Profession collector. Who is a collector

Cash collector: opportunities and taboos of the profession

Editor's response

August 1 is celebrated as All-Russian Cash Cashier's Day. On this day in 1939, the collection service was created at the State Bank of the USSR. However, the need to transport and protect funds and valuables arose much earlier - simultaneously with the appearance of both valuables and money at the end of the 9th century in Kievan Rus. talks about what collectors do, what they are prohibited from and what is allowed during work.

Who are collectors?

A collector is a person who delivers money and other material assets from organizations to banks, as well as delivers cash from a bank to organizations.

We can say that collectors appeared in those days when banknotes were not yet in use, the main monetary units were gold and silver coins, and money was transported in large forged chests and caskets. Then, trade caravans of merchants carrying large sums of money were accompanied by well-armed guards, at the head of which was always a trusted representative from the richest merchant family.

Subsequently, the duties of collectors were performed by ordinary police officers, and the money was transported in simple horse-drawn carriages. The work of a cash collector became a separate independent profession only 25-30 years ago.

What are the responsibilities and requirements for cash collectors?

The responsibilities of collectors include:

  • Delivery of cash and valuables to organizations from the bank and back.
  • Checking and packing valuables together with the cashier.
  • Checking the correctness of filling out the accompanying financial documentation.
  • Ensuring the safety of valuables along the entire route.

Since the specifics of the work involve financial responsibility, the main requirements for the collector are as follows:

  • No criminal record, bad habits, or dubious facts in your biography.
  • Service in the army or the Ministry of Internal Affairs, often experience working in security structures.
  • Endurance, good physical fitness, readiness for physical activity.
  • Attentiveness, good reaction speed.
  • Preparation at special courses with obtaining a certificate.
  • Driving license category B (employers often offer the applicant a combination of the functions of a cash collector and a driver).
  • Individual employers have their own requirements - having an accounting education, for example, or having their own traumatic weapon.

When can a collector use a weapon?

Collection service employees have the right to use weapons in the following cases:

  • to protect funds and valuables from criminal attacks;
  • to repel an attack when the life and health of collection workers are in immediate danger;
  • to detain criminals who have committed an attack on cash collection workers or the values ​​and objects they protect;
  • to repel an attack in order to seize weapons.

Before receiving a service weapon, the collector must pass an exam at the regional department of the licensing and permitting system of the Internal Affairs Directorate. Then a weapons license is issued, after which the person has the right to transport and protect money and valuables.

The collector is obliged to report every fact of the use of a weapon to the police and remain at the scene until law enforcement agencies arrive, unless, of course, there is a possibility of a second attack.

What does a collector have no right to do?

Under no circumstances should the collector:

The collection team includes a cashier, security guards and a driver.

The collector is engaged in the collection and delivery of money and other material assets from organizations to the bank, as well as the delivery of cash from the bank to organizations.

The profession of a cash collector is complex and responsible, requiring certain skills and qualities from the applicant.

But at the same time, the profession of a cash collector is in high demand among employers; it provides an opportunity to improve one’s weapons skills and physical fitness, and also allows one to obtain a permit to carry a weapon.

Places of work

The position of collector is in demand in the state collection service, private security companies (PSC), special services of commercial banks, and non-profit credit organizations.

History of the profession

In those days when banknotes were not yet in use and the main monetary units were gold and silver coins, money was transported in large forged chests and caskets. Trade caravans of merchants carrying large sums of money were accompanied by well-armed guards, led by a trusted representative from the richest merchant family.

Subsequently, the duties of collectors were performed by ordinary police officers, and the money was transported in simple carriages. And only some 25-30 years ago, the work of a cash collector became a separate profession.

Responsibilities of a collector

Here is a basic list of what a collector does at his workplace:

  • Delivery of cash and valuables to organizations from the bank and back.
  • Checking and packing valuables together with the cashier.
  • Checking the correctness of filling out the accompanying financial documentation.
  • Ensuring the safety of valuables along the entire route.

The duties of a collector may vary slightly depending on the specifics of the institution and collection objects.

Requirements for a collector

Since the specifics of the work involve financial responsibility, the main requirements for the collector are as follows:

  • No criminal record, bad habits, or dubious facts in your biography.
  • Service in the army or the Ministry of Internal Affairs, often - experience working in security structures.
  • Endurance, good physical fitness, readiness for physical activity.
  • Attentiveness, good reaction speed.
  • Preparation at special courses with obtaining a certificate.
  • Driving license category B (employers often offer the applicant a combination of the functions of a cash collector and a driver).

In addition to what is mandatory for a collector, individual employers may have their own requirements - having an accounting education, for example, or having their own traumatic weapon.

How to become a collector

As a rule, in order to competently perform the functions of a cash collector, no special higher education is required.

People with a secondary education, but at the same time having served in the army and having a “clean” biography, can get a job as a cash collector.

However, before becoming a cash collector, you will still have to undergo special training and obtain a private security guard license. Often a military, legal or sports education is a plus for an applicant.

Risks of the profession

The position of a cash collector involves a risk to life and is physically difficult work. In addition, the work is psychologically difficult - not everyone can constantly have large sums of cash and firearms on hand. Therefore, qualified psychologists constantly work with collectors.

Collector's salary

The salary of a cash collector depends on the employee’s work experience and the specifics of the company in which he works.

Usually it ranges from 17-35 thousand rubles, while the average salary of a cash collector in the country is 26 thousand rubles.

Often, how much a collector receives depends on his responsibilities and the number of organizations to which he should come for collection. In addition to salary, some employers offer employees additional bonuses.



Collector(from the Italian incassare - to put in a box) - an employee of a bank or specialized third-party organization whose duties include collecting and transporting cash, usually to the bank from the organization's cash desk (for example, trade proceeds) or back from the bank to the organization's cash desk ( for example, for issuing wages).

Also, collectors transport cash between different banks (for example, newly printed banknotes in a bank vault), other material assets - especially important documents, precious metals, bank cards, etc.

Filling ATMs with cash (and removing receiving cassettes from cash-in ATMs and payment terminals) is also a collection activity.

Features of the profession

Pros and cons of the profession

Add another weapon: a pistol, and the Rosinkas employees also have a machine gun. Another difficulty is psychological.

Place of work

Important qualities


Where do they teach


The collector's salary is not too high for work associated with risk and danger to life: from 17 to 30 thousand rubles. (although an employee with solid experience sometimes receives more, up to 50 thousand rubles). The work schedule may be different: a regular five-day week, two days every other day, etc. Gradation


Collector's Day– professional holiday of collection employees, celebrated on August 1. On this day in 1939, the collection service was created at the State Bank of the USSR. Anecdotes about collectors In the dashing nineties, a joke about the low salary of collectors was very popular. “How do you live on that kind of money?” - they asked the collector’s wife. “In the evenings I sweep my husband’s car... We have enough,” she answered. Robbery of collectors is not a criminal offense, but taking out a loan in 5 minutes, without certificates, collateral and guarantors at 0 percent. The children are talking in the sandbox: - And my dad brings such wads of money from work! - Just think! Mine generally carries bags of money. - Come on, who does he work for? - A collector. Yesterday two unknown people attacked a collector. A random passer-by rushed to the rescue and disappeared with her in an unknown direction. A week ago I hung a talisman in my car to attract money. Yesterday a collector's car drove into me.


How does a cash collector work - Articles

An experienced cash collector anonymously told Rjob about “money” work: how many kilograms of money he transports per day, how he found his first job, whether there is career growth for cash collectors, and whether this profession is really as dangerous as is commonly believed.

Before you try to get a job in a collection service, it is worth understanding what kind of work you will have to do. Many people think that collectors are simply money carriers. In fact, it is necessary to provide armed security during the transportation of valuables and guard the places where they are stored. Material assets must be accepted and handed over, having completed accompanying documents in accordance with the instructions.

On average, a collection vehicle can travel up to 500 km per day, but, of course, this is relevant for Moscow and other large cities. In the provinces everything is a little simpler. As for the average amount transported per day, no one is trying to calculate it even approximately. We transport both paper bills and coins, and therefore measure amounts in “live weight”. Usually this is hundreds of kilograms of money per shift.

About danger

This profession is as dangerous as any work in law enforcement or paramilitary structures. The likelihood of death or injury for the average employee is extremely low, but sometimes it does happen. Lately, emergency situations are happening less and less often.

For example, each car is equipped with GPS sensors, so the dispatcher even sees violations of the speed limit and other traffic rules. And even more so, he is the first to discover stops that are not planned on the route, and other oddities.

Mobile printers and scanners, automated money counting tools, and lightweight safe packages have come into use. They all make work easier and safer.

As for the difficulties, the work is really physically difficult. Modern body armor weighs only 3-5 kg, but they must be worn without taking it off, and in any weather. You constantly have to carry heavy loads - bags of change, bills, bullion and much more. It’s not easy psychologically either, because the collector constantly carries firearms with him.

About employers

The largest employer is Rosinkas under the Central Bank of Russia. But getting there is not easy - the selection is the toughest. Vacancies are not published at all - there is always a waiting list of applicants.

The person on the street will not even know that the position has become vacant. Therefore, the majority find employment in commercial banks and non-bank credit organizations, for example, in Inkahran.

Large private security companies have their own collection service.

When choosing an organization in which you will work, collect reviews and look for news about it - whether there have been any emergency situations, attacks or deaths of employees.

In many ways, your safety will depend not only on your partners and strict adherence to the rules of conduct, but also on the material support of the organization - how safe cars, weapons, etc. are.

In addition, small private structures sometimes do not follow instructions and endanger the lives of collectors, if this is beneficial to the company itself or clients.

About the requirements for the applicant

Cash collectors do not have any special education. But by default it should be no lower than average. There is an unspoken advantage for former law enforcement officers and military personnel, but all applicants are required to at least simply serve in the military.

Physical strength and endurance are important. If you are planning to get a job in the collection service, you must meet the requirements of health group 1A, that is, be fit for service in the armed forces without any restrictions.

The biography will also be checked for “purity” - it should not contain criminal records or other dubious facts.

Very important!

Psychological stability is also checked during the interview. Only those who have provided certificates from psychoneurological and drug treatment clinics are allowed to work. Cash collectors are regularly tested by a psychologist. After all, in addition to money, they will also have to carry weapons, and if necessary, even use them.

A license to carry a weapon is also required for a collector to be employed.

Almost all large companies require work experience in their specialty. In most cases, it is also a recommendation from a previous place of work or from another employee.

In addition, only a Russian citizen under the age of 60 can become a collector. But, of course, there are almost no older employees to be found.

As for gender, no one officially voices discrimination, but I don’t know or have heard of any female collectors.

About adaptation and training

You will not be allowed to work on your first day of work. First, you will have to undergo a training course of 1 to 3 months. They tell you about the theory of work and let you go on a real route as an additional trainee collector.

During the course they tell you not only how to behave in certain situations and ensure the safety of yourself, your partners and your cargo, but they also teach you the basics of legislation and law. The collector must know exactly how to act within the law, while performing his duties efficiently.

Then you have to pass an exam at the department of the licensing and permitting system of the Internal Affairs Directorate. Usually, such an exam is repeated 1-2 times a year in the company itself to refresh knowledge.

About working conditions

Cash collectors receive little - usually from 20 to 60 thousand rubles, depending on the organization, work schedule and region.

The work schedule can be very different in different organizations - from a standard five-day workday to a rotating and daily basis.

About career and future

Sadly, the concept of a career for a cash collector practically does not exist. Sometimes high-ranking military personnel go into the reserves at a fairly early age and immediately become heads of the collection department or collection service. An ordinary employee can also be promoted to this position. But this is where the career prospects end.

Usually young guys who have just served in the army and cannot find themselves in another field come to work as collectors. Then some get an education or simply find a better and quieter job. I myself quit my managerial position and came to the collection department to “turn over.” I’ve been “canting” for more than five years.

About difficulties

The biggest difficulty of the profession is that during your shift you are absolutely not your own. You can’t move away and talk to strangers – no self-government. It is especially difficult to work in large cities when you spend hours stuck in traffic jams. You cannot have a snack or go to the toilet. This is unrealistic if you have several million rubles in your car.

In addition, it is good if the collector has an economic education or at least basic knowledge of accounting, because he will have to draw up accompanying documents. Any error in the documents can turn into a shortage.

Therefore, attentiveness, responsibility and calmness are our everything! As for the attitude towards the huge sums that they constantly have to deal with, very soon collectors cease to perceive them as money.

They become just heavy bags and boxes, and we become almost like loaders.

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Collector- this is an official who carries out collection - that is, the collection and transportation of funds and other valuables of a material nature: precious metals, securities, important bank documents. The employee carries out collection and transportation both between different institutions and between their departments.

That is, a collector is a person engaged in receiving and delivering money and other valuables in especially large amounts between various financial organizations. The collector may be an employee of a bank, or another enterprise, or a government agency.

The collector is the person who transports proceeds from a supermarket, shopping center, gas station, etc. to the bank; and the one who delivers and fills the ATM is also a collector.

History of the profession

Collector - a derivative word from incassare - to put in a storehouse, which came from the Italian language.

However, the collector - as a separate specialty - appeared quite recently, only 25 years ago; before that, the duties of the collector for the protection and transportation of large sums of money were performed by police officers. And even earlier - many centuries ago - gold and jewelry in large quantities were transported by caravans of merchants with a large number of guards.

Gradually, this tradition grew into a separate profession - the function of protecting funds transported from banks and to banks - began to be performed by a specially trained person as part of a security group, which had a beneficial effect on the transportation system, since the work was entrusted to people who know what they are doing and why they do and that their work carries risks.

What does a collector do?

In simple terms, a collector is engaged in the transportation of especially large amounts of money in a specially equipped vehicle as part of a collection team.

  1. The collector transports money from the main bank to its branch or vice versa.
  2. The collector takes the organization's proceeds to the bank, or, on the contrary, transports funds from the bank to the organization for issuing wages to employees.
  3. The cash collector is responsible for loading funds into the ATM and, accordingly, withdrawing funds from the tape. And so on.

Professional Responsibilities

The whole point of a cash collector's job is to collect and transport money. Therefore, all his work responsibilities can be divided into the following categories:

  1. Checking and counting valuables before loading them into the machine.
  2. Filling out and checking the correctness of filling out documents.
  3. Direct loading of valuables into the car. Escorting and ensuring the safety of valuables during transportation, and subsequent transfer to the place of requirement.

It is worth noting that depending on the institution in which the cash collector works, his work responsibilities and requirements differ.

Features of work

The collector works as a component of the collection team. The team consists of the collector himself, security guards and the driver (sometimes this position is occupied by the collector).

Due to the fact that collection is a job with a high professional risk associated with attempted robbery and theft, despite the presence of security guards, the collector himself is obliged to maintain excellent shape and possess high-quality weapons.

The work of a cash collector is very difficult and dangerous, as it involves constant risk to life and regular physical activity.

However, from a psychological aspect, this profession is the most difficult due to the constant work with very large sums of money and the obligatory presence of firearms.

As a result, only stress-resistant people with a stable psyche can work as a collector, and then the employer provides the collection service employees with regular work with a psychologist.

Where do they train to become a cash collector?

In order to work as a collector, you do not need a higher or secondary specialized education - there is no academic discipline for the profession of collector, as such. However, there are certain requirements for working in this field.

  • The collector must be in good physical shape and well prepared. First of all, because the profession involves constant dragging of heavy loads and professional risks associated with large monetary transportation.
  • Service in the army, study at a military school and sports training are encouraged.
  • It is often necessary to take security training courses if there is no experience in cash collection.
  • An applicant for the position of cash collector must have a clean reputation, no criminal record or problems with the law.
  • The collector must be psychologically stable, active and enterprising, since a correct and timely reaction is necessary.
  • Another requirement that those wishing to get a job as a cash collector often have to face is whether the employee has a family and children, who will act as a kind of deterrent if suddenly it becomes difficult for the collector to cope with the constant temptation to transport funds in large volumes.
  • However, some organizations may require a diploma of completion of special training courses; most often, the courses are short and do not take more than a month, so completing them should not be a problem - this is a private security guard license.

Cash collector career

The opportunities for career growth of a cash collector are small, since his professional duties are related only to the receipt and transportation of valuables - the employee does not receive the experience and knowledge required to understand banking and the ability to navigate trade.

This suggests that a career in banking cannot be built by working as a collector, but a collector may well rise to the position of head of the collection service or (less often) head of security at an enterprise. So the choice is small, due to the rather narrow specialization.


A cash collector is a low-paid position that does not require education or work experience of the applicant - it is one of the main means of ensuring security during the transportation of funds.

The profession of a cash collector, like any other, has its pros and cons.

The main advantage is a real employment opportunity with relatively good wages for people who do not have specialized education or work experience.

In summary, I would like to note that the profession of a cash collector provides the employee with disproportionately high risks, as well as psycho-physical stress for low wages, which in Russia average from 20,000 to 40,000 rubles per month. Of course, this work often seems attractive and promising to former conscripts and young people without any education.

However, this is a double-edged sword. The ease with which a young and resilient person can get a job and the salary does not pay off, taking into account the risks. Although this is a necessary profession, and it is good as a starting page for young people.


How much does a collector earn?

Nowadays, the issue of transporting cash, jewelry, securities and other expensive things that belong to a bank or organization is quite relevant. To carry out these operations, a collector is hired - an individual who must deal with these transportations from one part to the city to another.

Cash collectors are usually men who are in excellent physical shape and can, in the event of an attack, immediately repel the enemy.

The number of cash-in-transit vehicle robbers does not decrease every year, so work in this area has an increased level of danger. So how much does a collector get paid for his life-threatening work?

Work and responsibilities of a collector

First, it is worth noting that the duties of a cash collector include not only taking money from point A to point B. The employee is also obliged to:

  • have a category B driver's license;
  • have a permit to carry weapons (this permit is issued after passing a medical examination);
  • check and pack valuables together with the cashier;
  • check the correctness of filling out documentation for transported valuables;
  • ensure the safety and security of transported valuables during the entire transportation period.

This type of activity is different in that the applicant must be responsible, punctual, extremely attentive and efficient. Must be able to get out of conflict situations not only for the sake of the safety of the things entrusted to him, but also his own life.

This profession is one of the most “current” throughout the Russian Federation. People who get a job as a cash collector quite often remain dissatisfied with their work duties and dangerous working conditions, so after a short period of time they change it to something calmer and more stable.

According to statistics, men over the age of 30 go to work in this field, who, for example, retired from law enforcement agencies or military service, and have extensive experience in the use of weapons and knowledge of safety precautions.

Professional training

In order to become a cash collector, you do not need to obtain a higher education. You just need to take specialized courses to prepare for security activities and obtain permission to carry and use weapons.

By the way, upon dismissal, this permission loses its validity. But the experience and length of service will remain forever, which will be a big plus when applying for a similar position.

A prerequisite for applying for this job is successfully completed service in the army or in a military department at a higher educational institution; service in the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia is especially honored.

The collector must have no bad habits at all.

Helpful advice!

Female representatives are categorically not accepted for the collector specialization, explaining this injustice by the fact that they are not as physically developed as men and have a softer character in emergency situations.

Also, to become a cash collector, you need to have inner psychological and moral peace, because transporting huge amounts of money every time is not something every citizen can handle.


The salary of a cash collector depends on many factors. One of the main components is the employee’s attachment to a particular bank. The more famous the organization, the more money the collector receives.

An employee's monthly salary usually consists of a salary and a bonus, which directly depends on the number of successfully completed tasks.

But there are organizations that organize earnings only from the bonus (piecework) part. This type of payment for labor usually contains a larger percentage of the work performed, but is intermittent and unstable because it is very difficult to predict how many collection orders can be completed in a monthly period.

When applying for a job as a cash collector, there are, in principle, no special contraindications or prohibitions. There are several categories of citizens for whom work in this work area is contraindicated. This:

  • disabled people of various groups;
  • people with unstable mental health or mental illness;
  • people with a criminal record;
  • people who have previously been institutionalized for the mentally ill;
  • people under 21 years of age;
  • people who have not served in the army.

Due to the fact that the work activity of a cash collector is dangerous, during a shift it is mandatory to wear a bulletproof vest and a special work uniform, which is made of durable, breathable material and does not restrict movement when walking.

The collection vehicle is the main means of transportation for collectors. It is made of special thick bulletproof iron, and is also equipped with a first aid kit, which is mandatory in any vehicle.

In cities and regions of Russia

In Russia The average salary for a beginning cash collector is 30 thousand rubles. For each region of the country, the monthly salary varies from 14 thousand to 40 thousand rubles.

  • For example, in Moscow and the Moscow region, the average salary for a representative of this profession is 40 thousand rubles per working month.
  • In St. Petersburg, collectors receive about 32 thousand rubles per month.
  • In the Nizhny Novgorod region and Nizhny Novgorod, the monthly salary of a collector is 22-23 thousand rubles on average.
  • Lowest salary recorded in the city of Kirov - 14 thousand rubles per working month.

In Western countries

If we consider the salaries of representatives of the “collector” profession abroad, it is worth saying that in different countries earnings differ both upward and downward in relation to Russia.

  • In America, the salary of a collection specialist is on average 6 thousand dollars per month or 72 thousand dollars per year.
  • In Western countries - France, Germany, Italy, the income of collectors is approximately the same and is equal to 4-5 thousand dollars or 3-4 thousand euros per month. Cash collectors who have experience of 3 years or more can count on this salary. Representatives of the profession who have just started working receive about one thousand dollars less.
  • The highest paying country for a cash collector is Australia.There, representatives of this profession receive approximately 7 thousand dollars a month. More experienced specialists receive several times more, but only if they have devoted most of their lives to this field of activity.

It is worth saying that in Ukraine the position of representatives of the collection profession is an order of magnitude lower than in Russia. The average salary there is 5-6 thousand hryvnia, which is about 200-250 US dollars.

If we compare the earnings of collectors in neighboring countries and CIS countries, we can see that it is not very different from earnings in Russia.

For example, the salary of a collector in the cities of Belarus is 700 Belarusian rubles per month of work, which translated into Russian rubles is approximately 20 thousand.

In Latvia, collectors receive an average of 29 thousand rubles per month.


Working as a cash collector is very important in our time. In a world where there is an abundance of different companies and competing banks, specialists in this field, of course, are not the main components in work activities, but they play an important role in the transportation of valuables and funds.


How much do collectors get paid for such dangerous work?

The direct responsibility of the collector is the transportation of cash and other valuables between banks and organizations. It is relatively easy for a healthy and physically strong man to get a position. No higher professional education is required for this.

But it is necessary to take special courses for collectors within a month, which include classes on the basics of legislation, accounting, first aid and practical skills. At the end of training, applicants take a test in theory and physical training.

After a medical examination, a permit to carry a weapon is issued.

Work related to the movement of material assets is potentially life-threatening. Therefore, the level of wages that collectors receive is usually higher than the regional average. How much exactly depends on several factors. Let's look at the main ones.

Dependence of salary on type of organization

Cash collectors can work in:

  • state collection service;
  • commercial banks and financial institutions;
  • private security companies.

The best conditions for collectors are offered by banking structures. The more famous the organization, the higher the salary level of its employees. For example, vacancies with the highest salaries are at Sberbank, Alfa Bank, VTB24.

However, earnings in numerous branches of Sberbank across Russia can vary significantly. For example, the highest real wages in Moscow branches are up to 70,000 rubles. And in some regions it may not exceed 17,000 rubles.

Private security companies and government agencies offer vacancies with lower wages.

Dependence of average salary on work performed

The specifics of the organization and job responsibilities also affect what average salary collectors receive. The following are averaged data for Russia as of October 2017.

A cashier-collector earns an average of 28,00 rubles. He directly carries out the reception and transfer of funds, has the right to sign and seal, and checks the correctness of filling out the accompanying documents.

The cash collector-driver receives about 29,000 rubles. He must not only drive the car, but also be able to repair it if it breaks down. He is also obliged to strictly follow the route, monitor the situation around him at the time when the cashier goes to collect the money.

The salary of a security guard-collector is 33,000 rubles. His responsibilities include escorting and guarding the collection vehicle.

The collection technician receives 36,000 rubles. He carries out not only collection, but also technical maintenance of payment terminals and ATMs. To perform this work, the collector must have special technical knowledge.

Dependence of average salary on regions of Russia

The histogram depicts changes in the level of wages of cash collectors by region of Russia.

According to statistics from the website, the profession of cash collectors in the Kamchatka Territory is best paid - about 50,000 rubles. In second place are Moscow and the Moscow region. Here, collectors receive on average about 40 thousand rubles. In St. Petersburg, the Leningrad Region, Krasnodar and Primorsky Territories, this figure is

32,000-34,000 rub. And in the Yaroslavl and Vladimir regions - about 30,000 rubles.

In Western countries, the nominal wages of collection service workers significantly exceed the Russian level.

So, in the USA it is $6,500, in the European Union – $4,000, and in Australia it reaches $7,000 per month. However, the real income of collectors in these countries is not much more significant than in Russia.

This is primarily due to higher consumer prices in the western region.

In the former Soviet republics, collectors in large regional cities receive:

  • in Belarus – 660 Belarusian rubles (19,000 rubles);
  • in Ukraine – 7,250 hryvnia (16,000 rubles);
  • in Kazakhstan – 131,000 tenge (22,000 rubles).

Compared to their closest neighbors, Russian cash collectors are in more favorable conditions. Although for a more objective assessment it is necessary to take into account general economic indicators (primarily the level of prices and unemployment) in a specific region or city of the former Soviet republics.

Advantages and disadvantages of the profession

Cash collector is a job for men without a criminal record or bad habits. A prerequisite is experience in the armed forces or police. The profession provides an opportunity to improve physical fitness and improve skills in handling firearms and traumatic weapons. However, after dismissal, the permit to carry weapons is revoked.



An employee of a bank or special third-party agency who collects and transports money from the organization's cash desk (for example, revenue) to the bank, or back from the bank to the organization's cash desk (usually for payroll) is called a cash collector.

Cash collectors also transport cash between different banks (for example, freshly printed bills in a bank vault), as well as other valuables - documents, precious metals, bank cards, etc. Filling ATMs with cash also belongs to cash collection activities.

The profession of a cash collector is responsible and extreme, requiring special skills and properties from applicants.

History of the profession

At a time when the main monetary units were coins (gold or silver), money was transported in large chests and caskets forged from iron. Caravans of merchants, who carried huge sums of money with them, were escorted by armed guards. As a rule, it was led by a trusted representative of one of the richest merchant families.

Later, the role of collectors was played by police officers, and banknotes and coins were transported in ordinary carriages. And quite recently, about 30 years ago, the work of cash collectors acquired the rank of a separate profession.

The collector's place of work is in the state collection service (Rosinkas under the Central Bank of the Russian Federation), in non-bank credit organizations (the largest of them is Inkahran), in special services of commercial banks, as well as in private security companies (PSC).

Very important!

At the same time, private security companies do not have a license for collection activities, therefore they are formally referred to as “escort and transportation of goods.”

In this case, in the collection vehicle there must certainly be a cashier-collector (the bank's attorney) with the right to seal and sign, he also receives and deposits money or valuables, and the security guards-collectors escort him.

Qualification requirements

As you know, the specifics of the profession provide for financial responsibility, therefore collectors are required to:

  • be a citizen of the Russian Federation and have five years of work experience in commercial organizations;
  • have excellent health, stamina and be physically prepared for enormous stress, since you will need to carry heavy bags with banknotes, coins and precious metals on a daily basis. You are allowed to work in cash collection until you are 60 years old;
  • the collector must have at least secondary education;
  • must not be registered with the police. The absence of criminal records, weaknesses, and dubious incidents in the biography is checked. He must also present certificates from drug treatment and psychoneurological dispensaries;
  • Also, the collector must be checked by the Ministry of Internal Affairs, complete special security courses, as well as special training according to the program approved by the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Psychological preparation of a collector is an important component for the job;
  • individual properties - such as balance, equanimity, coolness, attentiveness, the ability to find quick and correct solutions in extreme situations, are of great importance for the future collector;
  • Another important ability is weapon mastery. It is no secret that, if necessary, the collector must use it, and not everyone will be able to shoot at a person. That is why, when hired for a position, collectors undergo a medical check and are observed by psychotherapists throughout their service;
  • driver's license category B (very often employers offer the applicant to combine the functions of a cash collector and a driver).

Of course, some employers require special requirements - accounting education, for example, or the presence of a personal traumatic weapon.

Psychological complexity

Every day, employees of collection services are under enormous moral pressure: this is both working with fabulous sums and constant tension with firearms in their hands. That is why they are under the supervision of a psychologist who monitors the situation in the group, as well as the individual psychological state.

Cash collectors are prohibited from stopping on routes or deviating from them, contacts with strangers, as well as anything that does not relate to the performance of professional duties and does not contradict safety rules.

Risks are minimized if the group is equipped with special equipment and modern communications, and if everyone acts strictly according to instructions. For employees of collection services, in order to raise the level of professionalism and increase combat readiness, special exercises are systematically organized, the conditions of which are extremely close to reality.

These exercises help employees simulate all sorts of extreme and dangerous situations at work and find the most accurate ways to solve them. The serviceability of the vehicle, qualified escort and thoughtfulness of the route are three fundamental elements of the safety of transporting material assets and money.

Therefore, collection organizations are scrupulous in recruiting personnel. Collection workers celebrate their professional day on August 1. It was on this day that the collection service was founded at the State Bank of the USSR in 1939. The profession of a collector is unpredictable and dangerous, associated with a risk to life and is hard work.

When accepting money, you need to be extremely observant, carefully monitor the presence of all signatures and seals in the accompanying documents, check whether they correctly indicate the amount he receives. It is also essential to be able to quickly navigate in cases of danger and make the right decisions.

It often happens that the collector has to not only save money and his life, but also detain the attacker after the attack. Therefore, not everyone can cope with the difficult tasks that await a cash-in-transit employee.



2017 10:56 Sergey Krakovsky

​The duties of the collector include accepting money from organizations for depositing it with the bank. But since money must not only be accepted and processed, but also delivered to the bank safe and sound, the collection team, along with the cashier, includes security guards and a driver (Driver). And the collector himself must be fluent in weapons and have the appropriate license.

Cash collectors are prohibited from any deviations from the route, stops, any communication with outsiders, as well as anything that is not related to the performance of their functional duties and violates safety rules.

Disadvantages of the profession:

The disadvantages of the profession include high financial responsibility and risk to life. There are also certain difficulties. First of all, physical activity: you often have to transport heavy bags of change, gold, and huge packages of banknotes.

Although a modern body armor weighs only 3-4 kg, it is difficult to wear it all day, in any weather. Add more weapons: a pistol, and the employees have a machine gun. Another difficulty is psychological.

Working with large sums and with firearms in hand is very stressful, so collectors are under constant supervision of a specialist psychologist who monitors the situation in the team and the psychological state of each employee.

Place of work:

Cash collectors work in state and private collection services, special services of commercial banks, and non-bank credit organizations.

Important qualities:


The first and most important thing is integrity. Moral stability and the ability to get along in a team, as well as the desire to constantly improve, are important.

Career steps and prospects:

Employees of collection departments, unlike employees of, for example, call centers, have very limited opportunities to make a banking career. When transporting money, you can hardly become a sales specialist or understand all the nuances of banking products. But it is quite possible to rise to the position of head of the collection service.



A collector is an employee of a specialized company responsible for collecting and transporting funds from the cash desk to the bank or vice versa.

20,000–40,000 rub. (

Place of work

Cash collectors work in private security companies, in the state collection service or in individual divisions of banks.


Cash collectors transport cash and other material assets (documents, precious metals, bank cards) between banks. The specialist, accepting the money, takes responsibility for transporting it in valuables and safety.

The collector does not work alone. The team includes a cashier, security guards and a driver. The driver is obliged to move strictly along a specific route; any deviations, stops and conversations with strangers are prohibited.

Important qualities

The main qualities in the profession are honesty and decency. Responsibility, psychological stability and punctuality are also important.

Reviews about the profession

“The task of the collector is to prevent any emergency situation... Attentiveness and seriousness are even spelled out in our duties.

You need to be very collected when you are carrying several hundred million in a bag down the street. That's why we never smile at people and even at very pretty girls.

The moment of taking cash out of a store or bank is the most dangerous part of your work. You can’t give passers-by a reason to behave inappropriately.”

Cash collector in a private company.

Stereotypes, humor

Since the profession is associated with risk to life and psychological pressure due to the transportation of large sums of money, strong-willed men with a strong character and good physical fitness are hired. Preference is given to young people 23-24 years old who have served in the army.

Children are talking in the sandbox: - And my dad brings wads of money from work! - Just think! Mine generally carries bags of money. - Come on, who does he work for?

A collector.



Catalog of specialties

Field of activity: - Select -Veterinary medicine, working with animalsGeologyDesign and applied artsMining Livestock and crop productionEngineeringInformation technology (IT)Art (music, theater, cinema, fine arts)Cooking, food industryLight industryLinguistics, communicationsLogistics, warehouse, foreign tradeMarketing, advertising and PRMedicineManagement ( management)Junior personnelScienceReal EstatePedagogyPoliticsReligionSecretariat, office work, AHOService and tourismPower structuresMedia, publishing, printingSports, fitness, beautyConstruction and architectureTradeTransport, aviation, auto businessHeavy industryFinance, accountingShow businessJurisprudence

Profession: ActuaryAuditorBankerBank teller-operatorAccountantCurrency traderCash collectorCollector (working with debts)Credit expertBrokerTax consultantIPO specialistFinancial directorFinancial consultantEconomist

Suitable educational specialties: Physical education (higher), training courses for collectors.
Key items: Russian language; biology; entrance test (for higher education).

*Tuition fees are for the full course (50 hours).

A collector (from the Italian incassare - to put in a box) is an employee of a bank or specialized third-party organization whose duties include collecting and transporting cash, usually to the bank from the organization's cash desk (for example, trade proceeds) or back from the bank to the organization's cash desk (for example, for issuing wages).

Helpful advice!

Also, collectors transport cash between different banks (for example, newly printed banknotes in the bank vault), other material assets - especially important documents, precious metals, bank cards, etc. Filling ATMs with cash (and removing receiving cassettes in cash-in ATMs and terminals payment) also applies to collection activities.

Features of the profession

The duties of the collector include accepting money from organizations for depositing it with the bank. But since money must not only be accepted and processed, but also delivered to the bank safe and sound, the collection team includes security guards and a driver along with the cashier.

And the collector himself must be fluent in weapons and have the appropriate license.

Cash collectors are prohibited from any deviations from the route, stops, any communication with outsiders, as well as anything that is not related to the performance of their functional duties and violates safety rules.

Pros and cons of the profession

The disadvantages of the profession include high financial responsibility and risk to life. There are also certain difficulties. First of all, physical activity: you often have to transport heavy bags of change, gold, and huge packages of banknotes. Although a modern body armor weighs only 3-4 kg, it is difficult to wear it all day, in any weather.

Add another weapon: a pistol, and the Rosinkas employees also have a machine gun. Another difficulty is psychological.

Working with large sums and with firearms in hand is very stressful, so collectors are under constant supervision of a specialist psychologist who monitors the situation in the team and the psychological state of each employee.

Place of work

Cash collectors work in the state collection service (Rosinkas under the Central Bank of the Russian Federation), special services of commercial banks, non-bank credit organizations (the largest of them is Inkahran) and private security companies (PSC).

Important qualities


The first and most important thing is integrity. Moral stability and the ability to get along in a team, as well as the desire to constantly improve, are important.

Where do they teach

As a rule, a collector does not have to have a higher education, especially in a specific specialty.

A legal, sports or military education will be a plus, but ultimately something else is decisive: physical fitness and a “clean” biography. But you still have to undergo professional training.


The collector's salary is not too high for work associated with risk and danger to life: from 17 to 30 thousand rubles. (although an employee with solid experience sometimes receives more, up to 50 thousand rubles). The work schedule may be different: a regular five-day week, two days every other day, etc. Gradation.

Career steps and prospects

Employees of collection departments, unlike employees of, for example, call centers, have very limited opportunities to make a banking career. When transporting money, you can hardly become a sales specialist or understand all the nuances of banking products . But it is quite possible to rise to the position of head of the collection service.

Portrait of a modern collector

Credit institutions explained what the profile of the average applicant for the position of money carrier looks like. Usually preference is given to young people 23-24 years old who have served in the army. No special physical training is required, but it is important that the health of future collectors is good - after all, they have to carry heavy loads.

It is desirable that the applicant has an “anchor” - a wife and children. And most importantly, the collector’s eyes should always be “on fire.” And this is not a figure of speech: a tired person who “doesn’t care” may lose vigilance or react incorrectly in an extreme situation. Some managers prefer to recruit employees without experience, who are easier to train from scratch.

However, ATM collection experience is highly desirable.

Very important!

Collector's Day– professional holiday of collection employees, celebrated on August 1. On this day in 1939, the collection service was created at the State Bank of the USSR.

Jokes about collectors

In the dashing nineties, a joke about low collector salaries was very popular. “How do you live on that kind of money?” - they asked the collector’s wife. “In the evenings I sweep my husband’s car... We have enough,” she answered.

Robbery of collectors is not a criminal offense, but taking out a loan in 5 minutes, without certificates, collateral and guarantors at 0 percent.

Children talking in the sandbox:

And my dad brings in such wads of money from work!

Just think! Mine generally carries bags of money.

Come on, who does he work for?

A collector.

Yesterday two unknown people attacked a collector. A random passer-by rushed to the rescue and disappeared with her in an unknown direction.

A week ago I hung a talisman in my car to attract money. Yesterday a collector's car drove into me.

Source: ProfGuide

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Cash collector driver

Cash collector driver- a real male profession, which is among the ten most risky. The job involves collecting and transporting funds from stores, businesses and other organizations (revenue per day) to the bank.

And vice versa, money is delivered from the bank to organizations (payroll issuance) and ATMs are refilled. They also transport other valuables, such as bank cards, precious metals, important documents, etc.

A very responsible and serious job, the nuances of which are known only to those who have worked or are working in this specialty.

What should a cash-in-transit driver be able to do?

When applying for a job, preference is given to those who have a category B driver's license and have served in the army, have enough secondary education, and a paid gynecologist will do. There must be a biography with no criminal record or dubious facts, and no bad habits.

Some employers offer to combine the work of a cash collector and a driver. In this case, additional skills are needed: excellent physical fitness, training in special courses with the issuance of a private security guard license.

The salary depends on the region of residence and the specifics of the institution in which he works, as well as on his duties and the number of points at which collection must be carried out.

What tasks does a cash collector driver perform?

Every day work begins with detailed instructions.

Then the collector driver receives documents for the car, waybills and route sheets and a certificate for entry into the territory of the enterprise, and the collector is given the necessary documents, empty bags and appearance cards.

The crew consists of a collector driver, a collector and a security guard. Everyone has their own instructions, but they must be one team, acting only together and according to established rules. An agreement on financial responsibility is concluded with everyone.

The driver must know his car and, if necessary, eliminate problems that arise along the way. Before leaving, he carefully checks her readiness for work.

The cash-in-transit driver is required to be able to masterfully drive an armored vehicle, which is on average 1000 kg heavier than usual. He must know his route perfectly and be at each point at the exact time.

Always drive closer to the door and, while the collector goes to collect the money, monitor the situation around you. If he notices anything suspicious, he calls the police team.

It is prohibited to deviate from the route, communicate with strangers, stop and anything that could make him a client of an occupational pathologist, violating safety rules. Its main task is to deliver money safe and sound from one point to another.

What qualities does a cash-in-transit driver need?

For such work, qualities such as the ability to work in a team, resistance to stress, attentiveness, speed of reaction, courage, the ability to remain cool in dangerous situations, and the desire to improve are important.

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Collector- this is an official who carries out collection - that is, the collection and transportation of funds and other valuables of a material nature: precious metals, securities, important bank documents. The employee carries out collection and transportation both between different institutions and between their departments.

That is, a collector is a person engaged in receiving and delivering money and other valuables in especially large amounts between various financial organizations. The collector may be an employee of a bank, or another enterprise, or a government agency.

The collector is the person who transports proceeds from a supermarket, shopping center, gas station, etc. to the bank; and the one who delivers and fills the ATM is also a collector.

History of the profession

Collector - a derivative word from incassare - to put in a storehouse, which came from the Italian language.

However, the collector - as a separate specialty - appeared quite recently, only 25 years ago; before that, the duties of the collector for the protection and transportation of large sums of money were performed by police officers. And even earlier - many centuries ago - gold and jewelry in large quantities were transported by caravans of merchants with a large number of guards.

Gradually, this tradition grew into a separate profession - the function of protecting funds transported from banks and to banks - began to be performed by a specially trained person as part of a security group, which had a beneficial effect on the transportation system, since the work was entrusted to people who know what they are doing and why they do and that their work carries risks.

What does a collector do?

In simple terms, a collector is engaged in the transportation of especially large amounts of money in a specially equipped vehicle as part of a collection team.

Professional Responsibilities

The whole point of a cash collector's job is to collect and transport money. Therefore, all his work responsibilities can be divided into the following categories:

  1. Checking and counting valuables before loading them into the machine.
  2. Filling out and checking the correctness of filling out documents.
  3. Direct loading of valuables into the car. Escorting and ensuring the safety of valuables during transportation, and subsequent transfer to the place of requirement.

It is worth noting that depending on the institution in which the cash collector works, his work responsibilities and requirements differ.

Features of work

The collector works as a component of the collection team. The team consists of the collector himself, security guards and the driver (sometimes this position is occupied by the collector). Due to the fact that collection is a job with a high professional risk associated with attempted robbery and theft, despite the presence of security guards, the collector himself is obliged to maintain excellent shape and possess high-quality weapons.

The work of a cash collector is very difficult and dangerous, as it involves constant risk to life and regular physical activity. However, from a psychological aspect, this profession is the most difficult due to the constant work with very large sums of money and the obligatory presence of firearms. As a result, only stress-resistant people with a stable psyche can work as a collector, and then the employer provides the collection service employees with regular work with a psychologist.

Where do they train to become a cash collector?

In order to work as a collector, you do not need a higher or secondary specialized education - there is no academic discipline for the profession of collector, as such. However, there are certain requirements for working in this field.

Cash collector career

The opportunities for career growth of a cash collector are small, since his professional duties are related only to the receipt and transportation of valuables - the employee does not receive the experience and knowledge required to understand banking and the ability to navigate trade.

This suggests that a career in banking cannot be built by working as a collector, but a collector may well rise to the position of head of the collection service or (less often) head of security at an enterprise. So the choice is small, due to the rather narrow specialization.


A cash collector is a low-paid position that does not require education or work experience of the applicant - it is one of the main means of ensuring security during the transportation of funds.

The profession of a cash collector, like any other, has its pros and cons.

The main advantage is a real employment opportunity with relatively good wages for people who do not have specialized education or work experience.

In summary, I would like to note that the profession of a cash collector provides the employee with disproportionately high risks, as well as psycho-physical stress for low wages, which in Russia average from 20,000 to 40,000 rubles per month. Of course, this work often seems attractive and promising to former conscripts and young people without any education.

However, this is a double-edged sword. The ease with which a young and resilient person can get a job and the salary does not pay off, taking into account the risks. Although this is a necessary profession, and it is good as a starting page for young people.

The collector is engaged in the collection and delivery of money and other material assets from organizations to the bank, as well as the delivery of cash from the bank to organizations. The profession of a cash collector is complex and responsible, requiring certain skills and qualities from the applicant. But at the same time, the profession of a cash collector is in high demand among employers; it provides an opportunity to improve one’s weapons skills and physical fitness, and also allows one to obtain a permit to carry a weapon.

Places of work

The position of collector is in demand in the state collection service, private security companies (PSC), special services of commercial banks, and non-profit credit organizations.

History of the profession

In those days when banknotes were not yet in use and the main monetary units were gold and silver coins, money was transported in large forged chests and caskets. Trade caravans of merchants carrying large sums of money were accompanied by well-armed guards, led by a trusted representative from the richest merchant family.

Subsequently, the duties of collectors were performed by ordinary police officers, and the money was transported in simple carriages. And only some 25-30 years ago, the work of a cash collector became a separate profession.

Responsibilities of a collector

Here is a basic list of what a collector does at his workplace:

  • Delivery of cash and valuables to organizations from the bank and back.
  • Checking and packing valuables together with the cashier.
  • Checking the correctness of filling out the accompanying financial documentation.
  • Ensuring the safety of valuables along the entire route.

The duties of a collector may vary slightly depending on the specifics of the institution and collection objects.

Requirements for a collector

Since the specifics of the work involve financial responsibility, the main requirements for the collector are as follows:

  • No criminal record, bad habits, or dubious facts in your biography.
  • Service in the army or the Ministry of Internal Affairs, often experience working in security structures.
  • Endurance, good physical fitness, readiness for physical activity.
  • Attentiveness, good reaction speed.
  • Preparation at special courses with obtaining a certificate.
  • Driving license category B (employers often offer the applicant a combination of the functions of a cash collector and a driver).

In addition to what is mandatory for a collector, individual employers may have their own requirements - having an accounting education, for example, or having their own traumatic weapon.

Cash collector resume sample

How to become a collector

As a rule, in order to competently perform the functions of a cash collector, no special higher education is required. People with a secondary education, but at the same time having served in the army and having a “clean” biography, can get a job as a cash collector. However, before becoming a cash collector, you will still have to undergo special training and obtain a private security guard license. Often a military, legal or sports education is a plus for an applicant.

Risks of the profession

The position of a cash collector involves a risk to life and is physically difficult work. In addition, the work is psychologically difficult - not everyone can constantly have large sums of cash and firearms on hand. Therefore, qualified psychologists constantly work with collectors.

Collector's salary

The salary of a cash collector depends on the employee’s work experience and the specifics of the company in which he works. Usually it ranges from 17-35 thousand rubles, while the average salary of a cash collector in the country is 26 thousand rubles. Often, how much a collector receives depends on his responsibilities and the number of organizations to which he should come for collection. In addition to salary, some employers offer employees additional bonuses.

Collector(from Italian incassare - to put in a drawer) - an employee of a bank or specialized third-party organization whose duties include collecting and transporting cash, usually to the bank from the organization's cash desk (for example, trade proceeds) or back from the bank to the organization's cash desk ( for example, for issuing wages). Also, collectors transport cash between different banks (for example, newly printed banknotes in the bank vault), other material assets - especially important documents, precious metals, bank cards, etc. Filling ATMs with cash (and removing receiving cassettes in cash-in ATMs and terminals payment) also applies to collection activities. The profession is suitable for those who are interested in physical education and life safety (see choosing a profession based on interest in school subjects).

Features of the profession

The duties of the collector include accepting money from organizations for depositing it with the bank. But since money must not only be accepted and processed, but also delivered to the bank safe and sound, the collection team includes security guards and a driver along with the cashier. And the collector himself must be fluent in weapons and have the appropriate license. Cash collectors are prohibited from any deviations from the route, stops, any communication with outsiders, as well as anything that is not related to the performance of their functional duties and violates safety rules.

Pros and cons of the profession

The disadvantages of the profession include high financial responsibility and risk to life. There are also certain difficulties. First of all, physical activity: you often have to transport heavy bags of change, gold, and huge packages of banknotes. Although a modern body armor weighs only 3-4 kg, it is difficult to wear it all day, in any weather. Add another weapon: a pistol, and the Rosinkas employees also have a machine gun. Another difficulty is psychological. Working with large sums and with firearms in hand is very stressful, so collectors are under constant supervision of a specialist psychologist who monitors the situation in the team and the psychological state of each employee.

Place of work

Cash collectors work in the state collection service (Rosinkas under the Central Bank of the Russian Federation), special services of commercial banks, non-bank credit organizations (the largest of them is Inkahran) and private security companies (PSC).

Important qualities

The first and most important thing is decency. Moral stability and the ability to get along in a team, as well as the desire to constantly improve, are important.

Where do they teach

As a rule, a collector does not have to have a higher education, especially in a specific specialty. A legal, sports or military education will be a plus, but ultimately something else is decisive: physical fitness and a “clean” biography. But you still have to undergo professional training. One of the necessary documents to obtain a private security guard license is a diploma (certificate) of completion of special training courses. It can be taken at the training centers “Alpha-Prestige”, “Vityaz”, etc.


The collector's salary is not too high for work associated with risk and danger to life: from 17 to 30 thousand rubles. (although an employee with solid experience sometimes receives more, up to 50 thousand rubles). The work schedule may be different: a regular five-day week, two days every other day, etc.

Salary as of 06/05/2019

Russia 17000—50000 ₽

Moscow 30000—60000 ₽

Career steps and prospects

Employees of collection departments, unlike employees of, for example, call centers, have very limited opportunities to make a banking career. When transporting money, you can hardly become a sales specialist or understand all the nuances of banking products . But it is quite possible to rise to the position of head of the collection service.

Portrait of a modern collector

Credit institutions explained what the profile of the average applicant for the position of money carrier looks like. Usually preference is given to young people 23-24 years old who have served in the army. No special physical training is required, but it is important that the health of future collectors is good - after all, they have to carry heavy loads. It is advisable that the applicant have an “anchor” - a wife and children. And most importantly, the collector’s eyes should always “burn.” And this is not a figure of speech: a tired person who “doesn’t care” may lose vigilance or react incorrectly in an extreme situation. Some managers prefer to recruit employees without experience, who are easier to train from scratch. However, ATM collection experience is highly desirable.

Collector's Day- professional holiday of collection employees, celebrated on August 1. On this day in 1939, the collection service was created at the State Bank of the USSR.
