Scenario for the holiday “Autumn Tale” for elementary school (VIII type). Scenario of the New Year's holiday in a correctional school of the VIII type, methodological development on the topic Holidays at school, 8 types of fairy tales

Tamara Margariti
Scenario for the holiday “Autumn Tale” for elementary school (VIII type)

State educational institution of the Omsk region

Isilkulskaya (correctional) boarding school.

Holiday scenario

« Autumn Tale»

For primary school.

Compiled by the teacher:

L. N. Danyukova

Target: formation of communication skills between students of different age groups.

Tasks: enriching students’ knowledge about signs autumn;

Team building;

Promotion of healthy eating;

Correction of cultural behavior skills in public places.


Autumn tree on whatman paper and leaves with riddles on it.

Potatoes and baskets (buckets) shoulder blades, from each class.


Costumes for participants.

Lots of chopped leaves autumn


Presenter 1 person


Baba Yaga.

Children are readers.

The progress of the holiday

The presenter goes to stage and reads:

Summer flashed by quickly,

Ran through the flowers.

Wandering somewhere behind the mountains

And he’s bored there without us.

My dear boys,

Guess the riddle:

“The birds stopped singing,

And on the street now

It got colder.

It rains often,

And when does this happen? in autumn?

1st child.

Autumn paints gold

Groves and forests.

2nd child

Scarlet and yellow

The wind tears the leaves,

Spinning, spinning in the air

Motley round dance.

3rd student

Autumn at the edge

I mixed the paints,

Quietly through the leaves

I used a brush.

4th student.

The hazel tree has turned yellow,

And the maples began to glow,

In the purple of rowan,

The oak is still green.

Song: « Autumn» music Kraseva, lyrics M. Evensen.

5th student

A cloud was grumbling in the morning,

The whole sky darkened

But the sun is a red ray

Suddenly he didn’t look out boldly.

And smiled autumn,

A yellow maple leaf

I thought it was again

He turned completely green.

6th student

What happened and what is the secret?

Where is green hiding?

Neither in the forest nor in the garden

I won't find any green leaves.

Suddenly everything turned yellow

Garden and grove, river and meadow.

Old house and fence

The sun also became yellower.

7th student.

The yard is like in the sun's rays,

This dress is golden

On the shoulders of a birch tree.

8th student.

In the morning we go to the yard -

Leaves are falling like rain,

They rustle underfoot

And they fly, fly, fly!


We'll raise the leaves now

And let's waltz with us.

Children perform exercises with leaves.

(Accompanied by music autumn) .


How beautiful it is in our hall,

A world of comfort and warmth.

You called me poems,

Finally I came to you.

With your magic brush

I'm repainting

All autumn nature,

And trees and fields.

And now, my boys,

Guess the riddles!

(Autumn makes riddles) .

Alyonka dressed up in her green sundress,

The frills are thick, her name is... (Cabbage).

Our piglets grew up in the garden

Sideways towards the sun, crochet ponytails…. (Cucumbers).

Long red nose

Rooted into the ground up to the top of his head,

Only green heels sticking out in the garden... (Carrot).

Before we ate it,

We had time to cry... (Onion).

The bush grew green and thick in the garden bed,

Dig a little, under a bush... (Potato).


Well done guys, you guessed all my riddles!

Autumn(Sits on a chair, puts a magic brush next to it).

Do you guys know which animal changes its coat for winter?

Children (Hare).

Autumn: That's right, the hare is gray in summer and white in winter. Who else changes color in winter?

Children: (Squirrel).

Autumn: Well done! The squirrel was red, but turns gray. But the fox, on the contrary, was ugly, faded, but by winter it becomes fluffy, fiery red.

(Bye Autumn talks with children, "unnoticed" Baba Yaga enters, steals the magic brush and runs away to her hut (model of a hut in the corner of the hall).

Autumn(notices the missing magic brush):

Oh, what a problem! I don’t know what to do

I have no idea where

The gold brush is missing.

The magic brush that

I'm repainting

All autumn nature,

And trees and fields!

Yaga (paints his hut with a magic brush, sings).

At the edge of the forest

Yaga lived in a hut,

Completely skewed

from ancient times homework,

And it’s very convenient

I found a brush

I'll repaint the hut,

So that it would be a tower.

The ceiling is golden

And the window

Even a door with a wall-

Like the sun.

I'll paint the path in front of the house,

I won’t forget you chicken legs either!

(During singing, the hut is illuminated by a spotlight).

Presenter: Autumn, look, so that’s who took your magic brush!

(Addressing Yaga):

Come on, Baba Yaga, give us the brush!

Yaga: Well, I do not! What I got was lost!

Presenter: But you have this brush Autumn stole, what about now Autumn Can you create beauty without a magic brush? Look how beautiful it is in our hall, it’s Autumn dressed up so much. And also Autumn It is necessary to give golden outfits to the trees, to cover the ground with a multi-colored carpet.

Yaga: Oh, you are so cunning! You make yourself beautiful, but what, are you going to order me to live in such a lopsided, shabby hut for the rest of my life?

No, now I’ll make myself beautiful and live happily ever after. And I won’t let anyone in!

(Goes to his house).

Presenter: What to do? How can we lure Baba Yaga’s magic brush for Autumn? I came up with an idea!

(He approaches the hut and knocks.)

Yaga: Who's there?

Presenter: This is us, your guests.

Yaga: What other guests are there? I won't let you in!

Presenter: Well, if you don’t want to let us visit, take us as your employees.

Yaga: You? To workers? And what, pray tell, can you do, workers?

Presenter: Well, for example, we can work as accountants.

Presenter: We won't let you in! And we’ll rewrite your goodness.

Yaga: Oh, let's rewrite it! Now the hut will fall apart from laughter. Do you know the letters?

Presenter: Our kids know letters and numbers, and they can also sing and play.

Yaga: I love to play! Well, let's play and dance! (Yaga dances her dance)

A game: "Planting Beans"

(Two teams of 6 people build greenhouses and plant beans in it).

Presenter: Did a great job.

Now we'll play a game “What grows in the garden?”. I will ask questions and you will answer "Yes" or "No"

1.- Does cabbage grow in the garden?

3.- Does a tomato always turn red?

5.- Are the onions green in the garden?

7.- Are the potatoes ripening in the garden?

9.- And on the grass, like on a pillow, does a green frog grow?

11.- Are there any sweet peppers in the garden?

13.- And the zucchini grows in the garden?

15.- Are the carrots lined up in a row?

17.- Does chocolate grow in the garden beds?

19.- Do dill, beans, and peas grow?

21.- Is a big and angry bulldog growing up?

Presenter: The guys want to sing a song, and you Yaga guess what kind of competition awaits us ahead.

Song: Colorado potato beetle.

Yaga: I know, I know about the Colorado potato beetle!

Presenter: I didn’t guess about potatoes.

Baba Yaga and Autumn choose their teams.

Relay race "Potato"(2 hoops with potatoes, next to a bucket and a spatula. 5 people participate. One by one, they scoop potatoes into the bucket with a spatula).

Yaga: (She hangs around the children all the time and wants to play herself).

Presenter: Yaga, don’t bother the children!

Yaga: What should I do?

Presenter: Go away!

Yaga: How to get sick? I do not want to be ill! Who's sick here?

(Runs around, looks into children’s mouths).

Presenter: Nobody here is sick! This means caring about the participants.

Well Yaga, here’s a competition for you, conduct it yourself.

Yaga: A new game "Guess by taste".

We need applicants from every class.

Children come out - those who want to.

Now we'll blindfold you and give you a treat. And you have to guess what it is based on taste.

For children "blindly" They are given a piece of vegetables and fruit to eat. Participants, can you guess what this is?

Presenter: Well, Baba Yaga, did you like our guys?

Yaga: Oh, what good guys, you know how to have fun. But I'm bored alone.

Presenter: This, Baba Yaga, you are the only one who is bored because you have no friends.

Yaga: Friends? Yes, it's boring without friends. Who will be my friend?

Presenter: Here you go guys, do you want to make friends with them?

Yaga: Really want to?

(Baba Yaga approaches the children and snuggles up to them one by one).

Presenter: Yaga, what about us today? holiday and you need to dress up - so say, change the image.

Yaga: Image? That's right, I'll go and change my image! Grab your brush, I'll go get ready for holiday. (Leaves, gives away the magic brush).

Autumn: I don’t know how to thank you.

I will do so many miracles

I'll go and gild the whole forest.

I will give red beads to mountain ash,

Birches have yellow scarves.

Lay the carpet on the ground,

I will insulate the hedgehog hole.

And the wind - how happy he will be,

When the leaves fall!

And to you from Hello Autumn

Autumn holiday bouquet.

(Autumn hands the presenter a basket of vegetables).

Presenter: Oh, guys, there are so many vegetables in the basket, they are arguing about something here. Let's listen to their argument.

Scene: "Vegetables in a basket"

(The radish next to the basket is crying)

Vegetables: (All) You, Radish, are not our sister,

We don't want to hang out with you.

And add it to our basket here

We will never miss it.

Radish: (tearful) I I beg: don't kick me out

Don't offend the radish,

I'm not smoked

Just black in color.

Vegetables: It’s not nice to be black

We don't want to be friends with you.

Ugly and dirty

Just ugly.

Tomato: (boastful) Whether it's a Tomato,

You can't take your eyes off

I am beautiful, bright red,

I have a satin caftan.

Cucumber: I am a green cucumber,

Juicy, bright fellow,

I'm proud of my color

I'm not ashamed to show myself.

Carrot: Don't boast, friends.

The most beautiful of all is ME!

I, Carrot, am the brightest

I have great success.

Peas: I am a green pea.

I'm not bad at color either

I don’t sit in the countryside,

I look at everyone from above.

Beet: I have a burgundy caftan,

Very thin, delicate, new.

Look at me.

The most beautiful of all is me!

Cabbage: So that all of you are empty!

I am the most beautiful of all - Cabbage!

The middle is white -

Because it's ripe

And the edges are green,

Juicy, vigorous.

Onion (Cabbage) Oh, how you got excited!

I got very proud.

My color is the most expensive

Because it's golden.

Who doesn't agree with me?

Tears will flow like a river.

Eggplant: I am a handsome Eggplant,

Purple caftan,

Rare, noble color -

A purebred nobleman!

Turnip: Even though I’m sitting firmly in the ground -

The dress is yellow by the turnip.

My most joyful color,

There is no such thing among you!

Radish: I have a wonderful color,

But I want say back:

Although the Radish is not black,

I am the black radish's sister!

Radish: Even though the radish is mole,

And she stood up for me.

I'm glad to have such a sister

Bright color is good, friends,

I understand this.

You have so much beauty

Just a little kindness!

Vegetables: She tried on all of us Autumn,

Please forgive us, Radish!

Radish: Get out of the cart,

I don't hold a grudge against you.

(Baba-Yaga's exit).

Presenter: Wow! Guys, Baba Yaga is unrecognizable. How beautiful and young she has become!

Yaga: Oh guys, that's right! It's like I'm younger! Thank you guys very much for your friendship and understanding. It turns out that at 300 years old life is just beginning. I want to treat you for this. Do you like hotels?

(We love children. Baba Yaga treats children with fruit.)

Music is playing.

Autumn, the presenter and Baba Yaga distribute food to the children.

Together: Before goodbye until we meet again!

Extracurricular activity for 1st grade students

Traveling through the stations “Visiting a Fairy Tale”

Lesson objectives:

· organization of leisure;

· find out what fairy tales children know,

· identify the best experts on fairy tales;

· provide an opportunity to demonstrate your talents;

· develop creative abilities;

· promote the development of imagination, thinking, memory;

· cultivate a love of reading fiction.


· puzzles;

illustrations for fairy tales;

· drawings of fairy-tale characters;

· book exhibition

· presentation

multimedia device

· record player

During the classes.

Organizing time.

The bell has already rung,
The lesson begins.
Let's go on a trip,
Let's go to the land of fairy tales.
Listen, think, watch,
Guess our fairy tale.
Close your eyes together,
Let the fairy tale into your soul.

– Today we are waiting for a journey into the mysterious world of fairy tales. Traveling is always fun and interesting if you travel with friends. Don't forget about songs, games, and jokes along the way.

"Locomotive from Romashkovo."

- Today we are traveling by train from Romashkovo. (a fragment from the cartoon “Locomotive from Romashkovo” is shown).

Our route is to a FAIRY TALE!
But getting there is not easy, you need to get a pass. Each of you must name one fairy-tale hero. Whoever names the hero will receive a ticket for the train.

You know that fairy-tale heroes always had to overcome difficulties and obstacles, and on our way we will encounter many obstacles that, I am sure, we will overcome.
You have all received a ticket, I invite you to take a seat on our train.

“Station “Musical”.

- We begin our journey from the Muzykalnaya station. (Children, holding hands, with the song “We are going, going, going...”, make a circle around the class and sit in their seats.)

"Station Druzhnaya".

- Guys, we have arrived at the Druzhnaya station. The postman meets us.

The Postman comes out, holding an envelope in his hands (the role can be played by a librarian)

Letter for you! “Dear guys, help me, I was kidnapped by Koschey the Immortal, I’m in his castle. He is very angry and won’t just let me go, he will try to stop you, but I’m sure you can help me. I'm waiting for your help! Vasilisa the Wise."
- Well, guys, let’s help Vasilisa the Wise?
And here comes the first obstacle - please answer, what fairy tales do you know?

On the fairy tale book board, children read poems and guess

He is a friend to animals and children,

He is a living being

But there are no such people in this world

There is no one else

Because he's not a bird

Not a tiger cub, not a fox,

Not a kitten, not a puppy,

Not a wolf cub, not a marmot,

But filmed for film

And everyone has known for a long time

This cute little face

He's called...

A girl appeared

In the cup of a flower.

And there was that girl

A little bigger than a marigold.

In a nut shell

The girl was sleeping.

That's the kind of girl

How sweet she is!

Who has read such a book?

Does he know the little girl?

We are going to the city of Bremen

We invite people to the concert.

Dog, donkey, rooster and cat

People are coming to have fun.

Unknown to many for a long time,

He became everyone's friend.

An interesting fairy tale for everyone

The boy is an onion sign.

Very simple, although long,

He's called...

The beautiful maiden is sad

She doesn't like spring

It's hard for her in the sun!

The poor thing is shedding tears.

I caught a pike in a pond

And I made a wish...

He is both cheerful and gentle,

This cute weirdo.

With him is the owner - the boy Robin,

And a friend - Piglet.

For him, a walk is a holiday,

And he has a special sense of smell for honey.

This plush prankster

Little bear...

Now let's talk about another book -

There's a blue sea here

The coast here is steep...

The old man went out to the sea.

He threw the net.

Who did he catch?

And what will he ask?

Who will cure your cough?

Who will cure your bronchitis,

Who will bandage your wound?

Good doctor...

Evening would soon be approaching

And the long-awaited hour has come,

May I be in a gilded carriage

Go to a fairytale ball.

No one in the palace will know

Where and what is my name?

But as soon as midnight comes,

I'll go back to my attic.

It's not an ordinary horse galloping,

Miracle golden mane,

He carries the boy through the mountains,

But it won’t reset him.

The horse has a son

Amazing horse

Amazing horse

by nickname...

The nose is round,

It’s convenient for them to rummage in the ground,

Small crochet tail

Instead of shoes - hooves.

Three of them and what?

Friendly brothers look alike!

Guess without a hint

Who are the heroes of this fairy tale?

There is no river, no pond -

Where can I drink water?

Very tasty water

In the hole from the hoof.

My father had a strange boy

Unusual - wooden,

On land and under water

I was looking for a golden key.

His girl Malvina


Someone for someone

He grabbed it tightly:

Oh, I can’t pull it out!

Oh, it's stuck tight!

But also assistants

They'll come running soon...

Will defeat the stubborn one

Friendly common work.

Who sat down so tightly

Maybe this…

Well done, you coped well with the first obstacle, you can move on.
The music is from the cartoon “The Little Engine from Romashkovo”.
- Look, what's that up ahead?

"Image of a river."

There is a river, but there is no bridge, but for it to appear, you need to answer the following questions.

What song did Kolobok sing?
What is a fox called in fairy tales? (Sister Fox, Kumushka, Lisa Patrikeevna, Fox.)
Who helped the girl rescue her brother, who was carried away by the swan geese? (Stove, apple tree, river.)
List the shortest heroes of fairy tales. (Tom Thumb, Thumbelina.)
Who treated whom to peas, wheat, nuts? (Fox cockerel.)
Where was Koshchei's death? (At the end of the needle, needle in the egg, egg in the duck.)
What did the Goat sing to her kids?
Who can help call Ivanushka’s sister Alyonushka.
- Well done, we completed this task too!
And now we're back on the road!

"Zagadkino Village"

- On our way is the village “Zagadkino”. We need to guess which fairy-tale characters we are talking about in order to continue our journey.
* * *
Wooden boy
Gets to school instead
In a linen booth.
What is the name of this book?
What is the boy's name? (Pinocchio)
* * *
Little girl runs merrily
Along the path to the house,
What's in the forest?
This girl needs
Hurry to grandma
Carry the basket
Sent to her. (Little Red Riding Hood)
* * *
A girl appeared
In the cup of a flower,
And there was that girl
A little more than a marigold
In a nut shell
The girl was sleeping.
That's the kind of girl
How small she is!
Who has read such a book?
Knows a little girl? (Thumbelina)
* * *
She's beautiful and sweet
And her name comes from the word “ash.” (Cinderella)
* * *
The fat man lives on the roof
He flies higher than everyone else. (Carlson)
* * *
Treats small children
Heals birds and animals
He looks through his glasses
Good doctor... (Aibolit).
* * *
Near the forest on the edge
Three of them live in a hut.
There are three chairs and three mugs.
Three beds, three pillows.
Who are the heroes of this fairy tale? (Three Bears)
* * *
Didn't lie on the window -
Rolled along the path.
The fox didn't sing me songs,
But she ate me. (Kolobok)
* * *
Oh, Petya - simplicity,
I messed up a little
I didn't listen to the cat
Looked out the window. (Cat, Rooster and Fox)


- Guys, these poor fairy-tale heroes tried to help us, look what Koschey the Immortal did to them.
Attraction-physical training “Put your nose on!”

Pictures of Pinocchio without a nose, a donkey without a tail, and a goat without horns are posted. Blindfolded, children must attach a nose, tail, and horn.

- Now, quickly, get on the road! Vasilisa the Wise is waiting for us.

"Fairytale box"

The task is to guess from the description of the item what is in the box.

1. With the help of the item inside the box, you can make a variety of things, or you can kill a terrible villain character from Russian fairy tales. (Needle.)

2. What object made the old man and the old woman cry after the little animal's trick? They only calmed down when they received in return the same item, but of a different quality. (Egg. Russian folk tale “Ryaba Hen”.)

3. With the help of this item, the main character of the fairy tale found his happiness - a wise wife who was bewitched. (Arrow. Fairy tale “The Frog Princess.”)

4. Here is a toy that was given a very funny name because it fell off the table. Who is this? (Cheburashka. E. N. Uspensky “Crocodile Gena and his friends.”)

5. The box contains hidden objects that the girl brought from the forest in winter to please her stepmother and her daughter. (Flowers. S. Ya. Marshak “Twelve Months.”)

6. Here is the thing that the crocodile ate. Tell me what this thing is, what the fairy tale is called, who its author is. (Washcloth. K.I. Chukovsky “Moidodyr.”)

Station “Fairy Tale Coloring”

I already understood that you love and know fairy tales, because you are all at our game.

Which one of you likes to draw?

Who likes to color?

I offer you a task. Turn the sheet over to you, what do you see there?
You need to find an image among many lines, color it and guess who it is.

"Guess the cartoons"

- Well, guys, Koschey is almost defeated, there is only one obstacle left. Guess the cartoons


- Vasilisa the Wise is free and very grateful to you

And now all of us together, using the cards, we will make a proverb. (The fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it, a lesson for good fellows!)

“The fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it - a lesson for good fellows.”

Lesson summary.

- Our journey through fairy tales has come to an end, which showed that you are true friends, you don’t leave anyone in trouble, you know and love fairy tales. But there are a lot of fairy tales in the world that you have not read. Interesting and unexpected encounters with the heroes of new fairy tales await you

How many of you enjoyed our trip?
Who would like to continue it?
What mood do you have after meeting with fairy tales?
Each travel participant receives a souvenir.

We close our eyes again,
We are flying away from a fairy tale,
One two three four five -
We will return to class again.

Presenter : Children, just now fairy-tale characters called me on the phone, I didn’t understand who, but I only know that they were in trouble and asking for help. They were kidnapped by Koschey the Immortal. We must help them. But I don’t know how to do this, but I know who can help us. Guess the riddle, who do I mean?

A hut was lost in a dense forest,

A difficult old woman lives in a hut.

He takes a broom and sits in the mortar,

And then it flies over the forest like a bird! Who is this? … ( Baba Yaga)

Presenter: We are going to a fairy forest. And in order to find ourselves in this forest, we must follow the musical path: sing a song about fairy-tale characters.

Children sing the song “Visiting a Fairy Tale.”

Presenter: And here is Baba Yaga's hut. Guys, tell me, what words need to be said for the hut to turn towards us?

Children: Hut, hut, turn your front to us and your back to the forest.

Baba Yaga appears.

Baba Yaga: Who dared to disturb me?

The soundtrack of the first verse of the song “Baba Yaga” sounds (track 88, disc “Children’s disco from Masha and the Bear”). Baba Yaga depicts singing.

Children: Hello, dear Baba Yaga, we love you very much! Please help us find our fairy-tale friends, they were stolen by Koschey the Immortal, and we don’t know where to look for them.

Baba Yaga: Fine! Because you are so polite, I will help you. Just first I’ll check if you know fairy tales well. Answer my questions:

Who in the fairy tale used their tail instead of a fishing rod? (Wolf)

What words do fairy tales usually begin with? (Lived once…)

Who laid not just an ordinary egg, but a golden one? (Chicken Ryaba)

Who is called by their patronymic – Patrikeevna? (Fox)

Who buried 5 gold coins? (Pinocchio)

What bird did Thumbelina fly on? (Martin)

What was it that the grandfather, grandmother and their entire family could not pull out of the ground? (Turnip)

What tool did the soldier use to cook the porridge? (Axe)

What object did Cinderella lose? (Glass slipper)

What did Eeyore lose? (Tail)

The meeting with which fish greatly influenced Emelya’s life? (Pike)

Who said that he was a handsome and moderately well-fed man? (Carlson)

Which fairy tale characters ate from a jug and from a plate and both remained hungry? (Fox and Crane)

Baba Yaga's favorite aircraft? (Broom and mortar)

The name of the dog from the fairy tale “Turnip”. (Bug)

Friend of the Seven Dwarfs. (Snow White)

The name of the pig in the fairy tale “Winnie the Pooh”. (Piglet)

What did Mukha-Tsokotukha buy at the market? (Samovar)

What always wins in fairy tales? (Good)

What fairy-tale character came up with the idea of ​​keeping death at the end of a needle, and the needle in an egg, etc.? (Koschei the Deathless)

Your fairy-tale friends are with Koshchei the Immortal. And he stole them in order to rule all the fairy tales of the world. And Koshchei, guys, is not easy to deal with because he hides his death well. Do you know where?

To find the way to the oak tree, I will give you a magic ball. But I want to warn you, the road will be difficult, and there will be many challenges and tasks that you have to complete.

Baba Yaga gives a magic ball

Presenter: Well, guys, let's hit the road. Adventure awaits us.

The presenter throws the ball. The glomerulus rests on the pouch.

Presenter: Here comes the first test. This magical chest contains pictures of fairy-tale objects. We need to name which fairy tales they are from.

Shoe – “Cinderella”,

Key – “The Golden Key, or the Adventures of Pinocchio.”

Little Red Riding Hood - "Little Red Riding Hood"

Hat – “Puss in Boots”,

Egg – “Chicken Ryaba”,

Pike - “At the command of the pike...”, etc.

Presenter: This is a bag of fabulous riddles. Let's guess them.

We were waiting for mother with milk,

And they let a wolf into the house...

Who were these

Small children? (Seven kids).

I bought a samovar

And the mosquito saved her. (Fly Tsokotukha).

Gobbling up rolls,

A guy was riding on a stove.

Rode around the village

And he married the princess. (Emelya).

I am a wooden man.

On and under water

I'm looking for a golden key.

I stick my long nose everywhere

Who am I? I..... (Pinocchio.)

The beautiful maiden is sad:

She doesn't like spring

It's hard for her in the sun!

The poor thing is shedding tears! (Snow Maiden).

A girl appeared

In the cup of a flower.

And there was that girl

A little bigger than a marigold.

In a nut shell

The girl was sleeping.

That's what a girl is

How small she is!

Who has read such a book?

Does he know the little girl? (Thumbelina.)

The fat man lives on the roof

He flies higher than everyone else. (Carlson).

She was a friend of the dwarves

And, of course, you are familiar with it. (Snow White).

An arrow flew and fell into a swamp,

And in this swamp someone caught her.

Who, saying goodbye to green skin

He became sweet, beautiful, and handsome” (The Frog Princess)

A girl is sitting in a basket behind Mishka

He himself, without knowing it, carries her home.

Well, did you guess the riddle? Then answer quickly

The title of this fairy tale is... (Masha and the Bear).

Near the forest on the edge

Three of them live in a hut,

There are three chairs, three pillows,

Three beds and three mugs.

Guess without a hint

Who are the heroes of this fairy tale? (Three Bears.)

The presenter rolls the ball, which stops at the box with the sheet music

Presenter : A musical test awaits us here. You need to listen to the music and guess the name of the cartoon or fairy-tale character who sang this song.

(phonograms of songs from fairy tales are turned on; children must name the fairy tale correctly.)

Children perform the song "Cheburashka".

The presenter rolls the ball, it stops at the box with pictures.

Presenter: Here comes a new test. We need to create a fairy tale from these pictures.

(children select pictures and put them in order).

Presenter: Well done boys! You completed all the tasks with ease, and I hope that you will defeat Koshchei the Immortal with the same ease.

And here is the chest with Koshchei’s death, but in order for us to open it, we need to remember the middle names of fairy-tale heroes: Koschey - ..., Brother - ..., Ivan - ..., Serpent - ..., Elena - ..., Sister - ..., Vasilisa - ..., Kroshechka - …, Princess Frog - …

The presenter opens the chest and takes out an egg. Koschey the Immortal appears.

K.B.: Don't destroy me, I will let your friends go. I was just very bored living alone in the palace, and I didn’t even have anyone to cook food for me, so I kidnapped the fairy-tale characters.

Presenter: Well, guys, let's feel sorry for Koshchei. (Yes.) We have forgiven you, and now you can play with us.

Game "Turnip". Children are divided into two teams. Each team includes characters from the fairy tale “Turnip” (put the appropriate attributes on their heads): Grandfather, Grandmother, Granddaughter, Bug, Cat, Mouse, Turnip. The teams line up in columns behind Grandfather at one end of the hall. At the other end of the hall, opposite each team, a “Turnip” is placed on the floor. At the signal, the “Grandfathers” begin the game. They each run to their turnip, run around it, return to their team, take the “grandmothers” by the hand, run to the turnip, run around it, return to their team, take the hand of the “granddaughters” - the three of them run, etc. the one wins the team that, moving in a chain (all characters hold hands), will not break this chain and whose “mouse” will be the first to grab the “turnip”.

Game "Find Cinderella" — two boys and six girls are selected. The girls take off one shoe at a time and throw it at the boys’ feet, sitting on chairs. The boys find each girl's shoe and put it on. Who is faster.

Presenter: Do you want us to play another fairy tale? To do this, you need to look into our magic chest.

Game "Teremok" . From the chest you get masks: mouse, frog, bunny, fox, wolf, bear. Children wear masks. All other children join hands and form a “teremok”. The “animals” are outside the circle.

While singing the song, children walk in a circle with the words:

There is a teremok, teremok in the field,

He's not low, he's not high, he's not high,

Here, across the field, across the field, a mouse runs.(at this time the mouse runs around in a circle.)

She stopped at the door and knocked.(all children stop)

After singing, the mouse runs into the circle. The children again move in a circle, singing, and a frog jumps behind the circle. After singing "Who lives in the little house?"The mouse answers: "I am a little mouse" and invites the frog into the little house. Thus, one after another, all the other animals appear in the circle. When a bear comes and climbs onto the roof of the mansion, the mansion falls apart. The game ends.

Koschei the Deathless:I'm so glad you forgave me. I have already freed all the fairy-tale heroes and sent them to their fairy tales. Do you have any treats, I really want to eat!!!

Presenter: Guys, let's introduce Koshchei to Baba Yaga, she will feed him porridge, and the two of them will have more fun living together. Otherwise he will get bored again and kidnap someone again.

Children: Let's! Baba Yaga come to us!

The children call Baba Yaga and introduce her to Koshchei the Immortal. The phonogram of the song “Tsar - Koschey” sounds (track No. 120, disc “Children’s disco from Masha and the Bear”). Free dance of children with Koshchei and Baba Yaga.

Baba Yaga gives everyone a treat and leaves with Koshchei the Immortal.

Presenter: Well, we have freed the fairy-tale heroes, Koshchei was introduced to Baba Yaga, and it’s time for us guys to return from the fairy-tale forest to our group.

Olga Sycheva

(for children with a complex structure of the defect)

Fairy tale« Teremok»

Teacher Sycheva Olga Valentinovna

Primary teacher classes Lesnov E. YU.

Primary teacher classes Tyunderova Anna Anatolyevna

« Fairy tale true story - yes, there’s a hint in it!”.


o Form in children interest to games - dramatizations,

o Organizing cooperation with parents during the production process fairy tales.


o Promote the development of dialogical speech, develop the ability to pronounce words clearly and clearly, develop intonation expressiveness;

o Activate the dictionary;

o Develop the ability to imitate the characteristic actions of characters;

o Develop memory, visual and auditory attention, imaginative thinking, imagination;

o Cultivate goodwill, sociability and a sense of camaraderie in relationships with children and adults;

o Correction of movements in children, according to script.

Preliminary work: Reading Russian folk fairy tales« Teremok» , looking at illustrations for fairy tale, watching a cartoon, presentation game « Teremok» , children's drawings depicting tower and its characters.


Two Mice (Lavrentievs S., L.); Two Foxes (Cherkass A. (mother, Petrova Diana)

One Frog (Andrey); One Wolf (Blaga Sasha)

One Hare (Lukashov Sasha); Two Bears (Zuev R. (father, Askerov Ruslan)

Presenter: Standing in a field teremok. He is neither short nor tall. The mice are running. Saw teremok, went to mansion and began to live in it.

They lived a happy life, went into the forest to pick mushrooms and berries, baked pies and cooked cabbage soup.

Look how they cook.

The mice come out: cabbage soup is cooked to the music (music, dance).

Presenter: Galloped to little mansion frog and asks:

- Terem-teremok, who in lives in the mansion?

We are little mice, and who are you?

And I'm a frog frog.

Come live with us.

Presenter: Here they live in mansion, the mice cook, and the frog washes the plates and irons the shirts.

Dance "Little Frog".

V. A little bunny runs past. Stopped and asks:

- Terem-teremok, who in lives in the mansion?

We, little mice.

I, frog frog. And who are you?

And I, a runaway bunny.

Come live with us!

Presenter: a bunny came in teremok and they began to live everywhere. They live together and do not quarrel. And the bunny is working in the garden, planting cabbage and carrots.

Dance "Bunny".

Presenter: Little fox sisters are running. Saw teremok, knocked on the window and ask:

- Terem-teremok, who in lives in the mansion?

We, little mice.

I, frog frog.

I'm a runaway bunny. And who are you?

And we are sister foxes.

Come live with us!

Presenter: They live cheerfully and amicably. And the chanterelles keep order and cleanliness in the mansion is being watched, they wipe off the dust and water the flowers. (dance)

Brother wolf is coming. Looked into teremok and asks:

- Terem-teremok, who in lives in the mansion?

We, little mice.

I, frog frog.

I'm a runaway bunny.

We are leaf sisters. And who are you?

And I am a top-gray barrel.

Come live with us.

Presenter: And they began to live. The wolf was very musical, he loved

playing the balalaika and organizing concerts for his friends. Together the animals organized a whole orchestra.

Dance "Wolf".

B. The bears are coming. Saw tower and ask:

- Terem-teremok, who in lives in the mansion?

We, little mice.

I, frog frog.

I'm a runaway bunny.

We are leaf sisters.

I am a gray barrel top. And who are you?

And we are bear cubs. Can I live with you?

Bunny: Where are you going? You are so big. Crush teremok!

The Bears: Yes, we will live on the roof.

Presenter: The bears climbed onto the roof. Under their weight the tower fell apart.

The animals ran away in all directions. And in the evening everyone gathered at their broken mansion and decided to build a new one, better than the old one. And the hedgehogs also called for help.

Dance "Ezhata".

Hedgehogs “We have come to your aid, show us what needs to be done”.

The song of the masters sounds. Everyone is lining up. The masters wave and go home.

Presenter: Look, guys, what they built together! teremok. When everyone comes together there is strength. This is what true friendship does!

That's fairy tale ending, and who listened, well done.

Bottom line: Guys, we looked fairy tale« Teremok» . Let's thank our artists for a good performance.

And from this we understood the fairy tales that it is very difficult for one person to cope with difficulties, but together with friends any difficulty and misfortune can be corrected. Friendship will always conquer any evil.

State government educational institution of the Kaluga region

for orphans and children left without parental care

"Betlitsa special (correctional) school - boarding school for orphans and children,

left without parental care with disabilities of type VIII"

Egorenkova E.A.,

primary school teacher,

first qualification category

Extracurricular activity for 2nd grade




Teacher: - Good afternoon, dear children and adults!

Every person from early childhood strives to be inquisitive, smart, smart. We all want to know a lot. And this can only happen to someone who loves to read. Our very first books are, of course, fairy tales.

And today we will take a journey into the magical world of fairy tales. You will remember the fairy tales you love, your favorite fairy-tale characters.

There are many wonderful fairy tales in the world, among them are the most beloved and dear ones. Both adults and children love fairy tales, because they teach goodness, wisdom, and justice.

Our path will lie through the forest, in which you may encounter “evil” forces and be in danger.

But if you are not afraid of difficulties and dangers, then we can begin our journey.

And at the end of the road we must get to a fairy-tale city where a surprise awaits you.


Before a long and difficult journey, so that you can perform tasks better, I want to check you a little and do a little warm-up.

Warm-up questions:

    What is the name of the fairy-tale hero who has big ears? ( Cheburashka)

    Baba Yaga's home. (A hut on chicken legs)

    What got into Kai's eye? ( Mirror fragment)

    What was the name of the old woman's rat Shapoklyak? ( Lariska)

    Postman from the village of Prostokvashino. ( Pechkin)

    Musician from the flower city. ( Ghusla)

    What is Leopold the cat's favorite expression? ( let's live in peace)

    Which of the inhabitants of the swamps became the prince's wife? ( Frog)

Guys, what thing helps you find your way in fairy tales? ( Glomerulus)

So he will help us today. (The ball rolled along the path).

Oh guys, look who's blocking the road? (SLIDE 2 - THE NIGHTINGALE THE ROBBER).

He won't let you through until you complete his tasks.

Exercise. You need to collect the name of a fairy-tale hero from cut letters: Kolobok, Dunno, Thumbelina (Individually, collect a picture of a fairy-tale hero: Carlson, Pinocchio, Cinderella) (SLIDE 3).

Exercise. Name the fairy tale based on the illustration.

12 months - Fox and crane - Thumbelina

Geese and Swans - The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish - The Little Humpbacked Horse


(The nightingale the robber has disappeared).

Look who is coming towards us?


He likes to have fun, sing songs, and make fun of everyone.

It wants to check if you know the songs that fairy-tale characters sing.

Exercise. Find out whose song this is.

(Songs of fairy-tale heroes sound).

  • Chunga-Changa

  • Winnie the Pooh

    Crocodile Gena

    Little Raccoon

Hey guys, who's that approaching us?


He also wants to test you and has prepared riddles for you to test how well you know and carefully read fairy tales and watch cartoons.

Exercise . Puzzles.

    Waiting for mother with milk

And they let a wolf into the house...

Who were they?

These little children? ( Goats)(SLIDE 18)

    Sweet berry aroma

I lured that bird into the garden.

Feathers glow with fire

And it’s light all around, like during the day. ( Firebird) (SLIDE 18)

    What was the name of the cat who

Wanted to make friends with mice? ( Leopold)(SLIDE 18)

    The beautiful maiden is sad:

She doesn't like spring

It's hard for her in the sun!

The poor thing is shedding tears. ( Snow Maiden)(SLIDE 18)

    I bought a samovar

And the mosquito saved her. ( Fly Tsokotukha)(SLIDE 18)

    She was a friend of the dwarves

And, of course, you are familiar with it. ( Snow White)(SLIDE 18)

Well done! The Serpent-Gorynych flies away, and we continue our journey, following the ball.

Guys, look, someone is flying again. (SLIDE 19 - BABA YAGA).

And again we have evil spirits on our way.

She also came up with a very difficult task for you. She thinks that you will never follow through. Fairy-tale characters left their things with her.

Exercise. Find out whose things these are.

Magic wand - fairy

Pechka – Emelya

Golden Key – Pinocchio

Arrow - frog

The Crystal Slipper – Cinderella

Needle – Koschey

But that's not all (SLIDE 20-25).

Fairy-tale characters also left telegrams.

Exercise. Find out whose words these are (SLIDE 26)

    And the road is not easy,

And the basket is high,

I wish I could sit down on a tree stump,

Eat a pie. ( Bear)

    Caught a fish,

Both small and large. ( Wolf)

    My light, mirror, tell me!

Tell me the whole truth:

Am I the sweetest in the world,

All blush and whiter. ( Queen)

    By magic,

According to my desire... ( Emelya)

    Are you warm, girl?

Are you warm, red one? ( Morozko)

    Bears my face

For the dark forests,

For fast rivers,

For the high mountains. ( Rooster)

Oh, who is this? Before Baba Yaga had time to fly away, her Cat Bayun appeared (SLIDE 27)

So that he doesn't lull us to sleep with his sweet songs, let's have some fun.

I invite you to dance. Do you all know "Dance of the Little Ducklings"? Come out! (SLIDE 28).

(Children dancing)

Guys, look, the cat got scared and ran away. And we can continue on our way.

The ball is rolling.

And again there is danger on our way, which means another test.

Koschey the Immortal (SLIDE 29)

You need to remember the fairy tale. You'll find out what it's called if you guess riddle.


What a fairy tale:

Cat, granddaughter, mouse,

Another dog, Zhuchka.

They helped grandma and grandpa

Did you collect root vegetables? ( turnip) (SLIDE 30)


You have to remember the fairy tale and do applique. Who stood behind whom in the fairy tale “Turnip”. First lay it out and then stick it on. (Practical work - application)


Now let's see how you coped with this task.

Let's all tell a fairy tale together.

Check if yours is correct? (SLIDE 31)

Hang your work on the board.

Guys, you have overcome all the challenges that came your way and defeated all evil spirits. And look, you can already see the Fairytale City in the distance. (SLIDE 32)

Look, we're getting closer to him. And a surprise awaits you in it - a magic chest in which fairy-tale characters left gifts for you (SLIDE 32)

Well done! Guys, you all did a great job today, coped with all the tasks of the evil spirits. You know fairy tales well. And in conclusion I would like to say:

We will grow up and become different,

And maybe among the worries

We will stop believing fairy tales,

But the fairy tale will come to us again!

Guys, read fairy tales, they will help you in life. “The fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it, a lesson for good fellows!”

Music with words for the program “Visiting a Fairy Tale” (MUSIC SLIDE 33).
