Osho find yourself. Osho on the difficulties of self-love - how to learn to love yourself

So, here are the tips that will open the doors to a new happy life.

1) Don’t take all the little things in life too seriously. Quite often people turn a molehill into an elephant. This suppresses the inner essence of a person. Give each other smiles and love. Laughter heals better than any prayer.

2) All actions sooner or later lead to a result. Therefore you need to become an observer. This will help you see the depth of your true purpose. The soul becomes more mature and distinguishes good deeds from bad.

3) Each person in this world is an individual. Therefore, you should not look for teachers. Become your own spiritual teacher. After all, if you turn to your neighbor and ask how to solve this or that problem, he will be happy to tell you how to do it. However, tomorrow you will come to your friend for help on the same issue, and he will give you a completely different answer. And what to do in this case? The answer is simple. Learn to listen to yourself. And even if you make a mistake, there is nothing to worry about. After all, all falls are earthly lessons for the soul. Therefore, you need to learn from your own mistakes, not from others.

4) Sometimes God may knock on your home. In fact, this God has a beautiful name on which this world rests. It's called love. Nothing blossoms without love. Love yourself, and then you will be loved by others. Become an ocean of love.

5) Many people like to stand out in the crowd. They consider themselves extraordinary individuals. In reality, they are ordinary people. These people simply want to live in accordance with the voice of their spirit, while those around them wear masks and are afraid to be themselves. Don't be afraid to live by your own beliefs. Unleash your inner essence.

6) At all times, people have strived to understand life. But this is a great mystery that cannot be solved. However, people strive to know everything in order to get rid of eternal fears. Is a person afraid of death? No. In fact, he is afraid of the unknown. After all, people don’t know what will happen to them when they die.

But why know everything in advance? Will this provide an opportunity for a person’s spiritual growth? If there are no problems in people’s lives, then the soul will slow down its development on this planet. Can a person know joy if he does not delve into sadness? Everything is interconnected. The soul passes through darkness to approach the light.

7) Love being alone. This is an important step towards your development. Don't be afraid to be alone with yourself. Self-sufficient people are in harmony with themselves and the surrounding reality. Happiness does not depend on external factors. It's inside you. Become a happy person, and bright people will be attracted to you. Become a joy to others first. But at the same time, you are a self-sufficient person, you don’t wait for anyone. You don't need communication. It is a mistake to believe that someone can make you happy.

Now you are not dependent on circumstances. Someone knocked on your door - you feel great. No one came to visit you - you are still joyful and self-sufficient. And only then will you have new, sincere relationships with other people. However, you will not be their slaves.

8) Don’t get hung up on your financial situation. Human life is a temporary game. If you realize this, you will not suffer. After all, all negative emotions arise from taking life too seriously. Become an observer and enjoy everything.

9) Osho says that a brave person moves towards the unknown with absolute calm. He is not afraid of secrets.

Cowardly people follow their fears. They get hung up on them and slow down their development. Courageous people work through their fears, then let them go and move on.

10) Man is constantly transforming. Do you want the people around you to change? Then accept them. Love them with all their flaws. They will feel it, and love will transform their consciousness.

Question: Why is it so hard for me to love myself?

Osho: Every child is born with great self-love. And society destroys this love, and religion destroys this love - because if a child grows up loving himself, who will love Jesus Christ? Who will love President Ronald Reagan? Who will love their parents? It is necessary to distract the child from self-love. He must become conditioned in such a way that his love is always directed towards an external object.

This leads to the fact that a person becomes very poor, because when you love someone from the outside, be it God, the Pope, father, mother, husband, children - whoever becomes the object of your love - it makes you dependent from the object. You become secondary in your own eyes, you become a beggar. You were born an emperor, completely satisfied within yourself. But your father wanted you to love him, and your mother wanted you to love her. Everyone around you wants to become the object of your love.

No one cares that a person who cannot love himself is incapable of loving anyone else. Thus, a completely abnormal society was created in which everyone tries to love someone - and has nothing to give. And there is not a single other person who would give him anything. Why do lovers constantly fight, find fault and harass each other? For a simple reason - they don't get what they thought they would get. Both are beggars, both are empty.

With proper upbringing, a child is allowed to grow in self-love, so he becomes so filled with love that sharing love becomes a necessity. He is so burdened with love that he wants to share it with someone. And then love will never make you dependent on anyone. You are the one who gives, and the giver is not a beggar. And the other is also a giver. And when two emperors, masters of their own hearts, meet, great joy arises. No one depends on anyone, everyone is independent and individual, thoroughly centered in themselves, thoroughly grounded in themselves.

He has roots that penetrate deep into his being, from where the juice called love rises to the surface and blooms into a thousand roses. This type of man was not possible until now because of your prophets, your messiahs, your incarnations of God and all other types of idiots. They destroyed you for their own glory, for their own ego. They completely crushed you. You can understand the logic.

Whatever messiah, savior may be the object of your love, you become only shadows, blindly following him; or if you are completely satisfied, overflowing with love and blooming with a thousand roses, then who cares about being saved - you are already saved. If you worry about heaven, you are already in it. The priest will die if you learn how to love yourself; the politician will have no followers; Powers and corporations will go bankrupt. They all thrive on the skillful psychological exploitation of you.

But learning to love yourself is not at all difficult, it is natural love. If you have managed to do something that is unnatural, if you have been taught how to love others without loving yourself, then the opposite is very simple. You have already accomplished the almost impossible. It is only a matter of understanding, simply understanding that “I am there to love myself, otherwise I will miss the meaning of life. I'll never grow up, I'll just grow old. I will never have any individuality. I will never become truly human, worthy, whole.”

And what's more, if you can't love yourself, you won't be able to love anyone else in the world. Many psychological problems arise from being distracted from yourself. You are worthless, you are not what you should be; your actions must be corrected. You need to be molded into a certain personality. In Japan there are trees that are 400 years old, but their height is only 15 cm. It is believed that this is one of the branches of art. This is murder, pure murder! The tree looks ancient, but is only 15 cm tall.

They were supposed to be 30 meters high, reaching to the stars. What do they do with them? What kind of method is used? The exact same strategy is used against humanity, people. They plant a tree in a pot that has no bottom. Therefore, whenever the tree grows its roots, they are cut off because the pot has no bottom. They continue to cut the roots, but until the roots grow
As they grow deeper, the tree cannot grow upward. It gets old. But it never grows up. They do the same with people.

Your self-love is a basic need for your development. So I teach you to be selfish, which is natural. All religions teach you to be altruistic. Sacrifice yourself for any idiotic idea: a flag is just a rotten piece of fabric. You sacrifice yourself for the sake of the state - nothing but fantasy, because the earth is nowhere divided into states. This is the deceit of politicians to divide the land on the map. You sacrifice yourself for the sake of the lines on the maps!

Die for your religion: Christianity, Hinduism, Buddhism, Islam. They managed to do it in such a way that the person was caught. If you die for the sake of the nation, you will be called a martyr - you will simply commit suicide - this is also a stupid reason. But if you die in the name of religion, you go to heaven and enjoy eternal bliss. They are manipulating you. But there is one basic thing in this manipulation, namely, do not love yourself; hate yourself because you are worthless.

Everyone is full of self-hatred. Do you think that if you are filled with self-hatred, you will be able to find someone else to love you? Even if you are not ready to love yourself; It is impossible for someone else to love you. You have accepted the idea that if you don't follow certain rules, religious dogmas, political ideologies, then you have no value. When you were born, you were not born a Christian, a Catholic, you were not born a communist. Every child comes into this world as a blank slate, completely clean.

Nothing is written on it - no Bible, no Koran, no Gita, no Capital - no, nothing is written on it. He does not bring any holy book with him. He comes completely innocent. But his innocence becomes his greatest problem because there are wolves around him - hiding in politicians, priests, parents, teachers. They all attack his innocence. They begin to write on him what he will later begin to believe as his heritage. They are destroying your legacy. Now they have the opportunity to enslave you, force you to do whatever they want.

If they want you to kill innocent people... There is a religious mafia, there is a political mafia and they continue to exploit you. They may be at enmity with each other, but on one point they all agree: that a person should not be allowed to love himself. This cuts off the roots of his being and then he becomes helpless, unrooted, just driftwood and whatever you want to make of him, you can. The people of this country killed innocent, poor people in Vietnam. What did they care about them? And this did not apply only to one side.

You sent your people, those who had not yet tried anything in life, to kill and be killed in the name of democracy, in the name of America. But why should anyone sacrifice themselves in someone else's name? Muslims and Christians fought and killed each other in the name of God. They fought and killed in the name of the same thing - God! It's a strange world we've created! But the strategy is very simple: destroy a person’s natural love for himself!

Then he has no value in his own eyes, he is willing to do anything for a gold medal just to feel more valuable - then he is somebody. Do you see a lot of colored stripes on your generals? What kind of stupidity is this? The number of these streaks grows as the general continues to kill himself, to destroy himself. You can have the same colored stripes on your shirts. I don't think there is a law that can prevent this, but you'll just look like a fool. These generals, they don’t look like fools, they are respected; they are great heroes. And what did they do?

They killed many people of their own country, they killed many people of other countries. These killers are rewarded. Have you ever met a society that rewards loving people? No, those who love are meant to be judged. No society allows respect for loving people; love for society is a reason for anathematization. Therefore, the first thing all the powers that be and corporations have to do is to distract you from love and they have succeeded in this until now.

For millions of years... and a person remains a slave, feeling a deep inferiority complex in himself, uselessness, because he is not able to fulfill everything that is required of him. In fact, everything that is required is so unnatural that there is no way to accomplish it. And against the backdrop of your inferiority, the messiahs continue to become more and more, because they say, they promise, that they are rescuers; they will save you. You cannot save yourself on your own. They will never let you learn to swim. By yourself you can only drown.

Politicians keep feeding you hopes that soon there will be no poverty - and poverty continues to grow. Not only does it not decrease, it increases. In Ethiopia, thousands of people die every day. And you will be surprised, in America half a million people suffer from overeating, obesity; they are getting thicker and thicker. In Ethiopia, people are drying out, starving and dying. In America people die from overeating, in Ethiopia they die because they have nothing to eat.

Do you think the world we have created is healthy? Half of India will soon face the same fate as Ethiopia and the Indian government is selling wheat, exporting wheat abroad. Their own people will die - not small numbers, fifty percent of India is on the brink. At any moment the problem could become bigger than in Ethiopia. But political leaders are selling wheat to other countries because they want nuclear technology, atomic energy, so that they can win this stupid race that is going on now.

Anyone can understand that it will take at least three hundred years for India to become a nuclear power country on par with America or the Soviet Union. And do you think that America or the Soviet Union will simply wait these three hundred years? They will develop in the same direction of destruction and death. All this is done in the name of altruism. I want you to become absolutely selfish. Love yourself, be yourself. Don't allow yourself to be distracted by any type of people - religious, political, social, educational. Your primary responsibility is neither to religion nor to nation.

Your main responsibility is yourself. And just look: if everyone loves himself, takes care of himself, his intelligence will reach its peak, his love will overflow. In my opinion, the philosophy of self-love will allow a person to become truly altruistic because he will have so much to share, to give, and the process of giving will become a joy, sharing will become a celebration for him. Altruism can only be a by-product of selfishness. Because if you don't love yourself, you feel weak - love is food, it is your strength.

Of course, how can you feel responsible? You keep throwing your responsibility onto someone else's shoulders. God is responsible, fate is responsible, Adam and Eve are responsible. The snake that tempted Eve to disobey God—the snake is responsible. Can you see the complete idiocy of passing the buck onto someone else? - a snake, perhaps millions of years ago... I tried hard to talk to the snake a little - they don’t speak. In fact, they don't even hear.

I learned that snakes do not have ears; ears are not part of their body. And if they can't hear, how can they speak? And how were they able to persuade Eve? But we have to shift the responsibility to someone else. Adam blames Eve. Eve dumps her on the tempting serpent. The serpent - if he could speak - would blame it on God. In this way we throw away our responsibility, not realizing that unless you are responsible for yourself, you are not truly an individual.

Avoiding responsibility is destructive to your individuality. But you can only accept responsibility when you have great self-love. I accept my responsibility and I enjoy it. I have never shifted responsibility onto anyone else, because this is a loss of freedom, falling into slavery, into the power of other people. Whatever I am, I am completely and exclusively responsible for it. This gives me great strength. It gives me roots, it centers me. This responsibility has a source, I love myself.

I also went through the same types of mass exploitation. But from the very beginning I determined for myself that if I was pushed in the direction of heaven, I would refuse it. Of my own free will I am ready to go to hell. At least I will have my independence, my choice. My parents, my teachers, my professors fought with me. But I said, “I am sure of one thing: I cannot accept any bribe to become a slave. I'd rather suffer in hellfire for all eternity, but remain myself. At least I will have the joy that this is my choice, no one forced me to make it.”

If you are taken to heaven as a prisoner, do you think you will like it? To go to heaven by following Jesus Christ, or Moses, or Buddha, or Krishna - what kind of heaven would that be, where you are supposed to be a blind believer; you cannot ask a question, you have no right to ask anything. This kind of heaven will be worse than hell. But people are distracted from their own source. I want you to come home.

Respect yourself. Feel joy and pride that existence needs you. Otherwise, you wouldn't be here. Be glad that existence cannot exist without you. First, about why you are here: existence gives you opportunity, life with unimaginable riches hidden within you - beauty, ecstasy, freedom. But you are not existential! You are Christians, you are Buddhists, you are Hindus. I want you to believe in only one thing: existence. There is no need to go to any synagogue or church.

If you cannot feel the sky, the stars, the sunset, the sunrise, the flowers blooming, the birds singing... The whole existence is a sermon! Not prepared by some stupid priest - she is everywhere. You just need to trust yourself; this is another name for self-love. And when you trust and love yourself, it is obvious that you take responsibility on your shoulders for who you are, what you are. This gives you such a vast experience of existence that no one can enslave you again.

Can you see the beauty of a person who is able to stand on his own two feet? And no matter what happens - joy or sadness, life or death - a person who loves himself is so complete that he can not only enjoy life, he can also enjoy death. Socrates was punished by society. People like Socrates are meant to be punished because they are individual and do not allow anyone to dominate them. He should have been given poison. He was lying on the bed and the man who was supposed to give him poison was preparing it.

The sun was setting - the appointed time had arrived. The court determined the exact time, but the man delayed the preparation of the poison. Socrates asked him: “Time passes, the sun sets - why the delay?” The man could not believe that someone preparing to die would be so concerned about keeping the appointed time for his own death. In fact, he should be grateful for the reprieve. The man fell in love with Socrates. He heard him in court and saw the beauty of his personality: he alone had more intelligence than in all of Athens.

He wanted to delay it a little longer so Socrates could live a little longer. But Socrates did not allow him. He said: “Don't be lazy. Just bring the poison." The man, giving poison to Socrates, asked him, “Why are you so excited?” I see your face light up, I see the question in your eyes. Do not you understand? - You will die."

Socrates said: “This is exactly what I want to know. I learned life. She was beautiful; with all her worries, anxieties, she still remained joyful. Just breathing is enough for joy. I lived, I loved; I did everything I wanted to do, I said everything I wanted to say. Now I want to feel the taste of death - and the sooner the better.

There are only two possibilities: either my soul will continue to live in other forms, as the Eastern mystics say - this is a great excitement to continue the journey of the soul, free from the burden of the body. The body is a cell, it has limitations. Or perhaps the materialists are right that when the body dies, everything dies. Nothing remains afterwards. It's also a huge thrill not to be!

I know what it means to be and the moment has come to find out what it means not to be. And when I'm gone, what's the problem? Why should I worry about this? I won't be here to worry, so why waste time now?

This is the man who loved himself. He even took responsibility for the death - because the court had nothing against him; simply the prejudice of society, the prejudice of ordinary people who could not understand the great flight of Socrates' intellect. But they were the majority, and they sentenced Socrates to death.

They were unable to refute any of his arguments. I think they couldn't even understand what he was talking about - the answer was without a question. And he smashed all their arguments; but then it was the time of urban democracy - people decided that this man was dangerous, he should be given poison. What was his fault? His fault was that He makes our youth rebellious; he makes our youth skeptical, he makes our youth strange. It creates a gap between the old and new generations.

They don't listen to us anymore, they argue about everything - and all because of this person. But the judges were little better than ordinary people. They told Socrates: “We offer you several options. If you leave Athens and promise never to return again, you can save yourself from death. Or if you want to stay in Athens, then stop talking, shut up. And we will also persuade people to let you live. Otherwise, the third option: tomorrow at sunset you will have to drink poison.”

What did Socrates do? He said: “I am ready to take poison tomorrow or today, whenever it is ready, but I cannot stop telling the truth. If I live, I will continue to speak until my last breath. And I cannot leave Athens to save myself, because I will always feel like a weakling who was afraid of death, who ran away from death, who could not take responsibility for death too. I lived in accordance with my thoughts, feelings, being; I want to die too.

And don't feel guilty. No one is responsible for my death. I'm responsible. I knew that this could happen, because speaking the truth in a society that exists on lies, deceit, and illusions means asking for death. Don't blame these poor people who decided for me to die. If anyone is responsible, it's me. And I want you all to know that I lived on my responsibility and I will die on my responsibility. “Living, I was an individual. When I die, I am an individual. Nobody decides for me; I decide for myself."

This is self-esteem. This is integrity. This is how a person should be. And if the whole earth were full of people like this man, we could make this world so beautiful, so ecstatic, so abundant in everything... But there is no individuality, therefore you have to take responsibility for yourself. You can only do this when you begin to love yourself as you are: existence wants you to follow this path. If existence wants another Jesus Christ, it will create him. To be a Christian is ugly, to be a Muslim is ugly, to be a Hindu is ugly.

Be yourself, just yourself, just yourself. And remember, you are taking a huge risk by declaring that you are just yourself. You do not belong to any crowd, to any herd. Hindus, Muslims, Christians, communists - these are all herds. You declare yourself an individual, knowing full well that this is risky. The crowd may never forgive you. But it’s so wonderful to take risks, to walk on the razor’s edge, where every step is dangerous. The more dangerous a lifestyle you lead, the more alive you are.

And if it is possible to live, in one moment, for eternity, if you are ready to live totally, risking everything and always. I don't want you to be a businessman, I want you to become a player. And when you play, bet everything. Don't leave anything for the next moment. Then whatever happens will bring great blessing to you. Even if you become a beggar, you will have more self-esteem than an emperor. A person cannot end up in a worse situation. But he will get there; if he has forgotten the laughter with which every child is born; he has lost the path to health and wholeness.

The door is open at this very moment - always here - now, where life and death constantly meet. You have chosen to be death-oriented because it is in the interests of those in power, and you have forgotten that life is passing you by while you are immersed in sadness.

One day a student asked Confucius how to be happy, how to be blessed. Confucius said: “You are asking a strange question; these things are natural. No rose asks how to be a rose." Speaking of sorrow and suffering, you will have plenty of time in the grave; there you can be miserable to your heart's satisfaction. But while you are alive, live totally. Only from totality and intensity does happiness arise, and of course a happy person learns to dance. I agree with the old Bali proverb.

We wish all humanity to be happy, dance and sing. So that the entire planet becomes mature, radiating awareness. A sad person, an unhappy person cannot have acute consciousness; his consciousness is twilight, sluggish, heavy, dark. Only when you laugh with all your heart, suddenly, like a flash, all darkness disappears.

In laughter you are true. In sadness, you cover your real face with the false personality that society expects of you. Nobody wants you to be so happy that you start dancing in the streets. Nobody wants you to laugh your heart out; otherwise the neighbors will start knocking on your walls, “Stop it. Suffering is the order of the day; laughter is anxiety. Suffering people do not tolerate those who do not suffer.

The only crime of people like Socrates is that they are immensely happy people and their happiness creates enormous envy among the masses of people living in suffering. The masses cannot stand such happy people; they need to be destroyed because they provoke within you the possibility of rebellion, and you are afraid of this rebellion. Once a person loves the rebel within himself, he is on the right path.

With this article I want to start a new section on my blog -. In this section you will find statements and advice from great people regarding life, yoga practice and spiritual development.

This will help someone understand themselves, their life, put their thoughts in order...

I start with Osho's wisdom - 10 best tips from Osho. Osho, an enlightened master from India, was the founder of the ashrama system in many countries, and his teachings became part of popular culture in India and Nepal. And also found numerous followers around the world.

1. People take everything so seriously that it becomes a burden to them. Learn to laugh more. To me, laughter is as holy as prayer.

2. Every action leads to an immediate result. Just be alert and watch. A mature person is one who has observed himself and found what is right and wrong for him; what is good and what is bad.

And thanks to the fact that he found it himself, he has enormous authority: even if the whole World says something different, nothing will change for him. He has his own experience to draw on, and that's enough.

3. We are all unique. Never ask anyone what is right and what is wrong. Life is an experiment to find out what is right and what is wrong. Sometimes you may do something wrong, but it will give you relevant experience from which you will immediately benefit.

4. There are times when God comes and knocks on your door. This is love - God knocking at your door. Through a woman, through a man, through a child, through love, through a flower, through a sunset or dawn... God can knock in a million different ways.

5. The desire to be unusual is a very common desire.

Relaxing and being ordinary is truly extraordinary.

6. Life is a mystery. It cannot be predicted. But there are many people who would like to live a predictable life, because then there would be no fear. Everything would be certain, there would be no doubt about anything.

But will there be room for growth then? If there is no risk, how can you grow? If there is no danger, how can you strengthen your consciousness? If there is no possibility of you deviating, how can you walk on the right path? If there is no alternative to the devil, will there be any possibility of reaching God?

7. First become solitary. Start enjoying yourself first. First become so truly happy that it will not matter if no one comes to you; you are full, overflowing. Even if no one knocks on your door, it's still okay - you're not missing out on anything. You don't expect anyone to come and knock on your door.

You are at home. If someone comes to you, good, great. If no one comes, that’s also good and wonderful. Then you can go into relationships with others. Now you can do this as a master and not as a slave, as an emperor and not as a beggar.

8. If you are rich, don't think about it, if you are poor, don't take your poverty seriously. If you are able to live in peace, remembering that the world is just a show, you will be free, you will not be touched by suffering. Suffering is the result of taking life seriously; bliss is the result of the game. Take life as a game, enjoy it.

9. Courage is moving into the unknown, regardless of all fears. Courage is not fearlessness. Fearlessness happens when you become bolder and bolder. This is the highest experience of courage - Fearlessness; courage has become absolute. But at the very beginning the difference between a coward and a daredevil is not so great.

The only difference is that a coward listens to his fears and follows them, while a daredevil leaves them aside and moves on. A daredevil goes into the unknown, despite all his fears.

10. You change every moment. You are a river. Today it flows in one direction and climate. Tomorrow will be different. I never saw the same face twice. It is changing. It is constantly changing. But you need to have discerning eyes to see it. Otherwise the dust settles and everything becomes old; it seems that everything has already happened.

Attitude decides. Listen more consciously. Awaken yourself. When you feel like you've had enough, kick yourself hard. Kick yourself, not someone else. Open your eyes. Wake up. Listen again.

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Your life can be full of bliss. But there is only one way: you just have to be yourself, no matter what you are. Accept yourself. Accept yourself as a gift that existence has brought you; be grateful and start looking for something that will help you grow, will help you not become someone else's copy...

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Why am I afraid to accept myself as I am?

All people are in the same position. Everyone is afraid to accept themselves as they are. This is the conditioning that the centuries-old past of humanity instills in every child, every human being.

This strategy is simple, but very dangerous. The strategy is to judge the person and give him ideals, thus encouraging him to constantly try to become someone else. The Christian tries to become Jesus, the Buddhist tries to become Buddha - and it seems that this mechanism of leading a person away from himself is so effective that even the people who use it may not even be aware of it.

What Jesus said on the cross, his last words to humanity, are infinitely important, especially in this context. He prayed to God: “Father, forgive these people, for they do not know what they are doing.” This applies to every father and every mother, to every teacher, to every priest and to every moralist - to all those people who govern society, culture, civilization; who try to cast each individual into a certain form of being. Maybe these people also don’t know what they are doing. Maybe they think they are trying for your good. I do not question their good intentions - but, of course, you must understand that these people are ignorant; that they are unconscious.

Having been born, a small child falls into the hands of an unconscious society. And the unconscious society begins to mold the child into a mold that corresponds to its ideals, forgetting the most important thing: the child has his own, unique potential; the child was not born to grow into Jesus, Krishna or Buddha, he was born to grow into himself. If he cannot grow into himself, he will be completely miserable all his life. Life will become a real hell for him, a real curse, and he himself will not know what happened to him. From the very beginning he was misdirected, pushed in the wrong direction.

The people who pushed him in the wrong direction are the very people he considers loving. He considers them his benefactors, when in fact they are his greatest enemies. Parents, teachers, priests, leaders of society are the greatest enemies of every individuality that has been born so far on this Earth. Without knowing what they are doing, they are taking you away from yourself.

And in order to take you away from yourself, you need to implant in you absolute conditioning in only one thing: as you are, you are worth nothing, deserve nothing, are not good for anything. Of course, you can earn respect and gain dignity if you follow other people's rules and regulations. If you manage to become a hypocrite and remain one, you will achieve a prestigious position in society.

But if you persist and remain sincere, honest and real; if you insist on being yourself, everyone will judge you. And to withstand universal condemnation requires the greatest courage. You need to have an inner core and be an iron man so that, left alone against everyone, you can stand your ground: “I will be myself and no one else - good or bad, acceptable or not acceptable, prestigious or not prestigious. One thing is certain: I can only be myself, no one else.” This requires an absolutely revolutionary approach to life. This is the first and main rebellion necessary for everyone who wants to free themselves from the vicious circle of suffering.

You ask: “Why am I afraid to accept myself as I am?” Because no one has ever accepted you as you are. This is where this fear comes from, and now you are afraid in advance that if you accept yourself, you will be rejected by everyone. Every society, every culture that has existed so far sets an immutable condition: either you accept yourself - and everyone rejects you; or you reject yourself - and receive universal respect, honor, respectability in society.

The choice is really difficult. Obviously, the majority will choose respectability - but with respectability comes all sorts of anxieties, inner melancholy, a sense of meaninglessness; and life seems like a desert, where nothing grows, where the grass never grows green, where the flowers never bloom; where you can walk and walk endlessly, but never meet an oasis.

I remembered Leo Tolstoy. Tolstoy describes a dream that he had many times, and which psychoanalysts of various schools have been trying to interpret for almost a hundred years. The dream was very strange - strange for everyone except me. In my opinion, its interpretation requires not psychoanalysis, but simple common sense. The dream was often repeated over many years, a strange nightmare, and each time Tolstoy woke up in the middle of the night in a cold sweat, although there was no danger in this dream.

But if you understand the meaninglessness of this dream... the dream was terrible in its meaninglessness, and because of its meaninglessness it turned into a nightmare. This dream symbolically depicts the life of everyone, almost every person. Not a single school of psychoanalysis has been able to unravel this dream, because there are no parallels or precedents for it.

Each time the dream was repeated exactly: an endless desert, as far as the eye can see, a desert without end... and a pair of shoes, which Tolstoy recognizes as his own, they walk and walk through the desert. He himself is not there... you can only hear the sound of footsteps on the sand, the sound of shoes stepping on the sand; and the sound goes on and on without end, because the desert is endless. Shoes never come anywhere. Behind him he sees footprints stretching for miles; in front of him he sees shoes that go on and on.

At an ordinary glance, such a dream is unlikely to seem nightmarish. But if you look a little deeper... Every day... every night the same dream - about complete futility, about the road to nowhere. There seems to be no purpose... and there is no one to walk on the sand - the shoes are empty.

Tolstoy told this dream to all the famous Russian psychoanalysts of his time. And no one could unravel its meaning, because in no books there was a description of a dream that would be even a little similar to this one. He is completely unique. But, in my opinion, psychoanalysis has nothing to do with it at all. This is a simple dream and it symbolizes the life of every human being. You are walking through the desert because you are not walking towards a goal internal to your being. And you will never get anywhere. The further you go into the desert, the further you get away from yourself. And the more you search for meaning... you will find utter emptiness and nothing else. That's the point. There is no person; shoes walk empty.

You are not in what you do.

You are not what you are.

You are not what you pretend to be. Sheer emptiness, pure hypocrisy. But such a situation is created very simply: tell all people that, as they are, they are unworthy, unworthy even to exist. Such as they are, they are ugly - an unfortunate mistake of nature. Such as they are, they should be ashamed of themselves, because there is nothing worthy of respect and honor in them.

Naturally, every child begins to do what is considered worthy. He becomes more and more false, more and more unreal, more and more distanced from his true reality, from his very being - and then fear arises.

He did not profess any one religion and believed that the most important criterion in a person's life is whether he is happy or not. Osho himself said that he does not have a system, because systems are initially dead.

At birth he was given the name Chandra Mohan Jein, but in history he remained as “Osho” ​​- literally translated as “monk” or “teacher”. His instructions truly inspire and force you to reconsider your approach to life.

Oh happiness

What difference does it make who is stronger, who is smarter, who is more beautiful, who is richer? After all, in the end, the only thing that matters is whether you are a happy person or not.

People take everything so seriously that it becomes a burden to them. Learn to laugh more. To me, laughter is as holy as prayer.

If you are rich, don't think about it, if you are poor, don't take your poverty seriously. If you are able to live in peace, remembering that the world is only a performance, you will be free, you will not be touched by suffering. Suffering only comes from taking life seriously. Start treating life like a game, enjoy it.

About love

Love, and let love be as natural to you as breathing. If you love a person, don't demand anything from him; otherwise you will build a wall between you at the very beginning. Don't expect anything. If something comes to you, be grateful. If nothing comes, then it doesn’t need to come, there’s no need for it. You have no right to wait.

Never mistake anything else for love... In the presence of another, suddenly you feel happy. Just because you are together, you feel ecstasy. The very presence of another satisfies something deep in your heart... something begins to sing in your heart. The very presence of another helps you to be more collected, you become more individual, more centered, more balanced. Then it's love. Love is not a passion, not an emotion. Love is a very deep understanding that someone completes you. Someone makes you a vicious circle. The presence of another increases your presence. Love gives you the freedom to be yourself.

About my path

First, listen to yourself. Learn to enjoy your own company. Become so happy that you will no longer be bothered whether someone comes to you or not. You are already full. You don't wait in trepidation to see if someone will knock on your door. Are you at home already. If someone comes, great. No - that's also good. Only with such an attitude can you start a relationship.

Every action leads to an immediate result. Be careful and observe. A mature person is one who has found himself, who has determined what is right and wrong, good and bad for him. He did it himself, so he has a huge advantage over those who do not have an opinion.

We are all unique. No one has the right to tell you what is right and what is wrong. Life is an experiment in which we define these changing concepts every day. Sometimes you may do something wrong, but that is how you will benefit greatly.

About God

There are times when God comes and knocks on your door. It can happen in one of a million ways - through a woman, a man, a child, love, a flower, a sunset or a sunrise... Be open to hear it.

About fear

Courage is moving into the unknown, despite all fears. Courage is not the absence of fear. Fearlessness happens when you become bolder and bolder. But at the very beginning the difference between a coward and a daredevil is not so great. The only difference is that a coward listens to his fears and follows them, while a daredevil leaves them aside and moves on.

About life

You change every moment. You are like a river. Today it flows in one direction and climate. Tomorrow will be different. I never saw the same face twice. Everything changes. Nothing stands still. But it takes very discerning eyes to see this. Otherwise the dust settles and everything becomes old; it seems that everything has already happened.

When you feel like everything is boring, kick yourself hard. Yourself, not another.
