A message on the topic of poultry dishes. Ancient poultry dishes

Poultry cooking technology

For second courses, chickens and chickens are most often cooked, less often - geese and ducks. Seasoned poultry carcasses are boiled whole. They are placed in hot water (2.5 liters per 1 kilogram of product), quickly heated to a boil, the foam is removed, roots, onions, salt are added and cooked at a temperature of 80 - 85ºC until tender. Readiness is determined by piercing the thick part of the leg pulp with a chef's needle; the bird is ready if the needle enters freely and the juice flowing from the puncture is clear. Cooking time for chickens is 20 - 30 minutes, young chickens 50 - 60 minutes, old ones 3 - 4 hours, geese and turkeys 1 - 2 hours. The finished bird is removed from the broth and cooled. According to demand, they are cut into portions and heated in broth; chopped poultry portions, if required. Store on a steam table.

Poultry frying technology

The bird is fried both in whole pieces and in portioned pieces. It is fried in the main way (on the stove, in electric frying pans, in ovens, electric grills), less often in deep fat. From the liquid remaining on the baking sheet, meat juice is prepared, which is poured over the bird when it is released.

Prepared carcasses of chickens, chickens, broiler chickens, turkeys, geese and ducks are rubbed with salt from the surface and inside, placed back down on a baking sheet heated with fat (150 - 160ºC) and fried on the stove until a uniform golden brown crust is formed over the entire surface of the carcass. The fried carcasses are placed in the oven (temperature no more than 200°C) for 15 - 20 minutes to bring to readiness.

The carcasses of large birds (turkeys, geese and ducks) are salted and placed on baking sheets with their backs down. Low-fat poultry is greased with sour cream and poured with melted fat, fatty poultry is poured with hot broth. The baking trays with the bird are placed in an oven with a temperature during the initial frying period (10 minutes) of 200 - 250°C, then 160°C. It is recommended to boil the carcasses of old chickens, geese, ducks, and turkeys until half cooked before frying.

The duration of frying chickens is 20 - 30 minutes, chickens and ducks - 40 - 60 minutes, geese and turkeys - 1 - 1.5 hours.

During frying in the oven, the carcasses are periodically turned over and poured with the released fat and juice.

Assortment of boiled and fried poultry dishes

Assortment of boiled poultry dishes

boiled poultry. Serve two pieces per serving in an oval ram along with a side dish. Before serving, pour over the sauce;

poultry with steam sauce. Poached poultry is cut into portions. The broth is used to prepare steam sauce. Separately, simmer the champignons or boil the porcini mushrooms. When on holiday, the bird is garnished with boiled or steamed rice, sliced ​​ready-made mushrooms are placed on top of it and poured over with steam sauce;

natural poultry fillet cutlets in steam sauce with mushrooms. The prepared cutlets are placed in a bowl with melted butter and simmered with the addition of broth, lemon juice or citric acid, champignons or porcini mushrooms for 12 - 15 minutes. Mushrooms can be boiled or poached separately. When releasing, the fillet is placed on a crouton, pieces of mushrooms are placed on top, poured with steam or white sauce with an egg, which is prepared in the broth obtained from poaching the cutlets. Side dishes - boiled rice, steamed, boiled potatoes, boiled beans;

poultry in red sauce with tarragon. Chickens, chickens, broiler chickens, turkeys are boiled. The finished poultry is cut into portions, and the broth is used to make sauce. When leaving, pour over red sauce with tarragon.

Assortment of fried poultry dishes

goose, duck stuffed. Processed goose or duck carcasses are stuffed with potatoes, apples or prunes. For minced meat, select small potato tubers of the same size and lightly fry them. Apples (preferably sour varieties) are peeled, the seed nest is removed with a special device and cut into slices, sprinkled with sugar. Pre-soaked pitted prunes are sprinkled with sugar.

Prepared carcasses are fried in the oven for 40 - 60 minutes, periodically poured with rendered fat. The finished bird is chopped into portions and released with minced meat, poured with juice and melted butter;

Tobacco chickens. The processed chickens are flattened by cutting the breast lengthwise. Rub with garlic, salt, grease with sour cream and fry in a frying pan under a press (heavy metal board). When the back is fried, turn the chicken over and cook the inside.

The fried chicken is placed on a portioned platter or plate whole or cut in half;

natural fillet cutlets. Poultry fillet cutlets are fried in oil using the main method. When serving, place on a crouton, pour over melted butter, and place a side dish next to it;

the Kiev's cutlets. Prepared cutlets stuffed with oil are deep-fried immediately before serving and finished in the oven. Place a crouton made of wheat bread or puff pastry on a dish or plate, place a cutlet on it and pour oil over it;

poultry in the capital style (schnitzel capital). Prepared semi-finished products are fried in the main way immediately before serving, and finished in an oven until ready. When serving, add butter and canned fruit to the fillet;

fried bird with tomato sauce and mushrooms. The fried bird is cut into portions, poured with tomato sauce with mushrooms and sprinkled with finely chopped garlic mixed with parsley.

Ancient poultry dishes

Poultry dishes have long played a very important role in the table of the common people and the nobility. Most often dishes from chickens are mentioned in ancient written monuments, less often - from ducks and geese, and even less often - from turkeys. As for geese and ducks, it is not always clear whether we are talking about poultry or wild birds, although in some cases the indication “wild goose” is given. Chickens were used in different ways: young ones were often roasted whole on spits, while adults were used to prepare a wide variety of main courses and snacks. There are usually no precise instructions on the use of roosters and chickens, except in isolated cases (“smoking in cabbage soup”). Professional chefs knew how to prepare very complex dishes from chickens, including stuffed chickens.

The word “chickens” in the 16th–17th centuries. not yet used. They said “young chickens.” They were served 1 piece at a time. per serving (2 pieces per dish).

No. 690. Young hens turned. Young chickens were roasted on a spit. To do this, they were plucked, singed, the head, neck, ends of the wings, paws below the heel joint were cut off, the ends of the legs were inserted into a cut in the chest (“pockets”). The inside of the carcass was rubbed with salt and pepper, put on a spit and fried, rotating over hot coals. It was served doused with flavored (infused) vinegar or with lemon slices.

No. 691. Young chickens in brine. Salting chickens for future use is, of course, inadvisable. They salted them for storing adult chickens, making “sheets” out of them. Therefore, obviously, when we talk about “young chickens in brine,” we mean the cooking method. IN. Levshin gives the following description of an ancient dish, forgotten in his time, “chicken in pickle”:

“Clean and gut the chickens, wrap their heads under the wings, and fold their legs, cutting off their claws; fill them with chopped yolks of thickly boiled eggs with dill; cook in water with an addition of ham, crumbled into pieces, chopped eggs and dill.”

The list of chicken dishes on the menu of the Moscow nobility was very wide, and it is not always possible to determine whether it was a cold or hot dish. Hot dishes include the following: brined chicken, skewered, roasted, with saffron cheese, in noodles, chicken porridge; chicken navels, necks, livers; loose chickens, ruffled chickens, boneless chickens, chicken cutlets, free-range chickens, chicken in cabbage soup, navels, necks, and livers from young chickens. The number of chicken dishes mentioned is several times greater than that of geese and duck dishes.

No. 692. Six-sexed chickens. In addition to fresh chicken, dried chicken was also used. In the “Painting of the Royal Dishes,” dishes are named from sixth chickens with buckwheat and cabbage soup (“smoking sixth chicken for the dish, and only half a chumich of buckwheat groats, and in the cabbage soup a head of fresh white cabbage,” “smoking sixth chicken with buckwheat.”)

Sixth (dried) chickens, of course, had to be boiled, since they cannot be fried. Consequently, the carcass of dried chicken was cut into pieces, poured with water, cooked until almost done, and then buckwheat was added and cooked. According to the second recipe, in addition to buckwheat, chopped fresh cabbage was added.

This option for preparing six-sixed chickens is supported by the fact that it produces a semi-liquid dish, so characteristic of Russian cuisine of those times.

No. 693. Chicken in noodles. There is no doubt about the preparation of this dish. We are talking about a typical semi-liquid dish (both the side dish and the main product are prepared at the same time). “Put the chicken to boil in water whole, folded without removing the ferns, or separated into pieces, with roots and herbs. When the chicken is cooked, put it out; Strain the broth and before serving, put chopped noodles in it, boil and serve with chicken.” (Levshin V., 1797).

No. 694. Chicken in cabbage soup. We are not talking about cabbage soup with chicken, but about chicken in cabbage soup. One can only assume that for this purpose the chicken was boiled (compare: chicken in noodles), thick cabbage soup (most likely from fresh cabbage) was prepared from the broth, i.e. stewed cabbage, and the boiled chicken with cabbage was served as a side dish.

Stuffed chickens. The sources studied name two complex chicken dishes: boneless and ruffled. “The chicken is boneless, and there are 4 parts of lamb in it, and the broth with saffron from the raffled chicken.” The recipe for “Smoking Rattled” includes Saracen millet (rice), raisins, and saffron. Comparing the recipes of these two dishes makes it possible to find out with sufficient probability how they are prepared.

From the description it follows that the raffled chicken was probably stuffed, possibly with bones, since, in contrast, boneless chicken was also prepared. The raffled chicken was boiled, since after cooking it there was a broth left for serving boneless chicken; then boneless chicken was stuffed with meat, and raffled chicken was stuffed with steamed rice with raisins and saffron, and these dishes were served hot (with sauces).

No. 695. Rafted chicken. First option: The rice is sorted, washed, poured with hot water, saffron is added and crumbly porridge is cooked. The raisins are sorted, the stalks are removed, washed, added to cooked rice, added oil and mixed. The chicken carcass is processed, the head and neck are removed, gutted, and washed well. It is then stuffed with rice and raisins. The incision is sutured or the carcass is tied with twine. The stuffed carcass is filled with water, a little salt and saffron are added and boiled, covered with a lid. Take as little water as possible (as long as it covers the chicken carcass). The chicken is taken out, cut crosswise into pieces and poured with broth. For boiling, the flour is heated with butter (to make a light tan), diluted with broth and brought to a boil.

Second option. It is possible that they prepared raffled chicken without bones. This can be done this way: the prepared chicken is cut from the back side along from the neck to the very end of the carcass. Carefully separate the meat from the bones along with the skin, leaving the flesh only on the wings and legs, chopped off below the heel joint.

For the filling, the lamb pulp is finely chopped with the addition of onions and lard. Then add milk, eggs, salt, ground pepper and mix well.

The skin of the chicken with the pulp is flattened, the filling is applied, the carcass is shaped, the incision is sewn up, poured with broth made from chicken bones, salt, saffron, onion, pepper are added and boiled, covered with a lid. When serving, pour over the broth.

Chicken (pulp) 600, lamb 300, lard 100, eggs 2 pcs., milk or water 500, salt, pepper, saffron.

No. 696. Boneless chicken. It is prepared in the same way as ruffled chicken (second option), but the filling is made from rice simmered in broth made from chicken bones. Selected and scalded raisins are added to the steamed rice.

No. 697. Chickens under the cheese with saffron. Let us remember that brynets is another name for rice. You can imagine preparing this dish like this. The chicken is processed, filled with water, salt, onion, parsley are added and boiled. The chicken is taken out and cut into pieces. Add saffron to the broth, bring to a boil, add sorted and washed rice and cook. Take enough broth to make a crumbly porridge. Pieces of chicken are placed on a dish and saffron sauce (broth) is poured over it. Place cooked rice on top or on the side.

No. 698. Rozhnaya chicken. Rozhno is a sharp wooden stake. In culinary practice - wooden pegs on which pieces of product are strung for frying or drying (wine berries on moles - “the dining book of Patriarch Filaret Nikitich”). Therefore, probably, “smoking narozhnye”, “smoking rozhnoe” means a dish strung on sticks, in contrast to “turned chickens” - fried on a spit. It has not yet been possible to completely restore the technology of the dish.

No. 699. Chicken porridge (chicken). The concept of “side dish” in the modern sense of the word did not exist in the old days. Meat, fish and poultry dishes were prepared along with noodles, porridge, and vegetables (turnips). These were actually semi-liquid dishes with side dishes. Chicken porridge was also such a dish. To do this, they cooked porridge, put pieces of chicken in it and cooked them together. There were many varieties of this dish: chicken with millet (rice), with millet and saffron, with millet, ham and saffron.

No. 700. Fried chickens, geese, turkeys. Just as now, poultry carcasses were seasoned before frying, but now this is done with a needle and thread, but in the old days they did without them. V. Levshin describes an ancient (in his time!) way of dressing carcasses: “They usually fold them and, cutting the navel in half, pass each half through fern; after which they are fried in an oven.” Not only the navel, but also the breast was called the navel. Fold it “ordinarily” - obviously, tuck it into the “pocket”.

Ferns are the tips of the wings. They were not chopped off, but passed “through” half of the carcass. Then the prepared carcass was fried in the oven and served with a broth: cranberry (game, geese), cabbage (ducks, geese), onion and saffron (chickens).

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2.1 Cooking poultry

2.2 Cooking poultry

2.4 Roast poultry release

2.5 ANDinstruction card“Technology for preparing fried poultry”

4. Organization of the workplace

1. Nutritional value of poultry dishes

The problem of nutrition is one of the most important social problems. Human life, health and work are impossible without nutritious food. According to the theory of balanced nutrition, a person’s diet should contain not only proteins, fats and carbohydrates in the required quantities, but also substances such as essential amino acids, vitamins, and minerals in certain proportions that are beneficial for humans.

In organizing proper nutrition, a primary role is given to meat products.

Poultry meat also plays an important role in rational human nutrition, since the nutritional value of poultry meat is higher than that of animal meat.

Poultry dishes easily absorbed by the body. They contain 11 - 25% proteins, from 5 to 53% fat, 0.5 - 1.2% mineral salts, vitamins B1, B2, PP, A and extractive substances. Poultry fillet dishes are especially valued, as they have a more tender consistency and contain more nitrogenous substances..

Poultry is divided by type - chicken, goose, duck meat; by age for chickens and adult birds; according to the processing method - semi-gutted and gutted.

The chemical composition of poultry meat depends on the same factors as the composition of meat from slaughtered animals. Compared to meat from slaughtered animals, poultry meat contains more complete proteins, extractive substances, and fat has a low melting point (23-40 C). Poultry meat is easily digestible. Its digestibility is 93%.

Chicken broth is aromatic and rich in extractive substances. The meat of a young bird contains less extractive substances than the meat of an adult bird, and therefore the broth from it is less tasty

Poultry meat contains vitamins B, PP, A, as well as minerals - potassium, sodium, phosphorus, calcium, iron, copper and other elements.

Chicken and turkey meat is classified as dietary food. Broth made from lean chickens and turkeys causes increased secretion of digestive juices and promotes good absorption of food. Poultry meat is used in boiled, steamed, stewed and fried forms.

Table 1 - Nutritional value of ready-made fried poultry dishes per 100 g of edible portion (in parentheses - the approximate share of the daily requirement, %)


Fried chicken


Fried chicken

Vitamin A, mg

Carotene, mg

Carbohydrates, g

Vitamin B1, mg

Calcium, mg

Vitamin B2, mg

Magnesium, mg

Vitamin PP, mg

Phosphorus, mg

Vitamin C, mg

Iron, mg

Energy value, kcal

2. Technology for preparing fried poultry dishes

2.1 Cooking poultry

Before heat treatment, whole poultry and game carcasses are seasoned.

Poultry dressing. Processed poultry carcasses are seasoned to give compactness and for uniform heating during frying. Currently, carcass bandaging is practiced. The skin from the neck is folded onto the back, the carcass is placed back down on the twine and, pressing the wings, they are fastened crosswise with twine on top. Then they press the legs to the body and tie them together with twine, tying the ends at the back. You can fill the carcass using a wire clamp that presses the legs and wings to the carcass.

Removing the fillet. Poultry and game are fried not only whole, but also in the form of portioned fillet products. To remove the fillet, the processed bird is placed back down on a cutting board, the skin is cut at the flanks, the legs are turned out at the joints so that they lie on the cutting board and the skin is removed towards the neck, exposing the fillet. The wings are cut off at the elbow joint and the tendons at the shoulder joint are cut so that the wing bone remains in the fillet. Then the flesh is trimmed along the protrusion of the keel bone, the fork bone is cut and first one fillet is cut off along with the wing bone, and then the other. The removed fillet consists of two layers of muscles - the large (outer) with the wing bone and the small (inner) fillet.

Cleaning the fillet. Separate the small fillet from the large fillet and remove the fork bone. The wing bone is cleaned and the thickened part is cut off. A large fillet is placed with the inside up on a dry cutting board so that it does not slide on the board, and the film is cut off with a thin and wet knife, holding the fillet with your left hand. Then a longitudinal cut is made in the flesh of a large fillet, the tendon is cut in several places or cut out and the flesh is turned on both sides of the cut. The internal tendon is removed from the small fillet, which is pressed against the board with the heel of the knife, and the flesh is separated from it with the left hand, then the pulp is beaten. This is how fillets are processed to prepare semi-finished products from chickens, chickens, turkeys, partridges and hazel grouse.

Roasting poultry. Chickens, chicks, turkeys and small game are fried in the main way, in the oven and less often in deep fat.

Before frying, poultry carcasses are rubbed with salt on the outside and inside. Seasoned and salted chicken carcasses, chickens are placed back down on a baking sheet heated with fat and fried until a golden brown crust forms on the surface of the carcass. In this case, the carcass is turned from the back to one side, then to the other and onto the breast, the carcasses are fried in an oven at a temperature not exceeding 200 0C, they are periodically turned over and poured with the released fat and juice. Before frying, chickens and lean chickens are brushed with sour cream to create a more golden brown crust.


Readiness is determined by piercing the thick part of the flesh with a chef's needle; clear juice flows out of the finished bird. Old chickens are simmered until tender before roasting.

Fried chicken carcasses are freed from the twine, cut lengthwise into two parts, divided into fillets and legs, and chopped into the same number of pieces.

Fry chickens, partridges and hazel grouse over high heat until golden brown and bring to readiness on a low-heated stovetop.

Chickens, black grouse, wood grouse and pheasants, after frying on the surface of the stove, are brought to readiness in an oven at a temperature of 170-180°C. In this case, the carcasses are placed on baking sheets with their backs down, and during the process they are periodically watered with the leaking juice and fat.

Turkeys, geese and ducks are fried in an oven at a temperature of 280-300°C until golden brown, and brought to readiness at a temperature of 170-180 by pouring hot water over fat ducks and geese. During frying, the carcasses are periodically turned over and basted with fat and juice.

Natural poultry cutlets are fried in the same way as natural meat products, and chicken fillet in breadcrumbs and capital-style poultry are fried like breaded ones.

Stuffed fillet products are deep-fried until golden brown and cooked in the oven. Chickens can be fried under pressure (“tobacco chickens”). Duration of frying chickens, partridges, hazel grouse 20-30 minutes, grouse 40-45, chickens and ducks 40-60 minutes, geese and turkeys 1-1.5 hours.

Losses when frying poultry range from 25 to 40%, depending on its type and fat content. When roasting fatty ducks and geese, up to 15% of the fat is rendered. From the liquid remaining on the baking sheet, meat juice is prepared, which is used for fried poultry during the holidays.

Methods for frying poultry. The heating medium is fat or heated air. The temperature of frying is much higher than cooking, so the surface layer of the fried product is quickly dehydrated and covered with a crust, and the inner layers are heated no higher than 100°C and are actually poached in their own juices. Depending on the environment in which the heating is carried out, several types of frying are distinguished.

Frying for open frying surface- fry in frying pans or baking sheets with a small amount of fat (15-10% by weight of the products) or without it at 150-180°C until cooked. If the products are not ready by the time the crust forms, they are finished cooking in the oven.

Frying during deep fried- the product in the frying bath of the deep fryer is completely immersed in fat heated to 130-190°C. The duration of heat treatment is 5-10 minutes. To drain the fat and maintain a crispy crust, remove from deep fat with a slotted spoon and, if necessary, finish frying in the oven.

Confined frying- in frying and baking cabinets, ovens; The heating medium is hot air. Large pieces of meat, poultry, rabbits are fried or dough products are baked at different temperatures.

Frying in a field of infrared (IR) radiation. It is carried out in special devices: baking plates, electric grills, etc. IR heating is considered intermediate between surface and volumetric; frying time is reduced by 2-6 times.

2.2 Cooking poultry

The purpose of thermal cooking of poultry meat is to bring the product to a state of culinary readiness (temperature in the thickness of the muscles is not less than 850C). At the same time, the product’s resistance to microbiological spoilage increases, the meat acquires new taste and aromatic properties, a dense consistency and is usually better absorbed by the body.

The method of cooking poultry depends on its type, weight, age and other factors. Chickens and turkeys are boiled, fried or stewed, ducks and geese are fried or stewed.

During heat treatment, physical and chemical processes occur in products, as a result of which their consistency, color, smell and taste change. Under the influence of heat treatment, the digestibility of proteins, fats and carbohydrates usually increases. Changes caused by heating are caused by changes in the components, which depend on the conditions of the process (temperature, time, presence of water, pH of the environment and other factors). In this regard, the properties of raw and finished products differ significantly.

During heat treatment, the most characteristic change in the proteins of all tissues is thermal denaturation. At the same time, the characteristic properties of proteins change - their solubility and hydration decrease. Proteins denatured by heating easily aggregate, coagulate and compact with the release of water and water-soluble solids (mass loss occurs). Denaturation of poultry proteins begins at a temperature of 300C. When the temperature reaches 60-650C, about 90% of the intramuscular proteins in the meat are denatured, and at a temperature of 700C - almost all muscle proteins. But even at 1000C, some proteins do not lose their properties.

During heat treatment, changes in myoglobin (which determines the color of meat) are important. At a temperature of 65-700C its denaturation begins. When heated to the temperature of myoglobin denaturation, the color of the meat changes from red to gray-brown as a result of the formation of hemochromes and hematins.

During the cooking process, water-soluble proteins from the outer layers of meat pass into water in the amount of 0.2% of the mass of the product, coagulate, forming foam that floats to the surface. This creates a broth. A “stronger” broth is formed when poultry products are placed in cold water.

Poultry fat is fusible, melts intensively when exposed to heat and passes into the cooking medium. The melted fat floats mainly to the surface of the broth; a small part of it emulsifies, which gives the broth a cloudy quality. With prolonged heating, the acid number of fat increases and hydroxy acids are formed, which gives the broth a salty taste and smell. Oxidative and hydrolytic processes worsen organoleptic quality indicators and reduce the nutritional value of fats.

Heat treatment leads to a decrease in the content of some vitamins as a result of their chemical changes. Some of the vitamins go into the cooking medium (broth, etc.). The change in the content of vitamins depends on their resistance to heat, processing conditions, pH of the environment and the presence of oxygen (losses are 40-70%). The least stable vitamins are thiamine, vitamin D2, and when frying, vitamins A, E.

Substances formed as a result of autolysis of proteins, lipids and other components of poultry meat participate in the formation of the specific taste and aroma of the finished product. As a result of heating, new products are formed - they are released either from a bound state, or are formed as a result of the interaction of one substance with another.

A decisive role in the formation of the taste and smell of boiled meat is played by extractive substances that accumulate as a result of the breakdown of high-molecular compounds.

The change in taste when heated is also associated with the formation of hypoxanthine due to the breakdown of inosinic acid.

The aroma of boiled meat is affected by hydrogen sulfide and mercaptans, which are breakdown products of cystine and cysteine.

In addition to the above, the aroma of the broth is determined by some volatile compounds formed as a result of the change in fats.

Violation of the heat treatment regime leads to undesirable color changes, the formation of substances with an unpleasant odor and taste, large losses of nutrients, and reduces the digestibility of products.

2.3 Assortment of fried poultry dishes

Carcasses fried whole or in portions.

Method I - prepared carcasses are shaped, greased with salt, placed on a greased baking sheet; the pan is placed in an oven with a temperature of 210-2200C for 5-10 minutes to form a golden brown crust, then the heat is reduced to 150-1600C and brought to readiness at this temperature. In this case, the carcasses are poured with fat or juice that formed during the frying process.

Method II (for small birds) - prepared carcasses are fried on a baking sheet with fat heated to a temperature of 150-1600C until golden brown, then placed in an oven with a temperature of 1800 and brought to readiness.

Portioned pieces are fried in the main way and brought to readiness in the oven. Portion the bird into 2 pieces per serving (fillet and leg, the back can be cut out). Served as a side dish are crumbly buckwheat porridge, boiled or steamed rice, boiled peas, fried raw potatoes, stewed cabbage, baked apples, and complex side dishes. As an additional side dish, dill, parsley, lettuce, fresh cucumbers, red and white cabbage are used. Sauces - red main, tomato, tomato with mushrooms.

Stuffed goose, duck - the prepared poultry is stuffed with small or medium potatoes, prunes or apples and fried in the oven for 45-60 minutes. When leaving, the stuffed bird is portioned, placed on a dish along with the minced meat and sprinkled with juice or butter.

Tobacco chickens - the carcass of a young bird is shaped “into a feeder”, cut along the keel bone, unfolded, sprinkled with salt, brushed with sour cream and fried in a frying pan under a heated press. Served on a platter with herbs, fried tomatoes, pickled onions. Tkemali or garlic sauce is served separately in a gravy boat.

Poultry according to the capital - trimmed fillet (boneless), the flesh of the hind legs or back of the rabbit is beaten, dipped in eggs, breaded in white bread and fried for 12-15 minutes. When leaving, put butter, put canned fruits and side dishes on the side (green peas, deep-fried potatoes, complex side dishes). The side dish can be served in baskets.

Chicken casserole with ham - chicken meat and ham are passed through a meat grinder, bechamel sauce (milk sauce without butter) is added, placed in a portioned frying pan, sprinkled with grated cheese on top and baked for 30 minutes at a temperature of 180-1900C. The dish is served with mashed potatoes and tomato sauce.

Poultry fries - chickens, chickens or turkeys are boiled, chopped into portions, breaded, dipped in lezon, breaded in white breading, deep-fried until a crust forms and cooked in the oven. When serving, pour over butter and garnish with fried potatoes. Tomato sauce with wine is served separately. The dish is decorated with lettuce or parsley.

Natural, breaded, stuffed cutlets and schnitzels are prepared from chicken and turkey fillets.

2.4 Roast poultry release

It is recommended to portion fried poultry immediately before leaving: geese, ducks, and chickens, it is recommended to serve two pieces per serving (leg and fillet). Chickens - one piece at a time. When portioning a large bird, the back bone is cut out.


They serve fried poultry dishes with complex and simple vegetable side dishes, with side dishes of cereals, legumes and pasta.

For fatty geese and ducks, stewed cabbage is served.

As a side dish for poultry fillet products, deep-fried potatoes, carrots poached in butter or milk sauce, and mushrooms in sour cream are used. Side dishes such as vegetables poached in butter and milk sauce, mushrooms in sour cream, are recommended to be served in tartlets baked from unleavened, puff pastry or pancake dough.

Side dishes enrich dishes with additional nutrients, improve taste, decorate them, make them more attractive, more appetizing, and thereby increase digestibility. A well-chosen side dish softens or increases the spiciness of the main product, its fat content, saltiness, acidity or sweetness. A complex side dish is placed in piles (bouquets), alternating elements by color. Green peas, asparagus and other types of side dishes can be served in tartlets.

Many dishes are served with sauces. The correct selection of side dishes and sauces is of great importance, since the taste and digestibility of dishes largely depend on this. Poultry meat, fried in its natural form, is poured with meat juice and butter when leaving, and breaded products are poured with melted butter or other fat. The side dish is first placed on a dish or plate, and the meat is placed on the side, and it may partially cover the side dish; in some cases, meat is placed on top of a side dish (kebab with rice, etc.). When leaving, fillet products are poured with oil, meat juice is added to natural cutlets, and Madeira sauce is served separately in a gravy boat for stuffed cutlets (with the exception of Kiev cutlets). Breaded and deep-fried products (pieces of poultry, stuffed cutlets) are poured with melted butter when leaving.

Additionally, in salad bowls and vases they offer green salads, salads from fresh cucumbers, red cabbage, pickled fruits and berries, as well as lingonberry, cranberry and blackcurrant jam. To serve salads and pickled berries, you can use salad bowls or vases. Roasted ducks are garnished with baked apples, stewed cabbage and fried potatoes, geese - stewed cabbage, apples, crumbly buckwheat porridge.

2.5 Iinstruction card

Fried poultry cooking technology

Material and technical equipment.

Equipment: PESM-4Sh, SESM-0.2, ShZhESM-2K, dial scales, production tables.

Equipment, tools, dishes: cauldrons, stewpans, frying pans, sieve, baking sheet, metal trays, cutting boards With marked “OS”, “MV”, “MS”, chef’s knives, chef’s needle, pouring spoon, metal dishes, rams.

Raw materials: poultry carcasses, potatoes, red cabbage, tomatoes, lettuce, herbs, spices, breading.

Sequence of technological operations for preparing fried chicken

Operation No. 1. Organization of the workplace.

Operation No. 2. Preparation of semi-finished chicken products. Process and wash the chicken in running water, tuck it “into the pocket” for cooking whole.

Operation No. 3. Processing and cutting vegetables. Roots and onions are chopped. Potatoes are cut into strips, lettuce, fresh cucumbers, and tomatoes are processed and washed. Red cabbage is chopped into strips.

Operation No. 4. Roasting poultry. Before frying, rub the carcass with salt and pepper on the outside and inside. The seasoned carcasses are placed on a baking sheet with heated fat, back down, and fried until golden brown. The fried carcasses are placed in the oven for 15...20 minutes. Determine readiness by piercing the leg with a chef's needle; at the same time, it freely enters the thickness of the pulp (clear juice flows out of the puncture).

Operation No. 5. Preparation and selection of side dishes. Fried poultry: fried potatoes, salad, pickled fruits, berries, greens.

Operation No. 6. Preparing the sauce. White sauce is prepared for serving in chicken broth.

Operation No. 7. Portioning poultry. Fried poultry is portioned immediately before release, 2 pieces per serving (leg and fillet).

Operation No. 8. Preparing butter. Pieces of butter are melted in a frying pan at a temperature of 110... 130 °C.

RequirementsToquality. The taste of the chicken is moderately salty and tender. The chicken is soft and juicy.

Submission rules. The fried bird is garnished with fried potatoes, poured with juice and butter. Additionally, lettuce, pickled fruits, berries, fresh cucumbers, and tomatoes are placed on the dish.

3. Drawing up technological maps for fried poultry dishes


Name of dish: Chicken fillet Leningrad style

Product Name

Product norm for 1 serving

Gross weight, g

Net weight, g

Chicken breast (raw materials)

Vegetable oil (raw materials)

Egg (raw material)

Salt (raw materials)

Milk (raw material)


Flour (raw materials)

Sesame (raw materials)

Breadcrumbs (raw materials)

Seasoning for chicken

Cooking technology. Beat the chicken fillet, soak it in lezon (egg + milk + water + salt), roll in the mixture (flour, crackers and sesame seeds) then fry on both sides, bring to readiness in a convection oven.

Physico-chemical and microbiological indicators that affect the safety of the dish comply with the requirements of SanPiN and GOST R 50763-95. Storage conditions, shelf life: 48 hours at temperatures from +2°C to +6°C.

Organoleptic characteristics:

Appearance: Portioned pieces are evenly fried, edges are smooth.

Consistency: Juicy, soft, tender.

Color: Surfaces – golden; when cut into meat it is white.

Taste and smell Pleasant, moderately salty and spicy.


Name of dish: Chicken fricassee

Product Name

Product norm for 1 serving

Gross weight, g

Net weight, g

Chicken breasts


Vegetable oil

Bulgarian pepper

Cream 33%

Pasta "Dill"

Green beans

Cooking technology. Chop the chicken breasts, fry with paprika, add cheese paste and cream, and stir until cooked. For spice, add paprika-onion paste. Add fresh green beans and fry them together with cherry tomatoes. To add flavor, add dill paste. Decorate the dish with fresh rosemary and arugula.

Organoleptic characteristics of the dish. The taste and smell are delicate, with an aroma characteristic of chicken. The color is golden ruddy, white when cut.


Dish name: Stuffed chicken breast “Cordon bleu”

name of raw materials

Gross weight (g)

Net weight (g)

Chicken fillet

Fresh champignons

Bulb onions


Vegetable oil

Technological process. Peel the mushrooms, onions and garlic, chop finely and fry in vegetable oil. Cut the ham and pickles into small cubes. Mix with mushrooms, onions and garlic. Add chopped herbs and mustard. Wash the chicken fillet, cut it in half, and cut a pocket in each piece with a knife. Stuff the fillet with the prepared minced meat. Dip the stuffed chicken fillet first in milk, then bread in flour and breadcrumbs. Fry the prepared fillet in a frying pan in vegetable oil until cooked.


Served on a round porcelain dish. Before serving, decorate with greens. Serving temperature 75-80˚C.

Organoleptic characteristics of the dish:

Appearance – fillet with a golden-brown crust, decorated with herbs;

Consistency - soft, juicy with a crispy crust;

Color – golden-brown, white when cut;

The taste and smell are delicate, with an aroma characteristic of chicken.


Name of dish: Deep fried chicken

name of raw materials

Gross weight (g)

Net weight (g)

Wheat flour

Wheat bread




Technological process. Breaded the cooked chicken leg in flour, dipped in lezone, coated in white breading and deep-fried.

Cut the potatoes into cubes, dry, deep-fry, remove with a slotted spoon to a sieve to drain the fat, then add salt.

Place the side dish on a heated plate, next to it, slightly covering the side dish, place the fried chicken and an additional side dish (beautifully chopped pickled or fresh cucumber). Drizzle the chicken with oil. Decorate the dish with herbs.

Organoleptic characteristics of the dish: Taste and smell of fried chicken, moderately salty. The meat is soft, the crust is crispy. Golden color.


Dish name: Fried chicken with mushrooms

name of raw materials

Gross weight (g)

Net weight (g)



Fresh champignons

Bulb onions

Broth or water

Loads of fried chicken

Garnish weight

Yield of finished dish (1 serving)

Technological process. Prepared chicken carcasses are chopped into pieces, fried until a crispy crust forms, placed in a pot, raw potatoes and carrots, cut into slices, chopped sautéed onions, bay leaves, salt and pepper are added. Then add broth or water and cook in the oven until cooked (40-50 minutes). Add fried mushrooms 8-10 minutes before the end.

The Chicken with Mushrooms dish should be served in the pot in which it was prepared. The pot is placed on a snack plate covered with a paper napkin. The serving temperature of the dish must be at least 65°C.

The shelf life of chicken stewed with mushrooms when stored on a steam table or hot plate is no more than 3 hours from the end of the technological process.

Organoleptic characteristics of the dish: Appearance - two pieces of chicken per serving; the vegetables retained their cut shape and were mixed evenly. Consistency - soft, juicy. Color - yellow with an orange tint. Taste - moderately salty with a taste of fried mushrooms. The smell is of stewed chicken with vegetables and fried mushrooms.

4. Organization of the workplace

A workplace is a part of the production area where a worker performs individual operations using appropriate equipment, utensils, tools, and tools.

Several work stations are organized for preparing poultry.

Organization of a workplace in a meat shop.

Workplaces in meat shops are organized for two technological processes:

1 – processing of cattle meat entering the workshop in quarters or half carcasses; pork – semi-finished products and half carcasses; lamb and veal - carcasses;

2 – processing of poultry, game and offal. Scheme technological process for processing poultry in Fig. 1.

Washing and drying. The meat must arrive at the workshop already thawed. Washing takes place in special rooms or baths using shower brushes. The washed meat is dried with cotton napkins for no more than 5 minutes, while drying with forced air takes from 1.5 to 2 hours.

Cutting carcasses into pieces. This operation is performed on a cutting chair using a butcher's ax or a band circular saw.


The cutting chair can be round or square. The round one is made of hard wood (oak, birch), the square one is made of glued bars and covered with a stainless steel hoop. The chair has handles for carrying.

Further, during the technological process in the workshop, a cutting table is needed for deboning, stripping and slicing meat, and each worker must be provided with at least 1.5 meters of table length with a table width of 1 m (table height should be 0.9 m). Table covers are made of stainless steel, duralumin, or wood covered with galvanized iron. The metal table tops have edges to prevent meat juices from dripping onto the floor. Under the table covers there should be drawers for storing tools and equipment.

For deboning meat, deboning legs - large and small - are used. Next to the deboning tables there are mobile tubs, carts or other containers where the meat is placed.

For slicing, beating and breading portioned semi-finished products, separate workplaces are organized, also equipped with production tables, the total length of which is determined based on the table length of 1.25 m for each cook.

Tables can be used ordinary and specialized. Next to regular tables, it is necessary to install a refrigerated cabinet for storing meat and lemonade. In a specialized table, the lower part of the table is provided for these purposes, and the upper part is a shelf for storing spices and breading.

For short-term storage and transportation of semi-finished products, mobile racks of various sizes can be provided.

The workplace for preparing semi-finished products should have table scales, medium knives, cutting boards and grates for meat grinders, a mortar and pestle, utensils for breading, and containers for semi-finished products.

Picture 1 - Process flow diagram for poultry processing

Meat for minced meat is cut at the workplace for preparing semi-finished products and ground in a meat grinder.

In large enterprises for preparing minced meat, meat grinders, cutters, and minced meat mixers with individual drives are installed; in small workshops, universal drives with replaceable mechanisms are installed. Small businesses use tabletop meat grinders. They are installed on the same table where meat is deboned and semi-finished products are prepared.

To store ready-made semi-finished meat products, refrigerated cabinets must be provided in the workshop.

The amount of equipment in the workshop and the need to equip it with equipment is determined by the amount of raw materials processed per shift. The required number of workers is calculated based on production rates of approximately 20 kg/hour. Based on the required number of workers in one shift, the length of the work tables is determined, as already indicated.

Organization of a workplace in a hot shop.

In the hot shop, the technological process of preparing hot dishes is completed. The hot shop is the main one, it is located next to the hall. Adjacent to the hot shop is a blank shop, a cold shop, and a kitchen utensil washing room.

In the hot shop, lines for preparing first and second courses are organized with the allocation of work stations for the preparation of: 1) broths; 2) first courses; 3) hot drinks; 4) frying main courses, side dishes; 5) cooking and stewing main courses, sauces and side dishes; 6) baking dishes.

Hot shop equipment: heating equipment includes stoves, cooking boilers, electric frying cabinets, electric frying pans, electric fryers, boilers.

It is important to select the correct cookware according to volume and purpose. The dishes must be made of non-oxidizing metal, have a flat bottom, smooth walls, firmly attached handles, and markings indicating the container.

For frying, it is necessary to provide braziers and frying pans. In addition, it is necessary to be sufficiently equipped with various scoops, spatulas, sauce spoons, skimmers, forks and other small equipment.

Production tables must be equipped with racks, shelves, built-in baths, and a mobile bath for washing cereals may be provided. Placing equipment in a hot shop provides the most convenient working conditions for chefs.

Equipment arrangement order: the stove is located in the center of the hot shop to ensure easy access to it from all sides.

Of great importance for the proper organization of work is the thoughtful placement at the workplace of tools, equipment, and various devices necessary for performing technological operations.

Inventory and tools that are constantly used are placed directly “at hand”; those tools that workers use less often are placed at some distance.

Raw materials or semi-finished products to be processed are placed on the left, tools on the right.

Tools, utensils, and equipment are stored on the shelves of cabinets and racks designated for this purpose, or lattice shelves are used under production tables.

At the workplace for preparing fried dishes and side dishes, a deep fryer, a frying pan, a stove, and a table-cabinet with cooling are installed in which fat and semi-finished products are stored.

When deep-frying, food is placed in a mesh liner and lowered into fat heated in the deep fryer (there should be 4-5 times more fat than product). Using the liner mesh, the finished product is removed from the fryer.

When frying food in the main way, a frying pan is heated, fat is placed in it (bring it to a boil), and then products made from meat, fish, vegetables or other products. Spatulas are used to turn them over, and paddles are used to stir them.

A small number of products are fried on the stove in a stovetop container.

To collect food waste, the workshop must be equipped with barrels with tightly closed lids.

5. Safety and sanitation

When working in a meat cutting shop, you must follow the following rules:

It is prohibited to operate a meat grinder without a safety ring; You can only push meat into the machine with a wooden pestle;

It is forbidden to operate a cutter with a faulty microswitch;

Removing or connecting replacement machines to the universal drive is only possible when it is completely turned off;

Before work, the universal drive trolley should be secured with screws;

To singe poultry and offal, it is necessary to use special plates with an exhaust hood;

It is forbidden to remove fish from the baths by hand; wire scoops should be used for this purpose;

Workers involved in deboning meat must wear safety chain mail;

Foot grates must be installed on the floor next to the production tables;

Knives must have well-secured handles and be stored in a specific place;

Production baths and tables must have rounded corners.

Aisles near workplaces should not be cluttered with dishes and containers.

The floor in the workshop must be level, without protrusions, and not slippery.

Hooks for hanging meat should be located no more than 2 m from the floor.

Finished products weighing more than 20 kg should be transported on trolleys.

For the normal work of cooks in a hot shop, compliance with safety regulations is important. Here are the most important of them.

Workers must study the rules for operating mechanical and thermal equipment and receive practical instruction from the production manager. Operating instructions must be posted at the equipment locations.

Equipment can be disassembled, lubricated, and cleaned only after stopping the machine and disconnecting it from sources of electricity, steam, and gas.

The lids of stationary digester boilers are allowed to be opened only after 5 minutes. after the supply of steam or electricity is stopped; Before opening, raise the turbine valve and make sure there is no steam. Open the lids of stove-top boilers towards you.

Before placing food in hot fat, it is necessary to remove liquid from it and place it away from you.

The lids of boilers with boiling liquid should be opened in such a way that steam comes out from the opposite side.

Boilers with hot liquid weighing more than 15 kg may only be removed by two people.

The temperature in the workshop should not exceed 26 degrees C.

It is prohibited to heat stoves with flammable liquids (kerosene, gasoline).

Disassembly, cleaning, and lubrication of any equipment can only be done when the machines are completely stopped and disconnected from sources of electricity, steam and gas. Electrical equipment must be grounded.

Do not leave switched on equipment and electrical appliances unattended. At the end of work, turn off the electric lighting (except for emergency lighting). All equipment except refrigeration must be turned off.


To avoid electric shock to operating personnel at the P.O.P. use individual and general protective equipment.

Personal protective equipment includes dielectric gloves, mats, galoshes and insulating stands. It is recommended to have dry hands, clothing and shoes when working with electrical equipment.

Common means of protection against damage include protective grounding, extinguishing, and automatic shutdown of equipment. And also in order to prevent accidents, it is necessary to know the structure and operating rules of the equipment.

The cook, before starting work, is obliged to put his workplace in order for safe work and check:

Serviceability and idling of equipment.

Availability and serviceability of grounding.

Serviceability and operation of the hood, air showering.

Check that the replacement mechanisms are assembled correctly.

During work, it is necessary to promptly remove and process waste, monitor the sanitary condition of the workplace, thoroughly rinse and wipe all machines after finishing work, scald the cutting chair with boiling water and cover it with salt.

Personal hygiene of the cook.

The rules of personal hygiene provide for a number of hygienic requirements for the maintenance of the body, hands and oral cavity, for sanitary clothing, for the sanitary regime of the enterprise, and for the medical examination of cooks. Keeping the body clean is an important hygienic requirement. Therefore, all employees are recommended to take a shower before work.

The cook is obliged to wear the sanitary clothing required while working; the sleeves of the clothing are rolled up to the elbow or fastened at the wrist.

Sanitary clothing – protects products from contamination that may enter them from the body. The set includes: a robe or jacket with buttons, an apron, a cap, special. shoes, towel.

Hair should be hidden under a cap, shoes with rubber soles without heels.

You cannot stab workwear with needles and keep pins, glass and other breakable and piercing objects in your pockets.

Earrings, rings, bracelets, chains and other items are not allowed.

List of used literature

Anfimova, N.A. Cooking / N.A.Anfimova et al. - M.: Economics, 2001. 582 p.

Baranov, V.S. Technology of production of public catering products / V.S. Baranov, A.I. Mglinets, L.M. Aleshina and others - M.: Economics, 2003. - 447 p.

Korchagina, T.L. Organization of production and service in public catering establishments: Lecture notes. Part 2 / T.L. Korchagina, V.A. Volkova. – Kemerovo: Kemerovo Technological Institute of Food Industry, 2003. - 100 p.

Mglinets, A.I. Handbook of catering technologist / A.I. Mglinets, G.N. Lovacheva, L.M. Aleshina et al. - M.: Kolos, 2003. – 541 p.

Collection of recipes for culinary products and dishes. Regulatory and technological documentation. - M.: Citadel-trade, 2005. – 752 p.

Cook's Handbook / Ed. M.M. Efimova. - M.: PROGRESS, 2003. 471 p.

Handbook of catering technologist / Ed. O.I. Ovsyannikova. - M.: Food Industry, 2001. – 489 p.

Fonareva, G.S. Directory of catering managers. Fonareva / G.S. Efimov A.D. and others - M.: Light industry and consumer services, 2003. – 562 p.

Shalnikova, V. Million menu of traditional Russian cuisine / V. Shalnikova. - Chelyabinsk: Publishing house "Uralsk L.D.T.", 2002.

Since ancient times in Rus', poultry dishes have been considered tasty and healthy food. And this is no coincidence: after all, the tender and aromatic meat of chickens, turkeys, ducks, and game has high nutritional value.

Thus, the edible part of a chicken carcass (and it makes up about 60% of its total mass) on average contains 13.5% proteins, 4.5% fats, 0.9% carbohydrates. Poultry meat is rich in vitamins and minerals. It contains little connective tissue proteins elastin and collagen, and fat is easily melted, so it is well absorbed by the body and is considered a dietary product. For those who are predisposed to cardiovascular diseases, doctors recommend replacing pork, beef, and lamb with chicken and fish. Boiled chicken without skin can be included in the most strict diets.

A large number of extractive substances determine the special taste of poultry broth. The meat of a young bird contains less extractive substances than that of an adult, so for preparing broths it is better to use an adult bird, but not an old one. Old poultry produces cloudy, flavorless broths. It is used for cooking and stewing, and young - for frying.

Game bird meat, unlike poultry, contains more protein and extractives, but less fat. It has a specific taste and aroma. The slight bitterness and resinous smell are considered especially valuable. Game is mainly used for frying. This is due to the fact that the vertebral bones of game contain bitter substances, which, when cooked, pass into the broth.

Poultry includes chickens, chicks, ducks, ducklings, geese, turkeys, and guinea fowl.

Feathered game is divided into steppe, swamp, forest and waterfowl.

The steppe includes quails, gray and red partridges; to the swamp - snipe, great snipe, waders, woodcock; to the forest - hazel grouse, black grouse, wood grouse, pheasants; to waterfowl - ducks, geese.

Compared to poultry meat, game meat is darker in color and has a denser consistency.

Farm poultry goes on sale broken without feathers, semi-gutted, gutted, with a set of by-products included. Game is sold uncleaned.


Carcasses of chickens, chicks and turkeys, tucked into a pocket or stitched with one or two threads, are placed in hot water. When cooking chickens, chicks and turkeys in one pot, place the turkeys first, then the hens and lastly the chickens, cover the pot with a lid and heat to a boil.

After boiling, remove the foam from the broth, add chopped roots and onions, salt and cook at a very low boil. When the birds are ready, first remove the chickens from the boiler, which are cooked for 25-30 minutes, then the chickens (45-60 minutes), then the turkeys (1.5-2 hours). Ducks are cooked for 1 hour, geese for 1-2 hours.

The readiness of the carcass is determined by piercing the thick part of the leg with a chef's needle (the needle should pass freely).

Game for main courses is rarely boiled (usually boiled game is used in the preparation of salads and other cold appetizers), but the process of cooking game is basically no different from cooking poultry.


They mainly use products made from cutlet and dumpling masses, chicken and game fillets, as well as chickens and pullets.

The cutlet mass products are placed in one row in a saucepan, the bottom of which is greased with oil, and the broth is poured so that it covers the products to 1/4-1/3 of their height. Cover the dish with a lid and simmer over low heat.

Chicken or game fillets are simmered in a saucepan, salted, the surface is sprinkled with lemon juice so that the color of the meat is white, broth is poured so that it covers the fillet to 1/4-1/3 of the height, and simmered over low heat.

Chicks and pullets (chickens) are placed in a dish at an angle of 45° to the bottom plane, chopped aromatic vegetables and onions are placed on the bottom of the dish and filled with broth and dry wine to 1/4-1/3 of the height of the bird. After this, the bird is salted, the dish is covered with a lid and simmered until cooked.

The broth obtained by poaching is used to prepare sauces.


Carcasses of large poultry (turkeys, geese and ducks), tucked into a pocket or stitched with thread, are salted and placed on baking sheets with their backs down. The surface of turkey carcasses is poured with melted poultry fat, and if the bird is skinny, then with melted lard; for fat geese and ducks - with hot water and placed in the oven.

Carcasses of chickens, chickens, hazel grouse, partridges, black grouse, wood grouse and pheasants are salted, placed on a baking sheet or frying pan with fat (removed from the poultry and melted or with lard), heated to a temperature of 150° (fat layer 3-5 cm), and , gradually turning, fry until a crispy crust forms over the entire surface of the carcass. To create a crispier and more beautiful crust, the carcasses are brushed with sour cream. After frying, the carcasses are turned over on their backs, placed in the oven and cooked until cooked.

When frying poultry and game in an oven, it is necessary to periodically turn the carcasses over and baste them with fat and the juices released from them.

Duration of frying turkeys and geese 1.5-2 hours, chickens 45-60 minutes, chickens 25-30 minutes, ducks 50-60, hazel grouse and partridges 20-30, black grouse and pheasants 40-50, snipe and quail 8-10 minutes .

The readiness of poultry meat is determined by the juice released from the frying carcasses when the thickest parts are pierced with a needle. If the juice is colorless-transparent, the bird is ready; if it is reddish-cloudy, the bird is raw.

The finished carcasses of poultry and game are removed from the oven, the threads are removed, transferred to another dish, and the fat remaining on the baking sheet is removed from the liquid and gravy (juice) is prepared from it, which is poured over the bird when serving. Immediately before serving, poultry and game are chopped into portioned pieces.

Roasted carcasses of turkeys, geese and ducks are cut in half lengthwise, then each half is divided into fillet and leg and chopped into the same number of pieces.

Chickens are chopped into four, five, six or more parts, depending on the size of the carcasses and the standard of layout.

Hazel grouse and partridge are served whole carcasses or cut into two parts along the breast bone.

Grouse and pheasants are cut into two or three parts in the longitudinal direction, and wood grouse into six to eight parts.

Small game - woodcocks, quails, snipes and snipes - are served whole carcasses.

In mass production, chopped portions of fried poultry and game are heated. To do this, place portions in a saucepan or frying pan, add a little of the juice and fat released during frying and place in the oven for 5-7 minutes.

The main side dish for fried poultry and game is fried potatoes. Additionally, green salads, red and white cabbage salads, pickled and pickled cucumbers, pickles, gherkins, squash, as well as pickled apples and pickled fruits and berries can be served separately in salad bowls, on pie plates or vases. Stewed cabbage and baked apples are also served with goose and duck.

Poultry and game for stews are first fried whole carcasses or chopped into pieces, and then stewed in sauce or broth, sometimes with the addition of tomato puree, vegetables, mushrooms, spices and herbs.


Poultry and game meat, as well as products included in baked dishes, are boiled, poached, stewed or fried until fully cooked before baking.

Depending on the nature of the dish, the finished products are seasoned with sauce, placed in cupronickel dishes, frying pans, metal molds, rolls, baskets or vol-au-vents baked from puff pastry or butter dough, and then baked.

Baking aims to quickly form a crispy crust over the entire surface of the baked dish; this requires a higher oven temperature, in the range of 300-350°. After a crispy crust has formed, the dish is placed in the oven (150-200°) to warm it completely.

Dishes prepared for baking as semi-finished products can be stored for no more than 2 hours.

Ready-made baked dishes should not be stored, as their appearance and taste deteriorate.

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1. Nutritional value of poultry dishes

2. Technology for preparing fried poultry dishes

2.1 Cooking poultry

2.2 Cooking poultry

2.3 Assortment of fried poultry dishes

2.4 Roast poultry release

2.5 Instruction card “Technology for preparing fried poultry”

3. Drawing up technological maps for fried poultry dishes

4. Organization of the workplace

5. Safety and sanitation

List of used literature

1. Nutritional value of poultry dishes

The problem of nutrition is one of the most important social problems. Human life, health and work are impossible without nutritious food. According to the theory of balanced nutrition, a person’s diet should contain not only proteins, fats and carbohydrates in the required quantities, but also substances such as essential amino acids, vitamins, and minerals in certain proportions that are beneficial for humans.

In organizing proper nutrition, a primary role is given to meat products.

Poultry meat also plays an important role in rational human nutrition, since the nutritional value of poultry meat is higher than that of animal meat.

Poultry dishes easily absorbed by the body. They contain 11 - 25% proteins, from 5 to 53% fat, 0.5 - 1.2% mineral salts, vitamins B1, B2, PP, A and extractives. Poultry fillet dishes are especially appreciated, as they have a more delicate consistency and contain more nitrogenous substances.

Poultry is divided by type - chicken, goose, duck meat; by age for chickens and adult birds; according to the processing method - semi-gutted and gutted.

The chemical composition of poultry meat depends on the same factors as the composition of meat from slaughtered animals. Compared to the meat of slaughtered animals, poultry meat contains more complete proteins, extractive substances, and fat has a low melting point (23-40 0 C). Poultry meat is easily digestible. Its digestibility is 93%.

Chicken broth is aromatic and rich in extractive substances. The meat of a young bird contains less extractive substances than the meat of an adult bird, and therefore the broth from it is less tasty

Poultry meat contains vitamins B, PP, A, as well as minerals - potassium, sodium, phosphorus, calcium, iron, copper and other elements.

Chicken and turkey meat is classified as dietary food. Broth made from lean chickens and turkeys causes increased secretion of digestive juices and promotes good absorption of food. Poultry meat is used in boiled, steamed, stewed and fried forms.

Table 1 - Nutritional value of ready-made fried poultry dishes per 100 g of edible portion (in parentheses - the approximate share of the daily requirement, %)

2. Technology for preparing fried poultry dishes

2.1 Cooking poultry

Before heat treatment, whole poultry and game carcasses are seasoned.

Poultry dressing. Processed poultry carcasses are seasoned to give compactness and for uniform heating during frying. Currently, carcass bandaging is practiced. The skin from the neck is folded onto the back, the carcass is placed back down on the twine and, pressing the wings, they are fastened crosswise with twine on top. Then they press the legs to the body and tie them together with twine, tying the ends at the back. You can fill the carcass using a wire clamp that presses the legs and wings to the carcass.

Removing the fillet. Poultry and game are fried not only whole, but also in the form of portioned fillet products. To remove the fillet, the processed bird is placed back down on a cutting board, the skin is cut at the flanks, the legs are turned out at the joints so that they lie on the cutting board and the skin is removed towards the neck, exposing the fillet. The wings are cut off at the elbow joint and the tendons at the shoulder joint are cut so that the wing bone remains in the fillet. Then the flesh is trimmed along the protrusion of the keel bone, the fork bone is cut and first one fillet is cut off along with the wing bone, and then the other. The removed fillet consists of two layers of muscles - the large (outer) with the wing bone and the small (inner) fillet.

Cleaning the fillet. Separate the small fillet from the large fillet and remove the fork bone. The wing bone is cleaned and the thickened part is cut off. A large fillet is placed with the inside up on a dry cutting board so that it does not slide on the board, and the film is cut off with a thin and wet knife, holding the fillet with your left hand. Then a longitudinal cut is made in the flesh of a large fillet, the tendon is cut in several places or cut out and the flesh is turned on both sides of the cut. The internal tendon is removed from the small fillet, which is pressed against the board with the heel of the knife, and the flesh is separated from it with the left hand, then the pulp is beaten. This is how fillets are processed to prepare semi-finished products from chickens, chickens, turkeys, partridges and hazel grouse.

Roasting poultry. Chickens, chicks, turkeys and small game are fried in the main way, in the oven and less often in deep fat.

Before frying, poultry carcasses are rubbed with salt on the outside and inside. Seasoned and salted chicken carcasses, chickens are placed back down on a baking sheet heated with fat and fried until a golden brown crust forms on the surface of the carcass. In this case, the carcass is turned from the back to one side, then to the other and onto the breast, the carcasses are fried in an oven at a temperature not exceeding 200 0 C, they are periodically turned over and watered with the released fat and juice. Before frying, chickens and lean chickens are brushed with sour cream to create a more golden brown crust.

Readiness is determined by piercing the thick part of the flesh with a chef's needle; clear juice flows out of the finished bird. Old chickens are simmered until tender before roasting.

Fried chicken carcasses are freed from the twine, cut lengthwise into two parts, divided into fillets and legs, and chopped into the same number of pieces.

Fry chickens, partridges and hazel grouse over high heat until golden brown and bring to readiness on a low-heated stovetop.

Chickens, black grouse, wood grouse and pheasants, after frying on the surface of the stove, are brought to readiness in an oven at a temperature of 170-180°C. In this case, the carcasses are placed on baking sheets with their backs down, and during the process they are periodically watered with the leaking juice and fat.

Turkeys, geese and ducks are fried in an oven at a temperature of 280-300°C until golden brown, and brought to readiness at a temperature of 170-180 by pouring hot water over fat ducks and geese. During frying, the carcasses are periodically turned over and basted with fat and juice.

Natural poultry cutlets are fried in the same way as natural meat products, and chicken fillet in breadcrumbs and capital-style poultry are fried like breaded ones.

Stuffed fillet products are deep-fried until golden brown and cooked in the oven. Chickens can be fried under pressure (“tobacco chickens”). Duration of frying chickens, partridges, hazel grouse 20-30 minutes, grouse 40-45, chickens and ducks 40-60 minutes, geese and turkeys 1-1.5 hours.

Losses when frying poultry range from 25 to 40%, depending on its type and fat content. When roasting fatty ducks and geese, up to 15% of the fat is rendered. From the liquid remaining on the baking sheet, meat juice is prepared, which is used for fried poultry during the holidays.

Methods for frying poultry. The heating medium is fat or heated air. The temperature of frying is much higher than cooking, so the surface layer of the fried product is quickly dehydrated and covered with a crust, and the inner layers are heated no higher than 100°C and are actually poached in their own juices. Depending on the environment in which the heating is carried out, several types of frying are distinguished.

Frying during deep fried- the product in the frying bath of the deep fryer is completely immersed in fat heated to 130-190°C. The duration of heat treatment is 5-10 minutes. To drain the fat and maintain a crispy crust, remove from deep fat with a slotted spoon and, if necessary, finish frying in the oven.

Confined frying- in frying and baking cabinets, ovens; The heating medium is hot air. Large pieces of meat, poultry, rabbits are fried or dough products are baked at different temperatures.

Frying in a field of infrared (IR) radiation. It is carried out in special devices: baking plates, electric grills, etc. IR heating is considered intermediate between surface and volumetric; frying time is reduced by 2-6 times.

2.2 Cooking poultry

The purpose of thermal culinary processing of poultry meat is to bring the product to a state of culinary readiness (the temperature in the thickness of the muscles is not less than 85 0 C). At the same time, the product’s resistance to microbiological spoilage increases, the meat acquires new taste and aromatic properties, a dense consistency and is usually better absorbed by the body.

The method of cooking poultry depends on its type, weight, age and other factors. Chickens and turkeys are boiled, fried or stewed, ducks and geese are fried or stewed.

During heat treatment, physical and chemical processes occur in products, as a result of which their consistency, color, smell and taste change. Under the influence of heat treatment, the digestibility of proteins, fats and carbohydrates usually increases. Changes caused by heating are caused by changes in the components, which depend on the conditions of the process (temperature, time, presence of water, pH of the environment and other factors). In this regard, the properties of raw and finished products differ significantly.

During heat treatment, the most characteristic change in the proteins of all tissues is thermal denaturation. At the same time, the characteristic properties of proteins change - their solubility and hydration decrease. Proteins denatured by heating easily aggregate, coagulate and compact with the release of water and water-soluble solids (mass loss occurs). Denaturation of poultry proteins begins at a temperature of 30 0 C. When the temperature reaches 60-65 0 C, about 90% of intramuscular proteins in meat are denatured, and at a temperature of 70 0 C - almost all muscle proteins. But even at 100 0 C, a certain amount of proteins does not lose their properties.

During heat treatment, changes in myoglobin (which determines the color of meat) are important. At a temperature of 65-70 0 C its denaturation begins. When heated to the temperature of myoglobin denaturation, the color of the meat changes from red to gray-brown as a result of the formation of hemochromes and hematins.

During the cooking process, water-soluble proteins from the outer layers of meat pass into water in the amount of 0.2% of the mass of the product, coagulate, forming foam that floats to the surface. This creates a broth. A “stronger” broth is formed when poultry products are placed in cold water.

Poultry fat is fusible, melts intensively when exposed to heat and passes into the cooking medium. The melted fat floats mainly to the surface of the broth; a small part of it emulsifies, which gives the broth a cloudy quality. With prolonged heating, the acid number of fat increases and hydroxy acids are formed, which gives the broth a salty taste and smell. Oxidative and hydrolytic processes worsen organoleptic quality indicators and reduce the nutritional value of fats.

Heat treatment leads to a decrease in the content of some vitamins as a result of their chemical changes. Some of the vitamins go into the cooking medium (broth, etc.). The change in the content of vitamins depends on their resistance to heat, processing conditions, pH of the environment and the presence of oxygen (losses are 40-70%). The least stable vitamins are thiamine, vitamin D 2, and when frying, vitamins A, E.

Substances formed as a result of autolysis of proteins, lipids and other components of poultry meat participate in the formation of the specific taste and aroma of the finished product. As a result of heating, new products are formed - they are released either from a bound state, or are formed as a result of the interaction of one substance with another.

A decisive role in the formation of the taste and smell of boiled meat is played by extractive substances that accumulate as a result of the breakdown of high-molecular compounds.

The change in taste when heated is also associated with the formation of hypoxanthine due to the breakdown of inosinic acid.

The aroma of boiled meat is affected by hydrogen sulfide and mercaptans, which are breakdown products of cystine and cysteine.

In addition to the above, the aroma of the broth is determined by some volatile compounds formed as a result of the change in fats.

Violation of the heat treatment regime leads to undesirable color changes, the formation of substances with an unpleasant odor and taste, large losses of nutrients, and reduces the digestibility of products.

2.3 Assortment of fried poultry dishes

Carcasses fried whole or in portions.

Method I - prepared carcasses are shaped, greased with salt, placed on a greased baking sheet; the pan is placed in an oven with a temperature of 210-220 0 C for 5-10 minutes to form a golden brown crust, then the heat is reduced to 150-160 0 C and brought to readiness at this temperature. In this case, the carcasses are poured with fat or juice that formed during the frying process.

Method II (for small birds) - prepared carcasses are fried on a baking sheet with fat heated to a temperature of 150-160 0 until a golden brown crust forms, then placed in an oven at a temperature of 180 0 and brought to readiness.

Portioned pieces are fried in the main way and brought to readiness in the oven. Portion the bird into 2 pieces per serving (fillet and leg, the back can be cut out). Served as a side dish are crumbly buckwheat porridge, boiled or steamed rice, boiled peas, fried raw potatoes, stewed cabbage, baked apples, and complex side dishes. As an additional side dish, dill, parsley, lettuce, fresh cucumbers, red and white cabbage are used. Sauces - red main, tomato, tomato with mushrooms.

Stuffed goose, duck - the prepared poultry is stuffed with small or medium potatoes, prunes or apples and fried in the oven for 45-60 minutes. When leaving, the stuffed bird is portioned, placed on a dish along with the minced meat and sprinkled with juice or butter.

Tobacco chickens - the carcass of a young bird is shaped “into a feeder”, cut along the keel bone, unfolded, sprinkled with salt, brushed with sour cream and fried in a frying pan under a heated press. Served on a platter with herbs, fried tomatoes, pickled onions. Tkemali or garlic sauce is served separately in a gravy boat.

Poultry according to the capital - trimmed fillet (boneless), the flesh of the hind legs or back of the rabbit is beaten, dipped in eggs, breaded in white bread and fried for 12-15 minutes. When leaving, put butter, put canned fruits and side dishes on the side (green peas, deep-fried potatoes, complex side dishes). The side dish can be served in baskets.

Chicken casserole with ham - chicken meat and ham are passed through a meat grinder, bechamel sauce (milk sauce without butter) is added, placed in a portioned frying pan, sprinkled with grated cheese on top and baked for 30 minutes at a temperature of 180-190 0 C. For the dish served with mashed potatoes and tomato sauce.

Poultry fries - chickens, chickens or turkeys are boiled, chopped into portions, breaded, dipped in lezon, breaded in white breading, deep-fried until a crust forms and cooked in the oven. When serving, pour over butter and garnish with fried potatoes. Tomato sauce with wine is served separately. The dish is decorated with lettuce or parsley.

Natural, breaded, stuffed cutlets and schnitzels are prepared from chicken and turkey fillets.

2.4 Roast poultry release

It is recommended to portion fried poultry immediately before leaving: geese, ducks, and chickens, it is recommended to serve two pieces per serving (leg and fillet). Chickens - one piece at a time. When portioning a large bird, the back bone is cut out.

They serve fried poultry dishes with complex and simple vegetable side dishes, with side dishes of cereals, legumes and pasta.

For fatty geese and ducks, stewed cabbage is served.

As a side dish for poultry fillet products, deep-fried potatoes, carrots poached in butter or milk sauce, and mushrooms in sour cream are used. Side dishes such as vegetables poached in butter and milk sauce, mushrooms in sour cream, are recommended to be served in tartlets baked from unleavened, puff pastry or pancake dough.

Side dishes enrich dishes with additional nutrients, improve taste, decorate them, make them more attractive, more appetizing, and thereby increase digestibility. A well-chosen side dish softens or increases the spiciness of the main product, its fat content, saltiness, acidity or sweetness. A complex side dish is placed in piles (bouquets), alternating elements by color. Green peas, asparagus and other types of side dishes can be served in tartlets.

Many dishes are served with sauces. The correct selection of side dishes and sauces is of great importance, since the taste and digestibility of dishes largely depend on this. Poultry meat, fried in its natural form, is poured with meat juice and butter when leaving, and breaded products are poured with melted butter or other fat. The side dish is first placed on a dish or plate, and the meat is placed on the side, and it may partially cover the side dish; in some cases, meat is placed on top of a side dish (kebab with rice, etc.). When leaving, fillet products are poured with oil, meat juice is added to natural cutlets, and Madeira sauce is served separately in a gravy boat for stuffed cutlets (with the exception of Kiev cutlets). Breaded and deep-fried products (pieces of poultry, stuffed cutlets) are poured with melted butter when leaving.

Additionally, in salad bowls and vases they offer green salads, salads from fresh cucumbers, red cabbage, pickled fruits and berries, as well as lingonberry, cranberry and blackcurrant jam. To serve salads and pickled berries, you can use salad bowls or vases. Roasted ducks are garnished with baked apples, stewed cabbage and fried potatoes, geese - stewed cabbage, apples, crumbly buckwheat porridge.

2.5 Instruction card

Fried poultry cooking technology

Material and technical equipment.

Equipment: PESM-4Sh, SESM-0.2, ShZhESM-2K, dial scales, production tables.

Equipment, tools, utensils: cauldrons, stewpans, frying pans, sieve, baking sheet, metal trays, cutting boards marked “OS”, “MV”, “MS”, chef’s knives, chef’s needle, pouring spoon, metal dishes, lambs.

Raw materials: poultry carcasses, potatoes, red cabbage, tomatoes, lettuce, herbs, spices, breading.

Sequence of technological operations for preparing fried chicken

Operation No. 1. Organization of the workplace.

Operation No. 2. Preparation of semi-finished chicken products. Process and wash the chicken in running water, tuck it “into the pocket” for cooking whole.

Operation No. 3. Processing and cutting vegetables. Roots and onions are chopped. Potatoes are cut into strips, lettuce, fresh cucumbers, and tomatoes are processed and washed. Red cabbage is chopped into strips.

Operation No. 4. Roasting poultry. Before frying, rub the carcass with salt and pepper on the outside and inside. The seasoned carcasses are placed on a baking sheet with heated fat, back down, and fried until golden brown. The fried carcasses are placed in the oven for 15...20 minutes. Determine readiness by piercing the leg with a chef's needle; at the same time, it freely enters the thickness of the pulp (clear juice flows out of the puncture).

Operation No. 5. Preparation and selection of side dishes. Fried poultry: fried potatoes, salad, pickled fruits, berries, greens.

Operation No. 6. Preparing the sauce. White sauce is prepared for serving in chicken broth.

Operation No. 7. Portioning of poultry. Fried poultry is portioned immediately before release, 2 pieces per serving (leg and fillet).

Operation No. 8. Preparing butter. Pieces of butter are melted in a frying pan at a temperature of 110... 130 °C.

Quality requirements. The taste of the chicken is moderately salty and tender. The chicken is soft and juicy.

Submission rules. The fried bird is garnished with fried potatoes, topped with juice and butter. Additionally, salad, pickled fruits, berries, fresh cucumbers, and tomatoes are placed on the dish.

3. Drawing up technological maps for fried poultry dishes


Name of dish: Chicken fillet Leningrad style

Cooking technology. Beat the chicken fillet, soak it in lezon (egg + milk + water + salt), roll in the mixture (flour, crackers and sesame seeds) then fry on both sides, bring to readiness in a convection oven.

Physico-chemical and microbiological indicators that affect the safety of the dish comply with the requirements of SanPiN and GOST R 50763-95. Storage conditions, shelf life: 48 hours at temperatures from +2°C to +6°C.

Organoleptic characteristics:

Appearance: Portioned pieces are evenly fried, edges are smooth.

Consistency: Juicy, soft, tender.

Color: Surfaces – golden; when cut into meat it is white.

Taste and smell Pleasant, moderately salty and spicy.


Name of dish: Chicken fricassee

Cooking technology. Chop the chicken breasts, fry with paprika, add cheese paste and cream, and stir until cooked. For spice, add paprika-onion paste. Add fresh green beans and fry them together with cherry tomatoes. To add flavor, add dill paste. Decorate the dish with fresh rosemary and arugula.

Dish name: Stuffed chicken breast “Cordon bleu”

name of raw materials

Gross weight (g)

Net weight (g)

Chicken fillet

Fresh champignons

Bulb onions


Vegetable oil

Technological process. Peel the mushrooms, onions and garlic, chop finely and fry in vegetable oil. Cut the ham and pickles into small cubes. Mix with mushrooms, onions and garlic. Add chopped herbs and mustard. Wash the chicken fillet, cut it in half, and cut a pocket in each piece with a knife. Stuff the fillet with the prepared minced meat. Dip the stuffed chicken fillet first in milk, then bread in flour and breadcrumbs. Fry the prepared fillet in a frying pan in vegetable oil until cooked.

Served on a round porcelain dish. Before serving, decorate with greens. Serving temperature 75-80˚C.

Organoleptic characteristics of the dish:

Appearance – fillet with a golden-brown crust, decorated with herbs;

Consistency - soft, juicy with a crispy crust;

Color – golden-brown, white when cut;

The taste and smell are delicate, with an aroma characteristic of chicken.


Name of dish: Deep fried chicken

Technological process. Breaded the cooked chicken leg in flour, dipped in lezone, coated in white breading and deep-fried.

Cut the potatoes into cubes, dry, deep-fry, remove with a slotted spoon to a sieve to drain the fat, then add salt.

Place the side dish on a heated plate, next to it, slightly covering the side dish, place the fried chicken and an additional side dish (beautifully chopped pickled or fresh cucumber). Drizzle the chicken with oil. Decorate the dish with herbs.

Organoleptic characteristics of the dish: Taste and smell of fried chicken, moderately salty. The meat is soft, the crust is crispy. Golden color.


Dish name: Fried chicken with mushrooms

name of raw materials

Gross weight (g)

Net weight (g)



Fresh champignons

Bulb onions

Broth or water

Loads of fried chicken

Garnish weight

Yield of finished dish (1 serving)

Technological process. Prepared chicken carcasses are chopped into pieces, fried until a crispy crust forms, placed in a pot, raw potatoes and carrots, cut into slices, chopped sautéed onions, bay leaves, salt and pepper are added. Then add broth or water and cook in the oven until cooked (40-50 minutes). Add fried mushrooms 8-10 minutes before the end.

The Chicken with Mushrooms dish should be served in the pot in which it was prepared. The pot is placed on a snack plate covered with a paper napkin. The serving temperature of the dish must be at least 65°C.

The shelf life of chicken stewed with mushrooms when stored on a steam table or hot plate is no more than 3 hours from the end of the technological process.

Organoleptic characteristics of the dish: Appearance - two pieces of chicken per serving; the vegetables retained their cut shape and were mixed evenly. Consistency - soft, juicy. Color - yellow with an orange tint. Taste - moderately salty with a taste of fried mushrooms. The smell is of stewed chicken with vegetables and fried mushrooms.

4. Organization of the workplace

A workplace is a part of the production area where a worker performs individual operations using appropriate equipment, utensils, tools, and tools.

Several work stations are organized for preparing poultry.

Organization of a workplace in a meat shop.

Workplaces in meat shops are organized for two technological processes:

1 – processing of cattle meat entering the workshop in quarters or half carcasses; pork – semi-finished products and half carcasses; lamb and veal - carcasses;

2 – processing of poultry, game and offal. Scheme technological process for processing poultry in Fig. 1.

Washing and drying. The meat must arrive at the workshop already thawed. Washing takes place in special rooms or baths using shower brushes. The washed meat is dried with cotton napkins for no more than 5 minutes, while drying with forced air takes from 1.5 to 2 hours.

Cutting carcasses into pieces. This operation is performed on a cutting chair using a butcher's ax or a band circular saw.

The cutting chair can be round or square. The round one is made of hard wood (oak, birch), the square one is made of glued bars and covered with a stainless steel hoop. The chair has handles for carrying.

Further, during the technological process in the workshop, a cutting table is needed for deboning, stripping and slicing meat, and each worker must be provided with at least 1.5 meters of table length with a table width of 1 m (table height should be 0.9 m). Table covers are made of stainless steel, duralumin, or wood covered with galvanized iron. The metal table tops have edges to prevent meat juices from dripping onto the floor. Under the table covers there should be drawers for storing tools and equipment.

For slicing, beating and breading portioned semi-finished products, separate workplaces are organized, also equipped with production tables, the total length of which is determined based on the table length of 1.25 m for each cook.

Tables can be used ordinary and specialized. Next to regular tables, it is necessary to install a refrigerated cabinet for storing meat and lemonade. In a specialized table, the lower part of the table is provided for these purposes, and the upper part is a shelf for storing spices and breading.

For short-term storage and transportation of semi-finished products, mobile racks of various sizes can be provided.

The workplace for preparing semi-finished products should have table scales, medium knives, cutting boards and grates for meat grinders, a mortar and pestle, utensils for breading, and containers for semi-finished products.

Picture 1 - Process flow diagram for poultry processing

Meat for minced meat is cut at the workplace for preparing semi-finished products and ground in a meat grinder.

In large enterprises for preparing minced meat, meat grinders, cutters, and minced meat mixers with individual drives are installed; in small workshops, universal drives with replaceable mechanisms are installed. Small businesses use tabletop meat grinders. They are installed on the same table where meat is deboned and semi-finished products are prepared.

To store ready-made semi-finished meat products, refrigerated cabinets must be provided in the workshop.

The amount of equipment in the workshop and the need to equip it with equipment is determined by the amount of raw materials processed per shift. The required number of workers is calculated based on production rates of approximately 20 kg/hour. Based on the required number of workers in one shift, the length of the work tables is determined, as already indicated.

Organization of a workplace in a hot shop.

In the hot shop, the technological process of preparing hot dishes is completed. The hot shop is the main one, it is located next to the hall. Adjacent to the hot shop is a blank shop, a cold shop, and a kitchen utensil washing room.

In the hot shop, lines for preparing first and second courses are organized with the allocation of work stations for the preparation of: 1) broths; 2) first courses; 3) hot drinks; 4) frying main courses, side dishes; 5) cooking and stewing main courses, sauces and side dishes; 6) baking dishes.

Hot shop equipment: heating equipment includes stoves, cooking boilers, electric frying cabinets, electric frying pans, electric fryers, boilers.

It is important to select the correct cookware according to volume and purpose. The dishes must be made of non-oxidizing metal, have a flat bottom, smooth walls, firmly attached handles, and markings indicating the container.

For frying, it is necessary to provide braziers and frying pans. In addition, it is necessary to be sufficiently equipped with various scoops, spatulas, sauce spoons, skimmers, forks and other small equipment.

Production tables must be equipped with racks, shelves, built-in baths, and a mobile bath for washing cereals may be provided. Placing equipment in a hot shop provides the most convenient working conditions for chefs.

Equipment arrangement order: the stove is located in the center of the hot shop to ensure easy access to it from all sides.

Of great importance for the proper organization of work is the thoughtful placement at the workplace of tools, equipment, and various devices necessary for performing technological operations.

Inventory and tools that are constantly used are placed directly “at hand”; those tools that workers use less often are placed at some distance.

Raw materials or semi-finished products to be processed are placed on the left, tools on the right.

Tools, utensils, and equipment are stored on the shelves of cabinets and racks designated for this purpose, or lattice shelves are used under production tables.

At the workplace for preparing fried dishes and side dishes, a deep fryer, a frying pan, a stove, and a table-cabinet with cooling are installed in which fat and semi-finished products are stored.

When deep-frying, food is placed in a mesh liner and lowered into fat heated in the deep fryer (there should be 4-5 times more fat than product). Using the liner mesh, the finished product is removed from the fryer.

When frying food in the main way, a frying pan is heated, fat is placed in it (bring it to a boil), and then products made from meat, fish, vegetables or other products. Spatulas are used to turn them over, and paddles are used to stir them.

A small number of products are fried on the stove in a stovetop container.

To collect food waste, the workshop must be equipped with barrels with tightly closed lids.

5. Safety and sanitation

When working in a meat cutting shop, you must follow the following rules:

It is prohibited to operate a meat grinder without a safety ring; You can only push meat into the machine with a wooden pestle;

It is forbidden to operate a cutter with a faulty microswitch;

Removing or connecting replacement machines to the universal drive is only possible when it is completely turned off;

Before work, the universal drive trolley should be secured with screws;

To singe poultry and offal, it is necessary to use special plates with an exhaust hood;

It is forbidden to remove fish from the baths by hand; wire scoops should be used for this purpose;

Workers involved in deboning meat must wear safety chain mail;

Foot grates must be installed on the floor next to the production tables;

Knives must have well-secured handles and be stored in a specific place;

Production baths and tables must have rounded corners.

Aisles near workplaces should not be cluttered with dishes and containers.

The floor in the workshop must be level, without protrusions, and not slippery.

Hooks for hanging meat should be located no more than 2 m from the floor.

Finished products weighing more than 20 kg should be transported on trolleys.

For the normal work of cooks in a hot shop, compliance with safety regulations is important. Here are the most important of them.

Workers must study the rules for operating mechanical and thermal equipment and receive practical instruction from the production manager. Operating instructions must be posted at the equipment locations.

Equipment can be disassembled, lubricated, and cleaned only after stopping the machine and disconnecting it from sources of electricity, steam, and gas.

The lids of stationary digester boilers are allowed to be opened only after 5 minutes. after the supply of steam or electricity is stopped; Before opening, raise the turbine valve and make sure there is no steam. Open the lids of stove-top boilers towards you.

Before placing food in hot fat, it is necessary to remove liquid from it and place it away from you.

The lids of boilers with boiling liquid should be opened in such a way that steam comes out from the opposite side.

Boilers with hot liquid weighing more than 15 kg may only be removed by two people.

The temperature in the workshop should not exceed 26 degrees C.

It is prohibited to heat stoves with flammable liquids (kerosene, gasoline).

Disassembly, cleaning, and lubrication of any equipment can only be done when the machines are completely stopped and disconnected from sources of electricity, steam and gas. Electrical equipment must be grounded.

Do not leave switched on equipment and electrical appliances unattended. At the end of work, turn off the electric lighting (except for emergency lighting). All equipment except refrigeration must be turned off.

To avoid electric shock to operating personnel at the P.O.P. use individual and general protective equipment.

Personal protective equipment includes dielectric gloves, mats, galoshes and insulating stands. It is recommended to have dry hands, clothing and shoes when working with electrical equipment.

Common means of protection against damage include protective grounding, extinguishing, and automatic shutdown of equipment. And also in order to prevent accidents, it is necessary to know the structure and operating rules of the equipment.

The cook, before starting work, is obliged to put his workplace in order for safe work and check:

Serviceability and idling of equipment.

Availability and serviceability of grounding.

Serviceability and operation of the hood, air showering.

Check that the replacement mechanisms are assembled correctly.

During work, it is necessary to promptly remove and process waste, monitor the sanitary condition of the workplace, thoroughly rinse and wipe all machines after finishing work, scald the cutting chair with boiling water and cover it with salt.

Personal hygiene of the cook.

The rules of personal hygiene provide for a number of hygienic requirements for the maintenance of the body, hands and oral cavity, for sanitary clothing, for the sanitary regime of the enterprise, and for the medical examination of cooks. Keeping the body clean is an important hygienic requirement. Therefore, all employees are recommended to take a shower before work.

The cook is obliged to wear the sanitary clothing required while working; the sleeves of the clothing are rolled up to the elbow or fastened at the wrist.

Sanitary clothing – protects products from contamination that may enter them from the body. The set includes: a robe or jacket with buttons, an apron, a cap, special. shoes, towel.

Hair should be hidden under a cap, shoes with rubber soles without heels.

You cannot stab workwear with needles and keep pins, glass and other breakable and piercing objects in your pockets.

List of used literature

1. Anfimova, N.A. Cooking / N.A.Anfimova et al. - M.: Economics, 2001. 582 p.

2. Baranov, V.S. Technology of production of public catering products / V.S. Baranov, A.I. Mglinets, L.M. Aleshina and others - M.: Economics, 2003. - 447 p.

3. Korchagina, T.L. Organization of production and service in public catering establishments: Lecture notes. Part 2 / T.L. Korchagina, V.A. Volkova. – Kemerovo: Kemerovo Technological Institute of Food Industry, 2003. - 100 p.

4. Mglinets, A.I. Handbook of catering technologist / A.I. Mglinets, G.N. Lovacheva, L.M. Aleshina et al. - M.: Kolos, 2003. – 541 p.

5. Collection of recipes for culinary products and dishes. Regulatory and technological documentation. - M.: Citadel-trade, 2005. – 752 p.

6. Cook's Handbook / Ed. M.M. Efimova. - M.: PROGRESS, 2003. 471 p.

7. Handbook of catering technologist / Ed. O.I. Ovsyannikova. - M.: Food Industry, 2001. – 489 p.

8. Fonareva, G.S. Directory of catering managers. Fonareva / G.S. Efimov A.D. and others - M.: Light industry and consumer services, 2003. – 562 p.

9. Shalnikova, V. Million menus of traditional Russian cuisine / V. Shalnikova. - Chelyabinsk: Publishing house "Uralsk L.D.T.", 2002.
