Human material and production activity. Material and production sphere Game, communication and labor as types of activity

Human material and production activity. § Labor activity - Labor is a fundamental form of human activity, in the process of which the entire set of objects necessary for him to satisfy his needs is created. – The labor of people in material production is of particular importance.

Labor in material production § Production is, first of all, the process of creating material wealth, a necessary condition for the life of society. – Material production is the production of things. – Intangible is the production of ideas. § Material production is the process of human labor activity, as a result of which material goods are created aimed at satisfying human needs.

Peculiarities of labor activity §Labor in the proper sense of the word arises when a person’s activity becomes meaningful, when a consciously set goal is realized in it. §In the production process, there is an impact on the subject of labor, that is, materials undergoing transformation. For this purpose, various methods are used, which are called technologies. §

Labor productivity is the efficiency of labor activity, which is expressed by the amount of products produced per unit of time. As a result of the introduction of new equipment and modern technologies, the content of the labor process changes the relationship between physical and mental labor, monotonous and creative. The most important feature of people’s work is that it usually requires joint efforts to achieve their goals. Division of labor is the distribution and assignment of occupations between participants in the labor process. Scientific and technological progress - computerization, comprehensive automation, unification of equipment leads to the integration of production processes within the enterprise and to the expansion of the division of labor on a societal scale.

Modern worker § Mastery, skill, and competence in performing the labor functions of a certain profession are called professionalism. § Professionalism is the result of training and work experience. § Scientific and technological progress increases the role of skilled labor, requiring special professional training.

§ Labor laws and internal labor regulations require productive use of working time, conscientious performance of one’s duties, and high quality work. Fulfillment of these requirements is labor discipline. § Strict compliance with technological standards is called technological discipline. § Initiative and performance are interconnected. A thoughtless performer is a bad worker. On the contrary, initiative is evidence of high professionalism. § Along with special training in modern industries, the general culture of the employee and the ability to independently solve creative problems are of great importance. The work culture is manifested in its scientific organization.

Problems of humanization of labor § Dehumanization of labor manifested itself in the system of the American engineer F.W. Taylor (1856 -1915). Taylor developed a system of organizational measures, which included timing of labor operations, instruction cards, etc., which were accompanied by a system of disciplinary sanctions and labor incentives. The differential wage system meant that the hardworking worker was additionally rewarded, and the slacker could not receive unearned money. § Taylor himself wrote: “Everyone must learn to abandon his individual methods of work, adapt them to a number of newly introduced forms, and get used to accepting and executing directives concerning all small and large methods of work, which were previously left to his personal discretion.”

§ This type of labor process causes its participants to feel that they, as individuals, are dominated by machines, thereby denying their individuality. They develop apathy, a negative attitude towards work as something forced, performed only out of necessity. § Particularly harmful, extreme working conditions cause death, severe occupational diseases, major accidents, and serious injuries.

Humanization of labor means the process of humanizing it. First of all, it is necessary to eliminate factors that threaten human health in a technical environment. Functions hazardous to human health, operations associated with great effort and monotonous labor, in modern enterprises are transferred to robotics. Work culture is of particular importance. Researchers identify three components in it. Firstly, it is the improvement of the working environment, i.e. the conditions in which the labor process takes place. Secondly, this is the culture of relationships between labor participants, the creation of a favorable moral and psychological climate in the work team. Thirdly, the participants in the work activity understand the content of the labor process, its features, as well as the creative embodiment of the engineering concept embedded in it. Labor activity is the most important field of self-realization in the life of any person.

Presentation on the topic: Human material and production activity

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Presentation on the topic: Human material and production activity

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Human material and production activity. Labor activity Labor is a fundamental form of human activity, in the process of which the entire set of objects necessary for him to satisfy his needs is created. The labor of people in material production is of particular importance.

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Labor in material production Production is, first of all, the process of creating material wealth, a necessary condition for the life of society. Material production is the production of things. Intangible production is the production of ideas. Material production is the process of human labor activity, as a result of which material goods are created aimed at satisfying human needs.

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Peculiarities of labor activity Labor in the proper sense of the word occurs when human activity becomes meaningful, when a consciously set goal is realized in it. In the production process, an impact is exerted on the subject of labor, that is, materials undergoing transformation. For this purpose, various methods are used, which are called technologies.

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Labor productivity is the efficiency of labor activity, which is expressed by the number of products produced per unit of time. As a result of the introduction of new equipment and modern technologies, the content of the labor process changes the relationship between physical and mental labor, monotonous and creative. The most important feature of people’s labor activity is that it requires, as a rule, joint efforts to achieve set goals. Division of labor is the distribution and assignment of occupations between participants in the labor process. Scientific and technological progress - computerization, comprehensive automation, unification of equipment - leads to the integration of production processes within the enterprise and to the expansion of the division of labor on a societal scale.

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Modern worker Mastery, skill, and competence in performing the labor functions of a certain profession are called professionalism. Professionalism is the result of training and work experience. Scientific and technological progress increases the role of skilled labor, requiring special professional training.

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Labor laws and internal labor regulations require productive use of working time, conscientious performance of one's duties, and high quality work. Fulfillment of these requirements is labor discipline. Strict compliance with technological standards is called technological discipline. Initiative and diligence are interconnected. A thoughtless performer is a bad worker. On the contrary, initiative is evidence of high professionalism. Along with special training in modern industries, the general culture of the employee and the ability to independently solve creative problems are of great importance. The work culture is manifested in its scientific organization.

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Problems of humanization of labor Dehumanization of labor manifested itself in the system of the American engineer F.W. Taylor (1856-1915). Taylor developed a system of organizational measures, which included timing of work operations, instruction cards, etc., which were accompanied by a system of disciplinary sanctions and labor incentives. The differential wage system meant that the hardworking worker was additionally rewarded, and the slacker could not receive unearned money. Taylor himself wrote: “Everyone must learn to abandon his individual methods of work, adapt them to a number of innovative forms and get used to accepting and implementing directives that concern everyone small and large methods of work, which were previously left to his personal discretion.”

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Humanization of labor means the process of humanizing it. First of all, it is necessary to eliminate factors that threaten human health in a technical environment. Functions hazardous to human health, operations associated with great effort and monotonous labor, are transferred to robotics in modern enterprises. Work culture is of particular importance. Researchers identify three components in it. Firstly, it is the improvement of the working environment, i.e. the conditions in which the labor process takes place. Secondly, this is the culture of relationships between labor participants, the creation of a favorable moral and psychological climate in the work team. Thirdly, the participants in the work activity understand the content of the labor process, its features, as well as the creative embodiment of the engineering concept embedded in it. Labor activity is the most important field of self-realization in the life of any person.

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The activities are varied. It can be playful, educational and educational, educational and transformative, creative and destructive, production and consumer, economic, socio-political and spiritual. Special activities are creativity and communication. Finally, as an activity one can analyze language, the human psyche and the culture of society.

Material and spiritual activities

Activities are usually divided into material and spiritual.

Material activities are aimed at changing the world around us. Since the surrounding world consists of nature and society, it can be productive (changing nature) and socially transformative (changing the structure of society). An example of a material production activity is the production of goods; Examples of social transformation are government reforms and revolutionary activities.

Spiritual activities are aimed at changing individual and social consciousness. It is realized in the spheres of art, religion, scientific creativity, in moral actions, organizing collective life and orienting a person to solve problems of the meaning of life, happiness, and well-being. Spiritual activity includes cognitive activity (gaining knowledge about the world), value activity (determining norms and principles of life), predictive activity (building models of the future), etc.

The division of activity into spiritual and material is arbitrary. In reality, the spiritual and the material cannot be separated from each other. Any activity has a material side, since in one way or another it relates to the outside world, and an ideal side, since it involves goal setting, planning, choice of means, etc.

Creativity and communication

Creativity and communication has a special place in the system of activities.

Creation is the emergence of something new in the process of human transformative activity. The signs of creative activity are originality, unusualness, originality, and its result is inventions, new knowledge, values, works of art.

When talking about creativity, we usually mean the unity of the creative personality and the creative process.

Creative person represents a person endowed with special abilities. The actual creative abilities include imagination and fantasy, i.e. the ability to create new sensory or mental images. However, often these images are so divorced from life that their practical application becomes impossible. Therefore, other, more “down-to-earth” abilities are also important - erudition, critical thinking, observation, desire for self-improvement. But even the presence of all these abilities does not guarantee that they will be embodied in activity. This requires will, perseverance, efficiency, and activity in defending your opinion. Creative process includes four stages: preparation, maturation, insight and verification. The actual creative act, or insight, is associated with intuition - a sudden transition from ignorance to knowledge, the reasons for which are not realized. Nevertheless, one cannot assume that creativity is something that comes without effort, work and experience. Insight can only come to someone who has thought hard about the problem; a positive result is impossible without a long process of preparation and maturation. The results of the creative process require mandatory critical examination, since not all creativity leads to the desired result.

There are various techniques for creative problem solving, for example, the use of associations and analogies, searches for similar processes in other areas, recombination of elements of what is already known, an attempt to present something alien as understandable, and something understandable as alien, etc.

Since creative abilities can be developed, and creative techniques and elements of the creative process can be studied, any person is capable of becoming a creator of new knowledge, values, and works of art. All that is needed for this is the desire to create and the willingness to work.

Communication there is a way of being a person in relationship with other people. If ordinary activity is defined as a subject-object process, i.e. a process during which a person (subject) creatively transforms the surrounding world (object), then communication is a specific form of activity that can be defined as a subject-subject relationship, where a person (subject) interacts with another person (subject).

Communication is often equated with communication. However, these concepts should be separated. Communication is an activity of a material and spiritual nature. Communication is a purely informational process and is not an activity in the full sense of the word. For example, communication is possible between a person and a machine or between animals (animal communication). We can say that communication is a dialogue, where each participant is active and independent, and communication is a monologue, a simple transmission of a message from the sender to the recipient.

Rice. 1. Communication structure

During communication (Fig. 1), the addressee (sender) will transmit information (message) to the addressee (recipient). To do this, it is necessary that the interlocutors have information sufficient to understand each other (context), and that the information is transmitted in signs and symbols that are understandable to both (code) and that contact is established between them. Thus, communication is a one-way process of transmitting a message from the sender to the addressee. Communication is a two-way process. Even if the second subject in communication is not a real person, the characteristics of a person are still attributed to him.

Communication can be considered as one of the sides of communication, namely its information component. In addition to communication, communication includes social interaction, the process of subjects learning about each other, and the changes that occur with subjects in this process.

Language, which performs a communicative function in society, is closely related to communication. The purpose of language is not only to ensure human understanding and transmit experience from generation to generation. Language is also a social activity to form a picture of the world, an expression of the spirit of the people. The German linguist Wilhelm von Humboldt (1767-1835), emphasizing the procedural nature of language, wrote that “language is not a product of activity, but an activity.”

Play, communication and work as types of activity

Under labor understand the expedient human activity to transform nature and society to satisfy personal and social needs. Labor activity is aimed at a practically useful result - various benefits: material (food, clothing, housing, services), spiritual (scientific ideas and inventions, achievements of art, etc.), as well as the reproduction of the person himself in the totality of social relations.

The labor process is manifested by the interaction and complex interweaving of three elements: living labor itself (as human activity); means of labor (tools used by humans); objects of labor (material transformed in the labor process). Living labor It can be mental (such is the work of a scientist - philosopher or economist, etc.) and physical (any muscular work). However, even muscular work is usually intellectually loaded, since everything that a person does, he does consciously.

In the course of work, they improve and change, resulting in increasingly higher labor efficiency. As a rule, the evolution of means of labor is considered in the following sequence: natural-tool stage (for example, stone as a tool); tool-artifact stage (appearance of artificial tools); machine stage; stage of automation and robotics; information stage.

Subject of labor- a thing to which human labor is directed (material, raw materials, semi-finished product). Labor ultimately materializes and is fixed in its object. A person adapts an object to his needs, turning it into something useful.

Labor is considered the leading, initial form of human activity. The development of labor contributed to the development of mutual support among members of society, its unity; it was in the process of labor that communication and creative abilities developed. In other words, thanks to work, man himself was formed.

Understand activities aimed at the formation of knowledge and skills, the development of thinking and consciousness of the individual. Thus, learning acts both as an activity and as a transmission of activity. The famous psychologist Lev Semenovich Vygotsky (1896-1934) noted the activity-based nature of education: “The educational process should be based on the personal activity of the student, and the entire art of the educator should be reduced only to directing and regulating this activity.”

The main feature of educational activity is that its goal is to change not the surrounding world, but the subject of the activity itself. Although a person changes both in the process of communication and in work activity, this change is not the immediate goal of these types of activities, but only one of their additional consequences. In training, all means are specifically aimed at changing a person.

Under game understand the form of free self-expression of a person aimed at the reproduction and assimilation of social experience. As the constitutive characteristics of the game, the Dutch cultural theorist Johan Huizinga (1872-1945) identifies freedom, positive emotionality, isolation in time and space, and the presence of voluntarily accepted rules. To these characteristics we can add virtuality (the game world is two-dimensional - it is both real and imaginary), as well as the role-playing nature of the game.

During the game, norms, traditions, customs, and values ​​are learned as necessary elements of the spiritual life of society. Unlike work activity, the purpose of which is outside the process, the goals and means of gaming communication coincide: people rejoice for the sake of joy, create for the sake of creativity, communicate for the sake of communication. In the early stages of human development, beauty could only be felt during the playful time of the holiday as beauty, outside the relations of utility, which gave rise to an artistic attitude towards the world.

Occurs mainly during play, learning and work. In the process of growing up, each of these activities consistently acts as a leader. In play (before school), the child tries on different social roles; at more adult stages (at school, college, university), he acquires the knowledge, teachings, and skills necessary for adult life. The final stage of personality formation takes place in the process of joint labor activity.

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Human material and production activity. Labor activity Labor is a fundamental form of human activity, in the process of which the entire set of objects necessary for him to satisfy his needs is created. The labor of people in material production is of particular importance. © Dale Carnegie & Associates, Inc., 1996-2001

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Labor in material production Production is, first of all, the process of creating material wealth, a necessary condition for the life of society. Material production is the production of things. Intangible is the production of ideas. Material production is the process of human labor activity, as a result of which material goods are created aimed at satisfying human needs.

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Peculiarities of labor activity Labor in the proper sense of the word arises when a person’s activity becomes meaningful, when a consciously set goal is realized in it. During the production process, there is an impact on the subject of labor, that is, materials undergoing transformation. For this purpose, various methods are used, which are called technologies.

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Labor productivity is the efficiency of labor activity, which is expressed by the amount of products produced per unit of time. As a result of the introduction of new equipment and modern technologies, the content of the labor process changes the relationship between physical and mental labor, monotonous and creative. The most important feature of people’s work is that it usually requires joint efforts to achieve their goals. Division of labor is the distribution and assignment of occupations between participants in the labor process. Scientific and technological progress - computerization, comprehensive automation, equipment unification - leads to the integration of production processes within the enterprise and to the expansion of the division of labor on a societal scale.

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Modern worker Mastery, skill, and competence in performing the labor functions of a certain profession are called professionalism. Professionalism is the result of training and work experience. Scientific and technological progress increases the role of skilled labor, requiring special professional training.

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Labor laws and internal labor regulations require productive use of working time, conscientious performance of one's duties, and high quality work. Fulfillment of these requirements is labor discipline. Strict compliance with technological standards is called technological discipline. Initiative and performance are interconnected. A thoughtless performer is a bad worker. On the contrary, initiative is evidence of high professionalism. Along with special training in modern industries, the general culture of the employee and the ability to independently solve creative problems are of great importance. The work culture is manifested in its scientific organization.

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Problems of humanization of labor Dehumanization of labor manifested itself in the system of the American engineer F.W. Taylor (1856-1915). Taylor developed a system of organizational measures, which included timing of work operations, instruction cards, etc., which were accompanied by a system of disciplinary sanctions and labor incentives. The differential wage system meant that the hardworking worker was additionally rewarded, and the slacker could not receive unearned money. Taylor himself wrote: “Everyone must learn to abandon his individual methods of work, adapt them to a number of newly introduced forms, and get used to accepting and executing directives concerning all the small and large methods of work that were previously left to his personal discretion.”

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This type of labor process makes its participants feel that they, as individuals, are dominated by machines, thereby denying their individuality. They develop apathy, a negative attitude towards work as something forced, performed only out of necessity. Particularly harmful, extreme working conditions cause death, severe occupational diseases, major accidents, and serious injuries.

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Humanization of labor means the process of humanizing it. First of all, it is necessary to eliminate factors that threaten human health in a technical environment. Functions hazardous to human health, operations associated with great effort and monotonous labor, in modern enterprises are transferred to robotics. Work culture is of particular importance. Researchers identify three components in it. Firstly, it is the improvement of the working environment, i.e. the conditions in which the labor process takes place. Secondly, this is the culture of relationships between labor participants, the creation of a favorable moral and psychological climate in the work team. Thirdly, the participants in the work activity understand the content of the labor process, its features, as well as the creative embodiment of the engineering concept embedded in it. Labor activity is the most important field of self-realization in the life of any person.

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The work was completed by: Fedorov Yuri Sharikov Alexey Grishaeva Anastasia Pakulov Alexander Radionova Elena Igumnov Vladimir Aksenova Olga

Material and production sphere- the basis of social life. Production is a way of existence for humans and society. Structure of material production: 1) sphere of direct production; 2) scope of distribution; 3) sphere of exchange; 4) sphere of consumption.

Basic Components material and production sphere:

labor as a complex social phenomenon;

method of production of material goods;

patterns and mechanisms of functioning of the sphere as a whole.

Labor and production are not only a natural process, the process of interaction between society and nature, but also the basis for the formation of man himself as a social being, his separation from nature.

Work– this is the dialectic of the material and the ideal, their continuous mutual transformation. The materiality of labor is to a certain extent connected with natural existence, the ideality of labor stems from the fact that it is the activity of a person, a social subject, endowed with consciousness and striving to achieve his goals. The ideal, through human living activity, is embodied in changes in the material factors of labor, which in turn, reflected in the consciousness of the subject, become the basis for a new goal-setting of labor. The social result of labor is a person, society, social relations.

Labor activity is objective. At any point in history, it unfolds within the framework of a certain existing level of human subject equipment, embodied in the system of tools and means of production, within the framework of the development of man himself as a subject of labor.

The social nature of labor lies in its historical continuity of increasing society's needs for labor and its products, the continuity of the very life of the social subject of labor - the people, its connection with all aspects of life. People interact with each other not only due to the social division of labor, but also because in the process of labor they acquire and use knowledge, skills, and abilities acquired by other people.

Work, being the source of division and the core of production, represents: 1) the process of interaction between man and nature, the active influence of people on the natural world; 2) purposeful creative activity of a person to satisfy his constantly growing, increasing needs; 3) optimization of the creation, use and improvement of means of production, technology, scientific knowledge; 4) improvement of the person himself as a subject of social production and personality.

Labor is always carried out within and through a certain form of society, which receives practical embodiment in the mode of production. Method of production is a concept that characterizes a specific type of production of the means necessary for human life (food, clothing, housing, tools of production), carried out in historically determined forms of social relations. The method of production is one of the most important categories of historical materialism, since it characterizes the main sphere of social life - the sphere of material and production activity of people, determines the social, political and spiritual processes of life in general. The structure of each historically defined society, the process of its functioning and development depend on the method of production. The history of social development is, first of all, the history of the development and change of the mode of production, which determines the definition of all other structural elements of society.

Production is always carried out through a dual process of interaction between productive forces (content) and production relations (socio-economic form of the production process). Mode of production is the social form and manner in which people produce the material goods necessary to satisfy their needs.

This is the main factor determining the development, interconnection and interaction of various aspects and spheres of social life: economics and politics, science and technology, ideology and culture, etc.

Productive forces- these are the forces with the help of which society influences nature and changes it; this is one of the aspects of the development of the social individual. Productive forces express man's relationship with nature, his ability to creatively use its wealth for personal and social interests. Productive forces exist and function only within social production. The level of development of production forces is manifested in the degree of human knowledge of the laws of nature and their use in production to achieve set goals.

In the productive forces we can distinguish 3 elements: personal (people); material (tools of labor, in a broad sense – means of production); spiritual (science). Productive forces are the basis of the internal mode of production; all features of the method of production depend on the level of development of the productive forces. The source of development of productive forces is contradictions between elements. Subject of labor- what the work is aimed at; means of labor - that which serves as a conductor of influence on the object of labor: they form the means of production. The means of labor distinguish between tools and means for storing objects of labor. The product of labor is indirect.

Indicator of development of productive forces – labor productivity. The most important factor in its growth is the creation of more productive tools and means of labor and technical progress. In the conditions of modern scientific and technological revolution, the role of science in society is changing, it is becoming a direct productive force

Relations of production– relations between agents of production, and ultimately, between people in the process of producing the means of subsistence. Production relations are primarily of a material nature. Their characteristic feature is their formation as necessary, depending not on the will of people, but on the specific historically achieved level of development of the productive forces. 4 types of industrial relations: organizational - technical; regarding determining the share and receiving it; exchange; consumption – use of the product (productive and non-productive); based on property relations.

The interaction of productive forces and production relations is subject to the law of correspondence of production relations to the nature and level of development of productive forces. This law determines both the development of a given production method and the need to replace one production method with another.

The sources and driving forces for the development of production are the needs of people and the subsequent social division of labor, which ensures the progressive development of material production through the creation of new types of labor, its specialization and cooperation. A complex dialectical connection is established between needs and production in society; needs affect the productive forces indirectly, through production relations. The activity of industrial relations lies in the fact that they give rise to certain incentives for people to act.

1.1 Concept of technology

The concept of “technology” is one of the most ancient and widespread today. Until recently, it was used to designate some indefinite activity or some collection of material formations.

The content of the concept of technology has historically transformed, reflecting the development of methods of production and means of labor. The original meaning of the word art, skill, denotes the activity itself, its quality level. The concept of technique then reflects a specific method of manufacturing or processing. In craft production, individual skill is replaced by a set of techniques and methods passed on from generation to generation. And finally, the concept of “technology” is transferred to manufactured material objects. This occurs during the period of development of machine production, and technology refers to various devices that serve production, as well as some products of such production.

When starting to analyze technology, it is advisable to consider the existing formulations of the definition of technology and highlight their main types. There are many definitions of technology:

Greek "techne" - craft, art, skill;

A set of techniques and rules for doing something...;

Activities aimed at meeting human needs, which lead to changes in the material world;

System of tools and machines;

Means of labor in a broad sense - all the material conditions necessary for the production process to be carried out at all;

Technology is a system of actions through which a person strives to achieve the implementation of an extra-natural program, that is, the realization of himself;

The totality of material objects produced by society;

The totality of material means for the purposeful activity of people;

System of artificial organs of human activity;

A collection of mechanical robots to perform work needed by humanity.

In the encyclopedic dictionary, the concept of “technology” is defined in two meanings: “... a set of means created to carry out production processes and serve the non-productive needs of society.” Its main purpose is also defined there: “complete or partial replacement of human production functions in order to facilitate labor and increase its productivity.” The second meaning of the word: “a set of techniques and rules for doing something...”.

The given definitions of technology can be combined into three main groups. They can be presented as follows: technology as an artificial material system; technology as a means of activity; technology as certain methods of activity.

The first meaning (technology as an artificial material system) highlights one of the aspects of the existence of technology, classifying it as an artificial material formation. But not all artificial material formations are technology (for example, products of breeding activities that have a natural structure). Therefore, the essence of technology is not exhausted by such definitions, since technology is not distinguished from other artificial material formations.

The second meaning is also insufficient. Technology is interpreted as a means of labor, a means of production, tools, etc. Sometimes technology is defined both as a means and as a tool. But this is not correct, since both concepts lie on the same plane of consideration and means of labor are a broader concept in relation to tools.

The third highlighted meaning is technology as certain methods of activity. But this essence rather corresponds to the concept of “technological process”, which, in turn, is an element of technology.
