Regulations on holding a review-competition “Vegetable garden on the windowsill”. Project on the topic: regulations on holding a review-competition “vegetable garden on the windowsill” Individual nominations for the competition

I approve_______________________________ Head of MBDOU “Kindergarten No. 16” T.V. BubnovaRegulations on holding a review competition"Vegetable garden on the windowsill."

1. General position:

Purpose of the competition:
. developing children's cognitive interests, developing research skills, expanding the skills of children's experimental activities, cultivating in children the ability to observe, draw conclusions, and record results;
. broadening the horizons of children and enriching the developmental environment in groups
. improving the quality of design of the territory of a preschool educational institution, including play areas.
. Preparing seedlings for landscaping in the summer
. identifying the best practices of preschool educational institutions.
. consolidation and development of children’s labor skills appropriate to their age.

Objectives of the competition:

Identification of initiative and creative approach to creating a “Vegetable Garden on the Window Sill” (taking into account age groups);

Decorative and artistic design (originality, variety);

Involving parents in the implementation of the competition “Vegetable garden on the windowsill”

2. Timing and procedure

Dates: March 04 to April 04, 2014
Form of implementation - expert assessment by the commission of the design of the “Vegetable Garden on the Window Sill”

Criteria for evaluation:

1. Decorative and artistic design:
. originality;
. diversity;
. practicality;
. aesthetics.

2. Planting flower and vegetable crops followed by planting in open ground.
3. Safety and accessibility in the development of children’s labor skills.
4. Compliance with sanitary standards (Sanpin);

3. Participants in the competition “Vegetable garden on the windowsill”
Participants in the competition are teachers of all age groups of MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 16"

1st junior group No. 3 - Ozerova L.Yu.
1st junior group No. 4 - Bagirova G.G.
2nd junior group No. 1 - Zebrina O.A.
2nd junior group No. 8 - Belyankina V.A., Lyapina A.M.
Middle group No. 12 - Erina N.V.
Senior group No. 6 - Kabaeva L.N., Lyapina A.M.
Senior group No. 7 - Shikunova O.V.
Preparatory group No. 9 - Verina G.F.
Preparatory group No. 10 - Shabanova E.N.

4. Summing up

The winners of the competition are determined by the number of points scored. Teachers of the group who took the first three places are encouraged with certificates of commendation, photographs of the best vegetable garden are posted on the kindergarten website.

Interesting pedagogical findings are presented to the MBDOU team and recommended for use in their work.

5. Composition of the commission

1. Bubnova T.V. - manager

2. Komissarova N.A. - deputy. head according to VMR

3. Belyakova A.I. - additional teacher education

Once upon a time there lived a grandfather and a woman, and they had joy:

They grew a vegetable garden and surprised all the people.

Their harvest is not small - there’s a whole dump truck of onions,

And also shaggy oats, curly tomatoes,

And carrots, and flowers - admire them too!

In the process of designing the “Vegetable Garden on the Window Sill,” each group showed their imagination.

In group No. 12 there is a variety of greenery: green onions, peppers, marigolds, zinnias, oats grow here; all this wealth is guarded by Kuzya, the owner of the garden. Grandmother lives near the garden; she has many pets and birds on her farm.


middle group No. 12, teacher ERINA NATALIA VASILIEVNA

In groups No. 7, No. 10 - the owners of the garden - Grandmother and grandfather and granddaughter. Onions grow in the garden. parsley, flower seedlings, a mini-greenhouse was made for growing flowers.

2nd place

senior group No. 7. Teacher Olga Vladimirovna Shikunova

preparatory group No. 10. Teacher Shabanova Elena Nikolaevna

Group No. 3 built a fence and a farm for animals. Friendly shoots of oats are pleasing to the eye.

3rd place

Second junior group. Group No. 1. Teacher Zebrina Olga Alekseevna.

Elena Matveeva
Regulations on the competition “Best vegetable garden on a windowsill 2015”


ABOUT holding a competition«»

1. General provisions

1.1 Present Position determines the order of organization and holding a competition« The best vegetable garden on the windowsill 2015» in MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 36" in Artyom.

1.2 Contest is an educational program aimed at developing children's cognitive abilities, research skills and abilities.

2. Goals and objectives competition

2.1 Purpose: development of children's cognitive interests, formation of research skills, expansion of children's horizons and enrichment of the developmental environment in groups.

2.2 Objectives:

Identification of initiative and creativity in creating « Vegetable garden on the windowsill» (taking into account age groups);

Decorative and artistic design (originality, variety);

Involving parents in the implementation of the show competition»

3. Participants Competition

Participants competition are teachers and children of all age groups MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 36".

4. Timing holding the Competition

Deadlines carrying out: 01.04.2015 – 31.08.2015.

5. Order holding the Competition

Form carrying out- expert review commission:

Designs « Vegetable garden on the windowsill»

Creating a Project »

Creating a presentation »

6. Evaluation criteria Competition





6.2. Safety, accessibility in the development of children's labor skills.

6.3. Compliance with sanitary standards (SanPin);

6.4. Involving parents in creating « Vegetable garden on the windowsill» .

6.5 Correct project creation » .

6.6 Originality of presentation.

7. Summing up Competition

7.1 Winners competition are determined by the number of points scored.

7.2 Teachers of groups who took the first three places are encouraged with certificates and photographs the best vegetable garden posted on the kindergarten website.

7.3 Interesting pedagogical findings are presented to the MBDOU team "kindergarten No. 36" and are recommended for use at work.

7.4 Composition of the commission:

Publications on the topic:

I would like to present a new photo report of the design of a vegetable garden on a windowsill in a kindergarten. Last year, my partner and I took our 3-year-old kids. Children.

Every housewife dreams of always having fresh herbs on hand. And this dream is quite easy to achieve, even if you are not.

Regulations of the professional skills competition “Tanda Teacher of the Year - 2015” Appendix 1 Approved by order of the Education Department of the Tandinsky kozhuun administration dated “___” February 2015 No. ___ REGULATIONS on the competition.

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Oksana Semashko

Appendix No. 1 to the Order dated «___» ___2015 №___


In accordance with the annual work plan of MBDOU d/s No. 40 and on the basis of the order

No. ___ from «___» ___ 2015 The administration of the preschool educational institution announces a competition on March 27, 2015 » .

1. General position:

Goal of the competition and tasks:

To intensify the activities of employees of MBDOU No. 40 in the implementation of environmental education on the topic » , in order to develop children's cognitive interests, broaden their horizons and enrich the developmental environment in groups. Preparing seedlings for landscaping in the summer.

Identification of initiative and creativity in creating

« Vegetable garden on the windowsill» (taking into account age groups);

Decorative and artistic design (originality, variety);

Involving parents in implementation competition show»

Identifying and disseminating best teaching practices.

2. Timing and procedure:

Competition duration: from 03/10/2015 to 03/27. 2015

Form of conduct: expert assessment by the design commission « Vegetable garden on the windowsill»

Criteria for evaluation:





Availability of inscriptions

Availability of diagrams, operating algorithm, sketches of observations

2. Correspondence of plantings to age characteristics

3. Safety, accessibility.

4. Participation of children in planting and care.

5. Compliance with sanitary standards (Sanpin);

6. Involving parents in creation « Vegetable garden on the windowsill» .

Note: criteria are assessed on a 3-point system, in case of originality - an additional point.

3. Participants show-competition:

Participants in the competition are teachers and students of all age groups of preschool educational institutions.

4. Summing up

The results of the competition are announced on March 27, 2015. The winner is determined by the highest number of points scored. The winners are awarded prizes and certificates of honor.

In our preschool educational institution there were 4 groups, each with its own garden:

in the youngest - "In the garden or in vegetable garden"

in the middle - "Masha's"

in the senior - "Magic"

in the preparatory class - "At Grandma Marfa's"

Publications on the topic:

Winter is coming to an end. It remains to spend the last month of February and nature will wake up from a long winter sleep. Spring will come.

Dear Colleagues! I would like to bring to your attention “The Cheerful Vegetable Garden”. We held this competition in 2014, where our group took first.

Every year in our kindergarten there is a competition “Vegetable garden on the windowsill”. Together with my partner, we worked for a long time on its design.

Every year our kindergarten hosts competitions to design a “Vegetable Garden on the Window Sill.” We thought for a long time about how to decorate our garden, how much.

Nature is our common home. Loss of respect for it leads to a loss of morality in a person - this idea was repeatedly stated in their works.

Dear Colleagues! I present to you a photo report of how we organized a vegetable garden on the windowsill in the group. We had a competition in our kindergarten.

This is my second year working in a kindergarten. And from the first day of work, I constantly want to create and develop with the kids. At the end of winter.

Almost every Russian can speak knowledgeably on the “garden” topic. Probably, in no other country in the world are there so many owners of even tiny, but their own plots of land on which you can show your creativity. Moreover, a year-round “vegetable” season exists not only among summer residents, but also among teachers of many kindergartens. In winter and early spring, wonderful tomatoes and cucumbers grow on the windows of many preschool institutions, in the spring the planting of seedlings begins, and in the fall everyone reaps the long-awaited harvest.




Head of the Medical Educational Institution

Kindergarten No. 18 “Parklandia”

O. B. Stepanova




1. General Provisions

1.1. This regulation determines the procedure and regulations for holding the review-competition “Vegetable Garden on the Window Sill” at the Children's Garden No. 18 “Parklandia” (hereinafter referred to as the Competition).

2.Goals and objectives of the competition

2.1 Goal: developing children’s cognitive interests, developing research skills, expanding children’s horizons and enriching the developmental environment in groups

2.2 Tasks:

  • Ensuring the formation of children's sustainable interest in nature.
  • Creating favorable conditions for raising an environmentally literate child.
  • Identification of initiative and creative approach to creating a “Vegetable Garden on the Window Sill” (taking into account age groups).
  • Involving parents in the implementation of the competition “Vegetable garden on the windowsill”.
  • Identifying and disseminating best teaching practices.

3. Participants of the competition

3.1. Teachers of all age groups of kindergartens, pupils of MADOU Kindergarten No. 18 “Parklandia” and their parents can participate in the competition, regardless of age, gender, place of residence, occupation and hobbies.

3.2. Participation in the competition means the author’s consent, if he wins, to use his work for non-commercial purposes (to reproduce works in methodological and information publications, when preparing greeting cards, for publication on the kindergarten website).

3.3. Correspondence of plantings to the age characteristics of children.

I junior group - bow

II junior group – onions, oats, beans

Middle group - onions, oats, beans, basil

Senior group - onions, oats, beans, basil, flowers

Preparatory group - onions, oats, beans, basil, vegetables

R.S.: Initiative is welcome)

4. Procedure and deadlines for submitting competitive works

4.1. To participate in the competition, you must submit an application no later than March 31, 2015.

4.3. Teachers in groups design a “Vegetable garden on the windowsill.” The recommendations can be found at the following link

4.4. Competition works submitted after the deadline for acceptance and that do not meet the conditions of the competition will not be accepted or considered.

5. The procedure for holding a review-competition

5.1. To participate in the competition, you must create a vegetable garden on a saucer.

5.2. Expert assessment and summing up of the works submitted to the competition is entrusted to the commission consisting of:

  • Stepanova Olga Borisovna – head of the kindergarten
  • Dmitrienko Tatyana Vladimirovna – deputy. head
  • Krasnova Tatyana Sergeevna – deputy. according to ACh
  • Paramarchuk Natalya Viktorovna – head of fine art
  • Oksana Borisovna Appasova - gardener
  • Shishvaleeva Zimfira Akhmadullovna - teacher of group 1
  • Lebedeva Natalya Petrovna – teacher of group 2
  • Shadrina Irina Sergeevna - teacher of group 10

5.3. When evaluating submitted works, the following criteria are taken into account:

  • Cognitive value and practical significance.
  • Safety, accessibility in the development of children's labor skills.
  • Originality of the compositional solution (an original form of presenting the theme has been found).
  • Aesthetic design, as well as fulfillment of design requirements.
  • Expression of creativity.
  • Work of teachers with parents.

5.4. The competition commission reviews and evaluates competition works on April 27, 2015.

5.5. The summing up of the review-competition is recorded. The minutes are brought to the attention of all participants at a meeting with the manager.

6. Awarding the winners

6.1. The winners of the review competition are awarded diplomas and certificates.

6.2. Photos of the best vegetable garden are posted on the kindergarten website

(Photo news from the website of MADOU kindergarten No. 18 in Chelyabinsk “Garden boom” )


Director of MADOU

"Kindergarten No. 83"


about holding a review - competition

within the framework of a unified thematic planning of MADOU "Kindergarten No. 83" in the conditions of the Federal State Educational Standard

"Garden on the windowsill"

Syktyvkar 2015


All age groups, including early age, participate in the competition.

Purpose of the competition:

Creation of conditions in groups and areas of preschool educational institutions for the environmental education of children in the spring and summer through the organization of planting and growing a variety of plants, ensuring psychological and emotional well-being, intellectual and labor education, taking into account the ethnocultural component (NCC).

Competition objectives:

1. Intensify the work of teachers to create conditions for a variety of experimental work with children, observations, research, and plant care.

2. To promote the search for creative pedagogical ideas for designing a “Vegetable garden on the windowsill”, planting seedlings grown in stage 1 on the walking and assigned plots of the “Vegetable garden and flower beds on the site”

3. Promote the activity and responsibility of teachers when planting and caring for the garden, flower beds and assigned areas.

3. Increase the activity of teachers in working with parents: involving parents in enriching the developmental environment in corners of nature, in group areas.


1. The review competition is held in 2 stages:

3. Commission for summing up the results of the competition:

Director of MADOU –

Senior teacher -

Conditions have been created for independent work activity of children in the group (watering cans, aprons, sticks for loosening the soil; devices for spraying); The seedlings are strong, well-groomed, and in large quantities. The feasibility and possibility of using seedlings for the vegetable garden and flower garden on the site. Creative approach, aesthetics, originality of teachers in the creation of the “Vegetable Garden on the Window Sill”. Parents took an active part in the creation of the “Vegetable Garden on the Window Sill”.

2 points – The “Vegetable Garden on the Window Sill” objects are not accessible to children. The commission is presented with either a completed project or products of project activities. Conditions have been created for children to work independently in a group in

small volume. There are not enough seedlings to plant in the vegetable garden, flower beds and designated areas. The seedlings are not strong, with signs of unkemptness. The design of the “Vegetable Garden on the Window Sill” is simple with decorative elements. Few parents took part in creating the “Vegetable Garden on the Window Sill.”

1 point – Conditions have not been created for children’s access to the “Vegetable Garden on the Window Sill” objects. The commission was not presented with the completed project and the products of the project activities. Conditions have not been created for independent cognitive and experimental activities of children; there is no equipment for independent labor activity of children in a group.

The seedlings are weak, unkempt, and not suitable for planting in flower beds and vegetable gardens. Simple design of a “Vegetable garden on a windowsill.” Parents were not involved in the creation of the “Vegetable Garden on the Window Sill.”


2 stages of the competition “GARDEN ON THE WINDOW SILL” (June 1 – August 7)

3 points – The edges of the flowerbed or vegetable garden are decorated, there are no weeds, high yields in the garden and many flowering plants in the flower bed and assigned area. Original aesthetic design of the vegetable garden and flower beds. The variety of vegetable and flower crops is age appropriate. The commission was presented with a completed project and products of project activities. Various conditions have been created for children’s independent work in the area, flower garden and assigned area. Parents took an active part in creating a vegetable garden and flower garden on the territory of the preschool educational institution.

2 points - The edges of a flower bed or vegetable garden are poorly designed, there are weeds, low yields in the garden and few flowering plants. The design of the vegetable garden and flower beds is simple. The variety of vegetable and flower crops does not correspond to age. The commission is presented with either a completed project or products of project activities. Conditions have been created for children to work independently in a small area, in a flower garden, and in an assigned area. Parents did not actively participate in the creation of a vegetable garden and flower garden on the territory of the preschool educational institution.

1 point – The edges of the flowerbed or vegetable garden are not decorated, there are many weeds, there is no harvest, there are few flowering plants. There is no design of the vegetable garden and flower beds. There is no variety of vegetable and flower crops. The commission was not presented with the completed project and the products of the project activities. Conditions have not been created for children to work independently in the area, flower garden and assigned area. Parents did not take part in creating a vegetable garden and flower garden on the territory of the preschool educational institution.


Prepare a pre-designed project, products of project activities and parents who took part in creating a vegetable garden and flower garden on the territory of the preschool educational institution.


The winners will be rewarded financially and with valuable gifts for the groups.
