Entertainment for children in Humorin's house. Entertainment "Humorina" (for children of the senior, preparatory group)

Elena Karataeva

It has become traditional for our kindergarten to hold holiday dedicated to April Fool's Day. Holiday held for junior and middle groups, as well as for senior and preparatory groups. Children at home, together with their parents, come up with costumes. And in the morning, when they come to the garden, they immediately dress up. From morning to evening we have laughter and fun. Not only the children look funny, but also the adult staff. In one day you get so much enthusiasm and energy that it lasts for a long time.


Children and teachers prepare in advance for entertainment: they do funny hairstyles, dress up funny, do makeup. A recording of cheerful music sounds and the children enter the hall. The hall is decorated with balloons and images of smiling faces.

Humor has come to us

Presenter1: Guys! Why are we here? (children's answers)

Right. Today we celebrate April Fool's Day.

Humor has come to us,

Brought us fun

We ask everyone to sing along,

And dance a little.

And then for sure

We won't be sad yet.

Smile: Sashi, Masha,

Kolya, Nina and Natasha,

From every corner

Let it come “ha-ha!”

Humor, laughter and fun,

Replace vitamins!


Which one of you is sitting sad?

Who's looking sour here?

Our entertainment

Will cheer you up!

Kolya, Sasha, Tanya, Vova

Are you ready to have fun?

Humor means laughter

A good joke for everyone.


Toffee: Stomp, stomp, stomp

I'm going, I'm going a long way.

Not in steps, not on foot,

And on horseback. T–p–r–y!

Hello guys,

Girls and boys

Hello, te – shadow – ki!

Oh, oh, oh! And all of you have white backs! Where did you whitewash? Disorder! (CHILDREN WATCH EACH OTHER'S BACKS)

Here you are! After all, today holiday of laughter and humor - April 1! And April 1 - I don’t trust anyone!

I was in a hurry, in a hurry,

I almost fell off my horse

I flew into a birch tree,

My nose hit two bushes.

And then she fell five times.

Finally got to you

Guys! And to you at still a holiday, no one came except me? That’s nice, that’s good, that means I’m first! I'll wait for my girlfriend here. Where should I hide? Just don't give me away guys! Fine?



Barberry: (singing)

I'm sitting on a horse

I look in all directions.

I'm driving backwards.

People are surprised.

Stop, horse, stop! So I got to you! Hello to you! Hello! Even though it was backwards, she was the first to arrive! Hooray! Hooray! Hooray!


Barberry: And who arrived earlier than me?


Toffee. And here she is! She showed up without getting dusty!

Barberry: Yeah, she's arrived! And I wasn’t dusty at all! I am pure - pure! I'm beautiful - beautiful! And what a sim-pa-tich-naya (embarrassed)

Toffee: Look around, friend! You see how many guys there are here and they are all smart, funny, cheerful and beautiful!

Barberry: Indeed, there are so many of them here!

Toffee: But we haven’t met them! Let's introduce ourselves.

My name is Iriska!

Barberry: And I am Barbariska!.

Toffee: And what is your name - you say in unison.

Barberry: One, two, three - say your name!


Toffee: All clear! All the boys are called today "Boo Boo Boo".

Barberry: And all the girls “Syu-syu-syu!”

But I still don’t understand who we have holiday more girls or boys?

Toffee: I think I came up with it! Let's do this! Let's play a game with the guys called "Girls and boys" and let's check which of them is bigger. Look at me guys and repeat after me. (perform standing)

Two floods, stomp

Two clap claps

Hedgehogs, hedgehogs, palms fingers up

Running in place / 2 times running, arms bent at the elbows

Scissors / 2 times crossing straight outstretched arms

Rattles / 2 times imitation rattles

Bunnies / 2 times palms over bare skin and move hands back and forth

Well, let's go together,

Come on, come on together!


Toffee: Barberry, well, why did you count the children?

Barberry: I counted! There are 100 boys and 100 girls! That's how much! In general, a lot - a lot!

Toffee: How are you? I can not hear! Let's So: I ask you, and in response you stomp, clap, shout... Got it? So, get ready! Let's start! How are you?

Toffee: Your mood is simply super, top class!

Barberry: Isn’t it time for us to hurry up with the game? I really love to play! What about you guys? These are the toys I have. (FROM A LARGE BAG TAKES A BOY, A WHISTLE, A MUSICAL HAMMER).


Children line up at the center of the wall in two teams. Near the spectators, opposite the teams, two inverted basins lie on the floor. The child takes the hammer, runs to the basin, hits it, runs back, passes the hammer to the next one. The team that finishes the fastest wins.


Two teams play. Children take turns taking each other by the waist and moving around the hall to the music. The one who unhooks is out of the game. The team with the longest caterpillar wins.


There are 7 balls in the hoop, 8 children - 4 from each team. Children dance and move around the hall to the music; as soon as the music has died down, the child must grab the ball. Who didn't get the ball? He's out. The ball is removed from the hoop. The most attentive one wins.

Toffee: If you laugh in your mouth

Suddenly it accidentally hits

Don't be angry, don't grumble,

Laugh, laugh.


1. Veselukha - merry,

Veselukha, ha-ha-ha!

I'll push my hat over my ear,

Let me dance the trepak!

2. Our hen laid eggs

Three eggs in a bush.

Marusenka found them,

I thought - mushrooms!

3. At the neighbor's, at Marusya's,

Geese are giggling in the yard.

Stop the geese cackling

I need to laugh.

4. Girls on the bench,

They gnawed the seeds together,

Ha-ha-ha, yes hee-hee-hee,

They threw the husks!

5. On the fence at full speed

The rooster crows all day.

Baba Dunya groans:

“You made me deaf!”

6. The pigs are grunting in the barn,

Goats bleat nearby.

I'll just go for a walk with that,

Who will give roses?

Barberry: Well done boys! I liked the way you sang and played. I invite you all to dance. And it's called "At Uncle Vasya's". Stand in a circle and repeat after us both words and movements.

Uncle Vasya has seven sons,

Uncle Vasya has seven sons.

And they don’t sit, and they don’t be sad,

They just sing funny songs.


Toffee: Class! For such a dance you will have to be treated. Now each of you will receive candy. (takes out one) Oh, it turns out I only have one piece of candy. Who should I give it to? I'll give it to this girl. (carrying) No, it's better for this boy. (goes to the boy, stops) I'll give it to the boy, the girls will be offended. What to do?


Barberry: The one who jumps up and picks it can take the candy.


Barberry: Toffee, sweets – there wasn’t enough for everyone.

Toffee: Barbariska, did we go with you?

Barberry: Well, let's go!

Toffee: Did you find the candy?

Barberry: Found!.

Toffee: And where are they?

Barberry: What?

Toffee: Candies!

Barberry: Which?

Toffee: The ones we found.

Barberry: A-a-a! Don't know! Let's look. You go there, and I'll go there!


Toffee: Well, what did you find?

Barberry: No and you?

Toffee: Me neither! Let's go look again. (THE SEARCH AND FIND A BOX OF CANDY).

Barberry: Here it is – a great treat!

Toffee: Fun for the kids!


In the hall there are posters on the wall with proverbs, sayings and aphorisms written on them. Humorous newspapers. The emblem is a smile.
1. He who makes people laugh deserves the light.
2. He who knows how to have fun is not afraid of grief.
3. Laughter is a great healer.
4. If you hurry, you will make people laugh.
5. All genres are interesting, except boring ones.
6. It is easier to continue laughing than to stop laughing.
7. Tears together, laughter in half.
8. If you want to look smarter, don’t have smart people around you.

Fanfare sounds: “Listen, everyone!” The presenters take the stage.

We will open the holiday today,
Wind and rain are no problem for us,
After all, we waited a long time, let’s not hide it,
Our national day of laughter.
For a holiday, for general fun
We invited Laughter to visit,
Fun, Fun and Entertainment,
Joke and Humor for fun!

Two funny guys in suits run onto the stage.

1st amuse-bouche. Hello!

2nd amuse-bouche. Hello!

1st amuse-bouche. Congratulations on the holiday of laughter and jokes!

2nd amuse-bouche. Welcome us with applause.

The hall welcomes the fun.

1st amuse-bouche. We simply cannot live without laughter. We need him everywhere and always.

2nd amuse-bouche. And to lift our spirits, we call for help

Together. Comic folklore!

A group of guys comes out. They have “musical instruments”: a washboard, spoons, a basin, a bucket, a kettle. The guys perform the melody “Oh, the box is full, the box is full.”

1st presenter. We all know that humor helps to ridicule vices and shortcomings. But, unfortunately, people react to humor differently. For some, healthy humor helps them see and eradicate their shortcomings. Others don’t want to notice their shortcomings. And then they say: “It’s not funny!”

2nd presenter. People say about such people that they are the wrong kind of berries. But let's not stop and focus on this, let's continue the conversation about laughter. When people see something funny, they express their feelings using the words: “Hee-hee-hee,” “Ha-ha-ha,” “Ho-ho-ho,” “Hee-hee-hee.” Let our laughter “take off” even today with a cheerful joke, subtle humor, and topical satire. It’s really not a sin to laugh at what seems funny!

A group of guys come on stage and perform a skit. The guys pretend to be children in kindergarten: some play, some draw, and the “teacher” sits here and asks the children questions, they answer.

- Olya, how old are you?
- A little 4...
- Why a little?
- Three years was a long, long time for me, but four was only a little bit...

Mitya looks at his watch.
- Today is Friday.
- Why?
— Since the hand is at five, it means Friday.

— Zhenya, what street do you live on?
- I live at home, but I walk on the street.

1st amusing person: Well, did you laugh? (The audience responds.)

2nd amusing person: Well, even if you are not above us, but we are above you, it’s still good.

1st amusing person: Were you laughing at us? (The audience responds.)

2nd amusing person: Now we'll play.

1st amuse-bouche. We will ask questions, and you answer.

Playing with the audience.

1st amusing person: Whose proverb is this?

- Laughter through tears. (Russian.)
— Laughter is the brother of strength. (Moldavian.)
- Just a minute, but it charges for an hour. (Russian.)
Don't sit idle, and you won't get bored. (Russian.)

While the 1st amusing person is playing with the audience, the 2nd one is marking the correct answers and rewarding them with prizes after the game.

— How many years do pigs live?
-Five years.
- Two years.
- Your own option.
Answer: Pigs live until they are eaten.

The sketch “How Kirill Spoke” is performed.

Student Petrov Kirill
I killed everyone today:
I began to imitate animals -
Crow and squeal.
The teacher came to class:
-Who will go to the board now?
And Kirill Petrov:
- Ku-ku! Bow-wow! Ku-ka-re-ku

Who was screaming there? I don't understand!
And Kirill responded to this:
- Moo!
-Is that you, Kirill Petrov?
Are you unwell today?
Maybe you need a doctor?

And Kirill responded to this:

Give me your diary!
And Kirill:
- Tweet-chirp! Meow meow! Kwa-kwa-kwa!

- All! - said the teacher. - Two!
-Oh, for what? - Kirill cried.
He spoke again.

The presenters enter.

1st presenter. Good joke
Start your day, friends!
A wise joke, a sensitive joke,
You can't live without it!

2nd presenter. Laughter is healthier for a person
What a good drug.
He who laughs goes to the pharmacy
He walks less often, they say.

1st presenter. A joke is appreciated for good reason,
And doubly good.
More, more every year
Laughter, jokes every day.

Two girls sing ditties.

1st girl. No one is so offended
Like Vanyusha the orphan:
Swallowed a live fish -
Moves in the stomach.

2nd girl. Vanya walks around the village,
He walks and smiles.
It turned out that he inserted teeth:
The mouth doesn't close.

1st girl. Nikita forgets everything
Even put on shoes
Nikita opens his mouth -
Forgets to close it.

The playmaker invites the kids to play, the other evaluates and rewards the winners.

1. Sack running.
2. Tie scarves onto balloons. Who is faster? (The balls hang on a thread.)
3. Feed your neighbor! Two participants sit opposite each other on chairs. They are blindfolded and their bibs are tied up so as not to get dirty. They put spoons and cups of porridge in their hands, and on command, the competition participants begin to feed each other.
4. Jumping artist. Participants must draw a picture of a smiling person, but the poster they will draw on is hung high up. You have to jump for every stroke.
5. Who will drink milk from a bottle through a nipple faster?

1st presenter. You live in the world, not knowing grief,
Let everyone be jealous looking at you.
Be cheerful, be... happy!
A thousand, a thousand, a thousand times!

2nd presenter. Look for a smile, appreciate a smile,
Give a smile to your friends.
Love a smile, keep a smile -
We cannot live without a smile!

Everyone sings V. Shainsky’s song “Smile”.

Presenter: So, dear friends! During our holiday, we saw dazzling smiles and heard laughter: cheerful, infectious, joyful.

All participants go on stage.

All. The holiday is over, the hour of parting has come,
They joked, played and kept us warm
Smiles and sparkle in your eyes.
Remember this merry April Fool's Day,
And we won't forget about you.

Cheerful music plays and the participants descend from the stage to the audience.

Integrated entertainment for children 5-7 years old "Humorina"

Alexandrova Alexandra Evgenievna music director of the GBDOU kindergarten No. 4 of the Krasnoselsky district of St. Petersburg
Description of work: I bring to your attention a scenario of complex integrated entertainment. This development can be used by music directors and preschool teachers. The holiday scenario is intended for children of senior preschool age.
Subject:"April Fool's Day"
Leading educational areas: physical and artistic-aesthetic development.
Target: educating children in the ability to correctly perceive humor and creating a positive attitude
Develop a sense of humor in children.
Development of creative independence and aesthetic taste in conveying an image using means of expression.
Develop speed, agility, endurance. coordination of movements;
Further development of the ability to perform songs expressively, correctly conveying the melody and the skill of choral and solo singing.
Activities: communicative, gaming, theatrical and musical.
Participants: children of preparatory and senior groups, music director, teachers, parents
Preliminary work:
- selection of musical repertoire;
- learning poetry;
- learning songs about spring
Scenery: the hall is festively decorated with balloons
Location: music room
Materials and equipment: artificial flowers, balloons, ball, markers, drawing paper, children's shoes.

Progress of entertainment:

Children dressed comically (clothes inside out, one leg longer than the other, with clown noses, decorated hats, etc.) They go into the hall to cheerful music.

1. We welcome you at this good hour!
Welcome, come in, everything is ready for fun!
Dance, sing, have fun and let laughter reign everywhere!
2. We will open the holiday today,
Wind and rain are no problem for us.
After all, we have waited for a long time, we won’t hide it,
Funny, cheerful April Fool's Day!
3. Congratulations on the holiday,
Happy prankster holiday!
Nobody's tired of it
April Fools jokes
But rather the opposite -
People are happy to laugh!
4. And with a playful, sonorous song we will open the holiday together!
song "Sunny Bunny"
1. April begins, drops are ringing outside the window,
And the beautiful spring instantly woke up from her sleep.
2.You heard the song - a sonorous miracle. she came from I know where
From distant lands along with the first ray
And it says something I know about.
3.And it says, and it says
About the fact that the cheerful birds woke up.
And the wind flew up to the top of the pine tree,
I know this is a gift from spring.
"Spring Song"

Spring comes out:

Spring has come to you and brought warmth to everyone.
I know they are waiting for me everywhere, I bring joy to people.
Flowers of unprecedented beauty are blooming.
"Dance with Flowers"
Spring: We are celebrating April Fool's Day - let's play together.
Game "Be smart"

Spring: From across the sea, birds came back to us again in a line.
The round dance of migratory birds hastily builds nests.
1. The starling lived overseas in winter,
Now he has returned home.
And early in the morning in silence
Sang about the sun and spring.
2. A tall maple tree awaits guests -
The house on the branch is fortified.
The roof is painted,
There is a porch for singers...
You can hear the chirping in the blue sky
A family of starlings is flying towards us.
The birds began to approach
We flew to the yard,
We couldn't resist
They shouted in unison: - Hurray!
Amazing thing: The whole family flew away!
3. The birds are very happy about this,
Hide, winter, your outfits!
Even a small stream
Glad to welcome the rooks.
4. In the sky as clear as a page,
Birds fly smoothly.
Over the expanses of fields
A wedge of handsome cranes.
Spring: Birds, don't fly away, it's better to play with us.
Game “Whose circle will gather faster”

- Hello, hello, guys! Guess who I am!
- That's right, I'm a clown. And my name is Bantik! Do you remember? Come on, repeat everything in unison.
- Well done! What's your name? ( The children answer all together in chorus)
- Oh, someone forgot their name. Let's do it all together one more time - three or four... This is a different matter! So we met.
- Do you know why I came to you?
- Do you guys like laughter, fun, jokes? Do you like to play? Now we'll find out!
I ask those who love games and jokes to speak loudly - I am!
- Who loves games?
- Who likes cartoons?
- Chewing gum?
- Erasers?
- And the baskets?
- Who likes cake?
- What about ice cream?
- What about chocolate?
- And marmalade?
-Who loves treasure?
- And the slaps?
- Who likes to sunbathe?
- Who likes to yell?
- Swimming in a dirty puddle?
- Who doesn't wash their ears?
- Who likes to sing and dance?
- What about playing?
Well, then let's play, kids.

Game "Locomotive".
Children get into the “train”, it moves around the room, “knocking”, “puffing”, “buzzing”. At the signal “Crash!” children fall to the floor.
Game "Train Engine" (with balloons).

Inflatable balls - between children, the train is moving, the balls should not fall.
"Ball Game"

Children move freely to cheerful music. The driver throws the ball and shouts: “Tanya!” A girl named Tanya quickly runs up and grabs the ball. Calls a new name. Whoever is lazy is out of the game. (Do not name the same children.)
Clown: We had fun and laughed
And everyone was a little tired.
Let's sit and relax
Let's find out who is attentive.
You must answer my questions with the phrase “This is me, this is me, these are all my friends!”
Game "Trap"

Which of the little guys
Do you really like kindergarten?
Who “takes care of clothes”
Does he put it under the bed?
Who knows what the red light is?
Does it mean: no move?
Who goes to bed early
With dirty shoes on the bed?
Which one of you doesn't walk around gloomy?
Loves sports and physical education?
Which of you, of the kids,
Walking around dirty from ear to ear?
Clown: We will continue the celebration - we will play again!
AND game: “Sweep with a balloon”
“Find and put on mixed up shoes”

Clown: I congratulate you on the holiday and present you with gifts!
Everyone live together - there is no need to quarrel!
Presenter: And now we will all draw together what you liked most about the holiday.
Children draw to cheerful music.

The event is educational and entertaining.

During the event, children learn the history of the holiday and participate in various competitions.

The work presents low-mobility games, outdoor games, and various competitions related to the holiday.

This event will help to have a successful April Fool's Day.

Children will learn a lot of new things and have fun.




Poly, Sasha, Vova, Nina,

Let's start the humor!

Humor means laughter

A good joke for everyone

Humor is you and me -

All cheerful friends!

Congratulations on the holiday,

Happy holiday - prankster!

Nobody's tired of it

But rather the opposite:

People are happy to laugh!

Celebrate the holiday of laughter.

Well, fun! What fun!

Like a whole white light

Ate a funny one for lunch!

In Russia, April Fool's Day was introduced by Peter I. It seemed to him that in the morning, many of his contemporaries looked gloomy, unable to joke, speak smoothly, or not be offended by jokes. April Fool's Day, Peter 1 decided, is the most suitable cure for this ineptitude. And on this first holiday of humor, everyone began to laugh.


BIM. Hello guys! Girls and boys! Oh, why are you so sad? Are you not happy to see me?

CHILDREN. We're glad!

BIM. And if you are happy, then when I wave my hand, you shout loudly: “Hurray!” Agreed? (the clown waves his hand several times, getting the guys excited).

BIM. Now it's a different matter.

Hey! Which children are there?

Forget everything in the world!

Open your mouths wider

And she, and he, and you!

BIM. You recognized me? Let's get acquainted. I'm the clown BIM.

By the way, why are we gathered today?

(children's answers)

BIM. You and I have gathered to have fun. How can you cheer yourself up? Who knows?

(children's answers)

BIM. From a bad mood

Excellent treatment for singing.

Any work will become easier,

If the song is with you.

CHILDREN perform the song “From a Smile”

BIM. Who knows how to have fun

Who doesn't sit idle,

Who wants to play?

And guess the riddles?

Red, blue, bright, round,

It's beautiful and resilient.

Jumps, rushes at a gallop...

Guess, this is... (ball).

BIM. And here is the answer. Let's play.

Game "Ball Race"

(Children pass the ball over their heads in one direction and return it back through their legs spread wide).

BIM. Here's another mystery.

Whose antics are effortless

Is the child repeating?

Who lives among the vines?

A flock of wild...(monkeys).

Game "Merry monkeys"

We are funny monkeys

We play too loud

We clap our hands

We stomp our feet

Let's jump on our toes,

And even to each other

We'll show you the tongues.

Let's jump to the ceiling together

Let's put our finger to our temple.

Let's stick out our ears,

Ponytail on top of head.

Let's open our mouths wider,

We'll make all the faces.

How can I say the number three?

Everyone freeze with grimaces.

(Children repeat the movements of the clown, and then freeze with grimaces).


BIM. I will cover any girl's hair.

I’ll also give the boy short haircuts.

I am protection from the sun – that’s what I was made for.

(Remind children to wear a hat in summer to avoid sunstroke.)

Hat game

(Children sit in a circle. The music turns on and the children begin to pass each other a lady’s hat. As soon as the music stops, whoever has the hat at that moment puts it on himself and walks around the circle, depicting a lady.)

BIM. Shall we play again?


Competition "Flying on the Broom"

Jokes for half a minute (gr. No. 7)

BIM. Shall we continue playing? Now I will find out which of you is the most attentive. If you agree with my phrases, then answer “This is me, this is me, these are all my friends!” And if not, keep quiet. There are many traps, be careful.

Who am I cheerful?

Does he go to the garden every day?

Who “takes care of” clothes?

Does he put it under the bed?

Who knows what the red light is?

Does it mean: no move?

Who goes to bed early

With dirty shoes on the bed?

Which one of you is going forward?

Only where the transition is?

Which one of you doesn't walk around gloomy?

Loves sports and physical education?

Which of you, of the kids,

Walking around dirty from ear to ear?

Which one of you is going home,

Did you kick the ball along the pavement?

Who likes to “help” mom?

Scatter trash around the house?

Who likes to answer in a group,

Receive applause?

BIM. Well done boys!

Surprise moment

BIM. Here it is - a treat for everyone, for the children to have fun.

On a day like this everyone should laugh

Running around jumping and making faces.

Only today you can lie, And at the same time, so as not to offend!

So that the jokes are witty,

May everyone love this day.

Let's have fun.

So that the faces are happy!


Scenario of the game program "Humorine or April Fool's Day"

Scenario #20041

There are posters on the wall with proverbs, sayings and aphorisms written on them. The emblem is a smile.
1. He who knows how to have fun is not afraid of grief.
2. Laughter is a great healer.
3. If you hurry, you will make people laugh.
6. Tears together, laughter in half.
7. If you want to look smarter, don’t have smart people around you.
Good afternoon, girls and boys,
Our dear children!
We came to congratulate you on April Fool’s Day,
Laugh and have fun!

On a day like this everyone should laugh

Running around, jumping and making faces.
Only today can you lie,
At the same time, so as not to upset!

So that the jokes are witty,
May everyone love this day.
Let's have fun
So that the faces are happy!

Guys, today is the Feast of Laughter. People say: “The first of April - I don’t trust anyone!” Because: April 1st is humor, April 1st is a joke,
April 1 means laughter and smiles on your faces!
Guys, do you want to play? Do you like games? Now we'll find out!
I ask those who love games and jokes to speak loudly - I am!
- Who loves games?
- Who likes cartoons?
- Chewing gum?
- Erasers?
- Baskets?
- Cake?
- Ice cream?
- Chocolate?
- Marmalade?
- Treasure?
- And the slaps?
- Who likes to sunbathe?
- Who likes to yell?
- Swimming in a dirty puddle?
- Who doesn't wash their ears?
- Sing and dance?
- What about playing?
Well, then let's play, kids.

Game “Say the Word”
I like to frolic in the river,
Swim in a flock, because I am...
bird fish
Built a house between the snags
The prickly ball is kind...
gnome hedgehog
I dig the earth with my beak,
But I’m not building a house for myself,
I'm looking for a worm, here!
Guess who I am? ...
mole chicken
Kva-kva-kva - what a song!
What could be more interesting
What could be more fun?
And he sings to you...
nightingale frog.
I fly in a mortar,
I kidnap children
In a hut on a chicken farm
I live on my feet
Golden-haired beauty
And my name is...
Vasilisa the Wise Baba Yaga
There is also one in the forest
Very important gentleman.
He's all overgrown with cones,
Only the nose is visible on the face.
Can be shy like a bunny
And his name is...
Dunno Goblin
There is water inside it,
They don't want to hang out with him
And all his girlfriends -
Leeches and frogs!
Overgrown with algae
Good grandfather...
Water Frost
He lives in the wilderness of the forest,
Hero of my heart.
He rattles his bones
And everyone in the area is scared.
What kind of old man is this?
Well, of course, ...
Piglet Koschey the Immortal
Crows awake
Dear, kind...
pig rooster
Who's chewing a pine cone on a branch?
Well, of course it is...
bear squirrel

Who's about to fly off the flower?
hippo butterfly
Who moos in the stable in the morning?
I think so...
whale cow
Lacy web
Woven skillfully...
Pinocchio spider
There's a big fight in the chicken coop!
Who are the instigators? Two...
rooster cancer
Very slow and quiet
Crawling along a leaf...
hare snail
Breaking the silence in the morning,
Singing in the grove...
nightingale mouse.

Competition "Nose Power".
For the competition, take a matchbox lid and put it on your nose. The participants' task is to remove the lid without using their hands, only using facial movements. The best results are obtained when the box is tightly fitted.

And now I invite you to listen to fables.

Because of the forest, because of the mountains.
Uncle Yegor is coming.
He's on a piebald cart,
On a creaking horse
Belted with an axe,
Boots wide open
Kaftan on bare feet,
And there's a pocket on the head.

A village was driving past a man,
Suddenly from under the dog
The gates are barking.
A stick jumped out
With grandma in hand
And let's bludgeon the horse on the guy...

Early in the morning in the evening,
Late at dawn
The uncle was riding on horseback
In a chintz carriage.
And then behind him at full speed
Jumping my feet
The wolf tried to swim across
A bowl of pies.
The hare looked up to the sky,
There's an earthquake
Jam was dripping on him from behind a cloud.
Does this happen? (Children's answers).

And now I invite each of you to take part in the competition.

“Amazing Smile” Competition
Children are asked to draw a smiling man. But the participants will not paint with brushes, but will dip their noses into the paint. The originality and speed of completing the task are taken into account.
