Algorithm for designing and maintaining a health journal for a preschooler. Health journal (DOU) How to fill out a health notebook in kindergarten

Appendix 10

To SanPiN

Forms of catering department accounting documentation

Form 1. “Journal of rejection of food products and food raw materials”

Date and hour, receipt of food raw materials and food products)

Name of food products

Quantity of food raw materials and food products received (in kilograms, liters, pieces)

Number of the document confirming the safety of the accepted food product

Results of organoleptic assessment of incoming food raw materials and food products

Deadline for the sale of food raw materials and food products

Date and hour of actual sale of food raw materials and food products by day

Signature of the responsible person



* Facts of write-offs, product returns, etc. are indicated.

Form 2. “Journal of rejects of finished culinary products”

Date and hour of preparation of the dish

Rejection time

Name of dish, culinary product

Results of organoleptic evaluation and degree of readiness of a dish or culinary product

Permission To

sale of a dish, culinary product

Signatures of members of the marriage commission



* Indicates facts of prohibition on the sale of finished products

Form 3. “Health Journal”


Full name of employee*

Job title

Month/days: April


Sample filling:

auxiliary worker



b/ l.





* The list of workers noted in the log on the day of inspection must correspond to the number of workers on that day per shift


Zd. – healthy;

Suspended – suspended from work;

Otp. - vacation;

On a weekend;

b/ l. - sick leave.

Form 4. “Journal of fortification of third and sweet dishes”




Name of dish



Total amount of added vitamin preparation (g)

Time of application or preparation fortified dishes

Meal time


Form 5. "Logbook of temperature conditions in refrigeration equipment"

Name of production premises

Name of refrigeration equipment

Temperature in degrees WITH

month/days: April


Form 6. “Diet control sheet”


Product group name

Norm* of product in grams g (net)

Actual net food products issued per day as hot breakfasts (total), g per person / number of people eating

On average 10 days

Deviation from the norm in %(+/–)


Food department magazines, samples of food department magazines
according to SanPiN" as amended as of June 10, 2016

clause 15.1 daily maintenance of the necessary documentation (ruling logs, personnel inspection logs for pustular and acute respiratory diseases, quality control logs of frying fats, etc.); Samples of catering department magazines are given below.

Braking journal.

All dishes and culinary products produced in public catering establishments are subject to mandatory rejection as soon as they are ready. Food scrapping is carried out before the newly prepared dish is released. The assessment of product quality is entered into the rejection log (in the form) before the start of its sale. If the food preparation technology is violated, the commission is obliged to remove the product from sale and send it for modification or processing, and, if necessary, for research in the laboratory. The quality of dishes and finished culinary products is assessed based on organoleptic indicators: taste, smell, appearance, color, consistency. Depending on these indicators, products are rated:
The rating 'excellent' is given to such dishes and culinary products that correspond in taste, color and smell, appearance and consistency to the approved recipe and other indicators provided for by the requirements.
A 'good' rating is given to dishes and culinary products that have one minor defect (under-salted, not brought to the desired color, etc.)
A rating of 'satisfactory' is given to dishes and culinary products that have deviations from culinary requirements, but are suitable for sale without processing.
An 'unsatisfactory' rating is given to dishes and culinary products that have the following shortcomings: foreign taste and smell that is not characteristic of the product, sharply over-salted, sharply sour, bitter, undercooked, undercooked, burnt, lost its shape, having an unusual consistency or other signs.
To determine the correct weight of piece finished culinary products and semi-finished products, 10 servings of each type are simultaneously weighed.

Log form (columns):
1. Workplace/name of workshop.
2. Name of refrigeration equipment.
3. Date/thermometer readings (morning, evening)
4. Signature of the responsible person.
Note (note about power outage, defrosting, malfunction of refrigeration equipment).
All pages in the magazine should be numbered and laced, about which a note is made on the last page, certified by a signature, and the ends of the lace are pasted over and sealed with the organization's seal.
Morning readings of thermometers must be recorded in the log no later than two hours after opening, evening readings must be entered no earlier than 2 hours before the close of the shift.

Journal of examination of hands and open parts of the body for the presence of pustular diseases and other violations of the integrity of the skin.

Journal of Food Workers' Health

Log form (columns):
1. Last name, first name, patronymic.
2. Place of work, profession.
3. Month/date
4. Examination results (healthy, sick).
5. Actions taken (allowed to work, suspended).
6. Signature of the responsible person.
The medical worker conducting the inspection is obliged to inform in writing the head of the workshop or the person replacing him about all employees who, as a result of the inspection, are prohibited from working in the production of cream and finishing of finished products. Persons who have had pustular diseases of the skin of the hands and other open parts of the body are allowed to work only after a bacteriological examination of the skin areas at the site of former pustular diseases for the absence of plasma-coagulating staphylococcus.
The record is signed by the medical worker who conducted the examination and the head of the workshop or shift. Journal of Food Workers' Health

Journal of general cleaning.

Log form (columns):
1. Serial number.
2. Planned date for general cleaning.
3. Name and concentration of disinfectants.
4. Full name of the person who carried out the general cleaning, date of the cleaning.
5. Signature of the performer.

If your enterprise operates at a preschool general education organization, then according to SANPIN, or general education institutions, primary and secondary vocational education institutions SanPiN
You must keep the following logs:

Journal of rejecting food products and food raw materials"
Temperature log in refrigeration equipment

Journal of rejecting finished culinary products

Journal of fortification of third and sweet dishes

Health magazine
Diet Control Sheet

samples of catering department magazines can be downloaded

To record the condition of the premises, it is necessary to keep a sanitary log of the catering unit.

This sanitary journal of the catering unit (form 308/U) is called “Book for recording the sanitary condition of the premises.” The journal of the sanitary condition of premises on the title page indicates the name of the organization and its specific division in which the journal is kept.



Polina Mikhailovna Katalova
Algorithm for designing and maintaining a Preschooler’s Health Journal

Health magazine children is one of the mandatory documents that issued by a teacher together with a medical worker and stored in a group. Annually information in The magazine is updated, and is also supplemented during the academic year as data on child health.

I present to your attention algorithm for designing and maintaining a Health Journal. This structure was developed and tested based on our preschool educational institution, has been successfully implemented and used by teachers and medical workers.

Health magazine consists of two parts: I part is practical and part II is theoretical.

I Part: Practical

1. List of children in the group.

2. Leaf group health.

3. Table of sizes of tables and chairs.

4. Monitoring.

4.1. States health at the beginning and end of the school year.

4.2. Physical health children at the beginning and end of the school year.

4.3. Child morbidity chart, monthly. And at the end of the year, display the total attendance, morbidity, vacation of the group.

5. Children’s attendance sheet (list of children, 12 pages for marking attendance. At the end of the school year, analyze the attendance of each child nka:

Attendance in %;

Incidence in %;

Vacation, home mode in %).

6. Daily routine of the age group (warm and cold period).

7. Methodology carrying out hardening activities in the group (for cold and warm periods).

8. Hardening notebook (12 pages).

9. Action plan for the prevention of influenza and ARVI in the group.

10. List of children with disorders in the development of the social-emotional sphere and an individual plan for prevention. (Individual development route).

11. Screen for an individually differentiated approach to children with disabilities health.

12. Inspection results children:

Doctors of clinic No. 19;

Speech therapist.

II Part: Theoretical

Publications on the topic:

Algorithm for drawing up a calendar plan for a preschool teacher 1. Title page 2. List of children in the group 3. Plan of work with parents 4. Schedule of classes for the week (according to the number of classes.

Formation of moral health of a preschooler Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution Unegetey kindergarten “Spikelet” Formation of moral health.

I work in a preparatory group. We planned a role-playing game “Typography”. I told the children what a printing house is.

Summary of the lesson for senior preschool children “Cutting from magazines. Let's set the table" Objectives: Educational: to promote formation.

Features of work to correct impaired sound pronunciation in children 5–6 years old with mental retardation“Without play there is not and cannot be full-fledged mental development. The game is a huge bright window through which a child enters the spiritual world.

Methodological development “Teaching children 5–7 years old the technique of dribbling (hitting) the ball” Introduction: Physical education is one of the necessary conditions for the proper development of children. Introducing to sports from early childhood gives a person.

Consultation for teachers “Rules of dispute, or Dispute according to the rules” Rules for conducting a dispute: A person lives in society and is surrounded by means of communication, which means that without active or even insignificant.

Parent meeting with elements of the training “Secrets of the psychological health of a preschooler” Goal: to encourage parents to take care of their child’s mental health. Objectives: 1. Identify factors influencing mental health.

An entertainment script in the form of an oral journal “Family Album”. Middle group Entertainment scenario in the form of an oral magazine “Family Album” (as part of project activities

Nowadays, the work of a teacher requires so much documentation that sometimes your head is spinning and you don’t know where to start. Let's try to understand this seemingly enormous volume of documents at first glance.

  1. Attendance sheet.

Conducted in each group, in this document the teacher notes the days of visiting children. At the end of the month, the report card is closed, and the number of absences and visits by the child for the month is calculated.

  1. Health magazine.

In early childhood groups, teachers keep a so-called “health journal”, which notes the health status of each child at morning reception. This log might look like this:

Last name, first name of the child Temperature Chair Leather Zev Complaints Parents' signature

(Time of receipt) Adopted _____ children. The children are healthy. Complaints_____________________.

(Transfer time) Transmitted ____ children.

Teacher's signature/full name

(Time of receipt) Adopted ____ children. The children are healthy.

(Children go home time) The children went home healthy.

Teacher's signature/full name

A “health journal” might look something like this; the condition of children is described based on the real situation. The number and name of columns can be changed at your discretion, taking into account the general requirements of a particular preschool educational institution.

  1. Information about parents.

Documentation is mandatory for everyone, since every teacher must know the necessary information about the parents of their pupils: Last name, first name, patronymic of the child, date of birth; last name, first name, patronymic of the mother, father, date of birth, place of work of both parents, contact numbers (cell phone numbers, work numbers, home number, if any, and you can also find out the phone numbers of grandparents or other relatives with whom you can use if you can’t get through to your parents), education. All this can be formatted, for example, like this:

Parents information

Last name, first name, patronymic of the child_________________________________

Date of Birth _____

Address ________________________________________________________


Information about the mother

Full Name ___________________________________________

Date of Birth____________________________________________________

Information about father

Full Name ___________________________________________

Date of Birth___________________________________________________

Place of work ____________________________________________________

Contact phone numbers ____________________________________________

Education ______________________________________________________

Additional Information ______________________________________

  1. Health sheet.

These sheets contain basic information about the health status of children and are compiled for each child individually. This document contains the child’s first and last name, date of birth, health group, physical education group, hardening group, height and weight, and furniture markings. For example:

Health sheet

Last name, first name of the child ______________________________________________________________

Date of Birth ________________________________________________________________

Health sheets are filled out by the teacher together with the medical worker.

  1. Long-term plan, or calendar plan.

The long-term plan is drawn up for a year, and the calendar plan is drawn up for a week or for every day. In each preschool institution, it is customary to use a uniform form for writing plans for all teachers. I propose to consider an example of a calendar planning form:

date Instilling cultural and hygienic skills Directly



Walk Directly



Individual work Working with parents
Monday (date of)
Tuesday (date of)
Wednesday (date of)
Thursday (date of)
Friday (date of)

I would like to draw your attention to the fact that this sample is not mandatory, you can remove something, add something, taking into account the requirements at your workplace for writing plans. It should be noted that the first column, “Joint activities of the teacher with children,” describes activities that are carried out in the morning, and in the second, in the evening. These columns indicate the name of the activity, purpose, and possibly tasks. In the “Walk” column, the theme, goals and outdoor games for the walk in the morning and evening are also written down.

  1. Working programm
  1. Grid of direct educational activities (GDA).

It is compiled taking into account the Federal State Educational Standard, placed in the parent’s corner, and must be present in the calendar plan and work program.

  1. Individual teacher work schedule for the year.

This includes open educational activities with children, work with parents, teachers, and work on self-education. Example:

Individual teacher schedule

for the inter-certification period

_______ - ______ academic year

Events Deadline date of completion
1. With kids
2. With parents
3. With teachers
4. Self-education
  1. Monitoring children's development.

It is collected and compiled diagnostic material into folders in different areas. Diagnostics are determined by the program used in a particular institution and are carried out at the beginning, middle and end of the school year.

  1. Children's hardening notebook.

Here the teacher makes notes on the hardening of each child. It might look something like this:


Last name, first name of the child

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 etc. 31
1 IvanovIvan
  • - hardening
  • - sick leave
  • after sick leave (hardening is not carried out for 10 days)
  • - vacation
  • - absence for other reasons
  1. Notebook of minutes of parent meetings.

The protocol might look like this.
