Presentation on the topic of my future profession - lawyer. My future profession: lawyer

Lawyer Anna Diab

Lawyer (from Latin jus - right) (German Jurist, English Jurist) - specialist in jurisprudence, legal sciences; practical worker in the field of law. Therefore, lawyers include: people who have received a legal education; jurists, scientists studying law; practicing specialists in the field of law. General characteristics of the profession

The first founders of law as a branch were the ancient philosophers: Socrates, Aristotle, Plato. Religion has made a great contribution to the development of lawmaking. It was the 12 biblical commandments that formed the basis for the creation of laws. The first jurists were priests who interpreted the law. Over the course of many centuries, humanity has improved its interpersonal and international relations, and therefore law had to progress with time and cover all spheres of human activity. Now law is firmly rooted in all areas of people's lives and represents an independent branch of knowledge. And the activities of lawyers are becoming more and more important in people’s lives. History of the profession

The legal profession, like any other profession, has various professional requirements. This means that a lawyer must have the necessary set of qualities, professional knowledge, skills and abilities. Personal qualities include: high citizenship, intelligence, morality, a developed sense of duty and responsibility for the performance of one’s duties, dedication to one’s work, a sense of intransigence against wrongdoing, justice, a high humanistic orientation, adherence to the norms of professional ethics and personal impeccability. Professionally important qualities

Young professionals at the beginning of their careers need to objectively evaluate their experience, because they often have to face the fact that their salary expectations are higher than employers are willing to pay them. It is better to start your career as a lawyer in a large company to gain experience. Don’t reject the recruiter’s offer to do an internship first. Of course, it is most preferable that after this the young man has the opportunity for further employment in the company’s staff. If you are only willing to accept him for an internship, you must agree in advance to provide a recommendation upon completion of the internship. Having secured a recommendation from a law firm, it will be much easier for a novice specialist to get a permanent job. Growth of the profession in the labor market

young specialists with minimal work experience (compensation amount 25,000-50,000 rubles depending on the level of the company); specialists with experience (80,000-150,000 rubles); highly qualified lawyers, including managers (150,000-350,000 rubles). The income level depends both on the experience and requirements for the candidate, and on the area of ​​his responsibility. Today there is every reason to believe that in 2012 there will be an urgent need for highly specialized lawyers, so “generalists” and aspiring lawyers need to think about the direction in which they would like to develop further. If we talk about market needs, we can predict that the demand for corporate lawyers will continue to grow. This applies to tax lawyers, personal lawyers, and real estate and land professionals. At the same time, employers are willing to pay well for the work of highly specialized lawyers. In order to have a high income, you need impressive experience in your profile, experience working with foreign contractors and, of course, fluent English. Information on professional remuneration

Celebrating the profession Take it with words, not weapons! A lawyer is a worthy profession. It is for the brave and adamant! You may not observe Ohm's and Newton's laws, but don't you dare, comrade, transgress the strict letter of the Law! ...

Description of the profession. In a broad sense, a lawyer is a specialist in public legal issues. Jurisprudence includes a set of certain specializations, therefore, each lawyer has a profile: civil, land, tax, criminal law, etc.

Activities. providing consultations on legal issues within the scope of specialization; providing assistance in the preparation of various legal documentation; control over compliance with the legality of certain actions; defense activities at trials; participation in the development of bills

Additional features. Legal education is available today both in the secondary vocational and higher education systems. A lawyer can realize himself in political science, and in scientific and teaching activities. These specialists often occupy high government positions. Professional lawyers also find employment in sociology and journalism.

Why did I choose to become a lawyer? The specialty “jurisprudence” combines several legal professions. Thus, the professional capabilities of a lawyer extend to specialized structures, i.e. judicial, law enforcement agencies, legal services structures, as well as general management and economic structures.

Why did I choose to become a lawyer? At the same time, many lawyers, while maintaining the title of lawyer by training, are engaged in activities that may not be formally considered legal. But the very training of lawyers, their range of knowledge and skills, connections, and manner of solving problems turn out to be very useful here.

Why did I choose to become a lawyer? The profession of a lawyer is quite in demand on the labor market, especially when it comes to graduates of leading Russian law universities and faculties. At present, indeed, we can talk about some (but only quantitative) overproduction of lawyers. At the same time, civil society, the state and various organizations still lack highly qualified specialists in the field of law who have work experience in their specialty and have proven themselves to be conscientious and knowledgeable workers.

Why did I choose to become a lawyer? So, I chose the profession of lawyer. The question of why I chose her is difficult to answer unequivocally. Maybe because the demand for such specialists in the future is obvious. In addition, I want to feel armed with what is probably the most powerful knowledge - knowledge of the law. One cannot, of course, fail to mention the material factor. Finding, first of all, a promising and decently paid job is one of my primary goals, although I realize that with the existing labor market this will not be easy.

My future profession Project goal:
Tell us about your future profession.
Project objectives:
Tell what it is
Tell us about the necessary requirements for
Talk about working conditions.

My future profession

As you know, choosing a profession is enough
a serious question that needs to be addressed
First, you need to consider your personal
Secondly, evaluate your own abilities.
Third, analyze the suitability of your
personal qualities with those qualities, the presence
required by the chosen profession.
Fourth, explore possible life
the prospects that this or that profession will provide.

My future profession


My future profession

Lawyer - specialist in jurisprudence, legal sciences;
practical worker in the field of law.
The legal profession binds servants of the law:
legal adviser with a notary,
international lawyer
All of them are considered experts in one of the areas of law.

Place of work

A lawyer can work:
in various legal authorities, for example,
prosecutor's office, Ministry of Justice, Ministry of Internal Affairs, organizations
judicial system of the Russian Federation;
in the structures of bodies of both central government and
local government;
in all kinds of government departments;
in any commercial organizations;
in specialized companies or independently
in the field of science and education.

Required qualities

The professional activity of a lawyer inevitably affects
interests and affects the rights not only of individual members, but also as a whole
of the entire society, sometimes, to one degree or another, even influencing the destinies
states Therefore, the specifics of the profession require a person to:
compliance with a certain Code,
increased responsibility, heightened sense of duty,
integrity and high moral principles.
In addition, a lawyer must strive to constantly
to improve their qualifications (why do they exist?
professional courses for lawyers)
And, of course, have considerable self-control and
stress resistance.

My future profession

I want to be a lawyer



Advocate - a lawyer whose job is to provide legal
competent and complete defense in court or other authorities
interests and rights of citizens. An experienced lawyer can become a lawyer
work experience for at least 2 years, with at least a year of internship in the legal profession,
successfully passed the qualification exam and received the status
lawyer from the commission of the Chamber of Lawyers.
income instability (especially
undoubted career
applies to novice lawyers),
increased responsibility,
possibility of high
moral pressure from the outside
society and moral autonomy, independence, psychological problems with
from any authorities and opinions. the need to protect a criminal,
accused of committing
disgusting, wearing especially heavy
nature of crimes.

Required qualities

The main qualities of a lawyer:
the ability to listen carefully to your interlocutor and
ask precise questions
formulate and express thoughts very clearly,
defend your opinion by giving reasons
ability to debate and influence
those around you
endurance and composure.



Investigator - employee of the prosecutor's office and investigative bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, in
which is in charge of investigating political, economic,
criminal offenses. The investigator initiates the appropriate
criminal case, manages the progress of the investigation, identifies
both evidence and mitigating circumstances of the defendant,
solves the crime, establishes the circle of persons involved in it,
motives, conditions and reasons for committing a criminal act and provides
indictment to the prosecutor.
fascinating and far from
monotonous routine of office everyday life
investigator status, giving
certain benefits and opportunities
visit many "closed"
irregular (sometimes
passing into night) worker
low salary
duty on holidays and
on days off,
dangerous, risky work.

Required qualities

Mandatory for the investigator
analytical and at the same time creative thinking,
extensive erudition,
certain acting abilities,
ability to argue cogently and consistently
control yourself even in difficult situations.
He needs to be
proactive, persistent and consistent in
achieving results and being ready to be responsible for the outcome of their

Lawyer's remuneration

The highest paid lawyers work in the financial sector. So, for example, in
in the banking sector, the monthly salary of a mid-level employee is 1,500–
$2000, and in trade and production - $800–1000.
The income of a private practicing lawyer directly depends on the profitability of his
practices. People with work experience and excellent knowledge of foreign languages
have up to $4,000 or more per month.
An aspiring lawyer, on average, can count on an amount from $400 to $1000, which
gradually increases as the lawyer’s fame and the number of victories increases
they care. The cost of a consultation with this specialist reaches 500–1000 rubles. Behind
good lawyers charge from $1,000 to $5,000 to conduct a case. Fees are few
famous lawyers are expressed in tens and hundreds of thousands of dollars.
A legal assistant starts at $300–$400 per month. The legal consultant already receives from $500 and
higher. An experienced specialist can easily count on a high remuneration (3–
5 times more).
An investigator receives up to $1000 per month.

Your title



Training period
Based on 11th grade:
1. Russian language
Full-time - 4 years
2. Social studies (professional
Part-time - 5 years
3. Foreign language
Evening - 5 years
or History
Mixed - 5 years
Average Unified State Exam score in Russia: from 35 to 96
Future qualification Bachelor in field of study
Future professions
Lawyer | Interrogator | Criminologist | Notary | Policeman | Rights
units | Prosecutor | Investigator | Forensic Medical Examiner | Judicial
bailiff | Forensic Expert | Judge | District | Legal Advisor | Lawyer


A total of 1022 educational institutions throughout Russia
in the field of jurisprudence.
Top 5 Law Universities:
1. Moscow State University named after M.V.
2. St. Petersburg State University
3. Moscow State Law Academy
4. Moscow State Institute of International
relations (university) of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
5. Ural State Law Academy


Despite the fact that the legal profession
considered not in demand, I want
receive such an education.

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The presentation on the topic “Profession of a lawyer” can be downloaded absolutely free on our website. Project subject: Social studies. Colorful slides and illustrations will help you engage your classmates or audience. To view the content, use the player, or if you want to download the report, click on the corresponding text under the player. The presentation contains 12 slide(s).

Presentation slides

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Dominant activities of the lawyer profession:

consulting persons in need of legal assistance; studying laws, regulations; drawing up legal documents, contracts, acts; providing methodological guidance for legal work at an enterprise; creation of an archive of judicial and arbitration cases; participation in the lawmaking process ensuring legal protection of citizens, organizations, and the state; studying the legal practice of foreign colleagues; legal propaganda; participation in trials (defending cases in court or supporting prosecution)

Slide 4

Qualities that ensure the success of a lawyer’s professional activities:

logical, analytical thinking; high level of development of conceptual thinking; good development of concentration and stability of attention (and long-term memory; verbal abilities (the ability to express themselves correctly and clearly); the ability to persuade; communication skills (skills for communicating with people); a penchant for research; good knowledge in various fields of science; a high level of development of deductive thinking (the ability to think from the general to the specific); the ability to comprehensively, adequately perceive the situation; the ability to negotiate.

Slide 5

Personal qualities, interests and inclinations

organization; accuracy; self confidence; erudition; honesty and integrity; business acumen; responsibility; objectivity; communication skills; good intuition; emotional and mental stability; energy; perseverance, integrity; desire for self-improvement; the ability to quickly restore performance.

Slide 6

Qualities that hinder the effectiveness of professional activity:

lack of interest in the work being done; indecision; inability to make decisions quickly; inability to resist external factors (persons, situations); dishonesty; unprincipled; inability to deeply comprehend what is happening; carelessness; outstanding criminal record; bad diction.

Slide 7

Areas of application of professional knowledge:

state and non-state organizations, enterprises, institutions, societies of various forms of ownership, which are legal entities; advocacy, prosecutor's office; courts; private or individual entrepreneurship; bodies of preliminary investigation and inquiry; notary offices; lawyer consulting; state authorities ensuring order and security (OVD, security authorities, tax authorities and tax police, customs authorities, justice authorities (Ministry of Justice, bailiff service); educational institutions; private detective services.

Slide 9

Pros of the profession:

The legal profession is considered one of the most noble and responsible. He protects the wronged and ensures the punishment of criminals. Working as a lawyer brings great moral satisfaction.

Slide 10


Higher legal education.

Slide 11

Career and salary:

Today, more and more people are using the services of a lawyer. However, competition among specialists is very high. To achieve success in your profession, you need to work hard. Lawyer is a promising profession. He has a huge choice of specializations. The level of wages largely depends on which one he chooses.

Slide 12

You can get a profession:

Sibags Siberian Academy of State Service Novosibirsk, st. Nizhegorodskaya, 6 Sibupk Siberian University of Consumer Cooperation Novosibirsk, prosp. Karla Marksa, 26 Novosibirsk State Technical University Novosibirsk, prosp. Karl Marx Ngau Novosibirsk State Agrarian University Novosibirsk, st. Dobrolyubova, 160 NSU Novosibirsk State University Novosibirsk, st. Pirogova, 2

  • The text must be well readable, otherwise the audience will not be able to see the information being presented, will be greatly distracted from the story, trying to at least make out something, or will completely lose all interest. To do this, you need to choose the right font, taking into account where and how the presentation will be broadcast, and also choose the right combination of background and text.
  • It is important to rehearse your report, think about how you will greet the audience, what you will say first, and how you will end the presentation. All comes with experience.
  • Choose the right outfit, because... The speaker's clothing also plays a big role in the perception of his speech.
  • Try to speak confidently, smoothly and coherently.
  • Try to enjoy the performance, then you will be more at ease and less nervous.
  • profession LAWYER

    jus or juris (lat.) - right

    Lawyers are specialists in the interpretation and application of laws, ensuring the rule of law in the activities of government bodies, enterprises, institutions, officials and citizens, uncovering and establishing facts of offenses, determining the extent of responsibility and punishment for those responsible, and providing legal assistance to the population.

    The word itself " lawyer" implies several meanings:

    • - a person with a legal education;
    • - jurist, scientist studying law;
    • - practical worker in the field of law

    From the history of the profession

    • The first professional jurists were members of the College of Pontiffs in ancient Rome. The College concentrated knowledge and storage of sacred law, developed rules for its interpretation, kept records of legal precedents, and gave competent legal advice. They laid the foundations for the legal regulation of public life. Only a few centuries later did jurisprudence take shape as a science. A particularly significant milestone in its development is considered to be the publication of the first textbook on jurisprudence - Guy’s “Institutions”. ...

    Types of legal work

    Types of legal work


    Types of legal work

    Types of legal work



    tax inspector

    Types of legal work

    Types of legal work

    Police, Ministry of Internal Affairs



    Types of legal work

    Types of legal work

    Lawyer in organizations

    Legal scholar

    Attractiveness of the profession lawyer

    • The legal profession is associated with the opportunity to positively influence what is happening. A lawyer can help an unjustly offended person, protect the rights of a victim from a crime, help a person illegally fired from work, restore or protect disputed property or housing rights. A lawyer working as an investigator or judge can ensure a fair punishment for a criminal. The prosecutor has the right to bring to justice an official who breaks the law.

    Personal qualities of a lawyer

    • - responsibility
    • - logical thinking
    • - persistence
    • - confidence
    • - good memory
    • - high sense of responsibility
    • - developed logical thinking
    • - initiative
    • - painstaking
    • - concentration and switchability of attention
    • - emotional stability

    The basis of the profession "Lawyer" is




    political science;


    theory and history of state and law;

    social Sciences;

    law by industry (constitutional, civil, administrative, labor, criminal, international, environmental, land, Roman, international, financial, family, business); criminology;


    legal psychology;

    prosecutor supervision.

    Level education of the profession "Lawyer"

    • To master the profession of "Lawyer" you need secondary or higher (bachelor's, master's) professional education.

    Test for a person’s disposition to become a LAWYER

    • This test will help determine your disposition to become a lawyer. If you agree with the statement, the answer is “yes”; if no, then the answer is “no”. After each set of questions, count how many “yes” answers you received. At the end of the test, count how many “yes” answers you received.


    • 1) know and apply numerous rules, laws and regulations
    • 2) fill out and draw up many documents in a strictly defined form
    • 3) consider complex, ambiguous situations from the point of view of all participants and make decisions based on all the facts


    TOTAL YES _____


    • 1) follow clear rules of communication with clients, be very polite with any client, do not go beyond professional communication
    • 2) resist pressure from other people, master various techniques to put people “in their place” without hurting their dignity
    • 3) be objective, do not give in to feelings, see the situation in perspective


    TOTAL YES _____


    • 1) professional interaction between lawyers is subordination (you obey and they obey you) and/or rivalry, competition, which is not very comfortable for most people
    • 2) a lawyer more often than other professionals encounters the negative side of human behavior (weaknesses, crimes, meanness)
    • 3) a lawyer often has to face the temptation to break the law for profit


    TOTAL YES _____


    • 1) study SOCIAL STUDIES deeply and in detail, be ready to take the Unified State Exam on it
    • 2) remember a lot as you study (codes of laws, history of law, etc.)
    • 3) gain experience in doing business at the cost of enormous efforts and at the beginning for “thank you”


    TOTAL YES _____


    • 1) jurisprudence contributes to the development of law and order in our country
    • 2) the best representatives of the legal profession are intellectuals, bearers of intellectual traditions
    • 3) lawyers are the basis of the emerging middle class in Russia


    TOTAL YES _____

    Test results and explanations

    Count how many there are "Yes" you did it.


    • The profession of “lawyer” is one of the most desirable for you.
    • How can you try yourself as a lawyer now?
    • If you have completed 9th grade, you can join Young Lawyer School, which operates in the NFI KemSU ( t.77-81-40)
    • You can get acquainted with the profession through textbooks for law students.
    • It is important for you to find out which specialization of the legal profession is most attractive to you. At law faculties there is a traditional division into civil, criminal, and state law. Take the next step - determine what direction you would like to specialize in, and what you need to do now to prepare for your chosen specialization.


    • The profession of a lawyer is attractive to you, but some aspects of it are not very attractive to you.
    • See which of the 5 groups of questions you scored less than 2 points on. Each of the 5 groups of questions is aimed at finding out your inclinations and your awareness.


    • The profession of a lawyer is not the most significant for you.
    • Look at the explanations for the groups of questions, maybe they will explain why you don’t like the legal profession. It can be assumed that your ideas about the profession are very different from reality.


    • Lawyer is a profession that you don’t like at all.
    • However, positive scores indicate that you are interested in professions in this group that are focused on interacting with people. Maybe you should check your professional intentions regarding the professions of “manager”, “teacher”, “doctor”?

    "Do you want"

    • finds out how you feel about the day-to-day content of being a lawyer. If you scored less than 2 points on this group of questions, then most likely you are put off by the routine that is an indispensable attribute of a lawyer’s work.

    "Can You"

    • finds out your readiness for specific communication, which is typical for the work of a lawyer. If you scored less than 2 points on this group of questions, then perhaps the interaction in your work as a lawyer seems insufficiently emotional and friendly to you.

    "Do you know"

    • asks for your insight into the shadow side of being a lawyer. If you scored less than 2 points, then the disadvantages of this profession are unknown to you, or you do not want to accept these difficulties

    "Are you ready"

    • asks about your current actions towards a career as a lawyer. It is very important, if you intend to become a lawyer, to have a high score on this group of questions, because this is what you can do now.

    "Do you believe that..."

    • asks whether you share the core values ​​and ideals of being a lawyer. This is a very important indicator, especially if you are not yet 15 years old, and you are just trying out different professions for yourself.


    The test result is not a 100% guarantee of your disposition or aversion to the profession.

    The test is a reason to think about what and how to do next.

    The best way to test yourself is to find a way to try yourself in this activity.
