How to keep a logbook with job descriptions in any company. Accounting for job descriptions Journal of accounting for job descriptions

Not all employer companies believe that they need job descriptions. This is due to the peculiarities of legislative regulation. Unfortunately, an organization begins to apply such acts regulating the labor functions of employees only when problems arise with personnel or inspection bodies.

Let us immediately determine that the mandatory presence of job descriptions in an organization in 2018 is not established by labor legislation. Thus, the employer has the right to independently decide on their development and approval. At the same time, the company should take into account that in relation to the description of the labor function, the presence of which is a mandatory condition of the employment contract, the content of the job descriptions of employees duplicates it.

At the same time, it should be noted that the purpose of job descriptions in 2018 is much broader. They regulate the organizational and legal position in the organization for each position, which is provided for by the current staffing table of the enterprise, as well as the qualification requirements for it. In addition, the document establishes the employee’s labor duties, his rights and responsibilities in this workplace. The universality and coverage of many issues make these regulations an important component of labor activity. But not everyone knows how to put them into practice without errors.

The development of job descriptions allows you to clearly delineate the responsibilities and rights between employees both within one structural unit and within the entire commercial organization. Their use ensures effective interaction within work teams, as well as between departments.

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Step-by-step instructions for developing job descriptions in 2018

Step 1 Analyze the regulatory documents that establish the requirements for employee qualifications.

Determine the category of the position using the All-Russian Classifier, industry qualification reference books or a professional standard, if it is approved for specialists in a given profession, as well as professional standards, if they are adopted for a given position.

Step 2 Extract the necessary information from the documents.

Take the list of qualification requirements for the position from the sections “Qualification requirements”, “Tariff and qualification characteristics”, and the professional standard.

Step 3 Prepare administrative documentation and check the order of its application.

Determine the procedure in which an employee is appointed to a position and removed from it in accordance with the procedure for filling positions that is established by administrative documents or LNA (local regulations) of your enterprise. The documents on the basis of which the activities of the position are regulated, as a rule, include the charter of the enterprise, PVTR (internal labor regulations of the organization), an employment contract with each employee, job descriptions of employees, regulations on the unit, and other LNA of the organization.

Step 4 Study the hierarchy of positions in the organization.

Determine subordination by position in accordance with the hierarchy established by the staffing table and the structure of the unit.

Step 5 Determine the order of substitution.

Determine the procedure for replacing an employee in the event of his absence in accordance with the procedure for appointment and dismissal.

Step 6 Define a list of responsibilities.

When developing a job description, the list of job responsibilities must be drawn up taking into account the relevant sections of qualification reference books, as well as the functionality established by the professional standard for a specialist with this qualification. Responsibilities must be adjusted to suit the specific workplace and production conditions.

Step 7 Find out the permissions of employees.

In the “Rights” section, specify the powers that will be assigned to this position and which are necessary for the effective performance of assigned job responsibilities.

Step 8 Establish your area of ​​responsibility.

The responsibilities assigned by the standard job description are established in accordance with federal laws and local regulations of the enterprise. For a position that involves signing a liability agreement, indicate specifically what kind of financial liability will be provided for violating the provisions of this agreement. In this section of the job description in 2018, it is possible to establish evaluation criteria that will determine the extent to which the employee fulfills his duties and exercises his rights.

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Registration of job descriptions in 2018

If the employer has the right to set the requirements for the content of these documents independently, then the rules for drawing up the job description are quite strict. They are established at the state level.

The sample job description design must comply with GOST R 6.30-2003, which regulates the general design rules for all business documents.

Form and sample job description in 2018

Order on approval of job descriptions

All job descriptions developed at the enterprise in 2018 must be approved by the manager or the person performing his duties. He fills in the details “Approval stamp”, which is mandatory for this type of documents and gives them legal force. When filling out this detail, not only is the manager’s signature affixed, but also a transcript is given indicating the date of signing.

After this, the enterprise issues an order approving job descriptions. There is no unified form for such an order, therefore the form of the order for approval of job descriptions, a sample of which is approved by the local regulatory act of the organization, can be used.

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The job description log is often considered an optional document that does not require special attention. The development and recording of job descriptions are issues that are given too little importance, despite the fact that the job description is part of the local regulatory framework of the enterprise.

From this article you will learn:

  • How is development going andaccounting of job descriptions;
  • how to registerjournal of familiarization with job descriptions;
  • what is it needed forlog of the issuance of job descriptions.

Development and recording of job descriptions at the enterprise

A job description refers to the documents of the regulatory framework of any organization. Despite the fact that the law does not oblige the employer to issue job descriptions, this document is equally important for both the employer and the employee. The job description defines the tasks, qualification requirements, functions, rights, duties, and responsibilities of the employee. This is a document intended to regulate labor relations in the company.

As a rule, the legal or personnel department is responsible for developing job descriptions. However, it is more effective to entrust this to the head of the unit, who is familiar with the specifics of the work and the organizational subtleties of the structural unit. The draft instructions are agreed upon with legal specialists, personnel specialists, and the representative body of the company’s employees, after which it is endorsed by all interested employees and the manager. Then the job description remains to be approved, put into effect and familiarized with it to the employee.

It is optimal when all job descriptions are prepared in duplicate. The first one is handed over to the employee against signature. To record this fact, the organization must keep a log of familiarization with job descriptions. An option is possible when a mark is placed on the familiarization sheet, which is filed with the instructions or in the general journal of familiarization with local acts.

It would seem that this is where the process of working with the document ends. For some reason, registration of job descriptions, their recording and storage are relegated to the background. However, according to the Order of the Ministry of Culture of Russia dated August 25, 2010, “administrative and operational and technical documentation”, which includes the job description, must be stored “at the place of development and/or approval” for 75 years. Even if a new one is replaced, the previous job description must be kept in the organization for three years.

Thus, this part of working with regulatory documentation should not be neglected. If the organization has established regulation of labor relations using such a convenient tool as job descriptions, then the storage of these documents should be organized at the appropriate level.

Job description log

Current legislation does not require mandatory registration of job descriptions. Despite this, if the organization has an established document flow, then the release of new regulations must be registered somewhere. For these purposes, the employer has the right to develop a Job Description Register. If in the future there is a need to find this or that document, the presence of such a journal will greatly simplify the task. In addition, this magazine will help in resolving individual or collective labor disputes in the event of a conflict between an employer and an employee.

The job description logbook is developed by the employer in any form. There is no unified form for this journal; the company has the right to develop and approve the journal details independently.

Sample log of job descriptions

Registration means recording data about a document in a prescribed form. According to GOST R51141-98, it must record the fact of its creation, dispatch or receipt. Similar recommendations are contained in. A record of registration of an internal document is made on the day of its signature or approval.

A sample registration of job descriptions is a record containing all the necessary details, fully describing the fact of issuing a new job description. As a rule, a correct entry reflecting the fact that a new job description has been issued at an enterprise is considered to be an entry containing the following details:

1. Number and date of the job description (JI)

The registration number of the instruction consists of a serial number within the registered array of documents or index and the year of issue of the instruction. For example: No. 18-DI/2014

2. Name of the position (category) in the job description

3. Structural unit in which the job description will be applied

4. Date of approval of the DI

5. Date of review of the DI

6. Full name of the employee

7. Location of copies of the document

8. Notes

This column may include necessary information not related to the previous paragraphs. For example: the date of reduction of position in the organization and transfer of the job description to the archive; a note on the number of copies issued to the employee on the basis of Art.

Sample job description log

This sample journal of job descriptions is not a unified form of registration of regulatory documents. The employer develops the form of the magazine independently, based on the specifics of the organization.

Journal of familiarization with job descriptions

In accordance with current legislation, the employer is obliged to familiarize the employee with local regulations related to the employee’s work activities before signing an employment contract ()

The procedure for familiarizing an employee with a job description “under signature” is carried out using an “Familiarization Visa”. This detail consists of the name of the position, the employee’s personal signature, a transcript of the signature and the date. If the fact of familiarization is recorded directly in the job description, then the employee’s visa is placed on the last sheet of the document, after all the others. If several employees occupy the same position, then the document may contain more than one visa.

Familiarization with the job description can, in addition, be noted on the familiarization sheet with local acts or directly on a copy of the employment contract. To systematize document flow, an employer can use a job description logbook, which contains all the necessary details.

The HR employee must give the employee a certified copy of the job description after the review procedure. This will protect both the employee and his employer from unreasonable demands in the event of a conflict. The fact of transfer of a copy can be entered in a separate column in the job description journal, or you can simply supplement the employee’s familiarization visa on the employer’s copy with a note indicating receipt of a certified copy.

Sample log of familiarization with job descriptions

Logbook for issuing job descriptions

In some cases, to record document flow processes in an organization, an additional journal is created to record the issuance of job descriptions. As noted above, any new job description is published in several copies. One certified copy is issued to the employee against signature. Accounting for job descriptions requires a mark indicating that the employee has read the instructions. In addition, you can record the issuance of a certified copy to the employee. For this purpose, some companies have a corresponding magazine.

To avoid misunderstandings and disagreements between the employer and the employee, a note indicating receipt of the instructions is placed in the journal for issuing job descriptions. It is important for the employee to have a copy of the instructions in case the employer has any complaints about the performance of his job duties. What is important for the employer is the ability to regulate labor relations based on regulatory documents.

According to the law, job descriptions are normative documents of long validity. They are stored centrally in the HR department. Despite all the obvious advantages of such storage, some companies store original job descriptions in structural divisions or in the office.

According to the recommendations set out in, job descriptions should be compiled into a separate file that has a permanent shelf life. This case can be archived after replacing the existing job descriptions with new ones.

Logbook for issuing job descriptions. Sample

A job description is not a mandatory regulatory document, but it is extremely important as it helps in regulating the work process. Storing and recording job descriptions is an extremely important element of the company’s document flow.

You can find detailed information on how to correctly fill out a journal for registering job descriptions, what is taken as a sample for registering job descriptions, and how to keep a log of familiarization with job descriptions in the legal documentation and journal articles:

12 personnel documents that will help you pass any audit

Used to register job descriptions and changes to them.

Job description- this is a document that is designed to clearly define the place and purpose of a specific position in the company, the requirements for candidates for this position, the job responsibilities of the employee holding this position, his rights and responsibilities.

The basis for the development of job descriptions are the qualification characteristics (requirements) for employee positions and worker professions, which are approved by the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation.

A job description is drawn up for each full-time position of the organization and is announced to the employee against signature upon concluding an employment contract, as well as when moving to another position and during temporary performance of duties in the position.

Agreed and approved job description is registered and stored in the personnel department or the relevant unit in accordance with the established procedure. For current work, copies are made from the original job description and given to the employee and the head of the structural unit.

Registration is a record of accounting data about a document in the prescribed form, recording the fact of its creation, sending or receipt (GOST R 51141-98).

Registration is confirmation of the creation or receipt of a document at a certain time (day) by entering it into the registration form, assigning a number and recording basic data about the document. As follows from the definition, registration first of all gives legal force to a document, because records the fact of its creation or receipt. Until the document is registered, has not received its number, it is not formalized and does not seem to exist yet.

Internal documents are registered on the day they are signed or approved. Each document classified as registered receives its own registration number, consisting of a serial number within the registered array of documents, which, based on search tasks, can be supplemented with indexes according to the nomenclature of cases, classifiers of correspondents, executors, etc. In this case, serial numbers are assigned in within a calendar year separately for each type of document.

An example of filling out the main section of the journal:

The magazine includes additional materials:

  • Sample job description.

According to GOST 31282-2004 control seal- a unique single-use indicator device designed to detect unauthorized access.

Before starting to work with the Journal, you must fill out the title page and certification. Be sure to enter the seal number in the appropriate line; without this, the Journal is not considered sealed.

Helpful information:

What are the requirements for personnel logbooks, and how the logbook should be designed in accordance with these requirements, see our video.

IMPORTANT: NOT laced, but only prepared for lacing: the magazine has through holes and a certification inscription on the last page of the magazine.

Job Description Logbook - sample of this document, each organization may have its own structure due to the lack of a normatively approved form. In our article you will find both recommendations for its design and completion, as well as a link to download the current sample log of job descriptions .

Functions of the register of job descriptions in the Russian Federation

The job description register (hereinafter referred to as DI) is managed by the personnel department of the organization. It is conducted with the aim of systematizing data on the publication of DI, making changes to them and confirming the fact that employees have become familiar with the DI, as required by paragraph. 6 hours 1 tbsp. 21 and part 3 of Art. 68 Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

The presence of this journal is not a mandatory requirement, nor is the use of the DIs themselves, however, in practice, most employers consider their use appropriate. After all, the main function of such instructions is to specify the job responsibilities of the hired employee.

Don't know your rights?

IMPORTANT! The rights and obligations of an employee provided for by his DI must not contradict the labor functions provided for in the employment contract, labor law norms and other legislative acts in the field of labor protection. The instruction excludes both the performance by an employee of functions that are not provided for in it, and the evasion of the duties specified in it. Thus, DI serves for both parties as a kind of guarantor of certain labor relations in the organization.

Recommendations for registering job descriptions in the journal

In accordance with the rules of personnel records management, each internal document of the organization is subject to registration on the day of its signing and approval. In this case, it is assigned a registration number, which usually consists of a serial number, supplemented by a special index for ease of identification.

Journal of registration of job descriptions - is there an approved form, where can I download a sample?

The DI registration log does not have a unified form, and each employer develops it independently, taking into account the organization’s procedure for recording local regulations. However, practice shows that the journal, as a rule, is drawn up in the form of a table that includes the following columns:

  1. Serial number of the record.
  2. Document approval date.
  3. Date of registration of the document.
  4. The name of the position in respect of which the DI was issued.
  5. Name of the structural unit.
  6. Date of changes to documents.
  7. Information about changes made to the DI.
  8. Date the employee became familiar with the DI.
  9. Full name of the employee who has read the DI.
  10. Personal signature of the employee who has read the DI.
  11. Full name of the employee responsible for maintaining the journal.
  12. Personal signature of the employee keeping the journal.
  13. Copy storage location.
  14. Notes

The above list of details is not exhaustive and mandatory for inclusion in the magazine. Organizations have the right to develop any form of this document that suits them. In this case you can use sample log of job descriptions available on our website, changing the set of input data if necessary.

Is the job description given to the employee?

A job description (hereinafter referred to as DI) is one of the local acts of the employer, developed in relation to a separate position and approved by the head of the organization. The presence of a DI in an organization is a right, not an obligation of the employer. At the same time, it allows you to effectively distribute the powers of employees, determine the boundaries of their responsibility and establish the employee’s competence at the hiring stage.

More information about whether it is necessary to draw up a DI at enterprises is described in the article Is a job description required in an organization?

The current legislation does not regulate the procedure for registration and issuance of DI. When preparing it, the employer can be guided by the provisions of GOST R 6.30-2003 “Unified documentation systems...”, but ultimately independently determines the form and content of the instructions depending on the specifics of the organization’s activities, as well as the functions of the employee.

The DI can be approved either as an annex to the employment contract or as a separate document. Usually it is issued in 2 copies. After signing by the employee, one copy is handed over to him, and the other is stored in the personnel department (see letter of Rostrud dated October 31, 2007 No. 4412-6).

A DI approved as an independent document may not be handed over to the employee. However, upon his written application, the employer is obliged to issue him a certified copy of the instructions within 3 working days (Article 62 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

IMPORTANT! The DI, drawn up as an annex to the employment contract, must be transferred to the employee in accordance with Part 1 of Art. 67 Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

Journal for issuing job descriptions: download sample

To avoid possible disputes between the employee and the employer, it is recommended that the fact of transfer of DI is recorded. You can do this in one of the following ways:

  • make an entry in the DI issuance journal (especially important for organizations with a large number of employees);
  • put a mark indicating receipt of the instructions on the employer’s copy (with the signature and transcript of the employee).

The following information may be indicated in the columns of the DI issuance journal:

  • serial numbers and dates of approval of instructions;
  • information about the employee’s hiring date and details of the order for its execution;
  • Full name of the employee and his position;
  • date of receipt by the employee of the DI;
  • signature of the employee indicating that he has read and received a copy of the DI;
  • information about the employee responsible for maintaining the DI issuance log.

A sample DI issuance log can be downloaded from the link: Journal for issuing job descriptions - sample download.

Thus, as a general rule, 1 copy of the signed job description is given to the employee. The journal for issuing job descriptions allows you to record the moment of transfer of the document, which is confirmed by the personal signature of the employee in the corresponding column of the journal.
