Tools for the organization's marketing activities. Tools and methods of marketing activities

Marketing tools are a system of means and methods for implementing marketing activities at any stage of an enterprise’s activities.

All marketing tools are classified into 4 strategic areas:

  • pricing policy (price);
  • product policy (products);
  • sales policy (sales);
  • marketing policy (advertising).

Why are marketing tools so important?

The activities of the enterprise are based on profit forecasts, technical capabilities, human resources, etc. Marketing tools are directly involved in the formation of the company’s work processes. With their help, business management is carried out.

The importance of marketing tools lies in their constant modernization and improvement. With the development of Internet technologies, not only advertising, but also all other areas of the company’s activity that require constant monitoring have gained wide opportunities.

Challenges at the stage of selecting marketing tools

  • Providing information about the product to the consumer, taking into account production experience, testing activities, properties and advantages of the product.
  • Maintaining regular contacts with the consumer in order to remind them about the product, related services or special offers.
  • Informing the client about new promotions and discounts in order to arouse interest in the product.
  • Collection of information about consumers and the most popular products.

Types of marketing tools for offline businesses


Products are promoted to the market through digital and traditional advertising. The first has a more effective and faster mechanism of action. The second occupies a leading position in branding and image creation.

To promote specialized products, they use a digital format, since the consumer is not mobile in choice and needs to receive additional information in the context of the “price-functionality/quality” optimality.


When determining the price of a product, many factors are taken into account: production and sales costs, government policy, product category, consumer psychological factors. Often the level of demand and competition are decisive in determining prices. In this case, the manufacturer follows an internal plan to make a profit.


Product packaging performs various functions: recognition, labeling, information, safety during transportation. On store shelves, familiar packaging acts as a “silent” seller. To increase sales, the “shell” of the product is distinguished by a design reflecting company logos.

Exhibitions and fairs

Fairs and exhibitions are organized to stimulate sales. With the help of trial samples, forms, forms and exhibition copies, the consumer receives real information about the product, supplemented by answers to questions of interest.


A discount in the scientific sense is an incentive for a customer to make a purchase. The effectiveness of the discount system (discount, bonus) depends on the purchasing power of consumers. Effectively used in both online and offline environments.

Basic Internet Marketing Tools


SEO() is used by large established companies. By indexing content and increasing rankings using the most common search phrases, the company’s website rises in browser search results. With constant use of this method, site traffic and sales increase. Along with SEO, SEM, SEA, SMO, etc. are used.

contextual advertising

Most common on the Internet. Advertising materials (text, animation, video) are displayed based on individual interests and browsing history in the browser. Such thematic advertising also uses data about the location of the network user. Search advertising is displayed at the top of the browser page with each request.


(promotion in social services) is carried out through the creation of interesting publications about the company. Most often, an account or group is opened under the company name, where information about products, discounts and news is posted. A user subscribed to a blog receives “unobtrusive” advertising.

Targeted advertising

Represents the selection of the target audience using special mechanisms. In this regard, geotargeting, demographic, temporal, behavioral, thematic and retargeting (through cookies) are distinguished.

Targeted advertising is considered the second most effective after contextual advertising. By setting filters, the desired advertisement appears on Internet resources (forums, clubs, social networks, etc.). The search for the target audience is carried out on the basis of personal data of network users and communication devices.

E-mail marketing

This is done with reminders, congratulations, promotional materials and information about promotions. Effective if you have a database of clients and their email addresses.

Mobile applications

Mobile applications on phones and tablets have unlimited access to client data. For advertising purposes, they help create a buyer profile using location data, browser history, and contact list (pre-installed permissions).

Banner and teaser advertising

It is the cheapest way to promote with pay-per-clicks. The buyer, seeing an interesting offer on various thematic platforms, follows the link and makes a purchase. and are considered a quick opportunity to increase profits through unique and interested users.

Viral advertising

Distributed by ordinary users and companies themselves. The process takes place on social networks and popular services. Videos and pictures are posted for a wide audience, so the effect of its use is the same - the creation of a recognizable brand.

Content Marketing

It is a hidden way to promote products. For this purpose, paid reviews, recommendations, advice and stories about personal experience are used. Articles of useful content are also published so that the buyer can learn more about the product.

Video marketing

Filling websites with video content is effective if there is not enough information about the product to make a confident purchase. Thus, it is useless to advertise popular brands and expensive products. The material is posted as video reviews or video instructions. The tool is suitable for advertising for both personal and corporate purposes.


Retargeting prevents the user from abandoning a purchase in cases where he was personally interested in it. The tool creates a kind of reminder on any of the Internet services (partners). helps return the buyer to the Internet resource in which he was interested. The advertising customer has special requirements for filters, for example, time spent on the site or frequent visits.


Aggregators (marketplace) are a platform where many offers for purchase from various suppliers and companies are collected. There is significant competition on such sites. Examples include Yandex Market and Products. Any interested company registers on such a platform and is integrated into the overall system through a commercial offer.

Online Games

The activity of marketing in gaming mode is determined by the multimillion-dollar audience of online entertainment. Developers cooperate with various manufacturers and offer bonuses, coupons, promo codes, as well as viewing embedded advertising. Programmers also have access to information about traffic, purchases made in the game, time spent online, etc.

In Western countries, game developers cooperate with large fast food chains, watch stores, sporting goods stores, etc.

Affiliate programs and CPA networks

Most sites have it. The essence of their action is to invite an ordinary user to new clients (referrals) of the service to receive discounts or income. The new user receives positive feedback about the company and becomes another participant in the program. If necessary, he buys goods or services from the site. Such a tool does not require additional time spent on clients. Those interested in the offer take on the “work” themselves.

Crowd marketing

Effective on a variety of active forums and response sites. It involves posting reviews (with links) in the most natural form so that the written text blends harmoniously with the general topic of discussion. Such promotion is quite time-consuming and is suitable for certain groups of goods (promotional, luxury, “mid-range” with a twist)

Push notifications

Reach the consumer instantly. Their advantage is that the user agrees to receive them (SMS, pop-ups in the browser, on the monitor) when filling out a form (signature), or by subscribing in the browser (no spam). Today, only companies that are actively implementing a marketing system use this tool.

Native advertising

Otherwise called natural. It works on the principle of consciously creating content that is interesting and useful for the consumer and publisher at the same time. Distributed in the media, specialized Internet platforms, educational and entertainment TV channels. Sometimes it is used to fill a website in order to provide the consumer with shareware information that will lead him to a decision to purchase or order services.


The capabilities of instant messengers are varied. In essence, they are closed social networks with the possibility of advertising promotion. Through them, mass mailings are carried out, support chats and various channels are created, such as in Telegram. This group includes all kinds of chatbots designed specifically to help customers. In addition, if the buyer has one of the messengers configured, he will be contacted again. Contacts from the application are used to send special offers or reminders.

Books about marketing tools

  • Marketing without a budget. 50 working tools (Mann I.B.). The book offers a detailed guide to creating a business from scratch with minimal cost. Suitable for those who are trying themselves in the marketing profession.
  • Internet Marketing. A complete collection of practical tools (Virin F.Yu.). The publication provides step-by-step instructions for promoting products on the Internet using modern methods and channels. The book is necessary for those working in the field of online advertising and managers of Internet projects due to the author’s research into promotion schemes in the largest Russian companies.
  • Marketing tools for the sales department (Mann I., Turusina A., Ukolova E.). The publication is positioned as an effective way to increase sales at all stages of marketing, including direct work with the buyer. The advantages of the book include the described process of using a particular tool: budget, time-consuming, difficulties and features of use, key guidelines and subtleties of implementation. The manual will be useful to sales managers, commercial directors and marketers.
  • Exhibition as a marketing tool (Nazarenko L.F.). The mechanism of holding exhibitions is illustrated in the book by systematizing the types of exhibitions, their features and capabilities. The author also analyzes the activities of Russian companies that often organize exhibition events. The publication is suitable for entrepreneurs, executives and managers and becomes a step-by-step guide to the exhibition.
  • Internet Marketing. The Best Free Tools (Jim Cockrum). The book talks about revolutionary ways of marketing both in the online environment and in conditions of “close” competition. The guide is suitable for absolutely any person involved in advertising, with any budget and with high results.

Internet Marketing. It's not even a trend anymore. This is some kind of madness. “Business needs to be transferred to the Internet! All the clients and money are there now!”

Partly, yes. But this is said by people who have 100% offline businesses and who believe that Internet marketing will be their salvation.

Remember Jesus had 12 apostles? And if Internet marketing can be associated with it (well, they still see the messiah in him), then the 12 apostles are Internet marketing tools.

What, where and...

It is useless to deny that the Internet has irrevocably entered our lives. We spend endless time on social networks, communicating with other people, watching movies and TV series, looking for the necessary information on websites, forums, and blogs.

And no matter what site we go to, no matter what picture or link we click on, everywhere we see advertising. The same notorious Internet marketing that we will talk about today.

But as usual, let's figure out what it is. I won’t write the “smart” versions from Wikipedia, just simply and briefly:

Internet Marketing is the promotion of a product or service on the Internet and using the Internet.

Why on and not off?

Everyone compares online and offline space. And they come to the conclusion that the Internet has become stronger in every sense.

Yes, yes, I am like that

And there is definitely truth in this, but let’s first look at what “stronger” means.


Remember that saying about half the money going down the drain? So, Internet marketing, unlike offline marketing, will be able to tell exactly where your money is going.

Because everything is very clearly visible here. With the right setup and use of analytics, you can see a lot.

By the way. If you are interested in analytics, then Roistat will become your faithful assistant. And in addition to the free 14 days, you will receive another 5,000 rubles. (using the promo code “INSCALE”) as a gift..

For example, when did the client who came to your site buy, where is he located, what computer does he use and what kind of ad interested him (you can believe me, these are still very rough settings, usually they are deeper).

You will never get this in offline marketing. All you can do is find out that the person came from the radio from a leaflet. And then, obtaining such knowledge will be more luck than a pattern.


Focus 1.0

Remember the most famous objection after “Expensive” - “I need to think!” And people go to the Internet to think. Especially if it is a little-known product.

That is, the mechanics are as follows: people saw an offline advertisement and went to the Internet to look for information about the product or service they saw. This is where they make their target purchasing decision. In other words, offline creates demand, online satisfies it. That's it, and nothing else.

That's it, I'm going to buy

Focus 2.0

Not long ago, we wanted to run a radio advertisement for one of our clients. And all that they could provide me was research on the audience of this radio a year ago.

“Mostly, we are listened to by men between 30 and 40 years of age with an average income.” There is no such thing on the Internet. Such an outrageously untargeted approach.

Do you need clients who are located in the center of Moscow and access the Internet from Apple computers? It's not difficult to arrange.

Remember what I wrote about settings a little higher? So, not rough settings - when you see that a person visiting your site is in Moscow and does it from an Apple computer, then the price of goods or services automatically rises by 10-15%.

Do you need travelers who fly abroad 2-3 times a year and at the same time occupy senior positions in companies? This is also easy to arrange.

For example, on Facebook, when setting up targeted advertising, this is done by checking 2 boxes. That's all! Agree, you can’t even dream of this offline.

And you're right...


Do you want customers who will buy tomorrow and yet don’t know your company at all? It is quite possible. This is exactly how contextual advertising works together with a one-page website.

In short, this is the creation and placement of information that, first of all, is useful for the client, and only then sells. Our blog is an example of this.

Pros :

  • The content that users are looking for and which is useful for them is not perceived as advertising, and therefore practically does not cause irritation;
  • It has a great effect on the ranking of your blog/site in search results. Especially if the content is rare and unique;
  • Increases your recognition and expertise. Especially if you create content in a highly specialized area.

Minuses :

  • If you approach it professionally, then the work of a whole team is required (copywriters, editors, SEO specialists, etc.);
  • It takes a lot of time from the idea to at least the first result.

SEO (search engine) website promotion

This is when the owners say: “But I type in “buy wallpaper Moscow” and my website comes in first place.” This is usually what is meant. Read more about what it is and how it works in this article.

But again, I have prepared for you a short excerpt of the pros and cons of this method.

Pros :

  • Greatly increases traffic to the site;
  • You need to bring it to the TOP once, then periodically support it;
  • Potential customers are already coming to the site, looking for either a product or a solution to their problem, and therefore the conversion from potential buyers to real ones is very high.

Minuses :

  • Long period of obtaining results;
  • You need to have specific knowledge or hire professionals (who, by the way, you won’t be able to control too closely).

A question may arise. What is the difference between content marketing and SEO marketing? They are so similar. Yes and no.

Both tools work with information, but content marketing is an approach to conveying information, and SEO marketing is a tool for conveying this information.

contextual advertising

  • A very lively and interactive audience that, with attention and care, can become very loyal;
  • If this is just managing groups, and not targeted advertising, then management can be done on your own. Accordingly, it is free, but not very effective.
  • The cost of social networks pays off on a global scale, it is difficult to pay back immediately;
  • Social media is not suitable for all businesses. Of course, there are examples when factories run a Facebook page and successfully get clients from them, but to get to this point, they invested a lot of effort and a large amount of money;
  • They require a lot of attention, as users on social media. networks are used to a lot of attention and it’s not so easy to hook them anymore.

Display advertising

These are the most standard banners that are placed on a more or less decent website with.

Display advertising

Probably one of the oldest, most annoying and increasingly less effective advertising tools on the Internet.

Pros :

  • Have a good effect on memorability and recognition;
  • Large audience coverage, thereby making it possible to get random buyers.

Minuses :

  • Expensive;
  • Low click-through rate.

Teaser advertising

Pugacheva lost 30 kg! Putin married Kabaeva! $10 billion was found at the dacha of the Minister of Economy.

Teaser advertising

Briefly, I just described to you what teaser advertising is, i.e. a provocative and catchy picture with a shocking headline that makes a potential client click and go to the site.

Pros :

  • Large-scale coverage;
  • Minimum settings.

Minuses :

  • It is perceived as advertising, and a very aggressive one at that;
  • As a rule, traffic to the site is driven through a spacer (a blog that imitates useful information about a product), thereby significantly reducing conversion.

Viral Marketing

One example about instead of a thousand words. Because it is better to see once than to read a thousand times.

And now, according to the classics of the genre, the pros and cons of this method. Read and enjoy.

Pros :

  • Very high audience loyalty. People love to share content that makes them laugh or shocks them;
  • Loyalty to the product or service is increased, so purchases will be made with increased confidence;
  • Viral content is easily shared (sometimes it is even posted completely free of charge).

Minuses :

  • It's not easy to create a video that goes viral. We need knowledge and skill (especially if we are now talking about a viral video for business);
  • In order to make a video viral, you need to “push” it, that is, invest financially in its placement;
    Short-term effect.

Email marketing

You leave your name and email on some page to receive some useful material (in professional language this is called a “magnet”). According to tradition, to understand this, it is better to read the article

In accordance with the stages of development of a market economy and the evolution of practical approaches to marketing activities, various conceptual approaches to marketing tools were formed and replaced each other. We can highlight the main conceptual approaches, ideas and tools, the evolution of which is presented in table 1.2.




Leading idea



the main objective


I produce what I can

Cost, productivity

Improving production, increasing sales, maximizing profits


I produce quality goods

Product policy

Improving the consumer properties of goods


Developing a sales network and sales channels

Sales policy

Intensification of sales of goods through marketing efforts to promote and sell goods


I produce what the consumer needs

Marketing complex (marketing mix), consumer research

Meeting the needs and demands of target markets


I produce what the consumer needs, taking into account the requirements of society

Marketing mix, study of the social and environmental consequences of the production and consumption of manufactured goods and services

Satisfying the needs and requirements of target markets, subject to the conservation of human, material, energy and other resources of society, and environmental protection

Since the 1990s

Relationship Marketing

I produce what satisfies consumers, the requirements of society and the interests of business partners

Methods of coordination, integration, network analysis, marketing mix complex

Satisfying the needs of consumers, the interests of partners and the state in the process of commercial and non-commercial interaction

Marketing is characterized by conscious, active, systematic market research and influence on it. To achieve this, activities are carried out in certain areas in which decisions are made to achieve marketing goals:

  • - marketing research;
  • - product and assortment design;
  • - price policy;
  • - distribution;
  • - communications.

As noted above, in the second half of the 20th century. The concept of the marketing mix was developed, which came to be called the “marketing mix” (English: marketing-mix), since it has many opportunities for choosing options both within the strategic concepts of marketing and in the combination of its methods. This functional classification has not lost its significance today, in the era of innovative economy, although it does not cover the entire variety of marketing approaches. Initially, it was customary to identify four success factors, or the main tools of the marketing mix - 4Ps (see Figure 1.1):

  • - product (English: goods) - features of the product range, the possibility of its maintenance, etc.;
  • - price (price) - levels and differentiation of prices, system of discounts, payment terms;
  • - promotion (promotion of goods to the market) - organization of sales, selection of sales channels and delivery methods, sales promotion, advertising;
  • - place (place) - geographical and physical characteristics of the sales process.

Figure 1.1. 4P marketing mix tools

Based on this concept, the structure of marketing tools and functions in the company was formed. The main difference between marketing functions and other management functions is that marketing functions are aimed at organizing and implementing the process of exchange and interaction between the company, its customers and partners (see Table 1.3).

Structure of marketing management functions

Table 1.3



Research of the external and internal business environment; analysis of industry markets and their segments; research of consumer motivation and behavior; study of distribution and sales systems; product research; competitor research and benchmarking; demand and sales forecast, etc.

Product policy

Product development and assortment policy; development of new products; improving the quality characteristics and competitiveness of goods and services, etc.

Price policy

Development of pricing strategy and tactics; setting prices depending on the degree of innovation and market segment; competitor price analysis; price forecast, etc.

Distribution and sales

Development of sales and distribution policies; analysis of the trade and distribution network and selection of sales channels; organization of warehousing and transportation, control of commodity flows, etc.

Promotion through integrated marketing communications (advertising, sales promotion, etc.)

Development of a policy in the field of integrated marketing communications; selection of effective tools and technologies for product promotion; brand policy; organization of public relations, etc.

Marketing audit and controlling

Organization of management of marketing activities in the company; controlling; development of organizational structures for the marketing service and optimization of management decisions in the field of marketing; assessment of the effectiveness of the marketing service, etc.

These four components of the marketing mix are the marketing tools with which it seeks to influence customers. It is necessary that, from the buyers' point of view, the purpose of each marketing tool is presented as increasing the consumer's benefit. To determine the benefits of buyers, scientists have proposed the 4C consumer marketing mix, which corresponds to the seller’s 4P (see Table 1.4).

Marketing mix fit

Table 1.4

Thus, companies that maintain effective communication with consumers and are able to satisfy their needs in terms of cost-effectiveness and convenience of purchasing goods win the competition. In other words, the 4Ps must be in harmony with the 4Cs.

Later, due to the active use of marketing technologies by service enterprises, the marketing mix was supplemented with new elements, since services have a number of features in production and sales. A 7P marketing mix emerged, in which traditional areas were supplemented with three Ps:

  • - people (English: people) - all people directly or indirectly involved in the process of providing a service, for example employees and other clients;
  • - process (English: process) - procedures, mechanisms and sequences of actions that ensure the provision of services;
  • - physical evidence (English: material evidence) - the situation, the environment in which the service is provided; actions that inform the target category of customers about a product or service, its advantages and persuade them to purchase; material items that help promote and provide a service.

Marketing decision areas can be classified according to their level of urgency into strategic and operational areas. This is the so-called marketing management. From the point of view of the management organization process, we can distinguish: planning, decision making, marketing implementation and marketing controlling. Speaking about the content of marketing, first of all it is necessary to understand what areas should be covered by marketing decisions and in what areas these decisions should be made (see table 1.5).

Areas and directions of marketing solutions

Table 1.5



Marketing Solutions Areas

Directions of strategic decisions

1. Bringing innovation to market

Conditions for entering the market

The decision to bring an innovation to market

Current positioning of innovation

Where to compete (region, target segment) and when to enter the market

Extraordinary positioning of innovation

How to compete: developing brand and pricing policies

2. Consolidation in the market and market expansion

Long-term concept for innovation development



  • (development of new markets) Modifications innovations
  • (product differentiation and coverage of new market segments)

Marketing must cover all successive stages of the formation of consumer decisions (see Figure 1.2).

Figure 1.2. Stages of consumer decision making

Successful completion of these stages requires active marketing support at all stages. Constant monitoring of the market situation and consumer surveys will reveal how effectively marketing services work, ensuring the transition of a potential consumer from one stage to another.

If there is a significant decline in the share and number of consumers as they move through the various stages from obtaining information to making a purchase decision and finally developing loyalty to the innovation, the reasons for this need to be analyzed. The reasons may vary. For example, at each stage, barriers may arise related to the company's marketing activities (see Table 1.6).

Possible marketing barriers to making consumer decisions about purchasing a product

Table 1.6

Stages of consumer acceptance of a new product

Typical Marketing Mistakes

Consumer Awareness

Consumer interest

Positioning errors leading to poor perception of the benefits and degree of innovation of the product

First experience of using innovation in consumption

Insufficient affordability in the target segment, insufficient service and information support

Forming consumer loyalty to a new product and a new product brand

Insufficient incentives for repeat purchases of new products. Insufficient promotions or, on the contrary, their focus only on price comparisons.

Lack of communication support

New trends in marketing. The world-famous marketing theorist F. Kotler, who published his book “Fundamentals of Marketing” several decades ago, which became the “marketing bible” for many researchers and practitioners, formulated at the beginning of the 21st century. new trends in marketing, reflecting new processes occurring in the innovative information economy. He includes the following changes in the list of new trends in marketing: 1:

  • - from “make and sell” marketing to “hear and respond” marketing;
  • - from asset ownership to brand ownership;
  • - from vertical integration to virtual integration (outsourcing);
  • - from mass marketing to consumer-oriented marketing;

" Cm.: Kotler F. 300 key marketing questions: answered by Philip Kotler. M.: Olimp-Business, 2006.

  • - from activities only in the market to additional work in cyberspace;
  • - from competition for market share to competition for a specific consumer;
  • - from efforts to attract new consumers to retaining and satisfying existing ones;
  • - from transaction marketing to customer relationship marketing;
  • - from intermediary marketing to direct marketing;
  • - from a marketing monologue to a dialogue with the consumer;
  • - from separate planning of types of communications to integrated marketing communications;
  • - from single-channel marketing to multi-channel;
  • - from marketing focused on the product to marketing focused on the interests of the consumer;
  • - from marketing activities by one department to marketing, which is carried out by all employees of the company;
  • - from exploitation of suppliers and distributors to partnership with them.

The acceleration of the pace of changes occurring in the economy has a very strong impact on the company's marketing. Successful companies must therefore engage monitoring trends And develop scenarios possible developments, think about how the changes might affect the company, and plan responses.

There have been many changes in marketing. Development went from mass marketing to market segment marketing, then to niche market marketing, and from there to individualized marketing. The role of service grew, skills in creating brands and managing a brand as a financial asset were improved. Internet marketing has begun to be used more effectively. Effective marketing has become one of the central elements of the new balanced scorecard.

Traditionally, marketing activities involved the professional use of the following set of tools: sales representatives, advertising, sales promotion, and market research. Every company should master these tools perfectly. But now marketing departments need to learn new skills, including brand building, customer relationship management, email marketing and database retrieval, telephone marketing, experience marketing, and analysis of the profitability of an individual product, market segment, distribution channel and consumer.

A new concept is “experience marketing”. Salespeople increasingly have to think not only about selling a product or service, but also about designing and delivering a positive consumer experience. Starbucks, for example, offers its customers “coffee experiences” in attractive coffee shops where they can escape the hustle and bustle of the modern world. Bookselling chains open cafes in their bookstores, provide visitors with the opportunity to read new books directly in the sales areas, equipping them with tables and chairs, and organize lectures and presentations. A climbing equipment retailer provides a climbing wall and a simulated waterfall in its stores so that customers can experience and feel the quality of the equipment it sells. A fishing equipment retailer offers customers the opportunity to try out a fishing rod in a pool of fish in its stores. All this suggests that sellers should take into account the positive experiences that consumers already have when purchasing a product or service, and find a way to imitate those experiences.

In modern marketing there is a strong general trend in favor of customization goods and services. The first attempts to offer customers the ability to choose the configuration of a computer (Dell), the cut of jeans (Levi Strauss) and other companies turned out to be successful. This trend is especially widespread in the B2B (Business to Business) segment of industrial goods: for example, manufacturers complete trucks in accordance with the individual requirements of customers. Customization affects many innovative products and services. New relationship trends in marketing are shown in Figure 1.3.

Figure 1.3. New Marketing Paradigm

There is no doubt that the more we know about each individual customer, the higher our chance of winning them. This is the basis for the popularity of relationship marketing and CRM systems.

Customer relationship management (CRM) is a relatively new marketing strategy with the active use of information technology, which includes the compilation and use of extensive databases and allows the company to collect and process information about customers in order to create mutually beneficial relationships, based on a personal approach.

However, the question arises: can the proceeds from the sale of goods manufactured to individual customer requirements cover the higher costs, for example, of collecting and processing information about each individual buyer? A company must carefully consider the decision to enter the customized product market, especially with a costly innovation. Possible programs for developing customer relationships are shown in Table 1.7.

Possible programs for developing customer relationships

Table 1.7

Programs, validity periods






Separate price and non-price

Short-term increase in sales volume


reserves, growing interest





Identifying and retaining key

Branding, CRM and other means



Regular, period duration 2-3 years






Partnership programs.

Joint activities to create



A joint


values, values



“added value” for the market




What challenges and challenges are marketers facing now?

  • 1. Adequate measurement of the financial results of marketing programs is necessary. Marketers must develop metrics to demonstrate the results of specific spends and campaigns. Executives of companies that spend huge marketing budgets must learn from marketers not only how much knowledge, awareness, or preference has resulted from marketing programs—they must know how sales, profits, and stock prices have changed.
  • 2. Constant monitoring and collection of integrated information about important customers is necessary. Buyers come into contact with the company in many ways - by email or regular mail, by phone, in person, etc. But if this dialogue is not recorded, the company will not have a complete picture of the potential buyer or client and, as a result, will not be able to make him a quality offer.
  • 3. It is necessary to use marketing as the basis and driving force of the company's market strategy. The function of the marketing department is not only product promotion. When mastering innovations, all elements of marketing policy must be coordinated and approved in full agreement with each other.
  • 4. It is necessary to constantly look for ways to confront competitors who offer higher quality products at a lower price. For the Russian economy, which is becoming more and more open, this is becoming very relevant due to the influx of cheap imported goods and insufficient confidence in domestic production. Rationalization of production and management, outsourcing and franchising help solve this problem.
  • 5. The manufacturing company must cope with the growing influence of network distribution companies. Retail giants control an increasing portion of the retail market. Many of these companies offer their own branded products, which have the same image as national brands, but at lower prices, which reduces the profitability of domestic manufacturers, reducing their chances of successfully mastering innovations.

The main methods of protection are the creation of a powerful brand and the formation of an audience of loyal consumers who are ready to remain committed to the brand in rapidly changing market conditions. Modern companies find it difficult to survive in a market environment where the markets themselves, thanks to innovation, change faster than the marketing strategies of companies. Not all companies can survive in an innovative business environment. This is confirmed by the high level of bankruptcies and the increasing number of mergers and acquisitions. The companies that survive are the ones that can create and deliver the most value to the customer.

  • 2 For more details, see: Bagiev G. L., Tarasevich V. M., Ann X. Marketing. St. Petersburg: Peter, 2007.

To use at the operational level measures aimed at creating advantages for the enterprise in competition, marketing tools are used; which consists of pricing, communication, product policies, and distribution policies. The price of products in market conditions is determined by various factors and is calculated on the basis of internal calculations or is set by the enterprise by the market situation (supply and demand). Price calculation is based on unit cost and profit. However, sale at this price is possible only if it is acceptable to the consumer. Therefore, before the start of production, it is necessary to determine demand trends in a specific market (segments) and set prices that consumers will agree with. The decisive factor for setting the offer price is the structure of the market. It is determined by the competitive situation in the market. Therefore, it is especially important to take into account the reaction of competitors when setting or changing prices. Analysis of the critical sales volume allows us to answer the question of what minimum quantity of products the enterprise must sell in order for the turnover to cover expenses and the enterprise not to incur losses. The analysis is based on the ratio of production costs and constant variables. Diverse consumer groups in the market place different demands on products. For example, consumers with low profits give preference to products that combine high quality with low prices; consumers with high profits pay more attention to product quality. The decisive factor for the success of a product on the market is the subjective perception by consumers of the objective advantages of the product. Drawing the attention of a potential buyer to a product, informing him about the advantages of the product and encouraging him to buy is the task that advertising solves. Advertising costs are increasing every year. Advertising is becoming a dominant tool for influencing demand increase, especially in markets where there is no longer price competition. In order to purposefully use advertising as a tool of communication between an enterprise and a potential buyer, it is necessary to determine the groups of consumers to whom advertising will be directed. The content of advertising and its design must be in such a form that the buyer understands that he can satisfy his individual needs with this particular product. The main advertising means are: television and radio advertising; advertising events (exhibitions, fairs); advertisements in newspapers and magazines; prospectuses; advertising posters; illuminated advertising. Advertising media can reach the target group of consumers only through the advertising medium. The choice of advertising product and medium can be made by analyzing the media taking into account the advertising budget. Enterprises also use additional communication tools: - public relations, which are aimed at improving the image of the enterprise not only among consumers, but also among the environment (suppliers, authorities, media) - for this purpose, press conferences are held, visits to the enterprise, etc. d.; - sponsorship, that is, activities of an enterprise that improve its image by encouraging certain individuals or organizations in the cultural, sports or social sphere. - product development; - entering the market (the need for significant investments); - slow growth in sales volume (no or insignificant profits); - growth (increase in sales volume due to the high degree of popularity of the product; income growth due to reduced costs per unit of product); - market saturation (stabilization or reduction in demand due to exhausted market potential; change in primary demand for demand associated with the replacement of goods; transition of some consumers to more modern products of competitors; investment of profits in the development of new products); - recession (increased decline in sales volume, displacement of products from the market). Industrial products have varied life cycles: products that are not at all related to everyday demand, and everyday products have very long life cycles; and prestige goods are short. To determine the timing of new product development, it is necessary to know life cycles and inherit them. Failure to develop a new product in a timely manner may result in loss of the market. A new product that has appeared on the market must have significant differences compared to competing products and satisfy the consumer as much as possible. Decisive in this case is the subjective perception of the properties of the product by the consumer. Therefore, when introducing products to the market, it is necessary to establish criteria for evaluation by consumers (from a subjective point of view) of products that are already being sold. By comparing the assessment of competitors' products with buyers' ideas about the ideal product, it is possible to obtain information about the necessary objective and subjective properties of the product that will be needed and introduced into the market. A significant role, in addition to the consumer value of products, is played by its evaluation in the social context. The product promotion policy resolves the issue of the route of promotion to the consumer of products manufactured by the enterprise. It contains all the activities necessary to provide the consumer with products in the right quantity and quality at the right time and in the right place. When deciding on a particular distribution route, the long-term use of that channel is in mind. This decision can only be made in coordination with other marketing tools. Decision-making in the field of product promotion policy involves choosing a system, form and distribution channel.

The sales system can be: own (sale by the manufacturer of his own products through sales branches of the enterprise); related to the enterprise (trade system under contracts, franchise system, that is, sales are carried out by other enterprises that are legally independent, but economically dependent on a particular enterprise); and not related to the enterprise (economically and legally independent sales companies). The sales form shows whether sales are carried out through trade organizations that are related to the enterprise, or through third-party organizations. Sales can be carried out through direct deliveries to end consumers or through indirect deliveries (through wholesale or retail trade). Optimal use of marketing tools is only possible with constant market research. As a result, information about demand should be obtained (market potential, market volume, purchasing power in different regions, identification of consumer groups, seasonal fluctuations in demand); about the offer (presence of competitors, market segmentation, competing products and their properties, competitors’ offers, image); about the possibility of using marketing tools and their effectiveness (elasticity of sales prices, advertising and its cost in the media, knowledge of the press). Sources of information for market research can be information obtained in primary research and information as a result of repeated research. In the first case, consumer surveys, observation of consumer behavior, and experiments (product tests, price tests, advertising tests) are used to collect information. In the other, information is taken from materials (internal and external sources) that already exist. These include a variety of statistical data, reports, materials from chambers of commerce and industry, research institutes, industry institutes, foreign trade banks, consulting services, foreign trade information bureaus, etc. In addition to traditional sources of information, interactive data banks are becoming increasingly important. The most well-known data sellers are DIALOG, DATA-STAR, GENIOS, STN and FIZ-Technik. To present data and increase their information content, a number of analytical statistical methods have been developed (regression analysis, discriminant analysis, determination of statistical parameters). Marketing is an intermediate link on the path of information between the enterprise and the consumer. If marketing, through appropriate methods and tools, correctly interprets the signs that characterize market processes, products oriented to consumer needs will enter the market.


Marketing orientation requires that proposals for the release of new products, bringing these products to customers and influencing customers through the quality of the product should be concentrated in one hand - the marketing director and his staff. The main activities of the marketing director and his staff are: - conducting market research (analysis of market situations, developing recommendations for choosing the most profitable market, obtaining information about real buyers in the enterprise market, studying trends in market prospects and forecasting sales volumes, recommendations for developing market strategies); - development of recommendations from the image of the enterprise; - conducting and coordinating marketing activities of enterprise managers regarding product design, production, sales and prices; - constant analysis of the effectiveness of decisions, orders and technologies; - determining the influence of consumer characteristics of new products on buyers’ decisions to purchase them; - determination of the stages of the product life cycle and timely development of recommendations regarding the withdrawal of goods from production and export; - coordination of the work of subsections of the demand service and sales network; - control over the activities of the enterprise, which influences the decisions of buyers to purchase its products; - review of budgets and personnel policies of all departments of the marketing service.

In enterprises with a centralized management structure, marketing activities are carried out by the marketing service. It can be organized in different ways: - organization “by function” is most appropriate when there are few goods and markets in the enterprise. Foreign markets and manufactured goods are considered to have a certain homogeneity. To work with them, it is enough to have specialized departments: market research, production planning and marketing, sales and service management, demand services; - organization “by type of goods” is advisable when an enterprise has a diverse range of goods that requires specific conditions of production, sales, and service. With such an organization, groups are formed in departments that deal only with “their own product.” And already in relation to this product a functional organization is established. The main disadvantage of such an organization is the duplication of research and sales networks due to the desire of management groups for independence. At the same time, the marketing director must ensure more effective communication between group leaders and ordinary employees; - organization "by territory" is beneficial if there is a wide range of goods in each of the selected regions and minor differences between their consumers. This organization makes it possible to take into account the specifics of consumption of goods in each region. The Marketing Service coordinates the activities of departments in studying markets, advertising, planning, and providing production with the necessary raw materials. The marketing service is headed by a marketing manager. He provides general management of marketing activities and is responsible for the following areas of the enterprise’s activities: market research; development of a product marketing program; determining the price of products; implementation of advertising; sales organization; transportation of goods; development of new types of products and modernization of traditional products. At an enterprise that carries out foreign economic activity, a specialized department is created, which is subordinate to the marketing service. He coordinates the activities of departments related to the implementation of foreign economic activity. Marketing management means creating services for collecting information, conducting market research, organizing advertising, sales operations and services in such a way as to ensure maximum effect (profitability, sales volume, etc.) with optimal marketing costs. The most common such structures are: functional orientation, product orientation, regional orientation, segment orientation. The functional orientation of the structure is appropriate when there is a small variety of goods sold by the enterprise and a small number of markets. Managers (usually there are five of them) are subordinate to the director, marketing director (deputy head of the enterprise from marketing), separated in functions and responsibilities (see Fig. 3).

The flows of initial and control information are clearly defined, the relationships are clear and do not provide grounds for competition between managers.

As the range of goods expands and the geography of markets becomes more complex (up to seven per person), there is a real danger of insufficient attention to some goods and markets. The functional structure will be turned into a commodity structure. The product orientation of the structure is that a special marketing manager is appointed for each product or group of similar products (see Fig. 4). In this kind of marketing organization, workers specialize and are able to coordinate efforts well in terms of the overall goals and objectives of the company. The disadvantage of this orientation is the presence of functionally overlapping subsections.

Regional orientation is similar to the structure of product orientation, however, the division is based not on goods, but on markets. This orientation is appropriate when there are a large number of markets and a small range of products. It allows you to study in depth the specific needs of customers in each region; take into account regional characteristics in advertising, sales, appearance development, etc. it has disadvantages similar to those of product orientation (see Fig. 5). The desire to minimize disadvantages and take advantage of the advantages of product and regional orientation leads to a segmented (purchasing) organization of the marketing service.

The segmental orientation of the structure (aimed at the buyer) is that each marketing manager is responsible for working with a certain segment of potential buyers, regardless of the geographic location of the segment (Fig. 6). But with this orientation, the specialization of employees for individual goods is complicated; they are required to universalize. An integrated approach to marketing management consists of a comprehensive consideration of three problems - production, needs and sales. Possible options for decisions made on this basis are compared with each other at the maximum of the criterion “efficiency/cost” or “profit/profit” based on the analysis of four indicators: the contribution of the marketing service to the total profit of the enterprise, the profit received on investment in the area of ​​enterprise management, the ratio sales expenses to the profit received and the part of the market that belongs to the enterprise.
