Self-presentation. Job interview

“Temporary disability benefit” - Features of the procedure for calculating maternity benefits. Features of calculation and payment of benefits. Caring for a sick child under 15 years of age. An example of recording military service for insurance experience. Monthly child care allowance. Conditions and duration of payment of benefits for caring for a sick child.

“Labor rights of workers” - Labor legislation. Change of employment contract. Normal working hours. Night work. Pregnant women. Subjects of labor law. Disciplinary action. Dividing annual paid leave into parts. Labor legal personality. Irregular working hours.

“Labor relations” - Parties to labor relations. Direction to work. Employee rights. Conducting collective bargaining. A court decision on the conclusion of an employment contract. Worker. The right of everyone to have their labor rights and freedoms protected by the state. Employer's responsibilities. Employer. Labor relations. Compensation for harm.

“Protection of labor rights” - Self-defense of labor rights by employees. Ways to protect labor rights. Protection of labor rights. Law of trade unions. Judicial protection. Protection of labor rights and legitimate interests. The procedure for taking into account motivated opinions. Consideration by category of cases. The procedure for taking into account the opinion of the elected body. Time limits for going to court.

“Labor regulation” - Legal regulation of employment and employment. Employment history. Causes. Stages and forms of obtaining professional education. Strategies for choosing a profession. Labor relations. What professions will be popular in 20 years. Creating a behavior model. Legal relations. Education and training.

“Labor and labor law” - Constitution of the Russian Federation. Comment on the situation. Entry into force of the employment contract. A serious and responsible step. Everyone has the right to freely dispose of their ability to work. Admission test. Documentation. Lesson plan. Labor Relations. Labor relations under the Labor Code. Federal Law “On Labor Pensions in the Russian Federation”.

There are a total of 13 presentations in the topic

1 of 15

Presentation on the topic: Recruitment

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Admission documents For those admitted to the HSE National Research University for the second time (internal part-time workers, external part-time workers, students, graduate students and other employees who were admitted to the Higher School of Economics National Research University last year, and their documents are located in the Personnel Department: Application for admission Notice of dismissal For those admitted to the Higher School of Economics National Research University for the first time :Application for admissionNotice of dismissalSet of documents for admission

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Documents for admission To the Center for Fiscal Research: Application for admission (work period: 02/01/2012 – 12/31/2012) Notice of dismissal To the Personnel Department: Set of documents for employment (for those admitted to the Higher School of Economics for the first time) If the employee has changed what - personal data (address, surname, passport details, etc.), he is obliged to immediately submit information about this to the personnel department.

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General rules for admission Admission in the current month (except February and December) before the 15th day of the current month - submit applications for admission and notices of dismissal to the CFI; within 5 working days (from the date of submission of the application to the CFI employee) and no later than the 20th day of the current month, submit to UP a complete set of documents for employment (except for the application);

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General rules for admission Admission for the current month (except February and December) (continued) employees whose applications will be submitted to the CFI after the 15th day of the current month will be accepted from the first day of the next month; if the recruited employee has not provided a complete set of documents by the 20th day of the current month Personnel Department, the employee will be registered from the first day of the next month.

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Filling out applications (hiring, dismissal, transfer, changing working hours, etc.) New application templates for hiring An application for hiring an employee must specify the topic of the project for which the employee is involved and indicate the source of funding (1NF-MERT; D.00000) (including contracts of foreign specialists). All applications of employees hired to perform work under the FI program must be endorsed by the director of the Center for Financial Research A.V. Kosygina and signed by the supervising vice-rector M.M. Yudkevich.

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Personnel changes in departments Admission of employees to the staff for an indefinite period of time in departments that do not have a source of funding other than the funds of the fundamental research program (1NF-MEDT) is possible only after agreement with the supervising vice-rector M.M. Yudkevich. All personnel changes in the FI program performers must be reported to the CFI (i.e., bring all applications to the CFI); All personnel changes in departments involved in performing work under the FI program are made before October 1 of the current year; After October 1 Only forced personnel changes are possible.

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Deadlines for submitting documents for admission from February 1, 2012 To admit employees from February 1, 2012, you must: from January 11 to February 5, 2012 - submit applications for admission and notices of dismissal to the CFI; within 5 working days (from the date of submission of the application to CFI) and no later than February 15, provide the UP with a complete set of documents for employment (except for an application). Employees whose applications will be submitted to the CFI after February 5, but no later than March 15, as well as employees who do not provide the necessary documents for admission to the Personnel Department before February 15, 2012, will be hired from March 1, 2012, provided that they have fully provided the documents necessary for registration. Employees whose applications will be submitted to the Center for Fiscal Filing after March 15, 2012 will be processed on general grounds.

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Rates An employee can be hired for no more than 1.5 times the rate from one employer (in this case, the employer is the National Research University Higher School of Economics) Main place of work - 1 rate External part-time job - 0.5 or less rate Internal part-time job - 0.5 or less rate 1 rate with NSD – the rule is mandatory for all full-time students. Those. they should be accepted for 1 part-time pay. If a student works outside of HSE at his main place of work (1 pay), then he is accepted on an external part-time basis at 0.5 or less pay.

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Rates (continued) Admission of part-time employees from the branches of the National Research University Higher School of Economics - at 0.1 rates with a working hours: 4 hours a week with a working day on Sunday. For questions of employment at the National Research University Higher School of Economics and changes in working hours, you can consult the Personnel Department (*1191 – Efremova Elena Pavlovna, Voitova Olesya Vladimirovna, Ionina Svetlana Nikitievna)

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List of required documents provided when applying for a job at the National Research University Higher School of Economics in the Personnel Department: Personal card of the employee (form T-2); Resume (CV) in printed form (for all categories of employees, except for working positions). Application for employment ( with a visa of the head of a structural unit, vice-rector/first vice-rector coordinating the work of the unit; for teaching staff, in addition - an individual plan of educational and methodological work, signed by the head of the educational institution).Passport (original + 1 copy of 2-5 pages - the latest information on registration by place of residence) .Work book (for part-time teaching staff - a copy of the work book without an academic degree and title). Insurance certificate of state pension insurance (original). Individual taxpayer number (TIN). Pension certificate (original and copy - provided by pensioners). Military registration documents - for those liable for military service and persons subject to conscription for military service (original). Documents on education, qualifications (originals and copies). List of scientific publications (for researchers and teaching staff). Certificate from the main place of work (ONLY for teaching staff + teachers accepted part-time, without an academic degree or academic title). Marriage certificate. In case of change of surname, name, patronymic - certificate of change of surname, name, patronymic (original + copy). Birth certificate of a child (under 18 years old) - for key workers (original + copy). Award documents (original + copy). Certificates giving the right to benefits (Chernobyl NPP, UVOV, etc. – originals + copies). 2 pcs. photographs (size 3x4).

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Procedure for applying for a job 1. Write a job application All applications/notifications must be submitted to the CFI to the manager M.O. Kopytina. (room K-300, Myasnitskaya, 20) for further approval by the director of the Center for Financial Research, A.V. Kosygina. and supervising vice-rector M. M. Yudkevich. For employees admitted to HSE for the first time: 2. Fill out and submit documents to the Personnel Department (room 543, Myasnitskaya, 20) !!!Daily from 12.00 to 17.00 If you do not have a work book, you must write an application for a work book to the Personnel Department (room 543, Myasnitskaya, 20) If you do not have a pension insurance certificate, you must write an application to receive one (room 555, Myasnitskaya, 20)!!! Please note that issuing a pension insurance certificate usually takes 3-4 weeks!

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Procedure for applying for a job (continued) 3. Write an application for a bank card at the Accounting Department (room K-413, Myasnitskaya, 20)!!! Please note that issuing a bank card is only possible if you have a pension insurance certificate. Check the date of receipt of the bank card in the Accounting Department (room K-413, Myasnitskaya, 20) Receive a bank card at the VTB-24 bank branch (Pokrovka, 28/1 )!!! Please note that issuing a bank card usually takes 3-4 weeks!4. Be briefed on occupational health and safety (Maly Trekhsvyatitelsky lane, 8, building T, 3rd floor, room T-312 (on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 14 to 18 hours at the address: room 114, Myasnitskaya, 20)); on fire safety (room 114, Myasnitskaya, 20)!!! Mandatory: submit a form with notes on completion of instructions to the Personnel Department (room 543, Myasnitskaya, 20)

Slide no. 15

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Procedure for applying for a job (continued) ATTENTION!!! Registration is considered completed provided that a fully completed package of documents, including instructions, is submitted to the Personnel Department. To ensure timely payment of labor, it is necessary to promptly (before the 20th day of the current month in which the employee is hired) submit to the Personnel Department a complete set of documents for hiring.

Employment rules and working hours Completed by: Kozlova N.A. 631 group Before direct hiring and registration, there are several stages that are provided for. Before direct hiring and registration, there are several stages that are provided for by law. Step 1. Honey. Examination: Step 1. Honey. Examination: Before an employee begins performing his duties, the employee must undergo a medical examination. Step 2. Civil contract: An individual can be hired only under a civil or employment contract. A civil contract provides a number of advantages: contributions to the Social Insurance Fund are not mandatory, as are vacation pay and sick leave. But, this type of contract is provided only for the final result of labor, otherwise the contract will be recognized as an employment contract. Step 3. Familiarization of the employee with job descriptions and other company standards: Step 3. Familiarization of the employee with job descriptions and other company standards: Job descriptions are a list of the employee’s responsibilities. Providing a job description is not necessary, but this step will help get rid of a number of problems and misunderstandings that arose between interested parties during the course of work. Step 4. Concluding an agreement on financial liability: An agreement on full individual financial responsibility is not mandatory, but a desirable document when hiring an employee. Step 5. The employee writes a job application: Step 5. The employee writes a job application: When applying for a job, the employee compiles and signs an application without fail. The application for employment is agreed upon by the applicant with the head of the structural unit of the enterprise in which he is hired, about which a corresponding written note (visa) is made on the application. Step 6. Publication of the employment order: The employment order is signed after the conclusion of the employment contract by the employee and the employer. Step 7. Reflection of the employment entry in the work book: Step 7. Reflection of the employment entry in the work book: A mark is also created in the work book. It is possible to simply accept the work book first, and then record the work. Step 8. Issuing a personal card for an employee: A personal card must be issued for each employee. Then, against signature on the personal card, it is necessary to familiarize each employee with the entries reflected in the card, as well as with the entries entered in the work book. Working time - the time during which the employee, in accordance with the internal labor regulations and the terms of the employment contract, must perform labor duties, as well as other periods Working time - the time during which the employee, in accordance with the internal labor regulations and the terms of the employment contract, must perform labor duties, as well as other periods of time that, in accordance with the law and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, relate to working time. The legal standard of working time is the standard of working time, which is enshrined in labor legislation. The following legal standards are enshrined in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation: The legal standard for working time is the standard for working time, which is enshrined in labor legislation. The Labor Code of the Russian Federation establishes the following legal standards for working time: - working week; - work shift (duration of daily work); - accounting period; - occupancy limit; - working day. Legal regulation of working time Legal regulation of working time is aimed mainly at achieving the following three goals: - productive use of working time; - health protection, long-term preservation of working capacity, labor activity of the employee; - increasing the level of professional training of the performer - a participant in joint, hired, contract labor. Normal working hours cannot exceed 40 hours per week. There are two types of workweek: five-day and six-day. Normal working hours cannot exceed 40 hours per week. There are two types of workweek: five-day and six-day. Reduced working hours are established for workers under 18 years of age: at the age of 16 to 18 years - no more than 36 hours per week, at the age of 15 to 16 years, as well as for students aged 14 to 15 years during the holidays - not more than 24 hours a week.

Job interviewThe interview is enough
common method for hiring
and involves, first of all, clarifying
information about the candidate during personal contact.
In addition to the actual conversation when assessing a candidate
can be used:
analysis of submitted documents,
reviews and recommendations,
work samples,
testing abilities, personal qualities,
knowledge, skills, professional


Clarification of goals
Focusing on your strengths
Collecting information about the enterprise
Preparation of documents
Preparing to answer questions
Sharpening your image
Creating a positive attitude We are greeted, as you know, by our clothes.
A job seeker’s “clothing” is the ability to behave correctly
to give, to impress
interview, unobtrusively prove what exactly
you are a suitable candidate for this position.

Arrive 10-15 minutes before your scheduled time.
Check in advance the route and procedure for entering the building, floor,
office number, etc. As a last resort, if you get stuck in a traffic jam, be sure to
call and explain the situation.
The first impression at an interview occurs within the first few
seconds Dress more conservatively than usual, and most importantly
clean and tidy. Don't forget about your hair, teeth, nails and
deodorant. Minimum nudity, bare bellies; nothing special
fashionable, even if you are only 20...
No comments.

This is a demonstration of your efficiency at the most inopportune moment.
Talk about your current job (or personal matters) during
applying for a new job is the height of disrespect for the interviewer.
Turn off your mobile phone before entering your office, not during
Of course you are nervous. But can you still smile? A
keep eye contact? Exude enthusiasm - that's what they want
see all interviewers. A job interview is not
time for false modesty. This is your first and perhaps
the only chance to make the right impression...

An interview is not the time for your questions like “Tell me about
Your company”, “What do you do?” and so on. You must come
already prepared: know the history of the company, its products and services,
competitors, names of executives, latest market news...
Answers like “I can’t praise myself” or “it’s better to ask about this
others” are not suitable. The interviewer will not go to question your
friends and bosses. He might do it later. If you tell him
you'll like it now. But for now he only has you. And you yourself must
You will evaluate and praise yourself. You know yourself best...

You should know the questions that are usually asked in interviews.
Prepare sensible answers to them with examples from practice.
Practice with a friend or parents. Let them act
interviewer. Practice. Prepare a short speech about yourself and
remember it by heart. Explain to the employer why you are good
choice for them. All employers want to know this, help them yourself.
Speak off topic, interrupt the interlocutor and respond to simple
question for 15 minutes - all this irritates the interviewer. If
If you had rehearsed, you would have avoided this. Answer to the point
short and with examples.
The principle is this: sit quietly, listen carefully, answer thoughtfully.
You should also not boast about your acquaintances with high-ranking officials
and mention many important names. An absentee protégé belittles you.

You're being selected for a job and you're not a superstar? Then take your time
consider yourself already accepted and put forward your own conditions. Remember now it is not you who choose, but you who are chosen. Never push
any requirements during the 1st interview and before you
did not receive a job offer. Don't talk about other options
the work that you are supposedly considering now. If you didn't like it
company - refuse.
You should have a few questions prepared about the company and
positions. 3-4 smart questions clarifying the scope of responsibilities, tasks,
plans, subordination, etc.. This is quite enough for the first
times. An interview is a dialogue, not an interrogation.

And even competitors. You don't want to look like a complainer and
sneaky? A job interview is not the place for revenge. The interviewer will
listen and understand that the time will come, and you will be just as sarcastic
talk about their company. Your criticism will reflect on you, not on
those you criticize. Even if someone is unfair to you
entered or you hated your former leader - no
throw mud at him. The interviewer does not know all the circumstances
Wait, perhaps the interlocutor himself will bring up this topic and you won’t
it will have to be initiated. This should be done very politely and in
at the very end of the interview. And only if you understand that your
the candidacy was not rejected in principle.

14. LIE.
Lying and embellishing is very tempting. But it doesn't work. Firstly, everything secret will become clear. Secondly, the probationary period is
In any case, it will show your true qualities. Not all means are here
good. Often honesty is the best solution. Mark Twain said: “if
You are telling the truth, you don’t have to remember anything.” They will incriminate you
When leaving, ask and agree on further mutual
actions. When you get home, write an email and express
thank you for your time and pleasant conversation, express
hope for a favorable outcome, provide any facts about
which were forgotten or did not have time to report during the interview.
Call in a few days yourself, find out the result. Even if you were not accepted, it doesn’t matter. With every interview
Your experience and ability to present yourself correctly will grow.
Analyze what caused the failure: insufficient
qualifications, inflated self-esteem, poor appearance and
moodiness or simply being late for an interview.
When going for your next interview, try to be prepared
If the interviewer gives you some useful advice on parting:
you should change in yourself or your behavior - don’t be offended, but
listen to them carefully. Will come in handy next time!

Job Search Rules Compose and start updating your resume periodically. It is advisable to do this at least once a quarter. Every time you update your resume, don't just add information, but try to improve its form. If possible, look at other people's resumes, this will give you ideas on how to make your own winning.

Job Search Rules Create and begin periodically updating your “career file.” This could be a diary, a set of files on your computer, or a folder of paper documents. The purpose of the “career file” is to collect all the information useful for your future employment: CV options for different positions. List of completed projects with descriptions. List of studied computer programs. List of possible recommenders and letters of recommendation. List of educational institutions where I would like to work. Preparations of cover and thank you letters. Preparations for telephone and personal presentations, etc.

Ways to find a job Through acquaintances, friends, relatives In the media (mass media) On the Internet Contacting the State Employment Center Contacting Graduate Employment Assistance Centers at educational institutions Direct contact to a potential employer Through recruitment agencies Participation in job fairs

Search through friends and colleagues. A method for building a network of contacts. One of the most effective methods is building a network of contacts: the more people know that you are looking for a job, the greater the chances of finding it. So let your friends, family and acquaintances know about your search.

Search for work on the Internet Universal “job” sites are,,,,,,, etc. For young professionals: Social networks and professional communities: Professional online communities:

Search for work on the Internet Metasearch engines on the topic “job”: - accumulates information from the largest job portals, contains about 650 thousand vacancies in 90 cities of Russia; - also collects vacancies in the largest cities of the country, as well as the Baltic countries and parts of the former CIS; - accumulates information from 563 sites

Searching for work on the Internet Internet search engines:

Contacting the State Employment Center The employment center (service) is an important source of information about the availability of vacancies and the main government organization designed to assist in the employment of job seekers.

Search through recruitment agencies If friends and employers found directly could not help you, use the services of professionals, that is, the services of recruitment agencies. They will include you in their database and, if you are suitable for any vacancy, their consultant will help you for free to create a good resume and appeal to the employer, because he is interested in filling the position. However, you may not wait in the wings and you will definitely not be the only one whom the agency will introduce to the employer, because here the employer pays.

DOCUMENTS REQUIRED WHEN APPLYING FOR A JOB Application addressed to the director of the organization with a request for employment Passport Work book Military registration documents Insurance certificate of state pension insurance and TIN Education document, diplomas, certificates Resume, autobiography, recommendations Medical book

Reasons why candidates are most often denied a job: Poor appearance, sloppiness Self-doubt and indecisiveness Ignorance of etiquette, lack of tact Reluctance to make eye contact Inability to speak well (weak voice, mistakes in pronunciation) Low qualifications Reluctance to learn and improve one’s qualifications Disdainful review of previous employers

The reasons why candidates are most often denied a job: Emphasizing personal connections with influential people Agreeing to any job Insincerity, self-justification, evasive answers Lack of a career plan, clear goals and objectives Inflated level of claims for position and salary “Know-it-all manners”: the desire to show off superiority Lack of interest and enthusiasm

The reasons why candidates are most often denied a job: Cynicism, low moral level Aggressiveness Inability to take criticism Authoritarianism, an attempt to put pressure on the person conducting the interview Lack of questions Unsuccessful family life Immaturity of judgment

Failures in finding a job due to an illiterate resume. As a rule, managers conduct an initial selection of candidates based on the submitted resumes, and pay attention to the external design and key points of the applicant’s biography. Therefore, writing and designing a resume must be approached with maximum responsibility.

Failure in finding a job and inability to present yourself correctly at an interview. During an interview, everything is important: your appearance, how you carry yourself and structure a conversation, how you answer questions, how you complete test tasks, etc. If you fail to make a good impression, you are unlikely to be remembered compared to other applicants, which means , and will not be considered as a serious applicant for the vacancy.

The result of a job search depends on the activity of the person himself. So, to search for a job, it is important to clearly understand what you want to get from this job, identify the widest possible range of available vacancies, competently write a resume, and prepare for an interview.
