Assessment of inventory management at a joint stock company. How to normalize the company's working capital? Theoretical aspects of inventory management in an enterprise

To ensure the uninterrupted production and sale of products, as well as for the effective use of working capital at enterprises, their rationing is carried out. With its help, the overall need of the enterprise for working capital is determined.

Consumption standards are considered to be the maximum permissible absolute values ​​of consumption of raw materials, fuel and electrical energy for the production of a unit of product.

Rationing the consumption of certain types of material resources requires compliance with certain scientific principles. The main ones should be: progressiveness, technological and economic feasibility, dynamism and ensuring a reduction in standards.

When planning working capital requirements, three methods are used:

1. Analytical- involves determining the need for working capital in the amount of their average actual balances, taking into account the growth in production volume. This method is used in those enterprises where funds invested in material assets and costs have a greater share in the total amount of working capital.

2. Coefficient- consists in clarifying the current standards of own working capital in accordance with changes in production indicators. Inventories and costs are divided into those that depend directly on changes in production volumes (raw materials, materials, costs of work in progress, finished goods in warehouse) and those that do not depend on it (spare parts, deferred expenses, low-value items).

For the first group, the need for working capital is determined based on their size in the base year and the growth rate of production in the next year. For the second group, the demand is planned at the level of their average actual balances for a number of years.

3. Direct counting method- scientifically based calculation of standards for each element of standardized working capital, taking into account changes in the level of organizational and technical development of the enterprise, transportation of goods and materials, and the practice of settlements with counterparties.

Rationing begins with determining the average daily consumption of raw materials, basic materials and semi-finished products (P day) in the planning period:

where P is the volume of material consumption for the period, rub.;

T – time period.

Working capital norm (N a.obs) - a value corresponding to the minimum, economically justified volume of reserves. It is usually set in days.

OBS standard (N obs) - the minimum required amount of funds to ensure the continuity of the enterprise. Determined by the formula:

N obs =R day * N a.obs.

The OS stock norm (N a.os) for each type or homogeneous group of materials takes into account the time spent in the current (Z tech), insurance (Z str), transport (Z tran), technological (Z tech) stocks, as well as the time required for unloading, delivering, receiving and storing materials, i.e. preparatory stock (P r):

N a.os = Z tech + Z str + Z tran + Z tech + P r.

Current stock designed to provide production with material resources between two subsequent deliveries. This is the main type of stock, the most significant value in the OBS norm. The current stock in days is determined by the formula:

where C p is the cost of delivery;

I is the interval between deliveries.

The current stock standard is calculated using the formula:

Z tek = R day * I,

Safety stock arises as a result of a delay in delivery. In days is determined by the formula:

Safety stock standard:

Z page = R day * (I f - I pl) * 0.5 or Z page = R day * Z page day * 0.5,

where (I f - I pl ) – gap in the supply interval.

Transport stock is created at enterprises for those deliveries for which there is a gap between the timing of receipt of payment documents and materials. It is defined as the excess of cargo turnover time (time of delivery of goods from the supplier to the buyer) over the document flow time.

The transport stock standard is calculated using the formula:

Ztr = R day * (I f - I pl) * 0.5 or Z page = R day * Z workday * 0.5,

where Z tr.dn is the norm of transport stock, days.

Technological stock - time required to prepare materials for production. The technological stock standard is determined by the formula:

Z those = (Z tech + Z str + Z tr) * To those

where K tech is the technological reserve coefficient, %. It is established by a commission of representatives of the supplier and consumer.

Preparatory stock is established on the basis of technological calculations or by means of timing.

Working capital standard in production inventories is defined as the sum of OBS standards in current, technological and preparatory stocks.

OBS standard in work in progress (N np) is determined by the formula:

N np = VP avg. * T c * K nar.z,

where VP avg – average daily output at production cost;

T c - duration of the production cycle;

Knar.z is the coefficient of increase in costs, which, with a uniform increase in costs, is determined by the formula:

where F e - one-time costs;

F n - increasing costs;

C - cost.

With an uneven increase in costs

To Nar.z = C av / P

where C av is the average cost of a product in work in progress;

P is the production cost of the product.

Working capital standard for deferred expenses (N b.p.) is determined by the formula:

N b.p. = RBP beginning + RBP pre – RBP s,

where RBP beginning is the carryover amount of deferred expenses at the beginning of the planned year;

RBP pre - deferred expenses in the coming year, provided for in the estimates;

RBP c - deferred expenses to be written off against the cost of production for the coming year.

Working capital standard in finished product balances defined:

N g.p = VGP days. * N W.skl. ,

where is VGP day.

- cost of one-day production of finished products;

N z.skl - the norm of their stock in the warehouse in days.

The total working capital standard is the sum of working capital standards calculated for individual elements. When establishing norms and standards for the planned year, it is recommended to use experimental-statistical and calculation-analytical methods.

"Babaevsky Confectionery Concern."

Analysis of inventory management in the previous period:

The main objective of this analysis is to identify the level of provision of production and sales of products with appropriate reserves in the previous period and assess the effectiveness of their use.

At the first stage, indicators of the total amount of reserves are considered, namely: the rate of its dynamics, the share in the volume of current assets.

Let us determine the specific share of all inventories in the volume of current assets (according to the balance sheet).

2014 2015

at the beginning 995184 – 100% at the beginning. 1254306 – 100%

296886 – X% 308222 – X%

X = 29.8 = 30% X = 24.57 = 25%

on the line 1254306 – 100% at stake. 1393553 – 100%

308222 – X% 302841 – X%

X = 24.57 = 25% X = 21.7 = 22%

In 2014, the share of inventories in the volume of current assets decreased by 5%, and in 2015 – by 3%. This suggests that in 2004 the company had more difficulties selling its products compared to the previous period.

At the second stage of the analysis, the structure of reserves is studied in terms of their types and main groups, and seasonal fluctuations in their size are identified.

The largest share in the structure of all reserves is occupied by reserves of raw materials, supplies and other similar valuables (about 80%). Costs in work in progress have a constant downward trend. Finished product inventories are replenished as their balance reaches less than 1%. The share of deferred expenses is constantly changing and fluctuates from 3.5% to 11% in the structure of inventories.

Amount of inventory on a specific date:

Inventories increase in the 3rd – early 4th quarter of each year. This may be due to the fact that during this season the demand for products decreases, and, thus, their sales become more difficult.

At the third stage of the analysis, the efficiency of using inventory groups and their volume as a whole is studied, which is characterized by their turnover indicators.

Inventory turnover is characterized by two indicators: circulation time and turnover rate.

Circulation time (B) shows the number of days for which the average stock was sold in the past period and is calculated by the formula:

where is the average stock, rub.;

T - actual one-day trade turnover of the same period, rub.

The turnover rate (C) shows the number of turns of the average inventory and is determined by the formula:

where O is the volume of trade turnover, rub.

Average inventory is calculated depending on the availability of known data:

If there is data for two dates, the simple arithmetic average is used:


where Z n - inventories at the beginning of the period, rub.;

Zk - inventories at the end of the period, rub.

One-day trade turnover is determined by dividing the total volume of trade turnover by the number of days in the period:


where t is the number of days in the period.

Let's calculate the average inventories in the reporting and base periods.

03 = = 302554 rub.

04 = = 305531.5 rub.

Let us determine the actual one-day turnover for the year.

About one 03 = = 9345.73 rub.

About one 04 = = 11019.33 rub.

Let's determine the inventory circulation time.

At 03 = = 32.37 (days)

In 04 = = 27.72 (days)

Let's determine the speed of circulation.

From 03 = = 11.1 (days)

From 04 = = 12.98 = 13 (days)

Inventory turnover indicators:

Average inventories do not have a strong tendency to increase. Thus, in the reporting period their value amounted to 305,531.5 thousand rubles, which is 2977.5 thousand rubles more than the base period. or by 0.98%. This is due to an increase in one-day trade turnover by 18%. The circulation time of goods is 27.72 days, and the circulation speed in the number of turnovers per year of average inventories is 12.98 days, i.e. Average inventories for the year made about 27 turnovers. Speed ​​increased by 14%. This is due to the fact that inventories increased by only 1% (0.98%). Each enterprise tries to speed up the rate of turnover of inventory, this affects the general condition and profitability of its activities. The analyzed enterprise copes well with this task, because stocks do not increase much, and the velocity of circulation does not decrease.

The company's policy is aimed at accelerating the turnover of all elements of working capital.

In order to speed up the turnover of raw material inventories, the enterprise has developed a standard stock in days, which the enterprise's supply department is guided by in its work.

Determining the goals of stock formation:

The purpose of forming reserves at OJSC “Babaevsky Confectionery Concern” is to ensure current production and sales activities.

In the process of inventory management, they are classified accordingly to ensure subsequent differentiation of management methods. Thus, when classifying inventories by their types at a given enterprise, the following are distinguished:

Raw materials, materials and other similar values;

Costs in work in progress;

Finished products and goods for resale;

Future expenses.

Stage 3. Optimizing the size of the main groups of current inventories

The annual need for the use of raw materials and materials for the production of confectionery products for 2004 is 17,405,620 rubles.

The average cost of placing one order per 1 kg of raw materials is 3,000 rubles.

The average cost of storing 1 kg of raw materials is 320 rubles.

The total operating costs for placing orders are:

OZ rz = * With rz = = 28905 rub.;

The amount of operating costs for storing inventory in a warehouse is:

OZ xr = * C x = = 2890400 rub.;

Let's determine the optimal size of production inventory:

OR pp = = = 18065 rub.

OR pz = = = 9032.5 rub.

Therefore, the optimal size of the production inventory should be 9023.5 rubles. With such indicators of the average size of the delivery lot and the average size of the stock of raw materials, the operating costs of the enterprise for servicing the stock will be minimal.

Optimization of the total amount of inventories included in current assets:

Let's calculate the optimal amount of inventory for each type:

Z p = (N tx * O o) + Z cx + Z cn

For dairy products:

N tx = T zap in days + T transp = 2 + 0.5 = 2.5 days.

O o = (O issue pr * C t per unit pr)/360 = (89.95 * 55317.4)/360 = 13821 rub.

3 dairy products = 2.5 * 13821 = 34552.5 rubles.


N tx = T zap in days + T transp = 5 + 5 = 10 days.

O o = (O issue pr * C t per unit pr) /360 = (204.16 * 55317.4) /360 = 31371 rub.

Z сх = 7500 rub.

Z tsn = 6000 rub.

3 fillers = (10*31371) +7500+6000 = 327210 rub.

N tx = T zap in days + T transp + T fear = 6 + 1.5 + 4 = 11.5 days.

O o = (O issue pr * C t per unit pr)/360 = (5.73*55317.4)/360 = 880.5 rub.

Z сх = 10,000 rub.

Z tsn = 8000 rub.

3 flour = (11.5*880.5) +10000+8000 = 28126 rub.

N tx = T zap in days + T transp + T fear = 3.5 +1 + 2 = 6.5 days.

O o = (O issue pr * C t per unit pr) /360 = (0.95*55317.4)/360 = 146 rub.

Z сх = 100 rub.

Z tsn = 100 rub.

3 eggs = (6.5*146) +100+100 = 1149 rub.

N tx = T zap in days + T transp + T fear = 5 + 2 + 3 = 10 days.

O o = (O issue pr * C t per unit pr) /360 = (13.86*55317.4)/360 = 2130 rub.

Z сх = 700 rub.

Z tsn = 550 rub.

Z sakh = (10*2130) +700+550 = 22550 rub.

Ensuring high turnover and efficient forms of inventory movement:

IE o =

IE o =

Rationale for the accounting policy for inventory valuation:

When assessing used raw materials and materials at the cost of the first purchases during the reporting period (using the FIFO method), the enterprise first determines the cost of raw materials and materials unused at the end of the reporting period, based on their quantity and the assumption that their cost consists of the costs of the last purchases of materials. Then the enterprise calculates the total cost of materials and raw materials used, subtracting from the amount of balances at the beginning of the reporting period (taking into account the cost of materials and raw materials received during the reporting period) their cost attributable to the balance of materials and raw materials at the end of the reporting period.

Using this method, materials and raw materials released from the warehouse will be valued at a lower price than inventory. The FIFO method results in a lower cost of goods sold and higher profits.

This is the minimum amount of inventory in days required for the uninterrupted, rhythmic operation of an industrial enterprise.
At the same time, industrial enterprises distinguish between current, insurance (warranty) and technological stocks.
The current stock meets the daily needs of production in the intervals between two next deliveries of materials and is defined as:

where: - the norm of the current supply of a given material, days
And - time interval between two next deliveries, days. A guarantee (insurance) stock is required in case of disruption of regular deliveries due to unforeseen circumstances. The guaranteed stock norm should ensure that enterprise I operates in the same mode for the duration of emergency measures for the delivery of materials. Practice shows that the norm is a guarantee reserve. sufficient at half the current supply:

Technological reserves are provided for preparing raw materials for production. This is, say, time for part-time work, drying, moistening agricultural or other raw materials. The technological reserve rate is determined in accordance with the technology for processing raw materials or manufacturing an industrial product. For example, for grain it is one and a half to two days, for flour, grapes - hours, for wine before bottling - two weeks, for certain types of industrial materials - a month, etc.
Thus, the working capital norm for industrial inventories for industrial enterprises is determined as:

The working capital standard is calculated in monetary terms as the product of the working capital standard in days by the average daily production costs at cost. In this case, the working capital standard for production inventories will be:

where: - standard working capital for production inventories for a given material, rub.
- stock norm in days for this material, rub.
D - average daily consumption of this material in physical terms
P - unit price of this material, taking into account transportation and procurement costs, rub.
This is how the standard is determined for all types and groups of inventory and summed up for this entire group of working capital.
The working capital standard for work in progress is defined as:

where: - standard working capital for work in progress, rub.
- duration of the product production cycle, days
- cost increase coefficient, unit fraction
- average daily production costs, rub.
- the amount of production costs per year, rub. The duration of the production cycle is determined according to the technological map. It is calculated, say, for bread - in hours, and for cognac and ships - in years.
Average daily costs are determined by dividing the total production cost estimate by the fiscal year (360 days).
The cost increase coefficient characterizes the dynamics of cost growth during the production cycle and is defined as the ratio of the average cycle cost to the production cost:

where: - average cycle cost of the product, rub.
- production cost of the product, rub. Calculating the average cycle cost is a very complex and labor-intensive process, because the nature of the increase in costs is uneven and not the same for each product or group of products. Therefore, for processing industries, where material-intensive products are mainly produced with a relatively insignificant production cycle, the cost increase coefficient can be determined with sufficient accuracy using the formula:

where: M is the share of material costs in the production cost of products, %
O - share of other costs (100 - M), %.
In this case, the cost increase coefficient in these industries is in the range of 0.5 - 1.0. It is assumed that material costs enter the production process immediately, and other costs increase evenly.
Working capital for future expenses is normalized at the level established for the previous year with adjustments for changes in the coming year. Future expenses are insignificant, relatively stable in industries, and this principle of their rationing is completely justified.
The working capital ratio for finished products in the warehouse is determined as:

where: - standard working capital for finished products in the warehouse, rub.
- standard stock of finished products in the warehouse, days
- average daily output at production cost, rub.
The stock norm of finished products in the warehouse is determined from the time required to form a batch of goods for shipment to the consumer and to prepare documents.
The general working capital standard will be the sum of the previously determined private standards:

The working capital standard determined in this way should ensure the uninterrupted, rhythmic operation of the industry enterprise at the level of minimum sufficiency. In other words, the standard of own working capital
funds are the minimum necessary, but not decreasing, needs of funds invested at different stages of the circulation. That is why for seasonally operating industries it is not necessary to standardize their own working capital for the seasonal procurement of raw materials and individual materials. These funds will simply be diverted and frozen in the off-season.


In the process of economic activity, manufacturing enterprises acquire raw materials for the manufacture of products and goods for sale. Materials are stored in a warehouse before they are released into production, finished products and goods are stored in a warehouse before shipment to the buyer.

Both excess and shortage of inventory create problems. With an excess, storage costs increase; a shortage of basic materials and raw materials can lead to interruptions in the production cycle and a shortage of finished products in the warehouse.

Due to the lack of the required quantity of products, the company loses income, potential and actual customers. The costs of eliminating the shortage are growing: you have to urgently purchase basic materials necessary for the production of products, or substitute goods, which are often purchased at inflated prices, since in this situation there is no time to search for cheaper ones.

To keep losses to a minimum, you need to calculate inventory standards.


In accordance with clause 2 of the Accounting Regulations “Accounting for inventories” (PBU 5/01), approved by Order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated 06/09/2001 No. 44n (as amended on 05/16/2016), for accounting purposes Inventories include:

  • productive reserves;
  • containers for storing material assets in a warehouse;
  • goods purchased for sale;
  • material assets used for the economic needs of the organization;
  • finished products.

Productive reserves— these are raw materials and materials, spare parts and components, semi-finished products used in main and auxiliary production.

Finished products— material assets produced at the enterprise, which have gone through all stages of processing, are fully equipped, delivered to the warehouse in accordance with the approved procedure for their acceptance and are ready for sale.

Goods are material assets acquired from other organizations intended for sale.


Accounting for inventories in the warehouse is carried out in natural and cost units by batches, item numbers, groups, etc.

Inventories are acquired and created for:

  • ensuring production activities (stocks of raw materials, semi-finished products);
  • sales (inventories of finished products, goods for sale);
  • the needs of auxiliary production (for example, spare parts and components for equipment repair);
  • provision of administrative and management activities (stationery, office equipment, etc.).

Inventory structure

The company's reserves can be divided into three main groups:

  • main stock;
  • temporary stock;
  • forced reserve.

Main stock serves to ensure production activities (raw materials) and sales (goods and finished products) and consists of several parts:

  • current stock of raw materials and materials— necessary to fulfill the plan for the production of finished products, focused on consumer demand. The size of this stock depends on the technological cycle of product manufacturing;
  • current inventory(goods and finished products) - designed for the normal functioning of the sales process, timely implementation of the plan for the sale of finished products and goods. For manufacturing companies, its size depends on the sales time, the frequency of deliveries, for trade organizations - on what batches of goods are received from the supplier, as well as on the frequency and time of its delivery;
  • safety stock of raw materials and supplies- needed in order to compensate for the uncertainties associated with the production process (for example, when releasing defective products, be able to quickly eliminate defects or produce high-quality products instead of defective ones);
  • safety stock of finished products and goods— focused on organizing extraordinary deliveries.

Temporary inventory is an excess stock that is created for a specific period and consists of three main types:

  • seasonal stock - formed during the period of seasonal growth of consumption on the market (during the season it should be sold);
  • marketing stock - is formed during the period of marketing promotions (during the promotions this stock is sold);
  • opportunistic - they mainly create trading organizations in order to gain additional profit due to the difference between the old and new purchase prices (the company retains part of the goods previously purchased at a lower price, and when prices for goods from suppliers increase, it throws it onto the market).

Forced stock occurs when stocking the warehouse. This includes illiquid goods (goods of normal quality, but in volumes that are difficult to sell quickly).

The required level of production and sales is ensured only by the main stock, so we will calculate the standards specifically for it.

When rationing inventories, the following conditions should be taken into account:

  • frequency of inventory acquisition, volumes of delivery lots, possible trade credits;
  • sales of finished products (changes in sales volumes, price discounts, state of demand, development and reliability of the dealer network);
  • technology of the production process (duration of the preparatory and main processes, features of production technology);
  • costs of storing inventory (warehouse costs, possible spoilage, freezing of funds).


Finished goods inventories- these are finished products stored in warehouses and shipping areas, as well as loaded into vehicles, for which shipping documents have not been issued.

— the required minimum of inventory items (TMV), which is important to have in stock at all times. The stock norm of finished products must ensure the implementation of the plan for the sale of finished products for a certain period. If the volumes of finished products are higher than the calculated standard, this indicates the ineffectiveness of the distribution of financial flow in the enterprise. When the actual balances of finished products in the warehouse are lower than the standard balances, interruptions occur in the shipment of goods to customers. As a result, the company loses potential customers.

Certain types of products are produced in batches. Their records are kept for each batch. Some types of products are delivered to warehouses individually. Accordingly, they are taken into account according to nomenclature items.


When finished products arrive at the warehouse, they can be valued at actual cost or at planned (accounting) prices.

Delivery conditions are determined in the supply agreement. It indicates the volume, assortment, price, delivery conditions, and delivery times for products to the buyer. Therefore, when rationing the stock of finished products, special attention should be paid to sales volumes, delivery schedules and delivery conditions defined in contracts.

When calculating the stock norm of finished products in a warehouse, the main criterion is sales volume. Important point: When calculating finished product inventory standards, it is necessary to take into account the time for loading, completing batches of finished products, packaging, delivery to the buyer, transportation and unloading.


The standard for the balance of finished products in the warehouse is calculated by multiplying the average daily quantity of finished products received from production by the standard time in a day.

To calculate the standard for finished product balances use:

  • accounting data on balances of finished products;
  • data on the planned volumes of finished products;
  • time standards for storage and warehouse operations;
  • time standards for pre-sale preparation;
  • the total volume of sales of finished products for the planning period (year, quarter or month).

Calculation of the standard stock of finished products in the warehouse

Stage 1.

We calculate the receipt of finished products at the warehouse for the planned period. The planning period can be a year, a quarter or a month. Knowing the arrival of finished products at the warehouse during the planning period, you can determine the average daily volume of finished products.

Volume of finished products arriving at the warehouse in the planning period (RP) is calculated using the formula:

RP = TP + GP n - GP k,

where TP is finished commodity products sold externally;

GP n - balances of unsold products at the beginning of the planning period;

GP k - balances of unsold products at the end of the planning period.

Stage 2.

We determine the average daily volume of finished products arriving at the warehouse. The period is counted in days. For calculations, we take a month, a quarter, a year (30, 90 and 360 days, respectively).

The calculation of the average daily volume of finished products arriving at the warehouse is as follows: the total volume of product receipts for the planning period is divided by the number of days of the billing period.

Calculation formula:

RP av/s = RP / T,

where RP av/s is the average daily volume of finished products arriving at the warehouse;

RP - the volume of finished products received at the warehouse in the planning period;

T— planning period in days.


At this stage, calculations are made in physical measurements, therefore, for products that have different units of measurement (for example, pieces, kilograms, meters), the average daily volume must be determined separately for each unit of measurement.

Stage 3.

We determine the standard time during which finished products are in the warehouse from the moment of receipt until the moment of shipment.

To find out the time standard, you should summarize all the time standards established for warehouse operations: sorting, warehousing, packaging, labeling of finished products, for picking goods for each customer or consignee. Important detail: All listed time standards for the purpose of calculating the finished product standard must be expressed in days.

Calculation formula:

N gp = N preg + N current,

where N gp is the time standard for finished product inventories;

N preg - time standard for preparatory operations;

N tech is the time standard for current storage.

The time limit for preparatory operations includes time for:

  • acceptance of finished products and their storage;
  • completing a batch of finished products;
  • packaging and labeling;
  • delivery of products to the loading station;
  • waiting for vehicles and loading products;
  • delivery of cargo and preparation of shipping documents.

Stage 4.

We calculate the standard stock of finished products in natural units. Calculation formula:

NRP = N gp × RP sr/s,

where NRP is the stock norm of finished products in physical terms;

N gp - time standard for finished product inventories, days;

RP avg - the average daily quantity of incoming finished products in natural units.

Stage 5.

The stock standard for finished products, expressed in physical terms, is converted into monetary terms. To do this, we multiply the resulting standard by the average accounting price of one unit of production.

Registration price— this is the price at which finished products are accounted for in the warehouse (can be accounted for at actual cost or at planned cost).


A manufacturing company produces piece goods. Warehouse accounting is maintained by item items. Products arrive at the warehouse at a planned price, which is 1,500 rubles. a piece. The planning period is a quarter.

Need to calculate finished stock standardproducts in the first quarter of 2017. This quarter, the sales department plans to ship 1,600 products to customers. In the future, it was decided to increase the expected sales volume to 2,000 products per quarter.

According to accounting data, the balance of finished products at the end of the fourth quarter of 2016 amounted to 260 pcs. The company's management considered that the permissible volume of products in the warehouse at the end of each quarter should be no more than 15 % from sales volume in the next quarter. Therefore, to calculate the finished product standard, it was decided to take the balance of finished products at the end of the first quarter of 2017 as 300 pcs. (2000 pcs. × 15%).

Before shipment to the buyer, products are stored in the warehouse for an average of 8 days. The time required for pre-sale preparation (sorting, packaging) is 0.5 days, delivery to the buyer is 1 day.

1. Let's calculate planned release of finished products in the first quarter2017. in natural units. To do this, we add up the balance of finished products in the warehouse at the beginning of the first quarter and the planned volume of product sales in this quarter, and from the resulting amount we subtract the balance of finished products at the end of the first quarter.

The output of finished products will be:

260 pcs. + 1600 pcs. - 300 pcs. = 1560 pcs.

2. Let us determine the average daily volume of finished products arriving at the warehouse. To do this, divide the volume of finished products produced in the first quarter by the number of days in the planning period. Our planning period is a quarter, which means we divide it into 90 days:

1560 pcs. / 90 days = 17.33 pcs.

The warehouse must receive 17 items daily.

3. Let us determine the standard time during which finished products are in the warehouse from the moment of receipt to the moment of shipment:

8 days (storage in warehouse) + 0.5 days. (pre-sale preparation) + 1 day (delivery to the buyer) = 9.5 days.

The standard storage and sales time is 9.5 days.

4. We will establish a standard for finished product inventories in natural units. To do this, we multiply the average daily volume of finished products received at the warehouse by the standard storage and sales time calculated above:

17 pcs. × 9.5 days = 161.5 pcs.

Finished product inventory standard162 pcs.

5. Let us determine the stock standard for finished products in total terms. To do this, we multiply the resulting stock standard in quantitative terms by the accounting price at which the released products are delivered to the warehouse:

162 pcs. × 1500 rub. = 243,000 rub.

The stock standard for finished products in monetary terms is 243 thousand. rub.

Important point: The inventory rate of finished products can be determined based on the frequency of product deliveries to the customer. Buyers purchase the required quantity of goods from the manufacturing company, and it replenishes sold-out stocks to the target level at a certain frequency.


There is product “A” in the finished goods warehouse of a manufacturing company, which is sold within two weeks. The company determined the average sales volume based on the sales of the most recent quarter.

In the previous quarter, an average of 300 items were shipped to customers in two weeks, that is, 300 items. is the average volume of product consumption over two weeks. The company accepted the permissible deviation from the average as ±50 pcs.

Accordingly, the target replenishment level will be 350 units. (300 + 50) plus safety stock, which is 20% of the target stock and is equal to 70 pcs. (350 pcs. × 20%). From here stock standard product "A":

350 pcs. + 70 pcs. = 420 pcs.

So, the standard stock level for product “A” has been established, the control period is two weeks. As a result of the sale of goods during the first two weeks of April, its stock according to warehouse accounting data drops to 300 pieces. (current level).

After two weeks, the current stock is compared with the standard one and it turns out that to replenish the stock to the standard level 120 pieces need to be produced. goods (420 - 300) For two weeks. For the remaining two weeks of April, the current product level is 250 pieces. Consequently, another 170 pieces are needed to reach the standard level. (420 - 250).

Availability of goods or finished products above the norm is considered surplus. Excess inventory may be movable, but it is too large. Then the volume of purchases or the volume of production of such goods decreases.

Excess inventory may have a slow turnover rate. In this case, you need to reduce the price and stimulate sales (for example, provide discounts). It happens that excess goods are not sold at all. If the product has not been consumed in three to four months, then it falls into the category of “dead” goods.


Rationing the balance of raw materials and production materials is just as necessary as rationing finished products in the warehouse. Due to a lack of stock of materials, the production process may be interrupted, and an excess balance will indicate ineffective use of funds (more materials are purchased than are consumed).

The stock norm for raw materials and materials for production purposes is calculated on the basis of the finished product production program, the norms and frequency of write-off of inventories into production

When determining the need for materials for production, take into account:

  • technological process features
  • seasonality;
  • used production capacity;
  • labor resources;
  • automation of production processes, etc.

When rationing inventory balances, the storage time of inventory items before release into production, and the time required for acceptance, warehousing, loading, unloading, and delivery of materials to the workshop (production unit) are taken into account.

In addition to the main stock, designed to provide production with resources between two main deliveries, it is possible to create an insurance stock in case of disruption of deliveries, defects and damage to inventory items, delays at customs, etc.

As practice shows, safety stock in most cases is 30-50% of the average level of current stock.


Safety stock is not provided in the following cases:

    the type of material reserves is not critical for production, that is, its possible shortage will not lead to serious consequences, significant losses or stoppage of production;

    for irregular (for example, seasonal) supplies;

    with pulse consumption, when short intervals of demand for oil reserves are interspersed with long intervals of its complete absence.

To calculate the norm of the main inventory of goods and materials, you need to know the total consumption of materials that will be released into production for a certain planning period. This expense is usually reflected in the costing of production. Let us recall that the planning period is determined in days (month - 30 days, quarter - 90 days, year - 360 days).

Knowing the total consumption of raw materials and materials for the planning period, you can determine them average daily consumption according to the formula:

P av/s = P / T,

where R av/s is the average daily consumption of inventory items;

P - consumption of raw materials and materials for the planning period;

  • storage time of materials;
  • the time required for acceptance, warehousing, loading, unloading, and delivery of goods and materials to the workshop.


The cost estimate for the production of fertilizers stipulates that raw materials in the amount of 1200 kg. Raw materials are delivered regularly every 5 days. The company does not create safety stock. Accordingly, the standard inventory of material assets will be 5 days.

Let's determine the need (standard) for raw materials:

1200 kg / 30 days. = 40 kg/day. — one-day consumption of material assets;

40 kg/day × 5 days = 200 kg- standard requirement for raw materials between deliveries.

Suppose 1 kg of raw materials costs 100 rubles. Then the need for raw materials will be:

200 kg × 100 rub. = 20,000 rub..

We derive the general formula standards for raw materials and supplies (N s/m):

N s/m = T norms ×·S ×·C,

Where T norms - stock norm;

C is the average daily consumption of raw materials in natural units;

C is the cost of a unit of consumed raw materials.

The considered stock norm was determined only by the time the raw materials were in the warehouse, that is, the current warehouse stock. We did not take into account the time for delivery and acceptance of raw materials, for their preparation for production. Given this time stock norm in days (T normal) can be calculated using the formula:

T normal = T tech + T tran + T preg + T fear,

Where T tek - the current stock rate, that is, the time the material is stored in the warehouse from the moment it arrives until it is released into production;

T tran — time of delivery of raw materials to the warehouse;

T preg - time for receiving raw materials (weighing, packaging, storage);

T fear - time to prepare raw materials for production (weighing, preparing documents, delivery to the workshop, acceptance at the workshop warehouse).

Let the average time be:

  • storage in warehouse - 5 days;
  • transportation - 1 day;
  • acceptance of raw materials - 0.5 days;
  • preparation of raw materials for production - 0.5 days.

T norms = 5 + 1 + 0.5 + 0.5 = 7 (days).

The standard for raw materials, taking into account the time for their transportation, acceptance, storage and release into production, will be:

  • in natural units: 40 kg/day. × 7 days = 280 kg;
  • in total terms: 280 kg × 100 rubles. = 28,000 rub..


To ration raw materials and supplies, it is important to determine the optimal order batch size and delivery frequency.

The following factors influence the size of the order batch and the optimal frequency of delivery:

  • volume of demand (turnover);
  • transportation and procurement costs (delivery of materials to the organization, loading at the supplier’s warehouse and unloading at the buyer’s warehouse);
  • costs of storing inventory (rent of warehouse space; wages of storekeepers, losses from natural loss of property or losses from a decrease in its consumer qualities).

One of the most effective tools when calculating the required order size is formula for economically optimal order size(Harris-Wilson formula):

where ORZ is the optimal order size, units. change;

A— costs of supplying a unit of the ordered product, rub.;

S— need for the ordered product, units. change;

I— costs of storing a unit of the ordered product, rub.

Important detail: costs of supplying a unit of the ordered product ( A) represent the costs of supplying only one product item.

The average cost of inventory is calculated as the average cost at the end of the period over the last 12 months.


A manufacturing company purchases raw materials to make steel products. The cost of supplying 1 ton of scrap metal is 250 rub.., share of costs for storing 1 ton of scrap - 10 % from its average cost for the billing month (coefficient 0.1).

Cost of 1 ton of scrap metal - 10 rub., monthly requirement - 1500 t.

Another important indicator that ensures order continuity is the order renewal point.

Reorder point (T s) is determined by the formula:

T z = P z × T c + Z r,

where Rz is the average consumption of goods per unit of order duration;

T c — the duration of the order cycle (the time interval between placing an order and receiving it);

Зр - the size of the reserve (guarantee) stock.

Let's look at an example of calculating the order renewal point.


A manufacturing company purchases scrap metal. The annual demand is 18 000 t and is equal to the volume of purchases (the company uses scrap metal evenly). The order is completed within 7 days.

Let us assume for calculation that there are 360 ​​days in the current year. Then the average metal consumption per unit of order duration will be:

R z = 18,000 t / 360 days. × 7 days = 350 t.

The insurance order volume is 50% of demand, that is, 50% of the material consumption for manufacturing the order:

350 t × 50% = 175 t.

Let's define reorder point:

T s = 350 t + 175 t = 525 t.

This indicator means the following: when the level of scrap metal stock in the warehouse reaches 525 tons, you need to place another order to the supplier.

  1. The amount of finished goods inventories has a significant impact on the company's income.
  2. Standardization of warehouse stocks allows for efficient use of funds.
  3. Rationing of finished products helps to avoid overstocking of the warehouse or shortage of commercial products, which can lead to the loss of potential customers and worsen the company's image.

1.1. Concept, essence and types of inventories 6
1.2. The need for the existence of reserves in the enterprise 10
1.3. Foreign experience in inventory management 13
2.1. Inventory rationing 19
2.2. Inventory control systems 24
2.3. Methodology for designing a logistics inventory management system 33
3.1. Inventory analysis 37
3.2. Standardization of stock of YaMZ 238 40 engines
3.3. Justification for the need for reserves for YaMZ 238 42 engines


The condition and efficiency of use of inventory, as the most significant part of working capital, is one of the main conditions for the successful operation of an enterprise. The development of market relations determines new conditions for their organization. Inflation, non-payments and other crisis phenomena force enterprises to change their policy in relation to industrial reserves, look for new sources of replenishment, and study the problem of the efficiency of their use. Therefore, for an enterprise, all possible ways of rationally spending funds, one of which is determining the optimal amount of inventory, are becoming increasingly important.
The purpose of this work is to develop, based on the analysis of subject-object material, specific proposals for increasing the efficiency of inventory management of JSC Elektroagregat.
To achieve the research goal, it is necessary to solve the following tasks:
reveal the functional role of inventories in the production process;
analyze Western experience in inventory management and assess the possibility of its application in Russian conditions;
consider methods for rationing enterprise inventories;
generate possible options for the correct choice of inventory level control system;
show a methodology for designing an effective inventory management system;
analyze the inventory management process of JSC Elektroagregat;
develop a model for managing the inventory of YaMZ 238 engines. The object of study of this work is the process of managing costs, working capital and production inventories.
The subject of the study is the factors influencing the management of industrial inventories, their cause-and-effect relationships and methods of managing them.
The work consists of an introduction, three sections, a conclusion, a list of references and applications.
The introduction defines the goals and objectives, the object and subject of the research, a description of the degree of development of the topic, a methodological and information base, as well as a brief description of the work. Problems and possible solutions to them are identified, as well as the range of literature used.
The work examines the main range of issues of enterprise management in modern conditions. It sets out the theoretical basis of management; the essence, purpose, functions and role of this management in a market economy have been formed; Its theoretical foundations and methodological tools are considered.
The work contains modern methods of inventory management. As part of the work, a number of practical proposals have been developed to improve the mechanism for managing industrial inventories of the enterprise.
In conclusion, the main conclusions of the work and the degree to which the goal set in the introduction and the tasks set in the introduction have been achieved are discussed.
A major problem in business management is an ineffective (often nonexistent) management accounting system, which, by providing late, distorted or overgeneralized information, can easily undermine the efforts of companies with excellent development, production and marketing. The consequence of this problem is the non-use of modern methods of inventory management due to the lack of a management accounting system.
To solve this problem, it is necessary to create a system of modern management accounting that would prepare an information base for the main elements of managing costs and production costs of an industrial enterprise, which are forecasting and planning, cost regulation, organizing their accounting and calculating production costs, analysis, control and regulation of activities during its implementation.
The methodological basis for inventory management was the works of the following scientists: Bea F.K., Gadzhinsky A.M., Zaitsev N.L., Stoyanova E.S., etc.
The methodological basis of the thesis research consists of methods of financial analysis: methods, techniques and tools of mathematical statistics: collection and grouping of statistical data; analysis of time series; methods of stock rationing and management.
The results of the thesis research can be used in the current management activities of the enterprise in order to reduce the diversion of funds into inventories using the proposed inventory management model and a system for correct control of inventory levels and ultimately reducing the level of costs per ruble of marketable products.
The information base of the study consists of: textbooks and monographs of domestic and foreign experts in the field of financial management and enterprise economics, periodical materials on the most significant features of inventory management at the present stage in Russia, data from the accounting and financial statements of the enterprise, in-plant regulatory and technical documentation, practical recommendations Inventory management specialists.


1.1. Concept, essence and types of inventories

Inventories are an integral part of the organization's current assets.
Gadzhinsky A. M. gives the most general formulation of the concept of reserves in his book “Logistics”: “Material reserves are industrial and technical products at different stages of production and circulation, consumer goods and other goods awaiting entry into the process of production or personal consumption ".
Inventory inventories are generally classified into three types:
1. Inventory;
2. Work in progress;
3. Finished products.
The first group includes stocks of raw materials and supplies, purchased semi-finished products and components, structures and parts, fuel, containers and packaging materials, waste, spare parts, and other materials.
For each production process (or stage of the production process), the following types of starting materials can be distinguished:
a) Raw materials that, as a result of processing, form a significant part (by quantity or value) of the final product. Raw materials, as a rule, include primary materials that have not undergone processing at all or have undergone it to an insignificant extent. Examples include crop, livestock or fishery products; products of ore mining and processing in the mining and metallurgical industries, as well as materials obtained as a result of specific technological processes of chemical and physical processing. More highly processed raw materials, such as pre-assembled parts that make up a significant portion of the final product, such as an electric motor, are classified as semi-finished products. The procedure for purchasing such products externally is similar to the purchase of other types of raw materials.
b) Auxiliary materials that occupy an insignificant (in quantity or cost) part of the final product. Nevertheless, such materials can have important functional significance. Examples of auxiliary materials are sewing threads for tailoring, mounting bolts, and wire. It is also necessary to take into account the fact that the classification of a product into one or another category of materials depends on the characteristics of the production process. Thus, the same threads in the textile industry serve as raw materials for the manufacture of fabric. Paper clips can be made from a certain type of wire, and in this case it will be the raw material.
c) Production materials that, unlike raw materials and materials, are not included in the composition of the final product, but are necessary for the normal course of the production process. They ensure commissioning and operation of equipment. These products include lubricants, coolant for drilling equipment, cleaning agents and detergents. Production materials also include energy, which, due to its high cost and significant need for it, is usually taken into account separately from other types of production materials.
d) Components include products that do not require processing at all or require little or no processing. The operations performed with them may include re-sorting, changing the batch size, labeling, etc.
Raw materials, semi-finished products, and auxiliary materials belong to the general category of raw materials and supplies (as they are processed or processed during the manufacturing process of the final product).
We present different types of materials in Fig. 1.

Rice. 1. Classification of materials

On the path of converting raw materials into the final product and the subsequent movement of this product to the final consumer, two main types of reserves are created (see Fig. 2).

Rice. 2. Main types of inventories

Let us characterize each of the named reserves
Industrial inventories are inventories located at enterprises in all sectors of the sphere of material production, intended for industrial consumption. The purpose of creating inventories is to ensure the continuity of the production process
Inventories - stocks of finished products at manufacturing enterprises, as well as stocks along the route of goods from supplier to consumer, that is, at wholesale, small wholesale and retail trade enterprises, in procurement organizations and stocks in transit.
Commodity stocks are divided, in turn, into stocks of means of production and consumer goods.
In the context of production based on an order for the current period of time (month, quarter), inventory management becomes particularly important, as a result of which we will focus in this work on a comprehensive study of the problems of inventory management.
Industrial and commodity inventories are divided into current, insurance and seasonal.
Current inventories are the main part of production and commodity inventories. They ensure continuity of the production and trading process between successive deliveries.
Safety stocks are intended for the continuous provision of materials or goods for the production or trade process in the event of various unforeseen circumstances, for example, such as:
deviations in the frequency and size of supply batches from those stipulated in the contract;
possible delays in materials or goods in transit when delivered from suppliers;
unexpected increase in demand.
Seasonal stocks - are formed due to the seasonal nature of production, consumption or transportation. An example of the seasonal nature of production is the production of agricultural products. Gasoline consumption is seasonal during the harvest season. The seasonal nature of transportation is usually due to the lack of permanently functioning roads.
Thus, we can conclude that currently in the economic literature the category of reserves is described quite fully and in detail. However, it is necessary to find out how necessary the reserves are for the enterprise, and also to determine the types of costs that it incurs in connection with the maintenance of reserves

1.2. The need for the existence of reserves in the enterprise

The objective need for the formation of reserves is associated with the nature of the production and reproduction processes. The main reason for the formation of inventories is the discrepancy in space and time between the production and consumption of material resources.
The need to create reserves is especially important in connection with the continuous deepening of the division of labor. An increase in labor productivity occurs as a result of the expansion and deepening of the processes of specialization and cooperation, as a result of which an increasing number of enterprises participate in the process of manufacturing the final product. The need to move means of production between them leads to the formation of an ever-increasing amount of reserves, both in size and in range.
The formation of reserves is also associated with the need to ensure continuity of the production process at all its stages. In the process of fulfilling contracts for the supply of products and during their transportation, deviations from the planned terms and sizes of delivery lots may occur. At the same time, food production must be carried out regularly. Therefore, the rhythmic operation of the enterprise primarily depends on the availability and condition of reserves.
The availability of reserves allows us to ensure the uninterrupted implementation of the established production program. The lack of materials at the enterprise due to depletion of reserves disrupts the rhythm of the production process, leads to equipment downtime or even the need to restructure the technological process.
One of the reasons for creating inventories is also the possibility of demand fluctuations (an unpredictable increase in the intensity of the output flow). Demand for any group of goods can be predicted with a high degree of probability. However, forecasting demand for a specific product is much more difficult. Therefore, if you do not have a sufficient supply of this product, or the raw materials for its production in the case of a custom-made enterprise, a situation cannot be ruled out when effective demand will not be satisfied, that is, the client will leave with money and without a purchase.
Discounts for purchasing large quantities of goods can also cause inventory.
In modern economic conditions in Russia, one of the main problems in the financial and economic activities of enterprises is the problem of rising prices. A significant increase in the cost of material resources necessary for the production process adversely affects the functioning of the enterprise, leading to supply interruptions and even stopping the production process. Thus, investing available funds in inventories is one of the possible ways to avoid a fall in the purchasing power of money.
On the other hand, an enterprise that has managed to foresee inflationary processes in the economy creates a reserve in order to make a profit by increasing the market price. In this case we are talking about the speculative nature of creating reserves.
The process of placing each new order for the supply of materials and components is accompanied by a number of administrative costs (searching for a supplier, negotiating with him, business trips, long-distance negotiations, etc.). These costs can be reduced by reducing the number of orders, which is equivalent to increasing the volume of the ordered batch and, accordingly, increasing the size of the stock.
Seasonal fluctuations in the production of certain types of goods lead to the fact that the enterprise creates stocks of these products in order to avoid supply problems during unfavorable periods. This mainly concerns agricultural products.
In addition, the accumulation of inventories is often a necessary measure to reduce the risk of under-delivery (non-delivery) of raw materials and materials necessary for the production process of the enterprise. Let us note that in this regard, an enterprise that focuses on one main supplier is in a more vulnerable position than an enterprise that bases its activities on contracts with several suppliers.
However, the policy of accumulating inventories leads to a significant outflow of the enterprise's funds from circulation. The dependence of production efficiency on the level and structure of inventories lies in the fact that the enterprise incurs certain costs to ensure the safety of inventories.
In modern works on enterprise economics and logistics, the following main types of costs associated with the creation and maintenance of inventories are identified:
commercial costs - interest on loans; insurance; taxes on capital invested in inventories;
storage costs - maintenance of warehouses (depreciation, heating, lighting, staff wages, etc.); inventory transfer operations;
costs associated with the risk of losses due to: obsolescence, spoilage, sales at reduced prices, slowdown in the rate of consumption of this type of material resources;
losses associated with lost profits from the use of funds invested in production reserves in other alternative areas: increasing production capacity; reduction of production costs; investments in other enterprises.
At the same time, long-term maintenance of inventories, sometimes even excessive amounts, leads to the formation at Russian enterprises of so-called “unliquid stock” of inventories that cannot be used either at the enterprise itself or sold to third-party consumers.
Thus, despite the many positive aspects of creating reserves, the enterprise incurs significant costs for their formation and maintenance.
In this regard, it is necessary to find out whether it is possible for the enterprise to operate in the absence of reserves or at their minimum value. To do this, consider the Western experience of inventory management.

1.3. Foreign experience in inventory management

Logistics technologies in the field of inventory management used by Western manufacturers are mainly aimed at minimizing inventories. Examples of such systems are the following methods:
MRP (Materials Requirements Planning) - material requirements planning - production resource planning system.
"Kanban" is a method that ensures prompt regulation of the quantity of products produced at each stage of continuous production.
"Just-in-time" - "just in time" - is a general organizational approach, with the help of which, as a result of taking into account the details of demand, precise management, inventories and thereby the duration of the production cycle are significantly reduced.
OPT - (Optimized Production Technologies) - optimized production technologies.
DRP (Distribution Requirements Planning) is a system for managing and planning product distribution.
Let's look at the Kanban logistics method and the just-in-time organizational approach.
The concept of production management based on the Kanban principle has been in use for quite some time.
Its principles were developed in Japan in the 50s at Toyota automobile factories. Since the early 80s, this concept has found its application in Germany. It is characterized by the following features.
1) The production process is divided into a number of subsystems of the “delivery-receipt” type. Within each of these subsystems, materials are moved.
2) On the basis of each defined “delivery-receipt” subsystem, an independent section (self-governing section) is formed. The process of regulating the flow of materials, which was previously carried out centrally, is being replaced by decentralized control at the places of direct movement of materials. Document flow is reorganized so that it occurs at the same level as the movement of materials. This eliminates the need for centralized data processing.
3) Management of the transportation of goods is carried out from the destination. This principle replaces previously used control systems from the point of departure or centralized control of traffic flows. Each site that receives materials during production must, when the need for them arises, contact the site that delivers this type of material.
4) In this case, standardized containers are used for transportation, each of which has a special card, or kanban (Japanese “kanban” card, plate). When the contents of a container are unloaded at a destination, its card remains at that point and serves to further transmit information about the use of this type of material. Used cards are collected at the materials consumption point; then the site supplying this type of materials carries out ongoing monitoring of their use. Each individual card or their combination reflects the planned production or supply target for a specific site.
After unloading the contents of a container, it is supplied at the unloading point with a special transport card to replace the seized production card. The transport card is placed at the point of unloading for the same purposes as the production card at the point of departure. The cards contain a complete description of the material needed for re-ordering or production. Thus, at production sites, along with decentralized regulation of the flow of materials, a decentralized process of information collection is also carried out.
5) Regulation of the total quantity of materials in circulation, including semi-finished products, is carried out indirectly by setting an upper limit on the quantity of materials, since for each section a predetermined number of cards are issued for each type of material.
Figure 3 illustrates kanban control versus centralized materials management.
When analyzing the kanban system, it is clear that it can only be used in certain cases, and its use is not always advisable. One of the most significant consequences of using a kanban system is the fact that it is impossible to carry out medium- and long-term planning of exact volumes of material requirements. The transition to the kanban system is advisable only in cases where optimization issues to save costs on production changeover do not play a big role.
Proponents of the kanban system especially emphasize the possibility of reducing inventories in intermediate storage and finished goods warehouses by supplying materials directly as they are needed for use in production.
This general principle in relation to the supply area, interpreted as the delivery of materials with their immediate launch into production, can be implemented in addition to the kanban system. Recently used on

In many Western enterprises, this concept is called the “just in time” system.
Within the just-in-time system, materials are delivered immediately before they are used. The kanban system is therefore a specific type of just-in-time logistics. This principle is that cost savings with the consistent reduction of warehouse stocks of all types are higher than the additional costs associated with such a reduction for frequent production readjustments, purchase and launch of small batches of raw materials and materials. The implementation of a just-in-time system in production is as follows.
1) The production process is organized according to the flow principle.
2) There is a reduction in inventories, due to which “bottlenecks” of production are revealed, where opportunities for saving materials were previously hidden.
3) The funds released by reducing inventories are used to increase production capacity in order to overcome qualitative and quantitative shortcomings and eliminate bottlenecks.
4) Changeover time is reduced, in particular through the use of flexible production systems.
Implementing a JIT system requires the same prerequisites as Kanban logistics. In most cases, it is impossible to cover the entire production process with this system, so it seems advisable to divide it into stages in such a way that the “just in time” system is applicable to them separately.
The implementation of the "just in time" principle in the field of supply involves, first of all, appropriate negotiations with suppliers. After this, the level of stock of raw materials and materials is reduced to the minimum necessary to cover the demand for them at the time of physical delivery.
Ensuring measures include measures to improve supply discipline, as well as timely informing suppliers about the timing and volume of deliveries. The implementation of the “just in time” principle presupposes, in addition to the corresponding readiness of the supplier, also the standardization of order processing and close information interaction between the supplier and the buyer. It is also necessary to transfer the quality control function to the supplier’s enterprise, ensure the reliability of the transportation system, and effectively organize the acceptance of supplied materials by the buyer.
The above factors explain the existence of obstacles to the practical implementation of just-in-time logistics. Among other things, when planning investments, it is necessary to evaluate the degree of actual benefits from its implementation in comparison with alternative options. Since when analyzing effectiveness, a significant part of the problem is occupied by the assessment of qualitative aspects and risks, therefore, carrying out such comparative calculations is difficult. Therefore, optimistic conclusions about cost reductions of 50% or more as a result of implementing a JIT system should be taken with caution.
To summarize the above, we note that the use of such systems at Russian enterprises is desirable, but at present it is not possible due to unstable economic policies, which results in instability of inflation trends, an increase in mutual non-payments of enterprises and organizations, and imperfect tax legislation.
This implies the need to create inventory management systems at Russian enterprises that would take into account the peculiarities of domestic production, the main one of which, in this case, is the customized nature of manufacturing products.


2.1. Inventory rationing

Inventory management consists of solving two main tasks:
determining the size of the required stock, that is, the stock norm;
creation of a system for monitoring the actual size of the stock and its timely replenishment in accordance with the established norm.
The stock norm is the estimated minimum number of items of labor that must be kept by manufacturing or trading enterprises to ensure uninterrupted supply of production or sales of goods.
When determining inventory standards, three groups of methods are used: heuristic, methods of technical and economic calculations and economic-mathematical methods.
Heuristic methods involve the use of the experience of specialists who study financial statements for the previous period, analyze the market and make decisions on the minimum required reserves, based largely on a subjective understanding of demand trends. An enterprise employee who constantly solves the problem of stock rationing can act as a specialist. The method used in this case for solving the problem (from the heuristic group) is called experimental-statistical.
In particular, if the task at hand in the field of inventory management is quite complex, the experience of not one, but several specialists can be used. By then analyzing their subjective assessments of the situation and proposed solutions using a special algorithm, one can obtain a fairly good solution, not much different from the optimal one. This method also belongs to the group of heuristics and is called the method of expert assessments.
The essence of the method of technical and economic calculations is to divide the total inventory, depending on the intended purpose, into separate groups, for example, nomenclature items (or assortment items in trade). Next, insurance, current and seasonal stocks are calculated separately for the selected groups, each of which, in turn, can be divided into certain elements. For example, safety stock in case of increased demand or delays in the delivery of materials (goods) from suppliers.
Rationing the current stock consists of finding the maximum value of production needs for material assets between two next deliveries. This need is defined as the product of the average daily consumption by the supply interval:

TZ = RSUT J, (1)

where TK is the current stock;
RSUT - average daily consumption of materials;
J - delivery interval, days.
In turn, the average daily consumption is found by dividing the total need for material (PG, PKV, PM - annual, quarterly and monthly requirements, respectively) by the rounded number of calendar days in the planning period:

RSUT = PG (PKV, PM) / 360 (90, 30). (2)

Depending on the specific conditions of production, circulation and consumption of materials, the delivery interval is determined by several methods.
In cases where delivery intervals depend on the minimum supply rate for a given material B (transit or custom), their value is found by dividing this rate by the average daily consumption:
J = V / RSUT. (3)

In many cases, the delivery lot is determined by the carrying capacity of the vehicles used to transport goods, due to the need to fully load them. In this case, the delivery interval is found by dividing the carrying capacity G by the average daily consumption:

J = G / RSUT. (4)

The delivery interval is often determined by the frequency of production of a given material at the supplier. In such cases, it will be equal, as a rule, to the duration of the interruption in the production of this material at the supplier.
In cases where incoming material assets do not meet the requirements of the technological process and must undergo appropriate processing before being put into production, a technological (preparatory) stock is created.
Technological (preparatory) stock is calculated on the basis of time standards for carrying out preparatory operations, or on the basis of statistical data and observations of the actual time spent preparing materials for issue in the previous period (timing).
Safety stock in its most general form is defined as the product of the average daily material consumption by the gap in the supply interval divided by two:

SZ = RSUT (JФ - JPL) 0.5, (5)

where SZ is safety stock;
JF, JPL - actual and planned supply intervals, respectively.
In case of an aggregated assessment, it can be taken in the amount of 50% of the current stock. In the case where an industrial enterprise is located far from transport routes or non-standard, unique materials are used, the safety stock norm can be increased to 100%.
The occurrence of safety stock is due to a violation in the supply of materials on the part of the supplier. If this violation is associated with a transport organization, a transport stock is created, including those working capital that are diverted from the day the supplier's invoice is paid until the cargo arrives at the warehouse. Transport stock is calculated in the same way as safety stock:

TRZ = RSUT (JФ - JPL) 0.5, (6)

where TRZ is transport stock.

The amount of seasonal reserves is established based on data on the actual conditions of receipt and demand for materials.
Thus, the stock rate of a particular material is determined by the formula:

N = TZ + SZ + PZ, (7)

where N is the total material stock rate;
PZ - norm of preparatory stock;
The method of technical and economic calculations makes it possible to quite accurately determine the required size of reserves, but it is labor intensive.
The essence of economic and mathematical methods for rationing inventories is as follows:
Demand for goods or products is most often a random process that can be described by methods of mathematical statistics. One of the simplest economic and mathematical methods for determining the size of a reserve is the extrapolation (smoothing) method, which allows you to transfer the rates prevailing in the formation of reserves in the past to the future. For example, having information about the size of inventories for the past four periods, based on the extrapolation method, you can determine the size of inventories for the upcoming period using the formula:

Y5 = 0.5 (2 Y4 + Y3 Y1), (8)

where Y1, Y3, Y4 stock levels (in amount, days or percentage of turnover), respectively, for the first, third and fourth periods;
Y5 standard stock level for the upcoming fifth period.
The inventory level forecast for the sixth period (Y6) can be made using the formula:

Y6 = 0.5 (2 Y5 + Y4 Y2), (9)

International practice of inventory management shows that the growth rate of inventory should lag somewhat behind the growth rate of demand. Mathematically it looks like this.
The need to control the status of inventories is due to an increase in costs if the actual size of the stock exceeds the limits provided for by stock standards. Monitoring the status of the stock can be carried out on the basis of inventory accounting data, censuses of material resources, inventories, or as needed.
In general, the following inventory control systems can be distinguished: with a fixed order frequency; with a fixed order size. The remaining systems are variations of these two systems.
Inventory status control using a system with a fixed order frequency is carried out at regular intervals by conducting an inventory of balances. Based on the results of the inspection, an order is placed for the supply of a new batch of goods.
The size of the ordered batch of goods is determined by the difference between the maximum inventory provided by the norm and the actual inventory. Since fulfilling an order requires a certain period of time, the size of the ordered batch increases by the amount of expected consumption for this period. The size of the ordered batch (P) is determined by the following formula:

P = Z max (Z f Z t), (11)

where 3 max is the maximum reserve provided by the norm;
Z f actual stock at the time of inspection;
This is the stock that will be used up during the placement and execution of the order.
Graphically, the model of a stock control system with a fixed order frequency is presented in Figure 4.

Rice. 4. Inventory control system with a fixed order frequency

T is the time interval after which the order is repeated (in our case - 3 days) - for this system the value is constant;

Р1, Р2, …, Рi - the value of a separate, i-th order;
3 max - the maximum reserve provided for by the norm;
Zf - actual stock at the time of inspection;
Z t - stock consumed during the time t required to place and fulfill an order;
A - period of time with intense demand;
B is a period of time with zero stock.
The intensity of demand, characterized by the angle of inclination of sections of the line describing the change in reserves, in this model is a variable value (the angle of inclination of different sections of the broken line is not the same). And since the order is carried out at regular intervals, the size of the ordered batch in different periods will also be different. Naturally, this system can be used when it is possible to order batches of different sizes (for example, in the case of using container delivery of the ordered goods, this system is not applicable). In addition, the system is not used if delivery or placing an order is expensive. For example, if demand over the past period was not significant, then the order will also be insignificant, which is acceptable only if the costs associated with fulfilling the order are not significant.
A feature of the described system is also that it allows for the occurrence of shortages. As can be seen from the graph, if demand increases sharply (that is, the graph goes steeply down section A), then the stock will run out before the order submission deadline. This means that the system is applicable when possible losses from shortages for the enterprise are also insignificant.
To summarize, we note that a control system with a fixed order frequency is used in the following cases:
delivery conditions allow us to receive orders in batches of various sizes;
costs for placing an order and delivery are relatively low;
losses from a possible shortage are relatively small.
In practice, using this system, you can order one of many goods purchased from the same supplier, goods for which the level of demand is relatively constant, low-value goods, etc.
In a fixed order quantity inventory control system, the size of the replenishment order is a constant. The time intervals at which the order is placed may be different in this case (see Figure 5).

Rice. 5. Inventory control system with a fixed order quantity

T1, T2, …, Ti - the value of a separate i-th time period through which the order is repeated;
t is the time required to place and complete an order (in the example given - 1 day);
P is the order size, for a given control system the value is constant;
A - period of unexpected increase in demand;
B - the period in which the established delivery time was violated;
t" is the actual delivery time in period B.
The standardized quantities in this system are the order quantity, the amount of stock at the time the order is placed (the so-called order point) and the amount of safety stock. A purchase order is placed when the stock on hand is reduced to the reorder point. As follows from the drawing, after placing an order, the stock continues to decrease, since the ordered goods are not delivered immediately, but after some period of time t. The amount of stock at the order point is chosen such that in a normal working situation during time t the stock does not fall below the insurance value. If demand unexpectedly increases (the graph line goes down sharply, section A of the graph), or the delivery time is violated (t > t section B of the graph), then the safety stock will begin to work. In this case, the commercial service of the enterprise must take measures to ensure additional supply. As you can see, this control system provides for protecting the enterprise from the formation of shortages.
In practice, a stock control system with a fixed order quantity is used mainly in the following cases:
large losses due to lack of stock;
high costs of storing inventory;
high cost of the ordered goods;
high degree of demand uncertainty;
Availability of a price discount depending on the quantity ordered.
A system with a fixed order quantity assumes a continuous recording of balances to determine the order point.
After the choice of a replenishment system has been made, it is necessary to quantify the size of the ordered batch, as well as the time interval after which the order is repeated.
The optimal batch size of goods supplied and, accordingly, the optimal frequency of delivery depend on the following factors:
- volume of demand (turnover);
- costs of delivery of goods;
- inventory storage costs.
As an optimality criterion, the minimum total costs for delivery and storage are chosen.
Both delivery costs and storage costs depend on the size of the order, but the nature of the dependence of each of these cost items on the order volume is different. The costs of delivering goods when the order size increases obviously decrease, since transportation is carried out in larger quantities and, therefore, less often. The graph of this dependence, which has the shape of a hyperbola, is presented in Fig. 6.

Rice. 6. Dependence of transportation costs on order size

Storage costs increase in direct proportion to the size of the order. This dependence is graphically presented in Fig. 7.

Rice. 7. Dependence of inventory storage costs on order size

By adding both graphs, we obtain a curve reflecting the nature of the dependence of the total costs of transportation and storage on the size of the ordered batch (Fig. 8).

Rice. 8. Dependence of the total costs of storage and transportation on the size of the order. Optimal order size - S wholesale

The problem of determining the optimal order size, along with the graphical method, can also be solved analytically. To do this, you need to find the equation of the total curve, differentiate it and equate the second derivative to zero. As a result, we obtain Wilson's formula, which allows us to calculate the optimal order size:

Sopt = , (12)

where Sopt is the optimal size of the ordered batch;
O - turnover value;
St - costs associated with delivery;
Сх - costs associated with storage.
Thus, the main inventory control systems presented above are based on fixing one of two parameters of the order size or the time interval between orders. In the absence of deviations from planned indicators and uniform consumption of stocks for which the main systems are developed, this approach is quite sufficient.
However, in practice other, more complex situations are more common. In particular, with significant fluctuations in demand, the main inventory control systems are not able to ensure uninterrupted supply to the enterprise without significantly overestimating the volume of inventory. If there are systematic failures in supply and consumption, basic inventory control systems become ineffective. For such cases, other control systems are designed, consisting of elements of the main systems.
Each of the main systems has a specific operating procedure. Thus, in a system with a fixed order quantity, an order is made when a threshold stock level is reached, the value of which is determined taking into account time and possible delivery delays. In a system with a fixed time interval between orders, the order size is determined based on the available inventory volumes and the expected consumption during the delivery time.
“Various combinations of parts of the main inventory control systems, as well as the addition of fundamentally new ideas to the system operation algorithm, leads to the possibility of creating, in fact, a huge number of inventory control systems that meet a wide variety of requirements.”
One of the options for such systems is a system with a set frequency of replenishment of stocks to a set level. In this system, as in a system with a fixed order frequency, the input parameter is the time period between orders. Unlike the main system, it is designed to operate with significant fluctuations in consumption. To prevent inventory levels from being overstated or stocked out, orders are placed not only at set times, but also when inventory reaches a threshold level. Thus, the system under consideration includes a system element with a fixed time interval between orders (established order frequency) and a system element with a fixed order size (tracking threshold inventory levels).
Another variant of derivative inventory control systems is the so-called “minimum-maximum” system. This system, like a system with an established frequency of replenishment of inventories to a constant level, contains elements of basic systems for controlling inventory levels. As in a system with a fixed order frequency, a constant time interval between orders is used here. The "maximum-minimum" system is focused on a situation where the costs of inventory accounting and ordering costs are so significant that they become commensurate with losses from inventory shortages. Therefore, in the system under consideration, orders are not made at every given time interval, but only on the condition that the stocks in the warehouse at that moment are equal to or less than the established minimum level. If an order is issued, its size is calculated so that the delivery replenishes inventory to the maximum desired level. Thus, this system works with only two inventory levels: minimum and maximum.
However, all of the inventory control systems discussed above are applicable only to a very limited range of operating conditions and interaction between suppliers and consumers. Increasing the efficiency of using inventory management systems in an organization's logistics system leads to the need to develop original versions of the inventory level control systems discussed above.
Thus, Russian enterprises, despite numerous deviations in supply and sales activities, need to adhere to a certain inventory management system in order to avoid chaos and uncertainty in providing the production process with the necessary material resources. To do this, enterprises need a certain methodology for designing a logistics inventory management system.

2.3. Methodology for designing a logistics system
inventory management

The technique involves sequential solution of the following tasks:
1. Preparation of initial data for designing a logistics inventory management system based on an expert survey of specialists from supplier organizations and consumer organizations in the form presented in Table 1.
2. Calculation of the optimal order size for all components.
3. Comparison of the optimal order size for all components with the accepted and desired delivery lots (see Table 1). It is necessary to justify the choice of order size for further calculations. In case of a significant (more than 1.5 2 times) discrepancy between the optimal, accepted and desired delivery lots, further calculations for the component should be carried out separately for each size of the delivery lot. It is possible to use the average values ​​of the accepted and desired batches or the optimal and desired delivery batches.
4. Modeling the behavior of an inventory management system with a fixed inventory size assumes:
4.1. Carrying out the necessary calculations for all components and all order size options using table. 1.
Table 1
Initial data for designing a logistics system
inventory management using the example of component stocks
on intershop cooperation

Name of component Quantity, pcs.
ed. Dimensions Price, rub.
PC. Time interval between orders, days Delivery time, days Possible delivery delay, days Order size, pcs. Provider
accepted desirable accepted desirable maximum
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

4.2. Construction of inventory flow charts for all components and for all order size options for the following cases:
4.2.1. no delivery delays,
4.2.2. the presence of a single supply failure,
4.2.3. the presence of repeated supply failures.
4.3. For cases 4.2.2 and 4.2.3, an estimate of the time it takes for the system to return to its normal state (with the full amount of safety stock available).
4.4. For case 4.2.3, determining the maximum number of supply failures that the system can withstand without entering a shortage state.
4.5. For case 4.2.3, determining the maximum period of repeated delivery delays that the system can withstand without entering a shortage state.
4.6. For each component, comparison of systems with different order sizes.
Then you need to make a choice of the most rational order size, justifying your decision with the results of the work on pp. 4.3, 4.4, 4.5, and then summarize the results in table 2.
5. Modeling the behavior of a system with a fixed order frequency assumes:
5.1. Carrying out the necessary calculations for all components using Table 2.
table 2
Recommended order sizes

Part name Order size

5.2. Construction of inventory flow charts for all components for the following cases:
5.2.1. no delivery delays,
5.2.2. the presence of a single supply failure,
5.2.3. repeated supply disruptions.
5.3. For cases 5.2.2 and 5.2.3, an estimate of the time it takes for the system to return to its normal state (in the presence of the full volume of the safety stock).
5.4. For case 5.2.3, determining the maximum number of supply failures that the system can withstand without entering a shortage state.
5.5. For case 5.2.3, determining the maximum period of repeated delivery delays that the system can withstand without entering a shortage state.
Thus, in order to model an effective system for managing inventories of material resources, an enterprise needs to develop economically sound standards for inventories of these materials, using heuristics, methods of technical and economic calculations, and economic and mathematical methods.
The next step in developing an inventory management system should be the design of an inventory level control system. At the same time, based on a wide selection of theoretical models, managers need to design original versions of such models that would take into account the characteristics of a particular production.
These provisions are especially relevant for enterprises that are currently in a transition period of their development. One type of such enterprises are enterprises that were previously engaged in the production of defense products. An example of such enterprises in Kursk is Elektroagregat OJSC.


3.1. Inventory analysis

OJSC "Electroagregat" is an industrial enterprise specializing in the production of mobile and stationary energy supply sources with a capacity of 1 to 1000 kW, alternating current generators and frequency converters, as well as a wide range of consumer goods.
Due to the general downturn in the economy and the decrease in effective consumer demand, the financial situation of the enterprise is currently quite difficult. Thus, all possible ways of rationally spending funds, one of which is determining the optimal amount of inventory, become of particular relevance for the enterprise.
The need to optimize the inventory management system also arises because in recent years the enterprise has accumulated significant volumes of stocks of so-called “materials without movement.” These materials received their name due to the fact that no expenditure transactions were carried out on them for a certain period of time.
Let's analyze the volumes and dynamics of inventories classified as “materials without movement in the warehouse” category No. 102. To simplify the calculations, we will use the MS Excel software product.
So in warehouse No. 102 as of April 25, 2001, the total amount of “materials without movement” was 420,873.94 rubles. (See Appendix A).
Of these, materials that were not used in production for 40 months or more amount to 36,645.76 rubles (or 8.71% of their total value) (see Appendix B).
Materials that have not been used for 20 to 40 months amount to 27,303.93 rubles in monetary terms. (6.49% of the total amount of “materials without movement” for warehouse No. 102) (see Appendix B).
Materials that have not been used from 1 year to 19 months constitute inventories in the amount of 169,022.3 rubles. (40.16% of the total amount of “materials without movement” for warehouse No. 102) (see Appendix D).
Let us visualize the ratio of “materials without movement” in terms of storage time, as well as their share in the total value.

Rice. 9. The ratio of “materials without movement” by storage time in warehouse No. 102 as a percentage of the total cost of materials in this warehouse

Thus, it can be seen that the largest portion of “materials without movement” in monetary terms is accounted for by materials stored for less than a year and from one year to 20 months. However, stocks that have been lying idle for over 20 months are quite large. It is necessary to take into account that in the calculation, accounting prices were used, that is, the prices at which the materials were accepted for storage in the corresponding period. Accordingly, the real price of materials that were purchased several years ago is much higher.
To find the costs associated with storing materials, we calculate the cost of capital of the enterprise:
Let's determine the capital structure of the enterprise.
At the end of 2000, the authorized capital of the enterprise was 44,941 thousand rubles. At the same time, 4601.8 thousand rubles. accounts for preferred shares; 40339.6 thousand rubles. received through the placement of ordinary shares.
The capital formed from the profit of the enterprise amounted to 110,621.5 thousand rubles in 2000.
In 2000, the company had borrowed funds in the amount of 119,857 thousand rubles.
On average for 2000, the enterprise had liabilities in the amount of 275,419.5 thousand rubles.
Thus, the share of each type of liability in the balance sheet currency is:
Preferred shares - 1.67%;
Common shares - 14.65%;
Capital formed from profit - 40.17%;
Short-term and long-term liabilities - 43.52%.
In 2000, the average interest rate for loans was equal to (45 + 45 +45 + 39 + 36 + + 35 + 31 +30 + 30 +29 +27 + 26) / 12 = 34.83%.
The yield on preferred shares was 10%, on common shares - 1%. Let us take the price of capital formed from profit equal to 1%.
The average payment for the financial resources used by the enterprise is in this case equal to:
WACC = (10 * 1.67 + 1 * 14.65 + 1 * 40.17 + (34.83 * (1 0.3)) * 43.52) / 100 = 11.57%.
As a result, we find that for the possession of inventories that were stored in warehouse No. 102 for more than one year and were not used in production, the enterprise paid the owners and creditors in 2000 232,971.99 * 11.57% = 26,954.86 rubles. At the same time, payments to the budget in the form of property tax should be based on these materials for 2000 - 232971.99 * 2% = 4659 rubles.
Thus, the inventory management process needs significant improvement.
To do this, it is necessary to carry out the following activities:
1. Organize an effective system for monitoring the condition of material inventories. One of the possible directions for organizing this system is the use of modern developments in the field of management accounting, and in particular, computerization of accounting for the receipt and consumption of materials. Indeed, at the moment, in order to track the dynamics of the movement of materials in an enterprise, it is necessary to perform a rather labor-intensive task. Under the condition of computer accounting of the movement of materials, it is possible to almost instantly obtain both detailed and generalized information about the use or, conversely, the storage of any material.
2. Despite significant, sometimes unpredictable fluctuations in environmental factors, it is necessary to have a well-developed inventory management system, if not for all, then at least for the main nomenclature items of materials and components.

3.2. Standardization of stock of YaMZ 238 engines

Currently, the enterprise is experiencing difficulties in the process of supplying YaMZ 238 engines, and there is a high risk of prolonged production downtime. At the same time, the costs of storing stocks of these engines are high (a large amount of funds is frozen in stocks). The cost of engines is quite a significant amount of the total cost of components necessary for the production of units. The demand for products for the production of which YaMZ 238 engines are used has a large degree of uncertainty.
As a result, to manage inventory on the YaMZ 238 engine, it is necessary to use an inventory level control system with a fixed order size.
Let's calculate the monthly engine requirement. Thus, in 2001 it is planned to produce the following number of power plants, for the production of which YaMZ 238 engines are used:
AD100S-T400-RM2 420 pcs.
AD100S-T400-1R 48 hours 15 pcs.
ED100-T-400-RPM2 70 pcs.
ED100-T-400-1RKM1 46 pcs.
ED100-T-400-1RN1 10 pcs.
ED100-T-400-1RN2 pz 2 pcs.
Thus, the planned total annual demand of the enterprise for YaMZ 238 engines is 563 units. Hence the average monthly requirement is 47 (46.9) pieces.
We will calculate the rational order size.
Transport costs for delivery 12 - 14 pcs. amount to 120,000-130,000 rubles. Thus, one unit costs about 1000 rubles.
Storage costs are conditionally equal to: engine price * interest not received due to capital freezing (bank deposit). Thus, as of May 1, 2001, they are equal to 70,400 * 10% = 7,040 rubles. per year, or 20 rubles per day.
One-day consumption is equal to the monthly requirement divided by 30. This means the one-day consumption of this type of component is equal to 47/30 = 2 (1.56) pcs.
Thus, the optimal order size is:
S opt = = 14,
As a result, we get the current warehouse stock equal to 14 pcs.
We define the safety stock as 50% of the current stock:
NW = 14 0.5 = 7 pcs.
The total rate is thus equal to 14 +7 = 21 pcs.
Delivery time is 1 - 2 in case of using road transport and 4 - 5 by rail. Thus, on average, delivery time is 3 days. It follows that the order point is equal to one-day consumption * delivery time = 2 * 3 = 6 pcs.
Let's present the results obtained on a graph

Rice. 10. Dynamics of stocks of YaMZ 238 engines at JSC Elektroagregat

Thus, the size of the ordered batch of engines corresponds to the actual size of the order produced by the company (14 pcs).
The time interval between deliveries must be 7 days.

3.3. Justification for the need for reserves for YaMZ 238 engines

Currently, the management of the enterprise is considering the issue of creating a monthly supply of YaMZ 238 engines in the amount of 60 units.
Thus, the size of the safety stock will be: 60 14 = 46 pcs.
In this case, the volume of frozen funds will be:
46 * 70400 = 3238400 rub.
At the same time, the company suffers losses in the form of lost interest in the amount of 3,238,400 * 10% = 323,840 rubles. per year, or 269,867 rubles. per month.
Also in this case, it is necessary to take into account a property tax of 2% per year: 3238400 * 0.02 = 64768 rubles per year. Thus, the turnover of inventories, and the current assets of the enterprise as a whole, is reduced.
However, in the event of unforeseen circumstances, such as, for example, a price increase (for example, by 20,000 rubles per engine from intermediary enterprises), the enterprise will suffer losses in the form of loss of orders due to an increase in the price of its own products.
If the price remains at the same level, the company will suffer losses in the form of loss of profit in the amount of 20,000 rubles. Thus, the monthly losses of the enterprise will be: 20,000 * 47 = 940,000 rubles.
If you order engines from the manufacturer, the company will incur losses in the form of frozen funds (taking into account the delivery time of 1 month): (70400 * 10%) / 12 = 586 rubles per engine. Subject to ordering monthly requirements, we will receive 27,573 rubles. In this case, it is also necessary to take into account production downtime, as a result of which the enterprise incurs losses associated with overhead costs.
Thus, if the production of units on which these engines are used is stopped, the amount of profit received by the enterprise will be significantly reduced. At the same time, the amount of overhead costs will remain practically at the same level.
Thus, the company's losses will be quite large.
To assess the likelihood of problem situations occurring, let us analyze the dynamics of engine supplies over past periods (Appendix E).
As a result, in the graph (see Appendix E) we see that the supply of engines was dynamic.
Therefore, safety stock for YaMZ 238 engines is necessary. However, if you leave it at the level of 7 pcs. the enterprise will receive savings in the form of a reduction in the amount of lost income due to the freezing of funds.
So, this saving per year will be (46 - 7) 70400 10% = 274560 rubles, per month, respectively, 22880 rubles.
Savings on property tax will amount to 2,745,600 2% = 54,912 rubles. in year.

Table 3

The impact of the size of the safety stock on activity
JSC "Electroagregat"

Amount of safety stock Risk of losses Loss of lost profits Additional amount of property tax Total losses
0 Great 0 0 0
7 Average 49280 rub. 9858 rub. 59138
46 Low RUR 323,840 64768 rub. 388608

Thus, as a result of the calculations, the need to form a safety stock for YaMZ 238 engines is confirmed.
However, when forming this stock in the amount of 15 pcs. the company reduces its losses from lost profits in the amount of 105,600 rubles. per year (8800 per month), as well as property tax savings in the amount of 21,120 rubles per year.


In the process of completing the thesis "Enterprise Inventory Management", in accordance with its purpose, information on the theoretical basis and methodology of enterprise inventory management was collected and systematized; Based on the analysis of subject-object material, proposals of JSC Elektroagregat were developed to improve the efficiency of management of the enterprise's production inventories.
As part of this thesis, the tasks posed at the beginning of the study were solved, i.e.:
the effectiveness of managing the current financial needs and the enterprise’s own working capital was assessed;
the functional role of inventories in the production process is revealed;
Western experience in inventory management was analyzed and the possibility of its application in Russian conditions was assessed;
methods for rationing enterprise inventories are considered and possible options for the correct choice of a system for controlling inventory levels are generated;
shows the methodology for designing an effective inventory management system;
the inventory management process of JSC Elektroagregat was analyzed and a model for inventory management of YaMZ 238 engines was developed.
A number of conclusions can be drawn from this work:
1. In a market economy, it is an objective necessity to maintain management accounting, since each enterprise independently chooses the directions of development, types of products, production volumes, product sales policy, social and investment policies, etc., then there is a need to accumulate according to all these parameters information, obtain the necessary credentials;
2. As a result of the study of the inventory management system, it was found that this system needs significant improvement:
2.1. For the possession of inventories that were stored in warehouse No. 102 for more than one year and were not used in production, the enterprise paid the owners and creditors in 2000 - 26,954 rubles.
2.2 Payments to the budget in the form of property tax should be based on these materials for 2000 - 232971.99 * 2% = 4659 rubles.
3. To eliminate these shortcomings, it is necessary to carry out the following
3.1.Organize an effective system for monitoring the condition of inventories. One of the possible directions for organizing this system is the use of modern developments in the field of management accounting, and in particular, computerization of accounting for the receipt and consumption of materials. Currently, tracking the dynamics of the movement of materials in an enterprise requires a rather labor-intensive task. Under the condition of computer accounting of the movement of materials, it is possible to almost instantly obtain both detailed and generalized information about the use or, conversely, the storage of any material;
3.2 Despite significant, sometimes unpredictable fluctuations in environmental factors, it is necessary to have a well-developed inventory management system, if not for all, then at least for the main nomenclature items of materials and components;
3.3 To effectively manage engine inventories, a system for controlling inventory levels with a fixed order quantity was developed. When forming a safety stock of 7 pcs. (in contrast to 46 - proposed by the management of the enterprise), the enterprise will receive the following amount of savings:
3.3.1. Due to the reduction in lost profits in the form of bank interest in the amount of 274,560 rubles. per year (22880 per month);
3.3.2. Property tax savings of 54,912 per year.


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Appendix A

Table 1

Materials without movement in warehouse No. 102 as of 04/25/01

p/p Nomenclature number Price per unit. Quantity
units (pcs.; kg; t) Amount
rub. Number of months
1 2 3 4 5 6
1 1010024 0,55 798,00 438 52
2 1010028 0,88 1149,00 1011,12 26
3 1010054 2,45 381,00 933,45 19
4 1010068 6,64 154,00 1022,56 9
5 1010234 2,77 200,00 576,16 7
6 1010236 3,04 2587,00 7864,48 14
7 1010239 5,31 9000 4779,0 9
8 1010333 0,54 743,00 401,22 6
9 1010342 2,50 90 225,00 8
10 1010636 3,65 275,00 1003,75 14
11 1010876 6,97 1880,00 11012,60 18
12 1010902 2,96 3894,00 10934,24 9
13 1010928 6,70 2875,00 19262,5 11
14 1011065 2,23 854,00 1904,42 8
15 1011110 0,17 750,00 127,5 40
16 1011120 2,47 434,00 1071,98 20
17 1011219 2,41 223,00 537,43 8
18 1011226 6,68 50,00 334,00 14
19 1011231 0,80 1222,00 977,60 13
20 1011264 0,12 1303,00 156,36 47
21 1011271 2,48 470,00 1165,60 33
22 1011276 3,50 3408,00 11926,00 14
23 1011339 0,05 2034,00 101,70 43
24 1011340 0,05 2823,00 141,15 43
25 1011473 2,57 3529,00 9069,53 7
26 1011498 2,16 371,00 801,36 46
27 1011514 0,78 919,00 716,82 33
28 1011515 0,78 1000 780,00 64
29 1011518 2,16 164,00 332,64 49
30 1011519 25,8 11,5 287,50 14
31 1011656 0,06 2185,00 131,10 59
32 1011657 0,25 832,00 208,00 46
33 1011735 1,05 603,00 717,15 16
34 1011737 1,73 800,00 1038,00 35
1011738 1,40 645,00 903,00 15
2 3 4 5 6
36 1011932 26,52 441,00 11695,32 14
37 1012046 0,10 2141,00 214,10 59
38 1012204 5,48 50,00 274,00 12
39 1012216 1,20 151,00 181,20 10
40 1012219 2,61 1344,00 3507,84 8
41 1012383 6,13 1570,00 9628,81 23
42 1012401 14,43 1180,00 17027,40 7
43 1012443 0,75 1000,00 750,00 64
44 1012444 0,75 335,00 251,05 46
45 1012757 2,26 628,00 1419,28 21
46 1012758 2,26 109,00 246,3 6
47 1012769 5,74 606,00 3478,44 14
48 1013031 1,46 489,00 713,94 49
49 1013032 1,46 469,00 684,74 48
50 1013033 1,46 1291,00 1884,86 49
51 1013034 1,46 231,00 337,26 14
52 1013079 5,00 90,50 452,50 16
53 2003405 0,28 1351,00 378,28 58
54 2003419 301,12 94,00 28305,28 54
55 2003424 350,00 36,00 12600,00 9
56 2003653 1,89 130,00 245,70 55
57 2003656 12,44 85,00 1057,40 31
58 2003658 13,03 275,00 3583,25 24
59 2003659 8,47 510,00 4319,70 14
60 2003664 8,47 95,00 804,85 14
61 2003667 13,57 107,00 1451,99 9
62 2003668 13,56 647,00 8773,32 9
63 2003669 17,57 70,00 1229,90 6
64 2003670 17,57 92,00 1616,44 9
65 2003844 23,29 16,00 372,64 12
66 2003852 9,00 200,00 1800,00 6
67 2003853 8,89 1000 8890,00 8
68 2003873 95,00 59,50 5652,50 6
69 2004026 8,80 2036,00 17916,8 6
70 2004028 12,89 1000,00 12890,00 9
71 2004041 20,68 210,00 4342,80 9
72 2004071 10,57 192,00 2029,44 18
73 2004082 42,23 42,50 1794,78 15
74 2004239 17,55 20,00 351,00 10
75 2004245 49,05 120,00 5886,00 7
76 2004384 35,13 141,00 4953,33 30
77 2004390 21,82 10,00 216,20 14
2 3 4 5 6
78 2004395 402,40 245,70 98869,68 14
79 2004397 60,07 118,70 7130,31 11
80 2004398 79,38 4,00 317,52 14
81 2004408 496,70 16,64 8265,09 13
82 2004413 461,33 7,50 3459,98 11
83 2004493 2,35 3814,00 8962,90 11
84 2004511 154,17 2,00 308,34 21

86 2004674 1,21 184,60 223,37 16
87 2004678 51,47 30,30 1559,54 8
88 2004693 0,98 397,50 365,70 7
89 2004720 8,99 80,00 559,20 6
90 2004783 16,52 183,00 3023,16 6
91 2004790 19,78 100,00 1978,00 9
92 2004799 18,09 100,00 1809,00 8
93 2004802 22,32 100,00 2232,00 8
94 2004805 12,12 100,00 1212,00 8
95 2004807 18,85 100,00 1885,00 8
96 4000048 450,00 3,00 1350,00 22
97 Total for warehouse: 420873.94

Appendix B

Table 1

storage from 40 months and above

units (pcs; kg; t) Amount
rub. Number of months
28 1011515 0,78 1000 780 64
43 1012443 0,75 1000 750 64
31 1011656 0,06 2185 131,1 59
37 1012046 0,1 2141 214,1 59
53 2003405 0,28 1351 378,28 58
56 2003653 1,89 130 245,7 55
54 2003419 301,12 94 28305 54
1 1010024 0,55 798 438 52
29 1011518 2,16 164 332,64 49
48 1013031 1,46 489 713,94 49
50 1013033 1,46 1291 1884,9 49
49 1013032 1,46 469 684,74 48
20 1011264 0,12 1303 156,36 47
26 1011498 2,16 371 801,36 46
32 1011657 0,25 832 208 46
44 1012444 0,75 335 251,05 46
23 1011339 0,05 2034 101,7 43
24 1011340 0,05 2823 141,15 43
15 1011110 0,17 750 127,5 40
Total 36675.76

Appendix B

Table 1

Materials without movement in warehouse No. 102 as of 04/25/01 with a deadline
storage from 20 to 35 months

Serial number Nomenclature number Price per unit. Quantity
units (pcs.; kg.; t.) Amount
rub. Number of months
34 1011737 1,73 800 1038 35
21 1011271 2,48 470 1165,6 33
27 1011514 0,78 919 716,82 33
57 2003656 12,44 85 1057,4 31
76 2004384 35,13 141 4953,3 30
2 1010028 0,88 1149 1011,1 26
58 2003658 13,03 275 3583,3 24
41 1012383 6,13 1570 9628,8 23
96 4000048 450 3 1350 22
45 1012757 2,26 628 1419,3 21
84 2004511 154,17 2 308,34 21
16 1011120 2,47 434 1072 20
Total 27303.93

Appendix D

Table 1

Materials without movement in warehouse No. 102 as of 04/25/01 with a deadline
storage from 1 year to 19 months

Serial number Nomenclature number Price per unit. Quantity
units (pcs.; kg; t) Amount
rub. Number of months
3 1010054 2,45 381 933,45 19
11 1010876 6,97 1880 11013 18
72 2004071 10,57 192 2029,4 18
33 1011735 1,05 603 717,15 16
52 1013079 5 90,5 452,5 16
86 2004674 1,21 184,6 223,37 16
35 1011738 1,4 645 903 15
73 2004082 42,23 42,5 1794,8 15
6 1010236 3,04 2587 7864,5 14
10 1010636 3,65 275 1003,8 14
18 1011226 6,68 50 334 14
22 1011276 3,5 3408 11926 14
30 1011519 25,8 11,5 287,5 14
36 1011932 26,52 441 11695 14
47 1012769 5,74 606 3478,4 14
51 1013034 1,46 231 337,26 14
59 2003659 8,47 510 4319,7 14
60 2003664 8,47 95 804,85 14
77 2004390 21,82 10 216,2 14
78 2004395 402,4 245,7 98870 14
80 2004398 79,38 4 317,52 14
85 2004522 11,12 23,26 258,65 14
19 1011231 0,8 1222 977,6 13
81 2004408 496,7 16,64 8265,1 13
Total 169022.3

Appendix D

Table 1

Dynamics of purchases of YaMZ 238 engines

No. Month/year Quantity, pcs. Price (average), rub.
1 1/2000 9 54000
2 2/2000 68 54054
3 3/2000 39 54000
4 4/2000 65 58000
5 5/2000 39 64000
6 6/2000 - -
7 7/2000 14 64500
8 8/2000 8 64640
9 9/2000 14 64640
10 10/2000 1 64640
11 11/2000 25 64000
12 12/2000 26 64000
13 1/2001 53 64000
14 2/2001 72 64000
16 3/2001 71 64000

Appendix E

Rice. 1. Schedule of purchases of YaMZ 238 engines of JSC Elektroagregat in 2000 - I quarter. 2001
