Stages of development of medical information systems presentation. Medical instrumentation and computer systems

Krasnoturinsky branch


EN.02 Information technologies in professional activities

Information technologies in medicine

Boyarinova O.V., teacher

1. Medical informatics

3. Ways to develop medical information systems

1. Medical informatics

Information processes are present in all areas of medicine and healthcare. The clarity of the functioning of the industry as a whole and the efficiency of its management depend on their orderliness. Information processes in medicine are considered by medical informatics.

Medical informatics is a science that studies the processes of receiving, transmitting, processing, storing, distributing, and presenting information using information technology in medicine and healthcare.

  • Subject The study of medical informatics is information processes associated with medical-biological, clinical and preventive problems.
  • An object The study of medical informatics is information technology implemented in healthcare.
  • Basic purpose medical informatics is the optimization of information processes in medicine and healthcare through the use of computer technologies, ensuring improved quality of public health care.

Medical information is any information related to medicine, and in a personalized sense - information related to the health status of a particular person.

Types of Medical Information

(G.I. Nazarenko)

  • Alphanumeric – most of the content of medical information (all printed and handwritten documents);
  • Visual (statistical and dynamic) – statistical – images (x-rays, etc.), dynamic – dynamic images (pupil reaction to light, patient’s facial expressions, etc.);
  • Audible – patient’s speech, flowmetric signals, sounds during Doppler examination, etc.);
  • Combined - any combination of the described groups.

The main problems solved by computerized systems in healthcare

  • Monitoring health status of different population groups, including patients at risk and people with socially significant diseases;
  • Advisory support in clinical medicine (diagnosis, prognosis, treatment) based on computational procedures or modeling of decision-making logic;
  • Transition to electronic medical records and outpatient medical records, including calculations for the treatment of insured patients;
  • Automation functional and laboratory diagnostics;
  • Transition to complex automation medical institutions (inclusion of doctors' workstations in information systems);
  • Obtaining information from the automated control system institutions for federal registers on certain socially significant types of pathology, for regional and city registers - on various contingents;
  • Creation of a unified information medical space of clinical data for prompt adoption of adequate treatment and diagnostic decisions;
  • "Transparency" for the attending physician patient data for any period of time, their availability at any time when accessing the database of the global medical network;
  • Possibility of remote dialogue with colleagues.

History of computerization of domestic healthcare

Informatics was introduced into medicine from several relatively independent directions, the main of which were:

  • laboratories and groups involved in medical cybernetics;
  • manufacturers of medical equipment;
  • medical information and computing centers;
  • third-party organizations involved in automation of management activities;
  • heads of medical institutions who independently implemented new technology.

The process of introducing computer technology into healthcare institutions in our country has a history of almost half a century.

  • In 1959, the first laboratory of medical cybernetics and computer science was organized at the Vishnevsky Institute of Surgery, and in 1961 a computer appeared in this laboratory, the first in medical institutions of the Soviet Union. Medical cybernetics laboratories were also organized in a number of institutes of the Academy of Sciences.
  • In the 60-70s, many leading research institutes already had similar laboratories. Computers have become more compact and cheaper, their total number in the country has exceeded a thousand. Access to them for employees of medical institutions has become easier, and the number of medical problems solved with their help has increased. In addition to statistical data processing, work on advisory diagnostics and predicting the course of diseases is actively developing.
  • In the 70-80s, computers became available not only to research institutes, but also to many large clinics. In addition to the work carried out earlier, the first automated systems for preventive examinations of the population appeared; attempts have begun to combine medical equipment with computers
  • In the second half of the eighties, personal computers appeared, and the process of computerization of medicine took on an avalanche-like character. A large number of different systems for functional studies have emerged. heads of medical institutions who independently implemented new technology.

  • Since the beginning of the 90s, there has been actual standardization of computer technology in healthcare. The main type of computer was the personal computer, compatible with the IBM PC and the Windows operating system.

With the advent of health insurance, relevant information systems began to be actively implemented. Statistical information systems began to be used to create medical reporting.

Today, computers have become an integral component of equipment in all medical institutions. However, in most cases their capabilities are not fully used.

One of the reasons for this is the insufficient provision of hardware and software, especially communication devices, which does not allow for the transportation of data and the prompt provision of it to all specialists of the institution.

Another reason, probably more significant, is seen in the lack of knowledge and skills among medical workers necessary to work with modern personal computers.

2. Classification of medical information systems

The key link in healthcare informatization is the information system.

The classification of medical information systems is based on a hierarchical principle and corresponds to the multi-level structure of healthcare.

There are:

  • Basic level MIS;
  • MIS at the level of medical institutions;
  • MIS at the territorial level;
  • MIS at the federal level, intended for information support at the state level of the healthcare system.

Basic level medical information systems.

Basic level MIS – these are information support systems for technological processes.

Purpose of basic level MIS : computer support for the work of a clinician, hygienist, laboratory assistant, etc.

Based on the tasks they solve, medical and technological information systems are divided into groups:

  • consultative and diagnostic systems;
  • instrument and computer systems;
  • automated workplaces for specialists.

Purpose and classification of medical information and reference systems.

Features of systems of this class:

  • they do not process information, but only provide it;
  • provide quick access to the required information.


  • by its nature (primary, secondary, operational, review and analytical);
  • by object (health care facilities, medicines, etc.);
  • by type of search (documentary, factual).

Purpose and classification of medical consultative and diagnostic systems.

Diagnosis of pathological conditions in diseases of various profiles and for different categories of patients, including prognosis and development of recommendations for treatment methods.

According to the method of solving diagnostic problems, they are distinguished:

  • by type of information stored (clinical, scientific, regulatory, etc.);
  • probabilistic (diagnosis is carried out by implementing one of the pattern recognition methods or statistical decision-making methods);
  • expert (the logic of making a diagnostic decision by an experienced doctor is implemented).

Purpose and classification of medical instrument-computer systems.

Information support and automation of the diagnostic and treatment process carried out in direct contact with the patient’s body (for example, during surgical operations using laser systems or ultrasound therapy for periodontal diseases in dentistry).


  • by functionality (specialized, multifunctional, complex);
  • by purpose:
  • systems for conducting functional and morphological studies; monitor systems; treatment management and rehabilitation systems; laboratory diagnostic systems; systems for scientific medical and biological research.
  • systems for conducting functional and morphological studies;
  • monitor systems;
  • treatment management and rehabilitation systems;
  • laboratory diagnostic systems;
  • systems for scientific medical and biological research.

Purpose and classification of automated workplaces of specialists.

Automation of the entire technological process of a doctor of the relevant specialty and providing him with information support when making diagnostic and tactical (therapeutic, organizational, etc.) decisions.

Based on their purpose, automated systems can be divided into three groups:

  • Work stations of attending physicians (therapist, surgeon, obstetrician-gynecologist, traumatologist, ophthalmologist, etc.), they are subject to requirements corresponding to medical functions;
  • AWSs of medical workers of paramedical services (according to the profiles of diagnostic and treatment units);
  • Workstation for administrative and economic departments.

Automated systems are used not only at the basic level of healthcare - clinical, but also to automate workplaces at the management level of healthcare facilities, regions, and territories.

Medical information systems at the level of treatment and preventive institutions.

Systems of this class are designed to provide information support for making both specific medical decisions and organizing the work, monitoring and managing the activities of the entire medical institution. These systems, as a rule, require a local computer network in a medical institution and are suppliers of information for medical information systems at the territorial level.

The following main groups are distinguished:

  • IS advisory centers;
  • information banks of medical institutions and services;
  • personalized registers;
  • screening systems;
  • information systems of medical institutions (IS health care facilities);
  • information systems of research institutes and medical universities.

Purpose and classification of information systems of consultation centers.

Ensuring the functioning of relevant departments and information support for doctors during consultation, diagnosis and decision-making in emergency conditions.


  • medical advisory and diagnostic systems for ambulance and emergency services;
  • systems for remote consultation and diagnosis of emergency conditions in pediatrics and other clinical disciplines.

Information banks of medical institutions and services.

P personalized registers (databases and data banks).

This is a type of information information system containing information about the assigned or observed patient population based on a formalized medical history or outpatient card.

Screening systems.

Screening systems are designed to conduct pre-medical preventive examinations of the population, as well as for medical screening to form risk groups and identify patients in need of specialist help.

IS health care facility

IS health care facilities are information systems based on the integration of all information flows into a single system and providing automation of various types of activities of the institution.

IP for research institutes and universities

They solve three main problems: informatization of the learning process, research work and management activities of research institutes and universities.

MIS at the territorial level are software systems that provide management of specialized and specialized medical services, polyclinic (including clinical examination), inpatient and emergency medical care to the population at the territorial level (city, region, republic).

Medical information systems at the territorial level

MIS at the federal level are intended for information support at the state level of the Russian healthcare system.

Federal level information systems solve the following problems:

1. Monitoring the health of the Russian population;

2.​ increasing the efficiency of use of health care resources;

3.​ maintaining state registers of patients for main (priority) diseases;

4. planning, organizing and analyzing the results of research and development work;

5. planning and analysis of the training of medical and teaching staff;

6.​ accounting and analysis of the material and technical base of healthcare.

3. Ways to develop medical information systems

Nowadays, information technologies have penetrated into all spheres of human life, and healthcare is no exception in this regard, as evidenced by the Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated April 28, 2011 No. 364 “On approval of the Concept of creating a unified state information system in the field of healthcare” as amended Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia No. 348 dated April 12, 2012.

In 2011, Russia approved the Concept for the creation of the Uniform State Health Information System (Unified State Health Information System), the main goals of which are:

  • informatization of the processes of providing medical care to the population;
  • implementation of integrated electronic medical records of patients;
  • transition to online monitoring of key health indicators and improved management of the healthcare industry based on the introduction of ICT technologies.

Positive aspects of the formation of a unified information environment:

  • leads to greater transparency of the diagnostic and treatment process;
  • allows you to create and maintain a data bank associated with various MIS;
  • gives doctors the opportunity to access various expert systems for diagnosis and treatment, obtain complete information about the patient’s health status based on the patient’s electronic record, and also, in certain cases, reduce the consequences of possible subjectivity in assessing the disease and the necessary treatment;
  • Patients no longer have to worry about lost data or unreadable documentation of test results, prescriptions, treatment records, and prescribed procedures.

The introduction of information technologies in medicine will allow:

  • organize remote patient monitoring, remote consultation with specialists;
  • ensure accessibility and optimal timing for the population to obtain the necessary documents for obtaining a driver’s license, employment, etc.

The introduction of blockchain technologies to create and develop a unified patient EHR database will allow:

  • ensure data security and integrity,
  • increase the level of security of information storage;
  • make the process of making changes to the distributed database “transparent”, excluding unauthorized access to patient data and manipulation of information in order to obtain positive medical conclusions;
  • reduce corruption risks among medical workers;
  • increase the security of personal data, the quality of medical data and the reliability of statistics.

When using blockchain technology, it becomes impossible to hide the source of information - any changes made to a patient’s record using blockchain are identified and “linked” to the person who made the changes. Previously entered information cannot be deleted, and it is also identified with the person who previously entered this information.

Check yourself!

  • What level of MIS does not exist?
  • base; continental; territorial; federal.
  • base;
  • continental;
  • territorial;
  • federal.
  • The main purpose of the basic level MIS: support for the work of doctors of various specialties; support for the work of clinics; supporting the work of hospitals; support for the operation of dispensaries.
  • support for the work of doctors of various specialties;
  • support for the work of clinics;
  • supporting the work of hospitals;
  • support for the operation of dispensaries.
  • The Medicines Directory belongs to the following type of medical information systems: instrumentation and computer; information and reference; educational; scientific; regional.
  • instrumentation and computer;
  • information and reference;
  • educational;
  • scientific;
  • regional.

1 - b, 2 - a, 3 - b

Check yourself!

  • To search and provide medical information at the user's request, the following are intended:
  • Monitor systems and instrument-computer complexes; Computational diagnostic systems; Clinical laboratory research systems; Information and reference systems; Expert systems based on knowledge bases.
  • Monitor systems and instrument-computer complexes;
  • Computational diagnostic systems;
  • Clinical laboratory research systems;
  • Information and reference systems;
  • Expert systems based on knowledge bases.
  • The cardiac analyzer device belongs to the following class of medical information systems (MIS): Instrumentation and computer systems; Information and reference systems; Automated doctor's workstation; MIS at the health care facility level; MIS at the federal level.
  • Instrumentation and computer systems;
  • Information and reference systems;
  • Automated doctor's workstation;
  • MIS at the health care facility level;
  • MIS at the federal level.

4 - d, 5 - a

Assignment for extracurricular work:

  • Prepare a multimedia presentation on the topic “Automated workplace for medical personnel”;
  • Describe what mechanisms for protecting personal medical data about a patient are implemented in the MIS.

GOST “Information processing systems. Terms and definitions" Information Data Knowledge Information systems (IS) Information environment Information technologies (IT) Textbook E.V. Mikheeva “Information technologies in professional activities”, pp. 7-10

MIS functions: collection, registration, structuring and creation of information space; ensuring information exchange; storage and retrieval of information; statistical data analysis; monitoring the effectiveness and quality of medical care; decision support; analysis and control of the work of institutions, management of institution resources; support for the economic component of the treatment process; training

1. Basic level medical information systems a) information and reference systems are designed to search and provide medical information at the user’s request Examples:

1. Basic level medical information systems b) consultative and diagnostic systems for diagnosing pathological conditions, including prognosis and development of recommendations for treatment methods for diseases of various profiles

1. Basic level medical information systems d) automated workstations for specialists to automate the entire technological process of a doctor of the relevant specialty and provide information support when making diagnostic and tactical medical decisions

2. MIS at the health care facility level a) IS of advisory centers (designed to ensure the functioning of the relevant departments and information support for doctors when consulting, diagnosing and making decisions in emergency conditions), b) information banks of medical services (contain summary data on the qualitative and quantitative composition of the institution’s employees , attached population, basic statistical information, characteristics of service areas and other necessary information),

2. MIS at the health care facility level c) personalized registers (containing information on the assigned or observed contingent based on a formalized medical history or outpatient card), d) screening systems (for conducting pre-medical preventive examination of the population, as well as for identifying risk groups and patients in need of specialist help)

2. MIS at the level of health care facilities e) Information systems of health care institutions (based on the integration of all information flows into a single system and provide automation of various types of activities of the institution), f) Information systems of research institutes and medical universities (solve 3 main tasks: informatization of the technological process of training, research work and management activities of research institutes and universities)

3. MIS of the territorial level a) IS of the territorial health authority; b) IP for solving medical and technological problems, providing information support for the activities of medical workers of specialized medical services; c) computer telecommunication medical networks, ensuring the creation of a unified information space at the regional level;

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Lecture 3 Information systems Contents of educational material: 1. Information technologies of medical organizational and managerial informatics. 2. Information system for compulsory health insurance. 3. Information systems of health authorities

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At the present stage of development of society, new requirements for healthcare are being developed: Cost containment (population growth and aging, chronic diseases appearing at an increasingly younger age, rising drug prices) Improving quality (reducing medical errors, standardizing processes) Patients demand greater awareness and quality of care Increasing complexity of health information

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The key link in healthcare informatization is the information system.

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Structural components of information systems: Legal framework. Applied information support. Computer infrastructure.

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The computer infrastructure includes: Computer equipment. Network and telecommunications infrastructure. General software and information support and organizational component that determines the procedure for servicing and supporting these tools.

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The regulatory framework includes a list of regulations and internal standards established by law, establishing a certain procedure for processing various categories of information.

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The applied information support includes a set of software and hardware applications that provide solutions to specific problems in accordance with the applied functionality of the medical institution.

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Information technologies of medical organizational and managerial informatics: Administrative and managerial information systems and systems of medical and statistical accounting of health care institutions Information systems of compulsory health insurance Information systems of health care authorities

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According to the requirements of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation and the Federal Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund, all health care facilities have automated data processing using accounting forms: “Unified outpatient card” (form No. 025-10/u) “Card of a person leaving the hospital” (form No. 066/u) Uniform requirements for the primary document have been formulated: Administrative and managerial information systems and systems of medical and statistical accounting of healthcare institutions Administrative and management information systems and systems of medical and statistical accounting of healthcare institutions

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Standard accounting forms have been developed and used for automated processing of information for the following specialized health care institutions: Oncology dispensary Anti-tuberculosis dispensary Clinical drug treatment hospital Clinical psychiatric hospital Maternity hospital Administrative and management information systems and medical and statistical accounting systems of health care institutions

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Computer programs that process this static information form: A database of patients who sought medical care All reporting forms approved by the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation Registers of accounts for patients insured in the compulsory medical insurance system Registers of accounts submitted to medical insurance companies in electronic form Administrative and management information systems and systems for medical and statistical recording of healthcare institutions

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Information system of compulsory health insurance Operational analysis and control of the work of health care facilities, cost planning and reduction of irrational use of resources is facilitated by: Transfer of the diagnostic and treatment process to an economic basis Creation of insurance organizations and compulsory medical insurance funds in healthcare

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Information system for compulsory health insurance Information technologies that contribute to the successful functioning of health care facilities: Promptly obtaining information on the balances of accounts of all types Comprehensive analysis of the budget of health care institutions Supporting relationships with banks Maintaining a register of property and funds Scheduling the use of available resources (personnel, premises, equipment)

Donskaya A

This presentation reflects student work for presentation at the scientific and practical conference Mathematics and Informatics in Medicine. The work of medical schools and colleges was presented at the conference. The work of our students consisted of researching medical information systems. The purpose of this conference was to increase the motivation of students for active creative work on applying the acquired knowledge in practice, increasing the efficiency of the educational process, developing social competencies, forming sustainable professional interest. This presentation displays information about the medical systems used in health care institutions. A brief description of the medical information systems used in health care institutions is provided. The presentation says:

  • about the tasks solved by MIS
  • capabilities of the Axi-office information system
  • about the advantages of using MIS in therapeutic activities
  • about the templates that Axi-Office allows you to use
  • about the use of smart tags with a built-in directory of medications and disease codes

At the end of the presentation, conclusions were drawn about the advantages of the Axi-office medical information system



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Slide captions:

Application of information systems in medicine The work was carried out by students of MK No. 5

Purpose of the work Study of medical information systems with a statistical card of those leaving the hospital (form No. 066/u-02); issuing prescriptions (form No. 148-1/u-88); extract from the medical record; transfer and discharge epicrisis. filling out an outpatient card when visiting a doctor.

Medical information systems in health care facilities: Work Name of organization Medical information system Sklifosovsky Research Institute, Institute of Surgery named after AV Vishnevsky, GKB1 MIS "Medialog" Polyclinic No. 4 Department of the President of the Russian Federation, Helmholtz Research Institute, Eye Microsurgery named after Fedorov MIS "MedWork" Children's Filatov Hospital, Moscow Regional Psychoneurological Hospital MIS "Aksi-clinic, Aksi-office, Aksi-registry" State Institution Maternity Hospital No. 4, "Health Center" 1C-Rarus MONIKI, Hospital for War Veterans No. 3, Russian Children's Clinical Hospital MIS "Everest" GP No. 174 , City Clinical Hospital No. 174, City Clinical Hospital No. 70, City Clinical Hospital No. 60, City Clinical Hospital No. 55, City Clinical Hospital No. 19 MIS "Phobosmed" Masterdent, Medexpress, Be healthy MIS "Infoclinic", "Infodent" City Clinical Hospital No. 12, Medical unit No. 1 AMO ZIL, Research Institute of Gerontology of the Ministry of Health RF MIS "E-Cube"

Characteristics of medical information systems: Medical information system Advantages of the medical information system MIS "Medialog" Consists of modules, each module contains certain functionality that allows a medical institution to automate certain types of its activities MIS "MedWork" The system has a built-in editor for everything that the user sees on screen. You can easily and quickly customize the user environment (remove a button or entire functionality, change any field, add an inscription to the form,) MIS “Aksi-clinic, Aksi-office, Aksi-registry” Simple and logical interface of software systems. Clear customer focus, focus on effectively solving required customer problems, modular design principle of 1C-Rarus Increases the quality and speed of patient care; plans the work of departments, reduces the likelihood of personnel errors

An information system (IS) is a system built on the basis of computer technology, designed for storing, searching, processing and transmitting significant amounts of information, having a certain practical scope. In particular, information systems are used in medicine. improves the quality of patient care provides convenient and quick access to large volumes of medical information reduces organizational and time costs when preparing reports reduces the number of errors in the preparation of medical documents significantly facilitates and simplifies the work of medical staff Medical information system:

AKSi-office templates

And the Aksi-office information system allows you to use smart tags with a built-in reference book of drugs and disease codes Active ingredients Name and disease codes

Action of smart tags To use smart tags, you need to enter a word that will be recognized as an active substance or the name of a disease and press the space bar. Microsoft Word will underline it with a purple dashed line and when you hover over the text, the “Smart Tag Actions” button will appear.

print saving MIS AKSi-office

“Compulsory health insurance” - Citizens of the Russian Federation. Federal body. Medical services. able-bodied citizens. Lawyers. Intelligence. Protection of personal information. Non-profit organizations. Structure of the compulsory medical insurance system. Specialists. A number of practically important methodological documents. Organization. Federal Fund. Accounting of information.

“Occupational diseases of teachers” - Prevention of occupational diseases of teachers of preschool educational institutions. Avoid unnecessary competition. Prevention of voice disorders. Be healthy. Brain. Prevention of colds and flu. Psychohygiene. Whisper. Recommendations for maintaining health. Prevention of visual fatigue. Prevention.

“Russian Railways Medicine” - Features of healthcare of JSC Russian Railways. Comprehensive solution to health issues. Automated systems have been introduced. The financing system is on a contractual basis. The system of departmental medicine using the example of JSC Russian Railways. There are 66 centers successfully operating at the Russian Railways National Health Institution. Perspective. Composition of the network of health care institutions of JSC Russian Railways.

"Medical statistics" - Areas of application of averages. Non-repetitive selection of observation units. Main sections of medical statistics. The relationship between the parts of a whole. Population health statistics. Sample population. Fundamentals of medical statistics. Medical statistics. Number of deaths per year. Health statistics.

“Payment for medical services” - Payment for a retired patient. Per capita financing. Estimated financing. Payment for individual services. Global budget method. Payment is based on the bed-day spent. Payment for the patient. Global budget. Payment for certain medical services. General requirements. Improving the efficiency of the healthcare system.

“Consent to medical intervention” - Medical intervention. The procedure for giving informed voluntary consent. Consent to certain types of medical intervention. Citizen. Medical organization. Possible consequences. Informed voluntary consent to medical intervention. Compulsory medical measures.

There are 20 presentations in total
