Personal and professional qualities of a manager. Characteristics of the main qualities that a modern manager should have Qualities that a modern Russian manager should have

Seven qualities of a successful manager:

1. Sociability

2. Ability to learn (the desire to constantly learn something new, while applying the acquired skills and experience directly in work)

3. Understanding the business

Successful product managers have a deep understanding of the fundamentals of the business.

They understand how to identify market opportunities, the importance of competitive differentiation, building successful product development strategies, pricing and promotion, partnerships, profit and cost analysis, and so on.

4. resistance to stress, communication skills, hard work

5.organizational and business.

6. competence, i.e. system of special knowledge and practical skills

7. determination

7 qualities of a successful manager

1. Communication skills;

2. Ability to work with people;

3. Ability to manage people;

4. Be honest and decent;

5. Able to quickly make the right decisions;

6. Able to create a team;

7. Be able to analyze, have a vision of the situation.

To characterize the work of managers, it is advisable to consider what professional qualities they must have in order to successfully fulfill their job responsibilities.

There are three types of professional qualities of a manager:

1) technical skill (the presence and ability to apply specific knowledge and work skills);

2) communication skills (the ability to work with other people, understand and motivate them, resolve conflicts);

3) conceptual skill (the ability to analyze complex situations, identify problems, as well as alternative approaches to solving them and choose the most optimal among them).

An analysis of the functions performed by managers showed that it is important for a manager to be able to work directly with people, determine the reasons for their actions, predict their behavior in the future and its socio-economic consequences.

In this regard, the work of managers can be reduced to the following types of management activities.

1. Traditional management (decision making, planning, control).

2. Interaction (information exchange, document flow, group decision making).

3. Human resource management (motivation, personnel selection, training, discipline, conflict management, etc.).

4. Establishing external relations (various forms of communication with partners, suppliers, clients; negotiations, efforts to create and maintain the image of the organization in the eyes of the public).

In addition, the charismatic component of the leader is distinguished (it does not have a clear definition). This component includes a large set of qualities. It is very important that the leader, being confident that he is right, recognizes the merits of his employees. He highlights their work, sometimes even underestimating his role in achieving success, and helps his colleagues become more successful than himself. Using these tools, the leader achieves the main goal - creating a real team of like-minded people. It is also important to understand that in order for a company to develop dynamically, it is not enough for a leader to simply have extensive experience and extensive knowledge. We definitely need sources of development, which, paradoxically as it may sound for business, are literature, music, and fine arts. This “living water” can prolong the life of a business.

The leader, of course, must have strong charisma; only then is it possible to create a team capable of achieving the main goal of any company - to become the first in its market.

Another important quality is the ability to take risks. This is not about making risky decisions based on analysis and intuition and being prepared to bear responsibility for them.

If in a moment of crisis, in order to maintain viability and competitiveness, a company needs to be cut, even to the quick, it must be done, no matter how painful this procedure may be. In calmer times, this quality may not be in demand at all.

In this century, managers must be educated. Special education is needed now. Nowadays special knowledge is required. Honesty and integrity are important.

For a modern person, and for a leader in particular, the most important quality is the ability to change and grow with business, industry, and society. After all, the world does not stand still, it is constantly changing, like the stock market, in minutes. And it is important to quickly make the right decision without being bound by old ideas or standards.

A true business leader needs the ability to quickly respond to a situation, the ability to quickly make decisions, and take risks. Today, it is no longer enough for a leader to be a charismatic person. He must be a qualified person. There is no more easy or quick money. Now there is a distinction between the concepts of “owner” and “manager”. And often business leaders do not have enough of their own skills to competently manage the company and capital.

A manager needs, first of all, determination. It also requires faith in the people on the team. A specialist needs a variety of individual qualities. For example, at the current stage of development of capitalism in the country, authority is also needed

personal point of view. It is imperative to know how your subordinates are doing in their personal lives.

Some Russian leaders think that they just need to pay people a lot of money, and nothing else is needed. According to others, you need to lead with your soul. And people, seeing that they care about themselves, begin to work better. The longer you manage people, the more responsibility you feel. And the more shareholders and subordinates trust you, the more you want to justify this trust.

Other authors believe that a modern leader should be strong-willed, tough, but at the same time not authoritarian. In the modern economy, his education, professional skills and success play an important role. The leader's reputation is very important. Only a person with an impeccable reputation will be followed by people - clients, partners. A characteristic feature at the present stage is also a high degree of personification - personal and professional qualities.

The criteria have certainly changed. Tough business conditions dictate new approaches. The manager's share of responsibility for the success of business development has increased, and the importance of a strategic approach to the formation and development of a business has increased. The degree of social responsibility of the manager for the company's employees has increased disproportionately - in many ways this responsibility has been transferred to him from the state.

On a personal level, a person must be sociable, have good communication, be a kind soul, responsive, strive to help people, companies and carry love for one’s neighbor in his soul.

A HR specialist needs, first of all, the ability to convince management and staff. He must be very contactable, be able to win over from the first second of the conversation - this is the most important thing. In addition, the manager must have the skills of a consultant-teacher, because he often needs to convince by example and lead managers to solve the problems facing the organization.

A manager needs to be able to part with employees without a “heavy stone in his heart,” because it is by these people in the labor market that the company’s corporate culture will be judged. The manager must be able to effectively use the potential of staff, identify the strengths and weaknesses of employees, and correctly draw up staff development plans.

The manager must be able to establish contacts with new clients, gain their trust, develop mutual understanding and, on this basis, build long-term mutually beneficial relationships, providing quality service and helping the client find solutions to develop his business.

It is generally accepted that a personal manager who sells banking products to new clients is a very talkative employee with a strong character, a handshake and a “smile at the ready.” His main concern is to persuade the client to purchase the service. In fact, such an opinion is far from reality. In this regard, we will name the main qualities that a personal manager should have.

Distinctive properties: specific personality traits.

The main property is empathy, that is, the manager’s ability to assess the situation from the client’s point of view, to put himself in his place. The second most important trait is ambition. This is the quality of a manager whose self-esteem is inextricably linked to the successful completion of an assigned task or specific activity. The determining factor is fortitude or resilience, that is, the manager’s ability to quickly recover from failure.

Characteristic qualities such as self-discipline, intelligence, creativity, flexibility, independence, perseverance, representativeness, and reliability are important for a professional manager.

Noting the presence of the above-mentioned distinctive properties, it should be recognized that for a manager to work effectively, only personal qualities are not enough - it is also necessary to have abilities that will facilitate the implementation of the necessary qualities and help him achieve success.

Abilities: communication ability, analytical and organizational abilities, management ability

The manager’s abilities are of particular importance, since the main emphasis in working with a potential client is on the consultative nature of the process of selling services. To successfully perform these functions, you have to have a large amount of information: firstly, about clients, their financial condition, problems and needs, secondly, about banking products, their profitability and advantages for a particular client, etc.

The presence of organizational abilities and the ability to manage one’s own time are also included in the list of requirements for personal managers. Moreover, they are interconnected. Knowing that 80% of sales come from 20% of key customers, the manager should spend most of his time and, accordingly, resources on these customers. Therefore, to plan a working day, he requires, on the one hand, organizational abilities, and on the other, the ability to rationally manage time in order to complete the tasks facing him.

Erudition is the possession of specific information and knowledge. Personal managers must have knowledge about banking services, potential clients, their bank, and competing banks.

One of the important qualities of a successful manager is the ability to use the best qualities of his subordinates and reduce the influence of negative qualities on the business (find a job for each employee that would allow his best qualities to be revealed and would not allow negative qualities to influence the business), that is, give work according to his abilities , to your liking. The second is the ability to arrange subordinates so that their interaction produces greater returns than the work of each individual, that is, to create a team. And third is the ability to maintain interest in work and in achieving goals.

A successful manager needs to constantly strive for self-education, constantly improve himself, and keep abreast of modern events.

It is necessary to know modern business trends, strategies and experience of leaders, and not only in their industry - it is important to understand strategic, global trends. Study them, constantly expand your knowledge, improve. In addition, you need to be able to analyze all this, have a vision of the situation.

Thus, all hypotheses were confirmed during the study. But, besides this, other qualities necessary for a manager to be successful have been identified.

Thus, for a manager to be successful, he must have the following professional qualities:

Technical proficiency (the presence and ability to apply specific knowledge and skills; knowledge of current business trends, strategies and experience of leaders),

Communication skills (sociability, responsiveness, ability to work with other people, understand and motivate them, resolve conflicts; have the skills of a consultant-teacher; able to establish contacts with new clients, use the potential of staff, identify the strengths and weaknesses of employees, correctly draw up staff development plans ),

Conceptual mastery (the ability to analyze complex situations, identify problems, as well as alternative approaches to solving them, and choose the most optimal among them);

The ability to work with people, determine the reasons for their actions, predict their behavior in the future and its socio-economic consequences;

Be experienced, erudite, educated, be capable of self-development (literature, music, fine arts), growth with business, industry, society;

Have charisma

Able to take risks; be decisive, strong-willed, tough;

Honest and decent;

Able to quickly react to a situation, make quick decisions, take risks;

Empathy, ambition, fortitude or resilience, self-discipline, creativity, flexibility, independence, persistence, personability, reliability;

The ability to use the best qualities of your subordinates;

The ability to place subordinates, that is, to create a team.

Posted On 01/30/2018


1. Characteristics of a sales manager

1.1 Professional qualities highlighted by experts

1.2 Identification of characteristics based on research

2. Motivation of sales managers

2.1 Why employees do not want to actively work

2.2 How to force managers to sell

2.3 How to make sales managers work actively


List of used literature

Today, up to 25% of vacancies on the labor market belong to sales specialists. They are the ones who meet clients and provide them with services. Sales managers bear the greatest responsibility for the image and success of the company. Every minute, every second, thousands of tons of goods are sold in the world, transactions for services are concluded and millions of papers are drawn up. All this requires a huge army of consultants, sales and advertising agents, and sales managers. They do their hard work so that at the right time, in a convenient place, you can buy everything you need. This is not an easy job and it requires serious professional training and, if you like, talent.

We are accustomed to the abundance of goods on store shelves, to the offering of many services, and we perceive this as the norm of life. In such conditions, the work of a sales manager requires a special approach, knowledge of psychology and takes on special importance.

So what requirements do employers place on a sales manager?

We will try to find out the answer to this question in this work.

1. Characteristics of a sales manager

1.1 Professional qualities highlighted by experts

During a product presentation, a professional sales manager must not only sell the product itself, but also demonstrate the professionalism and advantages of the company he represents. Of course, he must know how to find an approach to each client, because it is impossible to sell the same product to different clients by presenting it in the same way. Therefore, a professional sales manager must know and be able to use various sales techniques. Elena Ivanova, HR consultant in the IT/Telecom sector of the Imperia Kadrov company: “The ideal candidate for the position of sales manager must have experience in successful sales and thoroughly know their core market, main suppliers and all potential clients. Also, an ideal sales manager should be able to competently negotiate, find and establish contacts with new clients, as well as deal with after-sales customer management, i.e. maintain business relations with them. A sales manager in the field of information technology must, of course, know his product and be able to explain to the buyer its advantages, benefits and necessity.”

It is considered ideal for a candidate for the position of sales manager to have his own client base, of course, in the area with which he may have to work, as well as commercial connections and other business contacts. The basic requirements for sales professionals are fairly standard for each line of business. Since higher education in the profession of sales manager did not exist in our country until recently, employers mainly value a diploma from a technical university; ideally, it should coincide with the profile of the company. Work experience of at least 2 years, although as Vladimir Sukhanov, HR consultant in the field of “Construction business” of the Express-Personal company says: “Given the specific rigidity and dynamism of the construction market in Russia, the ideal candidate for the position of sales manager should have at least 3 years of experience, provided that it was successful sales. This is explained by the fact that newcomers who come to construction companies as sales managers spend the first six months only on mastering the market and products, then they slowly but surely begin to develop connections, find clients and make sales. This is why for a professional sales manager it is not enough to have 1-2 years of experience. For the same reason, candidates for the position of sales manager must have an assertive, strong character and be able to perfectly convince partners of the perfection of the products offered.”

Foreign language requirements for sales managers usually depend on the employer.

Professional qualities of a sales manager (page 1 of 3)

Basically, knowledge of English is mandatory only in Western companies; for Russian employers, knowledge of a foreign language is required depending on the company’s field of activity. As Andrey Skavronsky, HR consultant in the field of Oil and Gas at the Imperia Kadrov company, says: “An equipment sales manager in the oil and gas market must know English, since the majority of clients and suppliers on the Russian market in this area are foreign companies.” .

The personal qualities of an ideal candidate for the position of sales manager practically do not differ across the company’s areas of activity, although each market area has its own characteristics. Mikhail Kuzmin, HR consultant in the field of commercial real estate at Imperia Kadrov: “A professional sales manager must be active and very sociable. An ideal sales manager can be easily distinguished by the twinkle in his eyes, genuine interest in the products being manufactured, and excellent motivation to work. He must also have competent oral communication and a presentable appearance, since he often has to communicate and negotiate with top officials of client companies.” As Andrey Skavronsky believes: “A sales professional must be charged for success, have his own motivation to achieve positive results in his work, and also be able to win over his partners and feel the mood of the interlocutor.” Also, the personal characteristics of an ideal sales manager include the gift of persuasion, charm, high communication skills and the ability to communicate with the client in any situation.

Sales managers are the most sought-after position in any company, because... The company's profit depends on these people. No matter how great the product she produces, all her efforts will be in vain without customers. However, despite the fact that there are quite a lot of such specialists on the labor market, finding a real professional can be quite difficult. The portrait of an ideal candidate for the position of sales manager is the standard that all employers and recruiters of modern business should measure up to.

1.2 Identification of characteristics based on research

It is a well-known fact that a successful “sales person,” in addition to certain skills, must have certain competencies that guarantee the success of the activity.

The Event Design company conducted a study aimed at identifying these competencies and considering the requirements of leading, successful companies for the personal and business qualities of specialists applying for the position of sales manager.

A sales manager is a specialist capable of initiating, organizing and influencing the sales process in order to make a profit.

Purpose of the study: to create a profile of the key competencies of the “ideal” candidate for the position of “sales manager”, reflecting the professional, personal and business qualities necessary for the effective implementation of the tasks assigned to him.

The results of the study showed that companies identify the following requirements for the personal and business qualities of a specialist applying for the position of “sales manager”:

After analyzing the data obtained, you can create an “ideal” profile of the key competencies of a specialist for the position of “sales manager”:

2. Motivation of sales managers

Motivating sales managers, or how to make them work?

What kind of specialist should be

Module 3. Compositional and semantic organization of a scientific text.

Topic 3. Note-taking as a creative process.

Purpose: to give an idea of ​​notes, quotes, to teach how to prepare notes for specialties; familiarize yourself with the rules for formatting citations.

Compiling different types of notes. General requirements for cited material. Basic rules for formatting quotations.


1. The concept of notes. Their types.

2. Basic rules for formatting quotations. General requirements for cited material.

The most perfect form of recording in the process of independent work with a book is abstract.

Notes require active thinking and a creative attitude to the issues being studied. The outline includes other forms of writing: plan, abstract.

By volume of sources notes are highlighted short, detailed and mixed.

For brief ones, only provisions of a general nature are selected; the detailed includes their evidence, explanations, illustrations; mixed involves a combination of both methods.

According to the form of information transmitted notes are highlighted textual and free.

When working on a textual summary, it is necessary to find in the text being studied a textual answer to the question posed. Free ones involve writing the text in your own words, focusing only on the main thing.

By number of processed sources there are notes monographic(compiled from one source), free(review) and thematic ( from several sources on the same topic).

Compiling an outline involves the following steps:

1. repeatedly reading the text, composing questions and answers to them;

2. semantic analysis of the text, the result of which is an understanding of the text;

3. drawing up a plan-program for the future abstract;

4. selection of necessary information;

5. reformulation of the selected information into a more capacious form;

6. recording of reformulated information.

Quotes– verbatim extracts – exact excerpts from the text. The ability to make extracts is the basis for working on any book: educational, scientific, fiction.

The quoted text must be quoted in quotation marks, exactly according to the quoted text, in the grammatical form in which it is given in the source.

Quotations must be complete, without distorting the author's thoughts. When quoting, it is not allowed to combine passages taken from different places in one quotation. Each such passage should be formatted as a separate quotation. When quoting, each quotation must be accompanied by an indication (link) to the source (the bibliographic reference indicates: author-surname and initials, title of the cited work, place of publication, publisher, year of publication and page (abbreviated With.)).

Basic rules for formatting quotations.

A quotation as an independent sentence must begin with a capital letter, even if the first word in the source begins with a lowercase letter.

A quotation included in the text after a subordinating conjunction is enclosed in quotation marks and written with a lowercase letter, even if in the source it begins with a capital letter.

A quotation placed after a colon begins with a lowercase letter if in the source the first word of the quotation began with a lowercase letter (in this case, an ellipsis must be placed before the quoted text), and with a capital letter if in the source the first word of the quotation began with a capital letter (in this case In this case, there is no ellipsis before the quoted text).

Quotes retain the same punctuation marks as in the quoted text.

Exercise 1. Read the text.

Take notes on the text (group 1 – short summary, 2 – free, 3 – textual, 4 – thematic). Express your attitude to the requirements placed on specialists at the present time.

What kind of specialist should be

The scientific and technological revolution (STR) places very high demands on the level of personnel training. These requirements can be reduced to several basic provisions.

First position. The specialist must be at the level of modern scientific knowledge. What should he be able to do to be at the level of modern scientific knowledge? To do this, a specialist must independently and systematically expand his knowledge.

Second position. The specialist must have fundamental general theoretical training. Why does a specialist need fundamental general theoretical training? Fundamental general theoretical training will allow him to work more effectively in his field. And if necessary, such training will help a specialist quickly retrain, i.e., acquire another qualification.

The third provision relates to the level of personnel training. The specialist must be a creative worker. What does it mean to be a creative worker? A creative worker skillfully manages highly developed production and is an active participant in the scientific and technological revolution. A creative worker does everything consciously and with conviction. He clearly sees the goals and prospects for the development of the industry. A creative worker also sees higher goals and prospects for the development of the economy of our country as a whole.

Why do we say that the requirements currently placed on the level of specialist training are high? These requirements are high, because specialists must actively participate in accelerating the socio-economic development of the country, in improving all aspects of society. Modern reality is characterized by a huge increase in the volume and complexity of scientific and technical information. Nowadays, the knowledge and professional skills of scientific and technical specialists are quickly becoming obsolete. It is estimated that about 20% of an engineer's professional knowledge is updated annually. It is also estimated that within 10 years, an engineer’s qualification level becomes obsolete by 50%. Interestingly, professional knowledge and skills in a narrow specialty become obsolete the fastest. Fundamental knowledge becomes obsolete more slowly. But creative learning abilities are the least susceptible to aging. Therefore, a specialist must constantly develop these abilities. A specialist who does not independently replenish and update his knowledge will quickly fall behind the demands of life. (According to A.P. Maksimenko.)

Task 2. Read the text and make question, title, and thesis plans for it.

What qualities should a successful sales manager have?

Make a complex plan and, based on it, write a short summary of the text.

From the point of view of learning languages, people fall into four types. First type– these are those who love languages. For them, studying languages ​​is not work, but joy. L people second type They understand that without knowledge of a foreign language they cannot achieve their goal, so they study it regularly. Third type– these are those who can study the language if there is a result. And finally fourth group- a vast sea of ​​people who are indifferent to languages ​​and do not want to achieve anything.

So: people of the first type will achieve success in learning languages ​​under any circumstances. People of the fourth type will not achieve anything under any circumstances. Therefore, business advice is addressed to people of the second and third types.

First, there is no single, universal, “best” method for learning other languages. The method is always individual, specific, and its merits depend on specific conditions - who is studying what language, what is the goal.

There is only one way to learn a language - hard work. This method is compared to playing a musical instrument, when it is not enough to understand musical notation, but you need to persistently practice for many years.

One more thing. They often say: “I really want to learn such and such a language, but I don’t have enough time.” It's a matter of lack of time, but a lack of discipline and willpower. To successfully learn a language, it is enough to spend half an hour a day, which is accessible to everyone in order to have the willpower to withstand this regime .

Task 3. Write down the sentences in the following order:

a) direct speech;
b) indirect speech;
c) a sentence with introductory words;
d) individual words or phrases.

Which citation method is not presented in the exercise? How does punctuation when quoting differ from punctuation in different ways of conveying someone else’s speech? What do they have in common?

1) Lomonosov called Magnitsky’s arithmetic and Smotritsky’s grammar “the gates of his learning.” 2) “Wisdom is the daughter of experience,” the great Italian artist, scientist and engineer of the Renaissance Leonardo da Vinci liked to say. 3) N.A. Dobrolyubov wrote that “folk wisdom is usually expressed aphoristically.” 4) According to D.I. Pisarev, “we would be very smart and very happy people if many truths that have already turned into proverbs or decorate alphabets and copybooks ceased to be dead and hackneyed phrases for us.” 5) Ukrainian poet T. G. Shevchenko advised: “Don’t shy away from your own, but also learn from someone else’s, if it deserves it.”

Questions for self-control:

1) What is a synopsis?

2) What is the essence and purpose of the outline?

3) How does a summary differ from a plan?

4) What types of notes can you name?

5) What stages of work does note-taking include?

6) What is the sequence of actions when taking notes?

7) What is the role of notes in the process of perception and processing of scientific information?

8) What determines the structure of the abstract?

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Much attention is paid to the issues of determining the complex of knowledge, skills, personal and business qualities that managers should have.

Many scientists, representatives of various schools involved in the development of methods and forms of production management, tried to formulate the basic requirements that an ideal manager must satisfy.

However, some experts doubt that it is practically possible to formulate such specific requirements. For example, Polish prof. E. Starossyak believes that the requirements for the quality of managers cannot be the same under all conditions, but depend on the level of the environment in which the manager has to work. Justifying his opinion, E. Staroscyak notes that in an environment with weak moral principles or a culturally primitive one, success can be achieved by a manager who uses methods that in other conditions could be called “rude.” In an environment with a high cultural level, the same organizer, using the same methods, may meet with disapproval and his efforts will not be supported.

However, most experts still believe that general requirements for managers cannot be made directly dependent on working conditions at enterprises. After all, working conditions in the process of enterprise development can and should change, and therefore, obviously, a manager needs to have the ability to change methods and leadership style depending on the existing conditions. This is, in particular, the ability of a manager to successfully manage production under any conditions. Consequently, as many scientists believe, general requirements for the knowledge, skills, business and personal qualities of managers can be formulated, but specific requirements, of course, will differ for managers at different levels.

By distinguishing the concepts - knowledge, skill, business and personal qualities, you can roughly determine the difference between them. Knowledge serves to know what to do; skills and abilities make it possible to know how to do; business and personal qualities provide knowledge of the situation, its correct assessment, confidence in decision-making and energetic actions to implement the decisions made.

So, let's try to formulate general requirements for a modern manager. In order to competently manage production, a manager must have knowledge in the field of technology, economics, production organization and management relevant to his position.

Knowledge should be not only theoretical, but also practical, acquired in the process of working in production. The total volume of the complex of theoretical and practical knowledge and the correspondence of knowledge in various fields of science and technology, economics, production organization and management required for the implementation of qualified management depends on the management functions performed by the manager.

The larger the unit that a manager manages, the greater the overall body of knowledge he must possess. The amount of knowledge a manager needs in various fields of science depends on what area of ​​production he manages. Thus, for managers of technical services, the most important thing is that they have deep technical knowledge, for shop managers - knowledge of production organization and management. However, both managers need to have sufficient economic knowledge.

Practice shows that not all, even highly qualified specialists with relevant knowledge, can successfully manage production. A manager must have organizational skills. After all, production management consists primarily of managing people, the team of an enterprise or its divisions.

The statements on this issue by A. Fayol are interesting. He depicted graphically the importance of different abilities (and, accordingly, knowledge) of managers for performing different types of work in production.

Schedule of managers' abilities to perform different types of work in production

A. Fayol believes that the higher the rank of a manager, the more important administrative abilities are for him. The role of technical abilities is reduced.

Most management experts today agree with this point of view.

Any most talented and efficient manager will not be able to achieve success if he does not know how to properly organize and plan his work, and combine operational management of production with work on promising issues. A manager must have the ability to foresee the future, not rest on what has been achieved, look for new opportunities and reserves, and constantly set new intense but real tasks for the team to develop and improve production.

Operational production management consists in the manager’s ability to quickly find and take specific solutions to various problems that constantly arise in the production process. A delay in resolving current issues inevitably leads to disruption of the normal rhythm and progress of production.

Of great importance is the manager’s ability to select his closest assistants, clearly distribute the functions, duties and responsibilities of each of them, provide them with the opportunity to independently resolve issues that arise during production, while retaining operational control over the work of their units.

It is important for managers to know and understand people, the ability to correctly assess the abilities and individual characteristics of employees, listen to the opinions, advice and recommendations of team members, support their initiative and use it in practical work.

Organizational skills help managers create and maintain strong, conscious discipline in the team, without which production cannot operate normally. Such discipline is created not by punishment, not by frequent replacement of subordinates, not by rudeness, but by fair demands, the ability to motivate people to work, education, good attitude towards people, and the personal example of the leader.

Professional qualities of a sales manager

It is based on mutual respect between subordinates and the leader.

In turn, the organizational abilities of a manager are determined by the whole complex of his business and personal qualities, his character, ability to perform managerial work and “external data”.

Since it is very difficult to establish all the character traits that are important for a manager, let’s try to name the main ones. These probably include independence of thinking, initiative, and determination. These character traits are to a certain extent determined by the manager’s age, as evidenced by the results of numerous psychological studies abroad.

For example, research in the field of psychological impressionability, conducted abroad, indicates that decisions are made most quickly by young people. However, the tendency to make decisions based on first impressions gradually disappears with age. The age of 45-60 years is the age that is characterized by the most balanced and independent judgments, the most comprehensive preliminary assessment of the decision being made. Older age (but only as a rule, from which there may be individual exceptions) is characterized by a decrease in the quality of decisions made. At the same time, people who reach this age gain a lot of experience. Therefore, such managers bring the greatest benefit in advisory positions or in positions where particularly quick decision-making is not required. Statistically, the thesis is confirmed that for most activities that require a certain systematicity or endurance, people between the ages of 50 and 60 are most suitable. Many foreign companies use such data when developing requirements for a particular position and the nature of the work.

Success in the field of managerial work is largely determined by analytical skills, flexibility in relationships with people, as well as a responsible attitude to work and entrepreneurship. The abilities of each manager are best demonstrated in practical work. Only here can one check how he can use existing opportunities, overcome difficulties and achieve success.

The “external characteristics” of a manager mean such traits as tact, balance, self-control, etc. Equally important are the individual qualities of a manager, such as honesty, decency, humanity, fairness, etc. These personal qualities of a manager will help him to gain authority both among his subordinates and among the entire team of the enterprise, and the presence of authority is the first and most important condition for successful management of the enterprise.

Taking into account the stated requirements, when considering a candidacy for the position of manager of any rank, you should try to answer the following questions:

  1. Does the applicant have sufficient theoretical training for the position for which he is nominated: technical, economic knowledge and general development?
  2. Does he have sufficient practical experience in this industry, in what positions and for how long did he work, how successfully did he cope with the work?
  3. Are you hardworking, how conscientious are you in your work, do you have a sense of duty and responsibility?
  4. Can he understand people and can he select employees who are suitable for the job and for each other?
  5. What abilities does he have to influence people, create a friendly and cohesive team?
  6. Does he know how to work well with people?
  7. Does he have sufficient energy, strong will, determination, perseverance and calm?
  8. Does he show interest in everything new, can he seek out reserves in production and take the initiative in using them?
  9. Does he have the ability to correctly distribute functions and responsibilities between himself and his subordinates?
  10. Is he himself disciplined and is he able to maintain discipline among his subordinates?
  11. Does he have sufficient moral qualities: honesty, truthfulness, simplicity, modesty, courage?
  12. Does he show inclinations towards careerism?
  13. Is he fair, is he capable of caring for people, or does he think more about himself?
  14. What impression does the people who communicate with him have about him? Does he arouse sympathy and trust with his tactful behavior, benevolent attitude, restraint, or does he cause irritation with excessive talkativeness, harshness, rudeness, etc.?
  15. Does he know how to organize his work, devote time to long-term issues, or is he able to deal only with current work?
  16. How hard does he work to improve his skills?
  17. Does he have sufficient health, physical endurance and performance?

Of course, it is difficult to imagine that it is possible to find people who would satisfactorily answer all the questions presented.

After all, every person, having certain positive qualities, at the same time has some shortcomings. This has to be taken into account when selecting managers. However, if it is clear in advance that a given comrade does not have sufficient qualities to successfully cope with the responsibilities assigned to him, then, of course, it is better to refrain from appointing him and try to select another one more suitable for this position.

The potential capabilities of each person should also be taken into account. For example, if an employee who is nominated for a new job is hardworking, treats the work conscientiously and responsibly, systematically and successfully improves his qualifications, but has somewhat insufficient theoretical training or practical work experience, then, in the absence of more suitable candidates, he can be appointed to a new one. work. In this case, there is still confidence that after some time he will be able to be a full-fledged manager, but at first he will have to help more.

Finally, we will get acquainted with the requirements for marketing managers of exemplary American firms.

A. Knowledge on issues

  • Pricing policy - practice, theory, technology.
  • Formation of demand and sales promotions.
  • Market research.
  • Forecasting - technique, methods, concept.
  • Budget - development techniques, methods of use, concepts of formation.
  • Marketing planning process.
  • Product distribution channels - types, characteristics, usage policies.
  • Company products.
  • Production technology, its role in competition.
  • Market and buyers.
  • Legal aspects - labor legislation.
  • Computer use and computer science theory.
  • Information about the company - history, structure, policy, personnel, operating principles, management methods. Accounting analysis.
  • Macro- and microeconomics.
  • Finance: money, banking institutions, financing tools and methods, investments, capital formation, reports, market activities.
  • International trade.
  • Social responsibility for the company's market activities.
  • Logistics - sources, transportation, support.
  • Characteristics of consumers of the company's goods - demographic, motivational, consumer.

B. Skill

  • Organize and plan.
  • Decisions.
  • Lead (be a leader).
  • Communicate with people orally and in writing.
  • Encourage people to take action.
  • Resolve conflict situations in a team.
  • Be objective towards people.
  • Recruit, select and train subordinates.
  • Submit and maintain subordination.
  • Negotiate.

IN. Business and personal qualities Analytical skills.

  • Breadth of interests.
  • Flexibility in relationships with people.
  • Resistance to stress.
  • Tolerance for other people's opinions.
  • Objectivity of self-esteem.
  • Energy.
  • Self-discipline.
  • Performance.

In contact with


Seven qualities of a successful manager:

1. Sociability

2. Ability to learn (the desire to constantly learn something new, while applying the acquired skills and experience directly in work)

3. Understanding the business

Successful product managers have a deep understanding of the fundamentals of the business.

They understand how to identify market opportunities, the importance of competitive differentiation, building successful product development strategies, pricing and promotion, partnerships, profit and cost analysis, and so on.

4. resistance to stress, communication skills, hard work

5.organizational and business.

6. competence, i.e. system of special knowledge and practical skills

7. determination

7 qualities of a successful manager

1. Communication skills;

2. Ability to work with people;

3. Ability to manage people;

4. Be honest and decent;

5. Able to quickly make the right decisions;

6. Able to create a team;

7. Be able to analyze, have a vision of the situation.

To characterize the work of managers, it is advisable to consider what professional qualities they must have in order to successfully fulfill their job responsibilities.

There are three types of professional qualities of a manager:

1) technical skill (the presence and ability to apply specific knowledge and work skills);

2) communication skills (the ability to work with other people, understand and motivate them, resolve conflicts);

3) conceptual skill (the ability to analyze complex situations, identify problems, as well as alternative approaches to solving them and choose the most optimal among them).

An analysis of the functions performed by managers showed that it is important for a manager to be able to work directly with people, determine the reasons for their actions, predict their behavior in the future and its socio-economic consequences.

In this regard, the work of managers can be reduced to the following types of management activities.

Traditional management (decision making, planning, control).

2. Interaction (information exchange, document flow, group decision making).

3. Human resource management (motivation, personnel selection, training, discipline, conflict management, etc.).

4. Establishing external relations (various forms of communication with partners, suppliers, clients; negotiations, efforts to create and maintain the image of the organization in the eyes of the public).

In addition, the charismatic component of the leader is distinguished (it does not have a clear definition). This component includes a large set of qualities. It is very important that the leader, being confident that he is right, recognizes the merits of his employees. He highlights their work, sometimes even underestimating his role in achieving success, and helps his colleagues become more successful than himself. Using these tools, the leader achieves the main goal - creating a real team of like-minded people. It is also important to understand that in order for a company to develop dynamically, it is not enough for a leader to simply have extensive experience and extensive knowledge. We definitely need sources of development, which, paradoxically as it may sound for business, are literature, music, and fine arts.

This “living water” can prolong the life of a business.

The leader, of course, must have strong charisma; only then is it possible to create a team capable of achieving the main goal of any company - to become the first in its market.

Another important quality is the ability to take risks. This is not about making risky decisions based on analysis and intuition and being prepared to bear responsibility for them.

If in a moment of crisis, in order to maintain viability and competitiveness, a company needs to be cut, even to the quick, it must be done, no matter how painful this procedure may be. In calmer times, this quality may not be in demand at all.

In this century, managers must be educated. Special education is needed now. Nowadays special knowledge is required. Honesty and integrity are important.

For a modern person, and for a leader in particular, the most important quality is the ability to change and grow with business, industry, and society. After all, the world does not stand still, it is constantly changing, like the stock market, in minutes. And it is important to quickly make the right decision without being bound by old ideas or standards.

A true business leader needs the ability to quickly respond to a situation, the ability to quickly make decisions, and take risks. Today, it is no longer enough for a leader to be a charismatic person. He must be a qualified person. There is no more easy or quick money. Now there is a distinction between the concepts of “owner” and “manager”. And often business leaders do not have enough of their own skills to competently manage the company and capital.

A manager needs, first of all, determination. It also requires faith in the people on the team. A specialist needs a variety of individual qualities. For example, at the current stage of development of capitalism in the country, authority is also needed

personal point of view. It is imperative to know how your subordinates are doing in their personal lives.

Some Russian leaders think that they just need to pay people a lot of money, and nothing else is needed. According to others, you need to lead with your soul. And people, seeing that they care about themselves, begin to work better. The longer you manage people, the more responsibility you feel. And the more shareholders and subordinates trust you, the more you want to justify this trust.

Other authors believe that a modern leader should be strong-willed, tough, but at the same time not authoritarian. In the modern economy, his education, professional skills and success play an important role.

Qualities of a Successful Sales Manager

The leader's reputation is very important. Only a person with an impeccable reputation will be followed by people - clients, partners. A characteristic feature at the present stage is also a high degree of personification - personal and professional qualities.

The criteria have certainly changed. Tough business conditions dictate new approaches. The manager's share of responsibility for the success of business development has increased, and the importance of a strategic approach to the formation and development of a business has increased. The degree of social responsibility of the manager for the company's employees has increased disproportionately - in many ways this responsibility has been transferred to him from the state.

On a personal level, a person must be sociable, have good communication, be a kind soul, responsive, strive to help people, companies and carry love for one’s neighbor in his soul.

A HR specialist needs, first of all, the ability to convince management and staff. He must be very contactable, be able to win over from the first second of the conversation - this is the most important thing. In addition, the manager must have the skills of a consultant-teacher, because he often needs to convince by example and lead managers to solve the problems facing the organization.

A manager needs to be able to part with employees without a “heavy stone in his heart,” because it is by these people in the labor market that the company’s corporate culture will be judged. The manager must be able to effectively use the potential of staff, identify the strengths and weaknesses of employees, and correctly draw up staff development plans.

The manager must be able to establish contacts with new clients, gain their trust, develop mutual understanding and, on this basis, build long-term mutually beneficial relationships, providing quality service and helping the client find solutions to develop his business.

It is generally accepted that a personal manager who sells banking products to new clients is a very talkative employee with a strong character, a handshake and a “smile at the ready.” His main concern is to persuade the client to purchase the service. In fact, such an opinion is far from reality. In this regard, we will name the main qualities that a personal manager should have.

Distinctive properties: specific personality traits.

The main property is empathy, that is, the manager’s ability to assess the situation from the client’s point of view, to put himself in his place. The second most important trait is ambition. This is the quality of a manager whose self-esteem is inextricably linked to the successful completion of an assigned task or specific activity. The determining factor is fortitude or resilience, that is, the manager’s ability to quickly recover from failure.

Characteristic qualities such as self-discipline, intelligence, creativity, flexibility, independence, perseverance, representativeness, and reliability are important for a professional manager.

Noting the presence of the above-mentioned distinctive properties, it should be recognized that for a manager to work effectively, only personal qualities are not enough - it is also necessary to have abilities that will facilitate the implementation of the necessary qualities and help him achieve success.

Abilities: communication ability, analytical and organizational abilities, management ability

The manager’s abilities are of particular importance, since the main emphasis in working with a potential client is on the consultative nature of the process of selling services. To successfully perform these functions, you have to have a large amount of information: firstly, about clients, their financial condition, problems and needs, secondly, about banking products, their profitability and advantages for a particular client, etc.

The presence of organizational abilities and the ability to manage one’s own time are also included in the list of requirements for personal managers. Moreover, they are interconnected. Knowing that 80% of sales come from 20% of key customers, the manager should spend most of his time and, accordingly, resources on these customers. Therefore, to plan a working day, he requires, on the one hand, organizational abilities, and on the other, the ability to rationally manage time in order to complete the tasks facing him.

Erudition is the possession of specific information and knowledge. Personal managers must have knowledge about banking services, potential clients, their bank, and competing banks.

One of the important qualities of a successful manager is the ability to use the best qualities of his subordinates and reduce the influence of negative qualities on the business (find a job for each employee that would allow his best qualities to be revealed and would not allow negative qualities to influence the business), that is, give work according to his abilities , to your liking. The second is the ability to arrange subordinates so that their interaction produces greater returns than the work of each individual, that is, to create a team. And third is the ability to maintain interest in work and in achieving goals.

A successful manager needs to constantly strive for self-education, constantly improve himself, and keep abreast of modern events.

It is necessary to know modern business trends, strategies and experience of leaders, and not only in their industry - it is important to understand strategic, global trends. Study them, constantly expand your knowledge, improve. In addition, you need to be able to analyze all this, have a vision of the situation.

Thus, all hypotheses were confirmed during the study. But, besides this, other qualities necessary for a manager to be successful have been identified.

Thus, for a manager to be successful, he must have the following professional qualities:

Technical proficiency (the presence and ability to apply specific knowledge and skills; knowledge of current business trends, strategies and experience of leaders),

Communication skills (sociability, responsiveness, ability to work with other people, understand and motivate them, resolve conflicts; have the skills of a consultant-teacher; able to establish contacts with new clients, use the potential of staff, identify the strengths and weaknesses of employees, correctly draw up staff development plans ),

Conceptual mastery (the ability to analyze complex situations, identify problems, as well as alternative approaches to solving them, and choose the most optimal among them);

The ability to work with people, determine the reasons for their actions, predict their behavior in the future and its socio-economic consequences;

Be experienced, erudite, educated, be capable of self-development (literature, music, fine arts), growth with business, industry, society;

Have charisma

Able to take risks; be decisive, strong-willed, tough;

Honest and decent;

Able to quickly react to a situation, make quick decisions, take risks;

Empathy, ambition, fortitude or resilience, self-discipline, creativity, flexibility, independence, persistence, personability, reliability;

The ability to use the best qualities of your subordinates;

In order to assess the importance of personal qualities in activity, it is necessary to analyze the very concept of personality. Personality is understood as a system of interconnected, stable socially significant qualities of a person that allow him to actively cognize and transform the world. Some of them are congenital (natural), some are acquired (social). Personality qualities:

  • - General qualities. These include intelligence, observation, attention, ability to work, organization, sociability, etc. Each of these qualities is inherent to a greater or lesser extent in any person.
  • - Abilities for one or another type of activity. An example is managing subordinates, designing machines, teaching children, etc.
  • - Preparedness. It presupposes having the knowledge, skills and habits necessary to participate in the activity.
  • - The direction of a person's actions. Arises under the influence of interests, ideals and beliefs.
  • - Personality(the set of the most important psychological properties of a given person): biological characteristics - (temperament, reaction speed, endurance, strength, etc.); psychological characteristics (ability to perform, work style, etc.); gender of the personality carrier.

Personal and professional qualities, along with the skills and abilities of a manager, are factors that influence their performance. The personal and business qualities of a manager are the tools that he uses every day in the process of analysis and making management decisions. Each manager has his own character, welded together from a set of behavioral traits and personal qualities. The personal characteristics of a manager are varied. First of all, the following qualities should be noted:

  • - energy;
  • - cheerfulness;
  • - good health;
  • - sense of humor;
  • - respect for others;
  • - curiosity;
  • - openness to everything new.

We also note that a good manager must be able to find a common language with everyone, be non-conflict, be able to sense what others want, etc. Many personal qualities contribute to the implementation of managerial functions, and therefore successful work. F. Taylor identified such personal qualities in an ideal manager as: intelligence; education; technical knowledge; force; tact; energy; determination; definition; prudence. Another classic of management, A. Fayol, believed that a manager must have: foresight; competence; health; developed intelligence; high level of culture and morality.

From the set of personal qualities of a manager, the “magnificent seven” are distinguished:

  • 1. Courage - fear of failure and fear complicate the movement towards success. Every new action provides life experience.
  • 2. Patience - it is impossible to achieve success instantly. Perseverance and conscious overcoming of difficulties lead to the goal.
  • 3. Envy - a feeling of dissatisfaction should be benevolent and freed from the evil spirit of competition.
  • 4. Doubts - healthy doubt accompanies making responsible decisions.
  • 5. Modesty - a modest person sees himself as part of everything that surrounds him.
  • 6. Sincerity is the basis of self-confidence. A person who believes his own lies brings great harm.
  • 7. Compassion - kindness and service to people, sympathy for others enhances a person’s personal energy.

Thus, each national community, and even a company, makes its own demands on the personal qualities of a manager. The personal qualities of a manager resemble professional ones and are important because they contribute to the performance of managerial functions.

Professional qualities of a manager are the individual, personal and socio-psychological characteristics of a person, which together ensure the success of his work in a specific managerial position. These qualities are studied using the method of expert assessments and specially designed psychological tests. When studying the professional qualities of managers, the most productive is the functional-activity approach, i.e., identifying the required qualities based on an analysis of the structure of the activities of managers of a certain rank. Comparing the levels of development of identified qualities in groups of successful and unsuccessful managers allows us to create a reference profile for each job position. Basic professional qualities of a leader:

  • - practical intelligence- a person’s ability to think critically and logically; the ability to quickly, flexibly and effectively use your knowledge and experience in solving practical problems. This is a necessary quality, but not sufficient. The effectiveness of management work equally depends on both the ability to work with information and the ability to communicate with people. -- social intelligence- the ability to understand and correctly interpret the feelings of other people, to put oneself in the place of another, to know what can be demanded from a particular person and what not. This is the ability to behave according to the situation, to create, through communication, an atmosphere most conducive to the success of the business.
  • - adequate self-esteem- is expressed in the ability for introspection, self-control, criticality and correction of one’s behavior. Inadequate self-esteem is manifested in selective perception of information (for example, a manager discards information that could reduce the assessment of his activities in his own eyes or begins to evaluate subordinates not by the objective results of their activities, but by how well they can adapt to his expectations). Inflated self-esteem and the inability to correctly assess one’s capabilities and professional competence lead to the manager taking on impossible tasks. In turn, low self-esteem gives rise to self-doubt and negatively affects relationships with colleagues or subordinates.
  • - professional knowledge- as you approach the top of the management pyramid, the amount of required highly specialized knowledge decreases. Thus, the director of a plant or the president of a company does not need to know production technology as thoroughly as the chief technologist is familiar with it. However, a top manager must know whether production processes meet international standards, what are the technological and economic connections between enterprises in the industry, what are the most promising types of products, etc. That is, along with the necessary knowledge in the field of management, he needs to have a general understanding of special issues.

Managers and top-level executives must have professional qualities that allow them to:

  • - identify the problem, taking into account its relationships with other management tasks;
  • - make optimal decisions taking into account the opinions of various specialists;
  • - promptly manage and control the work of employees;
  • - with an increase in the level of management, the requirements for such psychological qualities of managers as a sense of responsibility, the ability to think ahead, perseverance and determination increase.

Following from this, we can highlight several of the most important leadership qualities of a manager:

  • * Organizational skills;
  • * Communication skills (the ability to clearly express one’s thoughts, adequacy, the ability to listen, the ability to win over the interlocutor);
  • * Professional competence;
  • * Ability to make decisions;
  • * Initiative;
  • * Intelligence;
  • * Creativity;
  • * Stress resistance.

It is also important ability for social activation other people, the ability to infect them with your energy, will, and self-confidence.

The work of a manager, and any other work, requires a specialist to have such a quality as the ability to bring things to the end. Ability to complete work Demonstrates interest in and understanding of the importance of customer service.

Ability to work in a team- the ability to successfully work in a team with partners and bosses, with people of different classes and professions - a huge value for any company.

Willingness to work and interest- company leaders want to see employees who will do everything possible to achieve both their own success and the success of their team.

Desire to succeed- It is very difficult to teach people if they have no desire to do so. If there is such a desire, then it is much easier to resolve important issues.

Answer from Quora user Mira Zaslove .

  • Sustainability. Working in sales is always associated with failures. The more easily a specialist accepts refusals, the faster he will achieve success and be able to maintain a positive attitude. At all stages of the sales process, you will have to deal with negative reactions. For example, you call a potential client and he hangs up. You offer a person to buy something, and he says that he doesn’t need it. Or he promises to buy, but doesn’t pay.
  • The ability to ask the right questions, listen to the interlocutor, understand what he is saying, and manage time correctly. Remember that clients and deals are not equal, and you should only spend time on things that will bring real value.

Make sure you understand:

1.) Why customers buy your products. In order to develop the right sales strategy, it is necessary to understand the motives of buyers. Sometimes motives change and the client refuses the deal. For example, if he buys a house because... is looking for housing closer to a potential job, but then it turns out that he didn’t get the job and the deal won’t go through. And you will never know why he refused unless you find out the reason for the purchase in advance.

2.) How much money does your client have.

Perhaps the client wants a bottle of French champagne, but he only has money for a bottle of cheap beer. The sooner you find out, the better. Send him all the necessary documentation and ask about the conditions under which he will make the purchase. Once the client sees the numbers on paper, he will realize that he may need to look at other options.

3.) Who makes the purchasing decision. Make sure you speak directly to the person making the final decision. You can spend time explaining the details to someone who is not responsible for anything. The sooner you understand who will be writing the check, the better.

4.) How much time does your client have? Perhaps the customer is asking the right questions, really needs the product and has the required amount, but plans to make a purchase only next year, and your last inventory runs out this quarter. Ask when exactly they will need your product and make sure you can arrange delivery on time.

  • Resourcefulness. Taking proactive steps increases your chances of success. Grow your customer base and don't rely on one single deal to save you. Try to get as much information as possible about the client (see previous paragraph). Sales is a people business, and people can surprise you. Deals that seemed like a done deal can unexpectedly fall through. Try to always have a few potential deals in stock to close your plan.

The answer below was provided by Jon Levitt, Head of Sales at

Sales professionals who don't have the right skills are missing out on a lot of opportunities. Here is a list of qualities I look for in potential employees:

  • Ability to self-organize. Being organized and systematic allows you to work more efficiently and make better deals.
  • The desire to learn new things. There is a lot you need to know before you are trusted to negotiate. Those who are ready to learn climb the career ladder faster and bring more benefit to the company.
  • Ability to demonstrate your competence. If you are an expert in a certain field, you will easily gain the trust of clients and learn how to deal with rejection.
  • Ability to cope with failure. No matter how good your product is, customers will always find something to complain about. You need to quickly and convincingly present shortcomings as new opportunities. A sales professional shouldn't say no. Regardless of the question, he must be able to turn the conversation in the direction he wants.
  • The right attitude to work. A sales professional must be able to handle rejection. He should always strive for greater success and quickly forget about failures.
  • Humor. The ability to defuse a tense situation is very important. We all benefit from smiling sometimes. A smile makes any conversation interesting, and people pay more attention to cheerful people.
  • Ability to act quickly. Lethargic and apathetic people will never achieve success in sales. However, it should be remembered that any rush should be reasonable and not reckless.
  • Sincerity. People always feel pretense, do not trust such specialists and do not enter into deals with them.
  • Ability to sell based on product value. It’s easy to talk about the features of a product. Talking about value to the end user is much more difficult. You can learn this, but to do this you will have to change your habits.
  • Listening skills. The simplest and most obvious quality. Nobody likes interlocutors who don’t let you get a word in edgewise. By acknowledging the client's needs and desires, you can build an effective dialogue. It is unlikely that you will be successful if you offer customers a product that is completely unsuitable for them.

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Translation: Airapetova Olga
