New impromptu fairy tales for birthdays. Staging a fairy tale for a fun company

Staging a fairy tale for a cheerful company will make a holiday party or corporate event extremely interesting. People simply delight in scenes that contain humor.

Assigning roles can be hilarious!

It is very important that the staging of a fairy tale for a cheerful company brings a stream of emancipation and rapprochement between the participants to the event. The main thing here will be how the roles will be distributed in the scene. Of course, one should take into account the capabilities of amateur actors, their age, build and appearance. But sometimes it makes sense to start from the opposite. For example, staging a fairy tale for a cheerful company of role-players can become one of the points of irony. This happens when a character named Big Guy is played by a thin teenage girl, the little goat from “The Wolf and the Seven Little Kids” is played by a fifty-year-old physical education teacher, a feisty hunter with a gun is played by a young slender woman with a painted mustache and goatee.

An old fairy tale in a new way

Today, staging a fairy tale for a cheerful company in a new way has become relevant. A story that has long been known to everyone, into which a modern meaning is introduced, is almost always perceived by viewers with great interest. You can leave only the characters and the beginning of the plot the same in the scene, changing the entire course of events. Or you can make the dramatization of a fairy tale for a cheerful company gain additional meaning. For example, if in “Cinderella” you come up with a continuation, when the poor girl who married the prince does not live a happy, carefree life, but becomes a powerless freeloader, the property of a rich man. And the dramatization of a fairy tale for the cheerful company “Kolobok” makes viewers think about how important it is to raise children correctly, without relying only on their parents’ boundless love. And the story of Little Red Riding Hood, written after the wedding of a girl and a representative from a criminal environment, can become an excellent illustration of modern misalliance.

Preparing costumes for the performance

Regardless of whether a fairy tale is being staged for a cheerful group of children or adults, stage outfits play a paramount role. Therefore, this part of the preparation of the performance should be taken extremely seriously. Masks, makeup, actors' hairstyles, attributes, little things are important here almost as much as the words of the characters in the play themselves.

For example, for the mother goat from the fairy tale “The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats,” in addition to an apron trimmed with ruffles, a basket and a kokoshnik, you can make two cool ponytails from her hair that will imitate horns. And the wolf, in addition to the mask-cap, should carefully consider the style of clothing. If the character of the gray predator is romantic, if he portrays a lover, then a white shirt with a bow tie and a bouquet of flowers in his hands will be quite appropriate to create this image. But in the case when the wolf is stupid, rude and slack in the plot, he can dress in the style of a regional gopnik - tights and plastic flip-flops, worn with contrasting colored socks, are very suitable for him.

The beginning of dramatized fairy tales

It might be interesting to stage a fairy tale for a cheerful company for the New Year about a goat with kids and a wolf. Moreover, this option is relevant with the onset of 2015, when a sheep or goat will become a symbol. The beginning of any dramatization can be reminiscent of the beginning of Roe's fairy tales, when a painted window opens and the grandmother-storyteller appears. She begins the story with her folk dialect.

A wolf, a goat and seven kids, or How a goat found its happiness


We are the goat and the kids
Here we will play you in a new way!
...Our goat, the beauty,
There were countless of those little goats!

Maybe she just liked the process so much,
Or maybe she tried, intentionally
Increase demographics... Only
We can’t answer you for sure.

And if you ask us: “How many are there
Were there any of those kids?" - "Seven, approximately."
Every morning mother goat
I counted them...


… “Brauyan, Wise Man,
Veselchak, Fidget, Rosette,
Beautiful, big guy!

(The kids run out, each in their own way, bowing to the audience.)

We will conduct a lesson with you -
Everyone should definitely know!
Who is this, kids? - shows a picture with a wolf. - This…

All the kids in chorus:


He clicks his teeth...


If he caresses, he...



I wish I could squeeze the scoundrel...

Wolf(overhearing them in the bushes, he begins to howl):

How annoying and disgusting I am...
I'm tired of scaring everyone!
Don't you really see it,
What good am I? And scold

Stop me, please!

(The goat notices him and moves towards him, clenching his fists and shaking them.)

(The Wolf retreats first, then falls to his knees in front of the Goat.)

I'm looking for you!

Goat(embarrassed, flirts with the Wolf):

Well, I don’t even know, really...
Do you have the right?
No, I'm not mad at you,
But I would...marry a goat...

Sorry, Gray Wolf!
Misalliance... Is there any sense in it?


Okay, dear friend!
Let's stop digging into our souls.
Let's have a better drink! Where's the mug?
Afterwards you can chat.

(The wolf raises his glass)

Happy New Year! Glasses for everyone
Let them pour the champagne!
With new happiness! Goats? Wolves?
Wolf goats drink too!

(The Wolf gives the filled glass to the Goat.)


Oh thanks! The gentleman is so gallant!

Wolf(answers meaningfully):

I still have other talents...

Goat(asks the gentleman, clearly flirting with him):


Well, I may or may not sing,
And I may or may not eat.


Let's have a competition:
“Who will eat the salad faster?” - competition.
Just - mind you! - no hands and no equipment!
Who's ready? Here, no talking!

Competitions and games during performances

By inviting audiences to take part in the action, performers increase their interest and stimulate activity. However, competitions and games should be held organically, without delays. Therefore, it is so important to prepare all the attributes in advance; you can even warn some guests present at the event that they will have to take part in the competition. After all, if there are no people willing to leave the hall, the plot thread of the performance may be interrupted.

Continuation of the play “The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats”

After the competition, you should turn to the fairy tale again. So, while the participants compete with each other, the Wolf and the Goat talk in whispers, both are clearly pleased with each other. And then the kids appear.

Big guy(steps on the couple, says menacingly):

Who is this, mom?

Goat(answers his son embarrassedly, looking enthusiastically at his chosen one):

It's a Wolf!


He clicks his teeth...

Goats(in unison):


If he caresses...

Goats(in unison):



I wish I could squeeze the scoundrel...

Goats(in unison):


Friends! I'll tell you a secret:
Sometimes we give love to goats.
After all, even a wolf, no matter how he behaves,
At heart, perhaps, he’s a complete goat!


I don’t know, have I been insulted here just now?
Or maybe they praised...
But I’m ready to give advice for lovely ladies:
You give love not only to goats!

And let all people - brown-eyed, blue-eyed -
From now on you won't be lonely!
Let your wallet be full to capacity
Representatives of any gender!

May success follow each of you!
And joy flows from the eyes!
Let's drink to that, gentlemen!
Will you support me?...

Hall(in unison):

Dramatization of a fairy tale for a cheerful company without words

Pantomime at a festival can become an exciting competition both in a children's group and in the company of adults. There are two options here.

Such a performance can be offered to a group of people of any age. For example, the author reads “Kolobok”, maybe even in a new way. And the task for the participants is to show every word of the text as clearly as possible. Such a dramatization of a fairy tale for a cheerful company of children will be both funny and exciting. The actors improvise with humor, showing with their hands and facial expressions, as a grandfather shows that he wants to eat, that a holiday is coming, and at home he’s going to roll like a ball. And the old woman explains to him that the lazy man was lying on the stove, so there is not a crumb of food in the house.

Pantomime based on a given fairy-tale plot, which is unknown to the viewer

Here comes another task, this time for the guests - to guess what story the amateur artists are telling with their gestures. In both cases, the actors do not wear costumes, so it is quite difficult to guess what exactly they are representing.

“Kolobok” for a wedding is cool!

A Russian folk tale can act as a humorous dramatization of a fairy tale for a cheerful group at a wedding. For example, the well-known “Kolobok”, but played in a new way, may well delight all the guests and newlyweds. True, the scriptwriters will have to try hard and turn the bread product into a child who should be raised properly. And since not all parents succeed in this, the fairy tale will become not only funny, but also instructive.

With a fairy tale it is easy to understand the main truths

Children understand life's axioms more easily when they are presented in a form accessible to their age - this is what a fairy tale is. "The Three Little Pigs" is always received with delight by children, because in this work good triumphs over evil. And the text is clear and easy to remember. Therefore, even the smallest artists can stage this fairy tale. Although there may be plot options here too.

For example, you can make a wolf not evil, but kind, but very lonely, who comes to the piglets in order to treat them to cake. But the brothers have already heard enough scary stories about evil predators and don’t believe him. In the end, the wolf will still make friends with the piglets, and they will dance a cheerful dance together. The moral of this story should be that you shouldn't put labels on everyone, you shouldn't believe everything that people say, because sometimes people can tell each other false information.

As children, we all read fairy tales “Kolobok”, “Turnip”, etc. Let's remember our childhood, but only in an adult way! Great entertainment for any occasion.

7 people, host's choice
We choose who will play the roles. When choosing, we invite everyone to learn the role. And we begin to tell the story. When we talk about a hero, the person must say his own phrase. And so on until the very end. All participants simply sit at the table. Except for the turnip, which is usually put on a chair in front of everyone, and forced to do something else besides words. Try not to delay! Presenter comments are required!

Music: Lady, or any. Russian folk without words
Gifts: Audience Choice Awards for Best Roles
Props: (role options)
Turnip - man, put your hands away, I’m not even 18 yet!
I have become old, my health is not the same!
It's about to get so drunk!
Grandma-grandfather hasn’t been satisfying me lately! (preferred)
Granddaughter - I'm ready!
Grandfather, grandmother, let's hurry up, I'm late for the disco!
Bug - I'm not a bug, I'm a bug!
Dog work!
Remove the dog from the site, I'm allergic!
Guys, maybe a shot glass?

A funny fairy tale in a new way for a great company

Required: 5-7 people and the text of the fairy tale "Kolobok"
There are different situations in life, but the grandmother and grandfather from the fairy tale about the kolobok had no children, but they had a kolobok.
We want to show you how it was, and for this we will need seven participants: Grandfather, Baba, Kolobok, Hare, Wolf, Bear, Fox.
The presenter begins to tell a well-known fairy tale, and the designated hero-participants, when their character is mentioned, must play out the plot of the fairy tale.
The presenter must constantly mention the resting heroes.
The bun rolled and rolled and met a wolf. And at that time the grandfather and woman were sitting on the threshold of their house and looking into the distance, waiting for the kolobok.
So the story begins:
Moral: It’s better to have your own children and enjoy them than to constantly wait for the little guy to return.

A fairy tale with the participation of guests of the celebration

5 people participate: king, butterfly, bunny, fox, chicken.

In a certain kingdom-state there lived a positive optimist king. One day the king was walking along a forest path, and not just walking, but jumping. He waved his arms and generally enjoyed life. I was chasing a colorful butterfly, but I still couldn’t catch it. And the butterfly will stick out its tongue to him. Then he makes a face. In general, an indecent word will be shouted. In the end, the butterfly got tired of teasing the king, and it flew away into the thicket of the forest.
And the king laughed and rode on. Suddenly a little bunny jumped out to meet him. The king was frightened by surprise and stood in the ostrich pose, head down, that is. The bunny was surprised by such a royal pose. Trembling with fear. The bunny's legs began to shake. And the bunny screamed in an inhuman voice.
And just then the fox was returning from a night shift at the poultry farm. I took the chicken home. The fox saw what was happening on the path, and in surprise he let go of the chicken from his hands. And the chicken turned out to be impudent. She cackled with delight and slapped the fox so hard that she grabbed her head in pain.
And the chicken jumped up to the king and pecked him in a soft place. The king jumped in surprise and straightened up, and the bunny, out of such fear, jumped onto the fox’s paws and grabbed her by the ears. The fox then abruptly took a course into the forest thicket.
And the king and the brave chicken still jumped along the path cheerfully and positively. And then. Holding hands. They galloped off in the direction of the royal palace. What do you think will happen next with the chicken? Well, I don’t know that, but I think he’ll definitely pour it for her. As do all the guests present.
Presenter: So this is the end of the fairy tale, and whoever listened... he pours!!!

Distribute roles (animate and inanimate: kitten, magpies, piece of paper, wind, porch, sun, etc.).
Text of the skit (read by the presenter, the participating actors portray):
Today the kitten left the house for the first time. It was a warm summer morning, the sun was spreading its rays in all directions. The kitten sat down on the porch and began to squint in the sun. Suddenly his attention was attracted by two magpies that flew in and sat on the fence. The kitten slowly crawled off the porch and began to sneak up on the birds. The magpies chirped incessantly. The kitten jumped high, but the magpies flew away. It didn't work out. The kitten began to look around in search of new adventures. A light breeze blew and blew a piece of paper along the ground. The paper rustled loudly. The kitten grabbed her, scratched her a little, bit her and, not finding anything interesting in her, let her go. The piece of paper flew away, blown by the wind. And then the kitten saw a rooster. Raising his legs high, he walked importantly through the yard. Then he stopped, flapped his wings and sang his sonorous song. Chickens rushed to the rooster from all sides. Without thinking twice, the kitten rushed into the flock and grabbed one hen by the tail. But she pecked the kitten so painfully that he screamed a heart-rending cry and ran back to the porch. Here a new danger awaited him. The neighbor's puppy, falling on its front paws, barked loudly at the kitten, and then tried to bite it. The kitten hissed loudly in response, released its claws and hit the dog on the nose. The puppy ran away, whining pitifully. The kitten felt like a winner. He began to lick the wound caused by the chicken. Then he scratched his hind paw behind his ear, stretched out on the porch at his full height and fell asleep. We don’t know what he was dreaming about, but for some reason he kept twitching his paw and moving his mustache in his sleep. Thus ended the kitten’s first acquaintance with the street.


I felt that Kudryavtsev could not forget my ill-fated shot and treated me with distrust. Even a night spent in secrecy could not convince him of my steadfastness and restraint.
Before meeting Kudryavtsev, I had no idea that I was so imperfect as a soldier: I couldn’t wrap my footcloth properly, and out of absent-mindedness, when commanded “to the left,” I turned to the right, and I didn’t use a shovel at all. Kudryavtsev was very critical and distrustful of my ability, while reading a newspaper, to accompany what I read with lengthy comments and explanations; I had not yet joined the party, and he was always expecting some kind of trick from me, an intelligent young man who, for some unknown reason, had joined the fierce struggle for the Soviets that was flaring up in the country. I often caught Kudryavtsev’s attentive gaze on me. “You are untrained, and for the first time I forgive you,” this look seemed to say. “But next time I will shoot...” And I promised myself that I would set an example of discipline. Soon chance gave me this opportunity.
By this time, we were taken to guard the bridge of the Western Ural Railway, which connected Nyazenetrovsk with the Kuzino station, and therefore with Yekaterinburg, Perm and all of Russia. Not only reinforcements came from there, Moscow and St. Petersburg flooded us with newspapers, literature...
I stood at a post in the middle of the railway bridge. My task was to check the passes of people crossing from one bank to the other. I was lucky - the whites opened fierce fire on my bridge from several guns. The shells fell into the water almost under the very bull on which I was standing, and foam tornadoes flew up, showering me with splashes. One shell hit between two bulls, and part of the bridge collapsed into the water with a ringing and roar that drowned out everything in the world. Another shell hit the upper ceiling of the bridge, several cast-iron beams fell not far from me, and I was deaf for some time from this roar and clang.
The feeling I experienced cannot be called fear. I already considered myself dead. I looked at the dark pine forests with red trunks in the distance, at the lush green meadow with haystacks, very close, by the river, as if from another world. But one thought continued to haunt me from the very beginning of the shelling - that I would not leave my post. I was sure that Kudryavtsev, who was my guard commander, saw me and approved. It seemed to me that I stood for a very long time, but it turns out I stood for only a few minutes, exactly as long as it took for the guard commander to reach me. I looked at Kudryavtsev’s face in a daze and did not understand what he was saying until he forcefully shook me by the belt.
- Let's go! - the op shouted.
We had barely left the bridge when another shell hit the bull on which I was standing with a roar. Kudryavtsev shook me by the belt again - he led me like this all the time - and laughed.
- Do you hear it? - he said. “Why didn’t you go?” After all, because of you, I almost got hurt... - I sighed and looked at him. “You’re doing well,” he said seriously, “you showed knowledge of the rules and fearlessness.” You can praise him for this. However, it’s a thing of the past, but I want to make you use your brain. From the moment the bridge was broken, please tell me what was the point of you standing there? Check passes? If you had been smart and not waited for me to take you off, but left on your own, I wouldn’t have said a word to you...
After this incident, Kudryavtsev sharply changed his attitude towards me, began asking me questions, telling me about himself. Even then he firmly called himself a Bolshevik, although he was not a member of the party.
I remember one of our conversations. I told him how I would live after we defeated the whites. I said that I would become a writer, depict the global brotherhood of peoples and the harmony of labor and nature... All great thoughts, and I spoke about them with fervor. Kudryavtsev listened, remained silent and stirred the coals in the fire.
“You’ve set yourself a good goal,” he said. “It’s clear you have a great path, Libedinsky...”
I didn't mind.

No matter what holiday you celebrate, you always need to organize games and competitions, conduct fun game blocks and even perform fairy tales and performances! But in order to show a fairy tale or a play, you need to rehearse, but there is no time for this. How to be? This is where an instant impromptu performance for a cheerful company comes to the rescue, which does not require preparation or rehearsals. You only need to select guests to participate in the performances. Give them a role and words and that’s it - you can show the skit to the audience, who will definitely appreciate it.

When showing instant performances, the main thing to remember is that half the success is the presenter. He plays an important role. He must read his text with expression and correct intonation, then other guests will be interested and will carefully follow the performance. And if they watch, they will laugh. Another part of the success is the actors. Since you are recruiting actors from guests, you need to take a closer look at each guest from the very beginning of the holiday. And choose for the performance active, cheerful and not shy people who will show their acting talent.

Instant performance - more fun together.


Cute - not for all!
Young woman - Any outfit suits me!
Fun - Now let's have some fun!
Apartment - in a new building!
Friends - It's more fun together!
Holiday - waited!

The text is read by the presenter. And the guests repeat their remarks when the host mentions them in the text. And they do it beautifully and funny.

A girl lived in one apartment (in a new building) (any outfit suits me), and she had a husband whom she called “darling” (not for everyone). They didn’t have any children or pets yet, so the apartment (in a new building) was a bit boring, there was no fun (now let’s have some fun). And the girl (any outfit suits me) wanted the holiday so much (we waited) that she said to the sweetheart (not for everyone) - maybe we can invite our friends? (it's more fun together). To which the dear (not for everyone) answered - holiday? (wait) why not! Moreover, the apartment (in a new building) allows it, and I love fun (let’s have fun now)! The girl was delighted (any outfit suits me) and kissed her sweetheart (not for everyone). She began to call her friends (together it’s more fun) and invite everyone to the holiday (we’ve waited) to have fun (now let’s have fun). Meanwhile, my dear (not for everyone) began to clean the apartment. Time passed, and the holiday (they waited) was getting closer and closer. Very soon they called at the apartment (in a new building). The girl (any outfit suits me) asked the guy (not for everyone) to open the door. When the sweetheart (not for everyone) opened the door, friends were standing on the threshold (it’s more fun together). They entered the apartment (in a new building) and the fun immediately began (now let's have fun). The girl (any outfit suits me) invited everyone to the table, and the guy (not for everyone) turned on the music. Friends (it’s more fun together) sat down, and the long-awaited holiday began (they waited)!

Instant performance - work!
Each of us works, but few people love their work. But everyone loves to have a drink and relax after a long day of work. Sometimes such relaxing get-togethers end very... now you will find out for yourself:
And so, for the play we need 7 actors. We give each actor his own line, and when the presenter mentions his character, the actor says his words:
Man - I'm macho!
Job - Yes, he's lying!
Head – And that’s not what we saw!
Wife - Where have you been?
Young woman - I'm your pussy!
Flowers - Best gift.
Family friend - It's okay, girls!

And now the text that the presenter reads.

How often do you come across impromptu fairy tales? Have you ever thought about it? Answer: because they are found at almost all holidays and are used by the hosts of the events, and accordingly they seem something familiar.

Today there is an unrealistically large selection of various impromptu fairy tales, differing from those that we know only in that they are redone in a new manner or simply invented.

They are very versatile. Suitable for both adults and children's birthday parties. There are table and musical ones, large and small in terms of script size.

For an anniversary or a regular birthday, you will love a scenario like this one.. It will appeal to men and women, children and the elderly and will equally impress them.

Below is an example of an impromptu fairy tale for a cheerful company that will appreciate something new and will not only play with funny and cool plots and performances.

Even for adults' birthdays and it is customary to take funny and simple fairy tales, but also instructive fairy tales based on roles for a cheerful company; they can be interesting to everyone.

Fairy tale - impromptu for any holiday “Know how to enjoy life”

The meaning of this game is based on the fact that all the guests gathered at the holiday are given the opportunity, by drawing lots, to get their role with words. The participants themselves pull out cards on which their character and his remarks are described.

Actors are as believable and natural as possible they try to play their roles, precisely at the moment when they hear that it is their turn.

Everyone performs the scenes with high quality and instantly reacts to the necessary plot adjustments.


The text of the impromptu fairy tale “Know how to enjoy life!”

The sun delighted everyone with its warmth and sunshine. The cloud floated easily and cheerfully across the sky, and when it found itself next to the Sun, it covered it.

In the garden among other flowers, the beautiful Red Rose woke up. Rose shook off the morning dew and gradually woke up.

She reached out to the Sun and straightened her clothes (petals). Rose smiled welcomingly and began to wait for her friend Violet to wake up.

They grew up nearby and were also neighbors. A little later, Violet also wakes up. Violet was very athletic and did not forget to do exercises, which helped her wake up.

A courageous and blue-eyed Gardener slowly entered the garden. He froze for a few seconds at the sight of the beautiful flowers (Rose and Violet).

The sun moves away The cloud decided to send a kiss to Rose and Violet, and then illuminated the Gardener with its rays. The cloud, not wanting to give up, covered our Sun again.

The gardener took care of the beautiful flowers and hummed a song to himself. Then Osa came to visit.
The Wasp kissed the top of Rose's head, then Violet's, and then quickly flew away, hiding behind Cloud.

The cloud slowly turned to the other side and moved across the sky along with the Sun in a different direction.

The wasp became indignant at this and, angry, stung the Gardener on his left cheek. The entire left side of my face was swollen and numb. Rose said this, and Violet answered her.

Despite this, the Gardener only smiled. He was a wise man.

Any wise man knows that life is like a garden of flowers, and in this garden there are a lot of both Roses and Violets.

The very opportunity to care for and contemplate these flowers is a great pleasure and happiness. No matter who stings or bites you - rejoice in the Sun, Flowers, Clouds, holidays in life and ordinary days!

Impromptu fairy tales with words for children

Children love something interesting and simple., they will be happy if it is funny for them to play and fully involved in the events. When there is a fairy tale with lively emotions and various dramatizations, then children can be seated at the table.

"A fairy tale is a game for the little ones."

To begin with, start your story and when the moment comes where Kolobok meets the hare, be surprised by spreading your hands and say: Where is the Hare? But he’s not there!

  • The first thing you need to do is find the hidden bunny, and then we continue our fairy tale.
  • And then when, Kolobok will see and talk to a wolf on his way, let’s start drawing.

    Children, as best they can, draw a wolf with their fingers on sheets of paper using any multi-colored pencils or paints.

  • « And a bear meets him…»
  • Let's make a bear using cotton wool, Whatman paper, scissors and glue. You could even suggest dressing someone up in a brown fur suit or fur coat and making a nice cardboard mask for the child.
  • Everybody knows, that in the end Kolobok dies, but in this fairy tale he doesn’t. He will be fine thanks to our players. All the children push the ball (Kolobok) with their heads and he is saved.

Fairy tales with musical cuts

A cheerful musical fairy tale with different musical cuts is necessary for any holiday. “Vasya-Cornflower” is a simple fairy tale.

The main feature here will be improvisation according to words and music (one of the presenters will include it, looking at the script). It will be wonderful for everyone because it is neither complicated nor vulgar.

The main characters of the fairy tale:

  • Vasya-Vasilechek.
  • Butterfly.
  • Hare.
  • Wolf.
  • Little Red Riding Hood.

Text of the musical fairy tale “Vasya-Cornflower”

Actions: Beginning - (read by the presenter)

  • On a green meadow, such a flower as Vasya-Cornflower lived and grew. Vasya was smiling and cheerful. Everyone thought he was positive because he was never sad.
  • The music is playing infectious laughter.
  • Our Vasya loved to listen music of the wind and dance to its rhythms.
    Sounds like an option, Don Omar-Danza Kuduro. Everyone is dancing.
  • Once, a Butterfly accidentally flew to visit Vasya.

To make the butterfly appear, turn on: Oh, Pretty Woman - Roy Orbison.

  • She also loved to dance. She spun around to the music and sat down closer to Vasilek, hugged him with her beautiful wings, Vasilek was delighted. He laughed cheerfully and cheerfully.

This time, turn on the contagious laughter.

  • The butterfly was not one of the timid, she immediately called him to dance. She invited me to a white dance.

Music-Loya (I will).

  • A bunny galloped into the clearing. He was lively and cheerful.

Pierre Narcissus-Chocolate Bunny.

  • Vasya - Vasilechek, saw that the Hare was as cheerful as he was. This made him laugh again.

There is a long and even grunting laugh.

  • The butterfly was upset that Vasya forgot about her. She never stopped circling around him. The Hare and Vasilechek did not notice her, they danced with all their hearts.

The presenter plays the track Klik Klak: Comic Rodeo (Green Mix).

  • Suddenly, out of nowhere - a Wolf. He was brazen and hungry. The wolf began to look at everyone present and dance.

The song Makhno Project - Odessa-Mama is playing.

  • Vasya-Vasilek somehow immediately drooped, and he felt completely sad. The butterfly also trembled all over with fear and began to hide behind the stem of Vasya-Vasilka.

    And the Hare went completely cross with fear and hid behind the wings of the Butterfly. And the Wolf walked around and licked his lips bloodthirstily.

    But then his attention was distracted by Little Red Riding Hood, who was walking across the clearing and humming a cheerful song.

An excerpt from the song “I’m with Macho Super-Lady” is playing.

We don’t sleep and put on music together: Thieves-Macho.

  • Little Red Riding Hood approached Vasya-Vasilyechka, smelled him and kissed his drooping pestle, straightened the Butterfly’s wings, which were trembling with fear, and stroked the frightened Bunny.

    And only then did she notice the devouring gaze of the hungry Wolf on herself. He slowly approached the girl. The wolf had already opened his mouth to swallow Little Red Riding Hood, but then...

Breathe-The Prodigy music plays (softly) in the background as the presenter continues to read the lyrics.

  • ...He received a blow from her in the solar plexus, then Little Red Riding Hood practiced a couple of karate techniques on him and threw him over the hip.
  • The wolf withdrew in disgrace to lick his wounds in the neighboring bushes, and the laughter of Vasya-Vasilyechka sounded again in the clearing.

We turn on the short and cheerful laughter again.

  • And the Butterfly shook off its wings and began to flirt with Cornflower again, the Hare gratefully pressed against Little Red Riding Hood and everyone began to dance a cheerful dance.

The general dance sounds - Shake Your Groove Thing - Alvin and the Chipmunks.

Various entertainments are suitable for a cheerful and noisy company. We invite you to try it so that the holiday is original and memorable for a long time.

A fun, impromptu scene for an anniversary

Flower and Matryona - two men dress up as new Russian grandmothers

Oh Matryona, look,

Where are we? (holds cheek)

There are a lot of people here,

Eyes run wild!

Don't be shy, Little Flower,

Pour saba into the glass (they take out a bottle and pour it)

We'll figure it out later

That people have gathered here.

Oh, Matryona, look,

The tables here are crowded with tods.

We'll sit on the edge here,

Maybe they'll pour us some more.

Listen, Little Flower, I heard

There's some kind of anniversary here.

Wasn't it stolen from her?

Birthday now?

You, Matryona, don’t rush,

Show me the beauty (wipes his glasses with a handkerchief)

I'll quickly wipe my eyes,

I'll admire her now.

I'll look at her Little Flower

Immediately my head is spinning,

Do you remember about eleven years ago?

I was like that. (dreamily)

Can remember those years

When were you a girl?

Oh, Matryona, leave me alone -

It was like we were in heaven. (waves away)

I see Little Flower here

They have a ringleader.

If we are received well

We'll spend the night here

I'll go around the hall and dedicate it,

I'll look for a boyfriend,

I will remember those years with him (Matryona holds Flower by the sleeve)

When I was young.

There's real trouble with you, Little Flower,

The sand is falling from you,

How do you envy a man?

So you forget about the years. (shows from behind)

You're right, Matryona, you again,

Let's go congratulate (Zoya).

We wish her from the bottom of our hearts (holding hands)

To be as beautiful as we are to bloom.

Soul of the company, star,

Let her stay young!

Among loved ones and friends

Celebrate her anniversary more than once!

Impromptu fortune telling for a man's anniversary

Ready-made fortune telling options for the holiday. Both the “gypsy” can “guess”, and the guests themselves can pull notes out of the bag and read them out loud.

You're an old man,
And you still believe in fortune telling,
Probably advertisements
You also write to the newspaper.
To calm you down -
I'll make it up now
A young girl
You will meet at a late hour!
And you will be pleased
And happy for five or six days,
While in your pocket
There are many currencies.

And you, probably, have money
And you're waiting for a house with a fountain,
Dream about it all
You don't get tired all day
So, you are my silver
And my yacht, -
Your dream is so close
Just at your fingertips
Lock it in your apartment
You finger the bathroom faucet -
It's so inexpensive
You will get a fountain!
You brought out the luck
Caught her by the tail -
Not everyone is so lucky
Luck and flair.
You, you are my killer whale,
Right from early morning
The wife will find you on the other side,
This will be “YES”...

To you, man, in life
So lucky -
You will advance in your career
Out of spite for envious people.
Honor and respect
People are waiting for you everywhere
And wives and mistresses
They'll wait a little.
For everything, my precious one,
Your strength is not enough
What can I do -
You asked for it yourself!

To you, my diamond,
Machine interest -
You will receive as a gift
Shiny Mercedes.
Don't bite your nails
And don't get into a rage
Your new car
A garage won't do.

Listen to us, honey,
Until the end -
In a box with a red bow
Toy on the porch.

Such a handsome guy
But in love there is a failure.
Pretty blonde
You have chosen the camp.
Your calculation was inaccurate -
The blonde was taken away.
Incorrect calculations
My friend, you let me down!
Of course it's not free
Put it on your hand -
I'm getting a girlfriend:
Show me which one!

To a respectable man -
Solid interest.
Why into intimate business?
Have you climbed, sir?
On the naked body of money
You wanted to save up.
Now take a pill
Well, drink some water.
Remember: on washcloths
And brooms for baths
You won't see any income
At least hit the wall.

Here is the main ringleader
At the wedding table -
(or "At the festive table")
Shyness and modesty
I left it for later.

Pretended to be a sheep
Silent and simple
And I haven’t missed it yet
None of the girls
Look, my killer whale,
When you go home,
Rada and I for protection
Then you can take it with you!

A funny impromptu game is suitable for any holiday

Seven players-characters from the fairy tale Repka take part. The presenter distributes roles.

The 1st player will be the turnip. When the leader says the word "turnip", the player must say "Oba-na".
The 2nd player will be the grandfather. When the presenter says the word “grandfather,” the player must say “I would kill.”
The 3rd player will be grandma. When the leader says the word "grandmother", the player must say "Oh-oh."
The 4th player will be the granddaughter. When the leader says the word "granddaughter", the player must say "I'm not ready yet."
The 5th player will be the Bug. When the leader says the word "Bug", the player must say "Woof-woof".
The 6th player will be the cat. When the presenter says the word "cat", the player must say "Meow-meow".
The 7th player will be the mouse. When the presenter says the word "mouse", the player must say "Pee-pee".

The game begins, the presenter tells a fairy tale, and the players voice it.

“Grandfather planted (2nd player: “I would kill”) a turnip (1st player: “Both-on”). The turnip grew big - very big. Grandfather came to pull the turnip, he pulled and pulled, but couldn’t pull it out. Grandfather called grandmother Grandma for grandpa, grandpa for the turnip, they pull and pull, they can’t pull it out..."


The heated carriage that was supposed to take Marianna's family to Crimea was equipped and stood on the tracks, not far from the station, on the edge of the forest. There were only three days left before departure. I arrived in Yekaterinburg just in time to say goodbye.
So life took her away from me then, and only a whole year later I got the opportunity to rush to her.
But Vasyakin is still not there...
And finally, he, fine, clean-shaven, smelling of grease, stands in front of me and, putting his hand to his visor, apologizes.
“I thought you would arrive in Moscow, but he arrives at ten in the evening.” Vasyakin blinked guiltily, squinted and averted his eyes. “And where did this St. Petersburg language come from?” It's not even on the schedule...
- So, should I wait until ten in the evening now?
He closed his eyes even tighter and waved his hand in embarrassment.
- Stay here, I’ll find out something!
He left, his polished boots shining so that it was difficult to look at them. It’s only seven o’clock in the morning, but the sun was burning and shining with all its might - what will it be like here during the day, when the sun will climb higher and higher, the heat will become more and more intense...
Entering the stunted kindergarten, I took out my military suit and changed. However, I could have done this at the very entrance to the buffet - the platform was so deserted, only large and yellow, as if cast, sunflowers looked at me with curiosity from behind the white-smeared clay floor. I took a piece of black bread and a piece of rock-hard blue sugar out of the bag and began to have breakfast. What a sleepy silence... And Crimea is very close, it is suspended from the mainland on the thin ribbon of Perekop, where battles that have recently become a legend took place.
How to convey the monotonous stupor of this endless day spent in heat and boredom? Vasyakin did not appear. Without ceasing to watch the platform from afar, so as not to miss him if he appeared, I, risking sunstroke, made a circle through the melon fields, returned to the station again, then went to the water pump and drank water.
When Vasyakin’s boots sparkled again at seven o’clock in the evening, I couldn’t believe my luck. He was in a hurry, there was a smile on his face.
- Come on, friend, quickly! - he shouted. “The locomotive is going to Dzhankoy!”
He grabbed the suitcase, I grabbed the duffel bag, and we ran.
- And in Jaikoy?
- Well, Dzhankoy is already Crimea, a junction station, from there to Feodosia, and Simferopol, and Sevastopol...
From a distance we saw the locomotive leave the depot and linger, releasing white steam. They waved to us from there - hurry, hurry!.. We ran; strong dark brown hands reached out from the locomotive and instantly grabbed the luggage. I climbed onto the locomotive along tiny steps that jingled under my feet. We immediately set off. Vasyakin waved his hand - he was glad that he had finally sold me out.
I've already ridden a steam locomotive: where they tell you, stay there.
The driver is quite old, the fireman is too young, - the younger one calls the older one by his first name and patronymic, the older one affectionately calls the younger one “Yasechka” and constantly scolds him: either he heaped too much coal into the firebox, or he didn’t close something in time... The old man respectfully calls “Comrade commander” and even allows me to stand at the window.
The plain became more and more deserted, and in the distance something sparkled. Snow? Ice? In this heat?
“Salt,” the old man explained, noticing where I was looking. “Salt marshes...
The motionless layers of salt gave way to restless water, and a steep, treeless shore emerged above it.
- Crimea? - I ask.
- Crimea, Crimea... Many of our Red Army soldiers were killed here.
It turns out that Yasechka’s father, the driver, also died during the assault on Perekop.
- So Yasechka and I travel - old and young.
Yasechka, fiercely rattling her shovel, listens to
We are on Crimean soil. So far there is no difference, it’s still the same wild salt marsh landscape, but this is Crimea, Crimea...
- Your relatives are probably waiting for you? - the old man asked, seeing that I was leaning out of the window almost to my waist.
