No earnings, no output: what to do if salaries are not paid on time. No earnings, no output: what to do if salaries are not paid on time, you work, you earn nothing

We have all met colleagues who have achieved great skill in the matter of shirking work. Columbia Business School professor Eric Abrahamson, who specializes in the topics of management and organizational problem solving, has carefully studied the ways people resort to doing nothing at work for which they receive a salary.

“The Michelangelo of avoiding work,” Professor Abrahamson calls the heroes of his work. They masterfully know how to do nothing of their official duties, while avoiding any unpleasant consequences of idleness. Moreover, sometimes they even manage to get promoted.

The professor's advice, published in Forbes magazine, will either help you achieve the same results, or allow your bosses to more quickly recognize such a strategy in their employees. He doesn't recommend following the example of his "Michilangelos," but says knowledge of these techniques can help managers solve the problem of uneven distribution of work in the office and improve teamwork.

In his work, Abrahamson identified 10 main tactics for avoiding work, or 10 ways to get money without doing anything.

1. Always come to work at different times

If your boss never knows exactly what time you'll be in the office, he'll have a hard time giving you tasks.

2. Work from home

Remote work is one of the easiest ways to avoid unpleasant responsibilities.

3. Try to spend as little time at your desk as possible.

If you work in an office, go to the restroom as often as possible, take smoke breaks and coffee breaks. Visit your colleagues. If your boss can't find you, he won't be able to give you an assignment.

This makes it seem like you're so busy that you can't even find time to check your messages.

5. Display Benevolent Ignorance

You should give the impression that you really want to, but just can’t complete the task given to you. Then your boss will delegate it to someone else.

6. Randomly increase time on specialized tasks.

If others can't do what you do, they don't know how long it takes.

7. Use the predicted failure method

As friendly and kindly as possible, let your boss know that, most likely, for objective reasons, you will not be able to cope with the task that he plans to give you.

8. Give the impression of being extremely busy.

When someone asks you how you are doing, say: “I’m so busy that I don’t even have time to go to the toilet.”

9. Take credit for other people's achievements

This method is especially popular in the academic world, political circles and among senior management. Take credit for projects in which you were only an observer or participated only in the launch phase.

10. Master the technique of cyber loafing

Program your email so that your emails are sent while you sleep - so that it looks like you are working day and night. And the monitor can be configured so that an Excel spreadsheet pops up whenever a key is pressed - so that when a boss approaches, you can instantly hide the game of solitaire or the LiveJournal page that you are actually reading.

As of February 1, 2016, according to Rosstat, in Russia the wage arrears to the population amount to 4.33 billion rubles. This means that about 74 thousand Russians are awaiting payments. Of these, 56% are workers in the construction and processing industries.

Can employers be punished for untimely payment of wages or delays? Yes. Every employee can contribute to this.

A delay in wages or other financial payments for more than 15 days is a good reason for stopping the work of an employee personally or of an entire team who are employees on a legal basis and perform their work duties.

Art. speaks about this. 142 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

An employee has the right to go on forced leave after written notification to management or authorized persons. Otherwise, failure to attend work will be considered absenteeism.

How to write an application?

An application to suspend the work process is written in free form addressed boss Indicate the reason, the date from which the employee will not return to work, as well as the missed date of payments, note the day on which you stop your work activity. From the 16th day of non-payment, the employee has this right.

Please also note that the return to duty will take place the next day after receipt of the delayed salary.

An application for suspension of work due to non-payment of wages is submitted personally to the manager or by registered mail.

Will it work?

The effectiveness of the method is quite high. Downtime always costs many times more than paying the entire workforce. The inability to carry out work activities falls entirely on the shoulders of the employer - that is, forced leave will cost the company 100% in accordance with Art. 234 Labor Code of the Russian Federation.


There are cases when stopping a work process is against the law:

  • Military action or state of emergency;
  • Employees of the civil service, the Armed Forces and defense, intelligence, emergency rescue services, during disaster response, ongoing emergencies, law enforcement agencies;
  • Employees of organizations with particularly hazardous production;
  • Employees of organizations that ensure the livelihoods of the population (energy, heat and water supply, communications, emergency assistance).

Contacting the labor inspectorate

The appeal can be either collective or individual. It is drawn up in writing in free form and can be issued as early as the 16th day of delayed wages.

How to make an application?

The application must provide the following information:

  1. Introductory part – full name of the organization, address (legal and actual or place of registration of the employer), full name of the applicant, contact phone number, address.
    The main part is the date of start of work in the organization and position, the date of receipt of salary (last) and the established monthly payment date, the period of delay in payment, how the calculation is made, the amount of debt, what are the reasons for the delay, according to the employer.
  2. Requirements: pay the debt in full, taking into account 1/300 of the rate for each missed day, bring the manager to administrative or criminal liability based on the offense.
    Use links to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and the Labor Code, where your rights and obligations, as well as your boss, and articles that confirm the violation of your freedoms are noted.

Documents for completing the application (copies):

  • employment contract;
  • passport of the employee (employees);
  • letter of resignation, settlement (if the organization did not fulfill its financial obligations after your dismissal);
  • employment history.

The application must be signed by all team members, if any, or by you personally. The same applies to other personal information. You need to prepare 2 copies - for yourself and the target organization.

Possible labor service solutions

What will it be like in this case? In this situation, the laws are quite strict towards the accused: a fine of up to 50 thousand rubles or criminal liability in especially difficult cases.

In terms of effectiveness, this method is extremely convincing: your salary will be transferred within the deadline.

Contacting the prosecutor's office

If the previous methods did not play the expected role, the last resort is the prosecutor's office and the court. Consideration of the complaint will take several months, since the prosecutor, like the judge, is given 30 days to process the appeal.

The prosecutor's office has a supervisory function over the lawful activities of organizations and enterprises and has the right to initiate criminal cases. Therefore, after contacting the prosecutor’s office, it will not be possible to avoid trial. To move your case forward, file a claim with the court and an application with the prosecutor’s office at the same time in order to receive answers from two authorities at once within one month.

You can contact the prosecutor's office in person or online. In any case, you will have to provide information about yourself; you cannot submit an anonymous application.

Documents and application form

As in other cases, a free form of application, but with mention of the same basic information as when applying to the labor service, as well as the fact of going to court. Addressed to the prosecutor at the location of your organization.

is a question that concerns many workers, especially during times of economic crisis.

If you are leaving your job, be sure to check if you have any unpaid vacation days. Read more about how this period after dismissal is paid.

About a month ago, deputies of the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg spoke seriously about punishing the unemployed; just recently, Rostrud came up with a similar, but still ideologically different initiative. We categorically disagree with such measures, so we decided to find several guys who refuse to work in the classical sense, and asked them about all the most important things.

Pavel Ilyin

I am 27 years old. I haven't worked almost all my life. I had two outbreaks when I suddenly got a permanent job. This was in 2006, when I had just arrived in Moscow and I still had no understanding of what activities I wanted to do. And another one in 2013.

I think this conviction has always been with me and over the years it only grew and became established in my consciousness. Work makes you a philosophical zombie! You are exchanging the most valuable thing you have for a very small amount of money. But at the same time you have no life. All that remains is neuroses, psychoses and a couple of weekends on which you just want to sleep or immerse yourself in some great story - read light books, watch simple films and play games at a low difficulty level. Even if you earn a lot of money and have a high position, you have even less life - the more they share with you, the more they hang on you.

It is also very important that when you work, there is no time and cognitive resources to search for yourself, and this is the hardest work (yes, let's distinguish between the terms “work” and “labor” in our discourse). Of course, there is a possibility that the labor market may coincide with your hobbies and passions, but the likelihood of such a scenario happening is so small that it is better to go straight for the hardcore!

You need to do something meaningfully, not work. Of course, any intelligent creature, in my system of values, at least, has a natural right to freedom from work, because the modern system of distribution of goods in society (in any society, somewhere there are simply more distortions, somewhere less) is no different from slave system, only now we are in economic slavery, and the degree of this slavery directly correlates with the balance of your bank account. Was it in vain that we sacrificed so many people to abolish the institution of slavery?

The state must, indeed MUST (since it is for the people, and not vice versa) provide what is called in the developed world basic income, which would cover at least minimal needs. In many countries this has already been implemented in fact, although it is still bashfully called unemployment benefits.

If everyone follows my example, it will be great, people will be happy, the culture will be much more diversified, we will see a lot of different cool projects in completely unexpected places. Of course, this will create an acute shortage of personnel in traditional economic sectors, which is good from all sides. On the one hand, if we really need these industries, then they can be easily automated, and if this is just an imitation of activity, then to hell with these dummies.

The state should provide what is called in the developed world basic income, which would cover
minimum needs.

Of course, I don't like constant resource constraints. You constantly need to think about which store has what is cheaper, and everything from dumplings to drumsticks. There is also difficulty with motivation; you need to be able to motivate yourself to take action, but if you have found a cause for which you are ready to kill, then there is no such problem. But the advantages are obvious: you are free and independent. You are in charge, this feeling cannot be exchanged for any money or status.

Money comes from one-time orders, from scholarships, sometimes dad sends something. The housing issue was resolved three years in advance within the framework of my main field of activity. If you look at the last month, my main expenses are food, rehearsal space rental and travel. Of course, I take on paid work, but it must either be in the sphere of my interests and areas of development, or be ideologically correct, or be radically stupid. But only a threat to my life or someone close to me can force me to go to the office.

Not working is not the same as sitting at home on the couch and consuming media culture without filters. For me personally, not working means doing various things that make me sick. I have three functional areas of activity. This is music, namely playing the drums and writing poetry in English, which is what I do in the NaPast group. These are various Internet projects, website development and administration. And this is graduate school, in which I am engaged in theoretical cultural studies and trying to find a way out of postmodernity.

My usual day starts at five or six in the morning, I spend the first couple of hours preparing my body for battle: shower, breakfast, news, correspondence. From about 11:00 to 14:00 - 15:00 it’s time to solve cognitively complex problems, usually writing parts for a dissertation or doing something complex on my websites. Between 15:00 and 18:00, mandatory practice on the drums (more precisely, on the nearest chairs and armchairs). Then there are some social things like a rehearsal or meeting with friends. But this is a perfect day, and not everyone has it that way.

I have different phases of effective functional activity in which I do what I can now do meaningfully and productively. Instead of a vacation, I rather arrange for myself just a change of environment while maintaining activity, but, of course, with its modification and adaptation to new conditions.

Traveling is my passion; I try to go somewhere every six months. For example, I celebrated the New Year in Germany and the Netherlands, and just this morning I returned from Belarus. Basically, my loved ones have a positive attitude towards my lifestyle, but precisely because I do not actively work. If I was just sitting on the couch, staring at the TV, I think the attitude would be very negative. For as long as I can remember, I haven’t felt the desire to work in the classical sense, but I can’t remember any role models. I am sure that both culture and life provided me with similar examples, but they rather strengthened my conviction than somehow turned my picture of the world upside down.

Lyuba Makarevskaya

I have not worked or been registered anywhere for almost 15 years. I am 29 years old. I think that if some people follow my example, society will only become healthier and more productive. Everyone will still be unable to stop working.

My day is structured like this: I wake up at three, walk with my dog, then watch TV, walk or read depending on my mood. The peak of my activity occurs around 12 at night and lasts until five or six in the morning. At this time I usually write. I chose this lifestyle because until I was seven, I had a very happy childhood, something straight out of Nabokov. I have always had a very strong emotional connection with my parents, who, consciously or not, did a lot for my intellectual development, despite the fact that I was never forced into anything, but this wonderful time was cut short by going to first grade.

The unbearable boredom and sheer stupidity of our school is beyond words. Of course, I felt a very strong gap with my peers intellectually, and in general being at school terribly traumatized me. At the age of 11, I realized that in my views I was an anarchist and when I managed to escape from the yoke of school, I would never be registered anywhere again. I remember that I even swore to myself about this.

When I was 14, I read Walt Whitman. He influenced me a lot. Whitman, as you know, did not work and was a wanderer. He became my ideal for many years. In the ninth grade, I was kicked out of school, and since then I have never really been enrolled anywhere, as I swore to myself at the age of 11. Now I’m 29, and there has never been a period in my life when I worked somewhere officially.

I still live on the money my mother gives me. My expenses are the most ordinary: food, cosmetics and clothes, nothing interesting. I don't really like parties because I'm an introvert. My favorite pastimes are bookstores, McDonald's, and walking my dog.

I am afraid of society - I think it seeks to take me away from me and bring any personality to a certain denominator.

I constantly feel the need for a vacation, because even without working you can get tired of life in the city. I've been abroad, but I don't really like traveling, I'm afraid to fly. I think the best journeys happen within ourselves. Sleep is also a journey. Hunger or emergency circumstances could force me to work, I would go to work as a courier, most likely, I could also earn extra money by walking dogs. I, as Michel said, love animals very much.

I would rather choose suicide than the office. Death extended over time or instantaneous - there is not much difference. I think death extended over time is just like working in an office. I will not hide the fact that I am a walking phobia, and my main phobia is our society. I think the ideal ratio of unemployed and employed is 50 to 50. It seems to me that some can simply do regular, fairly monotonous work, while others cannot, and the word “dependency” is not quite the right definition.

Friends and relatives treat me with understanding, which periodically alternates with the irritation to which I am accustomed. In principle, I’m used to everything and have a philosophical attitude towards everything. I think about self-realization and that’s why I write poetry and other texts. I feel fulfilled and happy when I write, it just doesn't bring me money, but I've learned not to be upset about it. When I don't write, that's rest. True, I feel sad at this time. My ideals among the unemployed are Walt Whitman and the main character of the movie "The Big Lebowski."

I am afraid of society - I think it seeks to take me away from me and bring any personality to a certain denominator. I am against this and I think that work is partly a tool in this matter. It seems to me that being listed somewhere means making a compromise. In general, from time to time I want to burn my passport, but without it you can’t buy alcohol these days, so now it has become a necessary thing. I don’t feel unemployed; after all, being alive is also work, sometimes extremely tiring.

Mark Lukyanov

I am 24 years old. I can't say that I'm not working. I work a lot. They just don’t write about it in my work book. Well, one day I didn’t even finish my shift at one bakery - I realized that I was wasting too much time. I ate a few cakes in the warehouse and left to make music. Forever.

Why am I not working? You can ask approximately the same question in relation to everyone else. Of course, we need to work in a broad sense - this is not even discussed. But one could argue about what to spend time on - all people are different. And yes, we should more often have the right to such a choice, whether to have a job in the classical sense or not. I am sure that this should be done differently in each country. That being said, I find it strange that some states have unemployment benefits, but I like it.

If everyone follows the example of the unemployed, it will be something like what always happens when too many people want the same thing. I think some people just shouldn't get into that kind of field.

Sponsors pay for my housing. My friend is a model. I recently returned from Paris Fashion Week and brought back a lot of money. For the last two months we have been spending this money: jelly, beads, movies, women's leather coffin shoes and a nose ring.

I would love to volunteer to pick Sicilian oranges. For two months, tan. This is all I think about now. That's all I do. I don’t think I have the same kind of vacation as those working in official positions. I don’t feel the need for this and, unfortunately, I don’t travel much. But it won't last long. My close friends don't work either. I had real examples of people working in official jobs that inspired me to give up this idea.

Alisa Tayozhnaya

I am 28 years old, and I have the fortunate opportunity to do only what I love. My parents are working class heroes and real self-made heroes, workaholics of the simplest origin, who devoted their entire youth to surviving and gaining a foothold in Moscow. I am grateful to them for their strength and resilience, for their stubbornness in teaching me to read at three years old and giving me the best education. I recently talked to them about my journey: it’s hard for them to imagine that I live without a work book, but with some part of my being I’m sure: they understand that work in Russia is a fiction that can end at any time through no fault of yours. moment. “You’re lucky to be doing what you love—we didn’t have that luxury,” they told me the last time we met. The moral support of my parents and the fact that I always have a corner to return to if I stumble, protects me from the unnecessary and often empty work that many of my friends not from Moscow have to do in order to stay here. Plus, I can always count on my husband, who does what he loves and, as a technical specialist with a unique profile, receives a salary many times more than I, a humanist. But he can always count on me. That is, if something happens to my loved ones and I need money, I will immediately go to work and be motivated to have a stable plan.

I had two favorite permanent jobs in my life, but in both of them I burned out: I couldn’t find a balance between work and free time and had the wrong attitude towards responsibility and responsibilities. Now I wouldn’t make such a mistake, but for my part I can say that people blossom from freedom. All colleagues who are given air are ready to do much more than is required with enthusiasm. Unfortunately, many progressive and, even more so, backward Russian systems have never even heard of how to motivate employees and operate on fear. I have heard many stories from the creators of trainings that there is nothing easier than putting pressure on a sales girl who shares an apartment with her friend and came from Siberia to conquer Moscow. They are so scared and want change that they are ready to eat tons of shit. I categorically do not accept the training of people, the extraction of obedient herds from them, the superiority that I often encounter among bosses in relation to their subordinates. Projects born out of love and with loved ones live longer and smell better.

In fact, I work all the time, but my work is terrible (the editor automatically corrected it to excellent) - that is, it seems to be related to the intellectual sphere, but is paid no more per month than the work of a trolleybus driver. I know museum workers who earn less than cashiers, not to mention programmers, realtors and sales people, whose work does not even require special education or a scientific degree, but rather a wide range of soft skills. A lot has been said about precarious labor in art and culture, and this is, in fact, real exploitation: money in cash, work for friendship, fees that are six months late, endless contributions to projects that may not be approved, constant revision of conditions. I have no insurance and will not receive child benefits. In a good way, I work at a juice extractor in a city where billions are allocated for the reconstruction of theaters and museums. All people around art and cinema, if they are not involved in *********, live according to normcore all their lives and plan a vacation in St. Petersburg.

I respect this choice, there is a lot of courage in it, but this system is essentially a plantation of our days, only on the territory of intellectual labor. I hate the phrase “we are looking for a young man with sparkling eyes,” because it is clear that such young people are usually screwed. On the other hand, those young people with whom I worked really want, overcome and learn, despite the snobbery of older colleagues and routine work. You have to go through this too. The reward is doing things you believe in. If you spend a week among those who don’t give a damn and who only care about getting their salary on the card on time, you immediately understand the price of life without skepticism and this rotten pragmatism. Most philosophers considered creative work to be the pinnacle of human development; most people do not take a single step towards expressing themselves through work. This is why there are so many “projects” for the sake of projects, so that things that three caring people can do are often done by ten uninterested people. But this is not only a Russian problem, this is how people in general work.

You can’t overwork, you can’t work on weekends, you have to find time
to the spontaneous and beautiful.

It seems to me that the only justifiable way to make a living is an honest business of your own. And I am sure that I will come to this. I really like the ability to program a schedule and plan a strategy. Now my main expenses are travel and entertainment: cinema, museums, concerts. I don’t need to deny myself anything, but with clothes, food and cosmetics, I long ago figured out the list of expenses and learned to live within my means. I have the superpower of finding something cheap that recently cost four times as much. The most precious thing I have is family and friends, it cannot be bought. In the winter I was sad about the exchange rate, but now I understand that I can travel around Russian cities that I have never been to. And you can save up for two vacations a year, if you’re not an idiot. Plus I despise credit cards and never buy anything I can't afford. I don’t have jewelry, no valuables except a computer, I don’t give a damn about technical innovations and I sold all the extra stuff I had. There was a lot of extra stuff.

But I don’t have children yet, so such changes happen quite quickly. I started separating work and rest quite recently, and this is my best idea. You can’t overwork, you can’t work on weekends, you have to find time for the spontaneous and beautiful. I never work while traveling, but I take a lot of notes there and generally spend my time actively. I've never had a vacation on the beach. I am convinced that the most important things happen not at the desk.

Will I return to the office? With joy, if there is something to fight for. Now I have nothing to fight for in the office - I get all my drive from texts, books, movies, lectures, concerts, singing and language lessons. I have nothing to offer the office yet. I work with the dream team in a mode that suits me and I don’t work with assholes at all, I don’t meet them, and they don’t meet me. Regarding the state, I am not inclined to abdicate responsibility for my own choices, and from the experience of living in other countries, I can say that many things in Russia are better than in many countries in the world. In general, 98% of countries live differently from North America and Western Europe, and we must be grateful to the conditions that exist now - the freest and fairest in human history. However, this is a completely far from ideal situation. Incorrect career guidance, inability to work in a team, lack of logical thinking, and a tendency to conflict - these are the basic problems of Russian people in the professional sphere. They are decided in a group, but without a portrait of Lenin above their heads. You just need to respect the other person as you respect yourself and look for multiple solutions to one problem.

For this reason, progress in Russia and social life in general are slowing down. In addition, the life of people like me is not regulated in any way by law. Who am I? Unemployed? Civilian? Contract employee? How can someone like me live if they want a big family? How to survive if you are not from Moscow? With skyrocketing prices for housing and food, Moscow, for all its charm, is becoming unbearable for creative life in general. But I doubt that the state is interested in doing this.

Deliberately burring, the speaker complains about the intense (to the point of sweat on his forehead) work and the difficulties in developing production standards and earning money.

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20. On that day the Lord will shave the heads and hairs of the legs of the kings of Assyria with a razor hired from the other side of the river, and even take away the beard.

From the book The Explanatory Bible. Volume 5 author Lopukhin Alexander

20. On that day the Lord will shave the heads and hairs of the legs of the kings of Assyria with a razor hired from the other side of the river, and even take away the beard. The prophet points out here that the Assyrians will cause much more harm to Judea than the Egyptians - here the prophet seems to completely forget about the Egyptians.


From the book Men's Sexual Secrets by Enikeeva Dilya

“I WOKE UP IN A COLD SWEAT” “For centuries, the madness of dreams has been a source of morbid anxiety for anyone who has ever woken up in a cold sweat and tried to remember where they had just been in a dream and what they had done there.”A. AlvarezMajority
