Communication. Types of communication!! Presentation of a form of communication between people

“The communication process” - Think. People communicate with each other. Types of communication. Communication between a real partner and an illusory subject. Communication between imaginary partners. Communication. Communication and activity. Dialogue. Approaches to the study of communication and activity. World of communication. Subject. Information. Helps achieve a successful result. Communication and communications.

“Types of communication” - Personal style. Communication styles. Nonverbal communication. Processes of exchange and transmission of information. Chronemics. Cultures. Sensory. Nonverbal forms of communication. Purpose of paraverbal communication. Communication zones. Terms. Communication and communications. Communication style. Elements of nonverbal communication.

“Perceptual side of communication” - Stereotypes of assessment based on appearance. Psychological mechanisms of perception of other people. Smile. Understanding. Sample questions for studying business relationships. Communication. Patient listener. Three components of communication. Mirror of relationships. Rules for using compliments. Gold words. Perceptual function of communication.

“Manipulations in communication” - “Relationship mirror” technique. Proper name. Communication techniques. Communication. Poses and gestures. Compulsion to an unambiguous answer. Sight. Problems of adequate reception. Classification of mechanisms. False shame. Imaginary misunderstanding. Business conversation. Methods and techniques for managing a partner in the communication process. Facial expressions. A reference to "higher interests".

“Communication in an organization” - System of organizational communication. The effect of “primacy” and “novelty”. Rationale. Categories of interactions. The essence of the "halo" effect. Exploitation of the inequality fallacy. Interaction in the process of communication. Communication and communications in the organization. Effects arising from perception. Forms of organization of joint activities.

“Communication at school” - Emotional and personal appeal. I see papers. Recommendations. Non-judgmental description of the situation. Forms of teacher's address to students. Creating an atmosphere of psychological support. Conducting training. Assessing life goals. Psychotherapeutic function. Description of the facts. Door to the office. Conducting a conversation.

There are 31 presentations in total

Communication. Types of communication. Means of communication. Presentation by teacher of Municipal Educational Institution-Secondary School No. 1 r.p. Stepnoye, Sovetsky district, Saratov region, Polovnikova O.V.

Communication is a complex, multifaceted process of establishing and developing contacts between people, generated by social needs and including the exchange of information, mutual understanding and mutual knowledge.

Functions of communication Information and communication To transmit information in the process of communication, it is necessary to successfully select the form of information communication, speech means and information situation, anticipate the partner’s reaction, take into account his individual characteristics, and be able to specify information during the statement;

People’s knowledge of each other is carried out on the basis of the ability to analyze the external behavior of people - posture, gestures, facial expressions, microfacial expressions, change one’s own communication strategy, depending on changes in the emotional state, expressive behavior of the partner;

Organization of interpersonal relationships - involves showing interest in another person, recognizing oneself as an active equal participant in the interaction, capable of forming relationships in a directed manner;

The mutual influence of people on each other is manifested in the desire to make the interlocutor see the subject in question through our eyes, in the search for “weak points” in the system of his arguments and factors that will help control the partner’s behavior.

Means of communication Nonverbal (non-verbal) Paralinguistic (diction, intonation, use of pauses, raising and lowering tone, timbre) Extralinguistic (facial expressions, gestures, acoustics, color and sound parameters of the room)

Verbal means of communication Listening technique Speaking technique

Active listening is a type of listening that involves reflecting information. It presupposes: An interested attitude towards the interlocutor, demonstrated through non-verbal means of communication (posture, a friendly look directed at the interlocutor); Clarifying questions; Questions built along the lines of: “Did I understand correctly that...?” Getting an answer to your question

Passive listening is used in situations of communication with a person who is in a state of strong emotional arousal. It involves: - demonstrating an interested attitude towards the interlocutor; supportive reactions (“yes, yes”, “uh-huh”); - clarifying questions that help the interlocutor “speak out” (“And what did she answer you?”)

Empathic listening is a type of listening whose content is an accurate reflection of the feelings of the interlocutor. It involves: Avoiding assessments and interpretations of the motives of his behavior hidden from the interlocutor (instead of the usual: “It’s your own fault that this happened to you. You have a difficult character,” let’s ask: “Are you upset? Are you irritated by your temper?...” ); An accurate reflection of the interlocutor’s experiences, feelings, emotions with a demonstration of their understanding and acceptance.

Pedagogical communication Reflection is a person’s ability to look at himself from the outside, the ability to self-analyze his own mental states, actions, deeds; Empathy is empathy, experiencing the same emotional states that another person experiences and sympathizing with them; Identification is likening, identifying oneself with another person, transferring oneself to the place, situation, circumstances of another person.

The I-statement technique allows you to freely express your feelings, while being aware of your own responsibility for what is happening; Build communication without offending anyone or causing aggression on the part of the interlocutor.

Styles of teacher behavior and leadership Autocratic style - autonomous power of the leader; the leader makes the decision himself and announces it himself. Authoritarian (or directive) style – dominance of the leader’s position; sole adoption of most decisions, constant monitoring of the implementation of decisions, with the threat of punishment; lack of interest in the communication partner as an individual.

Democratic style – equalizing the positions of communication partners; decisions are made based on discussion of the problem, taking into account the opinions of the group; the implementation of decisions made is controlled by both the manager and the performers themselves; the leader shows interest and friendly attention to the personalities of the partners, their interests, needs, and inclinations.

Liberal (or permissive, or neutral) style - transfer of leadership powers to the group; when making a decision, everyone can express their positions, but they do not strive to achieve a real agreement of opinions; decisions made are not implemented; there is no control over their implementation.

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Topic: Communication Smelkova T. V Social studies 6th grade

"We shower children with gifts, but the most valuable gift for them is the joy of communication..." Mark Twain

“The only luxury in the world is the luxury of human communication” A. Saint-Exupery.

Objective of the lesson: Understand what communication is and what its role is in people’s lives.

Lesson plan: The concept of communication. Means and types of communication Rules of communication

What is communication? This is an activity.

2. A goal is set 5. A result is obtained. A need is formed. 3. Means are selected 4. Actions are taken

Communication. What is this? interaction mutual understanding information exchange communication

Definition Philosophical Dictionary - “Communication is the process of interrelation and interaction of social subjects (classes, groups, individuals), in which there is an exchange of activities, information, experience, abilities, skills, as well as results of activities”

Psychological Dictionary “Communication is a complex, multifaceted process of establishing and developing contacts between people, generated by the need for joint activities and including the exchange of information, the development of a unified strategy for interaction, perception and understanding of the communication partner”

In V. Dahl's explanatory dictionary, the word “communicate” means to be at one with someone, to know someone, to be friends, to share together, to give someone a share of participation.

Communication is interaction between people, during which information, activities and results of activities are exchanged.

How does communication take place? Let's look at the means of communication. What do you think are the means of communication?

Means and types of communication. Communication using speech is called verbal Communication without speech is called non-verbal

1 type. Speech (verbal) communication Means: - words - written speech - oral speech

2nd view. Non-speech (non-verbal) communication Means: -facial expressions, -gestures, -intonation, -voice, -look, -posture, -movements

Look at the diagram here showing how much information we receive through various means of communication. What conclusion can we come to?

An important semantic load in a conversation is carried by: sounds and intonations, postures and gestures, words

Psychologists believe that reading nonverbal signals is the most important condition for effective communication.

Work independently in groups. 1st group. Verbal communication: Expressively (by role) read the poem by A. L. Barto “Strong Cinema”. Everything was decided in advance, in advance: The schoolchildren have a meeting, then they have a movie. My older brother will come home, He will tell me everything, He will explain to me what’s what, And I’m big! I'll understand. And so he began his story: “They crawl, and he tells them!” And just then she was crawling, and how he would give it to him out of spite! They give her one! She told them - once! He was at the same time with her... Wow, a strong movie! No, apparently I’m still small: I didn’t understand anything.

Why didn’t the sister understand her brother’s story? He's trying to talk about the film. About the actions of the heroes for whom he worried. He tries to tell and cannot - there are not enough words (he uses substitute words instead of verbs).

2 group God sent a piece of cheese to Crow somewhere; Crow perched on the spruce tree, she was just about ready to have breakfast, but she was lost in thought, but she had the cheese in her mouth. To that misfortune, the Fox ran quickly; Suddenly the cheese spirit stopped the Fox: The Fox sees the cheese, - The Fox is captivated by the cheese, The cheat approaches the tree on tiptoe; She twirls her tail, doesn’t take her eyes off Crow, and says so sweetly, barely breathing: “My dear, how beautiful!” What a neck, what eyes! Telling fairy tales, really! What feathers! what a sock! And, truly, there must be an angelic voice! Sing, little light, don’t be ashamed! What if, sister, With such beauty, you are a master at singing, After all, you would be our king bird!” The praise of Veshunina* made her head spin, The breath stole from her goiter from joy, - And in response to Lisitsyn’s friendly words, the Crow croaked at the top of her crow’s throat: The cheese fell out - such was the trick with it.

Rules of communication Difficulties often arise in communication. They are called communication barriers.

Why do communication barriers arise? What are the reasons for misunderstandings that arise in the process of communication between people? What is the meaning of this illustration? Students express their opinions. Work with illustration. Reluctance to see or hear another. Inability to convey your own thoughts to others

Part 2 of the cartoon “Communication Experience”

Communication barriers Difficulties often arise in communication. They are called communication barriers. Why do communication barriers arise? What are the reasons for misunderstandings that arise in the process of communication between people? (slide 21) What is the meaning of this illustration? Students express their opinions. Work with illustration. Reluctance to see or hear another. Inability to convey your own thoughts to others

Telegram Unscramble the word “communication”, use each letter of the word to characterize the concept of “communication” COMMUNICATION

O unification, b closeness, u generosity, e unity, n necessity, and sincerity, e unity.

continue the thought... 1. The most important goal of communication is to..... 2. During communication happens..... 3. The result of communication can be considered....

THE CONCEPT OF THE COMMUNICATION PROCESS THE COMMUNICATION PROCESS IS A SYSTEM WITH FEEDBACK AND NOISE COMMUNICATION is a form of activity carried out between people, generated by various needs and leading to the emergence of psychological contact, manifested in the exchange of information, mutual influence, mutual experience and mutual understanding 2

LEVELS OF COMMUNICATION MACRO LEVEL MESO LEVEL MICRO LEVEL “A MAN IS NOTHING BUT A SERIES OF HIS ACTIONS” (G. Hegel) The subject constantly throughout his life enters into communication in accordance with established customs and traditions The subject enters into communication within the content of a specific topic - once or repeatedly A series of contacts between subjects of communication - question - answer 5

COMMUNICATION NEEDS The need for security, relief of tension, anxiety is manifested in the fact that a person begins to communicate in order to reduce fear, anxiety or internal conflict. Affiliation (actually the need for communication itself) manifests itself in the desire to be in contact with others like oneself for the sake of the communication process itself, to eliminate the discomfort of loneliness The need for knowledge is manifested in the fact that a person wants to expand his ideas, knowledge, and increase the possibilities of his thinking The need to be an individual is manifested in the desire for such communication in which a person would look unique, unusual The need for prestige is manifested in the need to receive satisfaction from recognition others of your personal qualities, admiration for you The need for dominance is manifested in the desire to actively influence the way of thinking, behavior, tastes, attitudes of another person The need for patronage is manifested in the desire to help someone with something and experience satisfaction at the same time The need for help implies partner's willingness to accept help 6

STRUCTURE OF THE COMMUNICATION PROCESS Means of communication are methods of encoding, transmitting, processing and decoding information transmitted in the process of communication from one living being to another Content is information that is transmitted from one living being to another in inter-individual contacts The purpose of communication is what a person has this type of communication for activity Sides of communication - communicative; - interactive; - perceptual Communication functions are distinguished in accordance with the content of communication and give the communication process specific specifics Styles (types) of communication - manipulative; - imperative; - dialogical, etc. Forms (types) of communication - direct and indirect; - direct and indirect; - mass and interpersonal; - verbal and non-verbal The communicative barrier of communication is a psychological phenomenon that arises in the process of communication and affects the adequacy of the perception of information 7

SIDES OF COMMUNICATION The communicative side consists of the exchange of information between people (motivating and ascertaining). The interactive side consists of organizing interaction between individuals, i.e. in the exchange of not only knowledge and ideas, but also actions. The perceptual side means the process of perceiving each other as communication partners and establishing mutual understanding on this basis. Language is a system of signs that serves as a means of human communication, mental activity, and a way of expressing a person’s self-awareness. A sign is any material object ( object, phenomenon, event), which acts as an indication and designation and is used to acquire, store, process and transmit information “IT IS NOT ENOUGH TO HAVE A GOOD MIND, THE MAIN THING IS TO USE IT WELL” (Descartes) 8

DISTORTED INFORMATION INFORMATION Information-deficient barrier Replacement-distorting barrier Emotional barrier Phonetic barrier Semantic barrier Stylistic barrier Logical barrier CONCEPT OF COMMUNICATION BARRIER INFORMATION DISTORTED INFORMATION 11 A communication barrier is a set of external and internal causes and phenomena that interfere with effective communication or completely blocking it

FORMAL (BUSINESS)INFORMAL (SOCIAL, EVERYDAY) Business communication Business communication is a process of interrelation and interaction in which there is an exchange of activities, information and experience that involve achieving a certain result, solving a specific problem or realizing a certain goal TYPES DIRECT DIRECT (direct contact) INDIRECT INDIRECT (there is a spatio-temporal distance between the partners) FORMS Business conversations Business negotiations Business meetings Public speeches “IT IS NOT ENOUGH FOR YOUR WORDS TO BE SPOKEN TO THE PLACE, IT IS NECESSARY THAT THEY BE ADDRESSED TO THE PEOPLE” (S. Lets) 18

VERBAL (VERBAL) NON-VERBAL (NON-VERBAL) TYPES 1. Postures, gestures, facial expressions 1. Postures, gestures, facial expressions general motor skills of various parts of the body (hands - gestures, faces - facial expressions, poses - pantomime); reflect the emotional reactions of a person Pair and extralinguistics (prosody) 2. Pair and extralinguistics (prosody) features of pronunciation, timbre of voice, its pitch and volume, rate of speech, pauses between words, phrases, laughter, crying, sighs, speech errors, features of organizing contact (paralinguistics is the quality of the voice, its range, tonality; extralinguistics is the inclusion of pauses, coughing, laughter, as well as the pace of speech in speech) 3. Proxemics (proximity) 3. Proxemics (proximity) features of spatial psychology 4. Visual communication 4. Visual communication eye contact Psychologists have found that in the process of interaction between people, from 60 to 80% of communications are carried out through non-verbal means of expression and only 20-40% of information is transmitted using verbal means of communication 19

COMPREHENSIVE COMMUNICATION Comprehensive communication Comprehensive communication is a purposeful interaction focused on understanding the interlocutor and showing respect for his personality The meaning of phrases composed of more than 13 words is not perceived by the mind Speech is understood at a speed of no more than 2.5 words per second A phrase pronounced longer than 5 -6 seconds ceases to be realized A person expresses 80% of what he wants to communicate, and listeners perceive only 70% of this, understand - 60%, and remain in memory - 10-15% Memory works best between 8-12 am and after 21 o'clock, worst of all - right after lunch. On average, a man listens to others attentively for seconds, and then begins to think about what to add to the subject of conversation. The last piece of information is remembered best, the first is worse. A person’s memory is capable of retaining up to 90% of what he does, 50% of what he sees, 10% of what he hears Actions interrupted for one reason or another are remembered twice as well as completed FEATURES OF HUMAN PERCEPTION A standing person has a certain psychological advantage over a sitting person Communication without psychological contact - no communication 20


The “proper name” technique is based on saying out loud the first name and patronymic of the partner with whom you are communicating. This shows attention to a given individual, promotes the affirmation of a person as an individual, gives him a feeling of satisfaction and is accompanied by positive emotions, thereby forming an attraction and your disposition towards your partner. The “relationship mirror” technique consists of a kind smile and a pleasant facial expression, indicating that “I am your friend.” A friend is a supporter, a protector. A feeling of security arises in the partner, which creates positive emotions and, voluntarily or involuntarily, forms an attraction. The “golden words” technique consists of expressing compliments to a person, contributing to the effect of suggestion. Thus, there is a sort of “correspondence” satisfaction of his need for improvement, which also leads to the formation of positive emotions and determines reciprocity. The “patient listener” technique stems from patiently and attentively listening to your partner’s problems. This leads to the satisfaction of one of the most important needs of any person - the need for self-affirmation. Its satisfaction naturally leads to the formation of positive emotions and creates a trusting disposition. TECHNIQUES OF EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATION The “private life” technique is expressed in attracting attention to the partner’s “hobbies”, which also increases his verbal activity and is accompanied by positive emotions. 26

Subject: "Communication in human life"


“The only true luxury is the luxury of human communication”

A. Saint-Exupery.

  • “Whoever thinks that he can do without others is greatly mistaken; but the one who thinks that others cannot do without him is even more mistaken” F. La Rochefoucauld.
  • “An individual person is weak, like an abandoned Robinson; only in community with others can he do much.” A. Schopenhauer
  • “The wise man seeks faults in himself, the unwise – in others.” Chinese proverb.

Blitz - survey

1. Where does a person communicate?

2) Who does the person communicate with? Give examples.

3) Is it possible to communicate with animals?

4) Why do you think a person communicates?

5) Does communication occur when a person reads a book, gives a lecture, or watches TV?

6) Who can explain what “communication” is? What words can describe communication?

Collect a definition

“This”, “with each other”, “for the purpose”, “experience”. "exchange of views". “interaction”, “transfer of knowledge”, “people”, COMMUNICATION -

Communication- this is the interaction of people with each other for the purpose of transferring knowledge, experience, exchange of opinions


human life…

need in …


rich world...


... emotional experiences...

become human...

Frank Dence

“Communication is one of the types of activity, since in the process of communication it is people who interact”

A. Communication is a side of any joint activity (since activity itself is not only work, but also interaction in the labor process).

B. Communication is a special activity based on the exchange of knowledge, ideas and actions.





“The word is the most effective means of influence.” The word is a powerful weapon that can kill and resurrect a person.

I.P. Pavlov

The role of communication

1. Through communication, a person gains knowledge about the world around him.

2. There is a transfer of experience.

3. Thanks to communication, people learn to evaluate actions and relationships.

4. The rules of behavior are learned.

5. A person’s moral qualities are formed through communication.

6. Character is formed through communication.

7. Communication contributes to the development of a person’s interests or, conversely, can slow him down.

8. Any person can evaluate himself as if through the eyes of other people.


Boastfulness, empathy, listening skills, anger, tact, mutual understanding, envy, greed, selfishness, calmness, mistrust, kindness.

Fill the table:

What helps communication? What interferes with communication?

Causes of conflicts

1. People don't understand each other.

2. They do not control their emotions.

3. They do not accept other people's opinions.

4. They do not consider the rights of others.

5. They try to dominate everything.

6. They don’t know how to listen to others.

7. They want to deliberately offend each other.

  • You need to understand what the other person wants. We become needed by people by sharing their hobbies. It is necessary to get to know the world of other people, learn to understand them, see life from their point of view.
  • Don’t judge people behind their backs, don’t collect gossip about them, don’t pass on gossip, decisively break off a conversation with someone who dares to judge others behind their backs. Don't let them talk about your acquaintances whom you know well.
  • Know how to listen to people without interrupting. Everything they say is very important to them, even if it seems secondary to you. Under no circumstances should you immediately reject or challenge every thought of your interlocutor.
  • Smile at people more often, especially if you sincerely appreciate them. A smile is a signal of a good relationship between people, it is the calling card of a friend, a means of calming an anxious person, disarming an angry person, and encouraging reflection.
  • Make jokes in moderation. Every normal person can only tolerate a certain amount of ridicule.
  • Learn from mistakes made in communication.


“If you want to know how to make people avoid you, laugh at you behind your back, or even despise you, then here’s a piece of advice: never listen to anyone for too long. For example, talk about yourself. If you have some kind of thought at the moment when your interlocutor is speaking, do not wait for him to finish. He's not as smart as you. Why waste time listening to his empty chatter. Intervene immediately and interrupt him mid-sentence.”

D. Carnegie.

“A man who talks only about himself, thinks only about himself,” says Columbia University President Dr. Butler, “is hopelessly uncultured.”

Plutarch wrote: “They say that nature gave everyone two ears and one tongue so that they could speak less than listen.”

D. Carnegie said: “If you want to please people, follow the rule: be a good listener. Encourage other people to talk about themselves."

Test “Do we know how to listen correctly?”

1 – I never do this;

2 – I rarely do it;

3 – almost always;

4 – always.

Don't make others angry and don't be angry yourself.

We are guests in this perishable world,

And if something goes wrong, accept it,

Be simpler in your relationships.

With a cold head,

After all, everything is natural in the world,

The evil you brought

Will definitely come back to you!

  • Homework. Paragraph 8, essay on the topic “Communication for me is...”