Presentation templates for chemistry presentation for a lesson on the topic. Presentations on chemistry (chemical), all lesson topics free download

Chemistry is a very exciting discipline, but, unfortunately, not every educational institution can boast of a well-equipped chemistry classroom, so, unfortunately, all experiments are often carried out in words. Chemistry presentations will help the teacher show students various interesting chemical experiments, which will help the knowledge to be absorbed much better. With a large number of slides and videos, the presentations will become an indispensable tool in many chemistry classes.

Chemistry presentations are made in PowerPoint; here you will find a large assortment of chemistry presentations that can be downloaded absolutely free. To do this, you need to go to the selected presentation and click on the “download” button. Before this, you can see each slide and view their description. You don’t have to download the files first and only then realize that this is not exactly what you need. If you have difficulty finding the topic you need, you can use the search for all presentations, enter a keyword and we will select the most suitable work for you.

Here you will find presentations on chemistry for both elementary and high school students. Thanks to the clarity, colorfulness of the slides, correctly structured and divided into blocks of information, the audience will be able to more easily perceive the subject and better concentrate on the topic.

Abstract to the material

Chemistry presentation- this is an additional visual aid in the lesson, which makes it not only attractive, but also understandable and interesting. Thanks to the fact that clear diagrams, reaction equations, animated drawings of chemical processes, and videos from scientists’ laboratories appear on a large screen or interactive whiteboard, each phenomenon being studied is perceived consciously. A presentation on the topic of chemistry does its job slowly: it instills in a high school student a love for this difficult science.

A chemistry presentation is different from an interactive language or geography tutorial. It’s not enough to show a picture or insert a piece of text here. This manual is filled with formulas, symbols, equations that are not profitable to write on the board, since the process will take a lot of time.

Creating a chemistry presentation for a lesson is also not easy. Not only will you have to master the Power Point program to create slides. You need to have a lot of clarity, be able to insert formulas, look for videos and interesting facts in order to surprise your student. We do not scare and do not suggest doing this, because from the section you can download chemistry presentations on all topics for free, spending a maximum of 5 minutes preparing for the lesson.

A modern chemistry lesson with a presentation opens up enormous opportunities for children to comprehend science. They become participants in the learning process, as they actively participate in discussing what they see, make assumptions, draw conclusions, model chemical processes, carry out dangerous reactions safely in the virtual space, without fear of harming themselves by doing something wrong.

The world of chemistry is huge and interesting. Open organic and inorganic chemistry to your students, tell them about the lives of outstanding chemists, show them how companies work, where chemical laws are used, how raw materials are obtained not in laboratories, but in huge enterprises, at the helm of which those who loved the subject at school are building, bearing such a proud name: chemistry. To do this, you need very little: download presentations and notes on chemistry that comply with the Federal State Educational Standard, and boldly go to class, where everyone is waiting to meet chemical miracles.

Chemistry - 8th grade

Presentations on chemistry in the 8th grade are the visual material that allows you to combine elements of traditional teaching technologies with computer ones. However, these lessons also have their own distinctive features and advantages over the classical teaching system: the teacher ceases to be the only provider of information in the lesson. Now he can act as a consultant...

Chemistry - 9th grade

Presentations on chemistry in the 9th grade should help schoolchildren master a difficult subject, and the teacher should conduct lessons in such a way that any topic becomes understandable and as interesting as possible. Thanks to the use of electronic resources in classrooms, it is possible to achieve solutions to many of the problems that modern teachers face today: teaching children to work...

Chemistry - 10th grade

A presentation on chemistry in the 10th grade is the best visual aid for a teacher, which will help conduct a lesson at a high level, taking into account the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard. Today, there is no need to create an electronic product yourself for each training session, spending personal time on it. Each teacher can download ready-made multimedia developments for free along with...

Chemistry - 11th grade

A presentation on chemistry for grade 11 will help the teacher quickly solve several problems at once. This is the resource that everyone should download for free if you plan to give schoolchildren solid knowledge that will be useful in the future and help them pass the Unified State Exam. It is unfortunate, but the quality of knowledge of our schoolchildren directly depends on their interest in...

Sasha Cherny Biography - presentation A presentation to introduce 3rd grade students to the biography of Sasha Cherny is made on 9 slides. Its material corresponds to the age characteristics of those schoolchildren who will attend the literary class...Alexander Blok - presentation A presentation of 16 slides will introduce 3rd grade students to the work and biography of the great Russian poet Alexander Blok. Not many children know that this writer gave...Yesenin - presentation A presentation about Sergei Yesenin was created for elementary school students. It can be shown in both 3rd and 4th grade. Many people ask in bewilderment: huh...

This presentation contains 65 slides and covers all paragraphs of chapter one of O.S. Gabrielyan’s textbook on chemistry, grade 10 (basic level). It seems to me that combining all the topics of the chapter in one presentation will facilitate both the teacher’s work in the classroom (the ability to return to a previously covered topic) and the students’ independent preparation.

Target audience: for 10th grade

A presentation on the topic "Nitrogen. Physical and chemical properties. The prevalence of nitrogen in nature. Methods of production" can be useful both for a teacher preparing for a lesson and for students to study the material in more depth. The presentation contains all the basic equations of chemical reactions, as well as illustrations for a more visual study of this topic.

Target audience: for 9th grade

The presentation is intended for a chemistry lesson in grade 8 on the topic “Changes that occur in substances.” It will help the teacher consider the mechanism of a chemical reaction, reveal the essence of the law of conservation of substances, and show how to arrange coefficients in the equations of some chemical reactions. The animation in the presentation is dictated by the logic of explanation of the educational material.

The presentation is intended for independent work on mastering the algorithm of actions when drawing up a reaction equation. Especially useful for children who need more time to master the material and for students who have missed school for some reason. The presentation is accompanied by a detailed audio explanation. Animation allows you to make the explanation step-by-step and visualized. After a detailed explanation, tasks follow that the student completes partially or completely independently, using previously acquired knowledge, and then checks the solution. Equations in which not all substances are indicated are also considered.

Target audience: for 8th grade

Presentation for a lesson in 8th grade in chemistry according to the teaching materials of Rudzitis G.E. Introduces students to acids, their composition, structure, the presence of acids in nature and their use by humans in the form of a mental activity approach to pedagogy.

The presentation is complemented by a lesson sheet, which helps each student to get involved in the working atmosphere of the lesson.

Target audience: for 8th grade

The purpose of this presentation is to provide students with an initial introduction to chemistry.
This presentation can be used in a 7th or 8th grade course, as well as in the study of natural history.
It helps to determine the place of chemistry among the natural sciences, introduces initial chemical concepts, and shows the differences between physical and chemical phenomena.

Target audience: for 8th grade
