of Lords (1000 secular and spiritual peers). The highest body of executive power is the cabinet of ministers, headed by the prime minister. The Queen of Great Britain is Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh is her husband. Administratively, England is one of 4 administrative and political parts (historical provinces): it has 39 counties, 6 metropolitan counties and Greater London.

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13.1. Interesting facts about Elizabeth II The wedding of the Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh took place on November 20, 1947 in Westminster Abbey. The Queen has an extensive collection of jewelry, most of which is royal regalia (crowns, scepters). The queen received the rest of the jewelry as an inheritance or as a gift. During her reign, the Queen of England had more than 30 corgi dogs. The Queen now has five corgis. The Queen developed a new breed of dog known as the Dorgi. Elizabeth II is fond of horse breeding. Each season approximately 25 Royal Racehorses are trained to compete. Corgi dog

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14. Some traditions of England Traditional English tea drinking. To hold an English tea ceremony, you need a certain way of serving the tea table, tea, snacks for tea and a special mood. Changing of the guard ceremony. This free theatrical performance can be seen near Buckingham Palace and in several other places in London. The changing of the guard to the sounds of the orchestra at Buckingham Palace consists of replacing the old guard with a new one. The ceremony lasts 45 minutes. Receptions in the royal garden. Each summer there are at least three receptions at Buckingham Palace and one at the Palace of Holyroodhouse. More than 30 thousand people attend receptions in the Royal Gardens every year. Ceremony of the Keys. Every night the chief jailer of the Tower of London (beefeater) performs the ritual of locking the Tower gates. All gates must be locked at exactly 21:53. After this, the Tower's resident trumpeter sounds the all-clear and the ceremony ends. To see this ceremony, you must register 6-8 weeks in advance, since the number of participants is limited.

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15. Sights of London St. Peter's Cathedral Church in Westminster, the traditional place of coronation of British monarchs and burial places of English monarchs. The oldest part of the abbey has been preserved since the 11th century - the passages and chapel under the dormitory. The premises of the ancient treasury also survived - heavy vaults on thick columns, chests where jewelry was kept and a high vaulted entrance. Buckingham Palace is the working office of the monarchy. Many royal ceremonies begin here. When the Queen is in the palace, the royal flag flies on the roof. During the summer, the palace is visited by approximately 30,000 guests, who take part in receptions in the royal garden. Buckingham Palace Westminster Abbey

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16. Sights of London Over its more than 900-year history, the Tower of London has been a fortress, a palace, a prison, a repository of royal jewels, an observatory, and a mint. Today's Tower has retained its traditional features. On its territory are the Treasury of the British Crown, a medieval palace, Martin's Tower, the Fusiliers' Museum and Tower Meadow. In Madame Tussauds wax museum you can see representatives of the royal family, pop stars, prominent scientists and military leaders and many other “doubles” of famous people. The founder of the museum is Marie Grosholz. Madame Tussauds Tower of London

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17. England - the birthplace of football For a long time, playing football was considered pagan fun and was not approved by the church. In 1314, King Edward II by decree prohibited "possession with a large ball." For the next two centuries, ball games and their participants were persecuted. “Amnesty” followed only in 1603 from Queen Elizabeth I. Football became an integral part of public festivities on Maslenitsa and Easter. These days, residents of English villages staged a kind of football. The game took place throughout all the streets and squares of the village, not obeying any rules. On October 26, 1863, team captains gathered in the Freeman Tavern pub in London and attempted to develop uniform rules for playing big-time football. A month later, one of the members of the Football Association published a book called “Description of the Game of Football.” It sets out the basic rules that formed the basis of modern football. Today the most famous football clubs are: Liverpool, Chelsea, Arsenal, Manchester United and others.
