Drawing of a firebird from a fairy tale. Secrets of the Firebird


    Visual range:presentation for the lesson,
    Materials and tools:


    During the classes

    1. Org. moment

    2. Psychological attitude.

    3. Introductory conversation

    She is a wonderful bird.
    All made of flame-fire.
    Wings smoothly raise
    The tail spreads out like a fan,
    The eyes are burning like a yacht -
    Amazing outfit.
    Darkness wins.
    The black cloud is the first enemy.
    And the feather of that wondrous bird
    Instantly your wish will come true,
    It will bring happiness to people.

    That's right, Firebird.
    Message about the topic of the lesson: “The fairy-tale image of the firebird.”

    They say that whoever finds her feather will have his deepest wish come true, and the Firebird herself will fly to the call for help.

    The Firebird is a fairy-tale bird, a character in Russian fairy tales, usually the goal of the search for the hero of the fairy tale. The feathers of the firebird have the ability to shine and their brilliance amazes human vision. The Firebird is a fiery bird, its feathers shine with silver and gold, its wings are like tongues of flame, and its eyes glow like crystal.

    5. In what fairy tales

    The Firebird in fairy tales - “The Little Humpbacked Horse”, “Ivan Tsarevich and the Gray Wolf”…..

    artists in his paintings.

    Work in groups.

    (The firebird in the cage is arrogant and proud).

    (She's scared)


    But what is it like for everyone?
    (beautiful, magical, fabulous)

    8. Physical exercise:

    Birds are flying
    The wings are making noise.
    Bent over the ground
    They shake their heads.
    They know how to hold themselves straight and proud.
    And very silent
    They sit down.
    9. Independent work of students.

    After completing the work, write your name on the back of the pen and make one cherished wish. Attach the feathers to the bird on the board. At night, our Firebird will fly away into a fairy tale and into our dreams. Drop a feather somewhere with your wish, it will come true, and it will bring happiness to the one who finds it.
    10. Result of the work.

    11. Reflection.

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“Fine art lesson outline. Fairytale image of the firebird. »

Fine Arts, 2nd grade, 3rd quarter, date__________________

Subject: “Fairy-tale genre. Firebird".

Lesson type: formation of new knowledge.

Target: create conditions for students to effectively work in class on a collective fairy tale image.


    introduce students to the fabulous image of the firebird;

    develop cognitive interest;

    develop skills to work individually and in a team;

    develop creative imagination and imagination in the process of performing a creative task;

    to cultivate a sense of beauty through the perception of works of Russian artists and a creative attitude to the task.


Visual range:presentation for the lesson, reproduction of the painting “Flying Carpet” by V.M. Vasnetsov, illustration by I.Ya. Bilibin for the fairy tale “Ivan Tsarevich, the Firebird and the Gray Wolf”, illustrations for various editions of the fairy tale “The Little Humpbacked Horse”, illustration of the painting on the “Firebird” box.
Materials and tools: unfinished image of the Firebird, feather templates, sheets of paper, oil pastels, wax crayons

Exercise: make feathers and stick them in the appropriate order on the image of the Firebird.

During the classes

1. Org. moment

2. Psychological attitude.

Each of us has a cherished desire. I really want it to come true. It's just who will fulfill it. Today you will have the opportunity to make this wish to one fairy tale image. But we’ll find out what happens next

3. Introductory conversation

Guess my riddle, who will we talk about?

She is a wonderful bird.
All made of flame-fire.
Wings smoothly raise
The tail spreads out like a fan,
The eyes are burning like a yacht -
Amazing outfit.
Darkness wins.
The black cloud is the first enemy.
And the feather of that wondrous bird
Instantly your wish will come true,
It will bring happiness to people.

That's right, Firebird.
Message about the topic of the lesson: “The fairy-tale image of the firebird.”

Searching for student knowledge. What do you know about the firebird? (write associations on the board around the bird)

What connection do you think there is between the firebird and human desire?

They say that the one who will find her feather , his most cherished wish will come true, and the Firebird herself will fly to the call for help. They also say that with the help of the firebird's feather you can find treasures, since like attracts like. And so the golden feather attracts the gold stored in the earth.

4.New message. Presentation.

The Firebird is a fairy-tale bird, a character in Russian fairy tales, usually the goal of searching for the hero of a fairy tale. The feathers of the firebird have the ability to shine and their brilliance amazes human vision. The Firebird is a fiery bird, its feathers shine with silver and gold, its wings are like tongues of flame, and its eyes glow like crystal.

The Firebird lives in the Garden of Eden of Iria, in a golden cage. At night it flies out of it and illuminates the garden with itself as brightly as thousands of lit lights.

Catching the firebird is fraught with great difficulties and is one of the main tasks that the king (father) sets to his sons in the fairy tale. Only the youngest son manages to get the firebird. Mythologists explained the firebird as the personification of fire, light, and sun. The Firebird feeds on golden apples, which give youth, beauty and immortality.

When she sings, pearls fall from her beak. The singing of the firebird heals the sick and restores sight to the blind. Every year, in the fall, the Firebird dies and is reborn in the spring. Sometimes you can find a fallen feather from the Firebird's tail; brought into a dark room, it will replace the richest lighting. Over time, such a feather turns into gold.

5. In what fairy talescan you find the image of a firebird?

The Firebird in fairy tales – “The Little Humpbacked Horse”, “Ivan Tsarevich and the Gray Wolf”…..

The Firebird and Vasilisa the Beautiful"

The beauty and radiance of this bird was reflected by writers and people in lines, and artists in his paintings.

I invite you to the artists' gallery, where the main character is the Firebird.

Artists portray her differently and at the same time equally. You can even determine the character of the bird.

Work in groups.

Look at the illustration and determine the bird’s character and appearance.

No. 1 Painting by Viktor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov “Flying Carpet”
(The firebird in the cage is arrogant and proud).

No. 2 Illustration for the Russian folk tale “About Ivan Tsarevich, the Firebird and the Gray Wolf” by Ivan Yakovlevich Bilibin
(She's scared)

No. 3 Illustrations for the fairy tale by Pyotr Petrovich Ershov “The Little Humpbacked Horse”?

But what is it like for everyone?
(beautiful, magical, fabulous)

* What bird does the Firebird look like? What similarities do you see?

6. Let's try to determine the color scheme of the firebird. Before you is an artist's palette. Circle the colors that in your opinion correspond to the firebird.

Why did you choose these colors, justify your answer.

(the firebird has colors that make it hot, warm)

But now we will add a drop of another color by looking at the candle flame, which resembles a firebird feather.

If these are the colors that symbolize fire, then how could you catch the firebird?

You cannot catch it with your bare hands, as you can get burned on its plumage.

To catch the Firebird, they used a golden cage with apples inside as a trap.

7. But we won’t catch the bird. Spring is approaching, the time of rebirth of the firebird. We will create it. Here is an unfinished image of a fairytale bird. Its beauty and fabulousness will depend on you. And she will not be like any of the previous birds. She will be special. There are feather templates in front of you. Your task is to complete in color, using wax crayons, feathers for our Firebird. Use the colors that are in front of you on the palette card. After the feather is ready, decorate it with sequins.

But before we start painting the feathers, let's feel like real birds.

8. Physical exercise:

Birds are flying
The wings are making noise.
Bent over the ground
They shake their heads.
They know how to hold themselves straight and proud.
And very silent
They sit down.
9. Independent work of students.

And now, with renewed vigor, begin to fantasize and create beauty.

Apply lighter shades (yellow, orange)

Draw patterns in red and burgundy

After completing the work, write your name on the back of the pen and make one cherished wish. Attach the feathers to the bird on the board. At night, our Firebird will fly away into a fairy tale and into our dreams. Drop a feather somewhere with your wish, it will come true, and it will bring happiness to the one who finds it.

10. Result of the work.

Oh, what beauty! What a beauty! This is how I imagined her, and yours turned out even better. You have exceeded all my expectations. She will come to life not only from beauty, but also from the warmth of your hands.

What new did you learn about the firebird?

11. Reflection.

Here is what the firebird loves. It's apples. Write on them one word that characterizes your mood, state of mind at the end of the lesson.



art lesson

2nd grade

Subject: “Fairy-tale genre. Firebird".

Prepared by: Tretyakova E.M.

Karaganda - 2014

When reading fairy tales with your kids, you always want to prolong the magical feeling of the story you read. And doing creative work with your child is the easiest option for achieving this goal and... We’ll give you some simple ideas on how to make an applique of a fairytale bird out of colored paper, which will become one of the collection.

Firebird applique made of paper

Application "Bird of Happiness"

Remembering the firebird, one cannot forget about the mysterious bird of happiness. How does she look? Nobody has seen. But this is precisely what will serve as a good impetus for the child to show his imagination and come up with his own bird of happiness. We will help you decide on the technique.

Application "Firebird Feather"

If you don't want to think through the elements of the whole bird, you can try making just the feathers. By designing them, the child also develops his creative abilities, because when making a feather it is necessary to think through every detail. And we, as always, have prepared examples of such children's work for you.

By the way, instead of the base, you can use ordinary white goose feathers, which can be covered with ordinary paint. And if you want to get an unusual effect, then simply cover everything with shiny hairspray.


  1. Introduce the image of a fairy-tale bird in arts and crafts. To consolidate knowledge about the animal genre, about cold and warm colors.
  2. To develop decorative drawing skills with pencils and felt-tip pens. Develop visual memory, creative thinking
  3. To cultivate in a child a sense of beauty and the ability to creatively transform the forms of the real animal world into conventionally decorative ones.

Lesson equipment: for students - colored pencils, felt-tip pens, a sheet of paper, envelopes with colored squares (cold and warm colors).

Visual range: slides of real and fantastic birds, souvenirs, toys. Works by M. Vrubel “The Swan Princess”, Vasnetsov “The Sirin Bird”.

Literary series: puzzles.

Musical sequence: fantastic images from musical works on fairy tale themes.


1. Organizational moment.


1. Create a comfortable environment for working in the classroom.

2. Psychologically prepare students for communication.

Checking readiness for the lesson.

As soon as the teacher began to announce the topic of the lesson, a knock was heard, an incomprehensible noise, and a Karkusha bird doll (glove doll) appeared.

Oh, how I was on time! Hello guys! I heard that you know how to draw birds, so I brought you a big greeting from all our birds and a big request: to draw unusual, fabulous birds. We want to open an exhibition of drawings in our forest for the “Festival of Birds”, but our imagination is somehow bad, we can’t come up with anything new ourselves, we decided to turn to you with this request. Help us please!

Well, guys, can we help?

The topic of our lesson today will be: “Fairytale Bird”.

Doll “Karkusha”:

And I also brought you riddles about birds, so listen and guess

She doesn't sit still
Spreading news on its tail. (Magpie)

Flies at night
Go hunting
Can't see during the day
Yes, and I want to sleep. (Owl)

In winter there are apples on the branches!
Collect them quickly!
And suddenly the apples flew up,
After all, this is... (Bullfinches)

Wings for this rare bird
May be useful at sea
The bird rows its wings,
Lives at the South Pole. (Penguin)

This bird has
Beak like two spokes
The legs are long, like a compass
She walks on the water
Every now and then my nose gets wet. (Heron)

In the forest to the sound of chirping, ringing and whistling
The forest telegraph operator knocks:
“Hey, thrush, buddy!”
And signs... (Woodpecker)

Oh, and well done, you solved all the riddles!

Not only do we know the answers, but we also know how to draw these birds. Really, guys? (Yes!) What is the name of the genre in art where the artist depicts animals and birds? (Animalistic)

So, the topic of our lesson is “Fairytale Bird”. Since ancient times, the image of a bird has often been present in fairy tales of different peoples of the world. He may be evil, he may be kind, but more often than not, the image of a bird brings happiness, light, and good luck to people. Remember and name fairy tales, cartoons where there is an image of a bird (children call: The Swan Princess - “The Tale of Tsar Saltan”, “Finist - the Clear Falcon”, “Firebird”, the Phoenix bird in oriental fairy tales, etc.)

And now we will look at the image of a bird in different types of art.

Slide show: “Image of a bird in art”

In art, the image of the bird of happiness can be found in embroidery, wood carving, folk crafts of Gzhel, Khokhloma, Gorodets painting, Mezen painting, etc. And how many interesting images of birds you will find in folk toys: here is a turkey in a Dymkovo toy, and here are birds - whistles in a Filimonov toy. Guys, pay attention to the elements of painting in folk toys. What elements of painting do folk artists use? (large and small circles, diamonds, ovals, wavy lines, dots, strokes, etc.). And this is the image of a bird with a girl’s face - the Phoenix bird.

Is it possible to attribute the image? fairy bird to the animalistic genre? (The image of a fairy-tale bird can only be partially attributed to this genre, since the bird is invented and decorative).

2. Stage of checking students' understanding of the material.

When working on the task, we will need to remember about warm and cold colors, about contrast. I suggest you play the game.

Game in pairs “Pick a color”


1. To consolidate children’s knowledge about warm and cold colors.

2. Be able to select different combinations of colors and shades.

On the table the children have squares of warm and cold colors, as well as shades.

Exercise: choose from two colors.

1 - contrasting color combination (cold-warm)

2 - delicate color combination (cold and warm pastel combinations)

3 - evil color combination, sad (cold colors)

The guys show the most successful options to the whole class.

Exercise: come up with an image of a fairy-tale bird, and not just depict it, but convey the character of the bird, its mood.

What kind of character can a bird have? (Good, evil, gentle, rude)

What about your mood? (Sad, happy, sad)

To convey a cheerful and kind bird, what colors should we use? (Warm, bright)

What colors are best for the angry bird? (Cold, mixed with black)

When drawing a bird, be bolder, you can take, for example, the body of a bird, and the head of a crocodile with sharp teeth and the tail of a magpie (you can show this on the board so that the children can fantasize more boldly and not repeat the images they see).

In which part of the sheet will we place the drawing? (In the center of the sheet)

Using circular movements of their hands, the children show the location of the drawing on the paper.

3. Work on the task.

As the task progresses, the teacher monitors the children’s work. As the students complete the task, they bring their work to the exhibition stand.

Cleaning workplaces.

4. Summing up the lesson.

The guys' works are presented at the stand

Karkusha praises all the guys, admires their work, notes the most unusual works, original ones, distinguished precisely by their fabulousness. Karkusha thanks the guys for responding to her request - to make drawings of a fairy-tale bird for a forest exhibition, and invited all the guys to join them for the holiday.

5. Reflection.

And now we will return to our colored squares. Think carefully before you take action. If you liked the lesson and it was very interesting for you to work, take a warm-colored square, and if you were bored and uninterested in the lesson, take a cold-colored square.

6. Homework.

Karkusha asks the children at home, together with their parents, to come up with a small crossword puzzle about birds for the forest newspaper.

So our lesson has come to an end. Karkusha is very pleased with your drawings, and I am very pleased with you. You did a great job today and your drawings turned out great. Thank you. The lesson is over.

Lesson topic: Firebird

The purpose of the lesson: acquaintance with the image of the fabulous firebird in art.

Lesson Objectives:

Subject:consolidate knowledge about the color wheel, primary and composite, cold and warm colors; to form ideas about the impact of color on the emotional sphere of a person.

Metasubject:continue to promote the development of imagination and the ability to stylize forms of the animal world into decorative ones, the development of creative imagination and fantasy in the process of performing a collective creative task.

Personal:develop interest and love for Russian folklore; cultivate a sense of beauty and respect for birds; broadening your horizons.

Lesson type: fantasy lesson.

Forms of student work : individual, frontal, group.

Equipment:slides, drawings, painting by V. Vasnetsov “Flying Carpet”, unfinished image of the fabulous Firebird .

For the teacher:feather templates, sheets of paper, paints, brushes, glue, napkins, presentation.

For students: paints, brushes, napkins.

Musical series: bird voices.

Exercise:paint the feathers and stick them in the appropriate order on the image of the Firebird (team creative work).

1. Class organization.

2. Updating knowledge.

Guys, let's remember what we know about the color wheel. This will be very useful to us in today's lesson.

What are the main colors of the color wheel called?

What colors does it have and what colors does it not?

What two groups are colors divided into?

Label these colors in groups.

How can you get a composite color if there are only three primary colors?

If a painting or drawing is done in cool colors, what mood might it evoke in the viewer?

What if it’s warm?

3. Report the topic of the lesson.

Guys, today I came to you for help. I thought for a long time about who I should turn to for it and decided that only you can help me.

What is the topic of today's lesson? You can answer this question by solving the riddle. Listen to it to the end and be careful.

In a wonderful country.

On Earth or on the Moon

The miracle bird has settled -

A real queen.

Surprisingly beautiful

Feathers, golden tail.

Sparkles with rainbow light.

And her name is (the children answer in unison) Firebird.

Well done! It is on the image of this amazing bird that we will work today in class.

This bird is not simple, it brings us warmth on its wings.

Folk artists loved to depict birds, because the arrival of birds in the spring always makes people happy, birds are the messengers of spring, they foretell the beginning of rural work and the onset of warmth.

In folk tales and beliefs, birds are a symbol of light, joy, happiness, and good luck.

The dawn in oral folk art was often compared to a golden-winged bird, laying a golden egg every day - the sun.

Fairytale birds are very beautiful, smart and kind.

4. Work on new material.

Do you like fairy tales? I love them too. In what fairy tales did you meet the Firebird?
(“The Little Humpbacked Horse”, “Ivan Tsarevich and the Gray Wolf”, “Firebird and Vasilisa the Princess”).

They say that the one who will find her feather, his most cherished wish will come true, and the Firebird herself will fly to the call for help.

The firebird livesin the thirtieth kingdom, in the Garden of Eden. Her feathers shine like gold in the sun or like a bright flame, her eyes resemble precious stones, and she eats golden apples.

This beauty and radiance were captured artists and craftsmen.

It is found on products of Khokhloma and Gzhel painting,

on Zhostovo trays and boxes,

in Gorodets painting and Dymkovo toys,

in wood carving and embroidery,

they make it from straw, vines, wood chips,

metal and paper.

This image is so loved by the people that its image can even be seen in knitted items.

And, of course, in the paintings of artists. Viktor Vasnetsov in the film “The Flying Carpet”, Ivan Bilibin and Viktor Korolkov in illustrations for the fairy tale “The Little Humpbacked Horse” by Pyotr Ershov.

What is it like for all artists? (beautiful, magical, fabulous, bright)

It was created by the popular imagination as a heavenly fire-flame, and its radiance also blinds the eyes, like the sun.

What a beautiful Firebird she is! It is not for nothing that among the people she was the embodiment of the radiant god of the sun, beauty and bright dreams.

So I wanted to draw the Firebird.

Inspiration came to me immediately, but, unfortunately, it left me just as quickly.

I was left with an unfinished masterpiece. And my bird is not alive at all.

(teacher shows a bird without feathers)

This is where your help is needed.

Let's bring our magical bird to life together.

Its beauty and fabulousness will depend on you.

And she will not be like any of the previous birds. She will be special.

There are feather templates in front of you.

Please note that they are not the same for everyone. Some have small ones, some have a little more, and some have even more. I think that each of you will cope with the task.

What is our task? (color these feathers, decorate them with beautiful patterns)

After the feathers are ready, what do we do? (we will decorate the bird with them)

What colors do we need to color the Firebird's feathers?

(Warm: red, yellow, orange...)

Why? (because she looks like fire, sun)

Of course, for its resemblance to fire and flame.

What color is the flame? (yellow, orange, red)

Let's compare real fire and the Firebird.

How are they similar? (the feathers of the tail look most like the flame of a light)

But before we start painting the feathers, let's feel like real birds.

5. Physical education minute.

Birds are flying

(walking in place with arms raised up and down to the sides (maintain posture).

The wings are making noise. (Lean forward, bending over, arms to the sides.)

They bend over the ground and shake their heads. (Turn head.)

They know how to hold themselves straight and proud. (Straighten up, hands behind your back - check your posture, pause 3-4 s.)

And very silently (Hands down - stretch up.)

They sit down. (Sit down, stay straight)

And now, with renewed vigor, begin to fantasize and create beauty.

Use a thin brush to apply patterns very carefully.

(completing the task)

If you have already done this, go up to the bird and attach the feathers.

Oh, what beauty! What a beauty!

This is exactly how I imagined her, and yours turned out even better. You have exceeded all my expectations.

She came to life not only from beauty, but also from the warmth of your hands.

6. Reflection.

Guys, how did you help the Firebird?

What new things did you learn with its help?

What are your impressions of today's lesson?

For all your imagination, for your rich imagination, thank you!

At the end of this lesson, I think that today you have become: Kinder in heart and warmer in soul.

Well done! Our lesson is over.
