Alexander Firichenko caused suffering to Igor Sechin, or how ex-vice president of Rosneft Andrei Votinov got burned at the Tuapse Oil Refinery. Andrey Votinov planted Kirovles Votinov Andrey Valerievich Rosneft

Basic scientific principles formulated by the author based on the research:
The scientific novelty of the dissertation research lies in the fact that, based on the integrated use of scientific methods and new methods, the conceptual framework for strengthening the positions of Russian vertically integrated oil companies in the Black Sea-Mediterranean region in the modern conditions of globalization of the world economy and further liberalization of foreign economic relations of our country has been developed for the first time


1. Votinov A.V. Strategies of Russian vertically integrated oil companies in the Black Sea-Mediterranean region. – M.: OMEPI IE RAS, 2009. (10.1 pp.)

2. Votinov A.V. Development of the berth complex in the port of Tuapse: modern engineering and economic approaches. – M., Max-press, 2011 (17.5 pp.).

3. Votinov A.V. Foreign economic relations of Russian vertically integrated oil companies in the Black Sea-Mediterranean region. – Novocherkassk: LIK, 2012 (8.5 pp.).

4. Votinov A.V. Vertically integrated oil companies of Russia in the system of international economic cooperation in the Black Sea-Mediterranean region (transport aspects). – M.: OMEPI IE RAS, 2013. (11.7 pp.)

Articles in journals from the list of Russian peer-reviewed scientific journals in which the main scientific results of a dissertation for the academic degrees of Doctor and Candidate of Sciences should be published:

5. Votinov A.V. Ways to increase the reliability of compensation systems of technological pipelines // Oil and Gas Business. 2005. No. 1. (0.5 p.l.)

6. Votinov A.V. New oil refining capacities on the Black Sea: Tuapse Oil Refinery // Oil, Gas and Business.” 2011. No. 11 (0.6 pp.)

7. Votinov A.V. Development of the Russian system of marine oil terminals on the Black Sea: Tuapse deep-water // Oil, gas and business. 2011. No. 12. (0.5 p.l.)

8. Votinov A.V. On the issue of the prospects for supply and demand for light petroleum products in Europe and the USA // Exposition Oil Gas. 2012. No. 1. (0.7 p.l.)

9. Votinov A.V. On the issue of modernization of Russian refineries and the domestic market of motor fuels: a view from Tuapse // Oil Gas Exposition. 2012. No. 2 (0.6 pp.).

10. Votinov A.V. On the issue of the Romanian oil refining industry: traditions, current state, development prospects // Exposition Oil Gas. 2012. No. 5 (0.5 pp.).

11. Votinov A.V. Development of long-term plans of the European Union in the Black Sea region in 1990–2000: formation of basic approaches // Exposition Oil Gas. 2012. No. 5 (0.7 pp.).

12. Votinov A.V. Black Sea Strategy of the European Union: some basic provisions // Exposition Oil Gas. 2012. No. 5 (0.4 pp.).

13. Votinov A.V. On the issue of competition in the motor fuel market in the Black Sea region // Bulletin of Economic Integration. 2012. No. 9 (1.0 pp.).

15. Votinov A.V. Ports of the Krasnodar Territory: structure, significance in the regional economy, development dynamics // Economic Sciences. 2012. No. 11 (0.9 pp).

16. Votinov A.V. Modernization of OJSC Novoship in the context of the development of the transport sector of the regional economy // Economic Sciences. 2013 (0.5).

Articles in journals, collections of scientific papers, analytical reports and materials of scientific conferences:

17. Votinov A.V. (co-authors - D.L. Amendment, N.F. Babenko) Functional dependence between the level of reliability of tank and pipeline structures and the safety factor // Mathematical modeling of physical, economic, social systems and processes: Proceedings of the IV International Scientific and Technical Conference - Ulyanovsk, 2001. P.51-53 (0.2 pp.)

18. Votinov A.V. (co-authors – D.L. Amendment, N.F. Babenko) Analysis of the technical condition of welded tanks and pipelines operating for a long time with petroleum product components // Mathematical modeling of physical, economic, social systems and processes: Proceedings of the IV Int. scientific and technical conference. – Ulyanovsk, 2001. P.49-50 (0.1 p.p.)

19. Votinov A.V. (co-authors - D.L. Amendment, E.Yu. Tetyutsky) Statistical analysis of the causes of accidents, emerging failures and defects of tanks operating for a long time with petroleum products // Modern materials and technologies: Proceedings of the International Scientific and Technical Conference. – Penza, 2002. P. 233-236 (0.3 pp.)

20. Votinov A.V. (co-authors – D.L. Amendment, V.V. Iosifov) Development of methods for assessing the condition of metals of welded structures that work for a long time with petroleum products // Proceedings of the scientific and practical conference “Ecology, economics, technology and education”. – Tuapse, 2002. P.38-44 (0.5 p.p.).

21. Votinov A.V. (co-authors - Klokova N.P., Correction D.L.) Methodology for determining the calculated level of reliability of tanks and pipelines for petroleum products // Scientific journal "Proceedings of the Kuban State Technical University", T.XX, series "Mechanics and Mechanical Engineering". - Krasnodar, 2004. P. 157-164 (0.5 pp.)

22. Blednova Zh.M., Votinov A.V., Chaevsky M.I. Corrosion of equipment at a sea terminal working with oil products for a long time // Surface engineering and product renovation: Proceedings of the 5th International Scientific and Technical Conference. – Kyiv, 2005. P.35-38. (0.3 p.l.)

23. Votinov A.V. (co-authored with Blednova Zh.M.) Experimental assessment of the properties of the base metal and welded joints of tanks and process pipelines operating for a long time with petroleum products // “Scientific and technical problems of predicting the reliability and durability of structures and methods for their solution”: Proceedings of the VI International Conference. - St. Petersburg, 2005. P.139-146 (0.5 pp.)

24. Votinov A.V. (co-authors – Blednova Zh.M., Chaevsky M.I., Strelevsky D.A.) Ways to increase the reliability of compensation systems of technological pipelines // Non-destructive testing and diagnostics: Materials of the XVII Russian Scientific and Technical Conference. – Ekaterinburg, 2005. P.341 (0.3 p.p.)

25. Votinov A.V. Blednova Zh.M. Assessment of technogenic risk during the operation of marine terminal equipment in long-term contact with oil products // Ecological Bulletin of BSEC Scientific Centers. 2006. No. 1. P.71-80. (0.6 p.l.)

26. Votinov A.V. (co-authored with Blednova Zh.M.) Expert assessment of the degradation of the structure of steel in contact with petroleum products // Plenary reports of the III Eurasian Symposium on the problems of strength of materials and machines. Yakutsk, 2006. P. 123-131 (0.5 pp.)

27. Votinov A.V. (co-authors – Blednova Zh.M., Chaevsky M.I.) A method for assessing the residual life of tanks for storing petroleum products // Abstracts of reports. II Int. Schools "Physical Materials Science". Tolyatti, 2006. P.160-161 (0.1 p.p.)

28. Votinov A.V. (co-authors: Blednova Zh.M., Chaevsky M.I., Strelevsky D.A.). Ways to increase the durability of bellows and ball displacement compensators // Materials of the II Int. scientific-technical Conference "Reliability and repair of machines". Orel, 2005. P.222–227 (0.3 pp.)

35. Votinov A.V. Competitive advantages and risks of oil exporting companies on the world market // XV International Scientific and Practical Conference “Modern Problems of the Humanities and Natural Sciences”. – M.: Institute for Strategic Studies, June 25-26, 2013 (0.4 p.p.).

36. Votinov A.V. The role of the Black Sea economic cooperation in the development of transport infrastructure for the export of hydrocarbons // XIII International Scientific and Practical Conference “Economics, Sociology, Law: New Challenges and Prospects”. – M., June 29, 2013 (0.3 p.l.).

37. Votinov A.V. The influence of modern energy policy of the Russian Federation on the integration of the national economy into the system of world economic relations. – Sat. scientific works “New Look. International Scientific Bulletin." - Novosibirsk, 2013. (1.1 pp.).

38. Votinov A.V. Infrastructural aspects of the development of export activities of the Rosneft company // XIII International Scientific and Practical Conference “Problems of Modern Economy”. – Novosibirsk, 2013 (0.4 p.l.).

39. Votinov A.V. Strategy for the development of foreign economic relations in the Mediterranean-Black Sea direction (using the example of the Tuapse oil complex) // XV International Correspondence Scientific and Practical Conference “Scientific Discussion: Issues of Economics and Management”, July 4, 2013 - M.: Publishing house. "International Center for Science and Education", 2013 (0.75 p.p.)

40. Votinov A.V. Geopolitical problems of economic cooperation in the Black Sea-Mediterranean region // I International scientific and practical conference “Geopolitical and geo-economic problems of international relations: assessments, forecasts, scenarios”. – Novosibirsk: Center for the Development of Scientific Cooperation, 2013 (0.65 pp).

41. Votinov A.V. Assessment of the possibilities of exporting oil and petroleum products through the Black Sea straits // Materials of the V International Scientific and Practical Conference “Priority Scientific Directions: from Theory to Practice”, M., 2013 (0.94 pp.)

42. Andrey, Votinov. Directions of integration of the Russian oil industry in the global market of energy resources // Science European Applied Sciences: modern approaches in scientific researches, proceedings of the 4th International scientific conference. ORT Publishing. Stuttgart. 2013. (0.7 p.l.)

44. Pipeline compensator // Patent No. 2265769. Priority from 04/09/05 (co-authors – Zh.M. Blednova, M.I. Chaevsky, D.A. Strelevsky)

45. Installation for testing for corrosion cracking // Patent PM No. 49265. Priority from 07/07/2005 (co-authors – Zh.M. Blednova, M.I. Chaevsky, D.A. Strelevsky)

The security forces began to investigate the case of the former vice president for capital construction of Rosneft Andrei Votinov.

The Investigative Committee suspects not only Votinov of corruption, but also the ex-director of the “All People are Equal” group of companies, deputy of the Tuapse City Council Alexander Firichenko.

The group was headed by Votinov, who managed the Tuapse Oil Refinery (ORP), established the construction company “All People are Equal” and, together with Alexander Firichenko and other accomplices, stole 113.8 million rubles from Rosneft using a land sublease agreement.

Igor Sechin, of course, “didn’t notice” the loss.

The piquancy is that the investigation materials indicate: Andrei Votinov was able to convince the management of Rosneft of the need to conclude a sublease agreement and pay for it. This raises the question: how did he persuade the management? Did you give a bribe?

More specifically, from October 2012 to February 2015, Alexander Firichenko, acting according to a pre-agreed plan with Andrei Votinov, organized the construction of a warehouse and other buildings on the site.

In turn, employees of the Tuapse Refinery, at the direction of General Director Andrei Votinov (!), transferred 113.8 million rubles from the plant’s current account to the bank accounts of LLC “GK “All People Are Equal”” for renting a land plot, which was actually used by the construction company.

It turns out that the accomplices stole the refinery’s funds, disposed of them at their own discretion and caused damage to Rosneft in the amount of 113.8 million rubles. And all this with the tacit consent of Sechin...

Rosneft does not comment on the situation.

After all, Andrei Votinov is not just a member of United Russia, who at the beginning of 2013 became a member of the board of Rosneft and its vice president for capital construction. He, Votinov, distinguished himself by being able to return the Tuapse Oil Refinery and RN-Tuapsenefteproduct under the control of Rosneft, for which Sechin expressed gratitude to him.

But, apparently, gratitude was not enough, and Mr. Votinov decided to carry out the business for 113.8 million rubles with the consent of the management.

"No pity"

Rosneft does not skimp on whom, on whom, or on top management. In 2015, Rosneft published data according to which 13 top managers, including Igor Sechin, earned 2.8 billion rubles in the crisis year of 2014. Mr. Sechin “earned” a billion rubles from this amount! Against the backdrop of the crisis, payment of such an amount from a budget oil company to one person looks like a spit on the public.

Let us recall that at the end of August 2013, Rosneft paid shareholders more than 85 billion rubles, or 25% of net profit (Sechin owned 0.0075% of the shares at that time - for $5 million). By August 29, 2013, Sechin increased his share in the company’s share capital to 0.0849%, acquiring shares worth almost 2 billion rubles, including through a bank loan. Motivating the increase in his share, Sechin explained that Rosneft shares are undervalued, and he considers investing in the development of his company a positive trend for management.

Igor Sechin, President of the oil and gas company Rosneft

At the beginning of 2014, Igor Ivanovich announced another massive purchase of shares by top managers of a state-owned company. The assets were purchased by 16 top managers, their total share increased from 0.13324 to 0.185042%. The largest package was, of course, acquired by Igor Ivanovich Sechin. Its share changed from 0.0849 to 0.1273%, and at the close of trading on Tuesday on the Moscow Exchange was worth more than 3.1 billion rudds.

Using loans from state banks and huge dividends from top managers, the president of Rosneft amassed a multibillion-dollar fortune (the energy company's assets alone are estimated at 3 billion rubles). For a billion, Igor Ivanovich will be able to buy himself more shares and live on dividends.

By the way, since the company was founded, every year Rosneft’s dividend level has grown by 50%, until in 2011 it reached a third of net profit. In 1999, the oil giant's dividends were 3.4%, at the end of 2011 and 2012 - 33% and 25%, respectively, and continue to grow.

"The law is not written"

Even in its best years, Rosneft had to report for violating antimonopoly laws.

Thus, in October 2009, the Federal Antimonopoly Service imposed a fine of almost six billion rubles on Rosneft for abuse of its monopoly position in the wholesale petroleum products market recorded in the first half of 2009.

As the FAS then considered, these actions led to an increase in prices in the wholesale markets of motor gasoline, diesel fuel and aviation kerosene in the first half of 2009. And in December 2011, Rosneft was again fined in a new antimonopoly case. The company was fined 2 billion rubles for “abuse of a dominant position by setting and maintaining monopoly high prices for diesel fuel and jet fuel in the 4th quarter of 2010 - January 2011.” But it seems that now they have managed to “come to an agreement” with the FAS.

Last year it turned out that Igor Sechin’s Rosneft wants to hide some of the tenders. Mr. Sechin personally sent a letter to Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, in which he insists that “the interests of control must be combined with respect for commercial secrets.”

If you understand the veiled wording, it becomes clear that Rosneft proposes to allow state-owned companies not to publish the initial maximum purchase price for “unique or technically complex equipment.”

In February of this year, Alexey Miller, who heads Gazprom, joined Sechin. Top managers asked Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev to remove most of their transactions from the scope of the law “On Public Procurement”. On the sidelines they say that managers will soon “put pressure on Medvedev.”

“Everyone is walking!”

People from Rosneft are accustomed to being paid for by the “parent company.” The Alliance Oil holding, part of Eduard Khudainatov's NOC, may soon become bankrupt. And then it turned out that the company led by Igor Sechin could buy out a private company.

Alliance Oil has a high debt load - 3.6 EBITDA, net debt - $1.9 billion. Almost 70% of the company's debt is denominated in dollars, while 68% of the proceeds from oil sales, on the contrary, are denominated in rubles. But Igor Ivanovich and the Russian budget really need an unprofitable company. After all, it is headed by Khudainatov.

Mr. Khudaynatov is Sechin’s favorite. Eduard Khudainatov came to the position of vice president of Rosneft back in 2008. Already in 2010, Khudainatov became a shareholder of Rosneft - almost immediately after his appointment as president.

His predecessor Sergei Bogdanchikov sold his entire stake (0.0012%). And on the same day Khudainatov bought 0.0028% (transaction amount two million dollars). Taking into account the latest acquisition, his stake in Rosneft now amounts to 0.0483%, and its value is approximately 40 million.

Eduard Khudainatov, owner of OJSC Independent Oil and Gas Company

Khudainatov is not just a top manager of Rosneft. He and his relatives have been in the oil business since the early 90s. In 1993, Khudainatov was vice-president of the Evikhon oil company in the Khanty-Mansiysk Okrug, created by government decree in 1992 (developed the Verkhne-Salymskoye, West Salymskoye and Vadelypskoye fields).

Khudainatov’s wife Marina was a co-owner of the Salymneftservis company, which had gas stations in the Tyumen region. Khudainatov’s brother, Zhan Khudoinatov (as his last name is indicated in the register), headed the oil company Severneft (NK Severneft LLC), which holds a license for geological exploration and production of hydrocarbons within the West Yarokhinsky license area in the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug.

Reverta (until 2012 - Parex banka) is trying to bring the Khudaynatov family to justice. The Latvian Bank lent them $75 million, which Zhan Khudainatov, as the general director of Severneft, received for the project of a future gas processing plant in Novy Urengoy.

By the way, Severneft became the guarantor for the loan, and Eduard Khudainatov’s brother provided security - a license to develop the West Yaroyakhinsky site with recoverable oil reserves of 25 million tons and gas reserves of 17 billion cubic meters. m, as well as commercial production of 1 billion cubic meters. m of gas per year. In 2011, a family of respected state oil workers decided that they didn’t have to pay off their debts.

Severneft liquidated itself, re-issuing a license to the Severneft-Urengoy company, and then sold it to the owner of Eurokhim, Andrey Melnichenko.

One can imagine how Eduard Yuryevich will consolidate the business. Moreover, in parallel, the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous District is investigating the activities of Zhan Khudoinatov, managers Mikhail Avsyannikov and Sergei Skuridin, suspecting them of fraud on an especially large scale and attempted deliberate bankruptcy.

It seems that “excusing” your partners and friends from the law is becoming a tradition. The top manager lives by the principle “everything is friends, enemies are law.” True, the enemies are rather personal. But there are still people in the security forces who, apparently, believe in the law. Hence the beginning of the investigation into Votinov’s activities. The case could lead to the resignation of Sechin himself.

Former vice-president of Rosneft for capital construction Andrei Votinov and deputy of the Tuapse City Council Alexander Firichenko were suspected of particularly large-scale fraud, the Kommersant newspaper reported on Tuesday, April 19, citing sources in law enforcement agencies.

Investigators believe that Votinov, being the head of the Rosneft-owned Tuapse Oil Refinery, founded the construction company “All People are Equal” and, together with Firichenko and other accomplices, through a land sublease agreement, stole 113.8 million rubles that belonged to the oil company. companies.

According to investigators, Votinov and Firichenko knew at the time of concluding an agreement with Rosneft in 2012 that the plant would not be able to fully use the specified area of ​​17,200 square meters. m, since the company “All People are Equal” intends to build buildings on it. Despite this, Votinov managed to convince the management of the oil company to enter into a sublease agreement and pay for it, the investigation materials indicate.

Votinov transferred the money for rent to the account of the company “All people are equal.” Rosneft did not comment on the situation. The current general director of the construction company, Mikhail Maslov, denies that the organization is controlled by Votinov. According to him, a criminal case against the ex-head of the construction company Firichenko was initiated immediately after the Krasnodar arbitration court ordered the Rosneft oil refinery to pay the company debts and a penalty of 95 million rubles for late payments under four lease agreements.

“The Tuapse ten-story building, built and owned by LLC GC “All People Are Equal,” is actually owned by NK Rosneft. Although the criminal case has not yet been investigated, the building has already been transferred to the oil company for storage as an interim measure, and now employees of the Tuapse Oil Refinery are working there,” the newspaper’s interlocutor clarified.

According to him, the construction company estimates the cost of the building built on the site at 1 billion rubles, and the debt of Rosneft to the company as of March, according to him, amounts to 575 million rubles. Maslov added that the management team of the refinery, which initiated arbitration claims against the Civil Code to invalidate the lease agreements and return funds, has already changed.

According to, LLC “GC “All People are Equal” was registered in 2007 in Tuapse. The main activity of the company is the construction of buildings, the founder of the organization is the company “Eizan Limited” (British Virgin Islands).

On Votinov’s resignation from the post of vice president of Rosneft in May 2015. According to unofficial data, his departure was related to problems in the Eastern Petrochemical Company project.

Croatian authorities refused to extradite Anatoly Kaverov to Russia. The Rosneft security service, headed by Vasily Yurchenko, is waiting for him there.

Former head of the capital construction department of the Tuapse Oil Refinery Anatoly Kaverov, accused of embezzling 137 million rubles. at his native plant, owned by Rosneft, was detained in Croatia at the beginning of April last year and sent to prison. The border guards “broke through” the fugitive through the Interpol base, which Kaverov ended up in literally 3 hours before his arrest.

The Prosecutor General's Office sent a request for Kaverov's extradition to Russia, but the Croatian authorities refused to extradite him. Anatoly Kaverov will be sent back to Slovenia, where he was undergoing treatment. In this country, Kaverov has a residence permit and government guarantees that his application for political asylum will be considered.

Why does Anatoly Kaverov consider himself a political refugee? Probably because the powerful Rosneft, whose head is close to the President of Russia, is involved in the theft case.

Recently, Kaverov’s family has received threatening calls from some people, demanding that he give “correct” testimony. Otherwise, you may not get out of prison alive. The Rosneft security service is also taking part in the investigation of the theft at the Tuapse refinery. Are the threatening calls coming from her employees?

Who owes whom?

The case of theft at the refinery itself suggests a similar thought. The funds were allegedly stolen by the construction company Graviton, which carried out the work in 2013. for the dismantling of a temporary berth belonging to the refinery. Rosneft claims that the money was paid, but the work was not done.

The agreement with Graviton was signed by the general director of the refinery Andrei Votinov, the technical director Alexander Kiryanov, the head of the capital construction department Anatoly Kaverov and the ex-head of the Krasnodar construction company Graviton Rodion Romanov.

Criminal cases have been opened against Kiryanov (who is wanted) and Kaverov. Romanov was detained in Gelendzhik last April. But in fact, the main person involved in the case, Andrei Votinov, whose signature is on the contract and was recognized by the expert as genuine, becomes Rosneft’s vice president for capital construction. For what kind of merits, you ask? For withdrawing money from the refinery?

Rodion Romanov, ex-director of Graviton, claims that it is not his company that owes Rosneft, but it owes Graviton 660 million rubles. As evidenced by several cases of claims by Graviton against Rosneft.

It turns out that Rosneft is simply moving the needle? Not wanting to pay his debts, he “concocts” a case against “Graviton”? And at the same time, he does not spare his employees except Andrei Votinov. Or is Romanov also in action? And, having transferred 137 million to Rosneft, he simply cannot understand why he is being persecuted.

Did Andrey Votinov pull chestnuts out of the fire for Rosneft?

The likelihood of this version is evidenced by the criminal case brought against Andrei Votinov. In the same 2013, while still the director of the refinery, he signed a lease agreement with the company “All People are Equal,” which belonged to his sister. The company was led by Alexander Firichenko, a city council deputy.

According to the agreement, the refinery rented an unfinished building from the company “All People are Equal.” From January to September 2014 128 million rubles were received into the “All People are Equal” settlement account for rent. The building was completed only in September 2014. It turns out that the money was paid for an object that the refinery did not use.

Andrei Votinov and Alexander Firichenko were also involved in the theft of Rosneft funds in the amount of 113 million rubles. Under a sublease agreement, in 2012, Votinov leased a plot of land from the “All People are Equal” company, on which a warehouse and building were subsequently built.

The most interesting thing is that, realizing that the refinery cannot use this land, since construction will be carried out on it by the company “All People are Equal,” Votinov persuaded the management of Rosneft to sublease.


I wonder how he did it? Or 113 million rubles. “sawed” between Rosneft and the company “All People Are Equal”?

In general, it is clear that in comparison with Andrei Votinov, the fugitive Anatoly Kaverov is simply a lamb of God. And Rosneft is looking for a scapegoat, since Andrei Votinov, who was dismissed a year after his appointment, fled abroad and was put on the international wanted list. And neither the hands of justice nor the hands of the Rosneft security service can reach him. Or, for some reason, they don’t want to.

Scapegoat Hunter

But it’s not only possible to “run into” Anatoly Kaverov, but also necessary. Because the all-powerful Rosneft needs to show that it punishes the guilty or scapegoats. And this task at Rosneft is performed by the security service, which has been responsible for this since August 2015. is headed by former FSKN general Vasily Yurchenko. After his appointment, Yurchenko brought his team to Rosneft, displacing his predecessors, who were active state security officers. And if little is known about the former head of the service, Nail Mukhitov, Yurchenko very often became involved in various scandals.

In general, the change in the security service also indicates that the management of Rosneft at some stage decided to “reset to zero” and remove those people who could know too much about what no one should know. Including details of fraud with the Tuapse Oil Refinery.

Vasily Yurchenko began his service as a local police officer, and in 1984 he was fired from the Soviet police. From the position of deputy head of the district department of the BHSS, from which he was not dismissed without initiating a criminal case. They also incited him against Vasily Yurchenko. However, somehow the case was closed, and Vasily Yurchenko was reinstated in the police. After which he was sent from Moscow beyond the blue forest, away from sight, for correction. A few years later, Yurchenko returned to Moscow again.

As the chief of police of the Southern District of Moscow, Vasily Yurchenko becomes involved in a case involving the purchase of a kitchen worth $3,600 for budget money.

And already in the position of deputy head of the capital's police department, Vasily Yurchenko undergoes searches, during which receipts for hundreds of thousands of dollars and an unregistered pistol are found in his mansion, illegally guarded by police officers.

However, Yurchenko again managed to evade responsibility. He actually betrayed his superiors, saying that his leaders had committed the same acts. Apparently, in order to hide their own sins, Yurchenko’s bosses covered up the case.

There is also a known case when Yurchenko’s son was stopped by traffic police officers in a car that was wanted by Interpol. The son laughed in the eyes of the employees and showed off his last name on his driver’s license. And he laughed for good reason. The case was closed, and the car was removed from the Interpol database.

In 2011 Vasily Yurchenko is appointed to the post of head of the Federal Drug Control Service of Russia for the Moscow region. However, it didn’t show up on her at all. And it was mentioned only in 2012. in connection with the scandal. Migrant workers illegally living in Yurchenko's house were suspected of robbery. The general not only prevented their arrest, but also harassed the investigators.

In 2013 Yurchenko’s employees carried out an illegal armed raid on the Voskresensk Mineral Fertilizers chemical plant, paralyzing the work of the enterprise. And although these actions were declared illegal by the court, no criminal case was initiated for abuse of power.

Such a person heads the security service of Rosneft and is “hunting” for Anatoly Kaverov.

Does Yurchenko also carry chestnuts for Rosneft?

Vasily Yurchenko immediately proved himself in the oil refinery business. First, he appointed Anton Grachev, the former chief of police of the Rostov region, to the post of deputy head for economic security of the refinery. And together with him I took on “Graviton” and “All people are equal.”

By the way, Grachev was dismissed from the ranks of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for numerous violations identified. And Grachev himself often played tricks. Either he was taken out of a drunken tree, or he acted as a victim in a case of a fight with a deputy who allegedly beat Grachev. Him, a candidate for master of sports in hand-to-hand combat. In general, Yurchenko and Grachev are worth each other. Two of a Kind.

Experts say that Yurchenko and Grachev are actually carrying out a raider takeover of “Graviton” and “All people are equal” in the interests of Rosneft. This is evidenced by the fact that Yurchenko personally flies to the Krasnodar region to direct the investigation. And this despite his high status as acting. Deputy Prime Minister

And the refinery's affairs are being handled by an investigator from the counter-terrorism unit. And why exactly this unit is investigating economic relations is completely unclear.

To date, Yurchenko and Grachev have taken control of the conclusion of all contracts for refineries and payments for them, explaining this by personal order of the head of Rosneft. And this also indicates special attention to refineries. Unless, of course, the “two boots” hide behind orders for their own personal purposes

And, given the reputation of Yurchenko and Grachev, their control could be dangerous for Rosneft itself. Votinov's story may repeat itself. And who will then look for the now former head of the security service?

Andrey Votinov

State corporation or bandit?

Anatoly Kaverov, most likely, will not be given back to Russia. Croatia does not have such an agreement with Russia. But they can ruin his life. Threatening calls clearly demonstrate this.

Why be surprised if the security service of the largest corporation Rosneft is headed by a person like Vasily Yurchenko? On which there is no place to put marks.

And the corporation itself is not behaving very nicely, to put it mildly. Everything about the refinery story is too murky. And it’s hard to believe that the real culprits will be punished. So they will move the needle and hunt for scapegoats. And the methods used are completely uncivilized, to say the least.

Rosneft is a state corporation. And who in Russia can put her in her place?


Former vice president for capital construction of Rosneft Andrei Votinov is suspected of stealing 113.8 million rubles from the oil company, Kommersant writes.

According to the publication's sources in law enforcement agencies, Votinov is a defendant in a criminal case initiated under Part 4 of Art. 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (fraud committed by a group of persons on an especially large scale), by the investigative authorities of the Investigative Committee for the Krasnodar Territory and the North Caucasus Federal District.

Together with the former vice-president of Rosneft, the ex-general director of the construction LLC “Group of Companies “All People are Equal”” and deputy of the Tuapse City Council Alexander Firichenko is involved in a criminal case.

According to investigators, in June 2012, Votinov, who then headed RN-Tuapse Oil Refinery LLC (Rosneft), together with Firichenko and other unidentified persons, decided to commit theft of funds through abuse of trust.

The investigation believes that the Group of Companies “All People are Equal” was founded by Votinov and controlled by him. A sublease agreement for a land plot with a total area of ​​17.2 thousand square meters in the amount of 113.8 million rubles was concluded between the construction company and the Tuapse Refinery. On the site, the All People are Equal Group of Companies built several buildings that they rented out.

The current general director of the All People Are Equal Group of Companies, Mikhail Maslov, in turn, denies that the company is controlled by Andrei Votinov. He also claims that the criminal case, in which the former head of the company is involved, was initiated after the Krasnodar arbitration court ordered RN-Tuapse Oil Refinery LLC to pay the company a debt and a penalty of 95 million rubles for late payments under four lease agreements.

Investigators believe that Votinov and Firichenko realized that this plot of land could not be used in full by the Tuapse Oil Refinery, since the All People Are Equal Group plans to erect buildings and structures on it. However, according to the investigation materials, Andrei Votinov was able to convince the management of Rosneft of the need to enter into a sublease agreement and pay for it.

Andrey Votinov began working at Rosneft in 1994. At first he worked in a subsidiary of RN-Tuapsenefteprodukt, in 2010 he became the general director of the Tuapse Oil Refinery, and took the post of vice president and member of the board of Rosneft in December 2013. Votinov was also a deputy of the Legislative Assembly of the Krasnodar Territory from United Russia, but in October 2014 he voluntarily resigned.

Votinov left the post of vice president and member of the board of Rosneft in 2015. Kommersant then wrote that his resignation was due to the dissatisfaction of Igor Sechin, who heads Rosneft, with the progress of work on the Eastern Petrochemical Company project, within the framework of which a production complex was to be built near Nakhodka.

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