Head of the State Traffic Inspectorate. DPS management, special

Viktor Vasilyevich Deputy Chief of Police - Head of the State Road Safety Inspectorate of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation for Moscow,” says the statement. decree, which came into force on the day of signing.

Until this moment, the Moscow traffic police department had formally worked for a year without a permanent head - Kovalenko was the acting head of the department.

His predecessor Alexander Ilyin went on vacation in January 2014, having previously submitted his resignation. Despite the entreaties of the leadership of the Ministry of Internal Affairs to continue his career, Ilyin still retired. The unexpected resignation of the Metropolitan Police, which held this position for three years, was explained by health problems. However, according to sources, scandals in the department could have pushed the 51-year-old leader, who had not previously complained of health, to retire.

So, in 2013, Ilyin was one step away from dismissal after a corruption scandal, having received a personal penalty from the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs as a result of it.

Then they uncovered a large group of 20 people who were selling driver's licenses in Moscow - anyone could buy them without any exams. The gang also included four active employees of the capital's traffic police. As a result, Ilyin’s deputy, Mikhail Martyushev, lost his position. In addition, the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Kolokoltsev then threatened Ilyin that if this happens again, the head of the Moscow traffic police himself will resign.

In the fall of 2013, another scandal erupted around the department related to the issuance of license plates with the region code 777. Bloggers drew attention to the fact that all the “beautiful” numbers of the new series, by a strange coincidence, are assigned only to expensive foreign cars. In addition, a lot of advertisements appeared on the Internet: anyone could purchase a “beautiful” license plate of the new series, while prices for some of the plates reached up to 15 million rubles. As a result, by Ilyin’s decision, Viktor Kovalenko held an open demonstration of the procedure for issuing license plates, inviting journalists and activists to the event.

Immediately after Ilyin’s resignation, one of the main contenders for the post of head of the department began to be named Viktor Kovalenko, who holds the position of deputy head of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate and is responsible in the capital’s department for the fight against thefts, thefts and other crime related to cars.

As a result, there were no personnel surprises and the colonel was officially approved on Thursday.

Meanwhile, on Thursday, a meeting of the public council at the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for Moscow was held, during which Kovalenko, who had already taken office, spoke about his plans and tasks in his new post. According to the Blue Buckets coordinator Pyotr Shkumatov, who was present at the meeting, the new chief traffic cop in Moscow received a fair number of questions from his colleagues about the problems of paid car evacuation. “Kovalenko explained that the solution to the problem of a large number of violations related to the evacuation of cars in Moscow does not depend on the traffic police,” Shkumatov told Gazeta.Ru. —

The new chief was also asked about the admissibility of transferring powers over control of road complexes and recording traffic violations to the Moscow Department of Transport. The head of the Moscow traffic police said that he has an ambivalent attitude towards this initiative, since he believes that the department of transport is still not coping with some of the functions assigned to it.”

In addition, as Shkumatov notes, it is possible that Kovalenko will seek to ensure that the function of organizing traffic is returned from the department of transport to the traffic police. “Now the data center is doing this,” Shkumatov recalled. “And we all see many violations related to the installation of road signs and markings.”

Also during the meeting, council members raised the issue of the possible removal from the traffic police of the non-core function of registering road accidents without deaths or injuries. “Kovalenko promised the public council to think about the possibility of creating a service of alternative commissioners who could take on this work,” the interlocutor clarified.

As for the appointment of the head of the Moscow State Traffic Inspectorate itself, according to the activist, this process has dragged on for a long time. “Everyone is already fed up with the fact that there is no traffic police chief in Moscow,” explained Shkumatov. “The moment came when some decision had to be made, and it was made in favor of Kovalenko, who, as an interim, showed himself well over the past months.”

In general, officials, experts and activists, according to Shkumatov, expect the new head of the capital’s traffic police to actively work in the field of road safety, aimed at reducing the accident rate in the city.

According to the chairman of the trade union of Moscow police officers, Mikhail Pashkin, the new head of the traffic police will not be able to solve the existing problems of road safety in the capital.

“No matter what kind of leader Kovalenko is, one person cannot radically change the situation with road safety,

— Pashkin shared his opinion with Gazeta.Ru. — For example, in Moscow there is still a so-called “stick system” - traffic police inspectors are forced to write out a certain number of reports per shift. And this, of course, is not the initiative of Kovalenko or the head of the capital police Yakunin, this comes from the government. In addition, cases of inspectors extorting bribes from drivers regularly continue to surface in Moscow. To solve these problems, it is necessary to change the entire system of functioning of law enforcement agencies, but in reality no one will do this.”

Pashkin also noted that the union had not received any complaints from subordinates against Colonel Viktor Kovalenko.

Viktor Kovalenko was born on September 15, 1965 in the village of Uspenka, Lugansk region (Ukraine). In 1994 he graduated from the Donetsk Institute of Internal Affairs, in 2006 from the Moscow Institute of Economics and Culture.

Kovalenko entered the service of the internal affairs bodies in September 1988 as a police officer-driver of the patrol service. Since 1989, he served in the units of the State Traffic Inspectorate, having passed the ranks from a traffic police inspector of the State Traffic Inspectorate to the deputy head of the traffic police department of the Internal Affairs Directorate for the Central Administrative District of Moscow.

Since July 2011, he took the position of commander of the traffic police regiment of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate of the Internal Affairs Directorate for the Central Administrative District of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for Moscow with the rank of police colonel. Less than a year later he was appointed deputy head of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for Moscow.

Kovalenko also took part in eliminating the consequences of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant and the devastating earthquake in Spitak (Armenia) in 1989.

Head of the Main Directorate for Road Safety of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation
Lieutenant General of Police
Chernikov Mikhail Yurievich

First Deputy Chief
Lieutenant General of Police
Shvetsov Vladimir Vladimirovich

Deputy Head of Main Department
Major General of Police
Kuzin Vladimir Viktorovich


Head of Department
police colonel
Ryzhov Sergey Alexandrovich

Deputy head of department – ​​head of department (organizational and planning department)
police colonel
Kotepakhov Vladimir Betalovich


Department head
police colonel
Filatov Anatoly Viktorovich


Department head
police colonel
Shchukin Dmitry Valentinovich



Head of Department
police colonel
Ponaryin Oleg Evgenievich

Deputy head of department - head of department (department for organizing registration and examination activities)
police colonel
Mishurov Roman Sergeevich


Department head
police colonel
Chipurin Sergey Alekseevich


Department head
police colonel
Rebrikov Leonid Vasilievich


Head of Main Department
police colonel
Bykov Alexander Igorevich

Deputy head of department - head of traffic police department
police colonel
Pomykalov Ruslan Vladimirovich


Department head
police colonel


Department head
police colonel


Head of Department
police colonel
Shakirov Yuri Kamilovich

Deputy Head of Department - Head of Department (Department of Legal Regulation and International Cooperation)
police colonel
Goryainov Andrey Ivanovich


Department head
police colonel
Belugin Maxim Germanovich


Department head
police colonel


Department head
police Major
Goryunova Anna Evgenievna


Department head
police colonel
Sinitsin Alexey Olegovich


Head of the center
police colonel
Sheyukhin Nikolay Ivanovich

police colonel
Ermakov Valery Nikolaevich

Deputy Head of the Center
police lieutenant colonel
Arnautov Evgeniy Alexandrovich

Deputy Head of the Center - Head of the Situational Analytical Center
police colonel
Portashnikov Oleg Mikhailovich

Deputy Head of the Center - Head of Department for the Southern Federal District (location in Sochi)
police colonel
Trufanov Alexander Valentinovich

Deputy Head of the Situational Analytical Center
police colonel
Yamshchikov Sergey Sergeevich

Head of Human Resources Department
police colonel
Permyakov Alexander Gennadievich

Head of Office and Regime Department
police lieutenant colonel
Dudarev Oleg Igorevich

Head of Legal Department
police Major
Yusupov Mohammad-Bastani Ramzanovich

Head of Planning and Control Department
police colonel
Adankin Ivan Andreevich

Head of Budget Accounting and Financial Calculations Department
police lieutenant colonel
Nasyrova Gulshat Danisovna

Head of the logistics and economic support department
police lieutenant colonel
Andreeva Natalya Nikolaevna

Head of Transport Department
senior police lieutenant
Tsygankov Yuri Alexandrovich

Acting head of the centralized supply department
police Major
Fedoseev Alexander Nikolaevich

Head of the specialized department for registration and technical supervision of AMTS, examination and permitting work
police colonel
Lavrentyev Arkady Genrikhovich

Head of the department for organizing traffic police activities and holding special events
police lieutenant colonel
Zotikov Denis Sergeevich

Head of the department for coordinating the activities of State Traffic Inspectorate units when ensuring activities with state security facilities
police colonel
Knizhnikov Igor Anatolievich

Deputy Head of the Situational Analytical Center - Head of the Information Support Department
police colonel
Kurlaev Stanislav Viktorovich

Head of the Automation and Communications Operations Department
police Major
Ushakov Sergey Nikolaevich

Commander of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate for ensuring the safe and unimpeded passage of special-purpose vehicles
police colonel
Makarenkov Anatoly Alexandrovich

Head of Operations Management and Information Preparation Department
police colonel
Andriyanov Grigory Valerievich

Commander of the SR DPS of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate for rapid response
police colonel
Kopylov Dmitry Nikolaevich


Head of the Federal Public Institution "Research Center for Traffic Safety of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia"
police colonel
Mitroshin Dmitry Viktorovich

Deputy Head of the Federal Public Institution "SC Road Traffic Safety Center of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia"
police colonel
Mukhin Evgeniy Mikhailovich

Assistant to the head of the Federal Public Institution "Research Center for Traffic Safety of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia" for work with personnel
police colonel
Batyrova Lyudmila Vasilievna

Assistant to the head of the Federal Public Institution "Research Center for Traffic Safety of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia" for legal work
police captain
Bakanov Kirill Sergeevich

Head of financial department
police lieutenant colonel
Teslenko Irina Yurievna

Assistant to the head of the Federal Public Institution "Research Center for Road Traffic Safety of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia" for logistics support
police lieutenant colonel
Safonov Roman Alexandrovich

Senior inspector of the records management and regime group
senior police lieutenant
Dolbinina Victoria Vladimirovna

Head of the Department of Scientific Support of Preventive Measures and Activities to Form the Legal Awareness of Road Users
police lieutenant colonel
Kuznetsova Natalya Mikhailovna

Head of the Department of Scientific and Technical Support of Supervisory Activities
police lieutenant colonel
Storozhev Sergey Alekseevich

Head of the Department for Support of Scientific, Editorial and Publishing Activities
police captain
Prokhorova Anna Makhmutovna

Deputy Head of the Department for Studying Problems of Regulatory Legal and Analytical Support
police colonel
Dymberov Alexander Dambaevich

Deputy Head of the Department of Scientific and Technical Support for Supervision of Road Users
police colonel
Sevostyanov Alexey Vladimirovich

Changes have taken place in the Moscow State Traffic Inspectorate; on March 18, 2015, police colonel Viktor Vasilievich Kovalenko was appointed head of the Moscow State Traffic Safety Inspectorate by presidential decree.

Decree of the President of the Russian Federation

“On the Deputy Chief of Police - Head of the State Road Safety Inspectorate of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation for Moscow.”

1. To appoint police colonel Viktor Vasilievich Kovalenko as deputy chief of police - head of the department of the state road safety inspection of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation for Moscow.

2. This Decree comes into force from the date of its signing.


Kovalenko Viktor Vasilievich born on September 15, 1965 in the village of Uspenka, Lutuginsky district, Lugansk region. In 1994 he graduated from the Donetsk Institute of Internal Affairs. In 2006, Moscow Institute of Economics and Culture.

In September 1988, he began serving in the internal affairs bodies as a police officer-driver of the PPSM.

Since 1989, he served in various departments of the State Traffic Inspectorate, starting from a traffic police inspector of the State Traffic Inspectorate, reaching the senior state traffic inspector.

Since September 1998, in connection with his move to permanent residence, he served as an inspector-on-duty of the 3rd traffic police battalion of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate of the Internal Affairs Directorate of the Central Administrative District of Moscow.

In July 1999, he was appointed deputy commander of the 3rd traffic police battalion of the traffic police regiment of the traffic police of the Internal Affairs Directorate of the Central Administrative District of Moscow.

In May 2002, he was appointed to the position of deputy head of the traffic police department of the Internal Affairs Directorate for the Central Administrative District of Moscow.

After passing recertification in July 2011, he was appointed to the position of commander of the traffic police regiment of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate of the Internal Affairs Directorate for the Central Administrative District of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for Moscow with the assignment of the next rank of “police colonel”.

In November 2012, he was appointed deputy head of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for Moscow - head of the 8th department.

Served in dangerous conditions:

He took part in the liquidation of the consequences of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant in June-July 1987;

In 1989, he took part in the liquidation of the consequences of the earthquake in the cities of Leninakan and Spitak, Armenian SSR.

Candidate for master of sports in athletics, “paratrooper-instructor”.
