Presentation "Our Army is dear" - project, report. Presentation on the topic “Our army is dear” About the 28th army, a beautiful presentation for children

Tatiana Romanova
Presentation "Our Army"

The armed forces can be divided into three main groups

1. These are ground or ground forces that are designed to fight on land. They are also called infantry; the most people serve there. It is the infantrymen who are the first to meet the enemy on their lines. They travel in combat vehicles and are armed with machine guns and machine guns.

Ground forces also include tank forces. People who serve in tank forces are called tankers. They fight in tanks protected by thick armor. Tanks can pass through any terrain, through ravines and off-road. Tanks are armed with cannons and machine guns.

Ground forces include artillery. Artillery installations fire shells from cannons. Artillerymen serve in the artillery.

The ground forces also include missile forces. Rocket launchers fire rockets. Military profession - rocket scientists. Russian missiles are very powerful. Rocketeers only need to fire a few salvos to destroy all enemy military bases. They are very afraid of our missiles and therefore do not dare to attack Russia.

2. Our waters are protected by warships and submarines. Submarines hit enemy ships with special large projectiles - torpedoes. Submarines move underwater.

Warships can destroy enemy ships, naval bases, and even launch nuclear strikes. Military sailors have a lot of work even in peacetime. For example, they protect merchant ships from attacks by pirates. Military personnel who serve in the navy are called sailors. Warships and submarines make up the navy.

3. In our Army there are air forces. These are combat aircraft and helicopters. They are ready to defend our Fatherland from the air if necessary. The plane is controlled by a crew of pilots. military pilots conduct reconnaissance, cover cities from enemy air raids, and deliver cargo to places where vehicles cannot pass. Our designers are constantly inventing new models of military aircraft. Our Russian Air Force is one of the most powerful in the world.

The Airborne Forces are included in a special group. Paratroopers are usually flown to combat sites. They descend to the ground using parachutes behind enemy lines army and carry out sabotage there. Paratroopers are called blue berets and guardsmen. The servicemen in these troops are physically strong and athletic. They conduct numerous trainings, learn fighting techniques and types of confrontations.

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Our Army

Performed: Udalova O.N.

Program content:

Give children an idea of ​​the soldiers who protect our Motherland; clarify the concept of “defenders of the Fatherland” (soldiers who guard, defend their people, their Motherland; every nation, in every country, including Russia, has an army, the Russian army has more than once defended its people from invaders). Introduce children to some military professions (sailors, tank crews, pilots, border guards). Foster pride in our warriors.


Questions: Why is it so solemn and festive in our group? What holiday is tomorrow?

Slide number 1: “Sailors.” Who do you see on this slide? What kind of troops are these? What is their shape? What's on their head? (peakless cap).

Slide number 2: “Pilots.” Who do you see on this slide? What kind of troops are these? What is their shape? What's on their head? (blue cap).

Slide number 3: “Tankers.” Who do you see on this slide? What kind of troops are these? What is their shape? What's on their head? (helmet).

Slide number 4: “Border guards.” Who do you see on this slide? What kind of troops are these? What is their shape? What's on their head? (green cap).

Physical education minute: dynamic exercise “Signalers”.

Slide number 5: “Soldiers are training.” What do soldiers do to protect and defend their homeland? What qualities should a Russian warrior have? Ava boys, do you want to be warriors? What should be done for this?

Slide No. 6. “Ship.” What does this slide show? Which troops does this transport belong to?

Slide number 7. "Airplane". What does this slide show? Which troops does this transport belong to?

Slide number 8. “Tank”. What does this slide show? Which troops does this transport belong to?

Slide number 9. “Combat machine.” What is shown on this slide? Which troops does this transport belong to?

Slide number 10. "Ship and hats." What do you see on this slide? Who serves on this transport? Which hat belongs to sailors?

Slide number 11. “Airplane and hats.” What do you see on this slide? Who serves on this transport? Which hat belongs to pilots?

Slide number 12. "Tank and hats." What do you see on this slide? Who serves on this transport? Which hat belongs to tankers?

Slide number 13. Combat vehicle and hats.” What do you see on this slide? Who travels on this transport? Which hat belongs to the border guards?

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Slide captions:

Prepared by a teacher of the first category Our dear Army is dedicated to the defenders of the Fatherland Natalya Andreevna Kolesnikova MDOU d/s "Rodnichok" Khokhloma village

Purpose: 1. To introduce children to the defenders of the Fatherland, various branches of the military. 2. Foster pride and love for the soldiers of the Russian Army.

Russian warrior Russian warrior protects the peace and glory of his native country! He is at his post - and our people are rightfully proud of the Army. Let the children grow up calmly In the Russian sunny Fatherland He protects peaceful work, Wonderful work in the name of life.

Ground forces “INFANTRY:” We carry our battle banner with glory. We defended our just cause in battles.

Sleep well, dear Russia! The Sons protect your heart. Day and night, without closing their eyes, They guard the border! Border troops

Navy "SAILOR" Our tricolor flag is on the mast, A sailor stands on the deck. And he knows that the seas of the country, the boundaries of the oceans, both day and night, must be under vigilant guard!

Submariners Submariner Here is a marvelous picture - A steel submarine emerges from the depths, As if it were a dolphin! Submariners serve in it - They circle both here and there Under the surface of the water, Protecting the border!

Air Force "Pilot" He will lift the metal bird into the clouds. Now the air border is reliable and strong!

Airborne troops "PARAMETER" Paratroopers Descend from the skies in minutes. Having untangled the parachutes, they will comb the dark forest, ravines, mountains and meadows. They will find a dangerous enemy.

Armored troops “TANKIST” Everywhere, as if an all-terrain vehicle, A tank will pass on tracks. A gun barrel is in front, Dangerous, enemy, don’t come near! The tank is protected by strong armor and will be able to face the battle!

Rocket Forces We congratulate the rocket scientist on Defender of the Fatherland Day! You are both a shield and a sword for all of us - You know how to save the world: Everything is covered by the locator, So we can sleep peacefully. You guard the borders of the country: You won’t let even a mouse pass! Many garrisons have been passed, On the shoulder straps of the stars - like a milestone... Our Motherland loves you, Well, we are stronger than anyone!!!

The artilleryman is the god of war, will accurately cover the enemy with fire. And if the goals are almost invisible, Confidence and accuracy are always with him. It is necessary to take aim at the plane, Or sink a detachment of ships, Clear the approach with heavy shelling, Cover the attack of the queen of the fields. Artillery troops

Sapper troops "SAPER" The war ended long ago, But it left a trace - Sometimes shells are buried among the beds. And a sapper will come with the equipment to neutralize the field. From now on there will be no explosions, no troubles, no tears, no pain!

Signal troops “Signalmen:” The signalman looks cheerful. He shouts into the receiver in a deep voice: Seagull! Gull! - I am Eagle! I made contact with the rocket men and now the Commander will give the order through the wires.

Military medical troops ""MILITARY DOCTOR" A soldier at the enemy heights was wounded early in the morning. A brave military doctor will save, He will bandage the wounds! The doctor will remove two small fragments from the soldier's wounds and say: “There is no need to be discouraged! Live long, brother!"

Happy Defender of the Fatherland! “Brave Soldiers” Brave soldiers march with songs, And the boys run joyfully behind them. Eh, left, left! They walk with songs, and the boys run happily behind them. I want boys to serve in the army, I want to accomplish great feats as boys. Eh, left, left! Serve in the army. I would like to accomplish a feat with the boys. Brave boys, don’t bother! You will also go to serve in the army. Eh, left, left! No need to bother! You will also go to serve in the army. You will vigilantly guard the borders. You will stand guard over the Motherland! Eh, left, left! Guard vigilantly! You will stand guard over your homeland!

Slide 1

prepared by a teacher of the first category

Our Army is dear

dedicated to the defenders of the Fatherland

Kolesnikova Natalya Andreevna

MDOU d/s "Rodnichok" Khokhloma village

Slide 2

1. Introduce children to the defenders of the Fatherland, various branches of the military. 2. Foster pride and love for the soldiers of the Russian Army.

Slide 3

Russian warrior

The Russian warrior protects the peace and glory of his native country! He is at his post - and our people are rightfully proud of the Army. Let the children grow up calmly In the Russian sunny Fatherland He protects peaceful work, Wonderful work in the name of life.

Slide 4

Ground troops

“INFANTRY:” We carry our battle banner with glory. We defended our just cause in battles.

Slide 5

Sleep well, dear Russia! The Sons protect your heart. Day and night, without closing their eyes, They guard the border!

Border troops

Slide 6


“SAILOR” Our tricolor flag is on the mast, A sailor is standing on the deck. And he knows that the seas of the country, the boundaries of the oceans, both day and night, must be under vigilant guard!

Slide 7


Submariner Here is a wonderful picture - A steel submarine emerges from the depths, As if it were a dolphin! Submariners serve in it - They circle both here and there Under the surface of the water, Protecting the border!

Slide 8

Air Force

“Pilot” He will lift the metal bird into the clouds. Now the air border is reliable and strong!

Slide 9

Airborne troops

“PARROOMER” Paratroopers Descend from the skies in minutes. Having untangled the parachutes, they will comb the dark forest, ravines, mountains and meadows. They will find a dangerous enemy.

Slide 10

Armored forces

“TANKER” Everywhere, as if an all-terrain vehicle, A tank will pass on tracks. A gun barrel is in front, Dangerous, enemy, don’t come near! The tank is protected by strong armor and will be able to face the battle!

Slide 11

Rocket Forces

We congratulate the rocket scientist on Defender of the Fatherland Day! You are both a shield and a sword for all of us - You know how to save the world: Everything is covered by the locator, So we can sleep peacefully. You guard the borders of the country: You won’t let even a mouse pass! Many garrisons have been passed, On the shoulder straps of the stars - like a milestone... Our Motherland loves you, Well, we are stronger than anyone!!!

Slide 12

The artilleryman is the god of war, will accurately cover the enemy with fire. And if the goals are almost invisible, Confidence and accuracy are always with him. It is necessary to take aim at the plane, Or sink a detachment of ships, Clear the approach with heavy shelling, Cover the attack of the queen of the fields.

Artillery troops

Slide 13

Sapper troops

“MINESWAPER” The war ended a long time ago, But it left a mark - Sometimes shells are buried among the beds. And a sapper will come with the equipment to neutralize the field. From now on there will be no explosions, no troubles, no tears, no pain!

Slide 14

Signal Corps

“CALLENGERS:” The signalman looks cheerful. He shouts into the receiver in a deep voice: Seagull! Gull! - I am Eagle! I made contact with the rocket men and now the Commander will give the order through the wires.

Slide 15

Military medical troops

"MILITARY DOCTOR" Soldier at enemy heights He was wounded early in the morning. The brave military doctor will save, He will bandage the wounds! The doctor will remove two small fragments from the soldier’s wounds and say: “Don’t be discouraged! Live long, brother!”

Slide 16

Happy Defender of the Fatherland!

“Brave Soldiers” Brave soldiers march with songs, And the boys run joyfully behind them. Eh, left, left! They walk with songs, and the boys run happily behind them. I want boys to serve in the army, I want to accomplish great feats as boys. Eh, left, left! Serve in the army. I would like to accomplish a feat with the boys. Brave boys, don’t bother! You will also go to serve in the army. Eh, left, left! No need to bother! You will also go to serve in the army. You will vigilantly guard the borders. You will stand guard over the Motherland! Eh, left, left! Guard vigilantly! You will stand guard over your homeland!

We congratulate the rocket scientist on Defender of the Fatherland Day! You are both a shield and a sword for all of us - You know how to save the world: Everything is covered by the locator, So we can sleep peacefully. You guard the borders of the country: You won’t let even a mouse pass! Many garrisons have been passed, On the shoulder straps of the stars - like a milestone... Our Motherland loves you, Well, we are stronger than anyone!!!

""MILITARY DOCTOR" A soldier at the enemy heights was wounded early in the morning. A brave military doctor will save, He will bandage the wounds! The doctor will remove two small fragments from the soldier's wounds and say: "There is no need to be discouraged! Live long, brother!"

“Brave Soldiers” Brave soldiers march with songs, And the boys run joyfully behind them. Eh, left, left! They walk with songs, and the boys run happily behind them. I want boys to serve in the army, I want to accomplish great feats as boys. Eh, left, left! Serve in the army. I would like to accomplish a feat with the boys. Brave boys, don’t bother! You will also go to serve in the army. Eh, left, left! No need to bother! You will also go to serve in the army. You will vigilantly guard the borders. You will stand guard over the Motherland! Eh, left, left! Guard vigilantly! You will stand guard over your homeland!
