Letter to a friend in Britain in English. Sample letters to a friend in English

This article examines a letter to a friend - the basic rules of writing, the outline of the letter, the correct spelling of the address, samples of opening and closing sentences, addresses to the addressee, as well as a large number of examples of different letters, including a letter about how I spent my holidays. Guided by these data, you can easily compose any letter to your friends.

There are several types of letters according to the purpose of their writing: communication support, requests, applying for a job, complaints, news transfer, support of business transactions and others. All these types of letters can be divided into personal or informal (letters to friends, for example) and official - formal. Informal letters in English, which include a letter to a friend, are written simply, but with respect to structure. This letter is divided structurally into 5 sections.

A letter to a friend is written according to the scheme

The diagram and examples of opening and closing sentences will help you compose any letter to your friends.

1. Heading.

The header contains the address from where the letter was sent and the date it was written. In English-speaking countries, it is customary to write an address in the following order:

House, street
City district, district
State, county
Postal code
A country

It is usually placed in the upper right corner of the letter. If you and your friend live in the same country, then you don’t have to indicate the country in the address. Under the address it is written, usually in one of two formats:

2. Salutation or Greetings

It is written My Dear or Dear before the name of a relative, Dear before the friend's name, followed by a comma:

My Dear Igor,
Dear Phil,

3. Body of the letter

Consists of 3 parts: opening sentence ( Opening sentence ), main message and final sentence ( Closing Lines ). Example expressions for Opening Sentence in a letter to a friend:

The main message should consist of short sentences written in a conversational manner. It may contain abbreviations, idioms, phrasal verbs, slang and other colloquial expressions, including exclamations with a “!”

The final sentence expresses the respect and hope you have for your friend (or relative):

4. Complementary closing - Subscription

The signing depends on the relationship between you and your friend:

All the best
Best wishes,
See you soon,
Take care,
Lots of love,
Yours affectionately/lovingly,
Your affectionate daughter/brother/mother, - for relatives
Yours sincerely / Sincerely yours, - for friends

Typically this signature is placed on the left side of the letter, but some cultures prefer the right side.

5. Signature ( Signature)

The sender's signature and name are placed under Complementary closing.

6. Postscript - after the letter

Also, a letter to a friend may contain the following abbreviation:

P.S. (post script) - used when you want to add more information after the letter has already been signed.
P.S.V.P. - means in French “please reply” if the letter contained an invitation to somewhere.

Letter to a friend - examples

Letter to Jane

65 Allendale Road
London - GI5 8SG
February 20, 2014

How are you doing? I’m just writing to let you know that everything is all right now. This is a nice quiet place. The people are friendly, and the weather is warm. We’ve been staying here for ten days now, and we are already used to it.
I walk a lot, but Phil just spends his time reading newspapers and writing business letters. Sometimes we are going for a walk together.
Last week I went to the nearest park. This is a wonderful very beautiful place. I saw a lot of squirrels, they were so noisy and begged for food all the time. I gave them all the peanuts that I had. There is also a small pond at the park with ducks and beautiful water lilies.
Next week I’m going to start writing my new book, and it’s going to be very hard work. That is all for now.
Give my regards to Paul and the family. I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Your loving sister,

Translation of the letter:

Dear Jane,
How are you? I'm just writing to let you know everything is okay. It's a nice quiet place. The people are friendly and the weather is warm. We have been here for ten days and we are already used to it.
I walk a lot, but Phil just spends his time reading newspapers and writing business letters. Sometimes we go for a walk together.
Last week I went to a nearby park. This is a wonderful, very beautiful place. I saw a lot of squirrels, they were so noisy and kept asking for food. I gave them all the nuts I had. Here in the park there is also a small pond with ducks and beautiful water lilies.
I'm going to start writing my new book next week, and it's going to be a lot of hard work. This is all.
Shout out to Paul and family. I look forward to hearing from you soon.
Your loving sister,

Letter to Elizabeth

Translation of this letter:

Dear Elizabeth,
How are you? I'm feeling refreshed after a delightful holiday last week when my family and I went on holiday to Blue Lake.
Every morning we walked to the lake, sat in comfortable chairs and cast fishing lines. I caught a rainbow trout that weighed two pounds. After our fishing adventures, we jumped into the cool lake and cooled off. Sometimes we splashed on each other and played games. In the evening we prepared a delicious trout barbecue. We wish you were there too!
Your friend

Letter to a friend about the holidays

All sample letters are provided in English with translation into Russian in pdf format.

To begin with, dear readers, let's define the goals of our lesson. So, we must determine what a personal letter is and how it differs from a business letter, study its structure, and most importantly, learn how to independently write a letter to a friend in English using ready-made templates.

People use letters as a way to exchange information around the world. Letters can be written to friends, relatives, acquaintances or people with whom we are unfamiliar, for example, business partners. It is the person to whom your letter is addressed that determines whether it belongs to business or personal correspondence, and the form, structure and style of writing your letter depends on its affiliation. You could familiarize yourself with the rules for writing business letters in our previous article, letter in English, and now we will get acquainted with the features of writing personal letters in English.

So, friendly or personal letters are usually addressed to people you know personally (friends, relatives, loved ones). The language used to write such letters may be colloquial. For example, 1st and 2nd person pronouns (I, you) are used very often. It is possible to use dialect words, slang words, exclamations, interjections, colloquialisms, modal verbs, affectionate forms, etc. In personal letters, you can freely express your opinion, i.e., a subjective assessment of any situation is not prohibited. Personal letters can have a strong emotional overtones. As you can see, friendly correspondence does not have such strict stylistic restrictions as business correspondence.

As for the structure of a personal letter in English, its form is practically no different from a business letter; it’s just that some points can be neglected at your discretion. You can familiarize yourself with the structure of a letter in the article “Learning to write letters in English correctly.” If you have to write a personal letter to a friend in English, for example, during an exam, then of course the form of the letter cannot be neglected.

Step-by-step letter structure with template phrases

So, a personal letter to a friend in English must, according to all the rules, include 5 points:

The first point is the “header” of the letter, i.e. the sender’s address and date. (Heading: address and date)
The address is written in the upper right corner and has the following sequence: house number with the street name, separated by a comma, apartment number. The next line shows the city and postal code, and the next line shows the country. Do not put any commas or periods.

46 Riverview Park
New York 542 210
15th February, 2008

On the next line or every other line immediately below the address, the date is written. Several spelling options are possible:

May 12, 2014
May 12th, 2014
May 12, 2014
May 12, 2014

The 2nd point is “appeal”. (salutation or greeting) The appeal is written on a new line on the left. After the address, as a rule, a comma is placed.
Very often the address begins with the word Dear + the name of the person to whom you are writing.

Dear Rima, Dear Karan
Dear Daddy, Dear Mammy
Dear Uncle Ray
Dear Mr. Green

Various options are possible. It all depends on who you are writing to.

My dear Jim
My darling
Or simply - Hello, my dear Olya

The 3rd point is “the main text of the letter”. (body/message)
The first paragraph of the main text is an introduction or an opening sentence, where you can thank your friend for the previous letter, tell him why you haven’t written for so long, or simply write that you were very glad to hear news from your friend. It looks something like this:

I’m writing to (thank/ tell/ ask/ congratulate/ apologize/ etc.) - I am writing to you to (thank, say, ask, congratulate, express regret, etc.)
I’m writing to thank you very much for the nice post card... - I’m writing to you to thank you for the wonderful postcard...
Many thanks for your letter... - Thank you very much for your letter...
I was very glad to get your letter... - I was very glad to receive your letter...
Thanks for your recent letter. It was good to hear from you... - Thank you for your last letter. I was glad to hear from you...
I've been meaning to write to you for ages but somehow just haven't been able to find the time I really should have written sooner…- I was going to write to you a long time ago, but somehow I never found the time, I really late with the answer...
I’m sorry I haven’t written for so long but I’ve been really busy with... - Sorry for not writing for so long, but I was really busy...
I must apologize for not writing earlier... - I must apologize for not writing earlier...
I’m sorry I’ve taken such a long time to reply to your last letter... - Sorry that it took me so long to answer your last letter...

In the second paragraph you can answer your friend's questions. If you are writing a letter to a friend in English as an assignment for an exam, the assignment will usually include questions that you must answer.

You are asking me about... I"ll do my best to answer your questions. - You asked me about... I will try to answer your questions.
That's about all I can tell you on this problem. - That's all I can tell you about this.

In the third and fourth paragraphs, you talk about events in your life, share news and ask your questions to a friend.

Nice is some news about... - I have news about...
I think you are studying hard now. Have you already chosen the university where you are going to apply? Will it be difficult to study there? “I think you’re studying hard now.” Have you already chosen the university you will attend? Will it be difficult to study there?
How has your summer been? - How was your summer?
What have you been up to? — What interesting happened to you?
Are you playing any sports? — Do you do any sports?
Have you been traveling? -Have you traveled?
I am preparing for entrance exams to the university. — I am preparing for the entrance exams to the university.
We are going to travel to Turkey. — We are going to go to Turkey.

The fifth paragraph is the closing sentence, where you bring your message to a close and can wish success, ask for something, or express hope for something. You can also write that you are in a hurry somewhere or it’s time for you to go somewhere.

Anyway, I must go and get on with my work. - In any case, I have to go to work further.
Well, got to go now. - Well, that's probably all.
I’ve got loads of homework to do tonight. — I have a whole bunch of homework for today.
I must finish my letter because it is very late and I must go to bed (because my Mum is calling me / because I have to do my homework). — I’m finishing my letter because it’s late and it’s time for me to sleep (because my mother is calling me / because I need to do my homework)
Hope to hear from you soon. “I hope to hear from you soon.”
Drop me a line when you are free. - Write me a few lines when you are free.
Looking forward to hearing from you. - I look forward to hearing from you.
Write soon. - Write as soon as possible.
See you soon! - See you soon!
Do keep in touch! - We'll be in touch!
Don't forget to write! - Don't forget to answer!
Looking forward to seeing you. - I'm looking forward to meeting you.
Write back to me soon. - Answer as soon as possible.
Let me know what happens. - Let me know what's going on.
I hope this advice is of some help to you. — I hope that my advice will be useful for you.

The 4th point is the final polite phrase (subscription/ closing). A comma must be placed after the final phrase.

Best wishes,
All the best,

The 5th final point is your signature. You put your signature on the next line under the final phrase without a period.

So, as you noticed, a letter to a friend in English has the same structure as a business letter. The main difference lies in the style of the language. This is why template phrases for personal and business letters are completely different.

I want to give you a couple more tips for successfully writing a letter to a friend in English. To ensure that the text is complete and sounds good, use linking words and conjunctions: just now, and, at all, but, that's why, also, as for me, maybe, though, so, not only, to tell the truth, besides, now, first, also, finally, but, however, so that, such as, for example as, because, when, while, Well, Right… Use short forms of verbs: I've, there's, I'd...

If your English vocabulary is not that great, you can still easily cope with a task such as writing a letter to a friend in English. To do this, you will have to visually remember the structure of the letter and memorize a ready-made template, which will need to be supplemented with a couple of sentences.
You can create a template yourself using the phrases we have selected for each item.

Letter template to a friend in English

46 Riverview Park
New York 542 210

My dear Jim,
Thanks for your letter. I’m sorry I haven’t written for so long but I’ve been really busy with…
You are asking me about… I’ll do my best to answer your questions. (answer questions)
Nice is some news about... (telling the news)
What have you been up to... (ask your questions)
I must finish my letter because it is very late and I must go to bed. Hope to hear from you soon.

Here's how to easily write a letter to a friend in English using template phrases! All you have to do is add a couple of sentences and the letter is ready!

Study the following letters to a friend in English with translation in order to better understand the structure of such letters.

Examples letters in English with translation

46 Riverview Park
Dublin 23

Dear Jim,
How are things in Wicklow? I have not seen you for ages so I decided to write and give you all the news from Glentown.
The football team is doing really well this season. We have reached the semi-final of the Cup. The new goalkeeper we got after you left is great. He has not let in a goal in the last three matches.
My sister, Sandra, Has just had a baby girl, so I am now an uncle. Maybe I will be able to make some money from baby- sitting and then I can come down on the train to visit you.
Write soon and let me know all the news.

Your friend,

46 Riverview Park
Dublin 23

Dear Jim,
How are things in Wicklow? I haven't seen you for ages, so I decided to write to you and tell you all the news about Glentown.
The football team is really doing well this season. We have reached the semi-finals of the Cup. The new goalkeeper who joined us after you left is great. He hasn't conceded a single goal in his last three matches.
My sister, Sandra, just had a baby girl, so I'm now an uncle. Perhaps I can earn some money as a nanny and come by train to visit you.
Reply to me as soon as possible and tell me all the news.

Your friend,

12 Hill Drive
Co. Meath

Dear Susan,
I hope everything is well with you. It has been ages since we saw you here in Meath.
I am writing to ask you to come and stay with us the weekend of the 6th June. We are having a little get together because John is going to Australia for a year. It would be lovely for him to see you before he goes, you are his godmother after all. Let me know if you can make it, don’t worry if not, any weekend before then is fine.
We are all in good form here. Very busy trying to get John organised. I will miss him while he's away.
I do hope all the family are well.

12 Hill Drive
County Meath

Dear Susan,
I hope you are doing well. It's been forever since we've seen you here in Meath.
I am writing to ask you to come and stay with us on the weekend of June 6th. We're all getting together because John is going to Australia for a year. It would be great for him to see you before he leaves, after all, you are his godmother. Let me know if you manage to come, if not, don’t worry, you can come any weekend before he leaves.
We are fine. Constantly busy trying to get John ready for the trip. I will miss him very much when he leaves.
I really hope everything is okay with your family.

With love,

12 Hilly Drive
Co. Meath

Dear Susan,
I am writing to say thank you for the lovely flowers. I can’t believe you remembered my birthday! You are so thoughtful.
We are all in good form here. I do hope all the family are well. Paul is starting a new job next week. I hope to get down to Cork to visit you soon.
Thanks again.

12 Hill Drive
County Meath

Dear Susan,
I am writing to thank you for the beautiful flowers. I can't believe you remembered my birthday! You are so attentive.
We are fine. I hope everyone is doing well too. Paul starts a new job next week. I'm thinking of coming to visit you in Cork soon.
Thank you very much again.

With love,

46 Riverview Park
New York 542 210

Hi Sophie,
I’m writing this from the cutest little café in New York! Mum’s been making sure we don’t miss one sight in the whole city, so we’ve been walking almost all day. So far we’ve seen Times Square, Broadway, Central Park and The Plaza. I caught a glimpse of the Statue of Liberty but we’re going to go and see it properly tomorrow!
The streets are super busy here and everyone looks amazing in their winter coats and hats. I had to buy mittens today! I miss being able to feel my fingers!
Hope you're enjoying your holidays.
Miss you times a million, see you back in Adelaide on the 20th!


PS: I’m bringing you back a souvenir!

46 Riverview Park

Hi Sophie,
I'm writing to you now from the cutest little cafe in New York! Mom does everything possible to ensure that we never miss anything interesting in the city, so we spent almost the entire day on our feet. So far we have already seen Times Square, Broadway, Central Park and the Square. I caught a glimpse of the Statue of Liberty, but we're going to explore it properly tomorrow!
The streets here are super busy and everyone looks amazing in their winter coats and hats. Today I had to buy mittens! I'm losing the ability to feel my fingers!
I hope you enjoy your holiday.
Miss you like crazy, see you again in Adelaide on the 20th!

With love,

PS: I'll bring you a souvenir!

12 Tulip Road
Dublin 20

Dear Sally,
How are you settling down in your new school in Cork? Our class is quite different since you left. It’s much quitter for a start. All the teachers are remarking on it!
We had an English test yesterday. WhenMrs. Byrne came in today with the results she was so mad there was nearly smoke coming out of her ears!
Phil Martin and Sandra Byrne have split up. Phil is really down in the dumps. But otherwise everyone is in great form. We are all going down to the club in the Sports Center on Friday night. It’s a pity you won’t be with us.
Write soon and tell us all about Cork. Goodbye for now.

12 Tulip Road
Dublin 20

Dear Sally,
How have you settled into your new school in Cork? Our class has changed a lot since you left. Many people have become lazy. All teachers notice this!
Yesterday we had an English test. When Ms Byrne came in with the results today, she was so angry she thought she was about to have smoke coming out of her ears!
Phil Martin and Sandra Byrne fled. Phil is now walking around like he's lost. But in all other respects we are fine. We're going to the club at the Sports Center on Friday night. It's a pity that you won't be with us.
Write as soon as possible and tell us about Cork. Well, bye.

With love,

2 West Road

Dear Joe
Greetings from Cork! Now that we have settled in our new house I am having a house- warming party to celebrate.
I am inviting some of the gang from Dublin and some of my new school friends from Cork.
The fun begins at 9 pm on Saturday, 3rd March. Why not come down on Friday night and stay for the weekend? I have asked Sandra and Brian to stay over also.
The train leaves Dublin at 4.15 pm and arrives in Cork at 7.30 pm.

Nowadays, email is rarely used for friendly correspondence, let alone paper mail. We correspond with friends on social networks, via SMS or using messenger programs like WhatsApp or Telegram. But sometimes an email is a more appropriate choice, for example, when you need to write a long message or talk about something in detail. Email is also often used for communication between penpals - pen pals who practice foreign languages.

This article is written primarily for those who speak English. You will learn what elements a letter consists of, what useful phrases there are for correspondence, and I will also give examples of informal letters: a letter to a friend, a letter to a relative and a love letter.

What does a friendly letter include?

When you write a letter to a friend in English, there is no need to follow any strict structure. There is no need for formalities. However, common sense dictates that the letter should still contain some elements:

  • Subject of the letter– a friend will open and read your email anyway, but it will be better if you indicate what the message is about. It is better to indicate the topic briefly and clearly.
  • Greetings– in chats and instant messengers it is usually not considered rude to write something without “Hello”, especially if it is something urgent. Letters always begin with a greeting.
  • The main content of the letter.
  • Farewell, wishes– the letter traditionally ends with a farewell and the name of the sender.

What does a paper letter include?

I doubt very much that you will communicate with pen pals using paper mail, but what if you want to send a postcard or just be original?

A paper letter does not have a subject line, like an e-mail, but there is a header in the upper right corner, in which only the date is usually written. The date format can be any, for example:

  • May 4, 2016.
  • 2016, May 4.
  • 5/04/16.

Don't forget that in the USA dates are written in the format “Month/Day/Year”, and not “Day/Month/Year”, as in Russia or the UK. That is, in the USA, 04/03/11 is the fourth of March, not the third of April.

In the USA, the address on the envelope is not written as we are used to, but vice versa: first the name of the recipient, then the address, city, state.

Chloe Price (recipient's name)

44 Cedar ave. (house number, street name)

Arcadia Bay (city)

Oregon 97141 (state, zip code)

Greetings and farewells in a letter to a friend

Between colleagues, it is considered normal to start a letter with just a name, for example:

I just wanted to inform you that...

Especially if this is not the first letter in the correspondence, that is, in the first letter, having started discussing the issue, you wrote “Hello Alex”, and then, clarifying the details, you simply write “Alex”. In a friendly letter, calling by name without “hello” or other greeting will look strange, especially in paper.

Here are the standard greetings:

  • Dear Alex– the word “dear” is more often used in business correspondence, it is something like our “respected / respected”. But it may also be appropriate in a friendly letter, a letter to a relative, in which case the meaning is closer to “dear/darling.”
  • Hello Alex– the greeting “hello” is the most universal. It is suitable for any occasion except very strict business letters.
  • Hi Alex- an analogue of our “hello”. This way you can contact your work colleagues, close friends, and pen pal.
  • Hey Alex– also “hello”, but with a slightly more friendly, informal tone. Something like our “great”. It is so appropriate to contact a friend, a pen pal, or colleagues with whom you are on short terms. By the way, the greeting “hey” in films is often translated incorrectly as “hey”, and not as “hello”. It turns out to be complete nonsense: two friends met, said “hey” to each other and went their separate ways.

Please note that there is no romantic connotation in the word “dear” at the beginning of a letter, but “dearest” or “my dear” are written to lovers or family members (for example, parents to children).

The letter ends with a farewell word or wish and the name of the sender, for example:

Here are the standard farewell options:

  • Bye– “bye”, the easiest way to say goodbye.
  • Best wishes- "best wishes". This is what they write in both business and friendly letters.
  • Kind regards– similar to “best wishes”. Often they simply write “regards”.

You can also write to your lovers, relatives, and close friends:

  • Love- “I love”, “with love”.
  • Kiss- "kiss".
  • Hug- “hugs.”

Sometimes letters end with these strange abbreviations:

  • X– kiss.
  • XO– hug and kiss.
  • XOXO– hugs and kisses.

There are different versions of the origin of the X at the end of the letter meaning “kiss”. One of them says that in the Middle Ages a cross (a Christian symbol) was depicted on letters as a sign of sincerity and honesty of the letter. And having drawn a cross, you had to kiss it. According to another version, the letter X, which is read as simply consonant with “a kiss”. Why the letter O symbolizes hugs is a mystery shrouded in darkness.

Useful phrases for a friendly letter

In informal correspondence, you can express thoughts as conveniently as possible, using abbreviations, slang, and colloquial expressions. Here are some templates that may be useful in correspondence.

Examples of letters to a friend in English with translation

I will give three examples: a letter to a pen pal, a letter to a relative, a love letter.

Example 1: A typical letter to a foreign pen pal.

Thanks for your letter! You asked me to tell you about my favorite day of the week. Well, it’s definitely Tuesday.

The reason I like Tuesday is because I have my favorite subjects at school: PE and Chemistry. In PE we play basketball. I’m good at it and our team usually wins.

Chemistry’s great because we do experiments in the lab and our teacher, Mr. White, is a real genius (but he’s kinda strange lately). Last time he said that Chemistry in not the study of matter but the study of change and showed us some cool experiment with fire burns in different colors.

We also have Spanish on Tuesdays, which is actually my least favorite subject.

Tell me about your favorite day in your next letter. Hope to hear from you soon.

Best wishes,

Hello Anna,

Thank you for your letter! You asked what my favorite day of the week is. Well, it's Tuesday, of course.

The reason I like Tuesday is because on this day my favorite subjects at school are physical education and chemistry. In physical education we play basketball. I play well and our team usually wins.

I love chemistry because it involves us doing experiments in the lab, and our teacher, Mr. White, is a real genius (though he's been a bit weird lately). Last time he said that chemistry is not the science of matter, but the science of change. And he showed us a cool experiment with colored fire.

We also have Spanish on Tuesdays, which is actually my least favorite subject. Tell me about your favorite day of the week in your next email. Waiting for your letter!

Best wishes,

Example 2: letter to a relative.

Letter from the game “Life is Strange”

Sorry for not staying in touch since the accident. Work has been piling up and I’m being sent to Salt Lake City to oversee a new parking lot. You have to go where the work is these days.

I wish I could have sent you a bigger check but you know the story. Money is nobody's favorite thing.

Maybe I’ll see you near spring for a visit.
Kiss Chloe and Joyce for me.
Hang in there, Billy.

Your brother,

HI Bill,

I'm sorry I didn't write to you after the accident. A lot of work has accumulated, and now I am sent to Salt Lake City to manage a new parking lot. These days, wherever there is work, that’s where you have to go.

I'm sorry I couldn't send you a larger check, but you're up to date. Money is a sore subject for everyone.

Maybe I'll visit you closer to spring.
Kiss Chloe and Joyce for me.
Hang in there, Billy.

Your brother,

Example 3: love letter.

This letter is taken from the movie “The Notebook”. The translation of the letter is taken from the film in Russian dubbing.

I have read your letter today. I am glad that you are fine! I am very happy that you successfully passed your Chinese exam. My congratulations! I know you had been studying hard to pass it.

Now, let me tell you my news.

As usual, I study deeply English and maths. My mathematics teacher moved to Germany for a year. That is why I have another teacher at the moment. But I like him as well.

I am doing well at English. I have been watching films in English every day for two months already. At the moment I am watching films with subtitles, but hopefully, soon I will be able to understand everything without them. I think, this is a very good way to enlarge one’s vocabulary.

I have recently been playing volleyball in the park. You know, I like this kind of sports. I have met a really nice girl there. Her name is Lena. Next time I am going to invite her to the cinema. It looks like I go to the park to see her rather than play volleyball)))

My brother has started to work in an interior design studio. He enjoys it a lot more than his previous job. My parents are planning to buy a new flat. This one is too small now.

Valera, Andrey and I often think about you. It is a pity that you had to go. It was so much fun when you were here. It is Andrey’s birthday soon. It is sad that we will have to celebrate it without you. I hope you will be able to come and visit us when it is my birthday.

Yesterday we met Sveta and Natasha. They gave their regards to you. They asked if you liked your new place. We told them that you did. By the way, Natasha dyed her hair black. She is a brunette now! It suits her, though.

Please give my regards to your mom, dad and sister! Come to visit us as soon as you have an opportunity! Do not forget to write! We miss you so much!

Wishing you best of luck!

Dear Sergey!

Today I read your letter. I'm glad you're doing well! I am very happy that you passed the Chinese language exam! Congratulations! I know you studied very hard to pass it.

Now I’ll tell you what’s new in my life.

As usual, I am studying English and mathematics in depth. My math teacher moved to Germany for a year, so now I’m studying with someone else. But I like him too.

Everything is fine with English. For two months now I have been watching films in English every day. I currently watch films with subtitles, but I hope to soon be able to understand everything without them. In my opinion, this is a very good way to improve your vocabulary.

Lately I've been going to the park to play volleyball. You know I love this sport. There I met a very pretty girl. Her name is Lena. Next time I'll invite her to the cinema. In my opinion, I go to the park because of her, and not because of volleyball)))

My brother started working in an interior design studio. He likes this job much more than his previous one. My parents want to buy a new apartment, since this one is already cramped for us.

Valera, Andrey and I often remember you. It's a shame you left. It was so much fun having you here. Andrey's birthday is coming soon. Unfortunately, we will celebrate without you. I hope you can come for my birthday.

Yesterday we saw Sveta and Natasha. They said hi to you. They asked how you like your new place? We said yes. By the way, Natasha dyed her hair black! Now she's a brunette! But it suits her.

Say hi to your mom, dad and sister for me! Come as soon as possible! Don't forget to write! We miss you very much!

I wish all the best!

Letter to a friend about visiting London

Dear William,
How are you? I am in the capital of England - in . My parents and I always dreamed about seeing this nice city.

There are a lot of beautiful old buildings. We have alredy seen Westminster Abbey, Big Ben (now it called Elizabeth’s Tower), The Houses of Parliament, St. Paul's Cathedral, London Bridge, The Tower of London and The Waxworks Madame Tussaunds Museum. There are the models of famous people from pop stars to prime ministers made from wax in this museum. They look like real. It's so interesting.

My parents and I are walking on Trafalgar Square now. There is Nelson’s Column in its center which is guarded by four lion statues at its base. By the way, I sent you this postcard with a picture of Trafalgar Square.

The weather is not fine today, it’s foggy and rainy. But it doesn’t spoil our walking. We took a lot of photos. Next week we will be at home and I’ll show you to them.

Best wishes,

[ translation ]

Dear William,
How are you? I'm in the capital of England - London. My parents and I have always dreamed of visiting this beautiful city.

There are many beautiful old buildings here. We have already visited Westminster Abbey, Big Ben (now called the Elizabeth Tower), the Houses of Parliament, Buckingham Palace, St. Paul's Cathedral, London Bridge, Tower of London and Madame Tussauds Wax Museum. This museum has wax figures of famous people from pop stars to prime ministers. They look real. It's so interesting.

My parents and I are walking around Trafalgar Square now. In its center stands Nelson's Column, guarded at its base by four lion statues. By the way, I sent you this postcard with a picture of Trafalgar Square.

The weather today is not very good, foggy and rainy. But this does not spoil our walk. We took a lot of photos. Next week we'll be home and I'll show them to you.

Don't miss the opportunity to visit England and London.

Best wishes,

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